// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4tgrFileIn.cc,v 1.13 2010/12/15 11:29:54 arce Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-ref-00 $ // // // class G4tgrFileIn // History: // - Created. P.Arce, CIEMAT (November 2007) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "globals.hh" #include #include #include #include "G4tgrFileIn.hh" #include "G4tgrMessenger.hh" #include "G4tgrUtils.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" std::vector G4tgrFileIn::theInstances; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgrFileIn::G4tgrFileIn() : theCurrentFile(-1), theName("") { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgrFileIn::~G4tgrFileIn() { /* std::vector::const_iterator vfcite; for( vfcite = theInstances.begin(); vfcite != theInstances.end(); vfcite++) { delete *vfcite; } */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgrFileIn& G4tgrFileIn::GetInstance( const G4String& filename ) { std::vector::const_iterator vfcite; for( vfcite = theInstances.begin(); vfcite != theInstances.end(); vfcite++) { if( (*vfcite)->GetName() == filename) { return *(*vfcite); } } G4tgrFileIn* instance = 0; if( vfcite == theInstances.end() ) { instance = new G4tgrFileIn( filename ); instance->theCurrentFile = -1; instance->OpenNewFile( filename.c_str() ); theInstances.push_back( instance ); } return *instance; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrFileIn::OpenNewFile( const char* filename ) { theCurrentFile++; std::ifstream* fin = new std::ifstream(filename); theFiles.push_back(fin); theLineNo.push_back( 0 ); theNames.push_back( filename ); #ifndef OS_SUN_4_2 if( !fin->is_open() ) { G4String ErrMessage = "Input file does not exist: " + G4String(filename); G4Exception("G4tgrFileIn::OpenNewFile()", "InvalidInput", FatalException, ErrMessage); } #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgrFileIn& G4tgrFileIn::GetInstanceOpened( const G4String& filename ) { G4tgrFileIn& filein = G4tgrFileIn::GetInstance(filename); if (filein.GetName() != filename ) { G4String ErrMessage = "File not opened yet: " + filename; G4Exception("G4tgrFileIn::GetInstanceOpened()", "InvalidInput", FatalException, ErrMessage); } else { return filein; } return filein; // to avoid compilation warnings } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4int G4tgrFileIn::GetWordsInLine( std::vector& wordlist) { G4int isok = 1; //---------- Read a line of file: // NOTE: cannot be read with a istream_iterator, // because it uses G4cout, and then doesn't read '\n' //----- Clear wordlist G4int wsiz = wordlist.size(); G4int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < wsiz; ii++) { wordlist.pop_back(); } //---------- Loop lines while there is an ending '\' or line is blank const G4int NMAXLIN = 1000; char ltemp[NMAXLIN]; // there won't be lines longer than NMAXLIN characters for (;;) { (theLineNo[theCurrentFile])++; for ( ii = 0; ii < NMAXLIN; ii++) { ltemp[ii] = ' '; } theFiles[theCurrentFile]->getline( ltemp, NMAXLIN ); //---------- Check for lines longer than NMAXLIN character for ( ii=0; ii < NMAXLIN; ii++) { if ( ltemp[ii] == '\0' ) { break; } } if ( ii == NMAXLIN-1 ) { ErrorInLine(); G4String ErrMessage = "Too long line. Please split it " + G4String("putting a '\\' at the end!"); G4Exception("G4tgrFileIn::GetWordsInLine()", "InvalidInput", FatalException, ErrMessage); } //---------- End of file if ( EndOfFile() ) { return 0; } //---------- Convert line read to istrstream to split it in words std::istringstream istr_line(ltemp); //--------- Count how many words are there in ltemp // this shouln't be needed, but SUN compiler has problems... G4int NoWords = 0; char* tt = ltemp; G4String stemp(ltemp); do { if( *tt != ' ' && *(tt) != '\0' ) { if( tt == ltemp) { NoWords++; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 ) { G4cout << "G4tgrFileIn::GetWordsInLine() - NoWords" << NoWords << ltemp << G4endl; } #endif } else if( *(tt-1) == ' ' || *(tt-1) == '\015' || *(tt-1) == '\t') { NoWords++; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 ) { G4cout << "G4tgrFileIn::GetWordsInLine() - NoWords" << NoWords << ltemp << G4endl; } #endif } } tt++; } while((*tt != '\0') && (stemp.length()!=0)); G4String stempt (ltemp); if(stempt.length() == 0) { NoWords = 0; } //--------- Read words from istr_line and write them into wordlist for( ii=0; ii < NoWords; ii++) { G4String stemp = ""; istr_line >> stemp; if ( stemp.length() == 0 ) { break; } G4int comment = stemp.find(G4String("//") ); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 ) { G4cout << "!!!COMMENT" << comment << stemp.c_str() << G4endl; } #endif if ( comment == 0 ) { break; } else if ( comment > 0 ) { stemp = stemp.substr( 0, comment ); wordlist.push_back(stemp); break; } wordlist.push_back(stemp); } // These two algorithms should be the more STL-like way, but they don't // work for files whose lines end without '\015'=TAB (STL problem: doesn't // find end of string??): // istream_iterator G4String_iter(istr_line); // istream_iterator eosl; // copy(G4String_iter, eosl, back_inserter(wordlist)); // typedef istream_iterator G4String_iter; // copy(G4String_iter(istr_line), G4String_iter(), back_inserter(wordlist)); if ( wordlist.size() != 0 ) { if( (*(wordlist.end()-1)).compare("\\") == 0 ) // use '\' to mark { // continuing line wordlist.pop_back(); } else { break; } } } //--------- A pair of double quotes delimits a word, therefore, look for the // case where there is more than one word between two double quotes std::vector wordlist2; G4String wordq = ""; unsigned int imerge = 0; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < wordlist.size(); ii++) { if( wordlist[ii].substr(0,1) == "\"" ) { imerge = 1; } if( wordlist[ii][ wordlist[ii].size()-1 ] == '\"' ) { if( imerge != 1 ) { G4String err1 = " word with trailing '\"' while there is no"; G4String err2 = " previous word with leading '\"' in line "; G4String err = err1 + err2; DumpException(err); } imerge = 2; } if( imerge == 0 ) { wordlist2.push_back( wordlist[ii] ); } else if( imerge == 1 ) { if( wordq == "" ) { wordq.append( wordlist[ii].substr(1,wordlist[ii].size()) ); } else { wordq.append( wordlist[ii].substr(0,wordlist[ii].size()) ); } wordq.append(" "); } else if( imerge == 2 ) { if( wordq == "" ) { wordq.append( wordlist[ii].substr(1,wordlist[ii].size()-2)); } else { wordq.append( wordlist[ii].substr(0,wordlist[ii].size()-1) ); } wordlist2.push_back( wordq ); wordq = ""; imerge = 0; } } if( imerge == 1 ) { G4String err1 = " word with leading '\"' in line while there is no"; G4String err2 = " later word with trailing '\"' in line "; G4String err = err1 + err2; DumpException(err); } wordlist = wordlist2; // Or why not like this (?): // typedef std::istream_iterator string_iter; // std::copy(string_iter(istr_line), string_iter(), back_inserter(wordlist)); // check if including a new file if( wordlist[0] == "#include" ) { if( wordlist.size() != 2 ) { ErrorInLine(); G4String ErrMessage = "'#include' should have as second argument, the filename !"; G4Exception("G4tgrFileIn::GetWordsInLine()", "InvalidInput", FatalException, ErrMessage); } #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 ) { G4cout << " G4tgrFileIn::GetWordsInLine() - Include found !" << G4endl; } #endif OpenNewFile( wordlist[1].c_str() ); isok = GetWordsInLine( wordlist); } return isok; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrFileIn::ErrorInLine() { G4cerr << "!! EXITING: ERROR IN LINE No " << theLineNo[theCurrentFile] << " file: " << theNames[theCurrentFile] << " : "; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4bool G4tgrFileIn::EndOfFile() { G4bool isok = theFiles[theCurrentFile]->eof(); if( isok ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 ) { G4cout << " G4tgrFileIn::EndOfFile() - EOF: " << theCurrentFile << G4endl; } #endif theCurrentFile--; if( theCurrentFile != -1 ) // Last file will be closed by the user { Close(); } } // Only real closing if all files are closed #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 ) { G4cout << " G4tgrFileIn::EndOfFile() - EOF: " << isok << " " << theCurrentFile << G4endl; } #endif if( theCurrentFile != -1 ) { return 0; } else { return isok; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrFileIn::Close() { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 ) { G4cout << "G4tgrFileIn::Close() - " << theCurrentFile << ", size " << theFiles.size() << G4endl; } #endif theFiles[theCurrentFile+1]->close(); theFiles.pop_back(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrFileIn::DumpException( const G4String& sent ) { G4String Err1 = sent + " in file " + theName; G4String Err2 = " line No: " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(theLineNo[theCurrentFile]); G4String ErrMessage = Err1; G4Exception("G4tgrFileIn::DumpException()", "FileError", FatalException, ErrMessage); }