// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4tgbVolume.cc,v 1.23 2010/11/05 08:58:36 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-ref-00 $ // // // class G4tgbVolume // History: // - Created. P.Arce, CIEMAT (November 2007) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4tgbVolume.hh" #include "G4tgbVolumeMgr.hh" #include "G4tgbMaterialMgr.hh" #include "G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr.hh" #include "G4tgbPlaceParamLinear.hh" #include "G4tgbPlaceParamSquare.hh" #include "G4tgbPlaceParamCircle.hh" #include "G4tgrSolid.hh" #include "G4tgrSolidBoolean.hh" #include "G4tgrVolume.hh" #include "G4tgrVolumeDivision.hh" #include "G4tgrVolumeAssembly.hh" #include "G4tgrVolumeMgr.hh" #include "G4tgrPlace.hh" #include "G4tgrPlaceSimple.hh" #include "G4tgrPlaceDivRep.hh" #include "G4tgrPlaceParameterisation.hh" #include "G4tgrUtils.hh" #include "G4VSolid.hh" #include "G4UnionSolid.hh" #include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh" #include "G4IntersectionSolid.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4PVPlacement.hh" #include "G4PVDivision.hh" #include "G4PVReplica.hh" #include "G4PVParameterised.hh" #include "G4Box.hh" #include "G4Tubs.hh" #include "G4Cons.hh" #include "G4Trap.hh" #include "G4Sphere.hh" #include "G4Orb.hh" #include "G4Trd.hh" #include "G4Para.hh" #include "G4Torus.hh" #include "G4Hype.hh" #include "G4Polycone.hh" #include "G4Polyhedra.hh" #include "G4EllipticalTube.hh" #include "G4Ellipsoid.hh" #include "G4EllipticalCone.hh" #include "G4Hype.hh" #include "G4Tet.hh" #include "G4TwistedBox.hh" #include "G4TwistedTrap.hh" #include "G4TwistedTrd.hh" #include "G4TwistedTubs.hh" #include "G4AssemblyVolume.hh" #include "G4BREPSolidBox.hh" #include "G4BREPSolidCylinder.hh" #include "G4BREPSolidCone.hh" #include "G4BREPSolidSphere.hh" #include "G4BREPSolidTorus.hh" #include "G4BREPSolidPCone.hh" #include "G4BREPSolidPolyhedra.hh" #include "G4BREPSolidOpenPCone.hh" #include "G4TessellatedSolid.hh" #include "G4TriangularFacet.hh" #include "G4QuadrangularFacet.hh" #include "G4ExtrudedSolid.hh" #include "G4VisExtent.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4RotationMatrix.hh" #include "G4ReflectionFactory.hh" #include "G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "G4RegionStore.hh" #include "G4tgrMessenger.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" //------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgbVolume::G4tgbVolume() : theTgrVolume(0), theG4AssemblyVolume(0) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgbVolume::~G4tgbVolume() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgbVolume::G4tgbVolume( G4tgrVolume* vol) { theTgrVolume = vol; theG4AssemblyVolume = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4Volumes( const G4tgrPlace* place, const G4LogicalVolume* parentLV ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << G4endl << "@@@ G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4Volumes - " << GetName() << G4endl; if( place && parentLV ) G4cout << " place in LV " << parentLV->GetName() << G4endl; } #endif G4tgbVolumeMgr* g4vmgr = G4tgbVolumeMgr::GetInstance(); G4LogicalVolume* logvol = g4vmgr->FindG4LogVol( GetName() ); G4bool bFirstCopy = false; if( (logvol == 0) ) { bFirstCopy = true; if( theTgrVolume->GetType() != "VOLDivision" ) { //--- If first time build solid and LogVol G4VSolid* solid = FindOrConstructG4Solid( theTgrVolume->GetSolid() ); if( solid != 0 ) // for G4AssemblyVolume it is 0 { g4vmgr->RegisterMe( solid ); logvol = ConstructG4LogVol( solid ); g4vmgr->RegisterMe( logvol ); g4vmgr->RegisterChildParentLVs( logvol, parentLV ); } else { return; } } else { return; } } //--- Construct PhysVol G4VPhysicalVolume* physvol = ConstructG4PhysVol( place, logvol, parentLV ); if( physvol != 0 ) // 0 for G4AssemblyVolumes { g4vmgr->RegisterMe( physvol ); if( logvol == 0 ) // case of divisions { logvol = physvol->GetLogicalVolume(); } } else { return; } //--- If first copy build children placements in this LogVol if(bFirstCopy) { std::pair children = G4tgrVolumeMgr::GetInstance()->GetChildren( GetName() ); G4mmapspl::iterator cite; for( cite = children.first; cite != children.second; cite++ ) { //----- Call G4tgrPlace ->constructG4Volumes //---- find G4tgbVolume corresponding to the G4tgrVolume // pointed by G4tgrPlace G4tgrPlace* pl = const_cast((*cite).second); G4tgbVolume* svol = g4vmgr->FindVolume( pl->GetVolume()->GetName() ); //--- find copyNo #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4Volumes - construct daughter " << pl->GetVolume()->GetName() << " # " << pl->GetCopyNo() << G4endl; } #endif svol->ConstructG4Volumes( pl, logvol ); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- G4VSolid* G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid( const G4tgrSolid* sol ) { G4double angularTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance() ->GetAngularTolerance(); if( sol == 0 ) { return 0; } #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid():" << G4endl << " SOLID = " << sol << G4endl << " " << sol->GetName() << " of type " << sol->GetType() << G4endl; } #endif //----- Check if solid exists already G4VSolid* solid = G4tgbVolumeMgr::GetInstance() ->FindG4Solid( sol->GetName() ); if( solid ) { return solid; } // Give 'sol' as Boolean solids needs to call this method twice #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid() - " << sol->GetSolidParams().size() << G4endl; } #endif std::vector solParam; // In case of BOOLEAN solids, solidParams are taken from components if( sol->GetSolidParams().size() == 1) { solParam = * sol->GetSolidParams()[ 0 ]; } //----------- instantiate the appropiate G4VSolid type G4String stype = sol->GetType(); G4String sname = sol->GetName(); if( stype == "BOX" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 3, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4Box( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2] ); } else if( stype == "TUBE" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 3, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4Tubs( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], 0.*deg, 360.*deg ); } else if( stype == "TUBS" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 5, solParam.size() ); G4double phiDelta = solParam[4]; if( std::fabs(phiDelta - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiDelta = twopi; } solid = new G4Tubs( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], phiDelta ); } else if( stype == "TRAP" ) { if( solParam.size() == 11 ) { solid = new G4Trap( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], solParam[4], solParam[5], solParam[6], solParam[7], solParam[8], solParam[9], solParam[10] ); } else if( solParam.size() == 4 ) { solid = new G4Trap( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1]/deg, solParam[2]/deg, solParam[3]); } else { G4String ErrMessage1 = "Solid type " + stype; G4String ErrMessage2 = " should have 11 or 4 parameters,\n"; G4String ErrMessage3 = "and it has " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(solParam.size())); G4String ErrMessage = ErrMessage1 + ErrMessage2 + ErrMessage3 + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } } else if( stype == "TRD" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 5, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4Trd( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], solParam[4] ); } else if( stype == "PARA" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 6, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4Para( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], solParam[4], solParam[5] ); } else if( stype == "CONE" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 5, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4Cons( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], solParam[4], 0., 360.*deg); } else if( stype == "CONS" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 7, solParam.size() ); G4double phiDelta = solParam[6]; if( std::fabs(phiDelta - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiDelta = twopi; } solid = new G4Cons( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], solParam[4], solParam[5], phiDelta); } else if( stype == "SPHERE" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 6, solParam.size() ); G4double phiDelta = solParam[3]; if( std::fabs(phiDelta - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiDelta = twopi; } G4double thetaDelta = solParam[5]; if( std::fabs(thetaDelta - pi) < angularTolerance ) { thetaDelta = pi; } solid = new G4Sphere( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], phiDelta, solParam[4], thetaDelta); } else if( stype == "ORB" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 1, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4Orb( sname, solParam[0] ); } else if( stype == "TORUS" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 5, solParam.size() ); G4double phiDelta = solParam[4]; if( std::fabs(phiDelta - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiDelta = twopi; } solid = new G4Torus( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], phiDelta ); } else if( stype == "POLYCONE" ) { size_t nplanes = size_t(solParam[2]); G4bool genericPoly = false; if( solParam.size() == 3+nplanes*3 ) { genericPoly = true; } else if( solParam.size() == 3+nplanes*2 ) { genericPoly = false; } else { G4String Err1 = "Solid type " + stype + " should have "; G4String Err2 = G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(3+nplanes*3)) + " (Z,Rmin,Rmax)\n"; G4String Err3 = "or " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(3+nplanes*2)); G4String Err4 = " (RZ corners) parameters,\n"; G4String Err5 = "and it has " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(solParam.size())); G4String ErrMessage = Err1 + Err2 + Err3 + Err4 + Err5 + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } if( genericPoly ) { std::vector* z_p = new std::vector; std::vector* rmin_p = new std::vector; std::vector* rmax_p = new std::vector; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < nplanes; ii++ ) { (*z_p).push_back( solParam[3+3*ii] ); (*rmin_p).push_back( solParam[3+3*ii+1] ); (*rmax_p).push_back( solParam[3+3*ii+2] ); } G4double phiTotal = solParam[1]; if( std::fabs(phiTotal - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiTotal = twopi; } solid = new G4Polycone( sname, solParam[0], phiTotal, // start,delta-phi nplanes, // sections &((*z_p)[0]), &((*rmin_p)[0]), &((*rmax_p)[0])); } else { std::vector* R_c = new std::vector; std::vector* Z_c = new std::vector; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < nplanes; ii++ ) { (*R_c).push_back( solParam[3+2*ii] ); (*Z_c).push_back( solParam[3+2*ii+1] ); } G4double phiTotal = solParam[1]; if( std::fabs(phiTotal - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiTotal = twopi; } solid = new G4Polycone( sname, solParam[0], phiTotal, // start,delta-phi nplanes, // sections &((*R_c)[0]), &((*Z_c)[0])); } } else if( stype == "POLYHEDRA" ) { size_t nplanes = size_t(solParam[3]); G4bool genericPoly = false; if( solParam.size() == 4+nplanes*3 ) { genericPoly = true; } else if( solParam.size() == 4+nplanes*2 ) { genericPoly = false; } else { G4String Err1 = "Solid type " + stype + " should have "; G4String Err2 = G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(4+nplanes*3)) + " (Z,Rmin,Rmax)\n"; G4String Err3 = "or " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(4+nplanes*2)); G4String Err4 = " (RZ corners) parameters,\n"; G4String Err5 = "and it has " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(solParam.size())); G4String ErrMessage = Err1 + Err2 + Err3 + Err4 + Err5 + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } if( genericPoly ) { std::vector* z_p = new std::vector; std::vector* rmin_p = new std::vector; std::vector* rmax_p = new std::vector; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < nplanes; ii++ ) { (*z_p).push_back( solParam[4+3*ii] ); (*rmin_p).push_back( solParam[4+3*ii+1] ); (*rmax_p).push_back( solParam[4+3*ii+2] ); } G4double phiTotal = solParam[1]; if( std::fabs(phiTotal - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiTotal = twopi; } solid = new G4Polyhedra( sname, solParam[0], phiTotal, G4int(solParam[2]), nplanes, &((*z_p)[0]), &((*rmin_p)[0]), &((*rmax_p)[0])); } else { std::vector* R_c = new std::vector; std::vector* Z_c = new std::vector; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < nplanes; ii++ ) { (*R_c).push_back( solParam[4+2*ii] ); (*Z_c).push_back( solParam[4+2*ii+1] ); } G4double phiTotal = solParam[1]; if( std::fabs(phiTotal - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiTotal = twopi; } solid = new G4Polyhedra( sname, solParam[0], phiTotal, G4int(solParam[2]), nplanes, &((*R_c)[0]), &((*Z_c)[0])); } } else if( stype == "ELLIPTICALTUBE" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 3, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4EllipticalTube( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2]); } else if( stype == "ELLIPSOID" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 5, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4Ellipsoid( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], solParam[4] ); } else if( stype == "ELLIPTICALCONE" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 4, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4EllipticalCone( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3] ); } else if( stype == "HYPE" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 5, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4Hype( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], solParam[4] ); } else if( stype == "TET" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 12, solParam.size() ); G4ThreeVector anchor(solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2]); G4ThreeVector p2(solParam[3], solParam[4], solParam[5]); G4ThreeVector p3(solParam[6], solParam[7], solParam[8]); G4ThreeVector p4(solParam[9], solParam[10], solParam[11]); solid = new G4Tet( sname, anchor, p2, p3, p4 ); } else if( stype == "TWISTEDBOX" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 4, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4TwistedBox( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3]); } else if( stype == "TWISTEDTRAP" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 11, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4TwistedTrap( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], solParam[4], solParam[5], solParam[6], solParam[7], solParam[8], solParam[9], solParam[10] ); } else if( stype == "TWISTEDTRD" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 6, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4TwistedTrd( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], solParam[4], solParam[5]); } else if( stype == "TWISTEDTUBS" ) { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 5, solParam.size() ); G4double phiTotal = solParam[4]; if( std::fabs(phiTotal - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiTotal = twopi; } solid = new G4TwistedTubs( sname, solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2], solParam[3], phiTotal); } else if( stype == "BREPBOX" ) // EntityType is = "Closed_Shell" { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 24, solParam.size() ); std::vector points; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++ ) { points.push_back( G4Point3D(solParam[ii*3+0], solParam[ii*3+1], solParam[ii*3+2]) ); } solid = new G4BREPSolidBox( sname, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5], points[6], points[7] ); } else if( stype == "BREPCYLINDER" ) // EntityType is = "Closed_Shell" { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 11, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4BREPSolidCylinder( sname, G4ThreeVector( solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2] ), G4ThreeVector( solParam[3], solParam[4], solParam[5] ), G4ThreeVector( solParam[6], solParam[7], solParam[8] ), solParam[9], solParam[10] ); } else if( stype == "BREPCONE" ) // EntityType is = "Closed_Shell" { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 12, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4BREPSolidCone( sname, G4ThreeVector( solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2] ), G4ThreeVector( solParam[3], solParam[4], solParam[5] ), G4ThreeVector( solParam[6], solParam[7], solParam[8] ), solParam[9], solParam[10], solParam[11] ); } else if( stype == "BREPSPHERE" ) // EntityType is = "Closed_Shell" { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 10, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4BREPSolidSphere( sname, G4ThreeVector( solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2] ), G4ThreeVector( solParam[3], solParam[4], solParam[5] ), G4ThreeVector( solParam[6], solParam[7], solParam[8] ), solParam[9] ); } else if( stype == "BREPTORUS" ) // EntityType is = "Closed_Shell" { CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 11, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4BREPSolidTorus( sname, G4ThreeVector( solParam[0], solParam[1], solParam[2] ), G4ThreeVector( solParam[3], solParam[4], solParam[5] ), G4ThreeVector( solParam[6], solParam[7], solParam[8] ), solParam[9], solParam[10] ); } else if( stype == "BREPPCONE" ) // EntityType is = "Closed_Shell" { size_t nplanes = size_t(solParam[2]); CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 4+3*nplanes, solParam.size() ); std::vector* z_p = new std::vector; std::vector* rmin_p = new std::vector; std::vector* rmax_p = new std::vector; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < nplanes; ii++ ) { (*z_p).push_back( solParam[4+3*ii] ); (*rmin_p).push_back( solParam[4+3*ii+1] ); (*rmax_p).push_back( solParam[4+3*ii+2] ); } G4double phiTotal = solParam[1]; if( std::fabs(phiTotal - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiTotal = twopi; } CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 12, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4BREPSolidPCone( sname, solParam[0], phiTotal, // start,dph nplanes, // sections solParam[3], // z_start &((*z_p)[0]), &((*rmin_p)[0]), &((*rmax_p)[0])); } else if( stype == "BREPPOLYHEDRA" ) // EntityType is = "Closed_Shell" { size_t nplanes = size_t(solParam[3]); CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 5+3*nplanes, solParam.size() ); std::vector* z_p = new std::vector; std::vector* rmin_p = new std::vector; std::vector* rmax_p = new std::vector; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < nplanes; ii++ ) { (*z_p).push_back( solParam[5+3*ii] ); (*rmin_p).push_back( solParam[5+3*ii+1] ); (*rmax_p).push_back( solParam[5+3*ii+2] ); } G4double phiTotal = solParam[1]; if( std::fabs(phiTotal - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiTotal = twopi; } CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 12, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4BREPSolidPolyhedra( sname, solParam[0], phiTotal, // start,dph G4int(solParam[2]), // sides nplanes, // sections solParam[4], // z_start &((*z_p)[0]), &((*rmin_p)[0]), &((*rmax_p)[0])); } else if( stype == "BREPOPENPCONE" ) // EntityType is = "Closed_Shell" { size_t nplanes = size_t(solParam[2]); std::vector* z_p = new std::vector; std::vector* rmin_p = new std::vector; std::vector* rmax_p = new std::vector; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < nplanes; ii++ ) { (*z_p).push_back( solParam[4+3*ii] ); (*rmin_p).push_back( solParam[4+3*ii+1] ); (*rmax_p).push_back( solParam[4+3*ii+2] ); } G4double phiTotal = solParam[1]; if( std::fabs(phiTotal - twopi) < angularTolerance ) { phiTotal = twopi; } CheckNoSolidParams( stype, 12, solParam.size() ); solid = new G4BREPSolidOpenPCone( sname, solParam[0], phiTotal, // start,dph nplanes, // sections solParam[3], // z_start &((*z_p)[0]), &((*rmin_p)[0]), &((*rmax_p)[0])); } else if( stype == "TESSELLATED" ) { G4int nFacets = G4int(solParam[0]); G4int jj = 0; solid = new G4TessellatedSolid(sname); G4TessellatedSolid* solidTS = (G4TessellatedSolid*)(solid); G4VFacet* facet=0; for( G4int ii = 0; ii < nFacets; ii++){ G4int nPoints = G4int(solParam[jj+1]); if( G4int(solParam.size()) < jj + nPoints*3 + 2 ) { G4String Err1 = "Too small number of parameters in tesselated solid, it should be at least " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(jj + nPoints*3 + 2 ); G4String Err2 = " facet number " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(ii); G4String Err3 = " number of parameters is " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(solParam.size())); G4String ErrMessage = Err1 + Err2 + Err3 + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } if( nPoints == 3 ) { G4ThreeVector pt0(solParam[jj+2],solParam[jj+3],solParam[jj+4]); G4ThreeVector vt1(solParam[jj+5],solParam[jj+6],solParam[jj+7]); G4ThreeVector vt2(solParam[jj+8],solParam[jj+9],solParam[jj+10]); G4FacetVertexType vertexType = ABSOLUTE; if( solParam[jj+11] == 0 ) { vertexType = ABSOLUTE; } else if( solParam[jj+11] == 0 ) { vertexType = RELATIVE; } else { G4String Err1 = "Wrong number of vertex type in tesselated solid, it should be 0 =ABSOLUTE) or 1 (=RELATIVE)"; G4String Err2 = " facet number " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(ii)); G4String Err3 = " vertex type is " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(solParam[jj+11]); G4String ErrMessage = Err1 + Err2 + Err3 + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } facet = new G4TriangularFacet( pt0, vt1, vt2, vertexType ); } else if( nPoints == 4 ) { G4ThreeVector pt0(solParam[jj+2],solParam[jj+3],solParam[jj+4]); G4ThreeVector vt1(solParam[jj+5],solParam[jj+6],solParam[jj+7]); G4ThreeVector vt2(solParam[jj+8],solParam[jj+9],solParam[jj+10]); G4ThreeVector vt3(solParam[jj+11],solParam[jj+12],solParam[jj+13]); G4FacetVertexType vertexType = ABSOLUTE; if( solParam[jj+14] == 0 ) { vertexType = ABSOLUTE; } else if( solParam[jj+14] == 0 ) { vertexType = RELATIVE; } else { G4String Err1 = "Wrong number of vertex type in tesselated solid, it should be 0 =ABSOLUTE) or 1 (=RELATIVE)"; G4String Err2 = " facet number " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(ii)); G4String Err3 = " vertex type is " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(solParam[jj+14]); G4String ErrMessage = Err1 + Err2 + Err3 + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } facet = new G4QuadrangularFacet( pt0, vt1, vt2, vt3, vertexType ); } else { G4String Err1 = "Wrong number of points in tesselated solid, it should be 3 or 4"; G4String Err2 = " facet number " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(ii)); G4String Err3 = " number of points is " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(nPoints)); G4String ErrMessage = Err1 + Err2 + Err3 + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } solidTS->AddFacet( facet ); jj += nPoints*3 + 2; } } else if( stype == "EXTRUDED" ) { std::vector polygonList; std::vector zsectionList; G4int nPolygons = G4int(solParam[0]); G4int ii = 1; G4int nMax = nPolygons*2+1; for( ;ii < nMax; ii+=2 ) { polygonList.push_back( G4TwoVector(solParam[ii],solParam[ii+1]) ); } G4int nZSections = G4int(solParam[ii]); nMax = nPolygons*2 + nZSections*4 + 2; ii++; for( ; ii < nMax; ii+=4 ) { G4TwoVector offset(solParam[ii+1],solParam[ii+2]); zsectionList.push_back( G4ExtrudedSolid::ZSection(solParam[ii],offset,solParam[ii+3]) ); } solid = new G4ExtrudedSolid( sname, polygonList, zsectionList ); } else if( stype.substr(0,7) == "Boolean" ) { const G4tgrSolidBoolean* solb = dynamic_cast(sol); if (!solb) { G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Invalid Solid pointer"); return 0; } G4VSolid* sol1 = FindOrConstructG4Solid( solb->GetSolid(0)); G4VSolid* sol2 = FindOrConstructG4Solid( solb->GetSolid(1)); G4RotationMatrix* relRotMat = G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr::GetInstance() ->FindOrBuildG4RotMatrix( sol->GetRelativeRotMatName() ); G4ThreeVector relPlace = solb->GetRelativePlace(); if( stype == "Boolean_UNION" ) { solid = new G4UnionSolid( sname, sol1, sol2, relRotMat, relPlace ); } else if( stype == "Boolean_SUBTRACTION" ) { solid = new G4SubtractionSolid( sname, sol1, sol2, relRotMat, relPlace ); } else if( stype == "Boolean_INTERSECTION" ) { solid = new G4IntersectionSolid( sname, sol1, sol2, relRotMat, relPlace ); } else { G4String ErrMessage = "Unknown Boolean type " + stype; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } } else { G4String ErrMessage = "Solids of type " + stype + " not implemented yet, sorry..."; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()", "NotImplemented", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::FindOrConstructG4Solid()" << G4endl << " Created solid " << sname << " of type " << solid->GetEntityType() << G4endl; } #endif #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new G4Solid: " << *solid << G4endl; } #endif return solid; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolume::CheckNoSolidParams( const G4String& solidType, const unsigned int NoParamExpected, const unsigned int NoParam ) { if( NoParamExpected != NoParam ) { G4String Err1 = "Solid type " + solidType + " should have "; G4String Err2 = G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(NoParamExpected)) + " parameters,\n"; G4String Err3 = "and it has " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(NoParam)); G4String ErrMessage = Err1 + Err2 + Err3 + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::CheckNoSolidParams()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- G4LogicalVolume* G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4LogVol( const G4VSolid* solid ) { G4LogicalVolume* logvol; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4LogVol() - " << GetName() << G4endl; } #endif //----------- Get the material first G4Material* mate = G4tgbMaterialMgr::GetInstance() ->FindOrBuildG4Material( theTgrVolume->GetMaterialName() ); if( mate == 0 ) { G4String ErrMessage = "Material not found " + theTgrVolume->GetMaterialName() + " for volume " + GetName() + "."; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4LogVol()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4LogVol() -" << " Material constructed: " << mate->GetName() << G4endl; } #endif //---------- Construct the LV logvol = new G4LogicalVolume( const_cast(solid), const_cast(mate), GetName() ); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new G4LogicalVolume: " << logvol->GetName() << " mate " << mate->GetName() << G4endl; } #endif //---------- Set visibility and colour if( !GetVisibility() || GetColour()[0] != -1 ) { G4VisAttributes* visAtt = new G4VisAttributes(); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new G4VisAttributes: " << *visAtt << G4endl; } #endif if( !GetVisibility() ) { visAtt->SetVisibility( GetVisibility() ); } else if( GetColour()[0] != -1 ) { // this else should not be necessary, because if the visibility // is set to off, colour should have no effect. But it does not // work: if you set colour and vis off, it is visualized!?!?!? const G4double* col = GetColour(); if( col[3] == -1. ) { visAtt->SetColour( G4Colour(col[0],col[1],col[2])); } else { visAtt->SetColour( G4Colour(col[0],col[1],col[2],col[3])); } } logvol->SetVisAttributes(visAtt); } #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4LogVol() -" << " Created logical volume: " << GetName() << G4endl; } #endif return logvol; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- G4VPhysicalVolume* G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4PhysVol( const G4tgrPlace* place, const G4LogicalVolume* currentLV, const G4LogicalVolume* parentLV ) { G4VPhysicalVolume* physvol = 0; G4int copyNo; //----- Case of placement of top volume if( place == 0 ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4PhysVol() - World: " << GetName() << G4endl; } #endif physvol = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(), const_cast(currentLV), GetName(), 0, false, 0, theTgrVolume->GetCheckOverlaps()); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new : G4PVPlacement " << physvol->GetName() << G4endl; } #endif } else { copyNo = place->GetCopyNo(); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4PhysVol() - " << GetName() << G4endl << " inside " << parentLV->GetName() << " copy No: " << copyNo << " of type= " << theTgrVolume->GetType() << G4endl << " placement type= " << place->GetType() << G4endl; } #endif if( theTgrVolume->GetType() == "VOLSimple" ) { //----- Get placement #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4PhysVol() - Placement type = " << place->GetType() << G4endl; } #endif //--------------- If it is G4tgrPlaceSimple if( place->GetType() == "PlaceSimple" ) { //----- Get rotation matrix G4tgrPlaceSimple* placeSimple = (G4tgrPlaceSimple*)place; G4String rmName = placeSimple->GetRotMatName(); G4RotationMatrix* rotmat = G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr::GetInstance() ->FindOrBuildG4RotMatrix( rmName ); //----- Place volume in mother G4double check = (rotmat->colX().cross(rotmat->colY()))*rotmat->colZ(); G4double tol = 1.0e-3; //---- Check that matrix is ortogonal if (1-std::abs(check)>tol) { G4cerr << " Matrix : " << rmName << " " << rotmat->colX() << " " << rotmat->colY() << " " << rotmat->colZ() << G4endl << " product x X y * z = " << check << " x X y " << rotmat->colX().cross(rotmat->colY()) << G4endl; G4String ErrMessage = "Rotation is not ortogonal " + rmName + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4PhysVol()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); //---- Check if it is reflection } else if (1+check<=tol) { G4Translate3D transl = place->GetPlacement(); G4Transform3D trfrm = transl * G4Rotate3D(*rotmat); physvol = (G4ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(trfrm, GetName(), const_cast(currentLV), const_cast(parentLV), false, copyNo, false )).first; } else { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << "Construction new G4VPhysicalVolume" << " through G4ReflectionFactory " << GetName() << " in volume " << parentLV->GetName() << " copyNo " << copyNo << " position " << place->GetPlacement() << " ROT " << rotmat->colX() << " " << rotmat->colY() << " " << rotmat->colZ() << G4endl; } #endif physvol = new G4PVPlacement( rotmat, place->GetPlacement(), const_cast(currentLV), GetName(), const_cast(parentLV), false, copyNo, theTgrVolume->GetCheckOverlaps()); } //--------------- If it is G4tgrPlaceParam } else if( place->GetType() == "PlaceParam" ) { G4tgrPlaceParameterisation* dp = (G4tgrPlaceParameterisation*)(place); //----- See what parameterisation type #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4PhysVol() -" << G4endl << " param: " << GetName() << " in " << parentLV->GetName() << " param type= " << dp->GetParamType() << G4endl; } #endif G4tgbPlaceParameterisation * param=0; if( (dp->GetParamType() == "CIRCLE") || (dp->GetParamType() == "CIRCLE_XY") || (dp->GetParamType() == "CIRCLE_XZ") || (dp->GetParamType() == "CIRCLE_YZ") ) { param = new G4tgbPlaceParamCircle(dp); } else if( (dp->GetParamType() == "LINEAR") || (dp->GetParamType() == "LINEAR_X") || (dp->GetParamType() == "LINEAR_Y") || (dp->GetParamType() == "LINEAR_Z") ) { param = new G4tgbPlaceParamLinear(dp); } else if( (dp->GetParamType() == "SQUARE") || (dp->GetParamType() == "SQUARE_XY") || (dp->GetParamType() == "SQUARE_XZ") || (dp->GetParamType() == "SQUARE_YZ") ) { param = new G4tgbPlaceParamSquare(dp); } else { G4String ErrMessage = "Parameterisation has wrong type, TYPE: " + G4String(dp->GetParamType()) + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4PhysVol", "WrongArgument", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4PhysVol() -" << G4endl << " New G4PVParameterised: " << GetName() << " vol " << currentLV->GetName() << " in vol " << parentLV->GetName() << " axis " << param->GetAxis() << " nCopies " << param->GetNCopies() << G4endl; } #endif physvol = new G4PVParameterised(GetName(), const_cast(currentLV), const_cast(parentLV), EAxis(param->GetAxis()), param->GetNCopies(), param); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new G4PVParameterised: " << physvol->GetName() << " in volume " << parentLV->GetName() << " N copies " << param->GetNCopies() << " axis " << param->GetAxis() << G4endl; } #endif } else if( place->GetType() == "PlaceReplica" ) { //--------------- If it is PlaceReplica G4tgrPlaceDivRep* dpr = (G4tgrPlaceDivRep*)place; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4PhysVol() -" << G4endl << " replica" << " " << currentLV->GetName() << " in " << parentLV->GetName() << " NDiv " << dpr->GetNDiv() << " Width " << dpr->GetWidth() << " offset " << dpr->GetOffset() << G4endl; } #endif physvol = new G4PVReplica(GetName(), const_cast(currentLV), const_cast(parentLV), EAxis(dpr->GetAxis()), dpr->GetNDiv(), dpr->GetWidth(), dpr->GetOffset()); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new G4PVReplica: " << currentLV->GetName() << " in " << parentLV->GetName() << " NDiv " << dpr->GetNDiv() << " Width " << dpr->GetWidth() << " offset " << dpr->GetOffset() << G4endl; } #endif } } else if( theTgrVolume->GetType() == "VOLDivision" ) { G4tgrVolumeDivision* volr = (G4tgrVolumeDivision*)theTgrVolume; G4tgrPlaceDivRep* placeDiv = volr->GetPlaceDivision() ; G4VSolid* solid = BuildSolidForDivision( parentLV->GetSolid(), placeDiv->GetAxis() ); G4Material* mate = G4tgbMaterialMgr::GetInstance() ->FindOrBuildG4Material( theTgrVolume->GetMaterialName() ); G4LogicalVolume* divLV = new G4LogicalVolume(solid, const_cast(mate), GetName() ); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructed new G4LogicalVolume for division: " << divLV->GetName() << " mate " << mate->GetName() << G4endl; } #endif G4DivType divType = placeDiv->GetDivType(); switch (divType) { case DivByNdiv: physvol = new G4PVDivision(GetName(), (G4LogicalVolume*)divLV, const_cast(parentLV), placeDiv->GetAxis(), placeDiv->GetNDiv(), placeDiv->GetOffset()); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new G4PVDivision by number of divisions: " << GetName() << " in " << parentLV->GetName() << " axis " << placeDiv->GetAxis() << " Ndiv " << placeDiv->GetNDiv() << " offset " << placeDiv->GetOffset() << G4endl; } #endif break; case DivByWidth: physvol = new G4PVDivision(GetName(), (G4LogicalVolume*)divLV, const_cast(parentLV), placeDiv->GetAxis(), placeDiv->GetWidth(), placeDiv->GetOffset()); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new G4PVDivision by width: " << GetName() << " in " << parentLV->GetName() << " axis " << placeDiv->GetAxis() << " width " << placeDiv->GetWidth() << " offset " << placeDiv->GetOffset() << G4endl; } #endif break; case DivByNdivAndWidth: physvol = new G4PVDivision(GetName(), (G4LogicalVolume*)divLV, const_cast(parentLV), placeDiv->GetAxis(), placeDiv->GetNDiv(), placeDiv->GetWidth(), placeDiv->GetOffset()); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new G4PVDivision by width" << " and number of divisions: " << GetName() << " in " << parentLV->GetName() << " axis " << placeDiv->GetAxis() << " Ndiv " << placeDiv->GetNDiv() << " width " << placeDiv->GetWidth() << " offset " << placeDiv->GetOffset() << G4endl; } #endif break; } } else if( theTgrVolume->GetType() == "VOLAssembly" ) { // Define one layer as one assembly volume G4tgrVolumeAssembly * tgrAssembly = (G4tgrVolumeAssembly *)theTgrVolume; if( !theG4AssemblyVolume ) { theG4AssemblyVolume = new G4AssemblyVolume; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new G4AssemblyVolume: " << " number of assembly components " << tgrAssembly->GetNoComponents() << G4endl; } #endif G4tgbVolumeMgr* g4vmgr = G4tgbVolumeMgr::GetInstance(); for( G4int ii = 0; ii < tgrAssembly->GetNoComponents(); ii++ ) { // Rotation and translation of a plate inside the assembly G4ThreeVector transl = tgrAssembly->GetComponentPos(ii); G4String rmName = tgrAssembly->GetComponentRM(ii); G4RotationMatrix* rotmat = G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr::GetInstance() ->FindOrBuildG4RotMatrix( rmName ); //----- Get G4LogicalVolume of component G4String lvname = tgrAssembly->GetComponentName(ii); G4LogicalVolume* logvol = g4vmgr->FindG4LogVol( lvname); if( logvol == 0 ) { g4vmgr->FindVolume( lvname )->ConstructG4Volumes( 0, 0); logvol = g4vmgr->FindG4LogVol( lvname, true ); } // Fill the assembly by the plates theG4AssemblyVolume->AddPlacedVolume( logvol, transl, rotmat ); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " G4AssemblyVolume->AddPlacedVolume " << ii << " " << logvol->GetName() << " translation " << transl << " rotmat " << rotmat->colX() << " " << rotmat->colY() << " " << rotmat->colZ() << G4endl; } #endif } } // Rotation and Translation of the assembly inside the world G4tgrPlaceSimple* placeSimple = (G4tgrPlaceSimple*)place; G4String rmName = placeSimple->GetRotMatName(); G4RotationMatrix* rotmat = G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr::GetInstance() ->FindOrBuildG4RotMatrix( rmName ); G4ThreeVector transl = place->GetPlacement(); G4LogicalVolume* parentLV_nonconst = const_cast(parentLV); theG4AssemblyVolume->MakeImprint( parentLV_nonconst, transl, rotmat ); } else // If it is G4tgrVolumeAssembly { G4String ErrMessage = "Volume type not supported: " + theTgrVolume->GetType() + ", sorry..."; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::ConstructG4PhysVol()", "NotImplemented", FatalException, ErrMessage); } } return physvol; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- G4VSolid* G4tgbVolume::BuildSolidForDivision( G4VSolid* parentSolid, EAxis axis ) { G4VSolid* solid=0; G4double redf = (parentSolid->GetExtent().GetXmax()-parentSolid->GetExtent().GetXmin()); redf = std::min(redf,parentSolid->GetExtent().GetYmax()-parentSolid->GetExtent().GetYmin()); redf = std::min(redf,parentSolid->GetExtent().GetZmax()-parentSolid->GetExtent().GetZmin()); redf *= 0.001; //make daugther much smaller, to fit in parent if( parentSolid->GetEntityType() == "G4Box" ) { G4Box* psolid = (G4Box*)(parentSolid); solid = new G4Box(GetName(), psolid->GetXHalfLength()*redf, psolid->GetZHalfLength()*redf, psolid->GetZHalfLength()*redf); } else if ( parentSolid->GetEntityType() == "G4Tubs" ) { G4Tubs* psolid = (G4Tubs*)(parentSolid); solid = new G4Tubs( GetName(), psolid->GetInnerRadius()*redf, psolid->GetOuterRadius()*redf, psolid->GetZHalfLength()*redf, psolid->GetSPhi(), psolid->GetDPhi()); } else if ( parentSolid->GetEntityType() == "G4Cons" ) { G4Cons* psolid = (G4Cons*)(parentSolid); solid = new G4Cons( GetName(), psolid->GetInnerRadiusMinusZ()*redf, psolid->GetOuterRadiusMinusZ()*redf, psolid->GetInnerRadiusPlusZ()*redf, psolid->GetOuterRadiusPlusZ()*redf, psolid->GetZHalfLength()*redf, psolid->GetSPhi(), psolid->GetDPhi()); } else if ( parentSolid->GetEntityType() == "G4Trd" ) { G4Trd* psolid = (G4Trd*)(parentSolid); G4double mpDx1 = psolid->GetXHalfLength1(); G4double mpDx2 = psolid->GetXHalfLength2(); if( axis == kXAxis && std::fabs(mpDx1 - mpDx2) > G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetSurfaceTolerance() ) { solid = new G4Trap( GetName(), psolid->GetZHalfLength()*redf, psolid->GetYHalfLength1()*redf, psolid->GetXHalfLength2()*redf, psolid->GetXHalfLength1()*redf ); } else { solid = new G4Trd( GetName(), psolid->GetXHalfLength1()*redf, psolid->GetXHalfLength2()*redf, psolid->GetYHalfLength1()*redf, psolid->GetYHalfLength2()*redf, psolid->GetZHalfLength()*redf); } } else if ( parentSolid->GetEntityType() == "G4Para" ) { G4Para* psolid = (G4Para*)(parentSolid); solid = new G4Para( GetName(), psolid->GetXHalfLength()*redf, psolid->GetYHalfLength()*redf, psolid->GetZHalfLength()*redf, std::atan(psolid->GetTanAlpha()), psolid->GetSymAxis().theta(), psolid->GetSymAxis().phi() ); } else if ( parentSolid->GetEntityType() == "G4Polycone" ) { G4Polycone* psolid = (G4Polycone*)(parentSolid); G4PolyconeHistorical origParam = *(psolid->GetOriginalParameters()); for( G4int ii = 0; ii < origParam.Num_z_planes; ii++ ) { origParam.Rmin[ii] = origParam.Rmin[ii]*redf; origParam.Rmax[ii] = origParam.Rmax[ii]*redf; } solid = new G4Polycone( GetName(), psolid->GetStartPhi(), psolid->GetEndPhi(), origParam.Num_z_planes, origParam.Z_values, origParam.Rmin, origParam.Rmax); } else if ( parentSolid->GetEntityType() == "G4Polyhedra" ) { G4Polyhedra* psolid = (G4Polyhedra*)(parentSolid); G4PolyhedraHistorical origParam = *(psolid->GetOriginalParameters()); for( G4int ii = 0; ii < origParam.Num_z_planes; ii++ ) { origParam.Rmin[ii] = origParam.Rmin[ii]*redf; origParam.Rmax[ii] = origParam.Rmax[ii]*redf; } solid = new G4Polyhedra( GetName(), psolid->GetStartPhi(), psolid->GetEndPhi(), psolid->GetNumSide(), origParam.Num_z_planes, origParam.Z_values, origParam.Rmin, origParam.Rmax); } else { G4String ErrMessage = "Solid type not supported. VOLUME= " + GetName() + " Solid type= " + parentSolid->GetEntityType() + "\n" + "Only supported types are: G4Box, G4Tubs, G4Cons," + " G4Trd, G4Para, G4Polycone, G4Polyhedra."; G4Exception("G4tgbVolume::BuildSolidForDivision()", "NotImplemented", FatalException, ErrMessage); return 0; } #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " Constructing new G4Solid for division: " << *solid << G4endl; } #endif return solid; }