// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // #include "G4PiNuclearCrossSection.hh" #include "G4HadronicException.hh" #include "G4HadTmpUtil.hh" // #include "G4ping.hh" // by J.P Wellisch, Sun Sep 15 2002. // corrected G.Folger 17-8-2006: inel. Ca pim was missing two number, // + formatting // // updated G.Folger 21-8-2006: Change scaling of cross section for // elements not tabulated from scaling in Z^(2/3) to A^0.75 // Implements P2-90-158; // // 22 Dec 2006 - D.H. Wright added isotope dependence // const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::e1[38] = { .02, .04, .06, .08, .1, .12, .13, .14, .15, .16, .17, .18, .19, .20, .22, .24, .26, .28, .30, .35, .40, .45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 100000}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::he_t[38] = { 40, 70, 108, 152, 208, 276, 300, 320, 329, 333, 332, 328, 322, 310, 288, 260, 240, 216, 196, 144, 125, 112,108.5, 109, 110.5, 117, 123,128.5, 135, 110, 96, 87, 85, 83.5, 83.5, 83.5, 83.5, 83.5}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::he_in[38] = { 18, 38, 62, 98, 136, 176, 190, 200, 209, 212, 212, 208, 204, 196, 176, 164, 150, 134, 124,97.5, 90, 85, 82.5, 83.5, 86.5, 93, 97.5, 100, 102, 83, 77, 75, 74, 72.5, 72.5, 72.5, 72.5, 72.5}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::be_m_t[38] = { 150, 210, 294, 396, 520, 600, 623, 635, 642, 640, 630, 615, 600, 576, 540, 504, 470, 435, 400, 340, 294, 258, 236, 230, 233, 244, 257, 270, 276, 250, 230, 215, 205, 194, 188, 186, 186, 186}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::be_m_in[38] = { 90, 126, 177, 240, 320, 380, 400, 410, 414, 410, 400, 387, 371, 360, 333, 312, 285, 260, 237, 216, 198, 187, 182, 180, 182, 187, 193, 203, 207, 179, 172, 165, 159, 155, 144, 144, 144, 144}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::be_p_t[24] = { 96, 150, 222, 320, 430, 514, 545, 565, 574, 574, 564, 552, 535, 522, 490, 462, 432, 398, 367, 314, 276, 248, 232, 230}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::be_p_in[24] = { 60, 95, 142, 194, 262, 319, 345, 361, 364, 364, 354, 350, 330, 319, 298, 280, 258, 237, 216, 200, 189, 183, 182, 180}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::e2[39] = { .02, .04, .06, .08, .10, .11, .12, .13, .14, .15, .16, .17, .18, .20, .22, .24, .26, .28, .30, .35, .40, .45, .50, .55, .575, .60, .70, .80, .90, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 100000}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::c_m_t[39] = { 204, 260, 366, 517, 630, 673, 694, 704, 710, 711, 706, 694, 676, 648, 616, 584, 548, 518, 489, 426, 376, 342, 323, 310, 312, 313, 319, 333, 342, 348, 310, 290, 268, 250, 245, 237, 234, 234, 234}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::c_m_in[39] = { 128, 160, 224, 315, 388, 416, 430, 438, 444, 445, 440, 432, 416, 400, 380, 354, 320, 304, 288, 264, 246, 240, 233, 232, 233, 234, 238, 246, 252, 256, 220, 210, 198, 187, 183, 176, 174, 174, 174}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::c_p_t[24] = { 140, 192, 294, 428, 594, 642, 662, 687, 685, 688, 684, 672, 656, 630, 598, 567, 533, 504, 474, 416, 369, 336, 319, 310}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::c_p_in[24] = { 94, 132, 184, 260, 370, 398, 408, 420, 426, 428, 424, 416, 400, 386, 366, 340, 308, 294, 280, 257, 241, 236, 231, 232}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::n_m_t[39] = { 246, 308, 424, 590, 729, 776, 800, 821, 822, 817, 800, 778, 768, 728, 690, 654, 615, 584, 556, 480, 430, 393, 373, 367, 368, 370, 375, 388, 390, 397, 364, 337, 310, 291, 275, 268, 268, 268, 268}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::n_m_in[39] = { 155, 188, 256, 360, 456, 492, 512, 526, 526, 520, 504, 491, 475, 450, 425, 396, 376, 360, 340, 300, 282, 270, 265, 265, 266, 268, 273, 280, 288, 288, 256, 237, 226, 218, 208, 202, 202, 202, 202}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::n_p_t[27] = { 150, 212, 328, 500, 680, 735, 762, 781, 782, 779, 770, 748, 740, 706, 672, 633, 600, 569, 541, 467, 419, 385, 368, 364, 366, 368, 375}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::n_p_in[27] = { 90, 140, 208, 300, 426, 467, 490, 504, 504, 500, 484, 474, 460, 437, 413, 381, 365, 350, 330, 292, 276, 267, 263, 264, 265, 267, 273}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::e3[31] = { .02, .04, .06, .08, .10, .12, .14, .16, .18, .20, .22, .25, .30, .35, .40, .45, .50, .60, .70, .80, .90, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 100000}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::o_m_t[31] = { 280, 360, 500, 685, 812, 861, 870, 865, 835, 800, 755, 700, 600, 537, 493, 468, 441, 436, 443, 449, 460, 463, 432, 385, 350, 325, 312, 307, 303, 303, 303}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::o_m_in[31] = { 190, 207, 300, 420, 500, 540, 550, 542, 520, 490, 460, 423, 360, 339, 321, 314, 312, 314, 319, 324, 328, 330, 300, 275, 250, 240, 229, 225, 222, 222, 222}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::o_p_t[20] = { 170, 240, 390, 570, 740, 818, 830, 822, 800, 765, 725, 675, 585, 525, 483, 458, 444, 447, 453, 449}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::o_p_in[20] = { 100, 145, 240, 340, 470, 518, 530, 522, 505, 477, 448, 412, 350, 330, 316, 310, 308, 311, 317, 324}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::na_m_t[31] = { 450, 545, 705, 910, 1020, 1075, 1087, 1080, 1042, 987, 943, 885, 790, 700, 650, 610, 585, 575, 585, 595, 600, 610, 556, 524, 494, 458, 445, 429, 427, 427, 427}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::na_m_in[31] = { 275, 315, 413, 545, 620, 660, 670, 662, 630, 593, 570, 520, 465, 420, 410, 395, 390, 400, 410, 418, 420, 422, 372, 348, 330, 320, 310, 294, 292, 292, 292}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::na_p_t[22] = { 210, 320, 530, 795, 960, 1035, 1050, 1040, 1007, 957, 918, 865, 773, 685, 636, 598, 575, 565, 578, 590, 598, 610}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::na_p_in[22] = { 115, 210, 340, 495, 585, 630, 645, 637, 605, 572, 550, 505, 455, 410, 401, 388, 383, 393, 405, 414, 418, 422}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::e3_1[31] = { 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.20, 0.22, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 100000.0}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::al_m_t[31] = { 532, 637, 832, 1057, 1207, 1230, 1210, 1174, 1133, 1095, 1038, 970, 890, 807, 750, 710, 675, 665, 670, 673, 678, 682, 618, 574, 546, 520, 507, 495, 488, 488, 488}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::al_m_in[31] = { 300, 360, 495, 665, 750, 765, 750, 730, 700, 660, 615, 570, 520, 490, 470, 450, 448, 450, 450, 452, 456, 460, 408, 392, 376, 356, 347, 338, 332, 332, 332}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::al_p_t[21] = { 225, 350, 616, 945, 1122, 1175, 1157, 1128, 1088, 1045, 988, 935, 870, 787, 730, 690, 660, 652, 660, 668, 678}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::al_p_in[21] = { 120, 238, 390, 610, 712, 735, 720, 703, 655, 635, 590, 550, 505, 475, 455, 438, 440, 445, 445, 450, 456}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::ca_m_t[31] = { 800, 980, 1240, 1460, 1570, 1600, 1580, 1535, 1475, 1425, 1375, 1295, 1200, 1083, 1000, 948, 915, 895, 900, 908, 915, 922, 856, 795, 740, 705, 682, 660, 660, 660, 660}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::ca_m_in[31] = { 470, 550, 620, 860, 955, 980, 960, 920, 860, 820, 780, 740, 665, 637, 615, 600, 590, 590, 600, 608, 610, 615, 550, 525, 510, 488, 470, 450, 450, 450, 450}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::ca_p_t[23] = { 275, 445, 790, 1195, 1440, 1485, 1475, 1435, 1385, 1335, 1295, 1245, 1160, 1050, 970, 923, 895, 877, 887, 897, 904, 913, 855}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::ca_p_in[23] = { 160, 315, 500, 745, 870, 905, 900, 860, 810, 770, 740, 710, 640, 617, 595, 585, 575, 575, 590, 600, 602, 608, 510}; // last number is 500 in org, changed to make things smooth. const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::e4[32] = { 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.20, 0.22, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 100000}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::fe_m_t[32] = {1175, 1363, 1670, 1950, 2050, 2040, 1975, 1886, 1834, 1773, 1720, 1635, 1474, 1380, 1269, 1225, 1182, 1162, 1159, 1162, 1178, 1190, 1197, 1102, 1135, 975, 945, 925, 905, 905, 905, 905}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::fe_m_in[32] = {625, 725, 910, 1180, 1275, 1250, 1200, 1150, 1100, 1040, 995, 925, 825, 810, 780, 760, 745, 740, 740, 740, 750, 760, 765, 690, 660, 635, 615, 600, 585, 585, 585, 585}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::fe_p_t[25] = {330, 575, 1010, 1500, 1837, 1875, 1820, 1751, 1691, 1636, 1690, 1450, 1396, 1305, 1219, 1190, 1148, 1138, 1134, 1144, 1163, 1175, 1183, 1198, 1135}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::fe_p_in[25] = {210, 410, 707, 1010, 1125, 1150, 1100, 1070, 1010, 960, 920, 776, 780, 760, 750, 740, 720, 725, 725, 730, 740, 750, 755, 690, 660}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::cu_m_t[32] = {1400, 1600, 1875, 2088, 2200, 2220, 2175, 2125, 2075, 2012, 1950, 1855, 1670, 1530, 1430, 1370, 1315, 1315, 1315, 1330, 1345, 1360, 1365, 1250, 1185, 1128, 1070, 1035, 1010, 1010, 1010, 1010}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::cu_m_in[32] = {725, 840, 1020, 1200, 1295, 1300, 1267, 1240, 1213, 1175, 1125, 1042, 950, 900, 860, 840, 830, 832, 835, 840, 850, 860, 865, 785, 735, 705, 680, 650, 630, 630, 630, 630}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::cu_p_t[25] = {355, 605, 1120, 1630, 1940, 2010, 2010, 1980, 1925, 1895, 1830, 1730, 1585, 1490, 1400, 1340, 1290, 1290, 1290, 1310, 1330, 1345, 1350, 1240, 1185}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::cu_p_in[25] = {230, 425, 780, 1025, 1155, 1190, 1190, 1180, 1125, 1100, 1050, 1000, 900, 870, 835, 815, 810, 812, 815, 825, 840, 850, 855, 780, 735}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::e5[34] = { 0.02, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.20, 0.22, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 100000}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::mo_m_t[34] = {2430, 2610, 2710, 2790, 2880, 2940, 2965, 2970, 2970, 2920, 2840, 2720, 2570, 2500, 2365, 2200, 2050, 1926, 1825, 1768, 1749, 1750, 1778, 1789, 1808, 1690, 1645, 1530, 1492, 1450, 1425, 1425, 1425, 1425}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::mo_m_in[34] = {925, 1125, 1250, 1375, 1500, 1600, 1680, 1750, 1770, 1730, 1660, 1580, 1500, 1450, 1330, 1250, 1190, 1140, 1100, 1075, 1075, 1070, 1088, 1095, 1110, 1035, 1005, 940, 917, 880, 860, 860, 860, 860}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::mo_p_t[27] = {410, 730, 1110, 1530, 1920, 2200, 2385, 2520, 2600, 2630, 2575, 2470, 2320, 2285, 2185, 2053, 1945, 1852, 1776, 1719, 1710, 1716, 1746, 1759, 1778, 1675, 1645}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::mo_p_in[27] = {270, 540, 825, 975, 1140, 1285, 1400, 1480, 1555, 1580, 1525, 1470, 1360, 1340, 1255, 1160, 1120, 1085, 1060, 1045, 1045, 1045, 1065, 1075, 1090, 1025, 1005}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::cd_m_t[34] = {3060, 3125, 3170, 3220, 3255, 3280, 3290, 3260, 3270, 3200, 3120, 3080, 3090, 2920, 2810, 2640, 2362, 2230, 2115, 2050, 2020, 2025, 2040, 2070, 2100, 1900, 1795, 1740, 1675, 1645, 1625, 1620, 1620, 1620}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::cd_m_in[34]= {1025, 1275, 1440, 1625, 1740, 1800, 1880, 1920, 1980, 1920, 1850, 1810, 1720, 1650, 1560, 1450, 1330, 1290, 1245, 1210, 1200, 1200, 1205, 1205, 1230, 1130, 1085, 1060, 1000, 985, 975, 970, 970, 970}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::cd_p_t[28] = { 455, 780, 1170, 1700, 2120, 2400, 2600, 2720, 2820, 2840, 2800, 2760, 2720, 2640, 2560, 2450, 2252, 2130, 2035, 1985, 1970, 1975, 2005, 2035, 2070, 1880, 1795, 1740}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::cd_p_in[28] = { 310, 580, 880, 1060, 1270, 1400, 1530, 1610, 1660, 1680, 1640, 1600, 1560, 1500, 1430, 1330, 1280, 1230, 1200, 1180, 1170, 1175, 1180, 1180, 1210, 1120, 1085, 1060}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::e6[35] = { 0.02, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.20, 0.22, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 100000.0}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::sn_m_t[35] = { 3000, 3180, 3250, 3300, 3300, 3410, 3470, 3450, 3410, 3350, 3280, 3200, 3120, 3050, 2900, 2630, 2500, 2325, 2190, 2100, 2060, 2055, 2055, 2055, 2067, 2085, 2000, 1900, 1835, 1770, 1720, 1700, 1695, 1695, 1695}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::sn_m_in[35] = { 1050, 1350, 1520, 1650, 1800, 1980, 2070, 2120, 2090, 2050, 1980, 1920, 1830, 1770, 1670, 1500, 1435, 1350, 1300, 1230, 1220, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1237, 1240, 1160, 1120, 1090, 1065, 1040, 1020, 1015, 1015, 1015}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::sn_p_t[29] = { 465, 800, 1200, 1760, 2170, 2480, 2730, 2885, 2970, 2980, 2970, 2890, 2840, 2790, 2620, 2450, 2335, 2205, 2080, 2020, 2010, 1990, 1990, 2015, 2030, 2045, 1980, 1890, 1835}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::sn_p_in[29] = { 315, 590, 880, 1220, 1460, 1580, 1700, 1770, 1810, 1810, 1800, 1730, 1680, 1630, 1530, 1400, 1335, 1270, 1210, 1180, 1190, 1190, 1190, 1205, 1210, 1210, 1150, 1115, 1090}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::w_m_t[35] = {5200, 5115, 5025, 4975, 4900, 4850, 4780, 4725, 4600, 4490, 4355, 4255, 4125, 4040, 3830, 3580, 3330, 3110, 2955, 2860, 2852, 2845, 2885, 2900, 2915, 2940, 2800, 2660, 2570, 2490, 2460, 2425, 2420, 2420, 2420}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::w_m_in[35] = {1450, 1850, 2100, 2350, 2550, 2700, 2825, 2900, 2850, 2750, 2630, 2525, 2400, 2300, 2200, 2070, 1880, 1770, 1715, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1685, 1690, 1700, 1720, 1635, 1560, 1530, 1460, 1440, 1410, 1410, 1410, 1410}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::w_p_t[30] = { 480, 900, 1500, 2350, 3020, 3420, 3650, 3775, 3875, 3830, 3750, 3700, 3630, 3550, 3550, 3290, 3070, 2890, 2840, 2730, 2725, 2720, 2770, 2805, 2828, 2865, 2770, 2640, 2570, 2490}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::w_p_in[30] = { 325, 680, 990, 1500, 1850, 2150, 2250, 2300, 2350, 2330, 2280, 2230, 2200, 2120, 2130, 1900, 1780, 1670, 1635, 1600, 1602, 1605, 1610, 1615, 1630, 1660, 1620, 1550, 1530, 1460}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::e7[35] = { 0.02, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.20, 0.22, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 100000}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::pb_m_t[35] = { 5890, 5700, 5610, 5580, 5550, 5480, 5400, 5300, 5100, 4930, 4750, 4600, 4400, 4280, 4170, 3915, 3650, 3470, 3260, 3150, 3120, 3070, 3085, 3100, 3120, 3160, 3070, 2930, 2820, 2750, 2710, 2655, 2640, 2640, 2640}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::pb_m_in[35] = { 1575, 2025, 2300, 2575, 2850, 3000, 3115, 3180, 3080, 2940, 2800, 2670, 2550, 2450, 2370, 2220, 2110, 2000, 1920, 1880, 1850, 1800, 1805, 1810, 1820, 1840, 1800, 1720, 1640, 1620, 1570, 1530, 1530, 1530, 1530}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::pb_p_t[30] = { 515, 940, 1500, 2400, 3270, 3750, 4050, 4140, 4260, 4200, 4080, 3990, 3990, 3810, 3730, 3520, 3370, 3186, 3110, 3010, 2990, 2985, 3005, 3020, 3040, 3080, 3020, 2905, 2790, 2750}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::pb_p_in[30] = { 348, 707, 1040, 1650, 2100, 2400, 2580, 2640, 2650, 2520, 2410, 2300, 2250, 2190, 2130, 2000, 1930, 1870, 1830, 1790, 1770, 1765, 1775, 1780, 1790, 1800, 1775, 1710, 1620, 1620}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::u_m_t[35] = { 7080, 6830, 6650, 6530, 6400, 6280, 6100, 5840, 5660, 5520, 5330, 5160, 4990, 4810, 4630, 4323, 4130, 3870, 3700, 3550, 3490, 3465, 3467, 3475, 3495, 3515, 3440, 3360, 3150, 3040, 2985, 2955, 2940, 2940, 2940}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::u_m_in[35] = { 1740, 2220, 2500, 2820, 3080, 3300, 3420, 3500, 3420, 3330, 3200, 3060, 2940, 2850, 2710, 2470, 2380, 2250, 2160, 2080, 2040, 2045, 2047, 2050, 2055, 2060, 2010, 1980, 1830, 1780, 1735, 1710, 1700, 1700, 1700}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::u_p_t[30] = { 485, 960, 1580, 2700, 3550, 4050, 4320, 4420, 4620, 4660, 4580, 4470, 4350, 4295, 4187, 3938, 3755, 3573, 3450, 3342, 3310, 3295, 3310, 3330, 3375, 3405, 3350, 3338, 3135, 3040}; const G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection::u_p_in[30] = { 334, 720, 1020, 1560, 2100, 2300, 2550, 2700, 2880, 2880, 2760, 2660, 2550, 2510, 2430, 2270, 2130, 2060, 2000, 1970, 1950, 1950, 1960, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1950, 1978, 1830, 1780}; G4PiNuclearCrossSection::G4PiNuclearCrossSection() : fTotalXsc(0.0), fElasticXsc(0.0) { thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(he_t, he_in, e1, 38)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(he_t, he_in, e1, 38)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(be_m_t, be_m_in, e1, 38)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(be_p_t, be_p_in, e1, 24)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(c_m_t, c_m_in, e2, 39)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(c_p_t, c_p_in, e2, 24)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(n_m_t, n_m_in, e2, 39)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(n_p_t, n_p_in, e2, 27)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(o_m_t, o_m_in, e3, 31)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(o_p_t, o_p_in, e3, 20)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(na_m_t, na_m_in, e3, 31)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(na_p_t, na_p_in, e3, 22)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(al_m_t, al_m_in, e3_1, 31)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(al_p_t, al_p_in, e3_1, 21)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(ca_m_t, ca_m_in, e3_1, 31)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(ca_p_t, ca_p_in, e3_1, 23)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(fe_m_t, fe_m_in, e4, 32)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(fe_p_t, fe_p_in, e4, 25)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(cu_m_t, cu_m_in, e4, 32)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(cu_p_t, cu_p_in, e4, 25)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(mo_m_t, mo_m_in, e5, 34)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(mo_p_t, mo_p_in, e5, 27)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(cd_m_t, cd_m_in, e5, 34)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(cd_p_t, cd_p_in, e5, 28)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(sn_m_t, sn_m_in, e6, 35)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(sn_p_t, sn_p_in, e6, 29)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(w_m_t, w_m_in, e6, 35)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(w_p_t, w_p_in, e6, 30)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(pb_m_t, pb_m_in, e7, 35)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(pb_p_t, pb_p_in, e7, 30)); thePimData.push_back(new G4PiData(u_m_t, u_m_in, e7, 35)); thePipData.push_back(new G4PiData(u_p_t, u_p_in, e7, 30)); theZ.push_back(2); // He theZ.push_back(4); // Be theZ.push_back(6); // C theZ.push_back(7); // N theZ.push_back(8); // O theZ.push_back(11); // Na theZ.push_back(13); // Al theZ.push_back(20); // Ca theZ.push_back(26); // Fe theZ.push_back(29); // Cu theZ.push_back(42); // Mo theZ.push_back(48); // Cd theZ.push_back(50); // Sn theZ.push_back(74); // W theZ.push_back(82); // Pb theZ.push_back(92); // U } G4PiNuclearCrossSection:: ~G4PiNuclearCrossSection() { std::for_each(thePimData.begin(), thePimData.end(), G4PiData::Delete()); std::for_each(thePipData.begin(), thePipData.end(), G4PiData::Delete()); } G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection:: GetZandACrossSection(const G4DynamicParticle* particle, G4int ZZ, G4int /*AA*/, G4double /*temperature*/) { // precondition using namespace std; G4bool ok = false; if(particle->GetDefinition() == G4PionMinus::PionMinus()) ok=true; if(particle->GetDefinition() == G4PionPlus::PionPlus()) ok=true; if(!ok) { throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Call to G4PiNuclearCrossSection failed."); } G4double charge = particle->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge(); G4double kineticEnergy = particle->GetKineticEnergy(); // body G4double result = 0; G4int Z = ZZ; // debug.push_back(Z); size_t it = 0; while(it < theZ.size() && Z > theZ[it]) it++; // debug.push_back(theZ[it]); // debug.push_back(kineticEnergy); if(Z > theZ[it]) { throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Called G4PiNuclearCrossSection outside parametrization"); } G4int Z1, Z2; G4double x1, x2, xt1, xt2; if( charge < 0 ) { if( theZ[it] == Z ) { result = thePimData[it]->ReactionXSection(kineticEnergy); fTotalXsc = thePimData[it]->TotalXSection(kineticEnergy); // debug.push_back("D1 "); // debug.push_back(result); // debug.push_back(fTotalXsc); } else { x1 = thePimData[it-1]->ReactionXSection(kineticEnergy); xt1 = thePimData[it-1]->TotalXSection(kineticEnergy); Z1 = theZ[it-1]; x2 = thePimData[it]->ReactionXSection(kineticEnergy); xt2 = thePimData[it]->TotalXSection(kineticEnergy); Z2 = theZ[it]; result = Interpolate(Z1, Z2, Z, x1, x2); fTotalXsc = Interpolate(Z1, Z2, Z, xt1, xt2); // debug.push_back("D2 "); // debug.push_back(x1); // debug.push_back(x2); // debug.push_back(xt1); // debug.push_back(xt2); // debug.push_back(Z1); // debug.push_back(Z2); // debug.push_back(result); // debug.push_back(fTotalXsc); } } else { if(theZ[it]==Z) { // at high energies, when no data for pi+, use pi- std::vector * theData = &thePimData; if(thePipData[it]->AppliesTo(kineticEnergy)) { theData = &thePipData; } result = theData->operator[](it)->ReactionXSection(kineticEnergy); fTotalXsc = theData->operator[](it)->TotalXSection(kineticEnergy); // debug.push_back("D3 "); // debug.push_back(result); // debug.push_back(fTotalXsc); } else { std::vector * theLData = &thePimData; if(thePipData[it-1]->AppliesTo(kineticEnergy)) { theLData = &thePipData; } std::vector * theHData = &thePimData; if(thePipData[it]->AppliesTo(kineticEnergy)) { theHData = &thePipData; } x1 = theLData->operator[](it-1)->ReactionXSection(kineticEnergy); xt1 = theLData->operator[](it-1)->TotalXSection(kineticEnergy); Z1 = theZ[it-1]; x2 = theHData->operator[](it)->ReactionXSection(kineticEnergy); xt2 = theHData->operator[](it)->TotalXSection(kineticEnergy); Z2 = theZ[it]; result = Interpolate(Z1, Z2, Z, x1, x2); fTotalXsc = Interpolate(Z1, Z2, Z, xt1, xt2); // debug.push_back("D4 "); // debug.push_back(x1); // debug.push_back(xt1); // debug.push_back(x2); // debug.push_back(xt2); // debug.push_back(Z1); // debug.push_back(Z2); // debug.push_back(result); // debug.push_back(fTotalXsc); } } // debug.dump(); fElasticXsc = fTotalXsc - result; if( fElasticXsc < 0.) fElasticXsc = 0.; return result; } G4double G4PiNuclearCrossSection:: Interpolate(G4int Z1, G4int Z2, G4int Z, G4double x1, G4double x2) { // Nucleon numbers obtained from G4NistManager G4 8.0 static const G4double A[92] = { 1.0001, 4.0000, 6.9241, 9.000, 10.801, 12.011, 14.004, 16.004, 19.000, 20.188, 23.000, 24.320, 27.000, 28.109, 31.000, 32.094, 35.484, 39.985, 39.135, 40.116, 45.000, 47.918, 50.998, 52.055, 55.000, 55.910, 59.000, 58.760, 63.617, 65.468, 69.798, 72.691, 75.000, 79.042, 79.986, 83.887, 85.557, 87.710, 89.000, 91.318, 93.000, 96.025, 98.000, 101.16, 103.00, 106.51, 107.96, 112.51, 114.91, 118.81, 121.86, 127.70, 127.00, 131.39, 133.00, 137.42, 139.00, 140.21, 141.00, 144.32, 145.00, 150.45, 152.04, 157.33, 159.00, 162.57, 165.00, 167.32, 169.00, 173.10, 175.03, 178.54, 181.00, 183.89, 186.25, 190.27, 192.25, 195.11, 197.00, 200.63, 204.41, 207.24, 209.00, 209.00, 210.00, 222.00, 223.00, 226.00, 227.00, 232.00, 231.00, 237.98}; static G4bool NeedInit=true; static G4double A75[92]; if ( NeedInit ) { for (G4int i=0; i<92; ++i) { A75[i]=std::pow(A[i],0.75); } NeedInit=false; } // for tabulated data, cross section scales with A^.75 G4double r1 = x1 / A75[Z1-1] * A75[Z-1]; G4double r2 = x2 / A75[Z2-1] * A75[Z-1]; G4double result=0.5*(r1+r2); // G4cout << "x1/2, z1/2 z" <