// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4Penelope08RayleighModel.cc,v 1.2 2010/06/25 09:41:28 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // Author: Luciano Pandola // // History: // -------- // 03 Dec 2009 L Pandola First implementation // #include "G4Penelope08RayleighModel.hh" #include "G4PenelopeSamplingData.hh" #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh" #include "G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh" #include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh" #include "G4DynamicParticle.hh" #include "G4PhysicsTable.hh" #include "G4ElementTable.hh" #include "G4Element.hh" #include "G4PenelopeIntegrator.hh" #include "G4PhysicsFreeVector.hh" //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... G4Penelope08RayleighModel::G4Penelope08RayleighModel(const G4ParticleDefinition*, const G4String& nam) :G4VEmModel(nam),isInitialised(false),logAtomicCrossSection(0), atomicFormFactor(0),logFormFactorTable(0),pMaxTable(0),samplingTable(0) { fIntrinsicLowEnergyLimit = 100.0*eV; fIntrinsicHighEnergyLimit = 100.0*GeV; // SetLowEnergyLimit(fIntrinsicLowEnergyLimit); SetHighEnergyLimit(fIntrinsicHighEnergyLimit); // verboseLevel= 0; // Verbosity scale: // 0 = nothing // 1 = warning for energy non-conservation // 2 = details of energy budget // 3 = calculation of cross sections, file openings, sampling of atoms // 4 = entering in methods //build the energy grid. It is the same for all materials G4double logenergy = std::log(fIntrinsicLowEnergyLimit/2.); G4double logmaxenergy = std::log(1.5*fIntrinsicHighEnergyLimit); //finer grid below 160 keV G4double logtransitionenergy = std::log(160*keV); G4double logfactor1 = std::log(10.)/250.; G4double logfactor2 = logfactor1*10; logEnergyGridPMax.push_back(logenergy); do{ if (logenergy < logtransitionenergy) logenergy += logfactor1; else logenergy += logfactor2; logEnergyGridPMax.push_back(logenergy); }while (logenergy < logmaxenergy); } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... G4Penelope08RayleighModel::~G4Penelope08RayleighModel() { std::map ::iterator i; if (logAtomicCrossSection) { for (i=logAtomicCrossSection->begin();i != logAtomicCrossSection->end();i++) if (i->second) delete i->second; delete logAtomicCrossSection; } if (atomicFormFactor) { for (i=atomicFormFactor->begin();i != atomicFormFactor->end();i++) if (i->second) delete i->second; delete atomicFormFactor; } ClearTables(); } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... void G4Penelope08RayleighModel::ClearTables() { std::map ::iterator i; if (logFormFactorTable) { for (i=logFormFactorTable->begin(); i != logFormFactorTable->end(); i++) if (i->second) delete i->second; delete logFormFactorTable; logFormFactorTable = 0; //zero explicitely } if (pMaxTable) { for (i=pMaxTable->begin(); i != pMaxTable->end(); i++) if (i->second) delete i->second; delete pMaxTable; pMaxTable = 0; //zero explicitely } std::map::iterator ii; if (samplingTable) { for (ii=samplingTable->begin(); ii != samplingTable->end(); ii++) if (ii->second) delete ii->second; delete samplingTable; samplingTable = 0; //zero explicitely } return; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... void G4Penelope08RayleighModel::Initialise(const G4ParticleDefinition* , const G4DataVector& ) { if (verboseLevel > 3) G4cout << "Calling G4Penelope08RayleighModel::Initialise()" << G4endl; //clear tables depending on materials, not the atomic ones ClearTables(); //create new tables // // logAtomicCrossSection and atomicFormFactor are created only once, // since they are never cleared if (!logAtomicCrossSection) logAtomicCrossSection = new std::map; if (!atomicFormFactor) atomicFormFactor = new std::map; if (!logFormFactorTable) logFormFactorTable = new std::map; if (!pMaxTable) pMaxTable = new std::map; if (!samplingTable) samplingTable = new std::map; if (verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "Penelope08 Rayleigh model is initialized " << G4endl << "Energy range: " << LowEnergyLimit() / keV << " keV - " << HighEnergyLimit() / GeV << " GeV" << G4endl; } if(isInitialised) return; fParticleChange = GetParticleChangeForGamma(); isInitialised = true; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... G4double G4Penelope08RayleighModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(const G4ParticleDefinition*, G4double energy, G4double Z, G4double, G4double, G4double) { // Cross section of Rayleigh scattering in Penelope2008 is calculated by the EPDL97 // tabulation, Cuellen et al. (1997), with non-relativistic form factors from Hubbel // et al. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 4 (1975) 471; Erratum ibid. 6 (1977) 615. if (verboseLevel > 3) G4cout << "Calling CrossSectionPerAtom() of G4Penelope08RayleighModel" << G4endl; G4int iZ = (G4int) Z; //read data files if (!logAtomicCrossSection->count(iZ)) ReadDataFile(iZ); //now it should be ok if (!logAtomicCrossSection->count(iZ)) { G4cout << "Problem in G4Penelope08RayleighModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom" << G4endl; G4Exception(); } G4double cross = 0; G4PhysicsFreeVector* atom = logAtomicCrossSection->find(iZ)->second; if (!atom) { G4cout << "Problem in G4Penelope08RayleighModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom" << G4endl; G4Exception(); } G4double logene = std::log(energy); G4double logXS = atom->Value(logene); cross = std::exp(logXS); if (verboseLevel > 2) G4cout << "Compton cross Section at " << energy/keV << " keV for Z=" << Z << " = " << cross/barn << " barn" << G4endl; return cross; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... void G4Penelope08RayleighModel::BuildFormFactorTable(const G4Material* material) { /* 1) get composition and equivalent molecular density */ G4int nElements = material->GetNumberOfElements(); const G4ElementVector* elementVector = material->GetElementVector(); const G4double* fractionVector = material->GetFractionVector(); std::vector *StechiometricFactors = new std::vector; for (G4int i=0;iGetA()/(g/mole); StechiometricFactors->push_back(fraction/atomicWeigth); } //Find max G4double MaxStechiometricFactor = 0.; for (G4int i=0;i MaxStechiometricFactor) MaxStechiometricFactor = (*StechiometricFactors)[i]; } if (MaxStechiometricFactor<1e-16) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::BuildFormFactorTable" << G4endl; G4cout << "Problem with the mass composition of " << material->GetName() << G4endl; G4Exception(); } //Normalize for (G4int i=0;iSetSpline(true); for (size_t k=0;kGetZ(); G4PhysicsFreeVector* theAtomVec = atomicFormFactor->find(iZ)->second; G4double f = (*theAtomVec)[k]; //the q-grid is always the same ff2 += f*f*(*StechiometricFactors)[i]; } if (ff2) theFFVec->PutValue(k,logQSquareGrid[k],std::log(ff2)); //NOTICE: THIS IS log(Q^2) vs. log(F^2) } logFormFactorTable->insert(std::make_pair(material,theFFVec)); delete StechiometricFactors; return; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... void G4Penelope08RayleighModel::SampleSecondaries(std::vector* , const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple, const G4DynamicParticle* aDynamicGamma, G4double, G4double) { // Sampling of the Rayleigh final state (namely, scattering angle of the photon) // from the Penelope2008 model. The scattering angle is sampled from the atomic // cross section dOmega/d(cosTheta) from Born ("Atomic Phyisics", 1969), disregarding // anomalous scattering effects. The Form Factor F(Q) function which appears in the // analytical cross section is retrieved via the method GetFSquared(); atomic data // are tabulated for F(Q). Form factor for compounds is calculated according to // the additivity rule. The sampling from the F(Q) is made via a Rational Inverse // Transform with Aliasing (RITA) algorithm; RITA parameters are calculated once // for each material and managed by G4PenelopeSamplingData objects. // The sampling algorithm (rejection method) has efficiency 67% at low energy, and // increases with energy. For E=100 keV the efficiency is 100% and 86% for // hydrogen and uranium, respectively. if (verboseLevel > 3) G4cout << "Calling SamplingSecondaries() of G4Penelope08RayleighModel" << G4endl; G4double photonEnergy0 = aDynamicGamma->GetKineticEnergy(); if (photonEnergy0 <= fIntrinsicLowEnergyLimit) { fParticleChange->ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); fParticleChange->SetProposedKineticEnergy(0.); fParticleChange->ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(photonEnergy0); return ; } G4ParticleMomentum photonDirection0 = aDynamicGamma->GetMomentumDirection(); const G4Material* theMat = couple->GetMaterial(); //1) Verify if tables are ready if (!pMaxTable || !samplingTable) { G4cout << " G4Penelope08RayleighModel::SampleSecondaries" << G4endl; G4cout << "Looks like the model is _not_ properly initialized" << G4endl; G4Exception(); } //2) retrieve or build the sampling table if (!(samplingTable->count(theMat))) InitializeSamplingAlgorithm(theMat); G4PenelopeSamplingData* theDataTable = samplingTable->find(theMat)->second; //3) retrieve or build the pMax data if (!pMaxTable->count(theMat)) GetPMaxTable(theMat); G4PhysicsFreeVector* thePMax = pMaxTable->find(theMat)->second; G4double cosTheta = 1.0; //OK, ready to go! G4double qmax = 2.0*photonEnergy0/electron_mass_c2; //this is non-dimensional now if (qmax < 1e-10) //very low momentum transfer { G4bool loopAgain=false; do { loopAgain = false; cosTheta = 1.0-2.0*G4UniformRand(); G4double G = 0.5*(1+cosTheta*cosTheta); if (G4UniformRand()>G) loopAgain = true; }while(loopAgain); } else //larger momentum transfer { size_t nData = theDataTable->GetNumberOfStoredPoints(); G4double LastQ2inTheTable = theDataTable->GetX(nData-1); G4double q2max = std::min(qmax*qmax,LastQ2inTheTable); G4bool loopAgain = false; G4double MaxPValue = thePMax->Value(photonEnergy0); G4double xx=0; //Sampling by rejection method. The rejection function is //G = 0.5*(1+cos^2(theta)) // do{ loopAgain = false; G4double RandomMax = G4UniformRand()*MaxPValue; xx = theDataTable->SampleValue(RandomMax); //xx is a random value of q^2 in (0,q2max),sampled according to //F(Q^2) via the RITA algorithm if (xx > q2max) loopAgain = true; cosTheta = 1.0-2.0*xx/q2max; G4double G = 0.5*(1+cosTheta*cosTheta); if (G4UniformRand()>G) loopAgain = true; }while(loopAgain); } G4double sinTheta = std::sqrt(1-cosTheta*cosTheta); // Scattered photon angles. ( Z - axis along the parent photon) G4double phi = twopi * G4UniformRand() ; G4double dirX = sinTheta*std::cos(phi); G4double dirY = sinTheta*std::sin(phi); G4double dirZ = cosTheta; // Update G4VParticleChange for the scattered photon G4ThreeVector photonDirection1(dirX, dirY, dirZ); photonDirection1.rotateUz(photonDirection0); fParticleChange->ProposeMomentumDirection(photonDirection1) ; fParticleChange->SetProposedKineticEnergy(photonEnergy0) ; return; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... void G4Penelope08RayleighModel::ReadDataFile(const G4int Z) { if (verboseLevel > 2) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::ReadDataFile()" << G4endl; G4cout << "Going to read Rayleigh data files for Z=" << Z << G4endl; } char* path = getenv("G4LEDATA"); if (!path) { G4String excep = "G4Penelope08RayleighModel - G4LEDATA environment variable not set!"; G4Exception(excep); } /* Read first the cross section file */ std::ostringstream ost; if (Z>9) ost << path << "/penelope/rayleigh/pdgra" << Z << ".p08"; else ost << path << "/penelope/rayleigh/pdgra0" << Z << ".p08"; std::ifstream file(ost.str().c_str()); if (!file.is_open()) { G4String excep = "G4Penelope08RayleighModel - data file " + G4String(ost.str()) + " not found!"; G4Exception(excep); } G4int readZ =0; size_t nPoints= 0; file >> readZ >> nPoints; //check the right file is opened. if (readZ != Z || nPoints <= 0) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::ReadDataFile()" << G4endl; G4cout << "Corrupted data file for Z=" << Z << G4endl; G4Exception(); } G4PhysicsFreeVector* theVec = new G4PhysicsFreeVector((size_t)nPoints); G4double ene=0,f1=0,f2=0,xs=0; for (size_t i=0;i> ene >> f1 >> f2 >> xs; //dimensional quantities ene *= eV; xs *= cm2; theVec->PutValue(i,std::log(ene),std::log(xs)); if (file.eof() && i != (nPoints-1)) //file ended too early { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::ReadDataFile()" << G4endl; G4cout << "Corrupted data file for Z=" << Z << G4endl; G4cout << "Found less than " << nPoints << "entries " <insert(std::make_pair(Z,theVec)); file.close(); /* Then read the form factor file */ std::ostringstream ost2; if (Z>9) ost2 << path << "/penelope/rayleigh/pdaff" << Z << ".p08"; else ost2 << path << "/penelope/rayleigh/pdaff0" << Z << ".p08"; file.open(ost2.str().c_str()); if (!file.is_open()) { G4String excep = "G4Penelope08RayleighModel - data file " + G4String(ost2.str()) + " not found!"; G4Exception(excep); } file >> readZ >> nPoints; //check the right file is opened. if (readZ != Z || nPoints <= 0) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::ReadDataFile()" << G4endl; G4cout << "Corrupted data file for Z=" << Z << G4endl; G4Exception(); } G4PhysicsFreeVector* theFFVec = new G4PhysicsFreeVector((size_t)nPoints); G4double q=0,ff=0,incoh=0; G4bool fillQGrid = false; //fill this vector only the first time. if (!logQSquareGrid.size()) fillQGrid = true; for (size_t i=0;i> q >> ff >> incoh; //q and ff are dimensionless (q is in units of (m_e*c) theFFVec->PutValue(i,q,ff); if (fillQGrid) { logQSquareGrid.push_back(2.0*std::log(q)); } if (file.eof() && i != (nPoints-1)) //file ended too early { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::ReadDataFile()" << G4endl; G4cout << "Corrupted data file for Z=" << Z << G4endl; G4cout << "Found less than " << nPoints << "entries " <insert(std::make_pair(Z,theFFVec)); file.close(); return; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... G4double G4Penelope08RayleighModel::GetFSquared(const G4Material* mat, const G4double QSquared) { G4double f2 = 0; G4double logQSquared = std::log(QSquared); //last value of the table G4double maxlogQ2 = logQSquareGrid[logQSquareGrid.size()-1]; //If the table has not been built for the material, do it! if (!logFormFactorTable->count(mat)) BuildFormFactorTable(mat); //now it should be all right G4PhysicsFreeVector* theVec = logFormFactorTable->find(mat)->second; if (!theVec) { G4cout << " G4Penelope08RayleighModel::GetFSquared()" << G4endl; G4cout << "Unable to retrieve F squared table for " << mat->GetName(); G4Exception(); } if (logQSquared < -20) // Q < 1e-9 { G4double logf2 = (*theVec)[0]; //first value of the table f2 = std::exp(logf2); } else if (logQSquared > maxlogQ2) f2 =0; else { //log(Q^2) vs. log(F^2) G4double logf2 = theVec->Value(logQSquared); f2 = std::exp(logf2); } if (verboseLevel > 3) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::GetFSquared() in " << mat->GetName() << G4endl; G4cout << "Q^2 = " << QSquared << " (units of 1/(m_e*c); F^2 = " << f2 << G4endl; } return f2; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... void G4Penelope08RayleighModel::InitializeSamplingAlgorithm(const G4Material* mat) { G4double q2min = 0; G4double q2max = 0; const size_t np = 150; //hard-coded in Penelope for (size_t i=1;i 1e-35) { q2max = std::exp(logQSquareGrid[i-1]); } } size_t nReducedPoints = np/4; //check for errors if (np < 16) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::InitializeSamplingAlgorithm" << G4endl; G4cout << "Too few points to initialize the sampling algorithm" << G4endl; G4Exception(); } if (q2min > (q2max-1e-10)) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::InitializeSamplingAlgorithm" << G4endl; G4cout << "Too narrow grid to initialize the sampling algorithm" << G4endl; G4Exception(); } //This is subroutine RITAI0 of Penelope //Create an object of type G4Penelope08RayleighSamplingData --> store in a map::Material* //temporary vectors --> Then everything is stored in G4PenelopeSamplingData G4DataVector* x = new G4DataVector(); /******************************************************************************* Start with a grid of NUNIF points uniformly spaced in the interval q2min,q2max ********************************************************************************/ size_t NUNIF = std::min(std::max(((size_t)8),nReducedPoints),np/2); const G4int nip = 51; //hard-coded in Penelope G4double dx = (q2max-q2min)/((G4double) NUNIF-1); x->push_back(q2min); for (size_t i=1;ipush_back(app); //increase } x->push_back(q2max); if (verboseLevel> 3) G4cout << "Vector x has " << x->size() << " points, while NUNIF = " << NUNIF << G4endl; //Allocate temporary storage vectors G4DataVector* area = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* a = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* b = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* c = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* err = new G4DataVector(); for (size_t i=0;ipush_back(pdfk); pdfmax = std::max(pdfmax,pdfk); if (k < (nip-1)) { G4double xih = xik + 0.5*dxi; G4double pdfIK = std::max(GetFSquared(mat,xih),0.); pdfih->push_back(pdfIK); pdfmax = std::max(pdfmax,pdfIK); } } //Simpson's integration G4double cons = dxi*0.5*(1./3.); sumi->push_back(0.); for (G4int k=1;kpush_back(next); } G4double lastIntegral = (*sumi)[sumi->size()-1]; area->push_back(lastIntegral); //Normalize cumulative function G4double factor = 1.0/lastIntegral; for (size_t k=0;ksize();k++) (*sumi)[k] *= factor; //When the PDF vanishes at one of the interval end points, its value is modified if ((*pdfi)[0] < 1e-35) (*pdfi)[0] = 1e-5*pdfmax; if ((*pdfi)[pdfi->size()-1] < 1e-35) (*pdfi)[pdfi->size()-1] = 1e-5*pdfmax; G4double pli = (*pdfi)[0]*factor; G4double pui = (*pdfi)[pdfi->size()-1]*factor; G4double B_temp = 1.0-1.0/(pli*pui*dx*dx); G4double A_temp = (1.0/(pli*dx))-1.0-B_temp; G4double C_temp = 1.0+A_temp+B_temp; if (C_temp < 1e-35) { a->push_back(0.); b->push_back(0.); c->push_back(1.); } else { a->push_back(A_temp); b->push_back(B_temp); c->push_back(C_temp); } //OK, now get ERR(I), the integral of the absolute difference between the rational interpolation //and the true pdf, extended over the interval (X(I),X(I+1)) G4int icase = 1; //loop code G4bool reLoop = false; err->push_back(0.); do { reLoop = false; (*err)[i] = 0.; //zero variable for (G4int k=0;k 0.1*(*area)[i] && icase == 1) { (*b)[i] = 0; (*a)[i] = 0; (*c)[i] = 1.; icase = 2; reLoop = true; } }while(reLoop); if (pdfi) delete pdfi; if (pdfih) delete pdfih; if (sumi) delete sumi; } //end of first loop over i //Now assign last point (*x)[x->size()-1] = q2max; a->push_back(0.); b->push_back(0.); c->push_back(0.); err->push_back(0.); area->push_back(0.); if (x->size() != NUNIF || a->size() != NUNIF || err->size() != NUNIF || area->size() != NUNIF) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::InitializeSamplingAlgorithm" << G4endl; G4cout << "Problem in building the Table for Sampling: array dimensions do not match " << G4endl; G4Exception(); } /******************************************************************************* New grid points are added by halving the sub-intervals with the largest absolute error This is done up to np=150 points in the grid ********************************************************************************/ do { G4double maxError = 0.0; size_t iErrMax = 0; for (size_t i=0;isize()-2;i++) { //maxError is the lagest of the interval errors err[i] if ((*err)[i] > maxError) { maxError = (*err)[i]; iErrMax = i; } } //OK, now I have to insert one new point in the position iErrMax G4double newx = 0.5*((*x)[iErrMax]+(*x)[iErrMax+1]); x->insert(x->begin()+iErrMax+1,newx); //Add place-holders in the other vectors area->insert(area->begin()+iErrMax+1,0.); a->insert(a->begin()+iErrMax+1,0.); b->insert(b->begin()+iErrMax+1,0.); c->insert(c->begin()+iErrMax+1,0.); err->insert(err->begin()+iErrMax+1,0.); //Now calculate the other parameters for (size_t i=iErrMax;i<=iErrMax+1;i++) { //Temporary vectors for this loop G4DataVector* pdfi = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* pdfih = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* sumi = new G4DataVector(); G4double dx = (*x)[i+1]-(*x)[i]; G4double dxi = ((*x)[i+1]-(*x)[i])/(G4double (nip-1)); G4double pdfmax = 0; for (G4int k=0;kpush_back(pdfk); pdfmax = std::max(pdfmax,pdfk); if (k < (nip-1)) { G4double xih = xik + 0.5*dxi; G4double pdfIK = std::max(GetFSquared(mat,xih),0.); pdfih->push_back(pdfIK); pdfmax = std::max(pdfmax,pdfIK); } } //Simpson's integration G4double cons = dxi*0.5*(1./3.); sumi->push_back(0.); for (G4int k=1;kpush_back(next); } G4double lastIntegral = (*sumi)[sumi->size()-1]; (*area)[i] = lastIntegral; //Normalize cumulative function G4double factor = 1.0/lastIntegral; for (size_t k=0;ksize();k++) (*sumi)[k] *= factor; //When the PDF vanishes at one of the interval end points, its value is modified if ((*pdfi)[0] < 1e-35) (*pdfi)[0] = 1e-5*pdfmax; if ((*pdfi)[pdfi->size()-1] < 1e-35) (*pdfi)[pdfi->size()-1] = 1e-5*pdfmax; G4double pli = (*pdfi)[0]*factor; G4double pui = (*pdfi)[pdfi->size()-1]*factor; G4double B_temp = 1.0-1.0/(pli*pui*dx*dx); G4double A_temp = (1.0/(pli*dx))-1.0-B_temp; G4double C_temp = 1.0+A_temp+B_temp; if (C_temp < 1e-35) { (*a)[i]= 0.; (*b)[i] = 0.; (*c)[i] = 0; } else { (*a)[i]= A_temp; (*b)[i] = B_temp; (*c)[i] = C_temp; } //OK, now get ERR(I), the integral of the absolute difference between the rational interpolation //and the true pdf, extended over the interval (X(I),X(I+1)) G4int icase = 1; //loop code G4bool reLoop = false; do { reLoop = false; (*err)[i] = 0.; //zero variable for (G4int k=0;k 0.1*(*area)[i] && icase == 1) { (*b)[i] = 0; (*a)[i] = 0; (*c)[i] = 1.; icase = 2; reLoop = true; } }while(reLoop); if (pdfi) delete pdfi; if (pdfih) delete pdfih; if (sumi) delete sumi; } }while(x->size() < np); if (x->size() != np || a->size() != np || err->size() != np || area->size() != np) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::InitializeSamplingAlgorithm" << G4endl; G4cout << "Problem in building the extended Table for Sampling: array dimensions do not match " << G4endl; G4Exception(); } /******************************************************************************* Renormalization ********************************************************************************/ G4double ws = 0; for (size_t i=0;ipush_back(0.); for (size_t i=0;ipush_back(previous+(*area)[i]); } (*PAC)[PAC->size()-1] = 1.; /******************************************************************************* Pre-calculated limits for the initial binary search for subsequent sampling ********************************************************************************/ //G4DataVector* ITTL = new G4DataVector(); std::vector *ITTL = new std::vector; std::vector *ITTU = new std::vector; //Just create place-holders for (size_t i=0;ipush_back(0); ITTU->push_back(0); } G4double bin = 1.0/(np-1); (*ITTL)[0]=0; for (size_t i=1;i<(np-1);i++) { G4double ptst = i*bin; G4bool found = false; for (size_t j=(*ITTL)[i-1];j ptst) { (*ITTL)[i] = j-1; (*ITTU)[i-1] = j; found = true; } } } (*ITTU)[ITTU->size()-2] = ITTU->size()-1; (*ITTU)[ITTU->size()-1] = ITTU->size()-1; (*ITTL)[ITTL->size()-1] = ITTU->size()-2; if (ITTU->size() != np || ITTU->size() != np) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::InitializeSamplingAlgorithm" << G4endl; G4cout << "Problem in building the Limit Tables for Sampling: array dimensions do not match " << G4endl; G4Exception(); } /******************************************************************************** Copy tables ********************************************************************************/ G4PenelopeSamplingData* theTable = new G4PenelopeSamplingData(np); for (size_t i=0;iAddPoint((*x)[i],(*PAC)[i],(*a)[i],(*b)[i],(*ITTL)[i],(*ITTU)[i]); } if (verboseLevel > 2) { G4cout << "*************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "Sampling table for Penelope Rayleigh scattering in " << mat->GetName() << G4endl; theTable->DumpTable(); } samplingTable->insert(std::make_pair(mat,theTable)); //Clean up temporary vectors if (x) delete x; if (a) delete a; if (b) delete b; if (c) delete c; if (err) delete err; if (area) delete area; if (PAC) delete PAC; if (ITTL) delete ITTL; if (ITTU) delete ITTU; //DONE! return; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... void G4Penelope08RayleighModel::GetPMaxTable(const G4Material* mat) { if (!pMaxTable) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::BuildPMaxTable" << G4endl; G4cout << "Going to instanziate the pMaxTable !" << G4endl; G4cout << "That should _not_ be here! " << G4endl; pMaxTable = new std::map; } //check if the table is already there if (pMaxTable->count(mat)) return; //otherwise build it if (!samplingTable) { G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel::BuildPMaxTable" << G4endl; G4cout << "WARNING: samplingTable is not properly instantiated" << G4endl; G4Exception(); } if (!samplingTable->count(mat)) InitializeSamplingAlgorithm(mat); G4PenelopeSamplingData *theTable = samplingTable->find(mat)->second; size_t tablePoints = theTable->GetNumberOfStoredPoints(); size_t nOfEnergyPoints = logEnergyGridPMax.size(); G4PhysicsFreeVector* theVec = new G4PhysicsFreeVector(nOfEnergyPoints); const size_t nip = 51; //hard-coded in Penelope for (size_t ie=0;ieGetX(0); G4double lastQ2 = theTable->GetX(tablePoints-1); G4double thePMax = 0; if (Qm2 > firstQ2) { if (Qm2 < lastQ2) { //bisection to look for the index of Qm size_t lowerBound = 0; size_t upperBound = tablePoints-1; while (lowerBound <= upperBound) { size_t midBin = (lowerBound + upperBound)/2; if( Qm2 < theTable->GetX(midBin)) { upperBound = midBin-1; } else { lowerBound = midBin+1; } } //upperBound is the output (but also lowerBounf --> should be the same!) G4double Q1 = theTable->GetX(upperBound); G4double Q2 = Qm2; G4double DQ = (Q2-Q1)/((G4double)(nip-1)); G4double theA = theTable->GetA(upperBound); G4double theB = theTable->GetB(upperBound); G4double thePAC = theTable->GetPAC(upperBound); G4DataVector* fun = new G4DataVector(); for (size_t k=0;kGetX(upperBound+1)-Q1); G4double con1 = 2.0*theB*tau; G4double ci = 1.0+theA+theB; G4double con2 = ci-theA*tau; G4double etap = 0; if (std::fabs(con1) > 1.0e-16*std::fabs(con2)) etap = con2*(1.0-std::sqrt(1.0-2.0*tau*con1/(con2*con2)))/con1; else etap = tau/con2; G4double theFun = (theTable->GetPAC(upperBound+1)-thePAC)* (1.0+(theA+theB*etap)*etap)*(1.0+(theA+theB*etap)*etap)/ ((1.0-theB*etap*etap)*ci*(theTable->GetX(upperBound+1)-Q1)); fun->push_back(theFun); } //Now intergrate numerically the fun Cavalieri-Simpson's method G4DataVector* sum = new G4DataVector; G4double CONS = DQ*(1./12.); G4double HCONS = 0.5*CONS; sum->push_back(0.); G4double secondPoint = (*sum)[0] + (5.0*(*fun)[0]+8.0*(*fun)[1]-(*fun)[2])*CONS; sum->push_back(secondPoint); for (size_t hh=2;hhpush_back(next); } G4double last = (*sum)[nip-2]+(5.0*(*fun)[nip-1]+8.0*(*fun)[nip-2]- (*fun)[nip-3])*CONS; sum->push_back(last); thePMax = thePAC + (*sum)[sum->size()-1]; //last point if (fun) delete fun; if (sum) delete sum; } else { thePMax = 1.0; } } else { thePMax = theTable->GetPAC(0); } //Write number in the table theVec->PutValue(ie,energy,thePMax); } pMaxTable->insert(std::make_pair(mat,theVec)); return; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... void G4Penelope08RayleighModel::DumpFormFactorTable(const G4Material* mat) { G4cout << "*****************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "G4Penelope08RayleighModel: Form Factor Table for " << mat->GetName() << G4endl; //try to use the same format as Penelope-Fortran, namely Q (/m_e*c) and F G4cout << "Q/(m_e*c) F(Q) " << G4endl; G4cout << "*****************************************************************" << G4endl; if (!logFormFactorTable->count(mat)) BuildFormFactorTable(mat); G4PhysicsFreeVector* theVec = logFormFactorTable->find(mat)->second; for (size_t i=0;iGetVectorLength();i++) { G4double logQ2 = theVec->GetLowEdgeEnergy(i); G4double Q = std::exp(0.5*logQ2); G4double logF2 = (*theVec)[i]; G4double F = std::exp(0.5*logF2); G4cout << Q << " " << F << G4endl; } //DONE return; }