// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4EMDataSet.cc,v 1.18 2008/03/17 13:40:53 pia Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02-ref-02 $ // // Author: Maria Grazia Pia (Maria.Grazia.Pia@cern.ch) // // History: // ----------- // 31 Jul 2001 MGP Created // // ------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4EMDataSet.hh" #include "G4VDataSetAlgorithm.hh" #include #include #include "G4Integrator.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4LinInterpolation.hh" G4EMDataSet::G4EMDataSet(G4int Z, G4VDataSetAlgorithm* algo, G4double xUnit, G4double yUnit, G4bool random): z(Z), energies(0), data(0), algorithm(algo), unitEnergies(xUnit), unitData(yUnit), pdf(0), randomSet(random) { if (algorithm == 0) G4Exception("G4EMDataSet::G4EMDataSet - interpolation == 0"); if (randomSet) BuildPdf(); } G4EMDataSet::G4EMDataSet(G4int argZ, G4DataVector* dataX, G4DataVector* dataY, G4VDataSetAlgorithm* algo, G4double xUnit, G4double yUnit, G4bool random): z(argZ), energies(dataX), data(dataY), algorithm(algo), unitEnergies(xUnit), unitData(yUnit), pdf(0), randomSet(random) { if (algorithm == 0) G4Exception("G4EMDataSet::G4EMDataSet - interpolation == 0"); if ((energies == 0) ^ (data == 0)) G4Exception("G4EMDataSet::G4EMDataSet - different size for energies and data (zero case)"); if (energies == 0) return; if (energies->size() != data->size()) G4Exception("G4EMDataSet::G4EMDataSet - different size for energies and data"); if (randomSet) BuildPdf(); } G4EMDataSet::~G4EMDataSet() { delete algorithm; if (energies) delete energies; if (data) delete data; if (pdf) delete pdf; } G4double G4EMDataSet::FindValue(G4double energy, G4int /* componentId */) const { if (!energies) G4Exception("G4EMDataSet::FindValue - energies == 0"); if (energies->empty()) return 0; if (energy <= (*energies)[0]) return (*data)[0]; size_t i = energies->size()-1; if (energy >= (*energies)[i]) return (*data)[i]; return algorithm->Calculate(energy, FindLowerBound(energy), *energies, *data); } void G4EMDataSet::PrintData(void) const { if (!energies) { G4cout << "Data not available." << G4endl; } else { size_t size = energies->size(); for (size_t i(0); isize() != data->size()) G4Exception("G4EMDataSet::SetEnergiesData - different size for energies and data"); } G4bool G4EMDataSet::LoadData(const G4String& fileName) { // The file is organized into two columns: // 1st column is the energy // 2nd column is the corresponding value // The file terminates with the pattern: -1 -1 // -2 -2 G4String fullFileName(FullFileName(fileName)); std::ifstream in(fullFileName); if (!in.is_open()) { G4String message("G4EMDataSet::LoadData - data file \""); message += fullFileName; message += "\" not found"; G4Exception(message); } G4DataVector* argEnergies=new G4DataVector; G4DataVector* argData=new G4DataVector; G4double a; bool energyColumn(true); do { in >> a; if (a!=-1 && a!=-2) { if (energyColumn) argEnergies->push_back(a*unitEnergies); else argData->push_back(a*unitData); energyColumn=(!energyColumn); } } while (a != -2); SetEnergiesData(argEnergies, argData, 0); if (randomSet) BuildPdf(); return true; } G4bool G4EMDataSet::SaveData(const G4String& name) const { // The file is organized into two columns: // 1st column is the energy // 2nd column is the corresponding value // The file terminates with the pattern: -1 -1 // -2 -2 G4String fullFileName(FullFileName(name)); std::ofstream out(fullFileName); if (!out.is_open()) { G4String message("G4EMDataSet::SaveData - cannot open \""); message+=fullFileName; message+="\""; G4Exception(message); } out.precision(10); out.width(15); out.setf(std::ofstream::left); if (energies!=0 && data!=0) { G4DataVector::const_iterator i(energies->begin()); G4DataVector::const_iterator endI(energies->end()); G4DataVector::const_iterator j(data->begin()); while (i!=endI) { out.precision(10); out.width(15); out.setf(std::ofstream::left); out << ((*i)/unitEnergies) << ' '; out.precision(10); out.width(15); out.setf(std::ofstream::left); out << ((*j)/unitData) << std::endl; i++; j++; } } out.precision(10); out.width(15); out.setf(std::ofstream::left); out << -1.f << ' '; out.precision(10); out.width(15); out.setf(std::ofstream::left); out << -1.f << std::endl; out.precision(10); out.width(15); out.setf(std::ofstream::left); out << -2.f << ' '; out.precision(10); out.width(15); out.setf(std::ofstream::left); out << -2.f << std::endl; return true; } size_t G4EMDataSet::FindLowerBound(G4double x) const { size_t lowerBound = 0; size_t upperBound(energies->size() - 1); while (lowerBound <= upperBound) { size_t midBin((lowerBound + upperBound) / 2); if (x < (*energies)[midBin]) upperBound = midBin - 1; else lowerBound = midBin + 1; } return upperBound; } size_t G4EMDataSet::FindLowerBound(G4double x, G4DataVector* values) const { size_t lowerBound = 0;; size_t upperBound(values->size() - 1); while (lowerBound <= upperBound) { size_t midBin((lowerBound + upperBound) / 2); if (x < (*values)[midBin]) upperBound = midBin - 1; else lowerBound = midBin + 1; } return upperBound; } G4String G4EMDataSet::FullFileName(const G4String& name) const { char* path = getenv("G4LEDATA"); if (!path) G4Exception("G4EMDataSet::FullFileName - G4LEDATA environment variable not set"); std::ostringstream fullFileName; fullFileName << path << '/' << name << z << ".dat"; return G4String(fullFileName.str().c_str()); } void G4EMDataSet::BuildPdf() { pdf = new G4DataVector; G4Integrator integrator; G4int nData = data->size(); pdf->push_back(0.); // Integrate the data distribution G4int i; G4double totalSum = 0.; for (i=1; ipush_back(totalSum); } // Normalize to the last bin G4double tot = 0.; if (totalSum > 0.) tot = 1. / totalSum; for (i=1; iCalculate(x, bin, *pdf, *energies); // G4cout << x << " random bin "<< bin << " - " << value << G4endl; return value; } G4double G4EMDataSet::IntegrationFunction(G4double x) { // This function is needed by G4Integrator to calculate the integral of the data distribution G4double y = 0; // Locate the random value in the X vector based on the PDF size_t bin = FindLowerBound(x); // Interpolate to calculate the X value: // linear interpolation in the first bin (to avoid problem with 0), // interpolation with associated algorithm in other bins G4LinInterpolation linearAlgo; if (bin == 0) y = linearAlgo.Calculate(x, bin, *energies, *data); else y = algorithm->Calculate(x, bin, *energies, *data); return y; }