// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4PenelopeIonisation.cc,v 1.22 2009/06/11 15:47:08 mantero Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // -------------------------------------------------------------- // // File name: G4PenelopeIonisation // // Author: Luciano Pandola // // Creation date: March 2003 // // Modifications: // // 25.03.03 L.Pandola First implementation // 03.06.03 L.Pandola Added continuous part // 30.06.03 L.Pandola Added positrons // 01.07.03 L.Pandola Changed cross section files for e- and e+ // Interface with PenelopeCrossSectionHandler // 18.01.04 M.Mendenhall (Vanderbilt University) [bug report 568] // Changed returns in CalculateDiscreteForElectrons() // to eliminate leaks // 20.01.04 L.Pandola Changed returns in CalculateDiscreteForPositrons() // to eliminate the same bug // 10.03.04 L.Pandola Bug fixed with reference system of delta rays // 17.03.04 L.Pandola Removed unnecessary calls to std::pow(a,b) // 18.03.04 L.Pandola Bug fixed in the destructor // 01.06.04 L.Pandola StopButAlive for positrons on PostStepDoIt // 10.03.05 L.Pandola Fix of bug report 729. The solution works but it is // quite un-elegant. Something better to be found. // -------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4PenelopeIonisation.hh" #include "G4PenelopeCrossSectionHandler.hh" #include "G4AtomicTransitionManager.hh" #include "G4AtomicShell.hh" #include "G4eIonisationSpectrum.hh" #include "G4VDataSetAlgorithm.hh" #include "G4SemiLogInterpolation.hh" #include "G4LogLogInterpolation.hh" #include "G4EMDataSet.hh" #include "G4VEMDataSet.hh" #include "G4CompositeEMDataSet.hh" #include "G4EnergyLossTables.hh" #include "G4UnitsTable.hh" #include "G4Electron.hh" #include "G4Gamma.hh" #include "G4Positron.hh" #include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh" #include "G4ProcessManager.hh" G4PenelopeIonisation::G4PenelopeIonisation(const G4String& nam) : G4eLowEnergyLoss(nam), crossSectionHandler(0), theMeanFreePath(0), kineticEnergy1(0.0), cosThetaPrimary(1.0), energySecondary(0.0), cosThetaSecondary(0.0), iOsc(-1) { cutForPhotons = 250.0*eV; cutForElectrons = 250.0*eV; verboseLevel = 0; ionizationEnergy = new std::map; resonanceEnergy = new std::map; occupationNumber = new std::map; shellFlag = new std::map; ReadData(); //Read data from file G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << " The class G4PenelopeIonisation is NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE. " << G4endl; G4cout << " It will be REMOVED with the next major release of Geant4. " << G4endl; G4cout << " Please consult: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Geant4/LoweProcesses" << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl; } G4PenelopeIonisation::~G4PenelopeIonisation() { delete crossSectionHandler; delete theMeanFreePath; for (G4int Z=1;Z<100;Z++) { if (ionizationEnergy->count(Z)) delete (ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second); if (resonanceEnergy->count(Z)) delete (resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second); if (occupationNumber->count(Z)) delete (occupationNumber->find(Z)->second); if (shellFlag->count(Z)) delete (shellFlag->find(Z)->second); } delete ionizationEnergy; delete resonanceEnergy; delete occupationNumber; delete shellFlag; } void G4PenelopeIonisation::BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType) { if(verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "G4PenelopeIonisation::BuildPhysicsTable start" << G4endl; } cutForDelta.clear(); // Create and fill G4CrossSectionHandler once if ( crossSectionHandler != 0 ) delete crossSectionHandler; G4VDataSetAlgorithm* interpolation = new G4LogLogInterpolation(); G4double lowKineticEnergy = GetLowerBoundEloss(); G4double highKineticEnergy = GetUpperBoundEloss(); G4int totBin = GetNbinEloss(); crossSectionHandler = new G4PenelopeCrossSectionHandler(this,aParticleType, interpolation, lowKineticEnergy, highKineticEnergy, totBin); if (&aParticleType == G4Electron::Electron()) { crossSectionHandler->LoadData("penelope/ion-cs-el-"); } else if (&aParticleType == G4Positron::Positron()) { crossSectionHandler->LoadData("penelope/ion-cs-po-"); } if (verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << GetProcessName() << " is created." << G4endl; } // Build loss table for Ionisation BuildLossTable(aParticleType); if(verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "The loss table is built" << G4endl; } if (&aParticleType==G4Electron::Electron()) { RecorderOfElectronProcess[CounterOfElectronProcess] = (*this).theLossTable; CounterOfElectronProcess++; PrintInfoDefinition(); } else { RecorderOfPositronProcess[CounterOfPositronProcess] = (*this).theLossTable; CounterOfPositronProcess++; PrintInfoDefinition(); } // Build mean free path data using cut values if( theMeanFreePath ) delete theMeanFreePath; theMeanFreePath = crossSectionHandler-> BuildMeanFreePathForMaterials(&cutForDelta); if(verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "The MeanFreePath table is built" << G4endl; if(verboseLevel > 1) theMeanFreePath->PrintData(); } // Build common DEDX table for all ionisation processes BuildDEDXTable(aParticleType); if (verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "G4PenelopeIonisation::BuildPhysicsTable end" << G4endl; } } void G4PenelopeIonisation::BuildLossTable( const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType) { // Build table for energy loss due to soft brems // the tables are built for *MATERIALS* binning is taken from LowEnergyLoss G4double lowKineticEnergy = GetLowerBoundEloss(); G4double highKineticEnergy = GetUpperBoundEloss(); size_t totBin = GetNbinEloss(); // create table if (theLossTable) { theLossTable->clearAndDestroy(); delete theLossTable; } const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable= G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable(); size_t numOfCouples = theCoupleTable->GetTableSize(); theLossTable = new G4PhysicsTable(numOfCouples); // Clean up the vector of cuts cutForDelta.clear(); // Loop for materials for (size_t m=0; mGetMaterialCutsCouple(m); const G4Material* material= couple->GetMaterial(); // the cut cannot be below lowest limit G4double tCut = 0.0; tCut = (*(theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(1)))[m]; tCut = std::min(tCut,highKineticEnergy); cutForDelta.push_back(tCut); const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = material->GetElementVector(); size_t NumberOfElements = material->GetNumberOfElements() ; const G4double* theAtomicNumDensityVector = material->GetAtomicNumDensityVector(); const G4double electronVolumeDensity = material->GetTotNbOfElectPerVolume(); //electron density if(verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << "Energy loss for material # " << m << " tCut(keV)= " << tCut/keV << G4endl; } // now comes the loop for the kinetic energy values for (size_t i = 0; iGetLowEdgeEnergy(i); G4double ionloss = 0.; // loop for elements in the material for (size_t iel=0; ielGetZ()); ionloss += CalculateContinuous(lowEdgeEnergy,tCut,Z,electronVolumeDensity, aParticleType) * theAtomicNumDensityVector[iel]; if(verboseLevel > 1) { G4cout << "Z= " << Z << " E(keV)= " << lowEdgeEnergy/keV << " loss= " << ionloss << " rho= " << theAtomicNumDensityVector[iel] << G4endl; } } aVector->PutValue(i,ionloss); } theLossTable->insert(aVector); } } G4VParticleChange* G4PenelopeIonisation::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& track, const G4Step& step) { aParticleChange.Initialize(track); const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple = track.GetMaterialCutsCouple(); const G4DynamicParticle* incidentElectron = track.GetDynamicParticle(); const G4Material* material = couple->GetMaterial(); const G4double electronVolumeDensity = material->GetTotNbOfElectPerVolume(); //electron density const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticleType = track.GetDefinition(); G4double kineticEnergy0 = incidentElectron->GetKineticEnergy(); G4ParticleMomentum electronDirection0 = incidentElectron->GetMomentumDirection(); //Inizialisation of variables kineticEnergy1=kineticEnergy0; cosThetaPrimary=1.0; energySecondary=0.0; cosThetaSecondary=1.0; G4int Z = crossSectionHandler->SelectRandomAtom(couple, kineticEnergy0); G4int index = couple->GetIndex(); G4double tCut = cutForDelta[index]; if (aParticleType==G4Electron::Electron()){ CalculateDiscreteForElectrons(kineticEnergy0,tCut,Z,electronVolumeDensity); } else if (aParticleType==G4Positron::Positron()){ CalculateDiscreteForPositrons(kineticEnergy0,tCut,Z,electronVolumeDensity); } // the method CalculateDiscrete() sets the private variables: // kineticEnergy1 = energy of the primary electron after the interaction // cosThetaPrimary = std::cos(theta) of the primary after the interaction // energySecondary = energy of the secondary electron // cosThetaSecondary = std::cos(theta) of the secondary if(energySecondary == 0.0) { return G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track, step); } //Update the primary particle G4double sint = std::sqrt(1. - cosThetaPrimary*cosThetaPrimary); G4double phi = twopi * G4UniformRand(); G4double dirx = sint * std::cos(phi); G4double diry = sint * std::sin(phi); G4double dirz = cosThetaPrimary; G4ThreeVector electronDirection1(dirx,diry,dirz); electronDirection1.rotateUz(electronDirection0); aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(electronDirection1) ; if (kineticEnergy1 > 0.) { aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(kineticEnergy1) ; } else { aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.) ; if (aParticleType->GetProcessManager()->GetAtRestProcessVector()->size()) //In this case there is at least one AtRest process { aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopButAlive); } else { aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); } } //Generate the delta day G4int iosc2 = 0; G4double ioniEnergy = 0.0; if (iOsc > 0) { ioniEnergy=(*(ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; iosc2 = (ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second->size()) - iOsc; //they are in reversed order } const G4AtomicTransitionManager* transitionManager = G4AtomicTransitionManager::Instance(); G4double bindingEnergy = 0.0; G4int shellId = 0; if (iOsc > 0){ const G4AtomicShell* shell = transitionManager->Shell(Z,iosc2-1); // Modified by Alf bindingEnergy = shell->BindingEnergy(); shellId = shell->ShellId(); } G4double ionEnergy = bindingEnergy; //energy spent to ionise the atom according to G4dabatase G4double eKineticEnergy = energySecondary; //This is an awful thing: Penelope generates the fluorescence only for L and K shells //(i.e. Osc = 1 --> 4). For high-Z, the other shells can be quite relevant. In this case //one MUST ensure ''by hand'' the energy conservation. Then there is the other problem that //the fluorescence database of Penelope doesn not match that of Geant4. G4double energyBalance = kineticEnergy0 - kineticEnergy1 - energySecondary; //Penelope Balance if (std::abs(energyBalance) < 1*eV) { //in this case Penelope didn't subtract the fluorescence energy: do here by hand eKineticEnergy = energySecondary - bindingEnergy; } else { //Penelope subtracted the fluorescence, but one has to match the databases eKineticEnergy = energySecondary+ioniEnergy-bindingEnergy; } //Now generates the various secondaries size_t nTotPhotons=0; G4int nPhotons=0; const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable= G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable(); size_t indx = couple->GetIndex(); G4double cutg = (*(theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(0)))[indx]; cutg = std::min(cutForPhotons,cutg); G4double cute = (*(theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(1)))[indx]; cute = std::min(cutForPhotons,cute); std::vector* photonVector=0; G4DynamicParticle* aPhoton; if (Z>5 && (ionEnergy > cutg || ionEnergy > cute)) { photonVector = deexcitationManager.GenerateParticles(Z,shellId); nTotPhotons = photonVector->size(); for (size_t k=0;kGetDefinition() == G4Electron::Electron()) itsCut = cute; G4double itsEnergy = aPhoton->GetKineticEnergy(); if (itsEnergy > itsCut && itsEnergy <= ionEnergy) { nPhotons++; ionEnergy -= itsEnergy; } else { delete aPhoton; (*photonVector)[k]=0; } } } } G4double energyDeposit=ionEnergy; //il deposito locale e' quello che rimane G4int nbOfSecondaries=nPhotons; // Generate the delta ray G4double sin2 = std::sqrt(1. - cosThetaSecondary*cosThetaSecondary); G4double phi2 = twopi * G4UniformRand(); G4DynamicParticle* electron = 0; G4double xEl = sin2 * std::cos(phi2); G4double yEl = sin2 * std::sin(phi2); G4double zEl = cosThetaSecondary; G4ThreeVector eDirection(xEl,yEl,zEl); //electron direction eDirection.rotateUz(electronDirection0); electron = new G4DynamicParticle (G4Electron::Electron(), eDirection,eKineticEnergy) ; nbOfSecondaries++; aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(nbOfSecondaries); if (electron) aParticleChange.AddSecondary(electron); G4double energySumTest = kineticEnergy1 + eKineticEnergy; for (size_t ll=0;llGetKineticEnergy(); } } delete photonVector; if (energyDeposit < 0) { G4cout << "WARNING-" << "G4PenelopeIonisaition::PostStepDoIt - Negative energy deposit" << G4endl; energyDeposit=0; } energySumTest += energyDeposit; if (std::abs(energySumTest-kineticEnergy0)>1*eV) { G4cout << "WARNING-" << "G4PenelopeIonisaition::PostStepDoIt - Energy non conservation" << G4endl; G4cout << "Final energy - initial energy = " << (energySumTest-kineticEnergy0)/eV << " eV" << G4endl; } aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(energyDeposit); return G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track, step); } void G4PenelopeIonisation::PrintInfoDefinition() { G4String comments = "Total cross sections from EEDL database."; comments += "\n Delta energy sampled from a parametrised formula."; comments += "\n Implementation of the continuous dE/dx part."; comments += "\n At present it can be used for electrons and positrons "; comments += "in the energy range [250eV,100GeV]."; comments += "\n The process must work with G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung."; G4cout << G4endl << GetProcessName() << ": " << comments << G4endl; } G4bool G4PenelopeIonisation::IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition& particle) { return ( (&particle == G4Electron::Electron()) || ( &particle == G4Positron::Positron()) ); } G4double G4PenelopeIonisation::GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track& track, G4double, // previousStepSize G4ForceCondition* cond) { *cond = NotForced; G4int index = (track.GetMaterialCutsCouple())->GetIndex(); const G4VEMDataSet* data = theMeanFreePath->GetComponent(index); G4double meanFreePath = data->FindValue(track.GetKineticEnergy()); return meanFreePath; } void G4PenelopeIonisation::SetCutForLowEnSecPhotons(G4double cut) { cutForPhotons = cut; deexcitationManager.SetCutForSecondaryPhotons(cut); } void G4PenelopeIonisation::SetCutForLowEnSecElectrons(G4double cut) { cutForElectrons = cut; deexcitationManager.SetCutForAugerElectrons(cut); } void G4PenelopeIonisation::ActivateAuger(G4bool val) { deexcitationManager.ActivateAugerElectronProduction(val); } void G4PenelopeIonisation::CalculateDiscreteForElectrons(G4double ene,G4double cutoff, G4int Z,G4double electronVolumeDensity) { kineticEnergy1=ene; cosThetaPrimary=1.0; energySecondary=0.0; cosThetaSecondary=1.0; iOsc=-1; //constants G4double rb=ene+2.0*electron_mass_c2; G4double gamma = 1.0+ene/electron_mass_c2; G4double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; G4double beta2 = (gamma2-1.0)/gamma2; G4double amol = (gamma-1.0)*(gamma-1.0)/gamma2; G4double cps = ene*rb; G4double cp = std::sqrt(cps); G4double delta = CalculateDeltaFermi(ene,Z,electronVolumeDensity); G4double distantTransvCS0 = std::max(std::log(gamma2)-beta2-delta,0.0); G4double rl,rl1; if (cutoff > ene) return; //delta rays are not generated G4DataVector* qm = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* cumulHardCS = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* typeOfInteraction = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* nbOfLevel = new G4DataVector(); //Hard close collisions with outer shells G4double wmaxc = 0.5*ene; G4double closeCS0 = 0.0; G4double closeCS = 0.0; if (cutoff>0.1*eV) { rl=cutoff/ene; rl1=1.0-rl; if (rl < 0.5) closeCS0 = (amol*(0.5-rl)+(1.0/rl)-(1.0/rl1)+(1.0-amol)*std::log(rl/rl1))/ene; } // Cross sections for the different oscillators // totalHardCS contains the cumulative hard interaction cross section for the different // excitable levels and the different interaction channels (close, distant, etc.), // i.e. // cumulHardCS[0] = 0.0 // cumulHardCS[1] = 1st excitable level (distant longitudinal only) // cumulHardCS[2] = 1st excitable level (distant longitudinal + transverse) // cumulHardCS[3] = 1st excitable level (distant longitudinal + transverse + close) // cumulHardCS[4] = 1st excitable level (all channels) + 2nd excitable level (distant long only) // etc. // This is used for sampling the atomic level which is ionised and the channel of the // interaction. // // For each index iFill of the cumulHardCS vector, // nbOfLevel[iFill] contains the current excitable atomic level and // typeOfInteraction[iFill] contains the current interaction channel, with the legenda: // 1 = distant longitudinal interaction // 2 = distant transverse interaction // 3 = close collision // 4 = close collision with outer shells (in this case nbOfLevel < 0 --> no binding energy) G4int nOscil = ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second->size(); G4double totalHardCS = 0.0; G4double involvedElectrons = 0.0; for (G4int i=0;ifind(Z)->second))[i]; G4int occupNb = (G4int) (*(occupationNumber->find(Z)->second))[i]; //Distant excitations if (wi>cutoff && wi(1e-6*ene)){ G4double cpp=std::sqrt((ene-wi)*(ene-wi+2.0*electron_mass_c2)); qm->push_back(std::sqrt((cp-cpp)*(cp-cpp)+electron_mass_c2*electron_mass_c2)-electron_mass_c2); } else { qm->push_back((wi*wi)/(beta2*2.0*electron_mass_c2)); } //verificare che quando arriva qui il vettore ha SEMPRE l'i-esimo elemento if ((*qm)[i] < wi) { G4double distantLongitCS = occupNb*std::log(wi*((*qm)[i]+2.0*electron_mass_c2)/ ((*qm)[i]*(wi+2.0*electron_mass_c2)))/wi; cumulHardCS->push_back(totalHardCS); typeOfInteraction->push_back(1.0); //distant longitudinal nbOfLevel->push_back((G4double) i); //only excitable level are counted totalHardCS += distantLongitCS; G4double distantTransvCS = occupNb*distantTransvCS0/wi; cumulHardCS->push_back(totalHardCS); typeOfInteraction->push_back(2.0); //distant tranverse nbOfLevel->push_back((G4double) i); totalHardCS += distantTransvCS; } } else { qm->push_back(wi); } //close collisions if(wi < wmaxc){ if (wi < cutoff) { involvedElectrons += occupNb; } else { rl=wi/ene; rl1=1.0-rl; closeCS = occupNb*(amol*(0.5-rl)+(1.0/rl)-(1.0/rl1)+(1.0-amol)*std::log(rl/rl1))/ene; cumulHardCS->push_back(totalHardCS); typeOfInteraction->push_back(3.0); //close nbOfLevel->push_back((G4double) i); totalHardCS += closeCS; } } } // loop on the levels cumulHardCS->push_back(totalHardCS); typeOfInteraction->push_back(4.0); //close interaction with outer shells nbOfLevel->push_back(-1.0); totalHardCS += involvedElectrons*closeCS0; cumulHardCS->push_back(totalHardCS); //this is the final value of the totalHardCS if (totalHardCS < 1e-30) { kineticEnergy1=ene; cosThetaPrimary=1.0; energySecondary=0.0; cosThetaSecondary=0.0; iOsc=-1; delete qm; delete cumulHardCS; delete typeOfInteraction; delete nbOfLevel; return; } //Selection of the active oscillator on the basis of the cumulative cross sections G4double TST = totalHardCS*G4UniformRand(); G4int is=0; G4int js= nbOfLevel->size(); do{ G4int it=(is+js)/2; if (TST > (*cumulHardCS)[it]) is=it; if (TST <= (*cumulHardCS)[it]) js=it; }while((js-is) > 1); G4double UII=0.0; G4double rkc=cutoff/ene; G4double dde; G4int kks; G4double sampledInteraction = (*typeOfInteraction)[is]; iOsc = (G4int) (*nbOfLevel)[is]; //Generates the final state according to the sampled level and //interaction channel if (sampledInteraction == 1.0) //Hard distant longitudinal collisions { dde= (*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; kineticEnergy1=ene-dde; G4double qs=(*qm)[iOsc]/(1.0+((*qm)[iOsc]/(2.0*electron_mass_c2))); G4double q=qs/(std::pow((qs/dde)*(1.0+(0.5*dde/electron_mass_c2)),G4UniformRand())-(0.5*qs/electron_mass_c2)); G4double qtrev = q*(q+2.0*electron_mass_c2); G4double cpps = kineticEnergy1*(kineticEnergy1+2.0*electron_mass_c2); cosThetaPrimary = (cpps+cps-qtrev)/(2.0*cp*std::sqrt(cpps)); if (cosThetaPrimary>1.0) cosThetaPrimary=1.0; //Energy and emission angle of the delta ray kks = (G4int) (*(shellFlag->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; if (kks>4) { energySecondary=dde; } else { energySecondary=dde-(*(ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; } cosThetaSecondary = 0.5*(dde*(ene+rb-dde)+qtrev)/std::sqrt(cps*qtrev); if (cosThetaSecondary>1.0) cosThetaSecondary=1.0; } else if (sampledInteraction == 2.0) //Hard distant transverse collisions { dde=(*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; kineticEnergy1=ene-dde; cosThetaPrimary=1.0; //Energy and emission angle of the delta ray kks = (G4int) (*(shellFlag->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; if (kks>4) { energySecondary=dde; } else { energySecondary=dde-(*(ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; } cosThetaSecondary = 1.0; } else if (sampledInteraction == 3.0 || sampledInteraction == 4.0) //Close interaction { if (sampledInteraction == 4.0) //interaction with inner shells { UII=0.0; rkc = cutoff/ene; iOsc = -1; } else { kks = (G4int) (*(shellFlag->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; if (kks > 4) { UII=0.0; } else { UII = (*(ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; } rkc = (*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]/ene; } G4double A = 0.5*amol; G4double arkc = A*0.5*rkc; G4double phi,rk2,rk,rkf; do{ G4double fb = (1.0+arkc)*G4UniformRand(); if (fb<1.0) { rk=rkc/(1.0-fb*(1.0-(rkc*2.0))); } else{ rk = rkc+(fb-1.0)*(0.5-rkc)/arkc; } rk2 = rk*rk; rkf = rk/(1.0-rk); phi = 1.0+(rkf*rkf)-rkf+amol*(rk2+rkf); }while ((G4UniformRand()*(1.0+A*rk2)) > phi); //Energy and scattering angle (primary electron); kineticEnergy1 = ene*(1.0-rk); cosThetaPrimary = std::sqrt(kineticEnergy1*rb/(ene*(rb-(rk*ene)))); //Energy and scattering angle of the delta ray energySecondary = ene-kineticEnergy1-UII; cosThetaSecondary = std::sqrt(rk*ene*rb/(ene*(rk*ene+2.0*electron_mass_c2))); } else { G4String excep = "G4PenelopeIonisation - Error in the calculation of the final state"; G4Exception(excep); } delete qm; delete cumulHardCS; delete typeOfInteraction; delete nbOfLevel; return; } void G4PenelopeIonisation::ReadData() { char* path = getenv("G4LEDATA"); if (!path) { G4String excep = "G4PenelopeIonisation - G4LEDATA environment variable not set!"; G4Exception(excep); } G4String pathString(path); G4String pathFile = pathString + "/penelope/ion-pen.dat"; std::ifstream file(pathFile); std::filebuf* lsdp = file.rdbuf(); if (!(lsdp->is_open())) { G4String excep = "G4PenelopeIonisation - data file " + pathFile + " not found!"; G4Exception(excep); } G4int k1,test,test1,k2,k3; G4double a1,a2,a3,a4; G4int Z=1,nLevels=0; G4DataVector* x1; G4DataVector* x2; G4DataVector* x3; G4DataVector* x4; do{ x1 = new G4DataVector; x2 = new G4DataVector; x3 = new G4DataVector; x4 = new G4DataVector; file >> Z >> nLevels; for (G4int h=0;h> k1 >> a1 >> a2 >> a3 >> a4 >> k2 >> k3; x1->push_back(a1); x2->push_back(a2); x3->push_back(a3); x4->push_back((G4double) k3); } occupationNumber->insert(std::make_pair(Z,x1)); ionizationEnergy->insert(std::make_pair(Z,x2)); resonanceEnergy->insert(std::make_pair(Z,x3)); shellFlag->insert(std::make_pair(Z,x4)); file >> test >> test1; //-1 -1 close the data for each Z if (test > 0) { G4String excep = "G4PenelopeIonisation - data file corrupted!"; G4Exception(excep); } }while (test != -2); //the very last Z is closed with -2 instead of -1 } G4double G4PenelopeIonisation::CalculateDeltaFermi(G4double ene,G4int Z, G4double electronVolumeDensity) { G4double plasmaEnergyCoefficient = 1.377e-39; //(e*hbar)^2/(epsilon0*electron_mass) G4double plasmaEnergySquared = plasmaEnergyCoefficient*(electronVolumeDensity*m3); // std::sqrt(plasmaEnergySquared) is the plasma energy of the solid (MeV) G4double gam = 1.0+ene/electron_mass_c2; G4double gam2=gam*gam; G4double delta = 0.0; //Density effect G4double TST = ((G4double) Z)/(gam2*plasmaEnergySquared); G4double wl2 = 0.0; G4double fdel=0.0; G4double wr=0; G4double help1=0.0; size_t nbOsc = resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second->size(); for(size_t i=0;ifind(Z)->second))[i]; wr = (*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[i]; fdel += occupNb/(wr*wr+wl2); } if (fdel < TST) return delta; help1 = (*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[nbOsc-1]; wl2 = help1*help1; do{ wl2=wl2*2.0; fdel = 0.0; for (size_t ii=0;iifind(Z)->second))[ii]; wr = (*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[ii]; fdel += occupNb/(wr*wr+wl2); } }while (fdel > TST); G4double wl2l=0.0; G4double wl2u = wl2; G4double control = 0.0; do{ wl2=0.5*(wl2l+wl2u); fdel = 0.0; for (size_t jj=0;jjfind(Z)->second))[jj]; wr = (*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[jj]; fdel += occupNb/(wr*wr+wl2); } if (fdel > TST) { wl2l = wl2; } else { wl2u = wl2; } control = wl2u-wl2l-wl2*1e-12; }while(control>0); //Density correction effect for (size_t kk=0;kkfind(Z)->second))[kk]; wr = (*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[kk]; delta += occupNb*std::log(1.0+wl2/(wr*wr)); } delta = (delta/((G4double) Z))-wl2/(gam2*plasmaEnergySquared); return delta; } G4double G4PenelopeIonisation::CalculateContinuous(G4double ene,G4double cutoff, G4int Z,G4double electronVolumeDensity, const G4ParticleDefinition& particle) { //Constants G4double gamma = 1.0+ene/electron_mass_c2; G4double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; G4double beta2 = (gamma2-1.0)/gamma2; G4double constant = pi*classic_electr_radius*classic_electr_radius *2.0*electron_mass_c2/beta2; G4double delta = CalculateDeltaFermi(ene,Z,electronVolumeDensity); G4int nbOsc = (G4int) resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second->size(); G4double S1 = 0.0; G4double stoppingPower = 0.0; for (G4int i=0;ifind(Z)->second))[i]; if (&particle == G4Electron::Electron()) { S1 = CalculateStoppingPowerForElectrons(ene,resEnergy,delta,cutoff); } else if (&particle == G4Positron::Positron()) { S1 = CalculateStoppingPowerForPositrons(ene,resEnergy,delta,cutoff); } G4double occupNb = (*(occupationNumber->find(Z)->second))[i]; stoppingPower += occupNb*constant*S1; } return stoppingPower; } G4double G4PenelopeIonisation::CalculateStoppingPowerForElectrons(G4double ene,G4double resEne, G4double delta,G4double cutoff) { //Calculate constants G4double gamma = 1.0+ene/electron_mass_c2; G4double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; G4double beta2 = (gamma2-1.0)/gamma2; G4double cps = ene*(ene+2.0*electron_mass_c2); G4double amol = (gamma-1.0)*(gamma-1.0)/gamma2; G4double sPower = 0.0; if (ene < resEne) return sPower; //Distant interactions G4double cp1s = (ene-resEne)*(ene-resEne+2.0*electron_mass_c2); G4double cp1 = std::sqrt(cp1s); G4double cp = std::sqrt(cps); G4double sdLong=0.0, sdTrans = 0.0, sdDist=0.0; //Distant longitudinal interactions G4double qm = 0.0; if (resEne > ene*(1e-6)) { qm = std::sqrt((cp-cp1)*(cp-cp1)+(electron_mass_c2*electron_mass_c2))-electron_mass_c2; } else { qm = resEne*resEne/(beta2*2.0*electron_mass_c2); qm = qm*(1.0-0.5*qm/electron_mass_c2); } if (qm < resEne) { sdLong = std::log(resEne*(qm+2.0*electron_mass_c2)/(qm*(resEne+2.0*electron_mass_c2))); } else { sdLong = 0.0; } if (sdLong > 0) { sdTrans = std::max(std::log(gamma2)-beta2-delta,0.0); sdDist = sdTrans + sdLong; if (cutoff > resEne) sPower = sdDist; } // Close collisions (Moeller's cross section) G4double wl = std::max(cutoff,resEne); G4double wu = 0.5*ene; if (wl < (wu-1*eV)) wu=wl; wl = resEne; if (wl > (wu-1*eV)) return sPower; sPower += std::log(wu/wl)+(ene/(ene-wu))-(ene/(ene-wl)) + (2.0 - amol)*std::log((ene-wu)/(ene-wl)) + amol*((wu*wu)-(wl*wl))/(2.0*ene*ene); return sPower; } G4double G4PenelopeIonisation::CalculateStoppingPowerForPositrons(G4double ene,G4double resEne, G4double delta,G4double cutoff) { //Calculate constants G4double gamma = 1.0+ene/electron_mass_c2; G4double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; G4double beta2 = (gamma2-1.0)/gamma2; G4double cps = ene*(ene+2.0*electron_mass_c2); G4double amol = (ene/(ene+electron_mass_c2)) * (ene/(ene+electron_mass_c2)); G4double help = (gamma+1.0)*(gamma+1.0); G4double bha1 = amol*(2.0*help-1.0)/(gamma2-1.0); G4double bha2 = amol*(3.0+1.0/help); G4double bha3 = amol*2.0*gamma*(gamma-1.0)/help; G4double bha4 = amol*(gamma-1.0)*(gamma-1.0)/help; G4double sPower = 0.0; if (ene < resEne) return sPower; //Distant interactions G4double cp1s = (ene-resEne)*(ene-resEne+2.0*electron_mass_c2); G4double cp1 = std::sqrt(cp1s); G4double cp = std::sqrt(cps); G4double sdLong=0.0, sdTrans = 0.0, sdDist=0.0; //Distant longitudinal interactions G4double qm = 0.0; if (resEne > ene*(1e-6)) { qm = std::sqrt((cp-cp1)*(cp-cp1)+(electron_mass_c2*electron_mass_c2))-electron_mass_c2; } else { qm = resEne*resEne/(beta2*2.0*electron_mass_c2); qm = qm*(1.0-0.5*qm/electron_mass_c2); } if (qm < resEne) { sdLong = std::log(resEne*(qm+2.0*electron_mass_c2)/(qm*(resEne+2.0*electron_mass_c2))); } else { sdLong = 0.0; } if (sdLong > 0) { sdTrans = std::max(std::log(gamma2)-beta2-delta,0.0); sdDist = sdTrans + sdLong; if (cutoff > resEne) sPower = sdDist; } // Close collisions (Bhabha's cross section) G4double wl = std::max(cutoff,resEne); G4double wu = ene; if (wl < (wu-1*eV)) wu=wl; wl = resEne; if (wl > (wu-1*eV)) return sPower; sPower += std::log(wu/wl)-bha1*(wu-wl)/ene + bha2*((wu*wu)-(wl*wl))/(2.0*ene*ene) - bha3*((wu*wu*wu)-(wl*wl*wl))/(3.0*ene*ene*ene) + bha4*((wu*wu*wu*wu)-(wl*wl*wl*wl))/(4.0*ene*ene*ene*ene); return sPower; } void G4PenelopeIonisation::CalculateDiscreteForPositrons(G4double ene,G4double cutoff, G4int Z,G4double electronVolumeDensity) { kineticEnergy1=ene; cosThetaPrimary=1.0; energySecondary=0.0; cosThetaSecondary=1.0; iOsc=-1; //constants G4double rb=ene+2.0*electron_mass_c2; G4double gamma = 1.0+ene/electron_mass_c2; G4double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; G4double beta2 = (gamma2-1.0)/gamma2; G4double amol = (gamma-1.0)*(gamma-1.0)/gamma2; G4double cps = ene*rb; G4double cp = std::sqrt(cps); G4double help = (gamma+1.0)*(gamma+1.0); G4double bha1 = amol*(2.0*help-1.0)/(gamma2-1.0); G4double bha2 = amol*(3.0+1.0/help); G4double bha3 = amol*2.0*gamma*(gamma-1.0)/help; G4double bha4 = amol*(gamma-1.0)*(gamma-1.0)/help; G4double delta = CalculateDeltaFermi(ene,Z,electronVolumeDensity); G4double distantTransvCS0 = std::max(std::log(gamma2)-beta2-delta,0.0); G4double rl,rl1; if (cutoff > ene) return; //delta rays are not generated G4DataVector* qm = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* cumulHardCS = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* typeOfInteraction = new G4DataVector(); G4DataVector* nbOfLevel = new G4DataVector(); //Hard close collisions with outer shells G4double wmaxc = ene; G4double closeCS0 = 0.0; G4double closeCS = 0.0; if (cutoff>0.1*eV) { rl=cutoff/ene; rl1=1.0-rl; if (rl < 1.0) closeCS0 = (((1.0/rl)-1.0) + bha1*std::log(rl) + bha2*rl1 + (bha3/2.0)*((rl*rl)-1.0) + (bha4/3.0)*(1.0-(rl*rl*rl)))/ene; } // Cross sections for the different oscillators // totalHardCS contains the cumulative hard interaction cross section for the different // excitable levels and the different interaction channels (close, distant, etc.), // i.e. // cumulHardCS[0] = 0.0 // cumulHardCS[1] = 1st excitable level (distant longitudinal only) // cumulHardCS[2] = 1st excitable level (distant longitudinal + transverse) // cumulHardCS[3] = 1st excitable level (distant longitudinal + transverse + close) // cumulHardCS[4] = 1st excitable level (all channels) + 2nd excitable level (distant long only) // etc. // This is used for sampling the atomic level which is ionised and the channel of the // interaction. // // For each index iFill of the cumulHardCS vector, // nbOfLevel[iFill] contains the current excitable atomic level and // typeOfInteraction[iFill] contains the current interaction channel, with the legenda: // 1 = distant longitudinal interaction // 2 = distant transverse interaction // 3 = close collision // 4 = close collision with outer shells (in this case nbOfLevel < 0 --> no binding energy) G4int nOscil = ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second->size(); G4double totalHardCS = 0.0; G4double involvedElectrons = 0.0; for (G4int i=0;ifind(Z)->second))[i]; G4int occupNb = (G4int) (*(occupationNumber->find(Z)->second))[i]; //Distant excitations if (wi>cutoff && wi(1e-6*ene)){ G4double cpp=std::sqrt((ene-wi)*(ene-wi+2.0*electron_mass_c2)); qm->push_back(std::sqrt((cp-cpp)*(cp-cpp)+ electron_mass_c2 * electron_mass_c2)-electron_mass_c2); } else { qm->push_back(wi*wi/(beta2+2.0*electron_mass_c2)); } //verificare che quando arriva qui il vettore ha SEMPRE l'i-esimo elemento if ((*qm)[i] < wi) { G4double distantLongitCS = occupNb*std::log(wi*((*qm)[i]+2.0*electron_mass_c2)/ ((*qm)[i]*(wi+2.0*electron_mass_c2)))/wi; cumulHardCS->push_back(totalHardCS); typeOfInteraction->push_back(1.0); //distant longitudinal nbOfLevel->push_back((G4double) i); //only excitable level are counted totalHardCS += distantLongitCS; G4double distantTransvCS = occupNb*distantTransvCS0/wi; cumulHardCS->push_back(totalHardCS); typeOfInteraction->push_back(2.0); //distant tranverse nbOfLevel->push_back((G4double) i); totalHardCS += distantTransvCS; } } else { qm->push_back(wi); } //close collisions if(wi < wmaxc){ if (wi < cutoff) { involvedElectrons += occupNb; } else { rl=wi/ene; rl1=1.0-rl; closeCS = occupNb*(((1.0/rl)-1.0)+bha1*std::log(rl)+bha2*rl1 + (bha3/2.0)*((rl*rl)-1.0) + (bha4/3.0)*(1.0-(rl*rl*rl)))/ene; cumulHardCS->push_back(totalHardCS); typeOfInteraction->push_back(3.0); //close nbOfLevel->push_back((G4double) i); totalHardCS += closeCS; } } } // loop on the levels cumulHardCS->push_back(totalHardCS); typeOfInteraction->push_back(4.0); //close interaction with outer shells nbOfLevel->push_back(-1.0); totalHardCS += involvedElectrons*closeCS0; cumulHardCS->push_back(totalHardCS); //this is the final value of the totalHardCS if (totalHardCS < 1e-30) { kineticEnergy1=ene; cosThetaPrimary=1.0; energySecondary=0.0; cosThetaSecondary=0.0; iOsc=-1; delete qm; delete cumulHardCS; delete typeOfInteraction; delete nbOfLevel; return; } //Selection of the active oscillator on the basis of the cumulative cross sections G4double TST = totalHardCS*G4UniformRand(); G4int is=0; G4int js= nbOfLevel->size(); do{ G4int it=(is+js)/2; if (TST > (*cumulHardCS)[it]) is=it; if (TST <= (*cumulHardCS)[it]) js=it; }while((js-is) > 1); G4double UII=0.0; G4double rkc=cutoff/ene; G4double dde; G4int kks; G4double sampledInteraction = (*typeOfInteraction)[is]; iOsc = (G4int) (*nbOfLevel)[is]; //Generates the final state according to the sampled level and //interaction channel if (sampledInteraction == 1.0) //Hard distant longitudinal collisions { dde= (*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; kineticEnergy1=ene-dde; G4double qs=(*qm)[iOsc]/(1.0+((*qm)[iOsc]/(2.0*electron_mass_c2))); G4double q=qs/(std::pow((qs/dde)*(1.0+(0.5*dde/electron_mass_c2)),G4UniformRand())-(0.5*qs/electron_mass_c2)); G4double qtrev = q*(q+2.0*electron_mass_c2); G4double cpps = kineticEnergy1*(kineticEnergy1+2.0*electron_mass_c2); cosThetaPrimary = (cpps+cps-qtrev)/(2.0*cp*std::sqrt(cpps)); if (cosThetaPrimary>1.0) cosThetaPrimary=1.0; //Energy and emission angle of the delta ray kks = (G4int) (*(shellFlag->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; if (kks>4) { energySecondary=dde; } else { energySecondary=dde-(*(ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; } cosThetaSecondary = 0.5*(dde*(ene+rb-dde)+qtrev)/std::sqrt(cps*qtrev); if (cosThetaSecondary>1.0) cosThetaSecondary=1.0; } else if (sampledInteraction == 2.0) //Hard distant transverse collisions { dde=(*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; kineticEnergy1=ene-dde; cosThetaPrimary=1.0; //Energy and emission angle of the delta ray kks = (G4int) (*(shellFlag->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; if (kks>4) { energySecondary=dde; } else { energySecondary=dde-(*(ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; } cosThetaSecondary = 1.0; } else if (sampledInteraction == 3.0 || sampledInteraction == 4.0) //Close interaction { if (sampledInteraction == 4.0) //interaction with inner shells { UII=0.0; rkc = cutoff/ene; iOsc = -1; } else { kks = (G4int) (*(shellFlag->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; if (kks > 4) { UII=0.0; } else { UII = (*(ionizationEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]; } rkc = (*(resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second))[iOsc]/ene; } G4double phi,rk; do{ rk=rkc/(1.0-G4UniformRand()*(1.0-rkc)); phi = 1.0-rk*(bha1-rk*(bha2-rk*(bha3-bha4*rk))); }while ( G4UniformRand() > phi); //Energy and scattering angle (primary electron); kineticEnergy1 = ene*(1.0-rk); cosThetaPrimary = std::sqrt(kineticEnergy1*rb/(ene*(rb-(rk*ene)))); //Energy and scattering angle of the delta ray energySecondary = ene-kineticEnergy1-UII; cosThetaSecondary = std::sqrt(rk*ene*rb/(ene*(rk*ene+2.0*electron_mass_c2))); } else { G4String excep = "G4PenelopeIonisation - Error in the calculation of the final state"; G4Exception(excep); } delete qm; delete cumulHardCS; delete typeOfInteraction; delete nbOfLevel; return; } // This stuff in needed in order to interface with the Cross Section Handler G4double G4PenelopeIonisation::CalculateCrossSectionsRatio(G4double ene,G4double cutoff, G4int Z,G4double electronVolumeDensity, const G4ParticleDefinition& particle) { //Constants G4double gamma = 1.0+ene/electron_mass_c2; G4double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; G4double beta2 = (gamma2-1.0)/gamma2; G4double constant = pi*classic_electr_radius*classic_electr_radius*2.0*electron_mass_c2/beta2; G4double delta = CalculateDeltaFermi(ene,Z,electronVolumeDensity); G4int nbOsc = (G4int) resonanceEnergy->find(Z)->second->size(); G4double S0 = 0.0, H0=0.0; G4double softCS = 0.0; G4double hardCS = 0.0; for (G4int i=0;ifind(Z)->second))[i]; if (&particle == G4Electron::Electron()) { S0 = CrossSectionsRatioForElectrons(ene,resEnergy,delta,cutoff,1); H0 = CrossSectionsRatioForElectrons(ene,resEnergy,delta,cutoff,2); } else if (&particle == G4Positron::Positron()) { S0 = CrossSectionsRatioForPositrons(ene,resEnergy,delta,cutoff,1); H0 = CrossSectionsRatioForPositrons(ene,resEnergy,delta,cutoff,2); } G4double occupNb = (*(occupationNumber->find(Z)->second))[i]; softCS += occupNb*constant*S0; hardCS += occupNb*constant*H0; } G4double ratio = 0.0; if (softCS+hardCS) ratio = (hardCS)/(softCS+hardCS); return ratio; } G4double G4PenelopeIonisation::CrossSectionsRatioForElectrons(G4double ene,G4double resEne, G4double delta,G4double cutoff, G4int index) { //Calculate constants G4double gamma = 1.0+ene/electron_mass_c2; G4double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; G4double beta2 = (gamma2-1.0)/gamma2; G4double cps = ene*(ene+2.0*electron_mass_c2); G4double amol = (ene/(ene+electron_mass_c2)) * (ene/(ene+electron_mass_c2)) ; G4double hardCont = 0.0; G4double softCont = 0.0; if (ene < resEne) return 0.0; //Distant interactions G4double cp1s = (ene-resEne)*(ene-resEne+2.0*electron_mass_c2); G4double cp1 = std::sqrt(cp1s); G4double cp = std::sqrt(cps); G4double sdLong=0.0, sdTrans = 0.0, sdDist=0.0; //Distant longitudinal interactions G4double qm = 0.0; if (resEne > ene*(1e-6)) { qm = std::sqrt((cp-cp1)*(cp-cp1)+(electron_mass_c2*electron_mass_c2))-electron_mass_c2; } else { qm = resEne*resEne/(beta2*2.0*electron_mass_c2); qm = qm*(1.0-0.5*qm/electron_mass_c2); } if (qm < resEne) { sdLong = std::log(resEne*(qm+2.0*electron_mass_c2)/(qm*(resEne+2.0*electron_mass_c2))); } else { sdLong = 0.0; } if (sdLong > 0) { sdTrans = std::max(std::log(gamma2)-beta2-delta,0.0); sdDist = sdTrans + sdLong; if (cutoff > resEne) { softCont = sdDist/resEne; } else { hardCont = sdDist/resEne; } } // Close collisions (Moeller's cross section) G4double wl = std::max(cutoff,resEne); G4double wu = 0.5*ene; if (wl < (wu-1*eV)) { hardCont += (1.0/(ene-wu))-(1.0/(ene-wl)) - (1.0/wu)+(1.0/wl) + (1.0-amol)*std::log(((ene-wu)*wl)/((ene-wl)*wu))/ene + amol*(wu-wl)/(ene*ene); wu=wl; } wl = resEne; if (wl > (wu-1*eV)) { if (index == 1) return softCont; if (index == 2) return hardCont; } softCont += (1.0/(ene-wu))-(1.0/(ene-wl)) - (1.0/wu)+(1.0/wl) + (1.0-amol)*std::log(((ene-wu)*wl)/((ene-wl)*wu))/ene + amol*(wu-wl)/(ene*ene); if (index == 1) return softCont; return hardCont; } G4double G4PenelopeIonisation::CrossSectionsRatioForPositrons(G4double ene,G4double resEne, G4double delta,G4double cutoff,G4int index) { //Calculate constants G4double gamma = 1.0+ene/electron_mass_c2; G4double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; G4double beta2 = (gamma2-1.0)/gamma2; G4double cps = ene*(ene+2.0*electron_mass_c2); G4double amol = (ene/(ene+electron_mass_c2)) * (ene/(ene+electron_mass_c2)) ; G4double help = (gamma+1.0)*(gamma+1.0); G4double bha1 = amol*(2.0*help-1.0)/(gamma2-1.0); G4double bha2 = amol*(3.0+1.0/help); G4double bha3 = amol*2.0*gamma*(gamma-1.0)/help; G4double bha4 = amol*(gamma-1.0)*(gamma-1.0)/help; G4double hardCont = 0.0; G4double softCont = 0.0; if (ene < resEne) return 0.0; //Distant interactions G4double cp1s = (ene-resEne)*(ene-resEne+2.0*electron_mass_c2); G4double cp1 = std::sqrt(cp1s); G4double cp = std::sqrt(cps); G4double sdLong=0.0, sdTrans = 0.0, sdDist=0.0; //Distant longitudinal interactions G4double qm = 0.0; if (resEne > ene*(1e-6)) { qm = std::sqrt((cp-cp1)*(cp-cp1)+(electron_mass_c2*electron_mass_c2))-electron_mass_c2; } else { qm = resEne*resEne/(beta2*2.0*electron_mass_c2); qm = qm*(1.0-0.5*qm/electron_mass_c2); } if (qm < resEne) { sdLong = std::log(resEne*(qm+2.0*electron_mass_c2)/(qm*(resEne+2.0*electron_mass_c2))); } else { sdLong = 0.0; } if (sdLong > 0) { sdTrans = std::max(std::log(gamma2)-beta2-delta,0.0); sdDist = sdTrans + sdLong; if (cutoff > resEne) { softCont = sdDist/resEne; } else { hardCont = sdDist/resEne; } } // Close collisions (Bhabha's cross section) G4double wl = std::max(cutoff,resEne); G4double wu = ene; if (wl < (wu-1*eV)) { hardCont += (1.0/wl)-(1.0/wu)-bha1*std::log(wu/wl)/ene + bha2*(wu-wl)/(ene*ene) -bha3*((wu*wu)-(wl*wl))/(2.0*ene*ene*ene) + bha4*((wu*wu*wu)-(wl*wl*wl))/(3.0*ene*ene*ene*ene); wu=wl; } wl = resEne; if (wl > (wu-1*eV)) { if (index == 1) return softCont; if (index == 2) return hardCont; } softCont += (1.0/wl)-(1.0/wu)-bha1*std::log(wu/wl)/ene + bha2*(wu-wl)/(ene*ene) -bha3*((wu*wu)-(wl*wl))/(2.0*ene*ene*ene) + bha4*((wu*wu*wu)-(wl*wl*wl))/(3.0*ene*ene*ene*ene); if (index == 1) return softCont; return hardCont; }