// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4GDMLReadSolids.cc,v 1.31 2010/06/03 14:19:49 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $ // // class G4GDMLReadSolids Implementation // // Original author: Zoltan Torzsok, November 2007 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4GDMLReadSolids.hh" #include "G4Box.hh" #include "G4Cons.hh" #include "G4Ellipsoid.hh" #include "G4EllipticalCone.hh" #include "G4EllipticalTube.hh" #include "G4Hype.hh" #include "G4IntersectionSolid.hh" #include "G4Orb.hh" #include "G4Para.hh" #include "G4Paraboloid.hh" #include "G4Polycone.hh" #include "G4Polyhedra.hh" #include "G4QuadrangularFacet.hh" #include "G4ReflectedSolid.hh" #include "G4Sphere.hh" #include "G4SolidStore.hh" #include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh" #include "G4GenericTrap.hh" #include "G4TessellatedSolid.hh" #include "G4Tet.hh" #include "G4Torus.hh" #include "G4Transform3D.hh" #include "G4Trap.hh" #include "G4Trd.hh" #include "G4TriangularFacet.hh" #include "G4Tubs.hh" #include "G4TwistedBox.hh" #include "G4TwistedTrap.hh" #include "G4TwistedTrd.hh" #include "G4TwistedTubs.hh" #include "G4UnionSolid.hh" #include "G4OpticalSurface.hh" #include "G4SurfaceProperty.hh" G4GDMLReadSolids::G4GDMLReadSolids() : G4GDMLReadMaterials() { } G4GDMLReadSolids::~G4GDMLReadSolids() { } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: BooleanRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const booleanElement, const BooleanOp op) { G4String name; G4String first; G4String second; G4ThreeVector position(0.0,0.0,0.0); G4ThreeVector rotation(0.0,0.0,0.0); G4ThreeVector firstposition(0.0,0.0,0.0); G4ThreeVector firstrotation(0.0,0.0,0.0); const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = booleanElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } } for (xercesc::DOMNode* iter = booleanElement->getFirstChild(); iter != 0;iter = iter->getNextSibling()) { if (iter->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMElement* const child = dynamic_cast(iter); const G4String tag = Transcode(child->getTagName()); if (tag=="first") { first = RefRead(child); } else if (tag=="second") { second = RefRead(child); } else if (tag=="position") { VectorRead(child,position); } else if (tag=="rotation") { VectorRead(child,rotation); } else if (tag=="positionref") { position = GetPosition(GenerateName(RefRead(child))); } else if (tag=="rotationref") { rotation = GetRotation(GenerateName(RefRead(child))); } else if (tag=="firstposition") { VectorRead(child,firstposition); } else if (tag=="firstrotation") { VectorRead(child,firstrotation); } else if (tag=="firstpositionref") { firstposition = GetPosition(GenerateName(RefRead(child))); } else if (tag=="firstrotationref") { firstrotation = GetRotation(GenerateName(RefRead(child))); } else { G4String error_msg = "Unknown tag in boolean solid: " + tag; G4Exception("G4GDMLReadSolids::BooleanRead()", "ReadError", FatalException, error_msg); } } G4VSolid* firstSolid = GetSolid(GenerateName(first)); G4VSolid* secondSolid = GetSolid(GenerateName(second)); G4Transform3D transform(GetRotationMatrix(rotation),position); if (( (firstrotation.x()!=0.0) || (firstrotation.y()!=0.0) || (firstrotation.z()!=0.0)) || ( (firstposition.x()!=0.0) || (firstposition.y()!=0.0) || (firstposition.z()!=0.0))) { G4Transform3D firsttransform(GetRotationMatrix(firstrotation), firstposition); firstSolid = new G4DisplacedSolid(GenerateName("displaced_"+first), firstSolid, firsttransform); } if (op==UNION) { new G4UnionSolid(name,firstSolid,secondSolid,transform); } else if (op==SUBTRACTION) { new G4SubtractionSolid(name,firstSolid,secondSolid,transform); } else if (op==INTERSECTION) { new G4IntersectionSolid(name,firstSolid,secondSolid,transform); } } void G4GDMLReadSolids::BoxRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const boxElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double x = 0.0; G4double y = 0.0; G4double z = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = boxElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x") { x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y") { y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } x *= 0.5*lunit; y *= 0.5*lunit; z *= 0.5*lunit; new G4Box(name,x,y,z); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::ConeRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const coneElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double rmin1 = 0.0; G4double rmax1 = 0.0; G4double rmin2 = 0.0; G4double rmax2 = 0.0; G4double z = 0.0; G4double startphi = 0.0; G4double deltaphi = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = coneElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmin1") { rmin1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmax1") { rmax1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmin2") { rmin2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmax2") { rmax2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="startphi") { startphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="deltaphi") { deltaphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } rmin1 *= lunit; rmax1 *= lunit; rmin2 *= lunit; rmax2 *= lunit; z *= 0.5*lunit; startphi *= aunit; deltaphi *= aunit; new G4Cons(name,rmin1,rmax1,rmin2,rmax2,z,startphi,deltaphi); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: ElconeRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const elconeElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double dx = 0.0; G4double dy = 0.0; G4double zmax = 0.0; G4double zcut = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = elconeElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="dx") { dx = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="dy") { dy = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="zmax") { zmax = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="zcut") { zcut = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } dx *= lunit; dy *= lunit; zmax *= lunit; zcut *= lunit; new G4EllipticalCone(name,dx,dy,zmax,zcut); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: EllipsoidRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const ellipsoidElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double ax = 0.0; G4double by = 0.0; G4double cz = 0.0; G4double zcut1 = 0.0; G4double zcut2 = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = ellipsoidElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="ax") { ax = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="by") { by = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="cz") { cz = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="zcut1") { zcut1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="zcut2") { zcut2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } ax *= lunit; by *= lunit; cz *= lunit; zcut1 *= lunit; zcut2 *= lunit; new G4Ellipsoid(name,ax,by,cz,zcut1,zcut2); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: EltubeRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const eltubeElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double dx = 0.0; G4double dy = 0.0; G4double dz = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = eltubeElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="dx") { dx = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="dy") { dy = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="dz") { dz = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } dx *= lunit; dy *= lunit; dz *= lunit; new G4EllipticalTube(name,dx,dy,dz); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::XtruRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const xtruElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = xtruElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } std::vector twoDimVertexList; std::vector sectionList; for (xercesc::DOMNode* iter = xtruElement->getFirstChild(); iter != 0; iter = iter->getNextSibling()) { if (iter->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMElement* const child = dynamic_cast(iter); const G4String tag = Transcode(child->getTagName()); if (tag=="twoDimVertex") { twoDimVertexList.push_back(TwoDimVertexRead(child,lunit)); } else if (tag=="section") { sectionList.push_back(SectionRead(child,lunit)); } } new G4ExtrudedSolid(name,twoDimVertexList,sectionList); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::HypeRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const hypeElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double rmin = 0.0; G4double rmax = 0.0; G4double inst = 0.0; G4double outst = 0.0; G4double z = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = hypeElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmin") { rmin = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmax") { rmax = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="inst") { inst = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="outst") { outst = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } rmin *= lunit; rmax *= lunit; inst *= aunit; outst *= aunit; z *= 0.5*lunit; new G4Hype(name,rmin,rmax,inst,outst,z); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::OrbRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const orbElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double r = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = orbElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="r") { r = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } r *= lunit; new G4Orb(name,r); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::ParaRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const paraElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double x = 0.0; G4double y = 0.0; G4double z = 0.0; G4double alpha = 0.0; G4double theta = 0.0; G4double phi = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = paraElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x") { x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y") { y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="alpha") { alpha = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="theta") { theta = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="phi") { phi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } x *= 0.5*lunit; y *= 0.5*lunit; z *= 0.5*lunit; alpha *= aunit; theta *= aunit; phi *= aunit; new G4Para(name,x,y,z,alpha,theta,phi); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: ParaboloidRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const paraElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double rlo = 0.0; G4double rhi = 0.0; G4double dz = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = paraElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rlo") { rlo = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rhi") { rhi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="dz") { dz = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } rlo *= 1.*lunit; rhi *= 1.*lunit; dz *= 1.*lunit; new G4Paraboloid(name,dz,rlo,rhi); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: PolyconeRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const polyconeElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double startphi = 0.0; G4double deltaphi = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = polyconeElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="startphi") { startphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); }else if (attName=="deltaphi") { deltaphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } startphi *= aunit; deltaphi *= aunit; std::vector zplaneList; for (xercesc::DOMNode* iter = polyconeElement->getFirstChild(); iter != 0; iter = iter->getNextSibling()) { if (iter->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMElement* const child = dynamic_cast(iter); const G4String tag = Transcode(child->getTagName()); if (tag=="zplane") { zplaneList.push_back(ZplaneRead(child)); } } G4int numZPlanes = zplaneList.size(); G4double* rmin_array = new G4double[numZPlanes]; G4double* rmax_array = new G4double[numZPlanes]; G4double* z_array = new G4double[numZPlanes]; for (G4int i=0; igetAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="startphi") { startphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="deltaphi") { deltaphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="numsides") { numsides = eval.EvaluateInteger(attValue); } } startphi *= aunit; deltaphi *= aunit; std::vector zplaneList; for (xercesc::DOMNode* iter = polyhedraElement->getFirstChild(); iter != 0; iter = iter->getNextSibling()) { if (iter->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMElement* const child = dynamic_cast(iter); const G4String tag = Transcode(child->getTagName()); if (tag=="zplane") { zplaneList.push_back(ZplaneRead(child)); } } G4int numZPlanes = zplaneList.size(); G4double* rmin_array = new G4double[numZPlanes]; G4double* rmax_array = new G4double[numZPlanes]; G4double* z_array = new G4double[numZPlanes]; for (G4int i=0; igetAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="vertex1") { vertex1 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } else if (attName=="vertex2") { vertex2 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } else if (attName=="vertex3") { vertex3 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } else if (attName=="vertex4") { vertex4 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } else if (attName=="type") { if (attValue=="RELATIVE") { type = RELATIVE; } } } return new G4QuadrangularFacet(vertex1,vertex2,vertex3,vertex4,type); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: ReflectedSolidRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const reflectedSolidElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4String solid; G4ThreeVector scale(1.0,1.0,1.0); G4ThreeVector rotation; G4ThreeVector position; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = reflectedSolidElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="solid") { solid = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="sx") { scale.setX(eval.Evaluate(attValue)); } else if (attName=="sy") { scale.setY(eval.Evaluate(attValue)); } else if (attName=="sz") { scale.setZ(eval.Evaluate(attValue)); } else if (attName=="rx") { rotation.setX(eval.Evaluate(attValue)); } else if (attName=="ry") { rotation.setY(eval.Evaluate(attValue)); } else if (attName=="rz") { rotation.setZ(eval.Evaluate(attValue)); } else if (attName=="dx") { position.setX(eval.Evaluate(attValue)); } else if (attName=="dy") { position.setY(eval.Evaluate(attValue)); } else if (attName=="dz") { position.setZ(eval.Evaluate(attValue)); } } rotation *= aunit; position *= lunit; G4Transform3D transform(GetRotationMatrix(rotation),position); transform = transform*G4Scale3D(scale.x(),scale.y(),scale.z()); new G4ReflectedSolid(name,GetSolid(solid),transform); } G4ExtrudedSolid::ZSection G4GDMLReadSolids:: SectionRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const sectionElement,G4double lunit) { G4double zPosition = 0.0; G4TwoVector Offset; G4double scalingFactor = 1.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = sectionElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="zPosition") { zPosition = eval.Evaluate(attValue)*lunit; } else if (attName=="xOffset") { Offset.setX(eval.Evaluate(attValue)*lunit); } else if (attName=="yOffset") { Offset.setY(eval.Evaluate(attValue)*lunit); } else if (attName=="scalingFactor") { scalingFactor = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } return G4ExtrudedSolid::ZSection(zPosition,Offset,scalingFactor); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: SphereRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const sphereElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double rmin = 0.0; G4double rmax = 0.0; G4double startphi = 0.0; G4double deltaphi = 0.0; G4double starttheta = 0.0; G4double deltatheta = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = sphereElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmin") { rmin = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmax") { rmax = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="startphi") { startphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="deltaphi") { deltaphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="starttheta") { starttheta = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="deltatheta") { deltatheta = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } rmin *= lunit; rmax *= lunit; startphi *= aunit; deltaphi *= aunit; starttheta *= aunit; deltatheta *= aunit; new G4Sphere(name,rmin,rmax,startphi,deltaphi,starttheta,deltatheta); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: TessellatedRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const tessellatedElement) { G4String name; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = tessellatedElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } } G4TessellatedSolid *tessellated = new G4TessellatedSolid(name); for (xercesc::DOMNode* iter = tessellatedElement->getFirstChild(); iter != 0; iter = iter->getNextSibling()) { if (iter->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMElement* const child = dynamic_cast(iter); const G4String tag = Transcode(child->getTagName()); if (tag=="triangular") { tessellated->AddFacet(TriangularRead(child)); } else if (tag=="quadrangular") { tessellated->AddFacet(QuadrangularRead(child)); } } tessellated->SetSolidClosed(true); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::TetRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const tetElement) { G4String name; G4ThreeVector vertex1; G4ThreeVector vertex2; G4ThreeVector vertex3; G4ThreeVector vertex4; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = tetElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="vertex1") { vertex1 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } else if (attName=="vertex2") { vertex2 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } else if (attName=="vertex3") { vertex3 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } else if (attName=="vertex4") { vertex4 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } } new G4Tet(name,vertex1,vertex2,vertex3,vertex4); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::TorusRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const torusElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double rmin = 0.0; G4double rmax = 0.0; G4double rtor = 0.0; G4double startphi = 0.0; G4double deltaphi = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = torusElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmin") { rmin = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmax") { rmax = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rtor") { rtor = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="startphi") { startphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="deltaphi") { deltaphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } rmin *= lunit; rmax *= lunit; rtor *= lunit; startphi *= aunit; deltaphi *= aunit; new G4Torus(name,rmin,rmax,rtor,startphi,deltaphi); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: GenTrapRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const gtrapElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double dz =0.0; G4double v1x=0.0, v1y=0.0, v2x=0.0, v2y=0.0, v3x=0.0, v3y=0.0, v4x=0.0, v4y=0.0, v5x=0.0, v5y=0.0, v6x=0.0, v6y=0.0, v7x=0.0, v7y=0.0, v8x=0.0, v8y=0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = gtrapElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="dz") { dz = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v1x") { v1x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v1y") { v1y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v2x") { v2x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v2y") { v2y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v3x") { v3x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v3y") { v3y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v4x") { v4x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v4y") { v4y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v5x") { v5x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v5y") { v5y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v6x") { v6x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v6y") { v6y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v7x") { v7x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v7y") { v7y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v8x") { v8x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="v8y") { v8y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } dz *= lunit; std::vector vertices; vertices.push_back(G4TwoVector(v1x,v1y)); vertices.push_back(G4TwoVector(v2x,v2y)); vertices.push_back(G4TwoVector(v3x,v3y)); vertices.push_back(G4TwoVector(v4x,v4y)); vertices.push_back(G4TwoVector(v5x,v5y)); vertices.push_back(G4TwoVector(v6x,v6y)); vertices.push_back(G4TwoVector(v7x,v7y)); vertices.push_back(G4TwoVector(v8x,v8y)); new G4GenericTrap(name,dz,vertices); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::TrapRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const trapElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double z = 0.0; G4double theta = 0.0; G4double phi = 0.0; G4double y1 = 0.0; G4double x1 = 0.0; G4double x2 = 0.0; G4double alpha1 = 0.0; G4double y2 = 0.0; G4double x3 = 0.0; G4double x4 = 0.0; G4double alpha2 = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = trapElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="theta") { theta = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="phi") { phi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y1") { y1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x1") { x1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x2") { x2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="alpha1") { alpha1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y2") { y2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x3") { x3 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x4") { x4 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="alpha2") { alpha2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } z *= 0.5*lunit; theta *= aunit; phi *= aunit; y1 *= 0.5*lunit; x1 *= 0.5*lunit; x2 *= 0.5*lunit; alpha1 *= aunit; y2 *= 0.5*lunit; x3 *= 0.5*lunit; x4 *= 0.5*lunit; alpha2 *= aunit; new G4Trap(name,z,theta,phi,y1,x1,x2,alpha1,y2,x3,x4,alpha2); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::TrdRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const trdElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double x1 = 0.0; G4double x2 = 0.0; G4double y1 = 0.0; G4double y2 = 0.0; G4double z = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = trdElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x1") { x1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x2") { x2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y1") { y1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y2") { y2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } x1 *= 0.5*lunit; x2 *= 0.5*lunit; y1 *= 0.5*lunit; y2 *= 0.5*lunit; z *= 0.5*lunit; new G4Trd(name,x1,x2,y1,y2,z); } G4TriangularFacet* G4GDMLReadSolids:: TriangularRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const triangularElement) { G4ThreeVector vertex1; G4ThreeVector vertex2; G4ThreeVector vertex3; G4FacetVertexType type = ABSOLUTE; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = triangularElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="vertex1") { vertex1 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } else if (attName=="vertex2") { vertex2 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } else if (attName=="vertex3") { vertex3 = GetPosition(GenerateName(attValue)); } else if (attName=="type") { if (attValue=="RELATIVE") { type = RELATIVE; } } } return new G4TriangularFacet(vertex1,vertex2,vertex3,type); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::TubeRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const tubeElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double rmin = 0.0; G4double rmax = 0.0; G4double z = 0.0; G4double startphi = 0.0; G4double deltaphi = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = tubeElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmin") { rmin = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmax") { rmax = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="startphi") { startphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="deltaphi") { deltaphi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } rmin *= lunit; rmax *= lunit; z *= 0.5*lunit; startphi *= aunit; deltaphi *= aunit; new G4Tubs(name,rmin,rmax,z,startphi,deltaphi); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: TwistedboxRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const twistedboxElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double PhiTwist = 0.0; G4double x = 0.0; G4double y = 0.0; G4double z = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = twistedboxElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="PhiTwist") { PhiTwist = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x") { x = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y") { y = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } PhiTwist *= aunit; x *= 0.5*lunit; y *= 0.5*lunit; z *= 0.5*lunit; new G4TwistedBox(name,PhiTwist,x,y,z); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: TwistedtrapRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const twistedtrapElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double PhiTwist = 0.0; G4double z = 0.0; G4double Theta = 0.0; G4double Phi = 0.0; G4double y1 = 0.0; G4double x1 = 0.0; G4double x2 = 0.0; G4double y2 = 0.0; G4double x3 = 0.0; G4double x4 = 0.0; G4double Alph = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = twistedtrapElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="PhiTwist") { PhiTwist = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="Theta") { Theta = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="Phi") { Phi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y1") { y1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x1") { x1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x2") { x2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y2") { y2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x3") { x3 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x4") { x4 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="Alph") { Alph = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } PhiTwist *= aunit; z *= 0.5*lunit; Theta *= aunit; Phi *= aunit; Alph *= aunit; y1 *= 0.5*lunit; x1 *= 0.5*lunit; x2 *= 0.5*lunit; y2 *= 0.5*lunit; x3 *= 0.5*lunit; x4 *= 0.5*lunit; new G4TwistedTrap(name,PhiTwist,z,Theta,Phi,y1,x1,x2,y2,x3,x4,Alph); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: TwistedtrdRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const twistedtrdElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double x1 = 0.0; G4double x2 = 0.0; G4double y1 = 0.0; G4double y2 = 0.0; G4double z = 0.0; G4double PhiTwist = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = twistedtrdElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x1") { x1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="x2") { x2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y1") { y1 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="y2") { y2 = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="PhiTwist") { PhiTwist = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } x1 *= 0.5*lunit; x2 *= 0.5*lunit; y1 *= 0.5*lunit; y2 *= 0.5*lunit; z *= 0.5*lunit; PhiTwist *= aunit; new G4TwistedTrd(name,x1,x2,y1,y2,z,PhiTwist); } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: TwistedtubsRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const twistedtubsElement) { G4String name; G4double lunit = 1.0; G4double aunit = 1.0; G4double twistedangle = 0.0; G4double endinnerrad = 0.0; G4double endouterrad = 0.0; G4double zlen = 0.0; G4double phi = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = twistedtubsElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="lunit") { lunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="aunit") { aunit = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="twistedangle") { twistedangle=eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="endinnerrad") { endinnerrad=eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="endouterrad") { endouterrad=eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="zlen") { zlen = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="phi") { phi = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } twistedangle *= aunit; endinnerrad *= lunit; endouterrad *= lunit; zlen *= 0.5*lunit; phi *= aunit; new G4TwistedTubs(name,twistedangle,endinnerrad,endouterrad,zlen,phi); } G4TwoVector G4GDMLReadSolids:: TwoDimVertexRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const element, G4double lunit) { G4TwoVector vec; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = element->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="x") { vec.setX(eval.Evaluate(attValue)*lunit); } else if (attName=="y") { vec.setY(eval.Evaluate(attValue)*lunit); } } return vec; } G4GDMLReadSolids::zplaneType G4GDMLReadSolids:: ZplaneRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const zplaneElement) { zplaneType zplane; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = zplaneElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="rmin") { zplane.rmin = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="rmax") { zplane.rmax = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } else if (attName=="z") { zplane.z = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } return zplane; } void G4GDMLReadSolids:: OpticalSurfaceRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const opticalsurfaceElement) { G4String name; G4String smodel; G4String sfinish; G4String stype; G4double value = 0.0; const xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap* const attributes = opticalsurfaceElement->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t attributeCount = attributes->getLength(); for (XMLSize_t attribute_index=0; attribute_indexitem(attribute_index); if (attribute_node->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMAttr* const attribute = dynamic_cast(attribute_node); const G4String attName = Transcode(attribute->getName()); const G4String attValue = Transcode(attribute->getValue()); if (attName=="name") { name = GenerateName(attValue); } else if (attName=="model") { smodel = attValue; } else if (attName=="finish") { sfinish = attValue; } else if (attName=="type") { stype = attValue; } else if (attName=="value") { value = eval.Evaluate(attValue); } } G4OpticalSurfaceModel model; G4OpticalSurfaceFinish finish; G4SurfaceType type; if ((smodel=="glisur") || (smodel=="0")) { model = glisur; } else if ((smodel=="unified") || (smodel=="1")) { model = unified; } else { model = LUT; } if ((sfinish=="polished") || (sfinish=="0")) { finish = polished; } else if ((sfinish=="polishedfrontpainted") || (sfinish=="1")) { finish = polishedfrontpainted; } else if ((sfinish=="polishedbackpainted") || (sfinish=="2")) { finish = polishedbackpainted; } else if ((sfinish=="ground") || (sfinish=="3")) { finish = ground; } else if ((sfinish=="groundfrontpainted") || (sfinish=="4")) { finish = groundfrontpainted; } else if ((sfinish=="groundbackpainted") || (sfinish=="5")) { finish = groundbackpainted; } else if ((sfinish=="polishedlumirrorair") || (sfinish=="6")) { finish = polishedlumirrorair; } else if ((sfinish=="polishedlumirrorglue") || (sfinish=="7")) { finish = polishedlumirrorglue; } else if ((sfinish=="polishedair") || (sfinish=="8")) { finish = polishedair; } else if ((sfinish=="polishedteflonair") || (sfinish=="9")) { finish = polishedteflonair; } else if ((sfinish=="polishedtioair") || (sfinish=="10")) { finish = polishedtioair; } else if ((sfinish=="polishedtyvekair") || (sfinish=="11")) { finish = polishedtyvekair; } else if ((sfinish=="polishedvm2000air") || (sfinish=="12")) { finish = polishedvm2000air; } else if ((sfinish=="polishedvm2000glue") || (sfinish=="13")) { finish = polishedvm2000glue; } else if ((sfinish=="etchedlumirrorair") || (sfinish=="14")) { finish = etchedlumirrorair; } else if ((sfinish=="etchedlumirrorglue") || (sfinish=="15")) { finish = etchedlumirrorglue; } else if ((sfinish=="etchedair") || (sfinish=="16")) { finish = etchedair; } else if ((sfinish=="etchedteflonair") || (sfinish=="17")) { finish = etchedteflonair; } else if ((sfinish=="etchedtioair") || (sfinish=="18")) { finish = etchedtioair; } else if ((sfinish=="etchedtyvekair") || (sfinish=="19")) { finish = etchedtyvekair; } else if ((sfinish=="etchedvm2000air") || (sfinish=="20")) { finish = etchedvm2000air; } else if ((sfinish=="etchedvm2000glue") || (sfinish=="21")) { finish = etchedvm2000glue; } else if ((sfinish=="groundlumirrorair") || (sfinish=="22")) { finish = groundlumirrorair; } else if ((sfinish=="groundlumirrorglue") || (sfinish=="23")) { finish = groundlumirrorglue; } else if ((sfinish=="groundair") || (sfinish=="24")) { finish = groundair; } else if ((sfinish=="groundteflonair") || (sfinish=="25")) { finish = groundteflonair; } else if ((sfinish=="groundtioair") || (sfinish=="26")) { finish = groundtioair; } else if ((sfinish=="groundtyvekair") || (sfinish=="27")) { finish = groundtyvekair; } else if ((sfinish=="groundvm2000air") || (sfinish=="28")) { finish = groundvm2000air; } else { finish = groundvm2000glue; } if ((stype=="dielectric_metal") || (stype=="0")) { type = dielectric_metal; } else if ((stype=="dielectric_dielectric") || (stype=="1")) { type = dielectric_dielectric; } else if ((stype=="dielectric_LUT") || (stype=="2")) { type = dielectric_LUT; } else if ((stype=="firsov") || (stype=="3")) { type = firsov; } else { type = x_ray; } new G4OpticalSurface(name,model,finish,type,value); } void G4GDMLReadSolids::SolidsRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const solidsElement) { G4cout << "G4GDML: Reading solids..." << G4endl; for (xercesc::DOMNode* iter = solidsElement->getFirstChild(); iter != 0; iter = iter->getNextSibling()) { if (iter->getNodeType() != xercesc::DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } const xercesc::DOMElement* const child = dynamic_cast(iter); const G4String tag = Transcode(child->getTagName()); if (tag=="define") { DefineRead(child); } else if (tag=="box") { BoxRead(child); } else if (tag=="cone") { ConeRead(child); } else if (tag=="elcone") { ElconeRead(child); } else if (tag=="ellipsoid") { EllipsoidRead(child); }else if (tag=="eltube") { EltubeRead(child); } else if (tag=="xtru") { XtruRead(child); } else if (tag=="hype") { HypeRead(child); } else if (tag=="intersection") { BooleanRead(child,INTERSECTION); } else if (tag=="orb") { OrbRead(child); } else if (tag=="para") { ParaRead(child); } else if (tag=="paraboloid") { ParaboloidRead(child); } else if (tag=="polycone") { PolyconeRead(child); } else if (tag=="polyhedra") { PolyhedraRead(child); } else if (tag=="reflectedSolid") { ReflectedSolidRead(child); } else if (tag=="sphere") { SphereRead(child); } else if (tag=="subtraction") { BooleanRead(child,SUBTRACTION); } else if (tag=="tessellated") { TessellatedRead(child); } else if (tag=="tet") { TetRead(child); } else if (tag=="torus") { TorusRead(child); } else if (tag=="arb8") { GenTrapRead(child); } else if (tag=="trap") { TrapRead(child); } else if (tag=="trd") { TrdRead(child); } else if (tag=="tube") { TubeRead(child); } else if (tag=="twistedbox") { TwistedboxRead(child); } else if (tag=="twistedtrap") { TwistedtrapRead(child); } else if (tag=="twistedtrd") { TwistedtrdRead(child); } else if (tag=="twistedtubs") { TwistedtubsRead(child); } else if (tag=="union") { BooleanRead(child,UNION); } else if (tag=="opticalsurface") { OpticalSurfaceRead(child); } else if (tag=="loop") { LoopRead(child,&G4GDMLRead::SolidsRead); } else { G4String error_msg = "Unknown tag in solids: " + tag; G4Exception("G4GDMLReadSolids::SolidsRead()", "ReadError", FatalException, error_msg); } } } G4VSolid* G4GDMLReadSolids::GetSolid(const G4String& ref) const { G4VSolid* solidPtr = G4SolidStore::GetInstance()->GetSolid(ref,false); if (!solidPtr) { G4String error_msg = "Referenced solid '" + ref + "' was not found!"; G4Exception("G4GDMLReadSolids::GetSolid()", "ReadError", FatalException, error_msg); } return solidPtr; } G4SurfaceProperty* G4GDMLReadSolids:: GetSurfaceProperty(const G4String& ref) const { const G4SurfacePropertyTable* surfaceList = G4SurfaceProperty::GetSurfacePropertyTable(); const size_t surfaceCount = surfaceList->size(); for (size_t i=0; iGetName() == ref) { return (*surfaceList)[i]; } } G4String error_msg = "Referenced optical surface '" + ref + "' was not found!"; G4Exception("G4GDMLReadSolids::GetSurfaceProperty()", "ReadError", FatalException, error_msg); return 0; }