source: trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/lowenergy/src/ @ 961

Last change on this file since 961 was 961, checked in by garnier, 15 years ago

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27// $Id:,v 1.14 2008/12/12 08:50:59 sincerti Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02-ref-02 $
30// Author: Maria Grazia Pia (
31//         Sebastian Incerti (
32//         Nicolas A. Karakatsanis (
33// History:
34// -----------
35// 31 Jul 2001   MGP        Created
36// 27 Jun 2008   SI         Add check to avoid FPE errors
37// 08 Dec 2008   NAK        Log-Log interpolation math formula streamlined, self-test function
38// -------------------------------------------------------------------
40#include "G4LogLogInterpolation.hh"
42// Constructor
45{ }
47// Destructor
50{ }
52G4VDataSetAlgorithm* G4LogLogInterpolation::Clone() const 
53{ return new G4LogLogInterpolation; }
56G4double G4LogLogInterpolation::Calculate(G4double x, G4int bin, 
57                                          const G4DataVector& points, 
58                                          const G4DataVector& data) const
60  G4int nBins = data.size() - 1;
61//G4double oldresult = 0.;
62  G4double value = 0.;
63  if (x < points[0])
64    {
65      value = 0.;
66    }
67  else if (bin < nBins)
68    {
69      G4double e1 = points[bin];
70      G4double e2 = points[bin+1];
71      G4double d1 = data[bin];
72      G4double d2 = data[bin+1];
73// Check of e1, e2, d1 and d2 values to avoid floating-point errors when estimating the interpolated value below -- S.I., Jun. 2008
74      if ((d1 > 0.) && (d2 > 0.) && (e1 > 0.) && (e2 > 0.))
75        {
76// Streamline the Log-Log Interpolation formula in order to reduce the required number of log10() function calls
77// Variable oldresult contains the result of old implementation of Log-Log interpolation -- M.G.P. Jun. 2001
78//       oldresult = (std::log10(d1)*std::log10(e2/x) + std::log10(d2)*std::log10(x/e1)) / std::log10(e2/e1);
79//       oldresult = std::pow(10.,oldresult);
80// Variable value contains the result of new implementation, after streamlining the math operation -- N.A.K. Oct. 2008
81         value = std::log10(d1)+(std::log10(d2/d1)/std::log10(e2/e1)*std::log10(x/e1));
82         value = std::pow(10.,value);
83// Test of the new implementation result (value variable) against the old one (oldresult) -- N.A.K. Dec. 2008
84//       G4double diffResult = value - oldresult;
85//       G4double relativeDiff = 1e-11;
86// Comparison of the two values based on a max allowable relative difference
87//       if ( std::fabs(diffResult) > relativeDiff*std::fabs(oldresult) )
88//        {
89// Abort comparison when at least one of two results is infinite
90//           if ((!std::isinf(oldresult)) && (!std::isinf(value)))
91//            {
92//              G4cout << "G4LogLogInterpolation> Old Interpolated Value is:" << oldresult << G4endl;
93//              G4cout << "G4LogLogInterpolation> New Interpolated Value is:" << value << G4endl << G4endl;
94//              G4cerr << "G4LogLogInterpolation> Error in Interpolation:" << G4endl;
95//              G4cerr << "The difference between new and old interpolated value is:" << diffResult << G4endl << G4endl;
96//            }
97//        }
98        }
99      else value = 0.;
100    }
101  else
102    {
103      value = data[nBins];
104    }
105  return value;
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