// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4ExcitedXiConstructor.cc,v 1.8 2008/09/18 08:37:27 kurasige Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // // -------------------------------------------------------------- // GEANT 4 class implementation file // // History: first implementation, based on object model of // 10 oct 1998 H.Kurashige // --------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4ExcitedXiConstructor.hh" #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh" #include "G4ParticleTable.hh" #include "G4ShortLivedTable.hh" #include "G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel.hh" #include "G4VDecayChannel.hh" #include "G4DecayTable.hh" G4ExcitedXiConstructor::G4ExcitedXiConstructor(): G4ExcitedBaryonConstructor(NStates, XiIsoSpin) { } G4ExcitedXiConstructor::~G4ExcitedXiConstructor() { } G4DecayTable* G4ExcitedXiConstructor::CreateDecayTable( const G4String& parentName, G4int iIso3, G4int iState, G4bool fAnti) { // create decay table G4DecayTable* decayTable = new G4DecayTable(); G4double br; if ( (br=bRatio[iState][XiPi]) >0.0) { AddXiPiMode( decayTable, parentName, br, iIso3, fAnti); } if ( (br=bRatio[iState][XiGamma]) >0.0) { AddXiGammaMode( decayTable, parentName, br, iIso3, fAnti); } if ( (br=bRatio[iState][LambdaK]) >0.0) { AddLambdaKMode( decayTable, parentName, br, iIso3, fAnti); } if ( (br=bRatio[iState][SigmaK]) >0.0) { AddSigmaKMode( decayTable, parentName, br, iIso3, fAnti); } return decayTable; } G4DecayTable* G4ExcitedXiConstructor::AddXiGammaMode( G4DecayTable* decayTable, const G4String& nameParent, G4double br, G4int iIso3, G4bool fAnti) { G4VDecayChannel* mode; // G4String daughterH; if (iIso3== +1) { daughterH = "xi0"; } else if (iIso3==-1) { daughterH = "xi-"; } if (fAnti) daughterH = "anti_" + daughterH; // create decay channel [parent BR #daughters] mode = new G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel(nameParent, br, 2, daughterH,"gamma"); // add decay table decayTable->Insert(mode); return decayTable; } G4DecayTable* G4ExcitedXiConstructor::AddLambdaKMode( G4DecayTable* decayTable, const G4String& nameParent, G4double br, G4int iIso3, G4bool fAnti) { G4VDecayChannel* mode; G4String lambda = "lambda"; G4String daughterK; G4double r = 0.; // ------------ Lambda K- ------------ // determine daughters if (iIso3 == +1) { if (!fAnti) { daughterK = "kaon0"; } else { daughterK = "anti_kaon0"; } r = br; } else if (iIso3 == -1) { if (!fAnti) { daughterK = "kaon-"; } else { daughterK = "kaon+"; } r = br; } if (fAnti) lambda = "anti_" + lambda; if (r>0.) { // create decay channel [parent BR #daughters] mode = new G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel(nameParent, r, 2, lambda,daughterK); // add decay table decayTable->Insert(mode); } return decayTable; } G4DecayTable* G4ExcitedXiConstructor::AddSigmaKMode( G4DecayTable* decayTable, const G4String& nameParent, G4double br, G4int iIso3, G4bool fAnti) { G4VDecayChannel* mode; G4String daughterH; G4String daughterK; G4double r = 0.; // ------------ Sigma K- ------------ // determine daughters if (iIso3== +1) { daughterH = "sigma+"; r= br/2.; } else if (iIso3== -1) { daughterH = "sigma0"; r = br/2.; } if (!fAnti) { daughterK = "kaon-"; } else { daughterK = "kaon+"; } if (fAnti) daughterH = "anti_" + daughterH; if (r>0.) { // create decay channel [parent BR #daughters] mode = new G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel(nameParent, r, 2, daughterH,daughterK); // add decay table decayTable->Insert(mode); } // ------------ Sigma K0 ------------ // determine daughters if (iIso3 == +1) { daughterH = "sigma0"; r= br/2.; } else if (iIso3 == -1) { daughterH = "sigma-"; r = br/2.; } if (!fAnti) { daughterK = "anti_kaon0"; } else { daughterK = "kaon0"; } if (fAnti) daughterH = "anti_" + daughterH; if (r>0.) { // create decay channel [parent BR #daughters] mode = new G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel(nameParent, r, 2, daughterH,daughterK); // add decay table decayTable->Insert(mode); } return decayTable; } G4DecayTable* G4ExcitedXiConstructor::AddXiPiMode( G4DecayTable* decayTable, const G4String& nameParent, G4double br, G4int iIso3, G4bool fAnti) { G4VDecayChannel* mode; G4String daughterXi; G4String daughterPi; G4double r = 0.; // ------------ Xi pi- ------------ // determine daughters if (iIso3== +1) { r = 0.; } else if (iIso3 == -1) { daughterXi = "xi0"; r = br/2.; } if (!fAnti) { daughterPi = "pi-"; } else { daughterPi = "pi+"; } if (fAnti) daughterXi = "anti_" + daughterXi; if (r>0.) { // create decay channel [parent BR #daughters] mode = new G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel(nameParent, r, 2, daughterXi,daughterPi); // add decay table decayTable->Insert(mode); } // ------------ Xi Pi0 ------------ // determine daughters if (iIso3== +1) { daughterXi = "xi0"; r = br/2.; } else if (iIso3 == -1) { daughterXi = "xi-"; r = br/2.; } daughterPi = "pi0"; if (fAnti) daughterXi = "anti_" + daughterXi; if (r>0.) { // create decay channel [parent BR #daughters] mode = new G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel(nameParent, r, 2, daughterXi,daughterPi); // add decay table decayTable->Insert(mode); } // ------------ XI pi + ------------ // determine daughters if (iIso3== +1) { daughterXi = "xi-"; r = br/2.; } else if (iIso3==-1) { r = 0.; } if (!fAnti) { daughterPi = "pi+"; } else { daughterPi = "pi-"; } if (fAnti) daughterXi = "anti_" + daughterXi; if (r>0.) { // create decay channel [parent BR #daughters] mode = new G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel(nameParent, r, 2, daughterXi,daughterPi); // add decay table decayTable->Insert(mode); } return decayTable; } const char* G4ExcitedXiConstructor::name[] = { "xi(1530)", "xi(1690)", "xi(1820)", "xi(1950)", "xi(2030)" }; const G4double G4ExcitedXiConstructor::mass[] = { 1.5334*GeV, 1.690*GeV, 1.823*GeV, 1.950*GeV, 2.025*GeV }; const G4double G4ExcitedXiConstructor::width[] = { 9.1*MeV, 50.0*MeV, 24.0*MeV, 60.0*MeV, 20.0*MeV }; const G4int G4ExcitedXiConstructor::iSpin[] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 5 }; const G4int G4ExcitedXiConstructor::iParity[] = { +1, +1, -1, -1, +1 }; const G4int G4ExcitedXiConstructor::encodingOffset[] = { 0, 20000, 10000, 30000, 10000 }; const G4double G4ExcitedXiConstructor::bRatio[ G4ExcitedXiConstructor::NStates ][ G4ExcitedXiConstructor::NumberOfDecayModes] = { { 0.98, 0.02, 0.0, 0.0}, { 0.10, 0.0, 0.70, 0.20}, { 0.15, 0.0, 0.70, 0.15}, { 0.25, 0.0, 0.50, 0.25}, { 0.10, 0.0, 0.20, 0.70} };