source: trunk/source/physics_lists/builders/include/G4DataQuestionaire.hh @ 1262

Last change on this file since 1262 was 1228, checked in by garnier, 15 years ago

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26#ifndef G4DataQuestionaire_h
27#define G4DataQuestionaire_h 1
29#include "globals.hh"
31#include "G4HadronElasticProcess.hh"
32#include "G4ProtonInelasticProcess.hh"
33#include "G4VPiKBuilder.hh"
35enum G4DataType {no, photon, neutron, radioactive, lowenergy, optical};
36class G4DataQuestionaire
38  public: 
39    G4DataQuestionaire(G4DataType t1=no, G4DataType t2=no, G4DataType t3=no, G4DataType t4=no, G4DataType t5=no) 
40    {
41      G4cout << G4endl;
42      G4cout << "<<< Geant4 Physics List engine packaging library: PACK 5.5"<<G4endl;
43      //      G4cout <<G4endl<<G4endl;
44      // G4cout << "##### the input "<<t1<<" "<<t2<<" "<<t3<<" "<<t4<<G4endl;
45      for(G4int i=0; i<5; i++)
46      {
47        G4DataType t(no);
48        if(i==0) t=t1;
49        if(i==1) t=t2;
50        if(i==2) t=t3;
51        if(i==3) t=t4;
52        if(i==4) t=t5;
53        switch(t)
54        {
55          case photon:
56            if(!getenv("G4LEVELGAMMADATA") )
57            {
58              G4cout << "Photon-evaporation data are needed."<<G4endl;
59              G4cout << "Please set the environmental variable G4LEVELGAMMADATA"<<G4endl;
60              G4cout << "to point to your PhotonEvaporation directory."<<G4endl;
61              G4cout << "Data are available from the Geant4 download page."<<G4endl;
62              G4Exception("G4DataQuestionaire", "007", FatalException,
63                          "Fatal error: Missing mandatory data for this simulation engine");
64            }
65            break;
66          case neutron:
67            if(!getenv("G4NEUTRONHPDATA") )
68            {
69              G4cout << "G4NDL are needed."<<G4endl;
70              G4cout << "Please set the environmental variable G4NEUTRONHPDATA"<<G4endl;
71              G4cout << "to point to your G4NDL directory."<<G4endl;
72              G4cout << "Data are available from the Geant4 download page."<<G4endl;
73              G4Exception("G4DataQuestionaire", "007", FatalException,
74                          "Fatal error: Missing mandatory data for this simulation engine");
75            }
76            break;
77          case radioactive:
78            if(!getenv("G4RADIOACTIVEDATA") )
79            {
80              G4cout << "Radioactive decay data are needed."<<G4endl;
81              G4cout << "Please set the environmental variable G4RADIOACTIVEDATA"<<G4endl;
82              G4cout << "to point to your RadiativeDecay directory."<<G4endl;
83              G4cout << "Data are available from the Geant4 download page."<<G4endl;
84              G4Exception("G4DataQuestionaire", "007", FatalException,
85                          "Fatal error: Missing mandatory data for this simulation engine");
86            }
87            break;
88          case lowenergy:
89            if(!getenv("G4LEDATA") )
90            {
91              G4cout << "Low energy electromagnetic data are needed."<<G4endl;
92              G4cout << "Please set the environmental variable G4LEDATA"<<G4endl;
93              G4cout << "to point to your G4EMLOW directory."<<G4endl;
94              G4cout << "Data are available from the Geant4 download page."<<G4endl;
95              G4Exception("G4DataQuestionaire", "007", FatalException,
96                          "Fatal error: Missing mandatory data for this simulation engine");
97            }
98            break;
99          case optical:
100            if(!getenv("G4LEDATA") )
101            {
102              G4cout << "Data describing surface propeties for optical photons are needed."<<G4endl;
103              G4cout << "Please set the environmental variable G4REALSURFACEDATA"<<G4endl;
104              G4cout << "to point to your RealSurface directory."<<G4endl;
105              G4cout << "Data are available from the Geant4 download page."<<G4endl;
106              G4Exception("G4DataQuestionaire", "007", FatalException,
107                          "Fatal error: Missing mandatory data for this simulation engine");
108            }
109            break;
110          case no:
111            // all ok
112            break;
113          default:
114            if(t!=no) 
115            {
116              G4Exception("G4DataQuestionaire", "007", FatalException,
117                          "data type requested is not known to the system");
118            }
119        }
120     }
121   }
122    ~G4DataQuestionaire() {}
125// 2002 by J.P. Wellisch
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