source: trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/lowenergy/include/G4PenelopeIntegrator.icc @ 1312

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28// Author:  Luciano Pandola (
30// History:
31// -----------
32// 30 Nov 2002   LP        Created
33// 14 Feb 2003   MGP       Corrected compilation errors from SUN
35// -------------------------------------------------------------------
37template <class T,class F>
38G4double G4PenelopeIntegrator<T,F>::Calculate(T& typeT, F f,
39                                              G4double LowPoint,G4double HighPoint,
40                                              G4double MaxError)
42          const G4int npoints=10;
43  const G4int ncallsmax=20000;
44  const G4int nst=256;
45  static G4double Abscissas[10] = {7.652651133497334e-02,2.2778585114164508e-01,3.7370608871541956e-01,
46                            5.1086700195082710e-01,6.3605368072651503e-01,7.4633190646015079e-01,
47                            8.3911697182221882e-01,9.1223442825132591e-01,9.6397192727791379e-01,
48                            9.9312859918509492e-01};
49  static G4double Weights[10] = {1.5275338713072585e-01,1.4917298647260375e-01,1.4209610931838205e-01,
50                          1.3168863844917663e-01,1.1819453196151842e-01,1.0193011981724044e-01,
51                          8.3276741576704749e-02,6.2672048334109064e-02,4.0601429800386941e-02,
52                          1.7614007139152118e-02};
54  //Error control
55  G4double Ctol = std::min(std::max(MaxError,1e-13),1e-02);
56  G4double Ptol = 0.01*Ctol;
57  G4double Err=1e35;
58  //Gauss integration from LowPoint to HighPoint
59  G4double h,sumga,a,b,c,d;
60  h=HighPoint-LowPoint;
61  sumga=0.0;
62  a=0.5*(HighPoint-LowPoint);
63  b=0.5*(HighPoint+LowPoint);
64  c=a*Abscissas[0];
65  d=Weights[0]*((typeT.*f)(b+c)+(typeT.*f)(b-c));
66  G4int i;
67  for (i=2;i<=npoints;i++){
68    c=a*Abscissas[i-1];
69    d=d+Weights[i-1]*((typeT.*f)(b+c)+(typeT.*f)(b-c));
70  }
71  G4int icall = 2*npoints;
72  G4int LH=1;
73  G4double S[nst],x[nst],sn[nst],xrn[nst];
74  S[0]=d*a;
75  x[0]=LowPoint;
77  //Adaptive bipartition scheme
78  do{
79   G4double h0=h;
80   h=0.5*h; //bipartition
81   G4double sumr=0;
82   G4int LHN=0;
83   G4double si,xa,xb,xc;
84   for (i=1;i<=LH;i++){
85    si=S[i-1];
86    xa=x[i-1];
87    xb=xa+h;
88    xc=xa+h0;
89    a=0.5*(xb-xa);
90    b=0.5*(xb+xa);
91    c=a*Abscissas[0];
92    d=Weights[0]*((typeT.*f)(b+c)+(typeT.*f)(b-c));
93    G4int j;
94    for (j=1;j<npoints;j++){
95      c=a*Abscissas[j];
96      d=d+Weights[j]*((typeT.*f)(b+c)+(typeT.*f)(b-c));
97    }   
98    G4double s1,s2,s12;
99    s1=d*a;
100    a=0.5*(xc-xb);
101    b=0.5*(xc+xb);
102    c=a*Abscissas[0];
103    d=Weights[0]*((typeT.*f)(b+c)+(typeT.*f)(b-c));
104    for (j=1;j<npoints;j++){
105      c=a*Abscissas[j];
106      d=d+Weights[j]*((typeT.*f)(b+c)+(typeT.*f)(b-c));
107    }   
108    s2=d*a;
109    icall=icall+4*npoints;
110    s12=s1+s2;
111    if (std::abs(s12-si)<std::max(Ptol*std::abs(s12),1e-35)){
112      sumga=sumga+s12;
113    }
114    else
115      {
116        sumr=sumr+s12;
117        LHN=LHN+2;
118        sn[LHN-1]=s2;
119        xrn[LHN-1]=xb;
120        sn[LHN-2]=s1;
121        xrn[LHN-2]=xa;
122      }
123    if (icall>ncallsmax || LHN>nst)
124      {
125        G4cout << "G4PenelopeIntegrator: " << G4endl;
126        G4cout << "LowPoint: " << LowPoint << ", High Point: " << HighPoint << G4endl;
127        G4cout << "Tolerance: " << MaxError << G4endl;
128        G4cout << "Calls: " << icall << ", Integral: " << sumga << ", Error: " << Err << G4cout;
129        G4cout << "Number of open subintervals: " << LHN << G4endl;
130        G4cout << "WARNING: the required accuracy has not been attained" << G4endl;
131        return sumga;
132          }
133   }
134   Err=std::abs(sumr)/std::max(std::abs(sumr+sumga),1e-35);
135   if (Err < Ctol || LHN == 0) return sumga; //end of cycle
136   LH=LHN;
137   for (G4int i=0;i<LH;i++){
138     S[i]=sn[i];
139     x[i]=xrn[i];
140   }
141  }while(Ctol < 1.0); //infinite loop
142  return 0; //It should never get here
145template <class T,class F>
146G4double G4PenelopeIntegrator<T,F>::Calculate(T* ptrT, F f,
147                                              G4double LowPoint,G4double HighPoint,
148                                              G4double MaxError)
150  return Calculate(*ptrT,f,LowPoint,HighPoint,MaxError);
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