// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4PenelopeCompton.cc,v 1.33 2008/06/03 15:44:25 pandola Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02 $ // // Author: Luciano Pandola // // History: // -------- // 12 Feb 2003 MG Pia const argument in SelectRandomAtomForCompton // Migration to "cuts per region" // 14 Feb 2003 MG Pia Corrected compilation errors and warnings // from SUN // Modified some variables to lowercase initial // 10 Mar 2003 V.Ivanchenko Remove CutPerMaterial warning // 13 Mar 2003 L.Pandola Code "cleaned" // 20 Mar 2003 L.Pandola ReadData() changed (performance improved) // 26 Mar 2003 L.Pandola Added fluorescence // 24 May 2003 MGP Removed memory leak // 09 Mar 2004 L.Pandola Bug fixed in the generation of final state // (bug report # 585) // 17 Mar 2004 L.Pandola Removed unnecessary calls to std::pow(a,b) // 18 Mar 2004 L.Pandola Use of std::map (code review) // 26 Mar 2008 L.Pandola Add boolean flag to control atomic de-excitation // 27 Mar 2008 L.Pandola Re-named some variables to improve readability, // and check for strict energy conservation // 03 Jun 2008 L.Pandola Added further protection against non-conservation // of energy: it may happen because ionization energy // from de-excitation manager and from Penelope internal // database do not match (difference is <10 eV, but may // give a e- with negative kinetic energy). // // ------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4PenelopeCompton.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh" #include "G4Track.hh" #include "G4Step.hh" #include "G4ForceCondition.hh" #include "G4Gamma.hh" #include "G4Electron.hh" #include "G4DynamicParticle.hh" #include "G4VParticleChange.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4EnergyLossTables.hh" #include "G4VCrossSectionHandler.hh" #include "G4CrossSectionHandler.hh" #include "G4VEMDataSet.hh" #include "G4EMDataSet.hh" #include "G4CompositeEMDataSet.hh" #include "G4VDataSetAlgorithm.hh" #include "G4LogLogInterpolation.hh" #include "G4VRangeTest.hh" #include "G4RangeTest.hh" #include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh" #include "G4AtomicTransitionManager.hh" #include "G4AtomicShell.hh" #include "G4AtomicDeexcitation.hh" #include "G4PenelopeIntegrator.hh" #include "G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh" G4PenelopeCompton::G4PenelopeCompton(const G4String& processName) : G4VDiscreteProcess(processName), lowEnergyLimit(250*eV), highEnergyLimit(100*GeV), intrinsicLowEnergyLimit(10*eV), intrinsicHighEnergyLimit(100*GeV), energyForIntegration(0.0), ZForIntegration(1), nBins(200), cutForLowEnergySecondaryPhotons(250.0*eV), fUseAtomicDeexcitation(true) { if (lowEnergyLimit < intrinsicLowEnergyLimit || highEnergyLimit > intrinsicHighEnergyLimit) { G4Exception("G4PenelopeCompton::G4PenelopeCompton - energy outside intrinsic process validity range"); } meanFreePathTable = 0; ionizationEnergy = new std::map; hartreeFunction = new std::map; occupationNumber = new std::map; rangeTest = new G4RangeTest; ReadData(); //Read data from file if (verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << GetProcessName() << " is created " << G4endl << "Energy range: " << lowEnergyLimit / keV << " keV - " << highEnergyLimit / GeV << " GeV" << G4endl; } } G4PenelopeCompton::~G4PenelopeCompton() { delete meanFreePathTable; delete rangeTest; for (size_t i=0;isize();i++) { delete (*matCrossSections)[i]; } delete matCrossSections; for (G4int Z=1;Z<100;Z++) { if (ionizationEnergy->count(Z)) delete (ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second); if (hartreeFunction->count(Z)) delete (hartreeFunction->find(Z)->second); if (occupationNumber->count(Z)) delete (occupationNumber->find(Z)->second); } delete ionizationEnergy; delete hartreeFunction; delete occupationNumber; } void G4PenelopeCompton::BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& ) { G4DataVector energyVector; G4double dBin = std::log10(highEnergyLimit/lowEnergyLimit)/nBins; for (G4int i=0;i; for (G4int m=0; mGetNumberOfElements(); const G4ElementVector* elementVector = material->GetElementVector(); const G4double* nAtomsPerVolume = material->GetAtomicNumDensityVector(); G4VEMDataSet* setForMat = new G4CompositeEMDataSet(algo,1.,1.); for (G4int i=0; iGetZ(); G4double density = nAtomsPerVolume[i]; G4double cross=0.0; energies = new G4DataVector; data = new G4DataVector; for (size_t bin=0; binpush_back(e); cross = density * CrossSection(e,Z); data->push_back(cross); } G4VEMDataSet* elSet = new G4EMDataSet(i,energies,data,algo,1.,1.); setForMat->AddComponent(elSet); } matCrossSections->push_back(setForMat); } //Build the mean free path table! G4double matCS = 0.0; G4VEMDataSet* matCrossSet = new G4CompositeEMDataSet(algo,1.,1.); G4VEMDataSet* materialSet = new G4CompositeEMDataSet(algo,1.,1.); for (G4int m=0; mpush_back(energy); matCrossSet = (*matCrossSections)[m]; matCS = 0.0; G4int nElm = matCrossSet->NumberOfComponents(); for(G4int j=0; jGetComponent(j)->FindValue(energy); } if (matCS > 0.) { data->push_back(1./matCS); } else { data->push_back(DBL_MAX); } } G4VEMDataSet* dataSet = new G4EMDataSet(m,energies,data,algo,1.,1.); materialSet->AddComponent(dataSet); } meanFreePathTable = materialSet; } G4VParticleChange* G4PenelopeCompton::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep) { //Penelope model aParticleChange.Initialize(aTrack); // Dynamic particle quantities const G4DynamicParticle* incidentPhoton = aTrack.GetDynamicParticle(); G4double photonEnergy0 = incidentPhoton->GetKineticEnergy(); if (photonEnergy0 <= lowEnergyLimit) { aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.); aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(photonEnergy0); return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack,aStep); } G4ParticleMomentum photonDirection0 = incidentPhoton->GetMomentumDirection(); const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple = aTrack.GetMaterialCutsCouple(); const G4Material* material = couple->GetMaterial(); G4int Z = SelectRandomAtomForCompton(material,photonEnergy0); const G4int nmax = 64; G4double rn[nmax],pac[nmax]; G4double ki,ki1,ki2,ki3,taumin,a1,a2; G4double tau,TST; G4double S=0.0; G4double epsilon,cosTheta; G4double harFunc = 0.0; G4int occupNb= 0; G4double ionEnergy=0.0; G4int nosc = occupationNumber->find(Z)->second->size(); G4int iosc = nosc; ki = photonEnergy0/electron_mass_c2; ki2 = 2*ki+1.0; ki3 = ki*ki; ki1 = ki3-ki2-1.0; taumin = 1.0/ki2; a1 = std::log(ki2); a2 = a1+2.0*ki*(1.0+ki)/(ki2*ki2); //If the incoming photon is above 5 MeV, the quicker approach based on the //pure Klein-Nishina formula is used if (photonEnergy0 > 5*MeV) { do{ do{ if ((a2*G4UniformRand()) < a1) { tau = std::pow(taumin,G4UniformRand()); } else { tau = std::sqrt(1.0+G4UniformRand()*(taumin*taumin-1.0)); } //rejection function TST = (1+tau*(ki1+tau*(ki2+tau*ki3)))/(ki3*tau*(1.0+tau*tau)); }while (G4UniformRand()> TST); epsilon=tau; cosTheta = 1.0 - (1.0-tau)/(ki*tau); //Target shell electrons TST = Z*G4UniformRand(); iosc = nosc; S=0.0; for (G4int j=0;jfind(Z)->second))[j]; S = S + occupNb; if (S > TST) iosc = j; if (S > TST) break; } ionEnergy = (*(ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iosc]; }while((epsilon*photonEnergy0-photonEnergy0+ionEnergy) >0); } else //photonEnergy0<5 MeV { //Incoherent scattering function for theta=PI G4double s0=0.0; G4double pzomc=0.0,rni=0.0; G4double aux=0.0; for (G4int i=0;ifind(Z)->second))[i]; if (photonEnergy0 > ionEnergy) { G4double aux = photonEnergy0*(photonEnergy0-ionEnergy)*2.0; harFunc = (*(hartreeFunction->find(Z)->second))[i]/fine_structure_const; occupNb = (G4int) (*(occupationNumber->find(Z)->second))[i]; pzomc = harFunc*(aux-electron_mass_c2*ionEnergy)/ (electron_mass_c2*std::sqrt(2.0*aux+ionEnergy*ionEnergy)); if (pzomc > 0) { rni = 1.0-0.5*std::exp(0.5-(std::sqrt(0.5)+std::sqrt(2.0)*pzomc)*(std::sqrt(0.5)+std::sqrt(2.0)*pzomc)); } else { rni = 0.5*std::exp(0.5-(std::sqrt(0.5)-std::sqrt(2.0)*pzomc)*(std::sqrt(0.5)-std::sqrt(2.0)*pzomc)); } s0 = s0 + occupNb*rni; } } //Sampling tau G4double cdt1; do { if ((G4UniformRand()*a2) < a1) { tau = std::pow(taumin,G4UniformRand()); } else { tau = std::sqrt(1.0+G4UniformRand()*(taumin*taumin-1.0)); } cdt1 = (1.0-tau)/(ki*tau); S=0.0; //Incoherent scattering function for (G4int i=0;ifind(Z)->second))[i]; if (photonEnergy0 > ionEnergy) //sum only on excitable levels { aux = photonEnergy0*(photonEnergy0-ionEnergy)*cdt1; harFunc = (*(hartreeFunction->find(Z)->second))[i]/fine_structure_const; occupNb = (G4int) (*(occupationNumber->find(Z)->second))[i]; pzomc = harFunc*(aux-electron_mass_c2*ionEnergy)/ (electron_mass_c2*std::sqrt(2.0*aux+ionEnergy*ionEnergy)); if (pzomc > 0) { rn[i] = 1.0-0.5*std::exp(0.5-(std::sqrt(0.5)+std::sqrt(2.0)*pzomc)* (std::sqrt(0.5)+std::sqrt(2.0)*pzomc)); } else { rn[i] = 0.5*std::exp(0.5-(std::sqrt(0.5)-std::sqrt(2.0)*pzomc)* (std::sqrt(0.5)-std::sqrt(2.0)*pzomc)); } S = S + occupNb*rn[i]; pac[i] = S; } else { pac[i] = S-(1e-06); } } //Rejection function TST = S*(1.0+tau*(ki1+tau*(ki2+tau*ki3)))/(ki3*tau*(1.0+tau*tau)); }while ((G4UniformRand()*s0) > TST); //Target electron shell cosTheta = 1.0 - cdt1; G4double fpzmax=0.0,fpz=0.0; G4double A=0.0; do { do { TST =S*G4UniformRand(); iosc=nosc; for (G4int i=0;iTST) iosc = i; if (pac[i]>TST) break; } A = G4UniformRand()*rn[iosc]; harFunc = (*(hartreeFunction->find(Z)->second))[iosc]/fine_structure_const; occupNb = (G4int) (*(occupationNumber->find(Z)->second))[iosc]; if (A < 0.5) { pzomc = (std::sqrt(0.5)-std::sqrt(0.5-std::log(2.0*A)))/ (std::sqrt(2.0)*harFunc); } else { pzomc = (std::sqrt(0.5-std::log(2.0-2.0*A))-std::sqrt(0.5))/ (std::sqrt(2.0)*harFunc); } } while (pzomc < -1); // F(EP) rejection G4double XQC = 1.0+tau*(tau-2.0*cosTheta); G4double AF = std::sqrt(XQC)*(1.0+tau*(tau-cosTheta)/XQC); if (AF > 0) { fpzmax = 1.0+AF*0.2; } else { fpzmax = 1.0-AF*0.2; } fpz = 1.0+AF*std::max(std::min(pzomc,0.2),-0.2); }while ((fpzmax*G4UniformRand())>fpz); //Energy of the scattered photon G4double T = pzomc*pzomc; G4double b1 = 1.0-T*tau*tau; G4double b2 = 1.0-T*tau*cosTheta; if (pzomc > 0.0) { epsilon = (tau/b1)*(b2+std::sqrt(std::abs(b2*b2-b1*(1.0-T)))); } else { epsilon = (tau/b1)*(b2-std::sqrt(std::abs(b2*b2-b1*(1.0-T)))); } } G4double sinTheta = std::sqrt(1-cosTheta*cosTheta); G4double phi = twopi * G4UniformRand() ; G4double dirx = sinTheta * std::cos(phi); G4double diry = sinTheta * std::sin(phi); G4double dirz = cosTheta ; // Update G4VParticleChange for the scattered photon G4ThreeVector photonDirection1(dirx,diry,dirz); photonDirection1.rotateUz(photonDirection0); aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(photonDirection1) ; G4double photonEnergy1 = epsilon * photonEnergy0; if (photonEnergy1 > 0.) { aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(photonEnergy1) ; } else { aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.) ; aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); } // Kinematics of the scattered electron G4double diffEnergy = photonEnergy0*(1-epsilon); ionEnergy = (*(ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iosc]; G4double Q2 = photonEnergy0*photonEnergy0+photonEnergy1*(photonEnergy1-2.0*photonEnergy0*cosTheta); G4double cosThetaE; //scattering angle for the electron if (Q2 > 1.0e-12) { cosThetaE = (photonEnergy0-photonEnergy1*cosTheta)/std::sqrt(Q2); } else { cosThetaE = 1.0; } G4double sinThetaE = std::sqrt(1-cosThetaE*cosThetaE); //initialize here, then check photons created by Atomic-Deexcitation, and the final state e- G4int nbOfSecondaries = 0; std::vector* photonVector=0; const G4AtomicTransitionManager* transitionManager = G4AtomicTransitionManager::Instance(); const G4AtomicShell* shell = transitionManager->Shell(Z,iosc); G4double bindingEnergy = shell->BindingEnergy(); G4int shellId = shell->ShellId(); G4double ionEnergyInPenelopeDatabase = ionEnergy; ionEnergy = std::max(bindingEnergy,ionEnergyInPenelopeDatabase); //protection against energy non-conservation G4double eKineticEnergy = diffEnergy - ionEnergy; //subtract the excitation energy. If not emitted by fluorescence, //the ionization energy is deposited as local energy deposition G4double localEnergyDeposit = ionEnergy; G4double energyInFluorescence = 0.; //testing purposes only if (eKineticEnergy < 0) { //It means that there was some problem/mismatch between the two databases. Try to make it work //In this case available Energy (diffEnergy) < ionEnergy //Full residual energy is deposited locally localEnergyDeposit = diffEnergy; eKineticEnergy = 0.0; } //the local energy deposit is what remains: part of this may be spent for fluorescence. if (fUseAtomicDeexcitation) { G4int nPhotons=0; const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable= G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable(); size_t indx = couple->GetIndex(); G4double cutg = (*(theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(0)))[indx]; cutg = std::max(cutForLowEnergySecondaryPhotons,cutg); G4double cute = (*(theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(1)))[indx]; cute = std::max(cutForLowEnergySecondaryPhotons,cute); G4DynamicParticle* aPhoton; G4AtomicDeexcitation deexcitationManager; if (Z>5 && (localEnergyDeposit > cutg || localEnergyDeposit > cute)) { photonVector = deexcitationManager.GenerateParticles(Z,shellId); for (size_t k=0;ksize();k++){ aPhoton = (*photonVector)[k]; if (aPhoton) { G4double itsCut = cutg; if (aPhoton->GetDefinition() == G4Electron::Electron()) itsCut = cute; G4double itsEnergy = aPhoton->GetKineticEnergy(); if (itsEnergy > itsCut && itsEnergy <= localEnergyDeposit) { nPhotons++; localEnergyDeposit -= itsEnergy; energyInFluorescence += itsEnergy; } else { delete aPhoton; (*photonVector)[k]=0; } } } } nbOfSecondaries=nPhotons; } // Generate the electron only if with large enough range w.r.t. cuts and safety G4double safety = aStep.GetPostStepPoint()->GetSafety(); G4DynamicParticle* electron = 0; if (rangeTest->Escape(G4Electron::Electron(),couple,eKineticEnergy,safety) && eKineticEnergy>cutForLowEnergySecondaryPhotons) { G4double xEl = sinThetaE * std::cos(phi+pi); G4double yEl = sinThetaE * std::sin(phi+pi); G4double zEl = cosThetaE; G4ThreeVector eDirection(xEl,yEl,zEl); //electron direction eDirection.rotateUz(photonDirection0); electron = new G4DynamicParticle (G4Electron::Electron(), eDirection,eKineticEnergy) ; nbOfSecondaries++; } else { localEnergyDeposit += eKineticEnergy; } aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(nbOfSecondaries); if (electron) aParticleChange.AddSecondary(electron); //This block below is executed only if there is at least one secondary photon produced by //AtomicDeexcitation if (photonVector) { for (size_t ll=0;llsize();ll++) { if ((*photonVector)[ll]) aParticleChange.AddSecondary((*photonVector)[ll]); } } delete photonVector; if (localEnergyDeposit < 0) { G4cout << "WARNING-" << "G4PenelopeCompton::PostStepDoIt - Negative energy deposit" << G4endl; localEnergyDeposit=0.; } aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(localEnergyDeposit); if (verboseLevel > 1) { G4cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; G4cout << "Energy balance from G4PenelopeCompton" << G4endl; G4cout << "Incoming photon energy: " << photonEnergy0/keV << " keV" << G4endl; G4cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; G4cout << "Scattered photon: " << photonEnergy1/keV << " keV" << G4endl; G4double electronEnergy = 0.; if (electron) electronEnergy = eKineticEnergy; G4cout << "Scattered electron " << electronEnergy/keV << " keV" << G4endl; G4cout << "Fluorescence: " << energyInFluorescence/keV << " keV" << G4endl; G4cout << "Local energy deposit " << localEnergyDeposit/keV << " keV" << G4endl; G4cout << "Total final state: " << (photonEnergy1+electronEnergy+energyInFluorescence+localEnergyDeposit)/keV << " keV" << G4endl; G4cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; } return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt( aTrack, aStep); } G4bool G4PenelopeCompton::IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition& particle) { return ( &particle == G4Gamma::Gamma() ); } G4double G4PenelopeCompton::GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track& track, G4double, // previousStepSize G4ForceCondition*) { const G4DynamicParticle* photon = track.GetDynamicParticle(); G4double energy = photon->GetKineticEnergy(); G4Material* material = track.GetMaterial(); size_t materialIndex = material->GetIndex(); G4double meanFreePath; if (energy > highEnergyLimit) meanFreePath = meanFreePathTable->FindValue(highEnergyLimit,materialIndex); else if (energy < lowEnergyLimit) meanFreePath = DBL_MAX; else meanFreePath = meanFreePathTable->FindValue(energy,materialIndex); return meanFreePath; } void G4PenelopeCompton::ReadData() { char* path = getenv("G4LEDATA"); if (!path) { G4String excep = "G4PenelopeCompton - G4LEDATA environment variable not set!"; G4Exception(excep); } G4String pathString(path); G4String pathFile = pathString + "/penelope/compton-pen.dat"; std::ifstream file(pathFile); std::filebuf* lsdp = file.rdbuf(); if (!(lsdp->is_open())) { G4String excep = "G4PenelopeCompton - data file " + pathFile + " not found!"; G4Exception(excep); } G4int k1,test,test1; G4double a1,a2; G4int Z=1,nLevels=0; G4DataVector* f; G4DataVector* u; G4DataVector* j; do{ f = new G4DataVector; u = new G4DataVector; j = new G4DataVector; file >> Z >> nLevels; for (G4int h=0;h> k1 >> a1 >> a2; f->push_back((G4double) k1); u->push_back(a1); j->push_back(a2); } ionizationEnergy->insert(std::make_pair(Z,u)); hartreeFunction->insert(std::make_pair(Z,j)); occupationNumber->insert(std::make_pair(Z,f)); file >> test >> test1; //-1 -1 close the data for each Z if (test > 0) { G4String excep = "G4PenelopeCompton - data file corrupted!"; G4Exception(excep); } }while (test != -2); //the very last Z is closed with -2 instead of -1 } G4double G4PenelopeCompton::CrossSection(G4double energy,G4int Z) { G4double cs=0.0; energyForIntegration=energy; ZForIntegration = Z; if (energy< 5*MeV) { G4PenelopeIntegrator theIntegrator; cs = theIntegrator.Calculate(this,&G4PenelopeCompton::DifferentialCrossSection,-1.0,1.0,1e-05); } else { G4double ki=energy/electron_mass_c2; G4double ki3=ki*ki; G4double ki2=1.0+2*ki; G4double ki1=ki3-ki2-1.0; G4double t0=1.0/(ki2); G4double csl = 0.5*ki3*t0*t0+ki2*t0+ki1*std::log(t0)-(1.0/t0); G4int nosc = occupationNumber->find(Z)->second->size(); for (G4int i=0;ifind(Z)->second))[i]; G4double tau=(energy-ionEnergy)/energy; if (tau > t0) { G4double csu = 0.5*ki3*tau*tau+ki2*tau+ki1*std::log(tau)-(1.0/tau); G4int f = (G4int) (*(occupationNumber->find(Z)->second))[i]; cs = cs + f*(csu-csl); } } cs=pi*classic_electr_radius*classic_electr_radius*cs/(ki*ki3); } return cs; } G4double G4PenelopeCompton::DifferentialCrossSection(G4double cosTheta) { const G4double k2 = std::sqrt(2.0); const G4double k1 = std::sqrt(0.5); const G4double k12 = 0.5; G4double cdt1 = 1.0-cosTheta; G4double energy = energyForIntegration; G4int Z = ZForIntegration; G4double ionEnergy=0.0,Pzimax=0.0,XKN=0.0; G4double diffCS=0.0; G4double x=0.0,siap=0.0; G4double harFunc=0.0; G4int occupNb; //energy of Compton line; G4double EOEC = 1.0+(energy/electron_mass_c2)*cdt1; G4double ECOE = 1.0/EOEC; //Incoherent scattering function (analytical profile) G4double sia = 0.0; G4int nosc = occupationNumber->find(Z)->second->size(); for (G4int i=0;ifind(Z)->second))[i]; //Sum only of those shells for which E>Eion if (energy > ionEnergy) { G4double aux = energy * (energy-ionEnergy)*cdt1; Pzimax = (aux - electron_mass_c2*ionEnergy)/(electron_mass_c2*std::sqrt(2*aux+ionEnergy*ionEnergy)); harFunc = (*(hartreeFunction->find(Z)->second))[i]/fine_structure_const; occupNb = (G4int) (*(occupationNumber->find(Z)->second))[i]; x = harFunc*Pzimax; if (x > 0) { siap = 1.0-0.5*std::exp(k12-(k1+k2*x)*(k1+k2*x)); } else { siap = 0.5*std::exp(k12-(k1-k2*x)*(k1-k2*x)); } sia = sia + occupNb*siap; //sum of all contributions; } } XKN = EOEC+ECOE-1+cosTheta*cosTheta; diffCS = pi*classic_electr_radius*classic_electr_radius*ECOE*ECOE*XKN*sia; return diffCS; } G4int G4PenelopeCompton::SelectRandomAtomForCompton(const G4Material* material,G4double energy) const { G4int nElements = material->GetNumberOfElements(); //Special case: the material consists of one element if (nElements == 1) { G4int Z = (G4int) material->GetZ(); return Z; } //Composite material const G4ElementVector* elementVector = material->GetElementVector(); size_t materialIndex = material->GetIndex(); G4VEMDataSet* materialSet = (*matCrossSections)[materialIndex]; G4double materialCrossSection0 = 0.0; G4DataVector cross; cross.clear(); G4int i; for (i=0;iGetComponent(i))->FindValue(energy); materialCrossSection0 += cr; cross.push_back(materialCrossSection0); //cumulative cross section } G4double random = G4UniformRand()*materialCrossSection0; for (i=0;iGetZ(); } //It should never get here return 0; }