// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4tgbVolumeMgr.cc,v 1.10 2010/12/15 11:29:54 arce Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-ref-00 $ // // // class G4tgbVolumeMgr // History: // - Created. P.Arce, CIEMAT (November 2007) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4tgbVolume.hh" #include "G4tgbVolumeMgr.hh" #include "G4tgbMaterialMgr.hh" #include "G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr.hh" #include "G4tgrVolumeMgr.hh" #include "G4tgrFileReader.hh" #include "G4tgrUtils.hh" #include "G4VSolid.hh" #include "G4PhysicalVolumeStore.hh" #include "G4ReflectionFactory.hh" #include "G4tgrMessenger.hh" #include "G4tgbDetectorBuilder.hh" G4tgbVolumeMgr* G4tgbVolumeMgr::theInstance = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgbVolumeMgr::G4tgbVolumeMgr() { G4ReflectionFactory::Instance()->SetScalePrecision(1.E-6*mm); // NOTE: problems building matrices with not enough figures, // like :ROTM RR30 0.866025 0.5 0. -0.5 0.866025 0. 0. 0 -1 theDetectorBuilder = new G4tgbDetectorBuilder(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgbVolumeMgr::~G4tgbVolumeMgr() { delete theDetectorBuilder; delete theInstance; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgbVolumeMgr* G4tgbVolumeMgr::GetInstance() { if( !theInstance ) { theInstance = new G4tgbVolumeMgr(); } return theInstance; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::AddTextFile( const G4String& fname ) { G4tgrFileReader::GetInstance()->AddTextFile( fname ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4VPhysicalVolume* G4tgbVolumeMgr::ReadAndConstructDetector() { const G4tgrVolume* tgrVoltop = theDetectorBuilder->ReadDetector(); return theDetectorBuilder->ConstructDetector(tgrVoltop); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::RegisterMe( const G4tgbVolume* vol ) { theVolumeList.insert( G4mssvol::value_type( vol->GetName(), const_cast(vol) ) ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::RegisterMe( const G4VSolid* solid ) { theSolids.insert( G4mmssol::value_type( solid->GetName(), const_cast(solid) ) ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::RegisterMe( const G4LogicalVolume* lv ) { theLVs.insert( G4mmslv::value_type( lv->GetName(), const_cast(lv) ) ); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolumeMgr::RegisterMe() - Logical volume registered: " << lv->GetName() << G4endl; } #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::RegisterMe( const G4VPhysicalVolume* pv ) { thePVs.insert( G4mmspv::value_type( pv->GetName(), const_cast(pv) ) ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::RegisterChildParentLVs( const G4LogicalVolume* logvol, const G4LogicalVolume* parentLV ) { theLVInvTree[const_cast(logvol)] = const_cast(parentLV); theLVTree[const_cast(parentLV)] = const_cast(logvol); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::CopyVolumes() { //--------- Loop G4tgbVolume's and create a G4tgbVolume for each DetUnit G4mapsvol::iterator cite; G4mapsvol vollist = G4tgrVolumeMgr::GetInstance()->GetVolumeMap(); for(cite = vollist.begin(); cite != vollist.end(); cite++) { G4tgrVolume* tgrvol = const_cast( (*cite).second ); G4tgbVolume* svol = new G4tgbVolume( tgrvol ); RegisterMe( svol ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgbVolume* G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindVolume( const G4String& volname) { G4mssvol::const_iterator cite = theVolumeList.find( volname ); if( cite == theVolumeList.end() ) { G4String ErrMessage = "G4tgbVolume not found: " + volname + " !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindVolume()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } return (*cite).second; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4VSolid* G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindG4Solid( const G4String& name ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindG4Solid() - " << name << G4endl; } #endif G4VSolid* oldSolid = 0; std::pair mmssdi; mmssdi = theSolids.equal_range( name ); if( mmssdi.first != mmssdi.second ) { // check there is a solid found G4mmssol::const_iterator mmsscite = mmssdi.first; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindG4Solid() - Solid finding " << name << G4endl; } #endif /* G4VSolid overwrites the operator== comparing the addresses => this cannot be used !! Then just compare solids by name =>> POSP tag cannot be used for the moment ... if( solid == *( (*mmsscite).second ) ) { oldSolid = (*mmsscite).second; break; } until we write operator== for each solid type, we take a solid with the same name (therefore we will not allow two solids with equal name and different parameters (POSP) ) */ oldSolid = (*mmsscite).second; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 1 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindG4Solid() - Solid already found " << name << G4endl; } #endif } #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindG4Solid() - Old solid: " << oldSolid << G4endl; } #endif return oldSolid; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4LogicalVolume* G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindG4LogVol( const G4String& name, const G4bool exists ) { G4mmslv::const_iterator mscite = theLVs.find( name ); if( mscite == theLVs.end() ) { if( exists ) { G4String ErrMessage = "Logical volume name " + name + " not found !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindG4LogVol()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } return 0; } else { return (*mscite).second; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4VPhysicalVolume* G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindG4PhysVol( const G4String& name, const G4bool exists ) { G4mmspv::const_iterator mscite = thePVs.find( name ); if( mscite == thePVs.end() ) { if( exists ) { G4String ErrMessage = "Physical volume name " + name + " not found !"; G4Exception("G4tgbVolumeMgr::FindG4PhysVol()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } return 0; } else { return (*mscite).second; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4VPhysicalVolume* G4tgbVolumeMgr::GetTopPhysVol() { G4LogicalVolume* lv = GetTopLogVol(); G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = ( *(thePVs.find( lv->GetName() )) ).second; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolumeMgr::GetTopPhysVol() - pv: " << pv->GetName() << G4endl; } #endif return pv; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4LogicalVolume* G4tgbVolumeMgr::GetTopLogVol() { //----------- Start from any G4LogicalVolume, because if you go upwards // you will always end at the top #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolumeMgr::GetTopLogVol theLVInvTresize " << theLVInvTree.size() << G4endl; } #endif if( theLVInvTree.size() == 0 ) { G4Exception("G4tgbVolumeMgr::GetTopLogVol()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "theLVInvTree has no elements."); } G4LogicalVolume* lv = (*(theLVInvTree.begin())).second; //------- if first element is the top LV, its parent is 0 if( lv == 0 ) { lv = (*(theLVInvTree.begin())).first; } else { while( (*(theLVInvTree.find( lv ))).second != 0) { //---------- get parent of first position lv = (*(theLVInvTree.find( lv ))).second; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4tgbVolumeMgr::GetTopPhysVol: lv " << lv->GetName() << G4endl; } #endif } } return lv; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::BuildPhysVolTree() { /* G4PhysicalVolumeStore* pvs = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); std::vector::iterator cite; for( cite = pvs->begin(); cite != pvs->end(); cite++ ) { thePVTree[ *cite ] = (*cite)->GetMother(); thePVInvTree[ (*cite)->GetMother() ] = *cite; } */ } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::DumpSummary() { //---------- Dump number of objects of each class G4cout << " @@@@@@@@@@@@@ Dumping Geant4 geometry objects Summary " << G4endl; G4cout << " @@@ Geometry built inside world volume: " << GetTopPhysVol()->GetName() << G4endl; G4cout << " Number of G4VSolid's: " << theSolids.size() << G4endl; G4cout << " Number of G4LogicalVolume's: " << theLVs.size() << G4endl; G4cout << " Number of G4VPhysicalVolume's: " << thePVs.size() << G4endl; G4tgbMaterialMgr* mateMgr = G4tgbMaterialMgr::GetInstance(); G4cout << " Number of G4Isotope's: " << mateMgr->GetG4IsotopeList().size() << G4endl; G4cout << " Number of G4Element's: " << mateMgr->GetG4ElementList().size() << G4endl; G4cout << " Number of G4Material's: " << mateMgr->GetG4MaterialList().size() << G4endl; G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr* rotmMgr = G4tgbRotationMatrixMgr::GetInstance(); G4cout << " Number of G4RotationMatrix's: " << rotmMgr->GetG4RotMatList().size() << G4endl; //---------- Dump list of objects of each class DumpG4SolidList(); DumpG4LogVolTree(); DumpG4PhysVolTree(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::DumpG4SolidList() { G4mmssol::const_iterator cite; for( cite = theSolids.begin(); cite != theSolids.end(); cite++) { G4cout << "G4SOLID: " << (*cite).second->GetName() << " of type " << (*cite).second->GetEntityType() << G4endl; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::DumpG4LogVolTree() { G4cout << " @@@@@@@@@@@@@ DUMPING G4LogicalVolume's Tree " << G4endl; G4LogicalVolume* lv = GetTopLogVol(); DumpG4LogVolLeaf(lv, 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::DumpG4LogVolLeaf( const G4LogicalVolume* lv, unsigned int leafDepth) { for( size_t ii=0; ii < leafDepth; ii++ ) { G4cout << " "; } G4cout << " LV:(" << leafDepth << ")" << lv->GetName() << G4endl; //---------- construct the children of this volume G4LogicalVolume* lvnc = const_cast(lv); std::pair children = theLVTree.equal_range( lvnc ); G4mlvlv::iterator cite; leafDepth++; // for( cite = children.first; cite != children.second; cite++ ) // { // DumpG4LVLeaf( (*cite)->second, leafDepth ); // } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::DumpG4PhysVolTree() { G4cout << " @@@@@@@@@@@@@ DUMPING G4PhysicalVolume's Tree " << G4endl; G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = GetTopPhysVol(); DumpG4PhysVolLeaf(pv, 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgbVolumeMgr::DumpG4PhysVolLeaf( const G4VPhysicalVolume* pv, unsigned int leafDepth) { for( size_t ii=0; ii < leafDepth; ii++ ) { G4cout << " "; } G4cout << " PV:(" << leafDepth << ")" << pv->GetName() << G4endl; //---------- construct the children of this PV G4VPhysicalVolume* pvnc = const_cast(pv); std::pair children = thePVTree.equal_range( pvnc ); G4mpvpv::iterator cite; leafDepth++; // for( cite = children.first; cite != children.second; cite++ ) // { // DumpG4PVLeaf( (*cite)->second, leafDepth ); // } }