// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4MscModel71.cc,v 1.6 2008/03/13 17:20:07 vnivanch Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02 $ // // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // GEANT4 Class file // // // File name: G4MscModel71 // // Author: Laszlo Urban // // Creation date: 03.03.2001 // // Modifications: // // 27-03-03 Move model part from G4MultipleScattering (V.Ivanchenko) // 23-05-03 important change in angle distribution for muons/hadrons // the central part now is similar to the Highland parametrization + // minor correction in angle sampling algorithm (for all particles) // (L.Urban) // 30-05-03 misprint in SampleCosineTheta corrected(L.Urban) // 27-03-03 Rename (V.Ivanchenko) // 05-08-03 angle distribution has been modified (L.Urban) // 06-11-03 precision problems solved for high energy (PeV) particles // change in the tail of the angular distribution // highKinEnergy is set to 100 PeV (L.Urban) // // 10-11-03 highKinEnergy is set back to 100 TeV, some tail tuning + // cleaning (L.Urban) // 26-11-03 correction in TrueStepLength : // trueLength <= currentRange (L.Urban) // 01-03-04 signature changed in SampleCosineTheta, // energy dependence calculations has been simplified, // 11-03-04 corrections in GeomPathLength,TrueStepLength, // SampleCosineTheta // 23-04-04 true -> geom and geom -> true transformation has been // rewritten, changes in the angular distribution (L.Urban) // 19-07-04 correction in SampleCosineTheta in order to avoid // num. precision problems at high energy/small step(L.Urban) // 17-08-04 changes in the angle distribution (slightly modified // Highland formula for the width of the central part, // changes in the numerical values of some other parameters) // ---> approximately step independent distribution (L.Urban) // 21-09-04 change in the tail of the angular distribution (L.Urban) // // 03-11-04 precision problem for very high energy ions and small stepsize // solved in SampleCosineTheta (L.Urban). // 15-04-05 optimize internal interface - add SampleSecondaries method (V.Ivanchenko) // 03-10-05 Model is freezed with the name McsModel71 (V.Ivanchenko) // 17-02-06 Save table of transport cross sections not mfp (V.Ivanchenko) // // Class Description: // // Implementation of the model of multiple scattering based on // H.W.Lewis Phys Rev 78 (1950) 526 and others // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... #include "G4MscModel71.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4Electron.hh" #include "G4LossTableManager.hh" #include "G4PhysicsTable.hh" #include "G4ParticleChangeForMSC.hh" #include "G4TransportationManager.hh" #include "G4Navigator.hh" //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... using namespace std; G4MscModel71::G4MscModel71(G4double& m_dtrl, G4double& m_NuclCorrPar, G4double& m_FactPar, G4double& m_factail, G4bool& m_samplez, const G4String& nam) : G4VEmModel(nam), taubig(8.0), tausmall(1.e-20), taulim(1.e-6), dtrl(m_dtrl), NuclCorrPar (m_NuclCorrPar), FactPar(m_FactPar), factail(m_factail), samplez(m_samplez), isInitialized(false) { stepmin = 1.e-6*mm; currentRange = 0. ; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... G4MscModel71::~G4MscModel71() {} //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... void G4MscModel71::Initialise(const G4ParticleDefinition* p, const G4DataVector&) { if(isInitialized) return; // set values of some data members sigmafactor = twopi*classic_electr_radius*classic_electr_radius; particle = p; mass = particle->GetPDGMass(); charge = particle->GetPDGCharge()/eplus; b = 1. ; xsi = 3.00 ; if(pParticleChange) fParticleChange = reinterpret_cast(pParticleChange); else fParticleChange = new G4ParticleChangeForMSC(); navigator = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager() ->GetNavigatorForTracking(); } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... G4double G4MscModel71::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom( const G4ParticleDefinition* part, G4double KineticEnergy, G4double AtomicNumber, G4double AtomicWeight, G4double, G4double) { const G4double epsfactor = 2.*electron_mass_c2*electron_mass_c2* Bohr_radius*Bohr_radius/(hbarc*hbarc); const G4double epsmin = 1.e-4 , epsmax = 1.e10; const G4double Zdat[15] = { 4., 6.,13.,20.,26.,29.,32.,38.,47., 50.,56.,64.,74.,79.,82. }; const G4double Tdat[23] = {0.0001*MeV,0.0002*MeV,0.0004*MeV,0.0007*MeV, 0.001*MeV,0.002*MeV,0.004*MeV,0.007*MeV, 0.01*MeV,0.02*MeV,0.04*MeV,0.07*MeV, 0.1*MeV,0.2*MeV,0.4*MeV,0.7*MeV, 1.*MeV,2.*MeV,4.*MeV,7.*MeV,10.*MeV,20.*MeV, 10000.0*MeV}; // corr. factors for e-/e+ lambda G4double celectron[15][23] = {{1.125,1.072,1.051,1.047,1.047,1.050,1.052,1.054, 1.054,1.057,1.062,1.069,1.075,1.090,1.105,1.111, 1.112,1.108,1.100,1.093,1.089,1.087,0.7235 }, {1.408,1.246,1.143,1.096,1.077,1.059,1.053,1.051, 1.052,1.053,1.058,1.065,1.072,1.087,1.101,1.108, 1.109,1.105,1.097,1.090,1.086,1.082,0.7925 }, {2.833,2.268,1.861,1.612,1.486,1.309,1.204,1.156, 1.136,1.114,1.106,1.106,1.109,1.119,1.129,1.132, 1.131,1.124,1.113,1.104,1.099,1.098,0.9147 }, {3.879,3.016,2.380,2.007,1.818,1.535,1.340,1.236, 1.190,1.133,1.107,1.099,1.098,1.103,1.110,1.113, 1.112,1.105,1.096,1.089,1.085,1.098,0.9700 }, {6.937,4.330,2.886,2.256,1.987,1.628,1.395,1.265, 1.203,1.122,1.080,1.065,1.061,1.063,1.070,1.073, 1.073,1.070,1.064,1.059,1.056,1.056,1.0022 }, {9.616,5.708,3.424,2.551,2.204,1.762,1.485,1.330, 1.256,1.155,1.099,1.077,1.070,1.068,1.072,1.074, 1.074,1.070,1.063,1.059,1.056,1.052,1.0158 }, {11.72,6.364,3.811,2.806,2.401,1.884,1.564,1.386, 1.300,1.180,1.112,1.082,1.073,1.066,1.068,1.069, 1.068,1.064,1.059,1.054,1.051,1.050,1.0284 }, {18.08,8.601,4.569,3.183,2.662,2.025,1.646,1.439, 1.339,1.195,1.108,1.068,1.053,1.040,1.039,1.039, 1.039,1.037,1.034,1.031,1.030,1.036,1.0515 }, {18.22,10.48,5.333,3.713,3.115,2.367,1.898,1.631, 1.498,1.301,1.171,1.105,1.077,1.048,1.036,1.033, 1.031,1.028,1.024,1.022,1.021,1.024,1.0834 }, {14.14,10.65,5.710,3.929,3.266,2.453,1.951,1.669, 1.528,1.319,1.178,1.106,1.075,1.040,1.027,1.022, 1.020,1.017,1.015,1.013,1.013,1.020,1.0937 }, {14.11,11.73,6.312,4.240,3.478,2.566,2.022,1.720, 1.569,1.342,1.186,1.102,1.065,1.022,1.003,0.997, 0.995,0.993,0.993,0.993,0.993,1.011,1.1140 }, {22.76,20.01,8.835,5.287,4.144,2.901,2.219,1.855, 1.677,1.410,1.224,1.121,1.073,1.014,0.986,0.976, 0.974,0.972,0.973,0.974,0.975,0.987,1.1410 }, {50.77,40.85,14.13,7.184,5.284,3.435,2.520,2.059, 1.837,1.512,1.283,1.153,1.091,1.010,0.969,0.954, 0.950,0.947,0.949,0.952,0.954,0.963,1.1750 }, {65.87,59.06,15.87,7.570,5.567,3.650,2.682,2.182, 1.939,1.579,1.325,1.178,1.108,1.014,0.965,0.947, 0.941,0.938,0.940,0.944,0.946,0.954,1.1922 }, {55.60,47.34,15.92,7.810,5.755,3.767,2.760,2.239, 1.985,1.609,1.343,1.188,1.113,1.013,0.960,0.939, 0.933,0.930,0.933,0.936,0.939,0.949,1.2026 }}; G4double cpositron[15][23] = { {2.589,2.044,1.658,1.446,1.347,1.217,1.144,1.110, 1.097,1.083,1.080,1.086,1.092,1.108,1.123,1.131, 1.131,1.126,1.117,1.108,1.103,1.100,0.7235 }, {3.904,2.794,2.079,1.710,1.543,1.325,1.202,1.145, 1.122,1.096,1.089,1.092,1.098,1.114,1.130,1.137, 1.138,1.132,1.122,1.113,1.108,1.102,0.7925 }, {7.970,6.080,4.442,3.398,2.872,2.127,1.672,1.451, 1.357,1.246,1.194,1.179,1.178,1.188,1.201,1.205, 1.203,1.190,1.173,1.159,1.151,1.145,0.9147 }, {9.714,7.607,5.747,4.493,3.815,2.777,2.079,1.715, 1.553,1.353,1.253,1.219,1.211,1.214,1.225,1.228, 1.225,1.210,1.191,1.175,1.166,1.174,0.9700 }, {17.97,12.95,8.628,6.065,4.849,3.222,2.275,1.820, 1.624,1.382,1.259,1.214,1.202,1.202,1.214,1.219, 1.217,1.203,1.184,1.169,1.160,1.151,1.0022 }, {24.83,17.06,10.84,7.355,5.767,3.707,2.546,1.996, 1.759,1.465,1.311,1.252,1.234,1.228,1.238,1.241, 1.237,1.222,1.201,1.184,1.174,1.159,1.0158 }, {23.26,17.15,11.52,8.049,6.375,4.114,2.792,2.155, 1.880,1.535,1.353,1.281,1.258,1.247,1.254,1.256, 1.252,1.234,1.212,1.194,1.183,1.170,1.0284 }, {22.33,18.01,12.86,9.212,7.336,4.702,3.117,2.348, 2.015,1.602,1.385,1.297,1.268,1.251,1.256,1.258, 1.254,1.237,1.214,1.195,1.185,1.179,1.0515 }, {33.91,24.13,15.71,10.80,8.507,5.467,3.692,2.808, 2.407,1.873,1.564,1.425,1.374,1.330,1.324,1.320, 1.312,1.288,1.258,1.235,1.221,1.205,1.0834 }, {32.14,24.11,16.30,11.40,9.015,5.782,3.868,2.917, 2.490,1.925,1.596,1.447,1.391,1.342,1.332,1.327, 1.320,1.294,1.264,1.240,1.226,1.214,1.0937 }, {29.51,24.07,17.19,12.28,9.766,6.238,4.112,3.066, 2.602,1.995,1.641,1.477,1.414,1.356,1.342,1.336, 1.328,1.302,1.270,1.245,1.231,1.233,1.1140 }, {38.19,30.85,21.76,15.35,12.07,7.521,4.812,3.498, 2.926,2.188,1.763,1.563,1.484,1.405,1.382,1.371, 1.361,1.330,1.294,1.267,1.251,1.239,1.1410 }, {49.71,39.80,27.96,19.63,15.36,9.407,5.863,4.155, 3.417,2.478,1.944,1.692,1.589,1.480,1.441,1.423, 1.409,1.372,1.330,1.298,1.280,1.258,1.1750 }, {59.25,45.08,30.36,20.83,16.15,9.834,6.166,4.407, 3.641,2.648,2.064,1.779,1.661,1.531,1.482,1.459, 1.442,1.400,1.354,1.319,1.299,1.272,1.1922 }, {56.38,44.29,30.50,21.18,16.51,10.11,6.354,4.542, 3.752,2.724,2.116,1.817,1.692,1.554,1.499,1.474, 1.456,1.412,1.364,1.328,1.307,1.282,1.2026 }}; G4double sigma; if (part != particle ) { particle = part; mass = particle->GetPDGMass(); charge = particle->GetPDGCharge()/eplus; } G4double Z23 = 2.*log(AtomicNumber)/3.; Z23 = exp(Z23); // correction if particle .ne. e-/e+ // compute equivalent kinetic energy // lambda depends on p*beta .... G4double eKineticEnergy = KineticEnergy; if((particle->GetParticleName() != "e-") && (particle->GetParticleName() != "e+") ) { G4double TAU = KineticEnergy/mass ; G4double c = mass*TAU*(TAU+2.)/(electron_mass_c2*(TAU+1.)) ; G4double w = c-2. ; G4double tau = 0.5*(w+sqrt(w*w+4.*c)) ; eKineticEnergy = electron_mass_c2*tau ; } G4double ChargeSquare = charge*charge; G4double eTotalEnergy = eKineticEnergy + electron_mass_c2 ; G4double beta2 = eKineticEnergy*(eTotalEnergy+electron_mass_c2) /(eTotalEnergy*eTotalEnergy); G4double bg2 = eKineticEnergy*(eTotalEnergy+electron_mass_c2) /(electron_mass_c2*electron_mass_c2); G4double eps = epsfactor*bg2/Z23; if (eps epsmax) w1=log(2.*eps)+1./eps-3./(8.*eps*eps); else w1=log((a+1.)/(a-1.))-2./(a+1.); w = 1./((1.-x0)*eps); if (w < epsmin) w2=-log(w)-1.+2.*w-1.5*w*w; else w2 = log((a-x0)/(a-1.))-(1.-x0)/(a-x0); corrnuclsize = w1/w2; corrnuclsize = exp(-FactPar*mass/KineticEnergy)* (corrnuclsize-1.)+1.; } // interpolate in AtomicNumber and beta2 // get bin number in Z G4int iZ = 14; while ((iZ>=0)&&(Zdat[iZ]>=AtomicNumber)) iZ -= 1; if (iZ==14) iZ = 13; if (iZ==-1) iZ = 0 ; G4double Z1 = Zdat[iZ]; G4double Z2 = Zdat[iZ+1]; G4double ratZ = (AtomicNumber-Z1)/(Z2-Z1); // get bin number in T (beta2) G4int iT = 22; while ((iT>=0)&&(Tdat[iT]>=eKineticEnergy)) iT -= 1; if(iT==22) iT = 21; if(iT==-1) iT = 0 ; // calculate betasquare values G4double T = Tdat[iT], E = T + electron_mass_c2; G4double b2small = T*(E+electron_mass_c2)/(E*E); T = Tdat[iT+1]; E = T + electron_mass_c2; G4double b2big = T*(E+electron_mass_c2)/(E*E); G4double ratb2 = (beta2-b2small)/(b2big-b2small); G4double c1,c2,cc1,cc2,corr; if (charge < 0.) { c1 = celectron[iZ][iT]; c2 = celectron[iZ+1][iT]; cc1 = c1+ratZ*(c2-c1); c1 = celectron[iZ][iT+1]; c2 = celectron[iZ+1][iT+1]; cc2 = c1+ratZ*(c2-c1); corr = cc1+ratb2*(cc2-cc1); sigma /= corr; } if (charge > 0.) { c1 = cpositron[iZ][iT]; c2 = cpositron[iZ+1][iT]; cc1 = c1+ratZ*(c2-c1); c1 = cpositron[iZ][iT+1]; c2 = cpositron[iZ+1][iT+1]; cc2 = c1+ratZ*(c2-c1); corr = cc1+ratb2*(cc2-cc1); sigma /= corr; } sigma *= sigmafactor; // nucl. size correction for particles other than e+/e- only at present !!!! if((particle->GetParticleName() != "e-") && (particle->GetParticleName() != "e+") ) sigma /= corrnuclsize; // G4cout << "e= " << KineticEnergy << " sigma= " << sigma << G4endl; return sigma; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... G4double G4MscModel71::GeomPathLength( G4PhysicsTable* theLambdaTable, const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple, const G4ParticleDefinition* theParticle, G4double& T0, G4double lambda, G4double range, G4double truePathLength) { // do the true -> geom transformation const G4double ztmax = 101./103. ; if (theParticle != particle ) { particle = theParticle; mass = particle->GetPDGMass(); charge = particle->GetPDGCharge()/eplus; } currentKinEnergy = T0; currentRange = range ; currentRadLength = couple->GetMaterial()->GetRadlen(); lambda0 = lambda; par1 = -1. ; par2 = par3 = 0. ; tPathLength = truePathLength; // this correction needed to run MSC with eIoni and eBrem inactivated // and makes no harm for a normal run if(tPathLength > range) tPathLength = range ; G4double tau = tPathLength/lambda0 ; if (tau <= tausmall) return tPathLength; G4double zmean = tPathLength; if (tPathLength < range*dtrl) { zmean = lambda0*(1.-exp(-tau)); if(tau < taulim) zmean = tPathLength*(1.-0.5*tPathLength/lambda0) ; } else if(T0 < mass) { par1 = 1./range ; par2 = 1./(par1*lambda0) ; par3 = 1.+par2 ; zmean = (1.-exp(par3*log(1.-tPathLength/range)))/(par1*par3) ; } else { G4LossTableManager* theManager = G4LossTableManager::Instance(); G4double T1 = theManager->GetEnergy(particle,range-tPathLength,couple); G4double lambda1 ; if (theLambdaTable) { G4bool bb; lambda1 = ((*theLambdaTable)[couple->GetIndex()])->GetValue(T1,bb); } else { lambda1 = CrossSection(couple,particle,T1,0.0,1.0); } lambda1 = 1.0/lambda1; par1 = (lambda0-lambda1)/(lambda0*tPathLength) ; par2 = 1./(par1*lambda0) ; par3 = 1.+par2 ; zmean = (1.-exp(par3*log(lambda1/lambda0)))/(par1*par3) ; } // sample z G4double zPathLength = zmean ; G4double zt = zmean/tPathLength ; if (tPathLength >= stepmin && samplez && zt > 0.5 && zt < ztmax) { G4double cz = 0.5*(3.*zt-1.)/(1.-zt) ; G4double cz1 = 1.+cz ; G4double u0 = cz/cz1 ; G4double u,grej ; do { u = exp(log(G4UniformRand())/cz1) ; grej = exp(cz*log(u/u0))*(1.-u)/(1.-u0) ; } while (grej < G4UniformRand()) ; zPathLength = tPathLength*u ; } return zPathLength ; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... G4double G4MscModel71::TrueStepLength(G4double geomStepLength) { G4double trueLength = geomStepLength; trueLength = geomStepLength; if(geomStepLength > lambda0*tausmall) { if(par1 < 0.) trueLength = -lambda0*log(1.-geomStepLength/lambda0) ; else { if(par1*par3*geomStepLength < 1.) trueLength = (1.-exp(log(1.-par1*par3*geomStepLength)/par3))/par1 ; else trueLength = currentRange ; } } if(trueLength > tPathLength) trueLength = tPathLength; if(trueLength > currentRange) trueLength = currentRange ; if(trueLength < geomStepLength) trueLength = geomStepLength; return trueLength; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... void G4MscModel71::SampleSecondaries(std::vector*, const G4MaterialCutsCouple*, const G4DynamicParticle* dynParticle, G4double truestep, G4double safety) { G4double kineticEnergy = dynParticle->GetKineticEnergy(); if(kineticEnergy <= 0.0) return; G4double cth = SampleCosineTheta(truestep,kineticEnergy); G4double sth = sqrt((1.0 - cth)*(1.0 + cth)); G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); G4double dirx = sth*cos(phi); G4double diry = sth*sin(phi); G4ThreeVector oldDirection = dynParticle->GetMomentumDirection(); G4ThreeVector newDirection(dirx,diry,cth); newDirection.rotateUz(oldDirection); fParticleChange->ProposeMomentumDirection(newDirection); /* const G4ParticleDefinition* pd = dynParticle->GetDefinition(); G4cout << "G4MscModel71: Sample secondary; E(MeV)= " << kineticEnergy/MeV << " MeV; step(mm)= " << truestep/mm << ", safety(mm)= " << safety/mm << " " << pd->GetParticleName() << G4endl; */ if (latDisplasment && safety > 0.0) { G4double r = SampleDisplacement(); if (r > safety) r = safety; // sample direction of lateral displacement G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); G4double dirx = std::cos(phi); G4double diry = std::sin(phi); G4ThreeVector newPosition(dirx,diry,0.0); newPosition.rotateUz(oldDirection); // compute new endpoint of the Step newPosition *= r; newPosition += *(fParticleChange->GetProposedPosition()); navigator->LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume(newPosition); fParticleChange->ProposePosition(newPosition); } } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... G4double G4MscModel71::SampleCosineTheta(G4double trueStepLength, G4double KineticEnergy) { G4double cth = 1. ; G4double tau = trueStepLength/lambda0 ; if(trueStepLength >= currentRange*dtrl) { if(par1*trueStepLength < 1.) tau = -par2*log(1.-par1*trueStepLength) ; else tau = taubig ; } currentTau = tau ; if(trueStepLength < stepmin) cth = exp(-tau) ; else { if (tau >= taubig) cth = -1.+2.*G4UniformRand(); else if (tau >= tausmall) { G4double a ; // for all particles take the width of the central part // from a parametrization similar to the Highland formula // ( Highland formula: Particle Physics Booklet, July 2002, eq. 26.10) // here : theta0 = 13.6*MeV*Q*(t/X0)**0.555/(beta*cp) const G4double c_highland = 13.6*MeV, corr_highland=0.555 ; G4double Q = std::abs(charge) ; G4double xx0 = trueStepLength/currentRadLength; G4double betacp = sqrt(currentKinEnergy*(currentKinEnergy+2.*mass)* KineticEnergy*(KineticEnergy+2.*mass)/ ((currentKinEnergy+mass)*(KineticEnergy+mass))) ; G4double theta0 = c_highland*Q*exp(corr_highland*log(xx0))/betacp ; if(theta0 > taulim) a = 0.5/(1.-cos(theta0)) ; else a = 1.0/(theta0*theta0) ; G4double xmeanth = exp(-tau); G4double xmeanth1 = 1.-xmeanth ; if(currentTau < taulim) xmeanth1 = tau ; const G4double x1fac1 = exp(-xsi) ; const G4double x1fac2 = (1.-(1.+xsi)*x1fac1)/(1.-x1fac1) ; const G4double x1fac3 = 1.3 ; G4double ea,eaa,xmean1 ; G4double c = 2.,b1 = 2., bx = 2., eb1 = b1, ebx = b1, xmean2 = 0. ; G4double prob = 1., qprob ; G4double x0 = 1.-xsi/a; G4double oneminusx0=xsi/a ; G4double oneplusx0=2.+xsi/a ; G4double f1x0=1., f2x0=1. ; const G4double tau0 = 0.10 ; if(tau > tau0) { // 1 model function a = 1./xmeanth1 ; ea = exp(-2.*a) ; eaa= 1.-ea ; xmean1 = 1.-1./a+2.*ea/eaa ; prob = 1. ; qprob = 1. ; } else if (x0 <= -1.) { // 2 model fuctions only // in order to have xmean1 > xmeanth -> qprob < 1 x0 = -1.; if( a < 1./xmeanth1) a = 1./xmeanth1 ; oneminusx0 = 1.-x0 ; oneplusx0 = 1.+x0 ; ea = exp(-a*oneminusx0); eaa = 1.-ea ; xmean1 = 1.-1./a+oneminusx0*ea/eaa ; qprob = xmeanth/xmean1 ; } else { // 3 model fuctions // in order to have xmean1 > xmeanth if((1.-x1fac2/a) < xmeanth) { a = x1fac3*x1fac2/xmeanth1 ; x0 = 1.-xsi/a ; oneminusx0=xsi/a ; oneplusx0=2.-xsi/a ; } ea = x1fac1 ; eaa = 1.-ea ; xmean1 = 1.-x1fac2/a ; const G4double fctail = factail*1.0 ; c = 2.+fctail*tau ; G4double c1 = c-1. ; G4double c2 = c-2. ; if(c2 == 0.) c2 = fctail*tausmall ; b = 1.+(c-xsi)/a ; b1 = b+1. ; bx = c/a ; eb1=exp((c1)*log(b1)) ; ebx=exp((c1)*log(bx)) ; xmean2 = (x0*eb1+ebx-(eb1*bx-b1*ebx)/c2)/(eb1-ebx) ; f1x0 = a*ea/eaa ; f2x0 = c1*eb1*ebx/(eb1-ebx)/ exp(c*log(bx)) ; // from continuity at x=x0 prob = f2x0/(f1x0+f2x0) ; // from xmean = xmeanth qprob = (f1x0+f2x0)*xmeanth/(f2x0*xmean1+f1x0*xmean2) ; } // sampling of costheta if (G4UniformRand() < qprob) { if (G4UniformRand() < prob) cth = 1.+log(ea+G4UniformRand()*eaa)/a ; else cth = b-b1*bx/exp(log(ebx-G4UniformRand()*(ebx-eb1))/(c-1.)) ; } else { cth = -1.+2.*G4UniformRand(); } } } return cth ; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... G4double G4MscModel71::SampleDisplacement() { const G4double kappa = 2.5; const G4double kappapl1 = kappa+1.; const G4double kappami1 = kappa-1.; G4double rmean = 0.0; if (currentTau >= tausmall) { if (currentTau < taulim) { rmean = kappa*currentTau*currentTau*currentTau*(1.-kappapl1*currentTau*0.25)/6. ; } else { G4double etau = 0.0; if (currentTau0.) rmean = 2.*lambda0*sqrt(rmean/3.0); else rmean = 0.; } return rmean; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....