// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // #include "G4BinaryLightIonReaction.hh" #include "G4LorentzVector.hh" #include "G4LorentzRotation.hh" #include #include "G4ReactionProductVector.hh" #include #include "G4ping.hh" #include "G4Delete.hh" #include "G4Neutron.hh" #include "G4VNuclearDensity.hh" #include "G4FermiMomentum.hh" #include "G4HadTmpUtil.hh" #include G4BinaryLightIonReaction::G4BinaryLightIonReaction() : G4HadronicInteraction("Binary Cascade"), theModel() , theHandler(0) , theProjectileFragmentation(0) { theHandler= new G4ExcitationHandler; SetPrecompound(new G4PreCompoundModel(theHandler)); } G4HadFinalState *G4BinaryLightIonReaction:: ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, G4Nucleus & targetNucleus ) { static G4int eventcounter=0; eventcounter++; if(getenv("BLICDEBUG") ) G4cerr << " ######### Binary Light Ion Reaction number starts ######### "<GetBaryonNumber(); G4int z1=G4lrint(aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge()); G4int a2=targetNucleus.GetA_asInt(); G4int z2=targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt(); debug.push_back(a1); debug.push_back(z1); debug.push_back(a2); debug.push_back(z2); // debug.push_back(m2); G4LorentzVector mom(aTrack.Get4Momentum()); debug.push_back(mom); debug.dump(); G4LorentzRotation toBreit(mom.boostVector()); G4bool swapped = false; if(a2GetIonTable()->GetIonMass(z1,a1); G4LorentzVector it(m1, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0)); mom = toBreit*it; } G4ReactionProductVector * result = NULL; G4ReactionProductVector * cascaders= new G4ReactionProductVector; G4double m_nucl(0); // to check energy balance // G4double m1=G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIonTable()->GetIonMass(z1,a1); // G4cout << "Entering the decision point " // << (mom.t()-mom.mag())/a1 << " " // << a1<<" "<< z1<<" " // << a2<<" "<< z2<GetParticleName()<DeExcite(aPreFrag); G4double tSum = 0; for(size_t count = 0; countsize(); count++) { cascaders->operator[](count)->SetNewlyAdded(true); tSum += cascaders->operator[](count)->GetKineticEnergy(); } // G4cout << "Exiting pre-compound only, E= "<Init(a1, z1); projectile->CenterNucleons(); m1=G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIonTable()->GetIonMass( projectile->GetCharge(),projectile->GetMassNumber()); it=toBreit * G4LorentzVector(m1,G4ThreeVector(0,0,0)); fancyNucleus = new G4Fancy3DNucleus; fancyNucleus->Init(a2, z2); m2=G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIonTable()->GetIonMass( fancyNucleus->GetCharge(),fancyNucleus->GetMassNumber()); m_nucl = ( swapped ) ? m1 : m2; // G4cout << " mass table, nucleus, delta : " << m2 <<" "<< fancyNucleus->GetMass() // <<" "<GetMass() << G4endl; G4double impactMax = fancyNucleus->GetOuterRadius()+projectile->GetOuterRadius(); // G4cout << "out radius - nucleus - projectile " << fancyNucleus->GetOuterRadius()/fermi << " - " << projectile->GetOuterRadius()/fermi << G4endl; G4double aX=(2.*G4UniformRand()-1.)*impactMax; G4double aY=(2.*G4UniformRand()-1.)*impactMax; G4ThreeVector pos(aX, aY, -2.*impactMax-5.*fermi); debug.push_back("Impact parameter"); debug.push_back(aX); debug.push_back(aY); debug.push_back(-2.*impactMax); debug.dump(); G4KineticTrackVector * initalState = new G4KineticTrackVector; projectile->StartLoop(); G4Nucleon * aNuc; G4LorentzVector tmpV(0,0,0,0); G4LorentzVector nucleonMom(1./a1*mom); nucleonMom.setZ(nucleonMom.vect().mag()); nucleonMom.setX(0); nucleonMom.setY(0); debug.push_back(" projectile nucleon momentum"); debug.push_back(nucleonMom); debug.dump(); theFermi.Init(a1,z1); while( (aNuc=projectile->GetNextNucleon()) ) { G4LorentzVector p4 = aNuc->GetMomentum(); tmpV+=p4; G4ThreeVector nucleonPosition(aNuc->GetPosition()); G4double density=(projectile->GetNuclearDensity())->GetDensity(nucleonPosition); nucleonPosition += pos; G4KineticTrack * it = new G4KineticTrack(aNuc, nucleonPosition, nucleonMom ); it->SetState(G4KineticTrack::outside); G4double pfermi= theFermi.GetFermiMomentum(density); G4double mass = aNuc->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass(); G4double Efermi= std::sqrt( sqr(mass) + sqr(pfermi)) - mass; it->SetProjectilePotential(-Efermi); initalState->push_back(it); } debug.push_back(" Sum of proj. nucleon momentum"); debug.push_back(tmpV); debug.dump(); result=theModel.Propagate(initalState, fancyNucleus); debug.push_back("################# Result size"); if (result) { debug.push_back(result->size()); } else { debug.push_back(" -none-"); } debug.dump(); // std::for_each(initalState->begin(), initalState->end(), Delete()); // delete initalState; if(! result || result->size()==0) { if (result) {delete result; result=0;} delete fancyNucleus; delete projectile; if (++tryCount > 200) { // abort!! G4cerr << "G4BinaryLightIonReaction no final state for: " << G4endl; G4cerr << " Primary " << aTrack.GetDefinition() << ", (A,Z)=(" << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber() << "," << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge() << ") " << ", kinetic energy " << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() << G4endl; G4cerr << " Target nucleus (A,Z)=(" << targetNucleus.GetA_asInt() << "," << targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt() << G4endl; G4cerr << " if frequent, please submit above information as bug report" << G4endl << G4endl; theResult.Clear(); theResult.SetStatusChange(isAlive); theResult.SetEnergyChange(aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()); theResult.SetMomentumChange(aTrack.Get4Momentum().vect().unit()); return &theResult; } } else { break; } } debug.push_back(" Attempts to create final state"); debug.push_back(tryCount); debug.dump(); debug.push_back("################# Through the loop ? "); debug.dump(); //inverse transformation in case we swapped. G4int resA(0), resZ(0); G4Nucleon * aNuc; // fancyNucleus->StartLoop(); // while( (aNuc=fancyNucleus->GetNextNucleon()) ) // { // G4cout << " tgt Nucleon : " << aNuc->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() <<" "<< aNuc->AreYouHit() <<" "<GetMomentum()<StartLoop(); while( (aNuc=projectile->GetNextNucleon()) ) { // G4cout << " Nucleon : " << aNuc->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() <<" "<< aNuc->AreYouHit() <<" "<GetMomentum()<AreYouHit()) { resA++; resZ+=G4lrint(aNuc->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge()); } else { debug.push_back(" ##### a hit ##### "); debug.dump(); G4ThreeVector aPosition(aNuc->GetPosition()); G4double localDensity = projectile->GetNuclearDensity()->GetDensity(aPosition); G4double localPfermi = theFermi.GetFermiMomentum(localDensity); G4double nucMass = aNuc->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass(); G4double localFermiEnergy = std::sqrt(nucMass*nucMass + localPfermi*localPfermi) - nucMass; G4double deltaE = localFermiEnergy - (aNuc->GetMomentum().t()-aNuc->GetMomentum().mag()); theStatisticalExEnergy += deltaE; } debug.push_back("collected a hit"); debug.push_back(aNuc->GetMomentum()); debug.dump(); } delete fancyNucleus; delete projectile; G4ping debug("debug_G4BinaryLightIonReaction_1"); debug.push_back("have the hits. A,Z, excitE"); debug.push_back(resA); debug.push_back(resZ); debug.push_back(theStatisticalExEnergy); debug.dump(); // Calculate excitation energy G4LorentzVector iState = mom; iState.setT(iState.getT()+m2); G4LorentzVector fState(0,0,0,0); G4LorentzVector pspectators(0,0,0,0); unsigned int i(0); // G4int spectA(0),spectZ(0); for(i=0; isize(); i++) { if( (*result)[i]->GetNewlyAdded() ) { fState += G4LorentzVector( (*result)[i]->GetMomentum(), (*result)[i]->GetTotalEnergy() ); cascaders->push_back((*result)[i]); // G4cout <<" secondary ... "; debug.push_back("secondary "); debug.push_back((*result)[i]->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()); debug.push_back(G4LorentzVector((*result)[i]->GetMomentum(),(*result)[i]->GetTotalEnergy())); debug.dump(); } else { // G4cout <<" spectator ... "; pspectators += G4LorentzVector( (*result)[i]->GetMomentum(), (*result)[i]->GetTotalEnergy() ); spectators->push_back((*result)[i]); debug.push_back("spectator "); debug.push_back((*result)[i]->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()); debug.push_back(G4LorentzVector((*result)[i]->GetMomentum(),(*result)[i]->GetTotalEnergy())); debug.dump(); // spectA++; // spectZ+= G4lrint((*result)[i]->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge()); } // G4cout << (*result)[i]<< " " // << (*result)[i]->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << " " // << (*result)[i]->GetMomentum()<< " " // << (*result)[i]->GetTotalEnergy() << G4endl; } // if ( spectA-resA !=0 || spectZ-resZ !=0) // { // G4cout << "spect Nucl != spectators: nucl a,z; spect a,z" << // resA <<" "<< resZ <<" ; " << spectA <<" "<< spectZ << G4endl; // } delete result; debug.push_back(" iState - (fState+pspectators) "); debug.push_back(iState-fState-pspectators); debug.dump(); G4LorentzVector momentum(iState-fState); G4int loopcount(0); while (std::abs(momentum.e()-pspectators.e()) > 10*MeV) { debug.push_back("the momentum balance"); debug.push_back(iState); debug.push_back(fState); debug.push_back(momentum-pspectators); debug.push_back(momentum); debug.dump(); G4LorentzVector pCorrect(iState-pspectators); G4bool EnergyIsCorrect=EnergyAndMomentumCorrector(cascaders, pCorrect); if ( ! EnergyIsCorrect && getenv("debug_G4BinaryLightIonReactionResults")) { G4cout << "Warning - G4BinaryLightIonReaction E/P correction for cascaders failed" << G4endl; } fState=G4LorentzVector(); for(i=0; isize(); i++) { fState += G4LorentzVector( (*cascaders)[i]->GetMomentum(), (*cascaders)[i]->GetTotalEnergy() ); } momentum=iState-fState; debug.push_back("the momentum balance after correction"); debug.push_back(iState); debug.push_back(fState); debug.push_back(momentum-pspectators); debug.push_back(momentum); debug.dump(); if (++loopcount > 10 ) { if ( momentum.vect().mag() > momentum.e() ) { G4cerr << "G4BinaryLightIonReaction.cc: Cannot correct 4-momentum of cascade particles" << G4endl; throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "G4BinaryCasacde::ApplyCollision()"); } else { break; } } } // call precompound model G4ReactionProductVector * proFrag = NULL; G4LorentzVector pFragment; // G4cout << " == pre boost 1 "<< momentum.e()<< " "<< momentum.mag()<0 && resA>1) { // Make the fragment G4Fragment aProRes; aProRes.SetA(resA); aProRes.SetZ(resZ); aProRes.SetNumberOfParticles(0); aProRes.SetNumberOfCharged(0); aProRes.SetNumberOfHoles(a1-resA); G4double mFragment=G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIonTable()->GetIonMass(resZ,resA); G4LorentzVector pFragment(0,0,0,mFragment+std::max(0.,theStatisticalExEnergy) ); aProRes.SetMomentum(pFragment); G4ParticleDefinition * resDef; resDef = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindIon(resZ,resA,0,resZ); aProRes.SetParticleDefinition(resDef); proFrag = theHandler->BreakItUp(aProRes); if ( momentum.vect().mag() > momentum.e() ) { G4cerr << "mom check: " << momentum << " 3.mag "<< momentum.vect().mag() << G4endl << " .. iState/fState/spectators " << iState <<" " << fState << " " << pspectators << G4endl << " .. A,Z " << resA <<" "<< resZ << G4endl; G4cerr << "G4BinaryLightIonReaction no final state for: " << G4endl; G4cerr << " Primary " << aTrack.GetDefinition() << ", (A,Z)=(" << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber() << "," << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge() << ") " << ", kinetic energy " << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() << G4endl; G4cerr << " Target nucleus (A,Z)=(" << targetNucleus.GetA_asInt() << "," << targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt() << G4endl; G4cerr << " if frequent, please submit above information as bug report" << G4endl << G4endl; theResult.Clear(); theResult.SetStatusChange(isAlive); theResult.SetEnergyChange(aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()); theResult.SetMomentumChange(aTrack.Get4Momentum().vect().unit()); return &theResult; } G4LorentzRotation boost_fragments_here(momentum.boostVector()); boost_fragments = boost_fragments_here; // G4cout << " Fragment a,z, Mass Fragment, mass spect-mom, exitationE " // << resA <<" "<< resZ <<" "<< mFragment <<" " // << momentum.mag() <<" "<< momentum.mag() - mFragment // << " "<begin();ispectator!=spectators->end();ispectator++) { delete *ispectator; } } else if(resA!=0) { G4ReactionProductVector::iterator ispectator; for (ispectator=spectators->begin();ispectator!=spectators->end();ispectator++) { (*ispectator)->SetNewlyAdded(true); cascaders->push_back(*ispectator); pFragments+=G4LorentzVector((*ispectator)->GetMomentum(),(*ispectator)->GetTotalEnergy()); // G4cout << "from spectator " // << (*ispectator)->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << " " // << (*ispectator)->GetMomentum()<< " " // << (*ispectator)->GetTotalEnergy() << G4endl; } } if (spectators) delete spectators; // collect the evaporation part debug.push_back("the nucleon count balance"); debug.push_back(resA); debug.push_back(resZ); if(proFrag) debug.push_back(proFrag->size()); debug.dump(); G4ReactionProductVector::iterator ii; if(proFrag) for(ii=proFrag->begin(); ii!=proFrag->end(); ii++) { (*ii)->SetNewlyAdded(true); G4LorentzVector tmp((*ii)->GetMomentum(),(*ii)->GetTotalEnergy()); tmp *= boost_fragments; (*ii)->SetMomentum(tmp.vect()); (*ii)->SetTotalEnergy(tmp.e()); // result->push_back(*ii); pFragments += tmp; } // G4cout << "Fragmented p, momentum, delta " << pFragments <<" "<begin(); ii!=proFrag->end(); ii++) { cascaders->push_back(*ii); } if (proFrag) delete proFrag; if ( ! EnergyIsCorrect ) { if (! EnergyAndMomentumCorrector(cascaders,iState)) { if(getenv("debug_G4BinaryLightIonReactionResults")) G4cout << "G4BinaryLightIonReaction E/P corrections failed" << G4endl; } } } // Rotate to lab G4LorentzRotation toZ; toZ.rotateZ(-1*mom.phi()); toZ.rotateY(-1*mom.theta()); G4LorentzRotation toLab(toZ.inverse()); // Fill the particle change, while rotating. Boost from projectile breit-frame in case we swapped. // theResult.Clear(); theResult.Clear(); theResult.SetStatusChange(stopAndKill); G4double Etot(0); size_t i=0; for(i=0; isize(); i++) { if((*cascaders)[i]->GetNewlyAdded()) { G4DynamicParticle * aNew = new G4DynamicParticle((*cascaders)[i]->GetDefinition(), (*cascaders)[i]->GetTotalEnergy(), (*cascaders)[i]->GetMomentum() ); G4LorentzVector tmp = aNew->Get4Momentum(); if(swapped) { tmp*=toBreit.inverse(); tmp.setVect(-tmp.vect()); } tmp *= toLab; aNew->Set4Momentum(tmp); theResult.AddSecondary(aNew); Etot += tmp.e(); // G4cout << "LIBIC: Secondary " << aNew->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() // <<" "<< aNew->GetMomentum() // <<" "<< aNew->GetTotalEnergy() // << G4endl; } delete (*cascaders)[i]; } if(cascaders) delete cascaders; G4ping debug1("debug_G4BinaryLightIonReactionResults"); debug1.push_back("Result analysis, secondaries"); debug1.push_back(theResult.GetNumberOfSecondaries()); debug1.dump(); debug1.push_back(" Energy conservation initial/final/delta(init-final) "); debug1.push_back(aTrack.GetTotalEnergy() + m_nucl); debug1.push_back(aTrack.GetTotalEnergy()); debug1.push_back(m_nucl); debug1.push_back(Etot); debug1.push_back(aTrack.GetTotalEnergy() + m_nucl - Etot); debug1.dump(); if(getenv("BLICDEBUG") ) G4cerr << " ######### Binary Light Ion Reaction number ends ######### "<empty()) return TRUE; G4LorentzVector SumMom(0); G4double SumMass = 0; G4double TotalCollisionMass = TotalCollisionMom.m(); size_t i = 0; // Calculate sum hadron 4-momenta and summing hadron mass for(i = 0; i < Output->size(); i++) { SumMom += G4LorentzVector((*Output)[i]->GetMomentum(),(*Output)[i]->GetTotalEnergy()); SumMass += (*Output)[i]->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass(); } // G4cout << " E/P corrector, SumMass, SumMom.m2, TotalMass " // << SumMass <<" "<< SumMom.m2() <<" "< TotalCollisionMass) return FALSE; SumMass = SumMom.m2(); if (SumMass < 0) return FALSE; SumMass = std::sqrt(SumMass); // Compute c.m.s. hadron velocity and boost KTV to hadron c.m.s. G4ThreeVector Beta = -SumMom.boostVector(); // G4cout << " == pre boost 2 "<< SumMom.e()<< " "<< SumMom.mag()<<" "<< Beta <Boost(Beta); for(i = 0; i < Output->size(); i++) { G4LorentzVector mom = G4LorentzVector((*Output)[i]->GetMomentum(),(*Output)[i]->GetTotalEnergy()); mom *= Beta; (*Output)[i]->SetMomentum(mom.vect()); (*Output)[i]->SetTotalEnergy(mom.e()); } // Scale total c.m.s. hadron energy (hadron system mass). // It should be equal interaction mass G4double Scale = 0,OldScale=0; G4double factor = 1.; G4int cAttempt = 0; G4double Sum = 0; G4bool success = false; for(cAttempt = 0; cAttempt < nAttemptScale; cAttempt++) { Sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < Output->size(); i++) { G4LorentzVector HadronMom = G4LorentzVector((*Output)[i]->GetMomentum(),(*Output)[i]->GetTotalEnergy()); HadronMom.setVect(HadronMom.vect()+ factor*Scale*HadronMom.vect()); G4double E = std::sqrt(HadronMom.vect().mag2() + sqr((*Output)[i]->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass())); HadronMom.setE(E); (*Output)[i]->SetMomentum(HadronMom.vect()); (*Output)[i]->SetTotalEnergy(HadronMom.e()); Sum += E; } OldScale=Scale; Scale = TotalCollisionMass/Sum - 1; // G4cout << "E/P corr - " << cAttempt << " " << Scale << G4endl; if (std::abs(Scale) <= ErrLimit || OldScale == Scale) // protect 'frozen' situation and divide by 0 in calculating new factor below { if (getenv("debug_G4BinaryLightIonReactionResults")) G4cout << "E/p corrector: " << cAttempt << G4endl; success = true; break; } if ( cAttempt > 10 ) { // G4cout << " speed it up? " << std::abs(OldScale/(OldScale-Scale)) << G4endl; factor=std::max(1.,std::log(std::abs(OldScale/(OldScale-Scale)))); // G4cout << " ? factor ? " << factor << G4endl; } } if( (!success) && getenv("debug_G4BinaryLightIonReactionResults")) { G4cout << "G4G4BinaryLightIonReaction::EnergyAndMomentumCorrector - Warning"<Boost(Beta); for(i = 0; i < Output->size(); i++) { G4LorentzVector mom = G4LorentzVector((*Output)[i]->GetMomentum(),(*Output)[i]->GetTotalEnergy()); mom *= Beta; (*Output)[i]->SetMomentum(mom.vect()); (*Output)[i]->SetTotalEnergy(mom.e()); } return TRUE; }