// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4LossTableManager.hh,v 1.53 2008/07/15 16:56:38 vnivanch Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02 $ // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // GEANT4 Class header file // // // File name: G4LossTableManager // // Author: Vladimir Ivanchenko on base of G4LossTables class // and Maria Grazia Pia ideas // // Creation date: 03.01.2002 // // Modifications: // // 20-01-03 Migrade to cut per region (V.Ivanchenko) // 17-02-03 Fix problem of store/restore tables for ions (V.Ivanchenko) // 10-03-03 Add Ion registration (V.Ivanchenko) // 25-03-03 Add deregistration (V.Ivanchenko) // 26-03-03 Add GetDEDXDispersion (V.Ivanchenko) // 02-04-03 Change messenger (V.Ivanchenko) // 23-07-03 Add exchange with G4EnergyLossTables (V.Ivanchenko) // 05-10-03 Add G4VEmProcesses registration (V.Ivanchenko) // 17-10-03 Add SetParameters method (V.Ivanchenko) // 12-11-03 G4EnergyLossSTD -> G4EnergyLossProcess (V.Ivanchenko) // 14-01-04 Activate precise range calculation (V.Ivanchenko) // 08-11-04 Migration to new interface of Store/Retrieve tables (V.Ivantchenko) // 10-01-06 PreciseRange -> CSDARange (V.Ivantchenko) // 20-01-06 Introduce GetSubDEDX method (VI) // 26-01-06 Rename GetRange -> GetRangeFromRestricteDEDX (V.Ivanchenko) // 10-05-06 Add methods SetMscStepLimitation, FacRange and MscFlag (VI) // 22-05-06 Add methods Set/Get bremsTh (VI) // 12-02-07 Add SetSkin, SetLinearLossLimit (V.Ivanchenko) // 18-06-07 Move definition of msc parameters to G4EmProcessOptions (V.Ivanchenko) // // Class Description: // // A utility static class, responsable for the energy loss tables // for each particle // // Energy loss processes have to register their tables with this // class. The responsibility of creating and deleting the tables // remains with the energy loss classes. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // #ifndef G4LossTableManager_h #define G4LossTableManager_h 1 #include #include #include "globals.hh" #include "G4VEnergyLossProcess.hh" #include "G4EnergyLossTables.hh" class G4PhysicsTable; class G4MaterialCutsCouple; class G4EnergyLossMessenger; class G4ParticleDefinition; class G4VMultipleScattering; class G4VEmProcess; class G4EmCorrections; class G4EmSaturation; class G4LossTableBuilder; class G4LossTableManager { public: static G4LossTableManager* Instance(); ~G4LossTableManager(); void Clear(); // get the DEDX or the range for a given particle/energy/material inline G4double GetDEDX( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kineticEnergy, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple); inline G4double GetSubDEDX( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kineticEnergy, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple); inline G4double GetRange( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kineticEnergy, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple); inline G4double GetCSDARange( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kineticEnergy, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple); inline G4double GetRangeFromRestricteDEDX( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kineticEnergy, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple); inline G4double GetEnergy( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double range, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple); inline G4double GetDEDXDispersion( const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple, const G4DynamicParticle* dp, G4double& length); // to be called only by energy loss processes void Register(G4VEnergyLossProcess* p); void DeRegister(G4VEnergyLossProcess* p); void Register(G4VMultipleScattering* p); void DeRegister(G4VMultipleScattering* p); void Register(G4VEmProcess* p); void DeRegister(G4VEmProcess* p); void Register(G4VEmModel* p); void DeRegister(G4VEmModel* p); void Register(G4VEmFluctuationModel* p); void DeRegister(G4VEmFluctuationModel* p); void EnergyLossProcessIsInitialised(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4VEnergyLossProcess* p); void RegisterIon(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4VEnergyLossProcess* p); void RegisterExtraParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4VEnergyLossProcess* p); void BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4VEnergyLossProcess* p); void SetLossFluctuations(G4bool val); void SetSubCutoff(G4bool val); void SetIntegral(G4bool val); void SetRandomStep(G4bool val); void SetMinSubRange(G4double val); void SetMinEnergy(G4double val); void SetMaxEnergy(G4double val); void SetMaxEnergyForCSDARange(G4double val); void SetMaxEnergyForMuons(G4double val); void SetDEDXBinning(G4int val); void SetDEDXBinningForCSDARange(G4int val); void SetLambdaBinning(G4int val); void SetStepFunction(G4double v1, G4double v2); void SetBuildCSDARange(G4bool val); void SetLPMFlag(G4bool val); void SetSplineFlag(G4bool val); void SetLinearLossLimit(G4double val); void SetBremsstrahlungTh(G4double val); void SetVerbose(G4int val); G4EnergyLossMessenger* GetMessenger(); G4bool BuildCSDARange() const; G4bool LPMFlag() const; G4bool SplineFlag() const; G4double BremsstrahlungTh() const; const std::vector& GetEnergyLossProcessVector(); const std::vector& GetEmProcessVector(); const std::vector& GetMultipleScatteringVector(); inline G4VEnergyLossProcess* GetEnergyLossProcess(const G4ParticleDefinition*); G4EmCorrections* EmCorrections(); G4EmSaturation* EmSaturation(); private: G4LossTableManager(); G4VEnergyLossProcess* BuildTables(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle); void CopyTables(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle, G4VEnergyLossProcess*); void ParticleHaveNoLoss(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle); void SetParameters(G4VEnergyLossProcess*); void CopyDEDXTables(); private: static G4LossTableManager* theInstance; typedef const G4ParticleDefinition* PD; std::map > loss_map; std::vector loss_vector; std::vector part_vector; std::vector base_part_vector; std::vector tables_are_built; std::vector isActive; std::vector dedx_vector; std::vector range_vector; std::vector inv_range_vector; std::vector msc_vector; std::vector emp_vector; std::vector mod_vector; std::vector fmod_vector; // cash G4VEnergyLossProcess* currentLoss; PD currentParticle; PD theElectron; G4int n_loss; G4int run; G4bool all_tables_are_built; // G4bool first_entry; G4bool lossFluctuationFlag; G4bool subCutoffFlag; G4bool rndmStepFlag; G4bool integral; G4bool integralActive; G4bool all_tables_are_stored; G4bool buildCSDARange; G4bool minEnergyActive; G4bool maxEnergyActive; G4bool maxEnergyForMuonsActive; G4bool stepFunctionActive; G4bool flagLPM; G4bool splineFlag; G4double minSubRange; G4double maxRangeVariation; G4double maxFinalStep; G4double minKinEnergy; G4double maxKinEnergy; G4double maxKinEnergyForMuons; G4double bremsTh; G4LossTableBuilder* tableBuilder; G4EnergyLossMessenger* theMessenger; G4EmCorrections* emCorrections; G4EmSaturation* emSaturation; const G4ParticleDefinition* firstParticle; G4int verbose; }; //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo..... inline G4double G4LossTableManager::GetDEDX( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kineticEnergy, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple) { if(aParticle != currentParticle) GetEnergyLossProcess(aParticle); G4double x; if(currentLoss) x = currentLoss->GetDEDX(kineticEnergy, couple); else x = G4EnergyLossTables::GetDEDX( currentParticle,kineticEnergy,couple,false); return x; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo..... inline G4double G4LossTableManager::GetSubDEDX( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kineticEnergy, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple) { if(aParticle != currentParticle) GetEnergyLossProcess(aParticle); G4double x = 0.0; if(currentLoss) x = currentLoss->GetDEDXForSubsec(kineticEnergy, couple); return x; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo..... inline G4double G4LossTableManager::GetCSDARange( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kineticEnergy, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple) { if(aParticle != currentParticle) GetEnergyLossProcess(aParticle); G4double x = DBL_MAX; if(currentLoss) x = currentLoss->GetCSDARange(kineticEnergy, couple); return x; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo..... inline G4double G4LossTableManager::GetRangeFromRestricteDEDX( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kineticEnergy, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple) { if(aParticle != currentParticle) GetEnergyLossProcess(aParticle); G4double x; if(currentLoss) x = currentLoss->GetRangeForLoss(kineticEnergy, couple); else x = G4EnergyLossTables::GetRange(currentParticle,kineticEnergy,couple,false); return x; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo..... inline G4double G4LossTableManager::GetRange( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kineticEnergy, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple) { if(aParticle != currentParticle) GetEnergyLossProcess(aParticle); G4double x; if(currentLoss) x = currentLoss->GetRange(kineticEnergy, couple); else x = G4EnergyLossTables::GetRange(currentParticle,kineticEnergy,couple,false); return x; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... inline G4double G4LossTableManager::GetEnergy( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double range, const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple) { if(aParticle != currentParticle) GetEnergyLossProcess(aParticle); G4double x; if(currentLoss) x = currentLoss->GetKineticEnergy(range, couple); else x = G4EnergyLossTables::GetPreciseEnergyFromRange( currentParticle,range,couple,false); return x; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... inline G4double G4LossTableManager::GetDEDXDispersion( const G4MaterialCutsCouple *couple, const G4DynamicParticle* dp, G4double& length) { const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticle = dp->GetDefinition(); if(aParticle != currentParticle) { std::map >::const_iterator pos; if ((pos = loss_map.find(aParticle)) != loss_map.end()) { currentParticle = aParticle; currentLoss = (*pos).second; } else { ParticleHaveNoLoss(aParticle); } } return currentLoss->GetDEDXDispersion(couple, dp, length); } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... inline G4VEnergyLossProcess* G4LossTableManager::GetEnergyLossProcess( const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle) { if(aParticle != currentParticle) { currentParticle = aParticle; std::map >::const_iterator pos; if ((pos = loss_map.find(aParticle)) != loss_map.end()) { currentLoss = (*pos).second; } else { currentLoss = 0; // ParticleHaveNoLoss(aParticle); } } return currentLoss; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... #endif