source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/binary_cascade/src/ @ 1253

Last change on this file since 1253 was 1196, checked in by garnier, 15 years ago

update CVS release candidate geant4.9.3.01

File size: 7.9 KB
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26#include "G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface.hh"
27#include "G4DynamicParticleVector.hh"
28#include "G4IonTable.hh"
31// HPW, 10DEC 98, the decay part originally written by Gunter Folger in his FTF-test-program.
34    G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface::G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface()
35    : CaptureThreshold(80*MeV)
36    {}
38   G4HadFinalState* G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface::
39   ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile &, G4Nucleus & )
40   {
41     std::cout << "G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface: ApplyYourself interface called stand-allone."<< G4endl;
42     std::cout << "This class is only a mediator between generator and precompound"<<G4endl;
43     std::cout << "Please remove from your physics list."<<G4endl;
44     throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "SEVERE: G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface model interface called stand-allone.");
45     return new G4HadFinalState;
46   }
48   G4ReactionProductVector* G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface::
49   Propagate(G4KineticTrackVector* theSecondaries, G4V3DNucleus* theNucleus)
50   {
51     G4ReactionProductVector * theTotalResult = new G4ReactionProductVector;
53     // decay the strong resonances
54     G4KineticTrackVector *result1, *secondaries, *result;
55     result1=theSecondaries;
56     result=new G4KineticTrackVector();
58     for (unsigned int aResult=0; aResult < result1->size(); aResult++)
59     {
60       G4ParticleDefinition * pdef;
61       pdef=result1->operator[](aResult)->GetDefinition();
62       secondaries=NULL;
63       if ( pdef->IsShortLived() )
64       {
65          secondaries = result1->operator[](aResult)->Decay();
66       }
67       if ( secondaries == NULL )
68       {
69          result->push_back(result1->operator[](aResult));
70          result1->operator[](aResult)=NULL;    //protect for clearAndDestroy
71       } 
72       else
73       {
74         for (unsigned int aSecondary=0; aSecondary<secondaries->size(); aSecondary++)
75         {
76             result1->push_back(secondaries->operator[](aSecondary));
77         }
78         delete secondaries;
79       }
80     }
81     std::for_each(result1->begin(), result1->end(), DeleteKineticTrack());
82     delete result1;
86     // prepare the fragment
87     G4Fragment anInitialState;
88     G4int anA=theNucleus->GetMassNumber();
89     G4int aZ=theNucleus->GetCharge();
90     G4int numberOfEx = 0;
91     G4int numberOfCh = 0;
92     G4int numberOfHoles = 0;
93     G4double exEnergy = 0;
94     G4ThreeVector exciton3Momentum(0,0,0);
95     // loop over secondaries
96     for(unsigned int list=0; list < result->size(); list++)
97     {
98       G4KineticTrack *aTrack = result->operator[](list);
99       if(aTrack->GetDefinition() != G4Proton::Proton() && 
100          aTrack->GetDefinition() != G4Neutron::Neutron())
101       {
102         G4ReactionProduct * theNew = new G4ReactionProduct(aTrack->GetDefinition());
103         theNew->SetMomentum(aTrack->Get4Momentum().vect());
104         theNew->SetTotalEnergy(aTrack->Get4Momentum().e());
105         theTotalResult->push_back(theNew);           
106       }
107       else if(aTrack->Get4Momentum().t() - aTrack->Get4Momentum().mag()>CaptureThreshold)
108       {
109         G4ReactionProduct * theNew = new G4ReactionProduct(aTrack->GetDefinition());
110         theNew->SetMomentum(aTrack->Get4Momentum().vect());
111         theNew->SetTotalEnergy(aTrack->Get4Momentum().e());
112         theTotalResult->push_back(theNew);           
113       }
114       else if(aTrack->GetPosition().mag() > theNucleus->GetNuclearRadius())
115       {
116         G4ReactionProduct * theNew = new G4ReactionProduct(aTrack->GetDefinition());
117         theNew->SetMomentum(aTrack->Get4Momentum().vect());
118         theNew->SetTotalEnergy(aTrack->Get4Momentum().e());
119         theTotalResult->push_back(theNew);           
120       }
121       else
122       {
123         // within the nucleus, neutron or proton
124         // now calculate  A, Z of the fragment, momentum, number of exciton states
125         anA++;;
126         numberOfEx++;
127         aZ += G4int(aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge());
128         numberOfCh += G4int(aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge());
129         exciton3Momentum += aTrack->Get4Momentum().vect();
130         exEnergy += (aTrack->Get4Momentum().t()-aTrack->Get4Momentum().m());
131       }
132     }
134     // loop over wounded nucleus
135     G4Nucleon * theCurrentNucleon = theNucleus->StartLoop() ? theNucleus->GetNextNucleon() : NULL;
136     while(theCurrentNucleon != NULL)
137     {
138       if(theCurrentNucleon->AreYouHit()) 
139       {
140         numberOfHoles++;
141         numberOfEx++;
142         anA--;
143         aZ -= G4int(theCurrentNucleon->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge());
144         exciton3Momentum -= theCurrentNucleon->Get4Momentum().vect();
145         exEnergy+=theCurrentNucleon->GetBindingEnergy();
146       }
147       theCurrentNucleon = theNucleus->GetNextNucleon();
148     }   
150     if(!theDeExcitation)
151     {
152       // throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Please register an evaporation phase with G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface.");
153     }
154     else if(0!=anA && 0!=aZ)
155     {
156       G4double residualMass = 
157                G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIonTable()->GetIonMass(aZ ,anA);
158         residualMass += exEnergy;
160       G4LorentzVector exciton4Momentum(exciton3Momentum, 
161                                        std::sqrt(exciton3Momentum.mag2()+residualMass*residualMass));
163       anInitialState.SetA(anA);
164       anInitialState.SetZ(aZ);
165       anInitialState.SetNumberOfParticles(numberOfEx-numberOfHoles);
166       anInitialState.SetNumberOfCharged(numberOfCh);
167       anInitialState.SetNumberOfHoles(numberOfHoles);
168       anInitialState.SetMomentum(exciton4Momentum);
169//      anInitialState.SetExcitationEnergy(exEnergy); // now a redundant call.
171     // call pre-compound
172       const G4Fragment aFragment(anInitialState);
173       G4ReactionProductVector * aPreResult = theDeExcitation->DeExcite(aFragment);
175       // fill pre-compound part into the result, and return
176       for(unsigned int ll=0; ll<aPreResult->size(); ll++)
177       {
178         theTotalResult->push_back(aPreResult->operator[](ll));
179       }
180       delete aPreResult;
181     }
182     else
183     {
184       // throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Please register an evaporation phase with G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface.");
185     }
186     // now return
188     std::for_each(result->begin(), result->end(), DeleteKineticTrack());
189     delete result;
190     return theTotalResult;
191   }
193G4double G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface::SetCaptureThreshold(G4double value)
195    G4double old=CaptureThreshold;
196    CaptureThreshold=value;
197    return old;
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