// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4LowEnergyIonisation.cc,v 1.104 2009/05/02 09:59:16 sincerti Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-beta-cand-01 $ // // -------------------------------------------------------------- // // File name: G4LowEnergyIonisation // // Author: Alessandra Forti, Vladimir Ivanchenko // // Creation date: March 1999 // // Modifications: // - 11.04.2000 VL // Changing use of float and G4float casts to G4double casts // because of problems with optimisation (bug ?) // 10.04.2000 VL // - Correcting Fluorescence transition probabilities in order to take into account // non-radiative transitions. No Auger electron simulated yet: energy is locally deposited. // 10.04.2000 VL // - Correction of incident electron final momentum direction // 07.04.2000 VL+LU // - First implementation of continuous energy loss // 22.03.2000 VL // - 1 bug corrected in SelectRandomAtom method (units) // 17.02.2000 Veronique Lefebure // - 5 bugs corrected: // *in Fluorescence, 2 bugs affecting // . localEnergyDeposition and // . number of emitted photons that was then always 1 less // *in EnergySampling method: // . expon = Parms[13]+1; (instead of uncorrect -1) // . rejection /= Parms[6];(instead of uncorrect Parms[7]) // . Parms[6] is apparently corrupted in the data file (often = 0) // -->Compute normalisation into local variable rejectionMax // and use rejectionMax in stead of Parms[6] // // Added Livermore data table construction methods A. Forti // Modified BuildMeanFreePath to read new data tables A. Forti // Added EnergySampling method A. Forti // Modified PostStepDoIt to insert sampling with EEDL data A. Forti // Added SelectRandomAtom A. Forti // Added map of the elements A. Forti // 20.09.00 V.Ivanchenko update fluctuations // 24.04.01 V.Ivanchenko remove RogueWave // 22.05.01 V.Ivanchenko update calculation of delta-ray kinematic + // clean up the code // 02.08.01 V.Ivanchenko fix energy conservation for small steps // 18.08.01 V.Ivanchenko fix energy conservation for pathalogical delta-energy // 01.10.01 E. Guardincerri Replaced fluorescence generation in PostStepDoIt // according to design iteration // 04.10.01 MGP Minor clean-up in the fluo section, removal of // compilation warnings and extra protection to // prevent from accessing a null pointer // 29.09.01 V.Ivanchenko revision based on design iteration // 10.10.01 MGP Revision to improve code quality and // consistency with design // 18.10.01 V.Ivanchenko Add fluorescence AlongStepDoIt // 18.10.01 MGP Revision to improve code quality and // consistency with design // 19.10.01 V.Ivanchenko update according to new design, V.Ivanchenko // 26.10.01 V.Ivanchenko clean up deexcitation // 28.10.01 V.Ivanchenko update printout // 29.11.01 V.Ivanchenko New parametrisation introduced // 25.03.02 V.Ivanchneko Fix in fluorescence // 28.03.02 V.Ivanchenko Add flag of fluorescence // 28.05.02 V.Ivanchenko Remove flag fStopAndKill // 31.05.02 V.Ivanchenko Add path of Fluo + Auger cuts to // AtomicDeexcitation // 03.06.02 MGP Restore fStopAndKill // 19.06.02 VI Additional printout // 30.07.02 VI Fix in restricted energy loss // 20.09.02 VI Remove ActivateFlurescence from SetCut... // 21.01.03 VI Cut per region // 12.02.03 VI Change signature for Deexcitation // 12.04.03 V.Ivanchenko Cut per region for fluo AlongStep // 31.08.04 V.Ivanchenko Add density correction // // -------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4LowEnergyIonisation.hh" #include "G4eIonisationSpectrum.hh" #include "G4eIonisationCrossSectionHandler.hh" #include "G4AtomicTransitionManager.hh" #include "G4AtomicShell.hh" #include "G4VDataSetAlgorithm.hh" #include "G4SemiLogInterpolation.hh" #include "G4LogLogInterpolation.hh" #include "G4EMDataSet.hh" #include "G4VEMDataSet.hh" #include "G4CompositeEMDataSet.hh" #include "G4EnergyLossTables.hh" #include "G4ShellVacancy.hh" #include "G4UnitsTable.hh" #include "G4Electron.hh" #include "G4Gamma.hh" #include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh" G4LowEnergyIonisation::G4LowEnergyIonisation(const G4String& nam) : G4eLowEnergyLoss(nam), crossSectionHandler(0), theMeanFreePath(0), energySpectrum(0), shellVacancy(0) { cutForPhotons = 250.0*eV; cutForElectrons = 250.0*eV; verboseLevel = 0; G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << " The class G4LowEnergyIonisation is NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE. " << G4endl; G4cout << " It will be REMOVED with the next major release of Geant4. " << G4endl; G4cout << " Please consult: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Geant4/LoweProcesses" << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl; } G4LowEnergyIonisation::~G4LowEnergyIonisation() { delete crossSectionHandler; delete energySpectrum; delete theMeanFreePath; delete shellVacancy; } void G4LowEnergyIonisation::BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType) { if(verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "G4LowEnergyIonisation::BuildPhysicsTable start" << G4endl; } cutForDelta.clear(); // Create and fill IonisationParameters once if( energySpectrum != 0 ) delete energySpectrum; energySpectrum = new G4eIonisationSpectrum(); if(verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "G4VEnergySpectrum is initialized" << G4endl; } // Create and fill G4CrossSectionHandler once if ( crossSectionHandler != 0 ) delete crossSectionHandler; G4VDataSetAlgorithm* interpolation = new G4SemiLogInterpolation(); G4double lowKineticEnergy = GetLowerBoundEloss(); G4double highKineticEnergy = GetUpperBoundEloss(); G4int totBin = GetNbinEloss(); crossSectionHandler = new G4eIonisationCrossSectionHandler(energySpectrum, interpolation, lowKineticEnergy, highKineticEnergy, totBin); crossSectionHandler->LoadShellData("ioni/ion-ss-cs-"); if (verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << GetProcessName() << " is created; Cross section data: " << G4endl; crossSectionHandler->PrintData(); G4cout << "Parameters: " << G4endl; energySpectrum->PrintData(); } // Build loss table for IonisationIV BuildLossTable(aParticleType); if(verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "The loss table is built" << G4endl; } if (&aParticleType==G4Electron::Electron()) { RecorderOfElectronProcess[CounterOfElectronProcess] = (*this).theLossTable; CounterOfElectronProcess++; PrintInfoDefinition(); } else { RecorderOfPositronProcess[CounterOfPositronProcess] = (*this).theLossTable; CounterOfPositronProcess++; } // Build mean free path data using cut values if( theMeanFreePath ) delete theMeanFreePath; theMeanFreePath = crossSectionHandler-> BuildMeanFreePathForMaterials(&cutForDelta); if(verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "The MeanFreePath table is built" << G4endl; if(verboseLevel > 1) theMeanFreePath->PrintData(); } // Build common DEDX table for all ionisation processes BuildDEDXTable(aParticleType); if (verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "G4LowEnergyIonisation::BuildPhysicsTable end" << G4endl; } } void G4LowEnergyIonisation::BuildLossTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& ) { // Build table for energy loss due to soft brems // the tables are built for *MATERIALS* binning is taken from LowEnergyLoss G4double lowKineticEnergy = GetLowerBoundEloss(); G4double highKineticEnergy = GetUpperBoundEloss(); size_t totBin = GetNbinEloss(); // create table if (theLossTable) { theLossTable->clearAndDestroy(); delete theLossTable; } const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable= G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable(); size_t numOfCouples = theCoupleTable->GetTableSize(); theLossTable = new G4PhysicsTable(numOfCouples); if (shellVacancy != 0) delete shellVacancy; shellVacancy = new G4ShellVacancy(); G4DataVector* ksi = 0; G4DataVector* energy = 0; size_t binForFluo = totBin/10; G4PhysicsLogVector* bVector = new G4PhysicsLogVector(lowKineticEnergy, highKineticEnergy, binForFluo); const G4AtomicTransitionManager* transitionManager = G4AtomicTransitionManager::Instance(); // Clean up the vector of cuts cutForDelta.clear(); // Loop for materials for (size_t m=0; mGetMaterialCutsCouple(m); const G4Material* material= couple->GetMaterial(); // the cut cannot be below lowest limit G4double tCut = (*(theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(1)))[m]; if(tCut > highKineticEnergy) tCut = highKineticEnergy; cutForDelta.push_back(tCut); const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = material->GetElementVector(); size_t NumberOfElements = material->GetNumberOfElements() ; const G4double* theAtomicNumDensityVector = material->GetAtomicNumDensityVector(); if(verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "Energy loss for material # " << m << " tCut(keV)= " << tCut/keV << G4endl; } // now comes the loop for the kinetic energy values for (size_t i = 0; iGetLowEdgeEnergy(i); G4double ionloss = 0.; // loop for elements in the material for (size_t iel=0; ielGetZ()); G4int nShells = transitionManager->NumberOfShells(Z); for (G4int n=0; nAverageEnergy(Z, 0.0, tCut, lowEdgeEnergy, n); G4double cs= crossSectionHandler->FindValue(Z, lowEdgeEnergy, n); ionloss += e * cs * theAtomicNumDensityVector[iel]; if(verboseLevel > 1 || (Z == 14 && lowEdgeEnergy>1. && lowEdgeEnergy<0.)) { G4cout << "Z= " << Z << " shell= " << n << " E(keV)= " << lowEdgeEnergy/keV << " Eav(keV)= " << e/keV << " cs= " << cs << " loss= " << ionloss << " rho= " << theAtomicNumDensityVector[iel] << G4endl; } } G4double esp = energySpectrum->Excitation(Z, lowEdgeEnergy); ionloss += esp * theAtomicNumDensityVector[iel]; } if(verboseLevel > 1 || (m == 0 && lowEdgeEnergy>=1. && lowEdgeEnergy<=0.)) { G4cout << "Sum: " << " E(keV)= " << lowEdgeEnergy/keV << " loss(MeV/mm)= " << ionloss*mm/MeV << G4endl; } aVector->PutValue(i,ionloss); } theLossTable->insert(aVector); // fill data for fluorescence G4VDataSetAlgorithm* interp = new G4LogLogInterpolation(); G4VEMDataSet* xsis = new G4CompositeEMDataSet(interp, 1., 1.); for (size_t iel=0; ielGetZ()); energy = new G4DataVector(); ksi = new G4DataVector(); for (size_t j = 0; jGetLowEdgeEnergy(j); G4double cross = 0.; G4double eAverage= 0.; G4int nShells = transitionManager->NumberOfShells(Z); for (G4int n=0; nAverageEnergy(Z, 0.0, tCut, lowEdgeEnergy, n); G4double pro = energySpectrum->Probability(Z, 0.0, tCut, lowEdgeEnergy, n); G4double cs= crossSectionHandler->FindValue(Z, lowEdgeEnergy, n); eAverage += e * cs * theAtomicNumDensityVector[iel]; cross += cs * pro * theAtomicNumDensityVector[iel]; if(verboseLevel > 1) { G4cout << "Z= " << Z << " shell= " << n << " E(keV)= " << lowEdgeEnergy/keV << " Eav(keV)= " << e/keV << " pro= " << pro << " cs= " << cs << G4endl; } } G4double coeff = 0.0; if(eAverage > 0.) { coeff = cross/eAverage; eAverage /= cross; } if(verboseLevel > 1) { G4cout << "Ksi Coefficient for Z= " << Z << " E(keV)= " << lowEdgeEnergy/keV << " Eav(keV)= " << eAverage/keV << " coeff= " << coeff << G4endl; } energy->push_back(lowEdgeEnergy); ksi->push_back(coeff); } interp = new G4LogLogInterpolation(); G4VEMDataSet* set = new G4EMDataSet(Z,energy,ksi,interp,1.,1.); xsis->AddComponent(set); } if(verboseLevel) xsis->PrintData(); shellVacancy->AddXsiTable(xsis); } delete bVector; } G4VParticleChange* G4LowEnergyIonisation::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& track, const G4Step& step) { // Delta electron production mechanism on base of the model // J. Stepanek " A program to determine the radiation spectra due // to a single atomic subshell ionisation by a particle or due to // deexcitation or decay of radionuclides", // Comp. Phys. Comm. 1206 pp 1-19 (1997) aParticleChange.Initialize(track); const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple = track.GetMaterialCutsCouple(); G4double kineticEnergy = track.GetKineticEnergy(); // Select atom and shell G4int Z = crossSectionHandler->SelectRandomAtom(couple, kineticEnergy); G4int shell = crossSectionHandler->SelectRandomShell(Z, kineticEnergy); const G4AtomicShell* atomicShell = (G4AtomicTransitionManager::Instance())->Shell(Z, shell); G4double bindingEnergy = atomicShell->BindingEnergy(); G4int shellId = atomicShell->ShellId(); // Sample delta energy G4int index = couple->GetIndex(); G4double tCut = cutForDelta[index]; G4double tmax = energySpectrum->MaxEnergyOfSecondaries(kineticEnergy); G4double tDelta = energySpectrum->SampleEnergy(Z, tCut, tmax, kineticEnergy, shell); if(tDelta == 0.0) return G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track, step); // Transform to shell potential G4double deltaKinE = tDelta + 2.0*bindingEnergy; G4double primaryKinE = kineticEnergy + 2.0*bindingEnergy; // sampling of scattering angle neglecting atomic motion G4double deltaMom = std::sqrt(deltaKinE*(deltaKinE + 2.0*electron_mass_c2)); G4double primaryMom = std::sqrt(primaryKinE*(primaryKinE + 2.0*electron_mass_c2)); G4double cost = deltaKinE * (primaryKinE + 2.0*electron_mass_c2) / (deltaMom * primaryMom); if (cost > 1.) cost = 1.; G4double sint = std::sqrt(1. - cost*cost); G4double phi = twopi * G4UniformRand(); G4double dirx = sint * std::cos(phi); G4double diry = sint * std::sin(phi); G4double dirz = cost; // Rotate to incident electron direction G4ThreeVector primaryDirection = track.GetMomentumDirection(); G4ThreeVector deltaDir(dirx,diry,dirz); deltaDir.rotateUz(primaryDirection); dirx = deltaDir.x(); diry = deltaDir.y(); dirz = deltaDir.z(); // Take into account atomic motion del is relative momentum of the motion // kinetic energy of the motion == bindingEnergy in V.Ivanchenko model cost = 2.0*G4UniformRand() - 1.0; sint = std::sqrt(1. - cost*cost); phi = twopi * G4UniformRand(); G4double del = std::sqrt(bindingEnergy *(bindingEnergy + 2.0*electron_mass_c2)) / deltaMom; dirx += del* sint * std::cos(phi); diry += del* sint * std::sin(phi); dirz += del* cost; // Find out new primary electron direction G4double finalPx = primaryMom*primaryDirection.x() - deltaMom*dirx; G4double finalPy = primaryMom*primaryDirection.y() - deltaMom*diry; G4double finalPz = primaryMom*primaryDirection.z() - deltaMom*dirz; // create G4DynamicParticle object for delta ray G4DynamicParticle* theDeltaRay = new G4DynamicParticle(); theDeltaRay->SetKineticEnergy(tDelta); G4double norm = 1.0/std::sqrt(dirx*dirx + diry*diry + dirz*dirz); dirx *= norm; diry *= norm; dirz *= norm; theDeltaRay->SetMomentumDirection(dirx, diry, dirz); theDeltaRay->SetDefinition(G4Electron::Electron()); G4double theEnergyDeposit = bindingEnergy; // fill ParticleChange // changed energy and momentum of the actual particle G4double finalKinEnergy = kineticEnergy - tDelta - theEnergyDeposit; if(finalKinEnergy < 0.0) { theEnergyDeposit += finalKinEnergy; finalKinEnergy = 0.0; aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); } else { G4double norm = 1.0/std::sqrt(finalPx*finalPx+finalPy*finalPy+finalPz*finalPz); finalPx *= norm; finalPy *= norm; finalPz *= norm; aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(finalPx, finalPy, finalPz); } aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(finalKinEnergy); // Generation of Fluorescence and Auger size_t nSecondaries = 0; size_t totalNumber = 1; std::vector* secondaryVector = 0; G4DynamicParticle* aSecondary = 0; G4ParticleDefinition* type = 0; // Fluorescence data start from element 6 if (Fluorescence() && Z > 5 && (bindingEnergy >= cutForPhotons || bindingEnergy >= cutForElectrons)) { secondaryVector = deexcitationManager.GenerateParticles(Z, shellId); if (secondaryVector != 0) { nSecondaries = secondaryVector->size(); for (size_t i = 0; iGetKineticEnergy(); type = aSecondary->GetDefinition(); if (e < theEnergyDeposit && ((type == G4Gamma::Gamma() && e > cutForPhotons ) || (type == G4Electron::Electron() && e > cutForElectrons ))) { theEnergyDeposit -= e; totalNumber++; } else { delete aSecondary; (*secondaryVector)[i] = 0; } } } } } // Save delta-electrons aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(totalNumber); aParticleChange.AddSecondary(theDeltaRay); // Save Fluorescence and Auger if (secondaryVector) { for (size_t l = 0; l < nSecondaries; l++) { aSecondary = (*secondaryVector)[l]; if(aSecondary) { aParticleChange.AddSecondary(aSecondary); } } delete secondaryVector; } if(theEnergyDeposit < 0.) { G4cout << "G4LowEnergyIonisation: Negative energy deposit: " << theEnergyDeposit/eV << " eV" << G4endl; theEnergyDeposit = 0.0; } aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(theEnergyDeposit); return G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track, step); } void G4LowEnergyIonisation::PrintInfoDefinition() { G4String comments = "Total cross sections from EEDL database."; comments += "\n Gamma energy sampled from a parametrised formula."; comments += "\n Implementation of the continuous dE/dx part."; comments += "\n At present it can be used for electrons "; comments += "in the energy range [250eV,100GeV]."; comments += "\n The process must work with G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung."; G4cout << G4endl << GetProcessName() << ": " << comments << G4endl; } G4bool G4LowEnergyIonisation::IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition& particle) { return ( (&particle == G4Electron::Electron()) ); } std::vector* G4LowEnergyIonisation::DeexciteAtom(const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple, G4double incidentEnergy, G4double eLoss) { // create vector of secondary particles const G4Material* material = couple->GetMaterial(); std::vector* partVector = new std::vector; if(eLoss > cutForPhotons && eLoss > cutForElectrons) { const G4AtomicTransitionManager* transitionManager = G4AtomicTransitionManager::Instance(); size_t nElements = material->GetNumberOfElements(); const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = material->GetElementVector(); std::vector* secVector = 0; G4DynamicParticle* aSecondary = 0; G4ParticleDefinition* type = 0; G4double e; G4ThreeVector position; G4int shell, shellId; // sample secondaries G4double eTot = 0.0; std::vector n = shellVacancy->GenerateNumberOfIonisations(couple, incidentEnergy,eLoss); for (size_t i=0; iGetZ()); size_t nVacancies = n[i]; G4double maxE = transitionManager->Shell(Z, 0)->BindingEnergy(); if (nVacancies && Z > 5 && (maxE>cutForPhotons || maxE>cutForElectrons)) { for (size_t j=0; jSelectRandomShell(Z, incidentEnergy); shellId = transitionManager->Shell(Z, shell)->ShellId(); G4double maxEShell = transitionManager->Shell(Z, shell)->BindingEnergy(); if (maxEShell>cutForPhotons || maxEShell>cutForElectrons ) { secVector = deexcitationManager.GenerateParticles(Z, shellId); if (secVector != 0) { for (size_t l = 0; lsize(); l++) { aSecondary = (*secVector)[l]; if (aSecondary != 0) { e = aSecondary->GetKineticEnergy(); type = aSecondary->GetDefinition(); if ( eTot + e <= eLoss && ((type == G4Gamma::Gamma() && e>cutForPhotons ) || (type == G4Electron::Electron() && e>cutForElectrons))) { eTot += e; partVector->push_back(aSecondary); } else { delete aSecondary; } } } delete secVector; } } } } } } return partVector; } G4double G4LowEnergyIonisation::GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track& track, G4double , // previousStepSize G4ForceCondition* cond) { *cond = NotForced; G4int index = (track.GetMaterialCutsCouple())->GetIndex(); const G4VEMDataSet* data = theMeanFreePath->GetComponent(index); G4double meanFreePath = data->FindValue(track.GetKineticEnergy()); return meanFreePath; } void G4LowEnergyIonisation::SetCutForLowEnSecPhotons(G4double cut) { cutForPhotons = cut; deexcitationManager.SetCutForSecondaryPhotons(cut); } void G4LowEnergyIonisation::SetCutForLowEnSecElectrons(G4double cut) { cutForElectrons = cut; deexcitationManager.SetCutForAugerElectrons(cut); } void G4LowEnergyIonisation::ActivateAuger(G4bool val) { deexcitationManager.ActivateAugerElectronProduction(val); }