List of problems with G4muons 15.05.00 (Rostislav, Andrew, Laszlo, Michel, Stas, …, May 15th – May 22nd ) 1) Tests electromagnetic (conduction, search of the possible sources of disagreement,…) a) brems b) pairs c) knock-on 2) Tests photonuclear 3) Physics Reference Manual Brems, pairs, photonuclear, ionisation a) to agree b) to correct c) to verify d) to commission 4)”A Quick Overview” - corrections 5) Summary Note on HE muons in G4 a) to prepare draft b) to discuss and to correct c) to prepare the iteration (pre-final) 6) Discussions: a) final states in the above processes b) multiple scattering – applicability for HE muons c) muon pairs by photon d) muon pairs by muon e) diffractive bremsstrahlung f) … 7) Concluding remarks and summary