source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/cross_sections/src/ @ 1355

Last change on this file since 1355 was 1340, checked in by garnier, 14 years ago

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26// By JPW, working, but to be cleaned up. @@@
27// G.Folger, 29-sept-2006: extend to 1TeV, using a constant above 20GeV
28// 22 Dec 2006 - DHW added isotope dependence
[1228]29// G.Folger, 25-Nov-2009: extend to 100TeV, using a constant above 20GeV
32#include "G4ProtonInelasticCrossSection.hh"
[1340]33#include "G4HadTmpUtil.hh"
[819]34#include "globals.hh"
37G4double G4ProtonInelasticCrossSection::
38GetCrossSection(const G4DynamicParticle* aPart, 
39                const G4Element* anEle, G4double /*aTemperature*/)
41  G4int nIso = anEle->GetNumberOfIsotopes();
42  G4double KE = aPart->GetKineticEnergy(); 
43  G4double cross_section = 0;
45  if (nIso) {
46    G4double psig;
47    G4IsotopeVector* isoVector = anEle->GetIsotopeVector();
48    G4double* abundVector = anEle->GetRelativeAbundanceVector();
[1340]49    G4int ZZ;
50    G4int AA;
52    for (G4int i = 0; i < nIso; i++) {
[1340]53      ZZ = (*isoVector)[i]->GetZ();
54      AA = (*isoVector)[i]->GetN();
[819]55      psig = GetCrossSection(KE, AA, ZZ);
56      cross_section += psig*abundVector[i];
57    }
59  } else {
[1340]60    G4int ZZ = G4lrint(anEle->GetZ());
61    G4int AA = G4lrint(anEle->GetN());
62    cross_section = GetCrossSection(KE, AA, ZZ);
[819]63  }
65  return cross_section;
[819]69G4double G4ProtonInelasticCrossSection::
[1340]70GetCrossSection(G4double kineticEnergy, G4int atomicNumber, G4int nOfProtons)
72  if (kineticEnergy > 19.9*GeV ) 
73  { // constant cross section above ~20GeV.
74    return  GetCrossSection(19.8*GeV,atomicNumber,nOfProtons);
75  } 
[1340]76  G4int nOfNeutrons = atomicNumber-nOfProtons;
[819]77  kineticEnergy /=GeV;
78  G4double a = atomicNumber;
79  const G4double nuleonRadius=1.36E-15;
80  const G4double pi=3.14159265;
81  G4double fac=pi*nuleonRadius*nuleonRadius;
82  G4double b0=2.247-0.915*(1-std::pow(a,-0.3333));
83  G4double fac1=b0*(1-std::pow(a,-0.3333));
84  G4double fac2=1.;
[1340]85  if(nOfNeutrons > 1) fac2=std::log((G4double(nOfNeutrons)));
[819]86  G4double crossSection = 1E31*fac*fac2*(1+std::pow(a,0.3333)-fac1);
88  // high energy correction
90  crossSection = (1-0.15*std::exp(-kineticEnergy))*crossSection/(1.00-0.0007*a);
91  // first try on low energies: rise
93  G4double ff1= 0.70-0.002*a;  // slope of the drop at medium energies.
94  G4double ff2= 1.00+1/a;  // start of the slope.
95  G4double ff3= 0.8+18/a-0.002*a; // stephight
96  fac = 1.0;
97  if (kineticEnergy > DBL_MIN) 
98     fac= 1.0 - (1.0/(1+std::exp(-8*ff1*(std::log10(kineticEnergy)+1.37*ff2))));
99  crossSection = crossSection*(1+ff3*fac);
101  // low energy return to zero
103  ff1=1.-1/a-0.001*a; // slope of the rise
104  ff2=1.17-2.7/a-0.0014*a; // start of the rise
105  fac = 0.0;
106  if (kineticEnergy > DBL_MIN) {
107    fac=-8.*ff1*(std::log10(kineticEnergy)+2.0*ff2);
108    fac=1/(1+std::exp(fac));
109  }
110  crossSection = crossSection*fac;
111  return crossSection*millibarn;
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