// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4IonParametrisedLossModel.cc,v 1.10 2010/11/04 12:21:48 vnivanch Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-ref-00 $ // // =========================================================================== // GEANT4 class source file // // Class: G4IonParametrisedLossModel // // Base class: G4VEmModel (utils) // // Author: Anton Lechner (Anton.Lechner@cern.ch) // // First implementation: 10. 11. 2008 // // Modifications: 03. 02. 2009 - Bug fix iterators (AL) // 11. 03. 2009 - Introduced new table handler(G4IonDEDXHandler) // and modified method to add/remove tables // (tables are now built in init. phase), // Minor bug fix in ComputeDEDXPerVolume (AL) // 11. 05. 2009 - Introduced scaling algorithm for heavier ions: // G4IonDEDXScalingICRU73 (AL) // 12. 11. 2009 - Moved from original ICRU 73 classes to new // class (G4IonStoppingData), which is capable // of reading stopping power data files stored // in G4LEDATA (requires G4EMLOW6.8 or higher). // Simultanesouly, the upper energy limit of // ICRU 73 is increased to 1 GeV/nucleon. // - Removed nuclear stopping from Corrections- // AlongStep since dedicated process was created. // - Added function for switching off scaling // of heavy ions from ICRU 73 data // - Minor fix in ComputeLossForStep function // - Minor fix in ComputeDEDXPerVolume (AL) // 23. 11. 2009 - Changed energy loss limit from 0.15 to 0.01 // to improve accuracy for large steps (AL) // 24. 11. 2009 - Bug fix: Range calculation corrected if same // materials appears with different cuts in diff. // regions (added UpdateRangeCache function and // modified BuildRangeVector, ComputeLossForStep // functions accordingly, added new cache param.) // - Removed GetRange function (AL) // 04. 11. 2010 - Moved virtual methods to the source (VI) // // // Class description: // Model for computing the energy loss of ions by employing a // parameterisation of dE/dx tables (by default ICRU 73 tables). For // ion-material combinations and/or projectile energies not covered // by this model, the G4BraggIonModel and G4BetheBloch models are // employed. // // Comments: // // =========================================================================== #include "G4IonParametrisedLossModel.hh" #include "G4LPhysicsFreeVector.hh" #include "G4IonStoppingData.hh" #include "G4VIonDEDXTable.hh" #include "G4VIonDEDXScalingAlgorithm.hh" #include "G4IonDEDXScalingICRU73.hh" #include "G4BraggIonModel.hh" #include "G4BetheBlochModel.hh" #include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh" #include "G4ParticleChangeForLoss.hh" #include "G4LossTableManager.hh" #include "G4GenericIon.hh" #include "G4Electron.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" //#define PRINT_TABLE_BUILT // ######################################################################### G4IonParametrisedLossModel::G4IonParametrisedLossModel( const G4ParticleDefinition*, const G4String& name) : G4VEmModel(name), braggIonModel(0), betheBlochModel(0), nmbBins(90), nmbSubBins(100), particleChangeLoss(0), corrFactor(1.0), energyLossLimit(0.01), cutEnergies(0) { genericIon = G4GenericIon::Definition(); genericIonPDGMass = genericIon -> GetPDGMass(); corrections = G4LossTableManager::Instance() -> EmCorrections(); // The upper limit of the current model is set to 100 TeV SetHighEnergyLimit(100.0 * TeV); // The Bragg ion and Bethe Bloch models are instantiated braggIonModel = new G4BraggIonModel(); betheBlochModel = new G4BetheBlochModel(); // By default ICRU 73 stopping power tables are loaded: AddDEDXTable("ICRU73", new G4IonStoppingData("ion_stopping_data/icru73"), new G4IonDEDXScalingICRU73()); // The boundaries for the range tables are set lowerEnergyEdgeIntegr = 0.025 * MeV; upperEnergyEdgeIntegr = betheBlochModel -> HighEnergyLimit(); // Cache parameters are set cacheParticle = 0; cacheMass = 0; cacheElecMassRatio = 0; cacheChargeSquare = 0; // Cache parameters are set rangeCacheParticle = 0; rangeCacheMatCutsCouple = 0; rangeCacheEnergyRange = 0; rangeCacheRangeEnergy = 0; // Cache parameters are set dedxCacheParticle = 0; dedxCacheMaterial = 0; dedxCacheEnergyCut = 0; dedxCacheIter = lossTableList.end(); dedxCacheTransitionEnergy = 0.0; dedxCacheTransitionFactor = 0.0; dedxCacheGenIonMassRatio = 0.0; } // ######################################################################### G4IonParametrisedLossModel::~G4IonParametrisedLossModel() { // Range vs energy table objects are deleted and the container is cleared RangeEnergyTable::iterator iterRange = r.begin(); RangeEnergyTable::iterator iterRange_end = r.end(); for(;iterRange != iterRange_end; iterRange++) delete iterRange -> second; r.clear(); // Energy vs range table objects are deleted and the container is cleared EnergyRangeTable::iterator iterEnergy = E.begin(); EnergyRangeTable::iterator iterEnergy_end = E.end(); for(;iterEnergy != iterEnergy_end; iterEnergy++) delete iterEnergy -> second; E.clear(); // dE/dx table objects are deleted and the container is cleared LossTableList::iterator iterTables = lossTableList.begin(); LossTableList::iterator iterTables_end = lossTableList.end(); for(;iterTables != iterTables_end; iterTables++) delete *iterTables; lossTableList.clear(); // The Bragg ion and Bethe Bloch objects are deleted delete betheBlochModel; delete braggIonModel; } // ######################################################################### G4double G4IonParametrisedLossModel::MinEnergyCut( const G4ParticleDefinition*, const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple) { return couple -> GetMaterial() -> GetIonisation() -> GetMeanExcitationEnergy(); } // ######################################################################### G4double G4IonParametrisedLossModel::MaxSecondaryEnergy( const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, G4double kineticEnergy) { // ############## Maximum energy of secondaries ########################## // Function computes maximum energy of secondary electrons which are // released by an ion // // See Geant4 physics reference manual (version 9.1), section 9.1.1 // // Ref.: W.M. Yao et al, Jour. of Phys. G 33 (2006) 1. // C.Caso et al. (Part. Data Group), Europ. Phys. Jour. C 3 1 (1998). // B. Rossi, High energy particles, New York, NY: Prentice-Hall (1952). // // (Implementation adapted from G4BraggIonModel) if(particle != cacheParticle) UpdateCache(particle); G4double tau = kineticEnergy/cacheMass; G4double tmax = 2.0 * electron_mass_c2 * tau * (tau + 2.) / (1. + 2.0 * (tau + 1.) * cacheElecMassRatio + cacheElecMassRatio * cacheElecMassRatio); return tmax; } // ######################################################################### G4double G4IonParametrisedLossModel::GetChargeSquareRatio( const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, const G4Material* material, G4double kineticEnergy) { // Kinetic energy G4double chargeSquareRatio = corrections -> EffectiveChargeSquareRatio(particle, material, kineticEnergy); corrFactor = chargeSquareRatio * corrections -> EffectiveChargeCorrection(particle, material, kineticEnergy); return corrFactor; } // ######################################################################### G4double G4IonParametrisedLossModel::GetParticleCharge( const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, const G4Material* material, G4double kineticEnergy) { // Kinetic energy return corrections -> GetParticleCharge(particle, material, kineticEnergy); } // ######################################################################### void G4IonParametrisedLossModel::Initialise( const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, const G4DataVector& cuts) { // Cached parameters are reset cacheParticle = 0; cacheMass = 0; cacheElecMassRatio = 0; cacheChargeSquare = 0; // Cached parameters are reset rangeCacheParticle = 0; rangeCacheMatCutsCouple = 0; rangeCacheEnergyRange = 0; rangeCacheRangeEnergy = 0; // Cached parameters are reset dedxCacheParticle = 0; dedxCacheMaterial = 0; dedxCacheEnergyCut = 0; dedxCacheIter = lossTableList.end(); dedxCacheTransitionEnergy = 0.0; dedxCacheTransitionFactor = 0.0; dedxCacheGenIonMassRatio = 0.0; // The cache of loss tables is cleared LossTableList::iterator iterTables = lossTableList.begin(); LossTableList::iterator iterTables_end = lossTableList.end(); for(;iterTables != iterTables_end; iterTables++) (*iterTables) -> ClearCache(); // Range vs energy and energy vs range vectors from previous runs are // cleared RangeEnergyTable::iterator iterRange = r.begin(); RangeEnergyTable::iterator iterRange_end = r.end(); for(;iterRange != iterRange_end; iterRange++) delete iterRange -> second; r.clear(); EnergyRangeTable::iterator iterEnergy = E.begin(); EnergyRangeTable::iterator iterEnergy_end = E.end(); for(;iterEnergy != iterEnergy_end; iterEnergy++) delete iterEnergy -> second; E.clear(); // The cut energies are (re)loaded size_t size = cuts.size(); cutEnergies.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) cutEnergies.push_back(cuts[i]); // All dE/dx vectors are built const G4ProductionCutsTable* coupleTable= G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable(); size_t nmbCouples = coupleTable -> GetTableSize(); #ifdef PRINT_TABLE_BUILT G4cout << "G4IonParametrisedLossModel::Initialise():" << " Building dE/dx vectors:" << G4endl; #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < nmbCouples; i++) { const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple = coupleTable -> GetMaterialCutsCouple(i); const G4Material* material = couple -> GetMaterial(); // G4ProductionCuts* productionCuts = couple -> GetProductionCuts(); for(G4int atomicNumberIon = 3; atomicNumberIon < 102; atomicNumberIon++) { LossTableList::iterator iter = lossTableList.begin(); LossTableList::iterator iter_end = lossTableList.end(); for(;iter != iter_end; iter++) { if(*iter == 0) { G4cout << "G4IonParametrisedLossModel::Initialise():" << " Skipping illegal table." << G4endl; } G4bool isApplicable = (*iter) -> BuildDEDXTable(atomicNumberIon, material); if(isApplicable) { #ifdef PRINT_TABLE_BUILT G4cout << " Atomic Number Ion = " << atomicNumberIon << ", Material = " << material -> GetName() << ", Table = " << (*iter) -> GetName() << G4endl; #endif break; } } } } // The particle change object if(! particleChangeLoss) { particleChangeLoss = GetParticleChangeForLoss(); } // The G4BraggIonModel and G4BetheBlochModel instances are initialised with // the same settings as the current model: braggIonModel -> Initialise(particle, cuts); betheBlochModel -> Initialise(particle, cuts); } // ######################################################################### G4double G4IonParametrisedLossModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom( const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, G4double kineticEnergy, G4double atomicNumber, G4double, G4double cutEnergy, G4double maxKinEnergy) { // ############## Cross section per atom ################################ // Function computes ionization cross section per atom // // See Geant4 physics reference manual (version 9.1), section 9.1.3 // // Ref.: W.M. Yao et al, Jour. of Phys. G 33 (2006) 1. // B. Rossi, High energy particles, New York, NY: Prentice-Hall (1952). // // (Implementation adapted from G4BraggIonModel) G4double crosssection = 0.0; G4double tmax = MaxSecondaryEnergy(particle, kineticEnergy); G4double maxEnergy = std::min(tmax, maxKinEnergy); if(cutEnergy < tmax) { G4double energy = kineticEnergy + cacheMass; G4double betaSquared = kineticEnergy * (energy + cacheMass) / (energy * energy); crosssection = 1.0 / cutEnergy - 1.0 / maxEnergy - betaSquared * std::log(maxEnergy / cutEnergy) / tmax; crosssection *= twopi_mc2_rcl2 * cacheChargeSquare / betaSquared; } #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_CS G4cout << "########################################################" << G4endl << "# G4IonParametrisedLossModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom" << G4endl << "# particle =" << particle -> GetParticleName() << G4endl << "# cut(MeV) = " << cutEnergy/MeV << G4endl; G4cout << "#" << std::setw(13) << std::right << "E(MeV)" << std::setw(14) << "CS(um)" << std::setw(14) << "E_max_sec(MeV)" << G4endl << "# ------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; G4cout << std::setw(14) << std::right << kineticEnergy / MeV << std::setw(14) << crosssection / (um * um) << std::setw(14) << tmax / MeV << G4endl; #endif crosssection *= atomicNumber; return crosssection; } // ######################################################################### G4double G4IonParametrisedLossModel::CrossSectionPerVolume( const G4Material* material, const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, G4double kineticEnergy, G4double cutEnergy, G4double maxEnergy) { G4double nbElecPerVolume = material -> GetTotNbOfElectPerVolume(); G4double cross = ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(particle, kineticEnergy, nbElecPerVolume, 0, cutEnergy, maxEnergy); return cross; } // ######################################################################### G4double G4IonParametrisedLossModel::ComputeDEDXPerVolume( const G4Material* material, const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, G4double kineticEnergy, G4double cutEnergy) { // ############## dE/dx ################################################## // Function computes dE/dx values, where following rules are adopted: // A. If the ion-material pair is covered by any native ion data // parameterisation, then: // * This parameterization is used for energies below a given energy // limit, // * whereas above the limit the Bethe-Bloch model is applied, in // combination with an effective charge estimate and high order // correction terms. // A smoothing procedure is applied to dE/dx values computed with // the second approach. The smoothing factor is based on the dE/dx // values of both approaches at the transition energy (high order // correction terms are included in the calculation of the transition // factor). // B. If the particle is a generic ion, the BraggIon and Bethe-Bloch // models are used and a smoothing procedure is applied to values // obtained with the second approach. // C. If the ion-material is not covered by any ion data parameterization // then: // * The BraggIon model is used for energies below a given energy // limit, // * whereas above the limit the Bethe-Bloch model is applied, in // combination with an effective charge estimate and high order // correction terms. // Also in this case, a smoothing procedure is applied to dE/dx values // computed with the second model. G4double dEdx = 0.0; UpdateDEDXCache(particle, material, cutEnergy); LossTableList::iterator iter = dedxCacheIter; if(iter != lossTableList.end()) { G4double transitionEnergy = dedxCacheTransitionEnergy; if(transitionEnergy > kineticEnergy) { dEdx = (*iter) -> GetDEDX(particle, material, kineticEnergy); G4double dEdxDeltaRays = DeltaRayMeanEnergyTransferRate(material, particle, kineticEnergy, cutEnergy); dEdx -= dEdxDeltaRays; } else { G4double massRatio = dedxCacheGenIonMassRatio; G4double chargeSquare = GetChargeSquareRatio(particle, material, kineticEnergy); G4double scaledKineticEnergy = kineticEnergy * massRatio; G4double scaledTransitionEnergy = transitionEnergy * massRatio; G4double lowEnergyLimit = betheBlochModel -> LowEnergyLimit(); if(scaledTransitionEnergy >= lowEnergyLimit) { dEdx = betheBlochModel -> ComputeDEDXPerVolume( material, genericIon, scaledKineticEnergy, cutEnergy); dEdx *= chargeSquare; dEdx += corrections -> ComputeIonCorrections(particle, material, kineticEnergy); G4double factor = 1.0 + dedxCacheTransitionFactor / kineticEnergy; dEdx *= factor; } } } else { G4double massRatio = 1.0; G4double chargeSquare = 1.0; if(particle != genericIon) { chargeSquare = GetChargeSquareRatio(particle, material, kineticEnergy); massRatio = genericIonPDGMass / particle -> GetPDGMass(); } G4double scaledKineticEnergy = kineticEnergy * massRatio; G4double lowEnergyLimit = betheBlochModel -> LowEnergyLimit(); if(scaledKineticEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) { dEdx = braggIonModel -> ComputeDEDXPerVolume( material, genericIon, scaledKineticEnergy, cutEnergy); dEdx *= chargeSquare; } else { G4double dEdxLimitParam = braggIonModel -> ComputeDEDXPerVolume( material, genericIon, lowEnergyLimit, cutEnergy); G4double dEdxLimitBetheBloch = betheBlochModel -> ComputeDEDXPerVolume( material, genericIon, lowEnergyLimit, cutEnergy); if(particle != genericIon) { G4double chargeSquareLowEnergyLimit = GetChargeSquareRatio(particle, material, lowEnergyLimit / massRatio); dEdxLimitParam *= chargeSquareLowEnergyLimit; dEdxLimitBetheBloch *= chargeSquareLowEnergyLimit; dEdxLimitBetheBloch += corrections -> ComputeIonCorrections(particle, material, lowEnergyLimit / massRatio); } G4double factor = (1.0 + (dEdxLimitParam/dEdxLimitBetheBloch - 1.0) * lowEnergyLimit / scaledKineticEnergy); dEdx = betheBlochModel -> ComputeDEDXPerVolume( material, genericIon, scaledKineticEnergy, cutEnergy); dEdx *= chargeSquare; if(particle != genericIon) { dEdx += corrections -> ComputeIonCorrections(particle, material, kineticEnergy); } dEdx *= factor; } } if (dEdx < 0.0) dEdx = 0.0; return dEdx; } // ######################################################################### void G4IonParametrisedLossModel::PrintDEDXTable( const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, // Projectile (ion) const G4Material* material, // Absorber material G4double lowerBoundary, // Minimum energy per nucleon G4double upperBoundary, // Maximum energy per nucleon G4int nmbBins, // Number of bins G4bool logScaleEnergy) { // Logarithmic scaling of energy G4double atomicMassNumber = particle -> GetAtomicMass(); G4double materialDensity = material -> GetDensity(); G4cout << "# dE/dx table for " << particle -> GetParticleName() << " in material " << material -> GetName() << " of density " << materialDensity / g * cm3 << " g/cm3" << G4endl << "# Projectile mass number A1 = " << atomicMassNumber << G4endl << "# ------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; G4cout << "#" << std::setw(13) << std::right << "E" << std::setw(14) << "E/A1" << std::setw(14) << "dE/dx" << std::setw(14) << "1/rho*dE/dx" << G4endl; G4cout << "#" << std::setw(13) << std::right << "(MeV)" << std::setw(14) << "(MeV)" << std::setw(14) << "(MeV/cm)" << std::setw(14) << "(MeV*cm2/mg)" << G4endl << "# ------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; G4double energyLowerBoundary = lowerBoundary * atomicMassNumber; G4double energyUpperBoundary = upperBoundary * atomicMassNumber; if(logScaleEnergy) { energyLowerBoundary = std::log(energyLowerBoundary); energyUpperBoundary = std::log(energyUpperBoundary); } G4double deltaEnergy = (energyUpperBoundary - energyLowerBoundary) / G4double(nmbBins); for(int i = 0; i < nmbBins + 1; i++) { G4double energy = energyLowerBoundary + i * deltaEnergy; if(logScaleEnergy) energy = std::exp(energy); G4double dedx = ComputeDEDXPerVolume(material, particle, energy, DBL_MAX); G4cout.precision(6); G4cout << std::setw(14) << std::right << energy / MeV << std::setw(14) << energy / atomicMassNumber / MeV << std::setw(14) << dedx / MeV * cm << std::setw(14) << dedx / materialDensity / (MeV*cm2/(0.001*g)) << G4endl; } } // ######################################################################### void G4IonParametrisedLossModel::PrintDEDXTableHandlers( const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, // Projectile (ion) const G4Material* material, // Absorber material G4double lowerBoundary, // Minimum energy per nucleon G4double upperBoundary, // Maximum energy per nucleon G4int nmbBins, // Number of bins G4bool logScaleEnergy) { // Logarithmic scaling of energy LossTableList::iterator iter = lossTableList.begin(); LossTableList::iterator iter_end = lossTableList.end(); for(;iter != iter_end; iter++) { G4bool isApplicable = (*iter) -> IsApplicable(particle, material); if(isApplicable) { (*iter) -> PrintDEDXTable(particle, material, lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, nmbBins,logScaleEnergy); break; } } } // ######################################################################### void G4IonParametrisedLossModel::SampleSecondaries( std::vector* secondaries, const G4MaterialCutsCouple*, const G4DynamicParticle* particle, G4double cutKinEnergySec, G4double userMaxKinEnergySec) { // ############## Sampling of secondaries ################################# // The probability density function (pdf) of the kinetic energy T of a // secondary electron may be written as: // pdf(T) = f(T) * g(T) // where // f(T) = (Tmax - Tcut) / (Tmax * Tcut) * (1 / T^2) // g(T) = 1 - beta^2 * T / Tmax // where Tmax is the maximum kinetic energy of the secondary, Tcut // is the lower energy cut and beta is the kinetic energy of the // projectile. // // Sampling of the kinetic energy of a secondary electron: // 1) T0 is sampled from f(T) using the cumulated distribution function // F(T) = int_Tcut^T f(T')dT' // 2) T is accepted or rejected by evaluating the rejection function g(T) // at the sampled energy T0 against a randomly sampled value // // // See Geant4 physics reference manual (version 9.1), section 9.1.4 // // // Reference pdf: W.M. Yao et al, Jour. of Phys. G 33 (2006) 1. // // (Implementation adapted from G4BraggIonModel) G4double rossiMaxKinEnergySec = MaxSecondaryKinEnergy(particle); G4double maxKinEnergySec = std::min(rossiMaxKinEnergySec, userMaxKinEnergySec); if(cutKinEnergySec >= maxKinEnergySec) return; G4double kineticEnergy = particle -> GetKineticEnergy(); G4ThreeVector direction = particle ->GetMomentumDirection(); G4double energy = kineticEnergy + cacheMass; G4double betaSquared = kineticEnergy * (energy + cacheMass) / (energy * energy); G4double kinEnergySec; G4double g; do { // Sampling kinetic energy from f(T) (using F(T)): G4double xi = G4UniformRand(); kinEnergySec = cutKinEnergySec * maxKinEnergySec / (maxKinEnergySec * (1.0 - xi) + cutKinEnergySec * xi); // Deriving the value of the rejection function at the obtained kinetic // energy: g = 1.0 - betaSquared * kinEnergySec / rossiMaxKinEnergySec; if(g > 1.0) { G4cout << "G4IonParametrisedLossModel::SampleSecondary Warning: " << "Majorant 1.0 < " << g << " for e= " << kinEnergySec << G4endl; } } while( G4UniformRand() >= g ); G4double momentumSec = std::sqrt(kinEnergySec * (kinEnergySec + 2.0 * electron_mass_c2)); G4double totMomentum = energy*std::sqrt(betaSquared); G4double cost = kinEnergySec * (energy + electron_mass_c2) / (momentumSec * totMomentum); if(cost > 1.0) cost = 1.0; G4double sint = std::sqrt((1.0 - cost)*(1.0 + cost)); G4double phi = twopi * G4UniformRand() ; G4ThreeVector directionSec(sint*std::cos(phi),sint*std::sin(phi), cost) ; directionSec.rotateUz(direction); // create G4DynamicParticle object for delta ray G4DynamicParticle* delta = new G4DynamicParticle(G4Electron::Definition(), directionSec, kinEnergySec); secondaries -> push_back(delta); // Change kinematics of primary particle kineticEnergy -= kinEnergySec; G4ThreeVector finalP = direction*totMomentum - directionSec*momentumSec; finalP = finalP.unit(); particleChangeLoss -> SetProposedKineticEnergy(kineticEnergy); particleChangeLoss -> SetProposedMomentumDirection(finalP); } // ######################################################################### void G4IonParametrisedLossModel::UpdateRangeCache( const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, const G4MaterialCutsCouple* matCutsCouple) { // ############## Caching ################################################## // If the ion-material-cut combination is covered by any native ion data // parameterisation (for low energies), range vectors are computed if(particle == rangeCacheParticle && matCutsCouple == rangeCacheMatCutsCouple) { } else{ rangeCacheParticle = particle; rangeCacheMatCutsCouple = matCutsCouple; const G4Material* material = matCutsCouple -> GetMaterial(); LossTableList::iterator iter = IsApplicable(particle, material); // If any table is applicable, the transition factor is computed: if(iter != lossTableList.end()) { // Build range-energy and energy-range vectors if they don't exist IonMatCouple ionMatCouple = std::make_pair(particle, matCutsCouple); RangeEnergyTable::iterator iterRange = r.find(ionMatCouple); if(iterRange == r.end()) BuildRangeVector(particle, matCutsCouple); rangeCacheEnergyRange = E[ionMatCouple]; rangeCacheRangeEnergy = r[ionMatCouple]; } else { rangeCacheEnergyRange = 0; rangeCacheRangeEnergy = 0; } } } // ######################################################################### void G4IonParametrisedLossModel::UpdateDEDXCache( const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, const G4Material* material, G4double cutEnergy) { // ############## Caching ################################################## // If the ion-material combination is covered by any native ion data // parameterisation (for low energies), a transition factor is computed // which is applied to Bethe-Bloch results at higher energies to // guarantee a smooth transition. // This factor only needs to be calculated for the first step an ion // performs inside a certain material. if(particle == dedxCacheParticle && material == dedxCacheMaterial && cutEnergy == dedxCacheEnergyCut) { } else { dedxCacheParticle = particle; dedxCacheMaterial = material; dedxCacheEnergyCut = cutEnergy; G4double massRatio = genericIonPDGMass / particle -> GetPDGMass(); dedxCacheGenIonMassRatio = massRatio; LossTableList::iterator iter = IsApplicable(particle, material); dedxCacheIter = iter; // If any table is applicable, the transition factor is computed: if(iter != lossTableList.end()) { // Retrieving the transition energy from the parameterisation table G4double transitionEnergy = (*iter) -> GetUpperEnergyEdge(particle, material); dedxCacheTransitionEnergy = transitionEnergy; // Computing dE/dx from low-energy parameterisation at // transition energy G4double dEdxParam = (*iter) -> GetDEDX(particle, material, transitionEnergy); G4double dEdxDeltaRays = DeltaRayMeanEnergyTransferRate(material, particle, transitionEnergy, cutEnergy); dEdxParam -= dEdxDeltaRays; // Computing dE/dx from Bethe-Bloch formula at transition // energy G4double transitionChargeSquare = GetChargeSquareRatio(particle, material, transitionEnergy); G4double scaledTransitionEnergy = transitionEnergy * massRatio; G4double dEdxBetheBloch = betheBlochModel -> ComputeDEDXPerVolume( material, genericIon, scaledTransitionEnergy, cutEnergy); dEdxBetheBloch *= transitionChargeSquare; // Additionally, high order corrections are added dEdxBetheBloch += corrections -> ComputeIonCorrections(particle, material, transitionEnergy); // Computing transition factor from both dE/dx values dedxCacheTransitionFactor = (dEdxParam - dEdxBetheBloch)/dEdxBetheBloch * transitionEnergy; } else { dedxCacheParticle = particle; dedxCacheMaterial = material; dedxCacheEnergyCut = cutEnergy; dedxCacheGenIonMassRatio = genericIonPDGMass / particle -> GetPDGMass(); dedxCacheTransitionEnergy = 0.0; dedxCacheTransitionFactor = 0.0; } } } // ######################################################################### void G4IonParametrisedLossModel::CorrectionsAlongStep( const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple, const G4DynamicParticle* dynamicParticle, G4double& eloss, G4double&, G4double length) { // ############## Corrections for along step energy loss calculation ###### // The computed energy loss (due to electronic stopping) is overwritten // by this function if an ion data parameterization is available for the // current ion-material pair. // No action on the energy loss (due to electronic stopping) is performed // if no parameterization is available. In this case the original // generic ion tables (in combination with the effective charge) are used // in the along step DoIt function. // // // (Implementation partly adapted from G4BraggIonModel/G4BetheBlochModel) const G4ParticleDefinition* particle = dynamicParticle -> GetDefinition(); const G4Material* material = couple -> GetMaterial(); G4double kineticEnergy = dynamicParticle -> GetKineticEnergy(); if(kineticEnergy == eloss) { return; } G4double cutEnergy = DBL_MAX; size_t cutIndex = couple -> GetIndex(); cutEnergy = cutEnergies[cutIndex]; UpdateDEDXCache(particle, material, cutEnergy); LossTableList::iterator iter = dedxCacheIter; // If parameterization for ions is available the electronic energy loss // is overwritten if(iter != lossTableList.end()) { // The energy loss is calculated using the ComputeDEDXPerVolume function // and the step length (it is assumed that dE/dx does not change // considerably along the step) eloss = length * ComputeDEDXPerVolume(material, particle, kineticEnergy, cutEnergy); #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG G4cout.precision(6); G4cout << "########################################################" << G4endl << "# G4IonParametrisedLossModel::CorrectionsAlongStep" << G4endl << "# cut(MeV) = " << cutEnergy/MeV << G4endl; G4cout << "#" << std::setw(13) << std::right << "E(MeV)" << std::setw(14) << "l(um)" << std::setw(14) << "l*dE/dx(MeV)" << std::setw(14) << "(l*dE/dx)/E" << G4endl << "# ------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; G4cout << std::setw(14) << std::right << kineticEnergy / MeV << std::setw(14) << length / um << std::setw(14) << eloss / MeV << std::setw(14) << eloss / kineticEnergy * 100.0 << G4endl; #endif // If the energy loss exceeds a certain fraction of the kinetic energy // (the fraction is indicated by the parameter "energyLossLimit") then // the range tables are used to derive a more accurate value of the // energy loss if(eloss > energyLossLimit * kineticEnergy) { eloss = ComputeLossForStep(couple, particle, kineticEnergy,length); #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG G4cout << "# Correction applied:" << G4endl; G4cout << std::setw(14) << std::right << kineticEnergy / MeV << std::setw(14) << length / um << std::setw(14) << eloss / MeV << std::setw(14) << eloss / kineticEnergy * 100.0 << G4endl; #endif } } // For all corrections below a kinetic energy between the Pre- and // Post-step energy values is used G4double energy = kineticEnergy - eloss * 0.5; if(energy < 0.0) energy = kineticEnergy * 0.5; G4double chargeSquareRatio = corrections -> EffectiveChargeSquareRatio(particle, material, energy); GetModelOfFluctuations() -> SetParticleAndCharge(particle, chargeSquareRatio); // A correction is applied considering the change of the effective charge // along the step (the parameter "corrFactor" refers to the effective // charge at the beginning of the step). Note: the correction is not // applied for energy loss values deriving directly from parameterized // ion stopping power tables G4double transitionEnergy = dedxCacheTransitionEnergy; if(iter != lossTableList.end() && transitionEnergy < kineticEnergy) { chargeSquareRatio *= corrections -> EffectiveChargeCorrection(particle, material, energy); G4double chargeSquareRatioCorr = chargeSquareRatio/corrFactor; eloss *= chargeSquareRatioCorr; } else if (iter == lossTableList.end()) { chargeSquareRatio *= corrections -> EffectiveChargeCorrection(particle, material, energy); G4double chargeSquareRatioCorr = chargeSquareRatio/corrFactor; eloss *= chargeSquareRatioCorr; } // Ion high order corrections are applied if the current model does not // overwrite the energy loss (i.e. when the effective charge approach is // used) if(iter == lossTableList.end()) { G4double scaledKineticEnergy = kineticEnergy * dedxCacheGenIonMassRatio; G4double lowEnergyLimit = betheBlochModel -> LowEnergyLimit(); // Corrections are only applied in the Bethe-Bloch energy region if(scaledKineticEnergy > lowEnergyLimit) eloss += length * corrections -> IonHighOrderCorrections(particle, couple, energy); } } // ######################################################################### void G4IonParametrisedLossModel::BuildRangeVector( const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, const G4MaterialCutsCouple* matCutsCouple) { G4double cutEnergy = DBL_MAX; size_t cutIndex = matCutsCouple -> GetIndex(); cutEnergy = cutEnergies[cutIndex]; const G4Material* material = matCutsCouple -> GetMaterial(); G4double massRatio = genericIonPDGMass / particle -> GetPDGMass(); G4double lowerEnergy = lowerEnergyEdgeIntegr / massRatio; G4double upperEnergy = upperEnergyEdgeIntegr / massRatio; G4double logLowerEnergyEdge = std::log(lowerEnergy); G4double logUpperEnergyEdge = std::log(upperEnergy); G4double logDeltaEnergy = (logUpperEnergyEdge - logLowerEnergyEdge) / G4double(nmbBins); G4double logDeltaIntegr = logDeltaEnergy / G4double(nmbSubBins); G4LPhysicsFreeVector* energyRangeVector = new G4LPhysicsFreeVector(nmbBins+1, lowerEnergy, upperEnergy); energyRangeVector -> SetSpline(true); G4double dedxLow = ComputeDEDXPerVolume(material, particle, lowerEnergy, cutEnergy); G4double range = 2.0 * lowerEnergy / dedxLow; energyRangeVector -> PutValues(0, lowerEnergy, range); G4double logEnergy = std::log(lowerEnergy); for(size_t i = 1; i < nmbBins+1; i++) { G4double logEnergyIntegr = logEnergy; for(size_t j = 0; j < nmbSubBins; j++) { G4double binLowerBoundary = std::exp(logEnergyIntegr); logEnergyIntegr += logDeltaIntegr; G4double binUpperBoundary = std::exp(logEnergyIntegr); G4double deltaIntegr = binUpperBoundary - binLowerBoundary; G4double energyIntegr = binLowerBoundary + 0.5 * deltaIntegr; G4double dedxValue = ComputeDEDXPerVolume(material, particle, energyIntegr, cutEnergy); if(dedxValue > 0.0) range += deltaIntegr / dedxValue; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_DETAILS G4cout << " E = "<< energyIntegr/MeV << " MeV -> dE = " << deltaIntegr/MeV << " MeV -> dE/dx = " << dedxValue/MeV*mm << " MeV/mm -> dE/(dE/dx) = " << deltaIntegr / dedxValue / mm << " mm -> range = " << range / mm << " mm " << G4endl; #endif } logEnergy += logDeltaEnergy; G4double energy = std::exp(logEnergy); energyRangeVector -> PutValues(i, energy, range); #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_DETAILS G4cout << "G4IonParametrisedLossModel::BuildRangeVector() bin = " << i <<", E = " << energy / MeV << " MeV, R = " << range / mm << " mm" << G4endl; #endif } G4bool b; G4double lowerRangeEdge = energyRangeVector -> GetValue(lowerEnergy, b); G4double upperRangeEdge = energyRangeVector -> GetValue(upperEnergy, b); G4LPhysicsFreeVector* rangeEnergyVector = new G4LPhysicsFreeVector(nmbBins+1, lowerRangeEdge, upperRangeEdge); rangeEnergyVector -> SetSpline(true); for(size_t i = 0; i < nmbBins+1; i++) { G4double energy = energyRangeVector -> GetLowEdgeEnergy(i); rangeEnergyVector -> PutValues(i, energyRangeVector -> GetValue(energy, b), energy); } #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_TABLES G4cout << *energyLossVector << *energyRangeVector << *rangeEnergyVector << G4endl; #endif IonMatCouple ionMatCouple = std::make_pair(particle, matCutsCouple); E[ionMatCouple] = energyRangeVector; r[ionMatCouple] = rangeEnergyVector; } // ######################################################################### G4double G4IonParametrisedLossModel::ComputeLossForStep( const G4MaterialCutsCouple* matCutsCouple, const G4ParticleDefinition* particle, G4double kineticEnergy, G4double stepLength) { G4double loss = 0.0; UpdateRangeCache(particle, matCutsCouple); G4PhysicsVector* energyRange = rangeCacheEnergyRange; G4PhysicsVector* rangeEnergy = rangeCacheRangeEnergy; if(energyRange != 0 && rangeEnergy != 0) { G4bool b; G4double lowerEnEdge = energyRange -> GetLowEdgeEnergy( 0 ); G4double lowerRangeEdge = rangeEnergy -> GetLowEdgeEnergy( 0 ); // Computing range for pre-step kinetic energy: G4double range = energyRange -> GetValue(kineticEnergy, b); // Energy below vector boundary: if(kineticEnergy < lowerEnEdge) { range = energyRange -> GetValue(lowerEnEdge, b); range *= std::sqrt(kineticEnergy / lowerEnEdge); } #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG G4cout << "G4IonParametrisedLossModel::ComputeLossForStep() range = " << range / mm << " mm, step = " << stepLength / mm << " mm" << G4endl; #endif // Remaining range: G4double remRange = range - stepLength; // If range is smaller than step length, the loss is set to kinetic // energy if(remRange < 0.0) loss = kineticEnergy; else if(remRange < lowerRangeEdge) { G4double ratio = remRange / lowerRangeEdge; loss = kineticEnergy - ratio * ratio * lowerEnEdge; } else { G4double energy = rangeEnergy -> GetValue(range - stepLength, b); loss = kineticEnergy - energy; } } if(loss < 0.0) loss = 0.0; return loss; } // ######################################################################### G4bool G4IonParametrisedLossModel::AddDEDXTable( const G4String& name, G4VIonDEDXTable* table, G4VIonDEDXScalingAlgorithm* algorithm) { if(table == 0) { G4cerr << "G4IonParametrisedLossModel::AddDEDXTable() Cannot " << " add table: Invalid pointer." << G4endl; return false; } // Checking uniqueness of name LossTableList::iterator iter = lossTableList.begin(); LossTableList::iterator iter_end = lossTableList.end(); for(;iter != iter_end; iter++) { G4String tableName = (*iter) -> GetName(); if(tableName == name) { G4cerr << "G4IonParametrisedLossModel::AddDEDXTable() Cannot " << " add table: Name already exists." << G4endl; return false; } } G4VIonDEDXScalingAlgorithm* scalingAlgorithm = algorithm; if(scalingAlgorithm == 0) scalingAlgorithm = new G4VIonDEDXScalingAlgorithm; G4IonDEDXHandler* handler = new G4IonDEDXHandler(table, scalingAlgorithm, name); lossTableList.push_front(handler); return true; } // ######################################################################### G4bool G4IonParametrisedLossModel::RemoveDEDXTable( const G4String& name) { LossTableList::iterator iter = lossTableList.begin(); LossTableList::iterator iter_end = lossTableList.end(); for(;iter != iter_end; iter++) { G4String tableName = (*iter) -> GetName(); if(tableName == name) { delete (*iter); // Remove from table list lossTableList.erase(iter); // Range vs energy and energy vs range vectors are cleared RangeEnergyTable::iterator iterRange = r.begin(); RangeEnergyTable::iterator iterRange_end = r.end(); for(;iterRange != iterRange_end; iterRange++) delete iterRange -> second; r.clear(); EnergyRangeTable::iterator iterEnergy = E.begin(); EnergyRangeTable::iterator iterEnergy_end = E.end(); for(;iterEnergy != iterEnergy_end; iterEnergy++) delete iterEnergy -> second; E.clear(); return true; } } return false; } // ######################################################################### void G4IonParametrisedLossModel::DeactivateICRU73Scaling() { RemoveDEDXTable("ICRU73"); AddDEDXTable("ICRU73", new G4IonStoppingData("ion_stopping_data/icru73")); } // #########################################################################