source: trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/ @ 1251

Last change on this file since 1251 was 1228, checked in by garnier, 15 years ago

update geant4.9.3 tag

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26// $Id:,v 1.77 2009/11/01 13:05:01 vnivanch Exp $
27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
29// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31// GEANT4 Class file
33// File name:     G4MultipleScattering
35// Author:        Laszlo Urban
37// Creation date: March 2001
39// 16/05/01 value of cparm changed , L.Urban
40// 18/05/01 V.Ivanchenko Clean up against Linux ANSI compilation
41// 07/08/01 new methods Store/Retrieve PhysicsTable (mma)
42// 23-08-01 new angle and z distribution,energy dependence reduced,
43//          Store,Retrieve methods commented out temporarily, L.Urban
44// 27-08-01 in BuildPhysicsTable:aParticleType.GetParticleName()=="mu+" (mma)
45// 28-08-01 GetContinuousStepLimit and AlongStepDoIt moved from .icc file (mma)
46// 03-09-01 value of data member factlim changed, L.Urban
47// 10-09-01 small change in GetContinuousStepLimit, L.Urban
48// 11-09-01 G4MultipleScatteringx put as default G4MultipleScattering
49//          store/retrieve physics table reactivated (mma)
50// 13-09-01 corr. in ComputeTransportCrossSection, L.Urban
51// 14-09-01 protection in GetContinuousStepLimit, L.Urban
52// 17-09-01 migration of Materials to pure STL (mma)
53// 27-09-01 value of data member factlim changed, L.Urban
54// 31-10-01 big fixed in PostStepDoIt,L.Urban
55// 17-04-02 NEW angle distribution + boundary algorithm modified, L.Urban
56// 22-04-02 boundary algorithm modified -> important improvement in timing
57// 24-04-02 some minor changes in boundary algorithm, L.Urban
58// 06-05-02 bug fixed in GetContinuousStepLimit, L.Urban
59// 24-05-02 changes in angle distribution and boundary algorithm, L.Urban
60// 11-06-02 bug fixed in ComputeTransportCrossSection, L.Urban
61// 12-08-02 bug fixed in PostStepDoIt (lateral displacement), L.Urban
62// 15-08-02 new angle distribution, L.Urban
63// 26-09-02 angle distribution + boundary algorithm modified, L.Urban
64// 15-10-02 temporary fix for proton scattering
65// 30-10-02 modified angle distribution,mods in boundary algorithm,
66//          changes in data members, L.Urban
67// 11-12-02 precision problem in ComputeTransportCrossSection
68//          for small Tkin/for heavy particles cured from L.Urban
69// 20-01-03 Migrade to cut per region (V.Ivanchenko)
70// 05-02-03 changes in data members, new sampling for geom.
71//          path length, step dependence reduced with new
72//          method
73// 28-03-03 Move to model design (V.Ivanchenko)
74// 08-08-03 STD substitute standard  (V.Ivanchenko)
75// 23-04-04 value of data member dtrl changed from 0.15 to 0.05 (L.Urban)
76// 17-08-04 name of facxsi changed to factail (L.Urban)
77// 08-11-04 Migration to new interface of Store/Retrieve tables (V.Ivantchenko)
78// 07-02-05 correction in order to have a working Setsamplez function (L.Urban)
79// 15-04-05 optimize internal interface (V.Ivanchenko)
80// 12-09-05 new TruePathLengthLimit - facrange works for every track from
81//             start, geometry also influences the limit
82// 02-10-05 conditions limiting the step are finalized + code cleaning (L.Urban)
83// 03-10-05 weaker step limitation for Tkin > Tlimit (L.Urban)
84// 05-10-05 value of data member tlimitmin has been changed (L.Urban)
85// 06-10-05 correction in TruePathLengthLimit, timing improved.(L.Urban)
86// 07-10-05 bug fixed in TruePathLengthLimit (L.Urban)
87// 11-10-05 change in TruePathLengthLimit conditions,slightly better
88//          timing and much weaker cut dependence (L.Urban)
89// 13-10-05 move SetFacrange(0.02) from InitialiseProcess to constructor
90// 23-10-05 new Boolean data member prec (false ~ 7.1 like, true new step
91//          limit in TruePathLengthLimit, L.Urban)
92// 25-10-05 prec renamed to steppingAlgorithm, set function triggers
93//          'default' facrange too, true - 0.02, false - 0.2 (L.Urban)
94// 26-10-05 the above is put in the function MscStepLimitation() (mma)
95// 05-11-05 tlimitmin = facrange*rungecut (instead of a fixed value)L.Urban
96// 13-11-05 some code cleaning, slightly better timing (L.Urban)
97// 01-12-05 add control on verbosity in SetMscStepLimitation
98// 06-12-05 tlimitmin = facrange*rangecut(e-) for every particle
99// 07-12-05 volume name World removed, rangecut computed using index
100//          instead of particle name L.Urban
101// 08-12-05 world is now: navigator->GetWorldVolume() L.Urban
102// 11-12-05 data member rangecut removed, steplimit does not depend
103//          on cut any more (L.Urban)
104// 17-01-06 value of data member factail changed (1. --> 0.75),
105//          value of facgeom is 3.5 instead of 4 (L.Urban)
106// 19-01-07 tlimitmin = facrange*50*micrometer, i.e. it depends on the
107//          value of facrange (L.Urban)
108// 16-02-06 value of factail changed, samplez = true (L.Urban)
109// 07-03-06 Create G4UrbanMscModel and move there step limit calculation (VI)
110// 10-05-06 SetMscStepLimitation at initialisation (V.Ivantchenko)
111// 11-05-06 values of data members tkinlimit, factail have been
112//          changed (L.Urban)
113// 13-10-06 data member factail removed, new data member skin
114//          together with set function, data member tkinlimit
115//          changed to lambdalimit (L.Urban)
116// 20-10-06 default value of skin = 0 (no single scattering),
117//          single scattering for skin > 0,
118//          there is no z sampling by default  (L.Urban)
119// 23-10-06 skin = 1 by default (L.Urban)
120// 23-11-06 skin = 1 by default for e+-, 0 for other particles (VI)
121// 12-02-07 skin can be changed via UI command, default skin=1 (VI)
122// 24-04-07 default skin=0 (temporal protection) (VI)
123// 11-03-08 use G4VMscModel interface (VI)
125// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
130#include "G4MultipleScattering.hh"
131#include "G4UrbanMscModel92.hh"
132#include "G4MscStepLimitType.hh"
133#include "G4UrbanMscModel.hh"
137using namespace std;
139G4MultipleScattering::G4MultipleScattering(const G4String& processName)
140  : G4VMultipleScattering(processName)
142  isInitialized = false; 
143  G4cout << G4endl;
144  G4cout << "!!! G4MultipleScattering class is obsolete and will be removed for the next major Geant4 release !!!" << G4endl;
145  G4cout << "!!! Please use G4eMultipleScattering for e+ and e- !!!" << G4endl;
146  G4cout << "!!! Please use G4MuMultipleScattering for mu+ and mu- !!!" << G4endl;
147  G4cout << "!!! Please use G4hMultipleScattering for hadrons and ions !!!" << G4endl;
148  G4cout << G4endl;
158G4bool G4MultipleScattering::IsApplicable (const G4ParticleDefinition& p)
160  return (p.GetPDGCharge() != 0.0 && !p.IsShortLived());
165void G4MultipleScattering::InitialiseProcess(const G4ParticleDefinition*)
167  if(isInitialized) return;
169  // initialisation of parameters - defaults for particles other
170  // than ions can be overwritten by users
171  mscUrban = new G4UrbanMscModel92();
172  AddEmModel(1,mscUrban);
173  isInitialized = true;
174  /*
175  G4cout << "G4MultipleScattering::InitialiseProcess for "
176         << p->GetParticleName()
177         << " skin= " << Skin()
178         << " SA= " << steppingAlgorithm
179         << G4endl;
180  */
185void G4MultipleScattering::PrintInfo()
187  G4cout << "      RangeFactor= " << RangeFactor()
188         << ", step limit type: " << StepLimitType()
189         << ", lateralDisplacement: " << LateralDisplasmentFlag()
190         << ", skin= " << Skin() 
191         << ", geomFactor= " << GeomFactor() 
192         << G4endl;
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