// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id: G4PenelopeRayleigh.cc,v 1.19 2009/06/11 15:47:08 mantero Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // Author: L. Pandola (luciano.pandola@cern.ch) // // History: // -------- // 14 Feb 2003 MG Pia Corrected compilation errors and warnings // from SUN // 10 Mar 2003 V.Ivanchenko Remove CutPerMaterial warning // 12 Mar 2003 L.Pandola Code "cleaned" - Cuts per region // 17 Mar 2004 L.Pandola Removed unnecessary calls to std::pow(a,b) // 18 Mar 2004 M.Mendenhall Introduced SamplingTable (performance improvement) // 03 Sep 2007 L.Pandola Bug fix for the filling of physics table for // compounds defined by the mass fraction (bug #965) // 02 Apr 2009 L.Pandola Bux fixed in the calculation of mfp for compound // materials defined as fraction of mass // (reported by Zhang Qiwei) // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4PenelopeRayleigh.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh" #include "G4Track.hh" #include "G4Step.hh" #include "G4ForceCondition.hh" #include "G4Gamma.hh" #include "G4Electron.hh" #include "G4DynamicParticle.hh" #include "G4VParticleChange.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4VCrossSectionHandler.hh" #include "G4CrossSectionHandler.hh" #include "G4VEMDataSet.hh" #include "G4EMDataSet.hh" #include "G4CompositeEMDataSet.hh" #include "G4VDataSetAlgorithm.hh" #include "G4LogLogInterpolation.hh" #include "G4PenelopeIntegrator.hh" #include "G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh" G4PenelopeRayleigh::G4PenelopeRayleigh(const G4String& processName) : G4VDiscreteProcess(processName), lowEnergyLimit(250*eV), highEnergyLimit(100*GeV), samplingConstant(0.0), nBins(200), intrinsicLowEnergyLimit(10*eV), intrinsicHighEnergyLimit(100*GeV) { if (lowEnergyLimit < intrinsicLowEnergyLimit || highEnergyLimit > intrinsicHighEnergyLimit) { G4Exception("G4PenelopeRayleigh::G4PenelopeRayleigh - energy limit outside intrinsic process validity range"); } samplingFunction_x = 0; samplingFunction_y = 0; meanFreePathTable = 0; material = 0; if (verboseLevel > 0) { G4cout << GetProcessName() << " is created " << G4endl << "Energy range: " << lowEnergyLimit / keV << " keV - " << highEnergyLimit / GeV << " GeV" << G4endl; } G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << " The class G4PenelopeRayleigh is NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE. " << G4endl; G4cout << " It will be REMOVED with the next major release of Geant4. " << G4endl; G4cout << " Please consult: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Geant4/LoweProcesses" << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "*******************************************************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl; } G4PenelopeRayleigh::~G4PenelopeRayleigh() { delete meanFreePathTable; SamplingTablePair::iterator i; for(i=SamplingTables.begin(); i != SamplingTables.end(); i++) { delete (*i).second.first; delete (*i).second.second; } } void G4PenelopeRayleigh::BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& ) { G4DataVector energyVector; G4double dBin = std::log10(highEnergyLimit/lowEnergyLimit)/nBins; for (G4int i=0;i matCrossSections; G4int m; for (m=0; mGetNumberOfElements(); const G4ElementVector* elementVector = material->GetElementVector(); const G4double k1=849.3315; G4int IZZ=0; G4int iright=0; for (G4int i=0; iGetZ(); if (Z>IZZ){ IZZ = Z; iright=i; } } for (bin=0; binpush_back(energyVector[bin]); G4double ec=std::min(energyVector[bin],0.5*IZZ); G4double energyRatio = ec/electron_mass_c2; facte = k1*energyRatio*energyRatio; G4double cs=0; G4PenelopeIntegrator theIntegrator; cs = theIntegrator.Calculate(this,&G4PenelopeRayleigh::DifferentialCrossSection,-1.0,0.90,1e-06); cs += theIntegrator.Calculate(this,&G4PenelopeRayleigh::DifferentialCrossSection,0.90,0.9999999,1e-06); cs = cs*(ec/energyVector[bin])*(ec/energyVector[bin])*pi*classic_electr_radius*classic_electr_radius; const G4double* vector_of_atoms = material->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume(); const G4int* stechiometric = material->GetAtomsVector(); //cs is the cross section _per atom_ in the case of compounds, while it is //_per molecule_ in the case of molecules G4double density = material->GetTotNbOfAtomsPerVolume(); //non-bound molecules (default) if (stechiometric) { if (stechiometric[iright]) density = vector_of_atoms[iright]/stechiometric[iright]; //number of molecules per volume } G4double cross = density*cs; data->push_back(cross); } G4VEMDataSet* elSet = new G4EMDataSet(0,energies,data,algo); G4VEMDataSet* setForMat = new G4CompositeEMDataSet(algo); setForMat->AddComponent(elSet); matCrossSections.push_back(setForMat); } G4double matCS = 0.0; for (m=0; mpush_back(energyVector[bin]); matCS = (matCrossSections[m]->GetComponent(0))->FindValue(energyVector[bin]); if (matCS > 0.){ data->push_back(1./matCS); } else { data->push_back(DBL_MAX); } } G4VEMDataSet* dataSet = new G4EMDataSet(m,energies,data,algo,1.,1.); materialSet->AddComponent(dataSet); } meanFreePathTable = materialSet; } G4VParticleChange* G4PenelopeRayleigh::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep) { aParticleChange.Initialize(aTrack); const G4DynamicParticle* incidentPhoton = aTrack.GetDynamicParticle(); G4double photonEnergy0 = incidentPhoton->GetKineticEnergy(); if (photonEnergy0 <= lowEnergyLimit) { aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.); aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(photonEnergy0); return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack,aStep); } G4ParticleMomentum photonDirection0 = incidentPhoton->GetMomentumDirection(); const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple = aTrack.GetMaterialCutsCouple(); material = couple->GetMaterial(); // Sampling inizialitation (build internal table) InizialiseSampling(); // Sample the angle of the scattered photon const G4double xpar=41.2148; G4double x2max = 2.0*std::log(xpar*photonEnergy0/electron_mass_c2); G4int jm; G4int asize = samplingFunction_x->size(); if (x2max<(*samplingFunction_x)[1]) { jm=0; } else if(x2max>(*samplingFunction_x)[asize-2]) { jm=asize-2; } else { jm=(G4int) ((x2max-(*samplingFunction_x)[0])/samplingConstant); } G4double rumax = (*samplingFunction_y)[jm]+((*samplingFunction_y)[jm+1]-(*samplingFunction_y)[jm])* (x2max-(*samplingFunction_x)[jm])/((*samplingFunction_x)[jm+1]-(*samplingFunction_x)[jm]); G4int j,ju,jt; G4double ru,denomin,x2rat; G4double CDT,G,rand; do{ ru = rumax + std::log(G4UniformRand()); j=0; ju=jm+1; do{ jt=(j+ju)/2; //bipartition if (ru > (*samplingFunction_y)[jt]) { j=jt; } else { ju=jt; } }while ((ju-j)>1); denomin = (*samplingFunction_y)[j+1]-(*samplingFunction_y)[j]; if (denomin > 1e-12) { x2rat = (*samplingFunction_x)[j]+(((*samplingFunction_x)[j+1]-(*samplingFunction_x)[j])* (ru-(*samplingFunction_y)[j])/denomin)-x2max; } else { x2rat = (*samplingFunction_x)[j]-x2max; } CDT = 1.0-2.0*std::exp(x2rat); G = 0.5*(1.0+CDT*CDT); rand = G4UniformRand(); }while (rand>G); G4double cosTheta = CDT; G4double sinTheta = std::sqrt(1-cosTheta*cosTheta); // Scattered photon angles. ( Z - axis along the parent photon) G4double phi = twopi * G4UniformRand() ; G4double dirX = sinTheta*std::cos(phi); G4double dirY = sinTheta*std::sin(phi); G4double dirZ = cosTheta; // Update G4VParticleChange for the scattered photon G4ThreeVector photonDirection1(dirX, dirY, dirZ); photonDirection1.rotateUz(photonDirection0); aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(photonEnergy0); aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(photonDirection1); aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(0); return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep); } G4bool G4PenelopeRayleigh::IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition& particle) { return ( &particle == G4Gamma::Gamma() ); } G4double G4PenelopeRayleigh::GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track& track, G4double, // previousStepSize G4ForceCondition*) { const G4DynamicParticle* photon = track.GetDynamicParticle(); G4double energy = photon->GetKineticEnergy(); material = track.GetMaterial(); size_t materialIndex = material->GetIndex(); G4double meanFreePath; if (energy > highEnergyLimit) meanFreePath = meanFreePathTable->FindValue(highEnergyLimit,materialIndex); else if (energy < lowEnergyLimit) meanFreePath = DBL_MAX; else { meanFreePath = meanFreePathTable->FindValue(energy,materialIndex); } return meanFreePath; } void G4PenelopeRayleigh::InizialiseSampling() { SamplingTablePair::iterator theTable=SamplingTables.find(material); const G4int points=241; G4double Xlow = 0.; G4double Xhigh=1e-04; G4double fact = std::pow((1e06/Xhigh),(1/240.0)); samplingConstant=std::log(fact); if (theTable==SamplingTables.end()) { //material not inizialized yet samplingFunction_x = new G4DataVector(); samplingFunction_y = new G4DataVector(); G4double sum = 0.0; G4PenelopeIntegrator theIntegrator; sum = theIntegrator.Calculate(this,&G4PenelopeRayleigh::MolecularFormFactor, Xlow,Xhigh,1e-10); samplingFunction_x->push_back(Xhigh); samplingFunction_y->push_back(sum); G4int i; for (i=1;ipush_back(Xhigh); samplingFunction_y->push_back(sum+(*samplingFunction_y)[i-1]); } for (i=0;i (samplingFunction_x,samplingFunction_y); } else { //material already inizialized samplingFunction_x=(*theTable).second.first; samplingFunction_y=(*theTable).second.second; } } G4double G4PenelopeRayleigh::MolecularFormFactor(G4double y) { const G4int ntot=95; G4double RA1[ntot] = {0.0e0, 3.9265e+0, 4.3100e+1, 5.2757e+1, 2.5021e+1, 1.2211e+1, 9.3229e+0, 3.2455e+0, 2.4197e+0, 1.5985e+0, 3.0926e+1, 1.5315e+1, 7.7061e+0, 3.9493e+0, 2.2042e+0, 1.9453e+1, 1.9354e+1, 8.0374e+0, 8.3779e+1, 5.7370e+1, 5.2310e+1, 4.7514e+1, 4.3785e+1, 4.2048e+1, 3.6972e+1, 3.3849e+1, 3.1609e+1, 2.8763e+1, 2.7217e+1, 2.4263e+1, 2.2403e+1, 1.8606e+1, 1.5143e+1, 1.4226e+1, 1.1792e+1, 9.7574e+0, 1.2796e+1, 1.2854e+1, 1.2368e+1, 1.0208e+1, 8.2823e+0, 7.4677e+0, 7.6028e+0, 6.1090e+0, 5.5346e+0, 4.2340e+0, 4.0444e+0, 4.2905e+0, 4.7950e+0, 5.1112e+0, 5.2407e+0, 5.2153e+0, 5.1639e+0, 4.8814e+0, 5.8054e+0, 6.6724e+0, 6.5104e+0, 6.3364e+0, 6.2889e+0, 6.3028e+0, 6.3853e+0, 6.3475e+0, 6.5779e+0, 6.8486e+0, 7.0993e+0, 7.6122e+0, 7.9681e+0, 8.3481e+0, 6.3875e+0, 8.0042e+0, 8.0820e+0, 7.6940e+0, 7.1927e+0, 6.6751e+0, 6.1623e+0, 5.8335e+0, 5.5599e+0, 4.6551e+0, 4.4327e+0, 4.7601e+0, 5.2872e+0, 5.6084e+0, 5.7680e+0, 5.8041e+0, 5.7566e+0, 5.6541e+0, 6.3932e+0, 6.9313e+0, 7.0027e+0, 6.8796e+0, 6.4739e+0, 6.2405e+0, 6.0081e+0, 5.5708e+0, 5.3680e+0}; G4double RA2[ntot] = {0.0e0, 1.3426e-1, 9.4875e+1,-1.0896e+2,-4.5494e+1, -1.9572e+1,-1.2382e+1,-3.6827e+0,-2.4542e+0,-1.4453e+0, 1.3401e+2, 7.9717e+1, 6.2164e+1, 4.0300e+1, 3.1682e+1, -1.3639e+1,-1.5950e+1,-5.1523e+0, 1.8351e+2, 1.2205e+2, 1.0007e+2, 8.5632e+1, 7.9145e+1, 6.3675e+1, 6.2954e+1, 5.6601e+1, 5.4171e+1, 4.8752e+1, 3.8062e+1, 3.9933e+1, 4.8343e+1, 4.2137e+1, 3.4617e+1, 2.9430e+1, 2.4010e+1, 1.9744e+1, 4.0009e+1, 5.1614e+1, 5.0456e+1, 3.9088e+1, 2.6824e+1, 2.2953e+1, 2.4773e+1, 1.6893e+1, 1.4548e+1, 9.7226e+0, 1.0192e+1, 1.1153e+1, 1.3188e+1, 1.4733e+1, 1.5644e+1, 1.5939e+1, 1.5923e+1, 1.5254e+1, 2.0748e+1, 2.6901e+1, 2.7032e+1, 2.4938e+1, 2.1528e+1, 2.0362e+1, 1.9474e+1, 1.8238e+1, 1.7898e+1, 1.9174e+1, 1.9023e+1, 1.8194e+1, 1.8504e+1, 1.8955e+1, 1.4276e+1, 1.7558e+1, 1.8651e+1, 1.7984e+1, 1.6793e+1, 1.5469e+1, 1.4143e+1, 1.3149e+1, 1.2255e+1, 9.2352e+0, 8.6067e+0, 9.7460e+0, 1.1749e+1, 1.3281e+1, 1.4326e+1, 1.4920e+1, 1.5157e+1, 1.5131e+1, 1.9489e+1, 2.3649e+1, 2.4686e+1, 2.4760e+1, 2.1519e+1, 2.0099e+1, 1.8746e+1, 1.5943e+1, 1.4880e+1}; G4double RA3[ntot] = {0.0e0, 2.2648e+0, 1.0579e+3, 8.6177e+2, 2.4422e+2, 7.8788e+1, 3.8293e+1, 1.2564e+1, 6.9091e+0, 3.7926e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 1.6759e-9, 1.3026e+1, 3.0569e+0, 1.5521e+2, 1.2815e+2, 4.7378e+1, 9.2802e+2, 4.7508e+2, 3.6612e+2, 2.7582e+2, 2.1008e+2, 1.5903e+2, 1.2322e+2, 9.2898e+1, 7.1345e+1, 5.1651e+1, 3.8474e+1, 2.7410e+1, 1.9126e+1, 1.0889e+1, 5.3479e+0, 8.2223e+0, 5.0837e+0, 2.8905e+0, 2.7457e+0, 6.7082e-1, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 1.7264e-1, 2.7322e-1, 3.9444e-1, 4.5648e-1, 6.2286e-1, 7.2468e-1, 8.4296e-1, 1.1698e+0, 1.2994e+0, 1.4295e+0, 0.0000e+0, 8.1570e-1, 6.9349e-1, 4.9536e-1, 3.1211e-1, 1.5931e-1, 2.9512e-2, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0}; G4double RA4[ntot] = {1.1055e1,6.3519e0,4.7367e+1, 3.9402e+1, 2.2896e+1, 1.3979e+1, 1.0766e+1, 6.5252e+0, 5.1631e+0, 4.0524e+0, 2.7145e+1, 1.8724e+1, 1.4782e+1, 1.1608e+1, 9.7750e+0, 1.6170e+1, 1.5249e+1, 9.1916e+0, 5.4499e+1, 4.1381e+1, 3.7395e+1, 3.3815e+1, 3.1135e+1, 2.8273e+1, 2.6140e+1, 2.3948e+1, 2.2406e+1, 2.0484e+1, 1.8453e+1, 1.7386e+1, 1.7301e+1, 1.5388e+1, 1.3411e+1, 1.2668e+1, 1.1133e+1, 9.8081e+0, 1.3031e+1, 1.4143e+1, 1.3815e+1, 1.2077e+1, 1.0033e+1, 9.2549e+0, 9.5338e+0, 7.9076e+0, 7.3263e+0, 5.9996e+0, 6.0087e+0, 6.2660e+0, 6.7914e+0, 7.1501e+0, 7.3367e+0, 7.3729e+0, 7.3508e+0, 7.1465e+0, 8.2731e+0, 9.3745e+0, 9.3508e+0, 8.9897e+0, 8.4566e+0, 8.2690e+0, 8.1398e+0, 7.9183e+0, 7.9123e+0, 8.1677e+0, 8.1871e+0, 8.1766e+0, 8.2881e+0, 8.4227e+0, 7.0273e+0, 8.0002e+0, 8.1440e+0, 7.9104e+0, 7.5685e+0, 7.1970e+0, 6.8184e+0, 6.5469e+0, 6.3056e+0, 5.4844e+0, 5.2832e+0, 5.5889e+0, 6.0919e+0, 6.4340e+0, 6.6426e+0, 6.7428e+0, 6.7636e+0, 6.7281e+0, 7.5729e+0, 8.2808e+0, 8.4400e+0, 8.4220e+0, 7.8662e+0, 7.5993e+0, 7.3353e+0, 6.7829e+0, 6.5520e+0}; G4double RA5[ntot] = {0.0e0, 4.9828e+0, 5.5674e+1, 3.0902e+1, 1.1496e+1, 4.8936e+0, 2.5506e+0, 1.2236e+0, 7.4698e-1, 4.7042e-1, 4.7809e+0, 4.6315e+0, 4.3677e+0, 4.9269e+0, 2.6033e+0, 9.6229e+0, 7.2592e+0, 4.1634e+0, 1.3999e+1, 8.6975e+0, 6.9630e+0, 5.4681e+0, 4.2653e+0, 3.2848e+0, 2.7354e+0, 2.1617e+0, 1.7030e+0, 1.2826e+0, 9.7080e-1, 7.2227e-1, 5.0874e-1, 3.1402e-1, 1.6360e-1, 3.2918e-1, 2.3570e-1, 1.5868e-1, 1.5146e-1, 9.7662e-2, 7.3151e-2, 6.4206e-2, 4.8945e-2, 4.3189e-2, 4.4368e-2, 3.3976e-2, 3.0466e-2, 2.4477e-2, 3.7202e-2, 3.7093e-2, 3.8161e-2, 3.8576e-2, 3.8403e-2, 3.7806e-2, 3.4958e-2, 3.6029e-2, 4.3087e-2, 4.7069e-2, 4.6452e-2, 4.2486e-2, 4.1517e-2, 4.1691e-2, 4.2813e-2, 4.2294e-2, 4.5287e-2, 4.8462e-2, 4.9726e-2, 5.5097e-2, 5.6568e-2, 5.8069e-2, 1.2270e-2, 3.8006e-2, 3.5048e-2, 3.0050e-2, 2.5069e-2, 2.0485e-2, 1.6151e-2, 1.4631e-2, 1.4034e-2, 1.1978e-2, 1.1522e-2, 1.2375e-2, 1.3805e-2, 1.4954e-2, 1.5832e-2, 1.6467e-2, 1.6896e-2, 1.7166e-2, 1.9954e-2, 2.2497e-2, 2.1942e-2, 2.1965e-2, 2.0005e-2, 1.8927e-2, 1.8167e-2, 1.6314e-2, 1.5522e-2}; G4double x=std::sqrt(y); G4double gradx1=0.0; G4double fa=0.0; G4int nElements = material->GetNumberOfElements(); const G4ElementVector* elementVector = material->GetElementVector(); const G4int* stechiometric = material->GetAtomsVector(); const G4double* vector_of_atoms = material->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume(); const G4double tot_atoms = material->GetTotNbOfAtomsPerVolume(); for (G4int i=0;iGetZ(); if (Z>ntot) Z=95; G4double denomin = 1+y*(RA4[Z-1]+y*RA5[Z-1]); fa=Z*(1+y*(RA1[Z-1]+x*(RA2[Z-1]+x*RA3[Z-1])))/(denomin*denomin); G4bool a = ((Z>10) && (fa>2.0)); if (a) { G4double Pa,Pg,Pq,fb; G4double k1=0.3125; G4double k2=2.426311e-02; Pa=(Z-k1)*fine_structure_const; Pg=std::sqrt(1-(Pa*Pa)); Pq=k2*x/Pa; fb=std::sin(2*Pg*std::atan(Pq))/(Pg*Pq*std::pow((1+Pq*Pq),Pg)); fa=std::max(fa,fb); } if (stechiometric && stechiometric[i]!=0) { gradx1=gradx1+stechiometric[i]*(fa*fa); //sum on the molecule } else { gradx1=gradx1+(vector_of_atoms[i]/tot_atoms)*(fa*fa); //weighted mean } } return gradx1; } G4double G4PenelopeRayleigh::DifferentialCrossSection(G4double x) { G4double x2=facte*(1-x); G4double gradx = (1+x*x)*MolecularFormFactor(x2); return gradx; }