source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/body/include/G4Quasmon.hh @ 1312

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27// $Id: G4Quasmon.hh,v 1.46 2009/11/16 18:15:01 mkossov Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
30//      ---------------- G4Quasmon ----------------
31//             by Mikhail Kossov, July 1999.
32//      class for a Quasmon used by the CHIPS Model
33// ------------------------------------------------------------
34// Short description: If partons from the G4QPartonPair are close in
35// rapidity, they create Quasmons, but if they are far in the rapidity
36// space, they can not interact directly. Say the bottom parton (quark)
37// has rapidity 0, and the top parton (antiquark) has rapidity 8, then
38// the top quark splits in two by radiating gluon, and each part has
39// rapidity 4, then the gluon splits in quark-antiquark pair (rapidity
40// 2 each), and then the quark gadiates anothe gluon and reachs rapidity
41// 1. Now it can interact with the bottom antiquark, creating a Quasmon
42// or a hadron. The intermediate partons is the string ladder.
43// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
45#ifndef G4Quasmon_h
46#define G4Quasmon_h 1
48// Standard G4-headers
49#include "G4ios.hh"
50#include "globals.hh"
51#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
52#include "G4LorentzVector.hh"
53#include "G4LorentzRotation.hh"
55#include "G4QCHIPSWorld.hh"
56#include "G4QChipolino.hh"
57#include "G4QHadronVector.hh"
58#include "G4QNucleus.hh"
60class G4Quasmon 
63  G4Quasmon(G4QContent qQCont    = G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,0),
64            G4LorentzVector q4M  = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.),
65            G4LorentzVector ph4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.));// Direct Constructor
66  G4Quasmon(const G4Quasmon& right);                             // Copy Quasmon by object
67  G4Quasmon(G4Quasmon* right);                                   // Copy Quasmon by pointer
69  ~G4Quasmon();                                                  // Public Destructor
71  // Overloaded Operators
72  const G4Quasmon& operator=(const G4Quasmon& right);
73  G4bool operator==(const G4Quasmon &right) const;
74  G4bool operator!=(const G4Quasmon &right) const;
76  // Static functions
77  static void SetParameters(G4double temper=180., G4double ssin2g=.3, G4double etaetap=.3);
78  static void SetTemper(G4double temperature);
79  static void SetSOverU(G4double ssin2g);
80  static void SetEtaSup(G4double etaetap);
81  static void OpenElectromagneticDecays();
82  static void CloseElectromagneticDecays();
84  //Selectors
85  G4double          GetTemper()       const;
86  G4double          GetSOverU()       const;
87  G4double          GetEtaSup()       const;
88  G4LorentzVector   Get4Momentum()    const;
89  G4QContent        GetQC()           const;
90  G4QPDGCode        GetQPDG()         const;
91  G4int             GetStatus()       const;
92  G4int             GetCharge()       const;
93  G4int             GetBaryonNumber() const;
94  G4int             GetStrangeness()  const;
96  //Modifiers
97  void Set4Momentum(G4LorentzVector Q4M) {q4Mom=Q4M;} // Set new value for the Quasmon 4mom
98  void SetQC(G4QContent QQC)             {valQ=QQC;}  // Set new Quark Cont for the Quasmon
99  void Boost(const G4LorentzVector& theBoost);        // Boosts hadron's 4Momentum using 4M
100  void Boost(const G4ThreeVector& B){q4Mom.boost(B);} // Boosts 4-Momentum using v/c
101  // Public wrapper for HadronizeQuasmon(,)
102  G4QHadronVector*  Fragment(G4QNucleus& nucEnviron, G4int nQ = 1);
103  G4QHadronVector*  DecayQuasmon();                   // Decay Quasmon if it's Res or Chipo
104  G4QHadronVector*  DecayQHadron(G4QHadron* hadron);  // Decay QHadron if it's Res or Chipo
105  void              ClearOutput();                    // Clear but not destroy the output
106  void              InitQuasmon(const G4QContent& qQCont, const G4LorentzVector& q4M);
107  void              IncreaseBy(const G4Quasmon* pQuasm); // as operator+= but by pointer
108  void              IncreaseBy(G4QContent& qQCont, const G4LorentzVector& q4M);
109  void              ClearQuasmon();                   // Clear Quasmon (status=0)
110  void              KillQuasmon();                    // Kill Quasmon (status=0)
111  G4int             CalculateNumberOfQPartons(G4double qMass);
114  G4QHadronVector   HadronizeQuasmon(G4QNucleus& qEnv, G4int nQ=1); // + new Neuclear Envir
115  G4double          GetRandomMass(G4int PDGCode, G4double maxM);
116  void              ModifyInMatterCandidates();
117  void              CalculateHadronizationProbabilities(G4double excE, G4double kQ,
118                                                        G4LorentzVector k4M, G4bool piF,
119                                                        G4bool gaF, G4bool first=false);
120  void              FillHadronVector(G4QHadron* qHadron);
121  G4int             RandomPoisson(G4double meanValue);
122  G4double          GetQPartonMomentum(G4double mMinResidual2, G4double mCandidate2);
123  G4bool            CheckGroundState(G4bool corFlag=false); // Forbid correction by default
124  void              KillEnvironment(); // Kill Environment (Z,N,S=0,LV=0)
126// Body
128  // Static Parameters
129  static G4double    Temperature;   // Quasmon Temperature
130  static G4double    SSin2Gluons;   // Percent of ssbar sea in a constituen gluon
131  static G4double    EtaEtaprime;   // Part of eta-prime in all etas
132  static G4bool      WeakDecays;    // Flag for opening WeakDecays (notUsed: allAreClosed)
133  static G4bool      ElMaDecays;    // Flag for opening ElectroMagDecays (true by default)
134  // Hadronic input
135  G4LorentzVector    q4Mom;         // 4-momentum of the Quasmon +++++
136  G4QContent         valQ;          // Quark Content of the Quasmon  +++++
137  G4QNucleus         theEnvironment;// Nuclear (or Vacuum) Environment around the Quasmon
138  // Output
139  G4int status; // -1-Panic,0-Done,1-FilledSomething,2-DidNothing,3-StopedByCB,4-JustBorn
140  G4QHadronVector    theQHadrons;   // Vector of generated secondary hadrons +++++
141  // Internal working objects (@@ it is possible to sacrifice some of them in future)
142  G4QCHIPSWorld*     theWorld;      // Pointer to the CHIPS World
143  G4LorentzVector    phot4M;        // Gamma 4-momentum for interaction with a quark-parton
144  G4int              nBarClust;     // Maximum barion number of clusters in the Environment
145  G4int              nOfQ;          // a#of quark-partons in theQuasmon (to accelerate)
146  G4QCandidateVector theQCandidates;// Vector of possible secondary hadrons/clusters(*del*)
147  G4double           f2all;         // Ratio of free nucleons to free+freeInDense nucleons
148  G4double           rEP;           // E+p for the Residual Coloured Quasmon im LS +++++
149  G4double           rMo;           // p for the Residual Coloured Quasmon im LS +++++
150  G4double           totMass;       // Mass of totalCompoundSys: curQuasmon+curEnvironment
151  G4int              bEn;           // BaryoNumber of the Limit Active Nuclear Environment
152  G4double           mbEn;          // Mass of the LimActNucEnv
153  G4LorentzVector    bEn4M;         // 4-momentum of the LimitActiveNuclearEnviron
154  G4QContent         bEnQC;         // QuarkContent of the LimitActiveNuclEnv
157inline G4bool G4Quasmon::operator==(const G4Quasmon &rhs) const {return this == &rhs;}
158inline G4bool G4Quasmon::operator!=(const G4Quasmon &rhs) const {return this != &rhs;}
159inline G4double        G4Quasmon::GetTemper()    const {return Temperature;}
160inline G4double        G4Quasmon::GetSOverU()    const {return SSin2Gluons;}
161inline G4double        G4Quasmon::GetEtaSup()    const {return EtaEtaprime;}
162inline G4LorentzVector G4Quasmon::Get4Momentum() const {return q4Mom;}
163inline G4QContent      G4Quasmon::GetQC()        const {return valQ;}
164inline G4int           G4Quasmon::GetCharge()       const{return valQ.GetCharge();}
165inline G4int           G4Quasmon::GetBaryonNumber() const{return valQ.GetBaryonNumber();}
166inline G4int           G4Quasmon::GetStrangeness()  const{return valQ.GetStrangeness();}
167inline G4QPDGCode      G4Quasmon::GetQPDG()      const {return G4QPDGCode(valQ);}
168inline G4int           G4Quasmon::GetStatus()    const {return status;}
169inline void            G4Quasmon::ClearOutput()       
170      {std::for_each(theQHadrons.begin(), theQHadrons.end(), DeleteQHadron());
171       theQHadrons.clear();
172      }
173inline void            G4Quasmon::KillEnvironment()
174                           {theEnvironment=G4QNucleus(0,0,0,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.));}
175inline G4double        G4Quasmon::GetRandomMass(G4int PDG, G4double maxM)
177  G4QParticle* part = theWorld->GetQParticle(PDG);
178  return G4QHadron(part, maxM).GetMass();
181inline void G4Quasmon::IncreaseBy(const G4Quasmon* pQuasm)
183  valQ  += pQuasm->GetQC();
184  q4Mom += pQuasm->Get4Momentum();
185  status= 3;
187inline void G4Quasmon::IncreaseBy(G4QContent& qQCont, const G4LorentzVector& q4M)
189  valQ  += qQCont;
190  q4Mom += q4M;
191  status= 3;
194inline void G4Quasmon::InitQuasmon(const G4QContent& qQCont, const G4LorentzVector& q4M)
196  valQ  = qQCont;
197  q4Mom = q4M;
198  status= 3;
201inline void G4Quasmon::ClearQuasmon()
203  static const G4QContent zeroQC(0,0,0,0,0,0);
204  static const G4LorentzVector nothing(0.,0.,0.,0.);
205  phot4M= nothing;
206  valQ  = zeroQC;
207  q4Mom = nothing;
208  status= 0;
209  std::for_each(theQCandidates.begin(), theQCandidates.end(), DeleteQCandidate());
210  theQCandidates.clear();
214inline void G4Quasmon::KillQuasmon()
216  ClearQuasmon();
217  ClearOutput();
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