// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4FinalStateIonisationRudd.cc,v 1.8 2008/08/20 14:51:48 sincerti Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02-ref-02 $ #include "G4FinalStateIonisationRudd.hh" //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::G4FinalStateIonisationRudd() { lowEnergyLimitDefault = 100 * eV; highEnergyLimitDefault = 100 * MeV; G4DNAGenericIonsManager *instance; instance = G4DNAGenericIonsManager::Instance(); G4ParticleDefinition* protonDef = G4Proton::ProtonDefinition(); G4ParticleDefinition* hydrogenDef = instance->GetIon("hydrogen"); G4ParticleDefinition* alphaPlusPlusDef = instance->GetIon("alpha++"); G4ParticleDefinition* alphaPlusDef = instance->GetIon("alpha+"); G4ParticleDefinition* heliumDef = instance->GetIon("helium"); G4String proton; G4String hydrogen; G4String alphaPlusPlus; G4String alphaPlus; G4String helium; proton = protonDef->GetParticleName(); lowEnergyLimit[proton] = 100. * eV; highEnergyLimit[proton] = 500. * keV; hydrogen = hydrogenDef->GetParticleName(); lowEnergyLimit[hydrogen] = 100. * eV; highEnergyLimit[hydrogen] = 100. * MeV; alphaPlusPlus = alphaPlusPlusDef->GetParticleName(); lowEnergyLimit[alphaPlusPlus] = 1. * keV; highEnergyLimit[alphaPlusPlus] = 10. * MeV; alphaPlus = alphaPlusDef->GetParticleName(); lowEnergyLimit[alphaPlus] = 1. * keV; highEnergyLimit[alphaPlus] = 10. * MeV; helium = heliumDef->GetParticleName(); lowEnergyLimit[helium] = 1. * keV; highEnergyLimit[helium] = 10. * MeV; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::~G4FinalStateIonisationRudd() {} //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... const G4FinalStateProduct& G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::GenerateFinalState(const G4Track& track, const G4Step& /* step */) { product.Clear(); const G4DynamicParticle* particle = track.GetDynamicParticle(); G4double lowLim = lowEnergyLimitDefault; G4double highLim = highEnergyLimitDefault; G4double k = particle->GetKineticEnergy(); const G4String& particleName = particle->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName(); std::map< G4String,G4double,std::less >::iterator pos1; pos1 = lowEnergyLimit.find(particleName); if (pos1 != lowEnergyLimit.end()) { lowLim = pos1->second; } std::map< G4String,G4double,std::less >::iterator pos2; pos2 = highEnergyLimit.find(particleName); if (pos2 != highEnergyLimit.end()) { highLim = pos2->second; } if (k >= lowLim && k <= highLim) { G4ParticleDefinition* definition = particle->GetDefinition(); G4ParticleMomentum primaryDirection = particle->GetMomentumDirection(); G4double particleMass = definition->GetPDGMass(); G4double totalEnergy = k + particleMass; G4double pSquare = k*(totalEnergy+particleMass); G4double totalMomentum = std::sqrt(pSquare); const G4String& particleName = definition->GetParticleName(); G4int ionizationShell = cross.RandomSelect(k,particleName); G4double secondaryKinetic = RandomizeEjectedElectronEnergy(definition,k,ionizationShell); G4double bindingEnergy = waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(ionizationShell); G4double cosTheta = 0.; G4double phi = 0.; RandomizeEjectedElectronDirection(definition, k,secondaryKinetic, cosTheta, phi); G4double sinTheta = std::sqrt(1.-cosTheta*cosTheta); G4double dirX = sinTheta*std::cos(phi); G4double dirY = sinTheta*std::sin(phi); G4double dirZ = cosTheta; G4ThreeVector deltaDirection(dirX,dirY,dirZ); deltaDirection.rotateUz(primaryDirection); G4double deltaTotalMomentum = std::sqrt(secondaryKinetic*(secondaryKinetic + 2.*electron_mass_c2 )); G4double finalPx = totalMomentum*primaryDirection.x() - deltaTotalMomentum*deltaDirection.x(); G4double finalPy = totalMomentum*primaryDirection.y() - deltaTotalMomentum*deltaDirection.y(); G4double finalPz = totalMomentum*primaryDirection.z() - deltaTotalMomentum*deltaDirection.z(); G4double finalMomentum = std::sqrt(finalPx*finalPx+finalPy*finalPy+finalPz*finalPz); finalPx /= finalMomentum; finalPy /= finalMomentum; finalPz /= finalMomentum; product.ModifyPrimaryParticle(finalPx,finalPy,finalPz,k-bindingEnergy-secondaryKinetic); product.AddEnergyDeposit(bindingEnergy); G4DynamicParticle* aElectron = new G4DynamicParticle(G4Electron::Electron(),deltaDirection,secondaryKinetic); product.AddSecondary(aElectron); } if (k < lowLim) { product.KillPrimaryParticle(); } return product; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... G4double G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::RandomizeEjectedElectronEnergy(G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition, G4double k, G4int shell) { G4double maximumKineticEnergyTransfer = 0.; G4DNAGenericIonsManager *instance; instance = G4DNAGenericIonsManager::Instance(); if (particleDefinition == G4Proton::ProtonDefinition() || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("hydrogen")) { maximumKineticEnergyTransfer= 4.* (electron_mass_c2 / proton_mass_c2) * k; } if (particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("helium") || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("alpha+") || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("alpha++")) { maximumKineticEnergyTransfer= 4.* (0.511 / 3728) * k; } G4double crossSectionMaximum = 0.; for(G4double value=waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(shell); value<=4.*waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(shell) ; value+=0.1*eV) { G4double differentialCrossSection = DifferentialCrossSection(particleDefinition, k, value, shell); if(differentialCrossSection >= crossSectionMaximum) crossSectionMaximum = differentialCrossSection; } G4double secElecKinetic = 0.; do { secElecKinetic = G4UniformRand() * maximumKineticEnergyTransfer; } while(G4UniformRand()*crossSectionMaximum > DifferentialCrossSection(particleDefinition, k, secElecKinetic+waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(shell), shell)); return(secElecKinetic); } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... void G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::RandomizeEjectedElectronDirection(G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition, G4double k, G4double secKinetic, G4double & cosTheta, G4double & phi ) { G4DNAGenericIonsManager *instance; instance = G4DNAGenericIonsManager::Instance(); G4double maxSecKinetic = 0.; if (particleDefinition == G4Proton::ProtonDefinition() || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("hydrogen")) { maxSecKinetic = 4.* (electron_mass_c2 / proton_mass_c2) * k; } if (particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("helium") || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("alpha+") || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("alpha++")) { maxSecKinetic = 4.* (0.511 / 3728) * k; } phi = twopi * G4UniformRand(); cosTheta = std::sqrt(secKinetic / maxSecKinetic); } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... G4double G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::DifferentialCrossSection(G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition, G4double k, G4double energyTransfer, G4int ionizationLevelIndex) { // Shells ids are 0 1 2 3 4 (4 is k shell) // !!Attention, "energyTransfer" here is the energy transfered to the electron which means // that the secondary kinetic energy is w = energyTransfer - bindingEnergy // // ds S F1(nu) + w * F2(nu) // ---- = G(k) * ---- ------------------------------------------- // dw Bj (1+w)^3 * [1 + exp{alpha * (w - wc) / nu}] // // w is the secondary electron kinetic Energy in eV // // All the other parameters can be found in Rudd's Papers // // M.Eugene Rudd, 1988, User-Friendly model for the energy distribution of // electrons from protons or electron collisions. Nucl. Tracks Rad. Meas.Vol 16 N0 2/3 pp 219-218 // const G4int j=ionizationLevelIndex; G4double A1 ; G4double B1 ; G4double C1 ; G4double D1 ; G4double E1 ; G4double A2 ; G4double B2 ; G4double C2 ; G4double D2 ; G4double alphaConst ; if (j == 4) { //Data For Liquid Water K SHELL from Dingfelder (Protons in Water) A1 = 1.25; B1 = 0.5; C1 = 1.00; D1 = 1.00; E1 = 3.00; A2 = 1.10; B2 = 1.30; C2 = 1.00; D2 = 0.00; alphaConst = 0.66; } else { //Data For Liquid Water from Dingfelder (Protons in Water) A1 = 1.02; B1 = 82.0; C1 = 0.45; D1 = -0.80; E1 = 0.38; A2 = 1.07; B2 = 14.6; C2 = 0.60; D2 = 0.04; alphaConst = 0.64; } const G4double n = 2.; const G4double Gj[5] = {0.99, 1.11, 1.11, 0.52, 1.}; G4DNAGenericIonsManager* instance; instance = G4DNAGenericIonsManager::Instance(); G4double wBig = (energyTransfer - waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(ionizationLevelIndex)); G4double w = wBig / waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(ionizationLevelIndex); G4double Ry = 13.6*eV; G4double tau = 0.; if (particleDefinition == G4Proton::ProtonDefinition() || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("hydrogen")) { tau = (electron_mass_c2/proton_mass_c2) * k ; } if ( particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("helium") || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("alpha+") || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("alpha++")) { tau = (0.511/3728.) * k ; } G4double S = 4.*pi * Bohr_radius*Bohr_radius * n * std::pow((Ry/waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(ionizationLevelIndex)),2); G4double v2 = tau / waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(ionizationLevelIndex); G4double v = std::sqrt(v2); G4double wc = 4.*v2 - 2.*v - (Ry/(4.*waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(ionizationLevelIndex))); G4double L1 = (C1* std::pow(v,(D1))) / (1.+ E1*std::pow(v, (D1+4.))); G4double L2 = C2*std::pow(v,(D2)); G4double H1 = (A1*std::log(1.+v2)) / (v2+(B1/v2)); G4double H2 = (A2/v2) + (B2/(v2*v2)); G4double F1 = L1+H1; G4double F2 = (L2*H2)/(L2+H2); G4double sigma = CorrectionFactor(particleDefinition, k/eV) * Gj[j] * (S/waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(ionizationLevelIndex)) * ( (F1+w*F2) / ( std::pow((1.+w),3) * ( 1.+std::exp(alphaConst*(w-wc)/v))) ); if ( particleDefinition == G4Proton::ProtonDefinition() || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("hydrogen") ) { return(sigma); } if (particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("alpha++") ) { slaterEffectiveCharge[0]=0.; slaterEffectiveCharge[1]=0.; slaterEffectiveCharge[2]=0.; sCoefficient[0]=0.; sCoefficient[1]=0.; sCoefficient[2]=0.; } if (particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("alpha+") ) { slaterEffectiveCharge[0]=2.0; slaterEffectiveCharge[1]=1.15; slaterEffectiveCharge[2]=1.15; sCoefficient[0]=0.7; sCoefficient[1]=0.15; sCoefficient[2]=0.15; } if (particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("helium") ) { slaterEffectiveCharge[0]=1.7; slaterEffectiveCharge[1]=1.15; slaterEffectiveCharge[2]=1.15; sCoefficient[0]=0.5; sCoefficient[1]=0.25; sCoefficient[2]=0.25; } if ( particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("helium") || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("alpha+") || particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("alpha++") ) { sigma = Gj[j] * (S/waterStructure.IonisationEnergy(ionizationLevelIndex)) * ( (F1+w*F2) / ( std::pow((1.+w),3) * ( 1.+std::exp(alphaConst*(w-wc)/v))) ); G4double zEff = particleDefinition->GetPDGCharge() / eplus + particleDefinition->GetLeptonNumber(); zEff -= ( sCoefficient[0] * S_1s(k, energyTransfer, slaterEffectiveCharge[0], 1.) + sCoefficient[1] * S_2s(k, energyTransfer, slaterEffectiveCharge[1], 2.) + sCoefficient[2] * S_2p(k, energyTransfer, slaterEffectiveCharge[2], 2.) ); return zEff * zEff * sigma ; } return 0; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... G4double G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::S_1s(G4double t, G4double energyTransferred, G4double slaterEffectiveChg, G4double shellNumber) { // 1 - e^(-2r) * ( 1 + 2 r + 2 r^2) // Dingfelder, in Chattanooga 2005 proceedings, formula (7) G4double r = R(t, energyTransferred, slaterEffectiveChg, shellNumber); G4double value = 1. - std::exp(-2 * r) * ( ( 2. * r + 2. ) * r + 1. ); return value; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... G4double G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::S_2s(G4double t, G4double energyTransferred, G4double slaterEffectiveChg, G4double shellNumber) { // 1 - e^(-2 r) * ( 1 + 2 r + 2 r^2 + 2 r^4) // Dingfelder, in Chattanooga 2005 proceedings, formula (8) G4double r = R(t, energyTransferred, slaterEffectiveChg, shellNumber); G4double value = 1. - std::exp(-2 * r) * (((2. * r * r + 2.) * r + 2.) * r + 1.); return value; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... G4double G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::S_2p(G4double t, G4double energyTransferred, G4double slaterEffectiveChg, G4double shellNumber) { // 1 - e^(-2 r) * ( 1 + 2 r + 2 r^2 + 4/3 r^3 + 2/3 r^4) // Dingfelder, in Chattanooga 2005 proceedings, formula (9) G4double r = R(t, energyTransferred, slaterEffectiveChg, shellNumber); G4double value = 1. - std::exp(-2 * r) * (((( 2./3. * r + 4./3.) * r + 2.) * r + 2.) * r + 1.); return value; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... G4double G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::R(G4double t, G4double energyTransferred, G4double slaterEffectiveChg, G4double shellNumber) { // tElectron = m_electron / m_alpha * t // Dingfelder, in Chattanooga 2005 proceedings, p 4 G4double tElectron = 0.511/3728. * t; G4double value = 2. * tElectron * slaterEffectiveChg / (energyTransferred * shellNumber); return value; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... G4double G4FinalStateIonisationRudd::CorrectionFactor(G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition, G4double k) { G4DNAGenericIonsManager *instance; instance = G4DNAGenericIonsManager::Instance(); if (particleDefinition == G4Proton::Proton()) { return(1.); } else if (particleDefinition == instance->GetIon("hydrogen")) { G4double value = (std::log(k/eV)-4.2)/0.5; return((0.8/(1+std::exp(value))) + 0.9); } else { return(1.); } }