source: trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/utils/History @ 1279

Last change on this file since 1279 was 1228, checked in by garnier, 15 years ago

update geant4.9.3 tag

File size: 57.4 KB
1$Id: History,v 1.400 2009/11/22 19:48:30 vnivanch Exp $
4     =========================================================
5     Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
6     =========================================================
8                      Category History file
9                      ---------------------
10This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators
11to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code
12and keep track of all category-tags.
13It DOES NOT substitute the  CVS log-message one should put at every
14committal in the CVS repository !
16     ----------------------------------------------------------
17     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
18     ----------------------------------------------------------
2023 November 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-24)
21G4EmConfigurator - fixed bug in selection of models
2322 November 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-23)
24G4EmCalculator - take into account CorrectionAlongStep for ions
2610 November 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-22)
27G4EmCalculator - added method FindIon; improve computation for ions
28                 allowing to be applied for the model based on ICRU'73
3010 November 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-21)
31G4VEmProcess - improved printout
3329 September 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-20)
34- G4VMultipleScattering - added SetModel method
35- G4EmCorrections - fixed bug reported in phys-list forum #532
36- G4ionEffectiveCharge - return back lost protection for zero energy
37- G4LossTableManager, G4EmProcessOptions, G4EnergyLossMessenger - added
38          parameter FactorForAngleLimit, Set/Get methods and UI command
39          to be used computation of limit on -t (invariant momentum transfer)
40          inside single scattering and G4WentzelVI models
4229 September 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-19)
43- G4EmElementSelector - fixed forgotten migration to updated G4PhysicsVector
4525 September 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-18)
46- G4VEmModel - insure definition of pointer to the G4MaterialCutsCouple
47               object both at initialisation and in run time
48- G4EmSaturation - use PDG encoding instead of pointer to G4ParticleDefinition
5011 August 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-17)
51- G4EmModelManager - reduced length of internal arrays, simplified
52    initialisation, in particular, smoothing procedure, the size of
53    executable should be reduced 
54- G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering, G4VEnergyLossProcess,
55  G4LossTableBuilder - use copy constructors to create Physics Vectors in
56    order to reduce number of calls to log function
5830 July 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-16)
59- G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering, G4VEnergyLossProcess - fixed
60     bug in RetrieveTables - check that each its PhysicsVector was
61     retrieved before set of SplineFlag
6324 July 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-15)
64- G4AtomicShell class moved from lowenergy
65- G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering, G4VEnergyLossProcess - added
66     initialisation of polarAngleLimit and highEnergyLimit parameters
67     for all models
6922 July 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-14)
70- G4VEmProcess - modified method SelectModel required for the
71                 G4NuclearStopping process
7320 July 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-13)
74- G4VMultipleScattering - added initialisation of generic msc model
75                          parameters in this base class (allowing
76                          to overwrite default models)
77- G4EmConfigurator - cleanup
78- G4VMscModel - set facsafety=0.3 as it is defined in Urban models
809 July 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-12)
81- G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering,
82  G4LossTableBuilder - used updated G4PhysicsVector (no hidden bin anymore);
83                       used Energy() and Value() methods instead of
84                       GetLowEdgeEnergy() and GetValue()
85- G4VEnergyLossProcess - fixed retrieve from ASCII files
86- G4VMultipleScattering - remove method obsolete GetMscContinuesStepLimit
87- G4VAtomDeexcitation - a new header file
8927 May 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-11)
90- G4VMultipleScattering - discarded changes from the previous tag
9226 May 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-10)
93- G4VEmModel: remove protection in  from previous tag and include protection
94              to G4ParticleChangeForLoss;
95              more save initialisation of G4EmElementSelectors
96- G4VMultipleScattering - added a protection against zero kinetic energy 
97- G4EmElementSelector - do not use spline
9922 May 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-09)
100- Added protection into G4VEmModel for zero input energy
10215 May 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-08)
103- Added new testG4EnergyLossTables and fixed GNUmakefile for tests
10510 May 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-07)
106G4EmElementSelector - added protection for zero cross section at first and last
107                      bins of physics vector
108G4VMscModel, G4VMultipleScattering - set default Range Factor to 0.04
11017 April 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-06)
111- G4EmModelManager - fixed energy range selection algorithm for the case of
112                     a small intersection of model energy intervals
113- G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering - set high enegry
114                     limit 10 TeV and number of bins 77
11608 April 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-05)
117- G4LossTableManager - added G4EmConfigurator providing easier addition of
118                       models per region
119- G4VMultipleScattering, G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess: added
120                       initialisation of the G4EmConfigurator
12208 April 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-04)
123- G4EmModelManager - fixed energy range selection algorithm for the case
124                     when there is an intersection of energy regions of standard
125                     and low-energy models,
126                   - reduce internal vectors if no model per region are initialized.
127                   - do not initilise unused models.
128- G4VEmModel - msc methods are moved to G4VMscModel, added protected
129               methods for initialisation of ParticleChange             
130- G4VMultipleScattering, G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess:
131  methods for initialisations are moved from inline to source
13326 February 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-03)
134G4EmConfigurator - fixed for the case if only fluctuation model is set
135                   and main model is default
13722 February 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-02)
138- G4VEmModel - make methods to access geometry protected, added new
139               method SetSampleZ, added geommax private member
140- G4EmCalculator - added possibility to be used by DNA processes:
141                   take into account special DNA particles
14318 February 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-01)
144G4VEmModel, G4VEmFluctuationModel, G4VEnegryLossProcess, G4VEmProcess,
145G4VMultipleScattering - move all virtual methods to source, update comments
146G4VEmModel - added flagDeexcitation and Get/Set methods
147G4VEnegryLossProcess, G4VEmProcess - added calls to deexcitation PostStep
148G4EmProcessOptions - added ActivateDeexcitation method
149G4EnergyLossMessenger - added /process/em/deexcitation UI command
150G4LossTableBuilder - added protection in BuildRangeTable against zero dedx
15227 January 09: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-02-00)
153G4VEmModel - added method SampleDeexcitationAlongStep
154G4VEnegryLossProcess - added deexcitation AlongStep per region
155G4VMscModel - added methdos: InitialiseSafetyHelper, ComputeSafety,
156              ComputeGeomLimit, ComputeDisplacement
157G4VEmProcess - added possibility to set more than 1 model
15920 November 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-37)
160G4EmConfigurator - fixed energy interval selection for a model
161G4VMultipleScattering - set process sub-type 10 to distinguish with
162                        single Coulomb scattering
16413 Novemver 08: A.Schaelicke (emutils-V09-01-36)
165G4LossTableManager - changed default LPM effect to ON again
166G4VEmModel - (VI) add LPM flag and Get/Set methods
16812 November 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-35)
169G4VEmModel - fixed memory leak by destruction G4EmElementSelectors
170G4EmSaturation - activate saturation for energy deposition due to
171                 photo-electric effect
17324 October 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-34)
174G4EmProcessSubType - moved optical processes enumeration to optical directory
17620 October 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-33)
177G4EnergyLossMessenger - added /process/em/applyCuts command
17917 October 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-32)
180G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering set number
181   of bins for tables 7 per decade
18315 October 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-31)
184G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering improved cout
18614 October 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-30)
187G4VEmModel - add secondaryThreshold variable and Get/Set methods
188G4EmCorrections - define the range of correction vector 25 keV - 2.5 MeV,
189                  as it is in ICRU'73 table, use 20 bins
190G4LossTableManager - set spline option "true" and flagLPM "false" by default
191G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering set default
192                  table size 0.1 keV - 100 TeV in 60 bins
193G4EmModelManager - included G4EmProcessSubType.hh header
194G4EmTableType.hh - changed enumeration names fIonisation -> fIsIonisation,
195                   fSubIonisation -> fIsSubIonisation to avoid clash with
196                   sub-type enumeration name
19821 September 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-29)
199G4EmCorrections - do not compute ion corrections if for ions
200                  G4hIonisation process is used
20221 September 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-28)
203G4ionEffectiveCharge - remove chargeFactor - return to 01-25
204G4VEnergyLossProcess - fixed initialisation;
20612 September 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-27)
207G4VEmProcess - improved verbose output
208G4VEnergyLossProcess - added pointer to current G4VEmModel;
209                       removed method CorrectionsAlongStep, instead
210                       corresponding method of a model are used;
211                       improved verbose output
212G4VEmFluctuationModel - added method SetParticleAndCharge
213G4VEmModel - minor optimisations of SelectRandomAtom and SelectIsotope;
214             added methods GetParticleCharge, GetChargeSquareRatio,
215             CorrectionsAlongStep, ActivateNuclearStopping needed for
216             simulation of ion transport
217G4EmCorrections - added interfaces to effective charge
218G4ionEffectiveCharge - added variable chargeFactor to be used for He ions
22029 August 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-26)
221G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering, G4VEnergyLossProcess - use
222                   new DumpModelList method from G4EmModelManager
223                   in the verbosity output
224G4EmModelManager - fixed crash in destructor when verbosity > 1;
225                   fixed selection of models per energy;
226                   update printout with DumpModelList method
22821 August 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-25)
229G4VEmModel - add parameter kinEnergy to SetupMaterial method;
230             set pointer currentElement in ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom
231G4EmElementSelector - update usage of methods SetupMaterial and
232             ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom
2343 August 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-24)
235G4EmCorrections - dEdx data for ions are initialised at the start of a run for
236                  materials used in geometry; search for ion/material pairs updated
237G4EmCalculator - improved cout
23931 July 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-23)
240G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering, G4VEnergyLossProcess - use verbosity flag
241    for GetEmModel method
242G4VEmModel - use stl vector for cross sections instead of array
24421 July 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-22)
245G4VEmModel - added vector of G4ElementSelectors, in which vectors
246             of relative cross sections per elements of a compound
247             material are stored; added new methods:
248             InitialisaElementSelectors and SelectRandomAtom,
249G4LossTableBuilder - remove dependence on G4LossTableManager
250G4LossTableManager - propagated spline flag to G4LossTableBuilder           
25215 July 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-21)
253G4EmConfigurator - a new helper class to add model per particle type,
254                   process, energy range and G4Region
255G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess - renamed and improved method
256                   "MicroscopicCrossSection" by "CrossSectionPerVolume"
257G4VEmModel, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering, G4VEnergyLossProcess
258                   reodering of members of classes and improved comments:
259                   - separated members fixed at construction, defined at
260                     ininitialisation, and modified in run time
261                   - improved comments in header files
262G4LossTableManager - added register/deregister mechanism and deletion
263                   at the end of job for G4VEmModel
264G4EmModelManager - does not delete models anymore
2669 July 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-20)
267G4ElectronIonPair - a new helper class to sample number of primary ionisations
268                    in detectors
2708 July 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-19)
271G4VEmModel - added inline method ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom
272G4LossTableManager and G4EnergyLossTable - remove call to exit()
2749 June 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-18)
275G4ionEffectiveCharge - return back Ziegler formula for effective charge of ions;
276                       min effective charge is 1.0 (instead of 0.1)
277G4EmCorrections - a minor change of the scale for external ion data
2792 June 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-17)
280G4ionEffectiveCharge - use simplified formula for effective charge of ions
28228 May 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-16)
283G4VEmModel - added virtual method SetupForMaterial
284G4EmElementSelector - helper class to sample random G4Element in a
285                      compound material
28728 May 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-15)
288G4VEnergyLossProcess - fixed problem of subcutoff option for ions (ion
289                       ranges were wrong)
290G4LossableBuilder - use more precise algorith to compute range for the
291                    case, when spline is used 
29320 May 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-14)
294- G4EmCorrections - computation of the finite size correction is moved to
295                    the Bethe-Bloch model
29711 May 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-13)
298- G4VMultipleScattering - make AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength
299  method virtual allowing to overwrite it by a derived class -
300  needed for ion simulation
301- G4EmCalculator - fixed bug in computation for ions
30321 April 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-12)
304- G4VEmModel, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering, G4EnergyLossMessenger
305  G4EmProcessOptions - introduced polarAngleLimit parameter and Get/Set
306  methods for single and multiple scattering models
307- G4ionEffectiveCharge - fixed initialisation at first event
308- G4EmCorrections - review and fix computation of high order corrections
309                    for ions
310- G4EmCalculator - updated computations for ions
31208 April 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-11)
313- G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering,
314  G4LossTableBuilder - introduced spline
31625 March 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-10)
317- G4EmCorrections - precompute EM formfactor for corrections
318- G4VEnergyLossProcess - store bremsstrahlung cross sections
32025 March 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-09)
321- G4EmCorrections - added cut dependence into finite size correction
322- G4VEnergyLossProcess - added cout of linLossLimit
32417 March 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-08)
325- G4EmSaturation - added interface with G4Step
32714 March 08: mma (emutils-V09-01-07)
328- modifs in G4EmSaturation
33014 March 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-06)
331- G4EmSaturation - added computation of the average recoil mass,
332                   use Birks coefficient from G4Material
333- G4LossTableManager - fixed logic in compute dedx table for an
334                       inactive process
33610 March 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-05)
337- G4LossTableManager, G4EmProcessOptions - added Set/Get spline flag
338- G4EnergyLossMessenger - added a command "/process/em/spline"
339- G4VMultipleScattering - SetSkin method does not change
340                          StepLimitType anymore
341- G4VMscModel - new class to define general msc parameters
34321 February 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-04)
344- G4EmSaturation - fixed initialisation problem
34621 February 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-03)
347- G4EmCorrections - added correction on effective charge for NIST
348  materials in the IonHighOrderCorrections method
349- G4EmSaturation - new helper class
350- G4LossTableManager - added GetEmSaturation method
35214 February 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-02)
353- G4EmCorrections - added IonBarkasCorrection, IonHighOrderCorrections
354  and ComputeIonCorrections methods in order to provide a smooth transition
355  between low-energy parameterization and Bethe-Bloch model
356- G4ionEffectiveCharge - use precomputed Z^1/3 values, use expantions
357  of exp and pow functions, do not perform recomputation if arguments
358  of methods unchanged
36004 February 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-01)
361- G4VEnergyLossProcess - fixed computation of NIEL at the last step
362  of a particle
36411 January 08: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-01-00)
365- G4EmCorrections - improve CPU by usage expansions and precalculated
366                    values of Z^0.23
367- G4VEnergyLossProcess - fixed list of "collaborative" processes
368                         needed for sub-cutoff option
37009 November 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-13)
371- G4VMultipleScattering - set at initialisation that scattering may be
372                          off lectrons (needed for single scattering)
373- G4EmModelmanager - add pointers to G4Gamma and G4Positron at
374                     initialisation
37607 November 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-12)
377- G4VEnergyLossProcess - simplify logic to switch on/off fluctuations
378- G4EmProcessOptions - add forgoten initialisation of G4LossTableManager
379                       parameters together with parameters of concrete
380                       processes (fixed initialisation when options
381                       defined before proceeses are instantiated)
38329 October 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-11)
384- G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VMultipleScattering
385  cleanup - move virtual method to the source code
386- G4VMultipleScattering - use SamleScattering method PostStep
387- G4VEmModel - added SampleScattering method for msc models
388- G4VEnergyLossProcess - set default flags of fluctuation to "false"
389                         they changed to "true" when first model
390                         of fluctuations is added
39208 October 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-10)
393- G4VEmProcess - use cut in PostStepDoIt (before was zero)
39504 October 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-09)
396- G4VEnergyLossProcess - fixed problem at destruction
39802 October 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-08)
399- G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering - fixed
400  memory leak - proper delete of G4PhysicsTables
40227 September 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-07)
403- G4ionEffectiveCharge - use Fermi energy from G4Material and not
404  recalculate at each step; reorganized formulas - less calls to
405  exp, log, pow
40726 September 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-06)
408- G4VEnergyLossProcess and G4VEmProcess - move virtual function
409   PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength from inline to body of classes
41125 September 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-05)
412- G4VEnergyLossProcess and G4VEmProcess - fixed handling zero cross
413  section in PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength method to avoid problem
414  happans in FanoCavity example when cross section inside cavity is zero
415- G4VEmModel - compare cross section with DBL_MIN instead of zero
41716 August 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-04)
418- G4EmCalculator - fixed default region name
419- G4VEnergyLossProcess - use prestep time for subcutoff secondaries
420                         and do not use GetVelocity method
42202 August 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-03)
423- G4VEnergyLossProcess - simplify energy loss computation for the case
424                         of big step (few % faster)
42628 July 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-02)
427- G4VEnergyLossProcess - use stl vector of G4VEmModel instead of array
428- G4VEmProcess - added cut to ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom method;
429                 added vector of cuts per material for secondaries,
430                 which are needed for single scattering process
43216 July 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-01)
433- G4VEmProcess - integral option coupled with buildLambdaTable option:
434  integral cannot be true if buildLambdaTable is false
43611 July 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V09-00-00)
437- G4VEmModel - fixed SelectRandomAtom method (last element of compound
438  was never selected - instead first was taken)
44020 June 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-03-06)
441- G4VEnergyLossProcess add initialisation of preStepKinEnergy before
442  run in order to fix a problem of test14 reported by Valgrind
44414 June 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-03-05)
445- G4LossTableManager - add deletion of G4EmCorrections in destructor
44712 June 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-03-04)
448- G4VEnergyLossProcess fixed estimation of step limit inside
449  AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength method - do not use safety
45111 June 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-03-03)
452- G4MscStepLimitType, G4VMultipleScattering, G4EnergyLossMessenger
453  substitute name "G4v71" -> "Minimal"
45523 May 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-03-02)
456- G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess - remove method SecondaryPostStep
457  use instead a direct call to selected model
45922 May 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-03-01)
460- G4VEmModel - change interface of SampleSecondary method, it become
461  void, extra parameter std::vector<G4DynamicParticle*>*, this vector
462  is now a member of base class G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess,
463  no new and delete of the vector in the run time. About 5% speadup
464  of EM shower simulation
465- G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering modified
466  to follow this new interface
46821 May 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-03-00)
46921 May 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-12)
470- G4VEnergyLossProcess - speadup the code by added implementation
471         method PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength;
472         added methods InitialiseStep and InitialiseMassCharge
473- G4VEmProcess - speadup the code by added implementation
474         method PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength;
475         add comments to header and inline methods
47720 May 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-11)
478- G4VMultipleScattering - speadup the code by added implementation
479         of method AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength and
480         do not use ContinuousStepLimit; also added implementation
481         of method PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength           
482- G4VEnergyLossProcess - speadup the code by added implementation
483         method AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength and
484         do not use ContinuousStepLimit
48618 May 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-10)
487- G4EnergyLossMessenger - make new UI sub-directory "/process/msc"
488                          and reorganise UI commands for msc
489                          processes; use G4EmProcessOptions as
490                          an interface to all EM processes
491- G4LossTableManager - remove set msc parameters
492- G4EmProcessOptions - update interface to msc processes, add
493                       extra methods to set parameters
494- G4VEnergyLossProcess - cleanup comments and reorgnize code for
495                         easier reading; move short methods to inline;
496- G4VMultipleScattering - cleanup comments and reorgnize code for
497                         easier reading; move short methods to inline;
498                         add method to set msc parameters
499- G4MscStepLimitType - is added
50110 May 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-09)
502- integrated fixes of emutils-V08-02-06a
50425 April 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-08)
505- G4VEnegryLossProcess - move initialisation of safety helper to
506                         BuildPhysicsTable
50812 April 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-07)
509- G4VEnegryLossProcess - use unique G4SafetyHelper
510- G4VEmProcess - remove double call to Clear method
51208 May 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-06a)
513- G4VEnegryLossProcess - use linearLossLimit 0.05 as in 8.2
514- G4EmCorrections - fix division by zero by using ion mass from G4IonTable
51619 March 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-06)
517- G4VMultipleScattering - add protection against zero step or energy
518- G4EmModelManager - add maxCutInRange variable for sub-cutoff option
519- G4EmCalculator - add method ComputeEnergyCutFromRangeCut
520- G4EnergyLossMessenger - send message "/run/physicsModified" after all
521                          commands, which require reinitialisation
522- G4VEnergyLossProcess - use SafetyHelper instead of Navigator
523                       - add protection agains zero-length step
52516 February 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-05)
526- G4VEnegryLossProcess - change initialisation: linLossLimit=1.e-6
527                         improve precision of energy loss for high
528                         energy incident and high cut
53013 February 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-04)
531- G4LossTableManager, G4EmProcessOptions, G4EnergyLossMessenger
532  add command MscSkin, linearLossLimit
533- G4VMultipleScattering - add SetSkin and Skin methods
534- G4LossTableBuilder - use more precise algorithm to build inverse
535                       range table using G4LPhysicsFreeVector
53707 February 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-03)
538- G4LossTableManager, G4EmProcessOptions, G4EnergyLossMessenger
539  add command MscLateralDisplacement
54116 January 07: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-02-02)
542- G4LossTableBuilder - fill new vector for dedx (do not reuse old)
543- G4LossTableManager - fix problen of reinitialisation for the next run
544                       after activate/desactivate energy loss process
545- G4VEmEnergyLossProcess - add members theIonisationTable and
546                           theSubIonisationTables in order to save
547                           separately total energy loss and energy
548                           loss due to ionisation; 
55015 January 07: mma (emutils-V08-02-01)
551- G4VEmEnergyLossProcess - add SetEmModel(index) add SetFluctModel()
55311 January 07: V.Ivant
554- G4LossTableManager - fix problen of initialisation
555- G4VEmEnergyLossProcess - fix subcutoff option for bremsstrahlung
55710 November 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-01-06)
558- G4EnergyLossMessenger - add commands binsDEDX, binsLambda
56023 October 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-01-05)
561- G4LossTableManger - add method GetEnergyLossProcess
562- G4EmCalculator - 10 keV - 1 keV energy to access lowEnergy ionisation
56429 Septenber 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-01-04)
565- G4EmCalculator add computation of smoothing factor for dedx of hadrons/ions
56713 September 06: mma (emutils-V08-01-03)
568- G4VEmProcess: add function SetModel( G4VEmModel* )
57029 August 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-01-02)
571- G4VEmModel add member currentElement and protected Get/Set methods
57315 June 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-01-01)
574- G4VEnergyLossProcess - make protected LambdaPhysicsVector method
575- G4ionEffectiveCharge - add protection for NULL pointer to material
57705 July 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-01-00)
578- G4LossTableManager - do not clear loss table map to avoid crash for
579                       activate/desactivate regime with ion gun,
580                       propagate 'RandomStep' flag to processes
58207 June 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-20)
583- G4VEnergyLossProcess - Do not change particle momentum AlongStep
58502 June 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-19)
586- G4EmCorrections - fix compilation warnings at SUN
58822 May 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-18)
589- G4EmProcessOptions, G4LossTableManager - add Get/SetBremsstrahlungTh
590  method requested by CMS
591- G4ionEffectiveCharge make upper limit of the model proportional to Z
59314 May 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-17)
594- G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering - add
595  NumberOfModels method
596- G4VEnergyLossProces - add random step sampling and minor fix subcut
59813 May 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-16)
599- G4EmCalculator and G4EmCorrections - add correction from user data
600  on stopping power
601- G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering - add
602  GetModelByIndex method
60410 May 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-15)
605- G4LossTableMessenger - add command MscStepLimitation
606- G4LOssTableManager - add methods SetMscStepLimitation, FacRange,
607  and MscFlag
60904 May 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-14)
610- G4EmCorrections - fix compilation warning at SUN
61228 April 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-13)
613- G4EmCalculator - remove debug output
614- G4EmCorrections - add finite size correction, cleanup other
615- G4ionEffectiveCharge - extend upper limit to 50 MeV
61718 April 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-12)
618- G4EmCalculator - fix GetCrossSectionPerVolume problem for gamma
62010 April 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-11)
621- Add flag of LPM effect to G4LossTableMessenger, G4LossTableManager and
622  G4EmProcessOptions
623- fix problem of activate/desactvate in G4LossTableManager
62529 March 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-10)
626- G4LossTableBuilder fix compilation warning at g++3.4.4
62828 March 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-09)
629- G4VEnergyLossProcess - add store energy loss tables for bremsstrahlung
630- G4LossTableBuilder & G4LossTableManager - fix logic to ensure rebuild PhysicsTable
631        in the regime activate/desactivate processes
632- G4VEmProcess - fix printout
63423 March 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-08)
635- G4VEnergyLossProcess add SetDynamicMassCharge (used by ionIonisation)
636  use flag isIonisation AlongStep, PrintInfo, and StoreTables     
637- G4LossTableManager set flag isIonisation for processes
638- G4EmCalculator add public methods ComputeTotalDEDX, ComputeElectronicDEDX
639  update GetDEDX for ions
64114 March 06 (mma) (emutils-V08-00-07)
642- corrections in G4EmCalculator::GetCrossSectionPerVolume,
643  GetCrossSectionPerAtom, ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom
64507 March 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-06)
646- Complete design iteration for msc (V.Ivanchenko)
647- Add G4DummyModel (V.Ivanchenko)
64907 March 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-05)
650- Optimize interfaces to Msc model (G4VEmModel and G4VMultipleScattering)
65217 February 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-04)
653- G4VmultipleScattering - Lambda table keep cross section not mfp
654- remove obsolete interface G4VSCProcessor.hh
65606 February 06 mma  (emutils-V08-00-03)
657- Added function G4VEmModel::ComputeMeanFreePath() (mma)
65901 February 06
660- G4VEmProcess::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(): put default value A=0,
661  G4VEmModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(): put default value A=0,
662  to keep compatibility with v5.2 (mma)
66426 January 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-02)
665- add method GetRangeFromRestricteDEDX for later replacement of GetRange(VI)
666- G4VEnergyLossProcess - improve cout (VI)
667- G4VEnergyLossProcess - Fix subcutoff simulation (VI)
66920 January 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-01)
670- Add G4EmTableType.hh enumerator (VI)
671- Use G4EmTableType to reduce methods with practically identical code (VI)
672- G4VEnergyLossProcess - recalculation of presafety for subcutoff
673                         update energy constrain for subcutoff
674                         add energy correction to subcutoff (VI)
67611 January 06: V.Ivant (emutils-V08-00-00)
677- G4VEnergyLossProcess - simplify subcutoff calculation (VI)
678- G4EmCalculator - add GetCSDARange (VI)
679- G4VEmProcess - remove dependence on G4NistManager (VI)
680- Substitute PreciseRange -> CSDARange (VI)
681- Substitute SetStepLimits -> SetStepFunction (VI)
682- G4VEnergyLossProcess - remove minStepLimit member and use finalRange (VI)
683- G4VEnergyLossProcess - reset currentCouple when StepFunction is changed (VI)
68505 December 05: V.Ivant (emutils-V07-01-13)
686- G4EmProcessOptions - fix verbosity definition for energy loss processes
68829 November 05: V.Ivant (emutils-V07-01-12)
689- G4EmModelmanager - add protection for arithmetic operations with cut=DBL_MAX
69126 November 05: V.Ivant (emutils-V07-01-11)
692- G4EmCalculator - upgrade printout
693- G4EmCorrection - fix on calculation of effective charge and Mott correction
694                   for heavy ions
69615 November 05: V.Ivant (emutils-V07-01-10)
697- G4EnergyLossMessenger: migration to <sstream>
69928 October 05: V.Ivant (emutils-V07-01-09)
700- Fix problem in G4EmCalculator in ComputeDEDX for ions
701- Provide subcutoff regime inside G4VEnergyLossProcess - do not
702  use G4VSubCutoffProcessor anymore 
703- update subcutoff set method inside G4EmProcessOptions
70527 October 05: V.Ivant (emutils-V07-01-08)
706- add virtual method MscStepLimitation() to G4VMultipleScattering
707- add SetMscStepLimitation to G4EmProcessOptions
70925 October 05: V.Ivant (emutils-V07-01-07)
710- - default energy range from 0.1*keV to 100*TeV to
711  make easier initialisation of PAI models
71317 October 05: L.Urban (emutils-V07-01-06)
714- protection againg 0 mean loss removed,
715  effect cured in standard/G4UniversalFluctuation
71707 October 05: L.Urban (emutils-V07-01-05)
718- G4VMultipleScattering.hh: error in a protection in GetContinuousStepLimit
719  corrected. Must cowork with emstand-V07-01-14
72105 October 05: L.Urban (emutils-V07-01-04)
722- G4VEnergyLossProcess: added protection against mean_energy_loss = 0
72404 September 05: V.Ivant (emutils-V07-01-03)
725- G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess: default lambdaFactor 0.8
72702 September 05: V.Ivant (emutils-V07-01-02)
728- This tag is 7.1 + bug fixes
729- G4VEnergyLossProcess: Integral=true; SetStepFunction(0.2, 1*mm)
730  fix a problem #780 connected with d-electron production tmax < cut
731- G4EmManager - fix a cut calculation for e+e- pair     
73312 August 05: mma (emutils-V07-01-01)
734- G4VEnergyLossProcess: Integral=false; SetStepFunction(0.2, 0.1*mm)
73625 July 05: V.Ivant (emutils-V07-01-00)
737- G4VEnergyLossProcess: add extra protection for non-integral mode
738- G4VEmModel, G4VEmFluctuationModel : move constructor anddestructor to the body
739- G4VEmProcess - use integral mode only for charged particles
74127 May 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-13)
742- Fix problem observed for second run after adding/removal materials
743- Fix compilation warning at SUN in G4EmCalculator and G4EmCorrections;
74518 May 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-12)
746- fix calculation of CrossSection without /run/initialise
74812 May 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-11)
749- fix calculation of MFP in G4Emcalculator
750- cleanup
75209 May 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-10)
753- Bux fixes in G4VEmProcess, G4VEmModel, G4EmCorrections
75503 May 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-09)
756- fabs -> std::abs
75829 April 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-08)
759- Fix compilation warning at gcc.3.4
76126 April 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-07)
762- Fix compilation warning at Windaows
76419 April 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-06)
765- Add method SelectRandomAtom to G4VEmModel
76718 April 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-05)
768- G4VEmProcess migrate to G4ParticleChangeForGamma
769- G4VMultipleScattering and G4VEmModel - optimise internal interfaces
77113 April 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-04)
772- Optimization of internal interfaces G4VEmModel, G4VEmFluctuationModel,
773  G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess
774- Fix range calculation for dedx=0 in G4LossTableBuilder
775- Add Mott correction to G4EmCorrection
77718 March 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-03)
778- Optimization of G4VEmProcess interface for gamma processes
779- Put default inline implementation for virtual method of G4VEmModel
78111 March 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-02)
782- Shift verbose level, set default value 1
783- Add flags "ApplyCuts" and "KillPrimary" to G4VEmProcess
784- Add G4EmCorrection class
78607 March 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-01)
787- Fix bug in initialisation of G4VEmProcess
78913 Jan 05: V.Ivant (utils-V07-00-00)
790- Fix bug which takes place when inactivate eIoni
791- Fix problem of effective charge for very slow ions - add protections
792- Fix problem of initialisation for ion beam examples
79409 Dec 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-02-22)
795- Fix bug related to hadron tests
79706 Dec 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-02-21)
798- Minor but critical fix in BuildPhysicsTables for muons
799- Fix of BuildDEDXtables for e-, e+, mu+, mu-
80101 Dec 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-02-20)
802- Migration to cmath
80401 Dec 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-02-19)
805- Move the classes with real models from utils to standard
80729 November 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-18)
808- Restructure of standard subdirectories
809- Cleanup GNUmakefile
81129 November 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-17)
812- Fix control on verboseLevel for energy loss and msc
813- Fix BuildPhysicsTable for case of sharing processes between particles
81518 November 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-16)
816- Update signature of G4EmCalculator
817- Add method CrossSectionPerAtom to G4VEmModel
818- Fix bug at initialisation for ion
819- Improve printout for G4VEnergyLossProcess
820- Fix bug - initialisation of map for particle/processes for external
821  access to dE/dx tables
82315 November 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-15)
824- Remove ProposeTrackStatus from AlongStep
82618 November 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-14b)
827- Fix bug - initialisation of map for particle/processes for external
828  access to dE/dx tables
83017 November 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-14a)
831- Fix bug at initialisation for ion
83311 November 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-14)
834- The fix in Retrieve tables
83611 November 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-13)
837- Migration to new algorithm to Store/Retrieve tables
83902 November 04: L.Urban (utils-V06-02-12)
840- Precision problem for very high energy ions in gases(or with
841  small stepsize) has been solved in src/
84325 October 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-11)
844- Migrate to new interfaces for ParticleChange
84614 October 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-10)
847- Bug fix in effective charge sampling
84927 september 04: L.Urban (utils-V06-02-09)
850- change in the tail of the angular distribution,
851  contributing to step independance.
85313 September 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-08)
854- Extend G4BraggModel below 1 keV
855- Add verbose for G4EmCalculator
856- Fix problem of integral regime for cross sections with more
857  than 1 peak
85926 Augest 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-07)
860- Update G4EmCalculator class - add protections and cleanup
861- Fix effective charge for He4
862- Fix deuteron energy loss
863- For G4VEnergyLossProcess and G4VMultipleScattring introduce new methods
864  to perform initialisation in both cases Build or Retrieve tables
86617 August 04: L.Urban (utils-V06-02-06)
867- Name of data member facxsi changed to factail together with the corresponding
868  set function.
869- Changes in the angle distribution (slightly modified Highland formula for the
870  width of the central part, changes in the numerical values of some other
871  parameters) ---> approximately step independent distribution.
87306 Augest 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-05)
874- Change names of private member functions to make they be more clear
875- Optimise MFP and step limit calculation
876- Remove random step feature from G4VEnergyLossProcess
877- Add interfaces to G4Emcalculator
878- Clear up interfaces in G4VEmProcess
879- Use new interfaces from G4VParticleChange
880- Remove obsolete interfaces for particles
88227 July 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-04)
883- Fix a compilation problem connected with removal of the dependence
884  of particle cathegory on G4Material
885- Add G4EmCalculator - a class to access/calculate dedx, range, cross
886  sections of EM processes
887- Add G4ionEffectiveCharge class needed both to ion physics and
888  G4EmCalculator
89023 July 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-03)
891- Fix a problem of cut dependence of transmission energy of low energy e-
892  via thin foil
89421 July 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-02)
895- Fix a problem tried after desactivation of muon ionisation
89719 July 04: mma (utils-V06-02-01)
898- correction in SampleCosineTheta in order to avoid
899  num. precision problems at high energy/small step(L.Urban)
90105 July 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-02-00)
902- Fix a problem of G4VEnergyLossProcess seen for ions at small cuts in range
90426 May 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-01-07)
905- Critical fix in msc to avoid crash in case of use of G4hLowEnergyIonisation
906  for ions together with msc
90817 May 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-01-06)
909- Update integral method taking into account 1 peak in cross section
910- Add options to G4EmProcessOptions
911- Fix minor problem at initialisation
91310 May 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-01-05)
914- Add method GetCurrentRange
915- Add additional initialisation to fluctuations
916- Fix in printout format
91804 May 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-01-04)
919- Use dynamic change for simulation of multiple scattering angle
920- Use trancate range table for estimation of energy loss inside
921  msc model.
92326 April 04: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V06-01-03)
924- Reduce aria of applicability of the model for simulation
925  of fluctuations at very small steps to provide less step dependent
926  results.
92823 April 04: L.Urban (utils-V06-01-02)
929- changes in G4MscModel: t->z and z->t transformations (true length
930  to geometrical length and back)  have been completely rewritten,
931  change in the angular distribution for e+/e-
932  ( correction to the Highland formula) + some technical changes
933  ==> results are closer to data, step dependence decreased. Effect
934  the resolution of sampling calorimeters
93605 April 04: V.Ivant  (utils-V06-01-01)
937- G4VEnergyLossProcess: Update calulation of energy loss from tables
938  (important for proton energies about 1 MeV);
939- Fluctuations: smooth out sampling of Gaussian fluctuations,
940  when sigma is much bigger than energy loss.
94231 March 04: V.Ivant  (utils-V06-01-00)
943- G4VEnergyLossProcess: Fix a problem of retrieve tables if PreciseRange
944  is absent
94615 March 04: V.Ivant  (utils-V06-00-09)
947- G4VEnergyLossProcess: Fix a problem of energy below lowestKinEnergy
94915 March 04: mma  (utils-V06-00-08)
95112 March 04: V.Ivant
952- G4VEnergyLossProcess: put back lowestKinEnergy = 1.*eV;
95410 March 04: V.Ivant
955- fix a problem of Precise Range table
956- G4VEnergyLossProcess: fix problem of step limit calculation
95810 March 04: L.Urban
959- G4MscModel: changes in data members,
960  corrections in GeomPathLength,TrueStepLength, SampleCosineTheta
96206 March 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-00-07)
963- fix a bug in link at SUN
96501 March 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-00-06)
966- fixes of bugs coming with transition to model variant of msc
967  and simplifications of calculation of energy dependence of internal
968  parameters (L.Urban)
97127 Feb 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-00-05)
972- fix problem of ionisation in air with low pressure 10^-4 Atm
973- add G4EmProcessOptions class
974- update calculation of energy from range
97617 Feb 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-00-04)
977- murge the patch and development tag
978- minor cleanup in ionisation models
98006 Feb 04: V.Ivant (utils-a-V06-00-00)
981- The tag on top of utils-V06-00-00 for the patch include:
982- Fix problem of destruction of PAI model
983- Fix a bug responsibile for mess in cross section of delta-electron
984  production by muons
985- Add protection for small edep in G4UniversalFluctuations
98727 Jan 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-00-03)
988- Fix problem of destruction of PAI model
99026 Jan 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-00-02)
991- Fix a bug responsibile for mess in cross section of delta-electron
992  production by muons
99422 Jan 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-00-01)
995- Migrade to G4ParticleChangeForLoss
99714 Jan 04: V.Ivant (utils-V06-00-00)
998- Activate precise range calculation
999- Add Set methods to G4LossTablemanager to define: binning, maxEnergy for muon
1000  tables, maxEnergy for precise range.
100226 Nov 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-17)
1003- Close precise range feature for the time being
100526 Nov 03: L.Urban
1006- Bugfix in G4VMultipleScattering:AlongStepDoIt + G4MscModel
1007  truestep <= range
100925 Nov 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-16)
1010- Fix wrong deletion and error in SetRangeTable
101225 Nov 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-15)
1013- Fix crash for case of inactivated ionisation and bremsstrahlung
101513 Nov 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-14)
1016- Fix negative energy loss
101811 Nov 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-13)
1019- Update printout in RetrievePhysicsTable
1020- Substitute G4VEnergyLossSTD by G4VEnergyLossProcess
1021- For ions update ionisation (V.Ivanchenko) and multiple scattering (L.Urban)
102310 Nov 03: Urban
1024- highKinEnergy is set back to 100 TeV for multiple scattering
1025- number of table bins set to 120             "
1026- small change in the tail of the angular distribution (after tuning!)
1027- code cleaning in
102907 Nov 03: mma (utils-V05-02-12)
1030- Fix problem of rounding of double in G4UniversalFluctuations
1031- Fix precision problems for high energy (PeV) particles
1032- change in the tail of the angular distribution
1033- highKinEnergy is set to 100 PeV
103503 Nov 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-11)
1036- Remove STD processes
1037- Fix problem of RetrievePhysicsTable
103930 Oct 03: G.Cosmo (utils-V05-02-10)
1040- Fixed compilation problem on Windows in for multiple
1041  declaration of indeces ...
104324 Oct 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-09)
1044- Update logic of BuildPhysicsTable to take into account desactivate processes
1045- Update defalts for stepping algorithm
104720 Oct 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-08)
1048- Minor change of interface to G4EmFluctuationModel for PAI development
1049- Update logic of the messenger and G4LossTableManager to provide independence
1050  on command sequence
1051- Increase verbosity for store/retrieve tables
105314 Oct 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-07)
1054- Update verbose/printout
1055- Add new method DefineForRegion to G4VEmModel
1056- Fix minor problems in messenger
10584 Oct 03: G.Cosmo (utils-V05-02-06)
1059- Modified GNUmakefiles:
1060  o added dependency to new module "geometry/navigation".
1061  o replaced "digits+hits" with "digits_hits".
1062- Coworks with "geometry-V05-02-00" and "digits_hits-V05-02-00".
106425 Sept 03: H.Kurashige (utils-V05-02-05)
1065- Add "#include G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh" in G4MultipleScattering52.hh
106720 Sept 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-04)
1068-Use warning for obsolete interfaces which uses G4Material instead of
1069 G4MaterialCutsCouple
1070-Update initialization of energy loss processes
1071-Update GNUmakefile
107312 September 03: L.Urban
1074-fixed num. error for small stepsize in (z sampling)
107627 August 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-03)
1077-Fix problems in compilation of some tests
107908 August 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-02)
1080-Substitute standerd by STD, freezing old standard as 52
108207 August 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-01)
1083- Update of the ion fluctuation model
1084- Update design - STD processes can be mixed in physics list with
1085  old processes
1086- Tunning of msc model: fix poblems for width and for tails of distribution
1087  for the STD variant
108924 July 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-02-00)
1090-Update model interface - substitute G4Material by G4MaterialCutsCouple
1091 in dE/dx and CrossSection methods
1092-Add Set methods to energy range of msc table
1093-Add method to change the nergy range of model
1094-Add possibility to have STD and other processes in the same physics list
109616 June 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-01-07)
1097- ShortLived particles are not applicable for msc
109904 June 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-01-06)
1100- Fix compilation warnings
1101- Update STD initialisation
110328 May 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-01-05)
1104- Remove absolete msc STD classes and add msc model (V.Ivanchenko)
1105- Fix misprint for msc at Tev energy (L.Urban)
110726 May 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-01-04)
1108- Fix compilation warnings for pedantic compiler option
111026 May 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-01-03)
1111- replaced msc STD with model variant
1112- remove debug printout from G4VEnergyLossSTD for ions
1113- fix minor problem in nuclear formfactor calculations for msc
111523 May 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-01-02)
1116- Fix initialisation of integral approach - correct definition
1117  of STD fluctuation model
1118- Remove tracking cut from STD
1119- Establish limits on eloss for Bohr and Ion fluctuations for STD
112123 May 03: L.Urban (utils-V05-01-01)
1122- MultipleScattering and MultipleScatteringSTD :
1123- IMPORTANT change in the angle distribution for muons/hadrons
1124  the width of the central part now is corresponds to the value
1125  can be computed from the HighLand formula (no change of this
1126  kind for e+/e-) --> small change in the width for low to
1127  medium energy (protons - 1 MeV - few hundred MeV) but change up to
1128  20 -25 % for high energy.
1129- minor correction in the angle sampling algorithm, affects
1130  e+/e- too --> small change for very small and very big
1131  stepsize/range values.
113315 May 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-01-00)
1134- add precise range calculation for STD
1135- defauld step parameters for STD set to be the same as standard
113728 Apr 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-13)
1138- add control on range for msc (effective for ions)
114026 Apr 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-12)
1141- fix of store/retrieve tables for msc and STD
1142- cleanup Bohr and Ion fluctuations
114417 Apr 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-11)
1145- additional clean up of msc variables
1146- improve output
114813 Apr 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-10)
1149- Add additional initialisation msc variables
1150- Add interface between standard and STD tables
115209 Apr 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-09)
1153- Fix problem of negative step limit for STD
115507 Apr 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-08)
1156- Add DeRegister to STD loss classes
1157- Add G4VMultipleScattering
1158- Remove STD messenger
116026 Mar 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-07)
1161- Add GetDEDXDispersion to STD loss tables
116325 Mar 03: mma
1164- G4VEnergyLoss : add finalRangeRequested
116612 Mar 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-06)
1167- Add warning and G4Exception to G4EnergyLossTable
1168- Fix in MSC cut per region
1169- Fix in initialisation for STD
1170- Make messanger active at PreInit
117210 Mar 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-05)
1173- Updated MSC
1174- SubType for GenericIons
1175- Fix in energy range of models for STD
117726 feb 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-04a)
1178- For the February reference tag return back msc of 5.0
1179- Simplify control on GenericIons for STD
118118 feb 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-04)
1182- add control on CutsCouple usage
1183- utilise SubType for GenericIons
1184- fix problems with lambda and range tables for STD hadrons/ions
1185- fix problem of several runs with changed cuts/couples for STD
118713 feb 03: V.Ivant
1188- add names for all models
1189- make the set of model per region available
1190- make SubCutoff regime available per region
119210 feb 03: mma (utils-V05-00-03)
1193- tag to take account the Laszlo + Vladimir modifs
119507 feb 03: V.Ivant
1196- fix problem in fluctuations for STD
119806 feb 03: L.Urban
1199- important modifications in MSC (both in old design and model
1200  version)
1201  - changes in data members
1202  - algorithm to reduce the step dependence is new
1203  - new sampling for the geom.pathlengths
120505 feb 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-02)
1206- Fix on warnings at SUN for STD classes
1207- Add Initialise method to STD classes to calculate PartialSumSigma
1208- Subsitute Material by MaterialCutsCouple for PostStep STD
121024 jan 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-01)
1211- Migration to "cut per region"
121306 jan 03: V.Ivant (utils-V05-00-00)
1214- Update interfaces to STD classes in order to be ready to migrade
1215  to "cut per region"
121712 dec 02: V.Ivant (utils-V04-01-12)
1218- Fix in multiple scattering for 1 MeV protons in both implementations.
122009 dec 02: V.Ivant (utils-V04-01-11)
1221- Removed warnings in G4SCProcessorStand and G4UniversalFluctuation.
122306 dec 02: G.Cosmo (utils-V04-01-10)
1224- Merged changes for new G4ApplicationState in messengers.
122604 dec 02: V.Ivant (utils-V04-01-09)
1227- STD processes: fix model selection + delta-electron spectra   
122911 nov 02: V.Ivant (utils-V04-01-08)
1230- G4VEnergyLoss: return back previous fluctuation model   
123230 oct 02: mma (utils-V04-01-07)
1233- G4MultipleScattering: modified angle distribution, mods in boundary
1234  algorithm, changes in data members, rename variable cm -> Ecm
1235  This new parametrisation improves the ~100 MeV proton scattering.
1236- propagated to G4MultipleScatteringSTD
1237- G4VEnergyLoss: minor changes in fluctuations   
123928 oct 02: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V04-01-06)
1240- fix in G4MultipleScattringSTD + cleanup warnings in STD classes
124217 oct 02: V.Ivant (utils-V04-01-05)
1243- temporary fix for proton scattering propagated in MultipleScatteringSTD
1244- Few changes in LossTableBuilder
124616 oct 02: Laszlo (utils-V04-01-04)
1247- temporary fix for proton scattering
124915 oct 02: V.Ivant (utils-V04-01-03)
1250- redesign for a Model approach: files processNameSTD and processNameModel
125226 sep 02: Laszlo (utils-V04-01-02)
1253- angle distribution modified
1254- minor changes in boundary algorithm
125612 aug 02: Laszlo (utils-V04-01-01)
1257- bug fixed in PostStepDoIt (lateral displacement)
125906 aug 02: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V04-01-00)
1260G4VEnergyLoss: Fix at low energies - if tmax below ionisation potential
1261               then only Gaussian fluctuations are sampled.
126311 jun 02: Laszlo (utils-V04-00-08)
1264- important bug fixed in
1265  ComputeTransportCrossSection. The bug affected the scattering
1266  for all the low energy ( <~ few hundred MeV) heavy particles.
126824 may 02: Laszlo (utils-V04-00-07)
1269- G4MultipleScattering.hh,.cc: mods in angle distribution and
1270  in boundary algorithm
127206 may 02: Laszlo (utils-V04-00-06)
1273- :bug fixed in GetContinuousStepLimit
127524 apr 02: Laszlo (utils-V04-00-05)
1276- G4MultipleScattering.hh,.cc have been committed:
1277  some minor changes in boundary algorithm to improve the backscattering.
127922 apr 02: Laszlo (utils-V04-00-04)
1280- G4MultipleScattering.hh,.cc have been committed:
1281  boundary algorithm has been modified resulting improvement ~10%
1282  in the performance (with the same physics).
128417 apr 02: Laszlo (utils-V04-00-03)
1285- G4MultipleScattering.hh,.cc have been committed:
1286  new parametrisation for angle distribution.
1287  boundary algorithm has been modified + some other (minor) changes.
128926 feb 02: mma (utils-V04-00-02)
1290- initial value of data member of G4VEnergyLoss finalRange = 1 mm
1291  (actual value of this data member is computed in
1292   G4VeEnergyLoss,G4VhEnergyLoss and G4VMuEnergyLoss.)
129414 feb 02: L.Urban (utils-V04-00-01)
1295- initial value of data member of G4VEnergyLoss finalRange
1296  has been changed
1297  (actual value of this data member is computed in
1298   G4VeEnergyLoss,G4VhEnergyLoss and G4VMuEnergyLoss..)
130011 feb 02: mma (utils-V04-00-00)
1301- subSecFlag = false --> No sucutoff generation
130308 nov 01: mma (utils-V03-02-11)
1304- G4VEnergyLoss: some data members and functions are no more static
130607 nov 01: mma (utils-V03-02-10)
1307- bug fixe in G4MultipleScattering::PostStepDoIt()
130929 oct 01: mma (utils-V03-02-09)
1310- static functions no more inlined
131224 oct 01: mma (utils-V03-02-08)
1313- cut per material: G4VEnergyLoss
131528 sep 01: mma (utils-V03-02-07)
1316- StorePhysicsTable: ParticleName included in FileName
131827 sep 01: L.Urban (utils-V03-02-06)
1319-  bug fixed in G4EnergyLossTables.icc,.cc:
1320   this bug caused sometime negative energy deposit
1321   (it was a very-very old bug)
1322-  value of data member factlim in msc has been changed
132419 sep 01: mma (utils-V03-02-05)
1325- come back to previous process name: "msc"
132717 sep 01: mma (utils-V03-02-04)
1328- modifs in muls and VEnergyLoss for the migration of Materials to pure STL,
1329  but backward compatible with g4rw
1331 13 sep 01: L.Urban (utils-V03-02-03)
1332- Unused TrueToGeomTransformation method deleted. Class description
1333- corr. in ComputeTransportCrossSection
1335 11 sep 01: L.Urban (utils-V03-02-02)
1336- G4MultipleScatteringx put as the default: G4MultipleScattering
1338 11 sep 01: L.Urban (utils-V03-02-01)
1339- last tag with G4MultipleScatteringx file.
1341 03 sep 01: L.Urban (utils-V03-02-00)
1342- value of data member factlim has been changed.
1344 28 aug 01: mma
1345- G4MultipleScatteringx: small modifs in BuildPhysicsTable,
1346  ComputeTransportCrossSection, PostStepDoIt.
1347  GetContinuousStepLimit and AlongStepDoIt moved to .cc file
1349 23 aug 01: L. Urban
1350- new angle and z(geom. pathlength) distributions,
1351  energy (step) dependence has been reduced,
1352  Store/Retrieve methods have been commented out temporarily
1354 8 aug 01: mma
1355- G4MultipleScatteringx: methods to store/retrieve PhysicsTable
135718 may 01: V.Ivanchenko (utils-V03-01-01)
1358- clean up againist Linux ANSI strict compilation mode.
136016 may 01: L.Urban (utils-V03-01-00)
1361- value of the member cpar has been changed back to the original
1362  value 1.5 in The same is done in
1363 (the data member name is cparm there).
1364  This change affects all the results for low energy (< 1 MeV
1365  for electrons).
136715 may 01: L.Urban
1368- new multiple scattering version committed under the class name
1369  G4MultipleScatteringx. It gives better msc angle distribution
1370  than the standard G4MultipleScattering. It uses a distribution
1371  to simulate the geom./true pathlengths (standard : mean values
1372  only) and has a framework implemented in it to perform special
1373  stepping near to a boundary (this algorithm works, but some
1374  further development/tuning needed - this algorithm is disabled
1375  by default). This new version can be used after the change:
1376       G4MultipleScattering  --> G4MultipleScatteringx
1377  in the PhysicsList.
137927 mar 01: L.Urban (utils-V03-00-06)
1380- another bug fixed in, in the fluct code.
1381  The code gave in some cases (very rarely) small negative energy loss
1382  for small (~ micrometer) step size, now it is cured.
138423 mar 01: L.Urban (utils-V03-00-05)
1385- bug fixed in fluct in
1386  Some int internal variables have been changed to doubles,
1387  anomaly at extreme high energy/high cut (zero energy deposit)
1388  is cured.
139005 mar 01 mma (utils-V03-00-04)
1391- new subdirectory: integral
1392  migration of all G4I.. processes from muons, standard, utils into integral
139401 feb 01: L.Urban (utils-V03-00-01)
1395- bug fixed in the fluctuation code , in
1396  This bug affected the width of the energy loss/energy deposit
1397  distribution in the case of small cut value, the distribution
1398  was too narrow....
140016 jan 01: mma (utils-V03-00-00)
1401- bug fixed in L.Urban 11-01-01
1402  there was an error in computation of the transport
1403  cross section, the cross section was too small for
1404  low energy (below few MeV for electrons)
140609 nov 00: mma (utils-V02-00-04)
1407- G4EnergyLossMessenger : subdirectory /process/eLoss created
1408  + class description
141004 nov 00: mma (utils-V02-00-03)
1411- EnergyLossTable: const G4Material* in all functions
1412- G4VEnergyLoss and Messenger slighy modified for more flexibility
1413  only (Laszlo)
141511 aug 00: mma (utils-V02-00-01)
141703 aug 00: gc
1418- fixed problem for event reproducibility: changed RandGauss to G4RandGauss
1419  in Needs tag "global-V02-00-02" to cowork with.
142122 jun 00: mma  (utils-V01-01-03)
1422- muls: do not nuclear size correction for electron
1423- move Eloss messenger --> G4VEnergyLoss
142524 may 00: mma  (utils-V01-01-02)
1426- merge "plus" processes into standard     
142827 apr 00 mma  (em-V01-01-01)
1429- G4endl (dec/iso)     
143126 apr 00 mma  (em-V01-01-00)
1432- all EnergyLoss classes renamed G4V...
1433  Most classes in standard and muons affected.
1434- G4Muls moved in utils
1435- bugs fixe in MuPairProduction 
1436- cowork with geant4-01-01-ref-02
143802 mar 00 mma  (em-V01-00-00)
1439- new G4VEnergyLoss class and related structure
1440- cowork with geant4-01-00-ref-06
144210 nov 99 mma  (em-V00-01-03)
1443- migration to STL: remove RWT hash dictionnary
144514th June 1999  John Allison (em-01-00-05b)
1446- Muon corrections in,
1447  and by Laszlo Urban, Pedro Arce.
1448  (Also in rocesses/photoleplon_hadron/src/
14505th June 1999  John Allison
1451- standard/GNUmakefile: Force non-optimised compliation of some
1452  files on HP with aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.01.15.
1454May 29, 1999: John Allison
1455- Added electromagnetic/lowenergy to GNUmakefile and
1456  electromagnetic/GNUmakefile..
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