// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4tgbGeometryDumper.cc,v 1.12 2009/11/19 13:29:04 arce Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // // class G4tgbGeometryDumper // History: // - Created. P.Arce, CIEMAT (November 2007) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4tgbGeometryDumper.hh" #include "G4tgrMessenger.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4Element.hh" #include "G4VSolid.hh" #include "G4Box.hh" #include "G4Tubs.hh" #include "G4Cons.hh" #include "G4Trap.hh" #include "G4Sphere.hh" #include "G4Orb.hh" #include "G4Trd.hh" #include "G4Para.hh" #include "G4Torus.hh" #include "G4Hype.hh" #include "G4Polycone.hh" #include "G4Polyhedra.hh" #include "G4EllipticalTube.hh" #include "G4Ellipsoid.hh" #include "G4EllipticalCone.hh" #include "G4Hype.hh" #include "G4Tet.hh" #include "G4TwistedBox.hh" #include "G4TwistedTrap.hh" #include "G4TwistedTrd.hh" #include "G4TwistedTubs.hh" #include "G4PVPlacement.hh" #include "G4PVParameterised.hh" #include "G4PVReplica.hh" #include "G4BooleanSolid.hh" #include "G4ReflectionFactory.hh" #include "G4ReflectedSolid.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh" #include "G4PhysicalVolumeStore.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include "G4VPVParameterisation.hh" #include //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4tgbGeometryDumper* G4tgbGeometryDumper::theInstance = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4tgbGeometryDumper::G4tgbGeometryDumper() { theRotationNumber = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4tgbGeometryDumper* G4tgbGeometryDumper::GetInstance() { if( theInstance == 0 ){ theInstance = new G4tgbGeometryDumper; } return theInstance; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpGeometry( const G4String& fname ) { theFile = new std::ofstream(fname); G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = GetTopPhysVol(); DumpPhysVol( pv ); // dump volume and recursively it will dump all hierarchy } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4VPhysicalVolume* G4tgbGeometryDumper::GetTopPhysVol() { G4PhysicalVolumeStore* pvstore = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); G4PhysicalVolumeStore::const_iterator ite; G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = *(pvstore->begin()); for( ;; ) { G4LogicalVolume* lv = pv->GetMotherLogical(); if( lv == 0 ) { break; } //----- look for one PV of this LV for( ite = pvstore->begin(); ite != pvstore->end(); ite++ ) { pv = (*ite); if( pv->GetLogicalVolume() == lv ) { break; } } } return pv; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4tgbGeometryDumper::~G4tgbGeometryDumper() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpPhysVol( G4VPhysicalVolume* pv ) { //--- Dump logical volume first G4LogicalVolume* lv = pv->GetLogicalVolume(); G4ReflectionFactory* reffact = G4ReflectionFactory::Instance(); //--- It is not needed to dump _refl volumes created when parent is reflected // !!WARNING : it must be avoided to reflect a volume hierarchy if children // has also been reflected, as both will have same name if( reffact->IsReflected( lv ) && reffact->IsReflected( pv->GetMotherLogical() ) ) { return; } G4bool bVolExists = CheckIfLogVolExists( lv->GetName(), lv ); //---- Construct this PV if( pv->GetMotherLogical() != 0 ) // not WORLD volume { if( !pv->IsReplicated() ) { G4String lvName = lv->GetName(); if( !bVolExists ) { lvName = DumpLogVol( lv ); } DumpPVPlacement( pv, lvName ); } else if( pv->IsParameterised() ) { G4PVParameterised* pvparam = (G4PVParameterised*)(pv); DumpPVParameterised( pvparam ); } else { G4String lvName = lv->GetName(); if( !bVolExists ) { lvName = DumpLogVol( lv ); } G4PVReplica* pvrepl = (G4PVReplica*)(pv); DumpPVReplica( pvrepl, lvName ); } } else { DumpLogVol( lv ); } if( !bVolExists ) { //---- Construct PV's who has this LV as mother std::vector pvChildren = GetPVChildren( lv ); std::vector::const_iterator ite; for( ite = pvChildren.begin(); ite != pvChildren.end(); ite++ ) { DumpPhysVol( *ite ); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpPVPlacement( G4VPhysicalVolume* pv, const G4String& lvName, G4int copyNo ) { G4String pvName = pv->GetName(); G4RotationMatrix* rotMat = pv->GetRotation(); if( !rotMat ) rotMat = new G4RotationMatrix(); //---- Check if it is reflected G4ReflectionFactory* reffact = G4ReflectionFactory::Instance(); G4LogicalVolume* lv = pv->GetLogicalVolume(); if( reffact->IsReflected( lv ) ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpPVPlacement() - Reflected volume: " << pv->GetName() << G4endl; } #endif G4ThreeVector colx = rotMat->colX(); G4ThreeVector coly = rotMat->colY(); G4ThreeVector colz = rotMat->colZ(); // apply a Z reflection (reflection matrix is decomposed in new // reflection-free rotation + z-reflection) colz *= -1.; CLHEP::HepRep3x3 rottemp(colx.x(),coly.x(),colz.x(), colx.y(),coly.y(),colz.y(), colx.z(),coly.z(),colz.z()); // matrix representation (inverted) *rotMat = G4RotationMatrix(rottemp); *rotMat = (*rotMat).inverse(); pvName += "_refl"; } G4String rotName = DumpRotationMatrix( rotMat ); G4ThreeVector pos = pv->GetTranslation(); if( copyNo == -999 ) //for parameterisations copy number is provided { copyNo = pv->GetCopyNo(); } G4String fullname = pvName +"#"+G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(copyNo) +"/"+pv->GetMotherLogical()->GetName(); if( !CheckIfPhysVolExists(fullname, pv )) { (*theFile) << ":PLACE " << SubstituteRefl(AddQuotes(lvName)) << " " << copyNo << " " << SubstituteRefl(AddQuotes(pv->GetMotherLogical()->GetName())) << " " << AddQuotes(rotName) << " " << pos.x() << " " << pos.y() << " " << pos.z() << G4endl; thePhysVols[fullname] = pv; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpPVParameterised( G4PVParameterised* pv ) { G4String pvName = pv->GetName(); EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width; G4double offset; G4bool consuming; pv->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); G4VPVParameterisation* param = pv->GetParameterisation(); G4LogicalVolume* lv = pv->GetLogicalVolume(); G4VSolid* solid1st = param->ComputeSolid(0, pv); G4Material* mate1st = param->ComputeMaterial(0, pv ); std::vector params1st = GetSolidParams( solid1st ); std::vector newParams; G4VSolid* newSolid = solid1st; G4String lvName; for( G4int ii = 0; ii < nReplicas; ii++ ) { G4Material* newMate = param->ComputeMaterial(ii, pv ); if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Box") { G4Box* box = (G4Box*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*box, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( box ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)box; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Tubs") { G4Tubs* tubs = (G4Tubs*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*tubs, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( tubs ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)tubs; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Trd") { G4Trd* trd = (G4Trd*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*trd, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( trd ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)trd; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Trap") { G4Trap* trap = (G4Trap*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*trap, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( trap ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)trap; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Cons") { G4Cons* cons = (G4Cons*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*cons, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( cons ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)cons; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Sphere") { G4Sphere* sphere = (G4Sphere*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*sphere, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( sphere ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)sphere; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Orb") { G4Orb* orb = (G4Orb*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*orb, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( orb ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)orb; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Torus") { G4Torus* torus = (G4Torus*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*torus, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( torus ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)torus; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Para") { G4Para* para = (G4Para*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*para, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( para ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)para; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Polycone") { G4Polycone* polycone = (G4Polycone*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*polycone, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( polycone ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)polycone; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Polyhedra") { G4Polyhedra* polyhedra = (G4Polyhedra*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*polyhedra, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( polyhedra ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)polyhedra; } else if( solid1st->GetEntityType() == "G4Hype") { G4Hype* hype = (G4Hype*)(solid1st); param->ComputeDimensions(*hype, ii, pv ); newParams = GetSolidParams( hype ); newSolid = (G4VSolid*)hype; } if( ii == 0 || mate1st != newMate || params1st[0] != newParams[0] ) { G4String extraName = ""; if( ii != 0 ) { extraName= "#"+G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(ii) +"/"+pv->GetMotherLogical()->GetName(); } lvName = DumpLogVol( lv, extraName, newSolid, newMate ); } param->ComputeTransformation(ii, pv); DumpPVPlacement( pv, lvName, ii ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpPVReplica( G4PVReplica* pv, const G4String& lvName ) { EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width; G4double offset; G4bool consuming; pv->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); G4String axisName; switch (axis ) { case kXAxis: axisName = "X"; break; case kYAxis: axisName = "Y"; break; case kZAxis: axisName = "Z"; break; case kRho: axisName = "R"; break; case kPhi: axisName = "PHI"; break; case kRadial3D: case kUndefined: G4String ErrMessage = "Unknown axis of replication for volume" + pv->GetName(); G4Exception("G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpPVReplica", "Wrong axis ", FatalException, ErrMessage); break; } G4String fullname = lvName +"/"+pv->GetMotherLogical()->GetName(); if( !CheckIfPhysVolExists(fullname, pv )) { (*theFile) << ":REPL " << SubstituteRefl(AddQuotes(lvName)) << " " << SubstituteRefl(AddQuotes(pv->GetMotherLogical()->GetName())) << " " << axisName << " " << nReplicas; if( axis != kPhi ) { (*theFile) << " " << width << " " << offset << G4endl; } else { (*theFile) << " " << width/deg << "*deg" << " " << offset/deg << "*deg" << G4endl; } thePhysVols[fullname] = pv; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpLogVol( G4LogicalVolume* lv, G4String extraName, G4VSolid* solid, G4Material* mate ) { G4String lvName; if( extraName == "" ) //--- take out the '_refl' in the name { lvName = GetObjectName(lv,theLogVols); } else { lvName = lv->GetName()+extraName; } if( theLogVols.find( lvName ) != theLogVols.end() ) // alredy dumped { return lvName; } if( !solid ) { solid = lv->GetSolid(); } //---- Dump solid G4String solidName = DumpSolid( solid, extraName ); //---- Dump material if( !mate ) { mate = lv->GetMaterial(); } G4String mateName = DumpMaterial( mate ); //---- Dump logical volume (solid + material) (*theFile) << ":VOLU " << SubstituteRefl(AddQuotes(lvName)) << " " << SupressRefl(AddQuotes(solidName)) << " " << AddQuotes(mateName) << G4endl; theLogVols[lvName] = lv; return lvName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpMaterial( G4Material* mat ) { G4String mateName = GetObjectName(mat,theMaterials); if( theMaterials.find( mateName ) != theMaterials.end() ) // alredy dumped { return mateName; } size_t numElements = mat->GetNumberOfElements(); G4double density = mat->GetDensity()/g*cm3; // start tag // if (numElements == 1) { (*theFile) << ":MATE " << AddQuotes(mateName) << " " << mat->GetZ() << " " << mat->GetA()/(g/mole) << " " << density << G4endl; } else { const G4ElementVector* elems = mat->GetElementVector(); const G4double* fractions = mat->GetFractionVector(); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < numElements; ii++) { DumpElement( (*elems)[ii] ); } (*theFile) << ":MIXT "<< AddQuotes(mateName) << " " << density << " " << numElements << G4endl; // close start element tag and get ready to do composit "parts" for (size_t ii = 0; ii < numElements; ii++) { (*theFile) << " " << AddQuotes(GetObjectName((*elems)[ii],theElements)) << " " << fractions[ii] << G4endl; } } (*theFile) << ":MATE_MEE " << AddQuotes(mateName) << " " << mat->GetIonisation()->GetMeanExcitationEnergy()/eV << "*eV" << G4endl; theMaterials[mateName] = mat; return mateName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpElement( G4Element* ele) { G4String elemName = GetObjectName(ele,theElements); if( theElements.find( elemName ) != theElements.end() ) // alredy dumped { return; } //--- Add symbol name: Material mixtures store the components as elements // (even if the input are materials), but without symbol // G4String symbol = ele->GetSymbol(); if( symbol == "" || symbol == " " ) { symbol = elemName; } if( ele->GetNumberOfIsotopes() == 0 ) { (*theFile) << ":ELEM " << AddQuotes(elemName) << " " << AddQuotes(symbol) << " " << ele->GetZ() << " " << ele->GetA()/(g/mole) << " " << G4endl; } else { const G4IsotopeVector* isots = ele->GetIsotopeVector(); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < ele->GetNumberOfIsotopes(); ii++) { DumpIsotope( (*isots)[ii] ); } (*theFile) << ":ELEM_FROM_ISOT " << AddQuotes(elemName) << " " << AddQuotes(symbol) << " " << ele->GetNumberOfIsotopes() << G4endl; const G4double* fractions = ele->GetRelativeAbundanceVector(); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < ele->GetNumberOfIsotopes(); ii++) { (*theFile) << " " << AddQuotes(GetObjectName((*isots)[ii],theIsotopes)) << " " << fractions[ii] << G4endl; } } theElements[elemName] = ele; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpIsotope( G4Isotope* isot) { G4String isotName = GetObjectName(isot,theIsotopes); if( theIsotopes.find( isotName ) != theIsotopes.end() ) // alredy dumped { return; } (*theFile) << ":ISOT " << AddQuotes(isotName) << " " << isot->GetZ() << " " << isot->GetN() << " " << isot->GetA()/(g/mole) << " " << G4endl; theIsotopes[isotName] = isot; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpSolid( G4VSolid* solid, const G4String& extraName ) { G4String solidName; if( extraName == "" ) { solidName = GetObjectName(solid,theSolids); } else { solidName = solid->GetName()+extraName; } if( theSolids.find( solidName ) != theSolids.end() ) // alredy dumped { return solidName; } G4String solidType = solid->GetEntityType(); solidType = GetTGSolidType( solidType ); if (solidType == "UNIONSOLID") { DumpBooleanVolume( "UNION", solid ); } else if (solidType == "SUBTRACTIONSOLID") { DumpBooleanVolume( "SUBTRACTION", solid ); } else if (solidType == "INTERSECTIONSOLID") { DumpBooleanVolume( "INTERSECTION", solid ); } else if (solidType == "REFLECTEDSOLID") { G4ReflectedSolid* solidrefl = dynamic_cast(solid); G4VSolid* solidori = solidrefl->GetConstituentMovedSolid(); DumpSolid( solidori ); } else { (*theFile) << ":SOLID " << AddQuotes(solidName) << " "; (*theFile) << AddQuotes(solidType) << " "; DumpSolidParams( solid ); theSolids[solidName] = solid; } return solidName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpBooleanVolume( const G4String& solidType, G4VSolid* so ) { G4BooleanSolid * bso = dynamic_cast < G4BooleanSolid * > (so); G4VSolid* solid0 = bso->GetConstituentSolid( 0 ); G4VSolid* solid1 = bso->GetConstituentSolid( 1 ); G4DisplacedSolid* solid1Disp = 0; G4bool displaced = dynamic_cast(solid1); if( displaced ) { solid1Disp = dynamic_cast(solid1); solid1 = solid1Disp->GetConstituentMovedSolid(); } DumpSolid( solid0 ); DumpSolid( solid1 ); G4String rotName; G4ThreeVector pos; if( displaced ) { pos = solid1Disp->GetObjectTranslation(); // translation is of mother frame rotName = DumpRotationMatrix( new G4RotationMatrix( (solid1Disp-> GetTransform().NetRotation()).inverse() ) ); } else // no displacement { rotName = DumpRotationMatrix( new G4RotationMatrix ); pos = G4ThreeVector(); } G4String bsoName = GetObjectName(so,theSolids); if( theSolids.find( bsoName ) != theSolids.end() ) return; // alredy dumped G4String solid0Name = FindSolidName( solid0 ); G4String solid1Name = FindSolidName( solid1 ); (*theFile) << ":SOLID " << AddQuotes(bsoName) << " " << AddQuotes(solidType) << " " << AddQuotes(solid0Name) << " " << AddQuotes(solid1Name) << " " << AddQuotes(rotName) << " " << approxTo0(pos.x()) << " " << approxTo0(pos.y()) << " " << approxTo0(pos.z()) << " " << G4endl; theSolids[bsoName] = bso; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpSolidParams( G4VSolid * so) { std::vector params = GetSolidParams( so ); for( size_t ii = 0 ; ii < params.size(); ii++ ) { (*theFile) << params[ii] << " " ; } (*theFile) << G4endl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::vector G4tgbGeometryDumper::GetSolidParams( const G4VSolid * so) { std::vector params; G4String solidType = so->GetEntityType(); solidType = GetTGSolidType( solidType ); if (solidType == "BOX") { const G4Box * sb = dynamic_cast < const G4Box*>(so); params.push_back( sb->GetXHalfLength() ); params.push_back( sb->GetYHalfLength() ); params.push_back( sb->GetZHalfLength() ); } else if (solidType == "TUBS") { const G4Tubs * tu = dynamic_cast < const G4Tubs * > (so); params.push_back( tu->GetInnerRadius() ); params.push_back( tu->GetOuterRadius() ); params.push_back( tu->GetZHalfLength() ); params.push_back( tu->GetStartPhiAngle()/deg ); params.push_back( tu->GetDeltaPhiAngle()/deg ); } else if (solidType == "TRAP") { const G4Trap * trp = dynamic_cast < const G4Trap * > (so); G4ThreeVector symAxis(trp->GetSymAxis()); G4double theta, phi; theta = symAxis.theta()/deg; phi = symAxis.phi()/deg; params.push_back( trp->GetZHalfLength() ); params.push_back( theta ); params.push_back( phi); params.push_back( trp->GetYHalfLength1() ); params.push_back( trp->GetXHalfLength1() ); params.push_back( trp->GetXHalfLength2() ); params.push_back( std::atan(trp->GetTanAlpha1())/deg ); params.push_back( trp->GetYHalfLength2() ); params.push_back( trp->GetXHalfLength3() ); params.push_back( trp->GetXHalfLength4() ); params.push_back( std::atan(trp->GetTanAlpha2())/deg ); } else if (solidType == "TRD") { const G4Trd * tr = dynamic_cast < const G4Trd * > (so); params.push_back( tr->GetXHalfLength1() ); params.push_back( tr->GetXHalfLength2() ); params.push_back( tr->GetYHalfLength1() ); params.push_back( tr->GetYHalfLength2() ); params.push_back( tr->GetZHalfLength()); } else if (solidType == "PARA") { const G4Para * para = dynamic_cast < const G4Para * > (so); double phi; if(para->GetSymAxis().z()!=1.0) { phi = std::atan(para->GetSymAxis().y()/para->GetSymAxis().x()); } else { phi = 0; } params.push_back( para->GetXHalfLength()); params.push_back( para->GetYHalfLength()); params.push_back( para->GetZHalfLength()); params.push_back( std::atan(para->GetTanAlpha())/deg); params.push_back( std::acos(para->GetSymAxis().z())/deg); params.push_back( phi/deg); } else if (solidType == "CONS") { const G4Cons * cn = dynamic_cast < const G4Cons * > (so); params.push_back( cn->GetInnerRadiusMinusZ() ); params.push_back( cn->GetOuterRadiusMinusZ() ); params.push_back( cn->GetInnerRadiusPlusZ() ); params.push_back( cn->GetOuterRadiusPlusZ() ); params.push_back( cn->GetZHalfLength() ); params.push_back( cn->GetStartPhiAngle()/deg ); params.push_back( cn->GetDeltaPhiAngle()/deg ); } else if (solidType == "SPHERE") { const G4Sphere * sphere = dynamic_cast < const G4Sphere * > (so); params.push_back( sphere->GetInnerRadius()); params.push_back( sphere->GetOuterRadius()); params.push_back( sphere->GetStartPhiAngle()/deg); params.push_back( sphere->GetDeltaPhiAngle()/deg); params.push_back( sphere->GetStartThetaAngle()/deg); params.push_back( sphere->GetDeltaThetaAngle()/deg); } else if (solidType == "ORB") { const G4Orb * orb = dynamic_cast < const G4Orb * > (so); params.push_back( orb->GetRadius()); } else if (solidType == "TORUS") { const G4Torus * torus = dynamic_cast < const G4Torus * > (so); params.push_back( torus->GetRmin()); params.push_back( torus->GetRmax()); params.push_back( torus->GetRtor()); params.push_back( torus->GetSPhi()/deg); params.push_back( torus->GetDPhi()/deg); } else if (solidType == "POLYCONE") { //--- Dump RZ corners, as original parameters will not be present // if it was build from RZ corners const G4Polycone * pc = dynamic_cast < const G4Polycone * > (so); G4double angphi = pc->GetStartPhi()/deg; if( angphi > 180*deg ) { angphi -= 360*deg; } G4int ncor = pc->GetNumRZCorner(); params.push_back( angphi ); params.push_back( pc->GetOriginalParameters()->Opening_angle/deg ); params.push_back( ncor ); for( G4int ii = 0; ii < ncor; ii++ ) { params.push_back( pc->GetCorner(ii).r ); params.push_back( pc->GetCorner(ii).z ); } } else if (solidType == "POLYHEDRA") { //--- Dump RZ corners, as original parameters will not be present // if it was build from RZ corners const G4Polyhedra * ph = (dynamic_cast < const G4Polyhedra * > (so)); G4double angphi = ph->GetStartPhi()/deg; if( angphi > 180*deg ) angphi -= 360*deg; G4int ncor = ph->GetNumRZCorner(); params.push_back( angphi ); params.push_back( ph->GetOriginalParameters()->Opening_angle/deg ); params.push_back( ph->GetNumSide() ); params.push_back( ncor ); for( G4int ii = 0; ii < ncor; ii++ ) { params.push_back( ph->GetCorner(ii).r ); params.push_back( ph->GetCorner(ii).z ); } } else if (solidType == "ELLIPTICALTUBE") { const G4EllipticalTube * eltu = dynamic_cast < const G4EllipticalTube * > (so); params.push_back( eltu->GetDx()); params.push_back( eltu->GetDy()); params.push_back( eltu->GetDz()); } else if (solidType == "ELLIPSOID" ){ const G4Ellipsoid* dso = dynamic_cast < const G4Ellipsoid * > (so); params.push_back( dso->GetSemiAxisMax(0) ); params.push_back( dso->GetSemiAxisMax(1) ); params.push_back( dso->GetSemiAxisMax(2) ); params.push_back( dso->GetZBottomCut() ); params.push_back( dso->GetZTopCut() ); } else if (solidType == "ELLIPTICAL_CONE") { const G4EllipticalCone * elco = dynamic_cast < const G4EllipticalCone * > (so); params.push_back( elco-> GetSemiAxisX() ); params.push_back( elco-> GetSemiAxisY() ); params.push_back( elco-> GetZMax() ); params.push_back( elco-> GetZTopCut() ); } else if (solidType == "HYPE") { const G4Hype* hype = dynamic_cast < const G4Hype * > (so); params.push_back( hype->GetInnerRadius()); params.push_back( hype->GetOuterRadius()); params.push_back( hype->GetInnerStereo()/deg); params.push_back( hype->GetOuterStereo()/deg); params.push_back( 2*hype->GetZHalfLength()); // } else if( solidType == "TET" ) { } else if( solidType == "TWISTEDBOX" ) { const G4TwistedBox* tbox = dynamic_cast < const G4TwistedBox * > (so); params.push_back( tbox->GetPhiTwist()/deg ); params.push_back( tbox->GetXHalfLength() ); params.push_back( tbox->GetYHalfLength() ); params.push_back( tbox->GetZHalfLength() ); } else if( solidType == "TWISTEDTRAP" ) { const G4TwistedTrap * ttrap = dynamic_cast < const G4TwistedTrap * > (so); params.push_back( ttrap->GetPhiTwist()/deg ); params.push_back( ttrap->GetZHalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrap->GetPolarAngleTheta()/deg ); params.push_back( ttrap->GetAzimuthalAnglePhi()/deg ); params.push_back( ttrap->GetY1HalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrap->GetX1HalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrap->GetX2HalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrap->GetY2HalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrap->GetX3HalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrap->GetX4HalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrap->GetTiltAngleAlpha()/deg ); } else if( solidType == "TWISTEDTRD" ) { const G4TwistedTrd * ttrd = dynamic_cast < const G4TwistedTrd * > (so); params.push_back( ttrd->GetX1HalfLength()); params.push_back( ttrd->GetX2HalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrd->GetY1HalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrd->GetY2HalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrd->GetZHalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttrd->GetPhiTwist()/deg ); } else if( solidType == "TWISTEDTUBS" ) { const G4TwistedTubs * ttub = dynamic_cast < const G4TwistedTubs * > (so); params.push_back( ttub->GetInnerRadius() ); params.push_back( ttub->GetOuterRadius() ); params.push_back( ttub->GetZHalfLength() ); params.push_back( ttub->GetDPhi()/deg ); params.push_back( ttub->GetPhiTwist()/deg ); } else { G4String ErrMessage = "Solid type not supported, sorry... " + solidType; G4Exception("G4tgbGeometryDumpe::DumpSolidParams()", "NotImplemented", FatalException, ErrMessage); } return params; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper::DumpRotationMatrix( G4RotationMatrix* rotm ) { G4double de = MatDeterminant(rotm); G4String rotName = LookForExistingRotation( rotm ); if( rotName != "" ) { return rotName; } if (!rotm) { rotm = new G4RotationMatrix(); } G4ThreeVector v(1.,1.,1.); if (de < -0.9 ) // a reflection .... { (*theFile) << ":ROTM "; rotName = "RRM"; rotName += G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(theRotationNumber++); (*theFile) << AddQuotes(rotName) << std::setprecision(9) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->xx()) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->yx()) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->zx()) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->xy()) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->yy()) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->zy()) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->xz()) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->yz()) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->zz()) << G4endl; } else if(de > 0.9 ) // a rotation .... { (*theFile) << ":ROTM "; rotName = "RM"; rotName += G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(theRotationNumber++); (*theFile) << AddQuotes(rotName) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->thetaX()/deg) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->phiX()/deg) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->thetaY()/deg) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->phiY()/deg) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->thetaZ()/deg) << " " << approxTo0(rotm->phiZ()/deg) << G4endl; } theRotMats[rotName] = rotm; return rotName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::vector G4tgbGeometryDumper::GetPVChildren( G4LogicalVolume* lv ) { G4PhysicalVolumeStore* pvstore = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); G4PhysicalVolumeStore::const_iterator ite; std::vector children; for( ite = pvstore->begin(); ite != pvstore->end(); ite++ ) { if( (*ite)->GetMotherLogical() == lv ) { children.push_back( *ite ); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbGeometryDumper::GetPVChildren() - adding children: " << (*ite)->GetName() << " of " << lv->GetName() << G4endl; } #endif } } return children; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper::GetTGSolidType( const G4String& solidType ) { G4String newsolidType = solidType.substr(2,solidType.length() ); for( size_t ii = 0; ii < newsolidType.length(); ii++ ) { newsolidType[ii] = toupper(newsolidType[ii] ); } return newsolidType; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4double G4tgbGeometryDumper::MatDeterminant(G4RotationMatrix * ro) { CLHEP::HepRep3x3 r = ro->rep3x3(); return r.xx_*(r.yy_*r.zz_ - r.zy_*r.yz_) - r.yx_*(r.xy_*r.zz_ - r.zy_*r.xz_) + r.zx_*(r.xy_*r.yz_ - r.yy_*r.xz_); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4double G4tgbGeometryDumper::approxTo0( G4double val ) { G4double precision = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance() ->GetSurfaceTolerance(); if( std::fabs(val) < precision ) { val = 0; } return val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper::AddQuotes( const G4String& str ) { //--- look if there is a separating blank G4bool bBlank = FALSE; size_t siz = str.length(); for( size_t ii = 0; ii < siz; ii++ ) { if( str.substr(ii,1) == " " ) { bBlank = TRUE; break; } } G4String str2 = str; if( bBlank ) { str2 = G4String("\"") + str2 + G4String("\""); } return str2; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper::SupressRefl( G4String name ) { G4int irefl = name.rfind("_refl"); if( irefl != -1 ) { name = name.substr( 0, irefl ); } return name; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper::SubstituteRefl( G4String name ) { G4int irefl = name.rfind("_refl"); if( irefl != -1 ) { name = name.substr( 0, irefl ) + "_REFL"; } return name; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper::GetIsotopeName( G4Isotope* isot ) { G4String isotName = isot->GetName(); // first look if this is isotope is already dumped, // with original isotope name or new one // std::map::const_iterator ite; for( ite = theIsotopes.begin(); ite != theIsotopes.end(); ite++ ) { if( isot == (*ite).second ) { return (*ite).first; } } // Now look if there is another isotope dumped with same name, // and if found add _N to the name // ite = theIsotopes.find( isotName ); if( ite != theIsotopes.end() ) // Isotope found with same name { G4Isotope* isotold = (*ite).second; if( isot != isotold ) // new isotope it is not the really { // the same one as isotope found if( !Same2G4Isotopes(isot, isotold)) { // if the two have same data, use the old one G4int ii = 2; // G4Nist does names isotopes of same element // with same name for(;;ii++) { G4String newIsotName = isotName + "_" + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(ii); std::map::const_iterator ite2 = theIsotopes.find( newIsotName ); if( ite2 == theIsotopes.end() ) { isotName = newIsotName; break; } else { if( Same2G4Isotopes( isot, (*ite2).second ) ) { isotName = newIsotName; break; } } } } } } return isotName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class TYP > G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper:: GetObjectName( TYP* obj, std::map objectsDumped ) { G4String objName = obj->GetName(); // first look if this is objecy is already dumped, // with original object name or new one // typename std::map::const_iterator ite; for( ite = objectsDumped.begin(); ite != objectsDumped.end(); ite++ ) { if( obj == (*ite).second ) { return (*ite).first; } } // Now look if there is another object dumped with same name, // and if found add _N to the name // ite = objectsDumped.find( objName ); if( ite != objectsDumped.end() ) // Object found with same name { TYP* objold = (*ite).second; if( obj != objold ) // new object it is not the really { // the same one as object found G4int ii = 2; for(;;ii++) { G4String newObjName = objName + "_" + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(ii); typename std::map::const_iterator ite2 = objectsDumped.find( newObjName ); if( ite2 == objectsDumped.end() ) { objName = newObjName; break; } } } } return objName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4bool G4tgbGeometryDumper::CheckIfLogVolExists( const G4String& name, G4LogicalVolume* pt ) { if( theLogVols.find( name ) != theLogVols.end() ) { G4LogicalVolume* lvnew = (*(theLogVols.find(name))).second; if( lvnew != pt ) { /* //---- Reflected volumes are repeated G4ReflectionFactory* reffact = G4ReflectionFactory::Instance(); if( !reffact->IsReflected( pt ) && !reffact->IsReflected( lvnew ) ) { G4String ErrMessage = "LogVol found but not same as before: " + name; G4Exception("G4tgbGeometryDumper::CheckIfLogVolExists()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } */ } return 1; } else { return 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4bool G4tgbGeometryDumper::CheckIfPhysVolExists( const G4String& name, G4VPhysicalVolume* pt ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbGeometryDumper::CheckIfPhysVolExists() - " << name << G4endl; } #endif if( thePhysVols.find( name ) != thePhysVols.end() ) { if( (*(thePhysVols.find(name))).second != pt ) { // G4String ErrMessage = "Placement found but not same as before: " // + name; // G4Exception("G4tgbGeometryDumper::CheckIfPhysVolExists()", // "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); G4cerr << " G4tgbGeometryDumper::CheckIfPhysVolExists () -" << " Placement found but not same as before : " << name << G4endl; } return 1; } else { return 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4String G4tgbGeometryDumper::LookForExistingRotation( const G4RotationMatrix* rotm ) { G4String rmName = ""; std::map::const_iterator ite; for( ite = theRotMats.begin(); ite != theRotMats.end(); ite++ ) { if( (*ite).second->isNear( *rotm ) ) { rmName = (*ite).first; break; } } return rmName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4bool G4tgbGeometryDumper::Same2G4Isotopes( G4Isotope* isot1, G4Isotope* isot2 ) { if ( (isot1->GetZ() != isot2->GetZ()) || (isot1->GetN() != isot2->GetN()) || (isot1->GetA() != isot2->GetA()) ) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ const G4String& G4tgbGeometryDumper::FindSolidName( G4VSolid* solid ) { std::map::const_iterator ite; for( ite = theSolids.begin(); ite != theSolids.end(); ite++ ) { if( solid == (*ite).second ) { return (*ite).first; } } if( ite == theSolids.end() ) { G4Exception("G4tgbGeometryDumper::FindSolidName()", "ReadError", FatalException, "Programming error."); } return (*ite).first; }