source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/body/src/ @ 1071

Last change on this file since 1071 was 1055, checked in by garnier, 15 years ago

maj sur la beta de geant 4.9.3

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27// $Id:,v 1.4 2009/04/29 07:53:18 mkossov Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-beta-cand-01 $
30// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31//      GEANT4 class implementation file
33//      Created by Mikhail Kosov, October 2006
34//      Simple algorithm making a hadron out of two partons
35//      For comparison mirror member functions are taken from G4 class:
36//      G4HadronBuilder
37// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38// Short description: A CHIPS class for the builder of the G4QHadron, which is a
39// resulting object for the string fragmentation. the G4QHadron has specific
40// parameters, which are not included in the G4QParticle from the CHIPS World,
41// but necessary for the string fragmentation. When the G4QHadron is created
42// (builded), it is converted to the CHIPS particle.
43// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46//#define debug
48#include "G4QHadronBuilder.hh"
49#include "Randomize.hh"
50#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
54  mesonSpinMix = 0.5;                     // probability to create vector meson
55  baryonSpinMix= 0.5;                     // probability to create 3/2 baryon
56  scalarMesonMixings.resize(6);
57  scalarMesonMixings[0] = 0.5; 
58  scalarMesonMixings[1] = 0.25; 
59  scalarMesonMixings[2] = 0.5; 
60  scalarMesonMixings[3] = 0.25; 
61  scalarMesonMixings[4] = 1.0; 
62  scalarMesonMixings[5] = 0.5; 
63  vectorMesonMixings.resize(6);
64  vectorMesonMixings[0] = 0.5;
65  vectorMesonMixings[1] = 0.0;
66  vectorMesonMixings[2] = 0.5;
67  vectorMesonMixings[3] = 0.0;
68  vectorMesonMixings[4] = 1.0;
69  vectorMesonMixings[5] = 1.0; 
72G4QHadron* G4QHadronBuilder::Build(G4QParton* black, G4QParton* white)
74  if(black->GetParticleSubType()=="di_quark" || white->GetParticleSubType()=="di_quark")
75  {
76    // Baryon consists of quark and at least one di-quark
77    Spin spin = (G4UniformRand() < baryonSpinMix) ? SpinHalf : SpinThreeHalf;
78    return Baryon(black,white,spin);
79  }
80  else
81  { 
82    // Meson consists of quark and abnti-quark
83    Spin spin = (G4UniformRand() < mesonSpinMix) ? SpinZero : SpinOne;
84    return Meson(black,white,spin);
85  }
88G4QHadron* G4QHadronBuilder::BuildLowSpin(G4QParton* black, G4QParton* white)
90  if(black->GetParticleSubType() == "quark" && white->GetParticleSubType() == "quark")
91        return Meson(black,white, SpinZero);
92  // returns a SpinThreeHalf Baryon if all quarks are the same
93  else  return Baryon(black,white, SpinHalf);
96G4QHadron* G4QHadronBuilder::BuildHighSpin(G4QParton* black, G4QParton* white)
98  if(black->GetParticleSubType() == "quark" && white->GetParticleSubType() == "quark")
99       return Meson(black,white, SpinOne);
100  else return Baryon(black,white,SpinThreeHalf);
103G4QHadron* G4QHadronBuilder::Meson(G4QParton* black, G4QParton* white, Spin theSpin)
105#ifdef debug
106  //  Verify Input Charge
107  G4double charge =  black->GetPDGCharge() + white->GetPDGCharge(); 
108  if (std::abs(charge)>2 || std::abs(3*(charge-G4int(charge*1.001))) > perCent)
109    G4cerr<<"-Warning-G4QHadronBuilder::Meson: invalid TotalCharge="<<charge<<", PDG_q1=" 
110          <<black->GetPDGEncoding()<< ", PDG_q2="<<white->GetPDGEncoding()<<G4endl;
113  G4int id1= black->GetPDGCode();
114  G4int id2= white->GetPDGCode();
115  if (std::abs(id1) < std::abs(id2))     // exchange black and white
116  {
117    G4int xchg = id1; 
118    id1 = id2; 
119    id2 = xchg;
120  }
121  if(std::abs(id1)>3) 
122  {
123    G4cerr<<"***G4QHadronBuilder::Meson: q1="<<id1<<", q2="<<id2
124          <<" while CHIPS is only SU(3)"<<G4endl;
125    G4Exception("G4QHadronBuilder::Meson:","72",FatalException,"HeavyQuarkFound");
126  } 
127  G4int PDGEncoding=0;
128  if(!(id1+id2))                      // annihilation case (neutral)
129  {     
130    G4double rmix = G4UniformRand();
131    G4int    imix = 2*std::abs(id1) - 1;
132    if(theSpin == SpinZero)
133       PDGEncoding = 110*(1 + G4int(rmix + scalarMesonMixings[imix - 1])
134                            + G4int(rmix + scalarMesonMixings[imix]    ) ) +  theSpin;
135    else
136       PDGEncoding = 110*(1 + G4int(rmix + vectorMesonMixings[imix - 1])
137                            + G4int(rmix + vectorMesonMixings[imix]    ) ) +  theSpin;
138  }
139  else
140  {
141    PDGEncoding = 100 * std::abs(id1) + 10 * std::abs(id2) +  theSpin; 
142    G4bool IsUp = (std::abs(id1)&1) == 0; // quark 1 is up type quark (u or c?)
143    G4bool IsAnti = id1 < 0;              // quark 1 is an antiquark?
144    if( (IsUp && IsAnti) || (!IsUp && !IsAnti) )  PDGEncoding = - PDGEncoding;
145    // Correction for the true neutral mesons
146    if( PDGEncoding == -111 || PDGEncoding == -113 || PDGEncoding == -223 || 
147        PDGEncoding == -221 || PDGEncoding == -331 || PDGEncoding == -333 )
148                                                               PDGEncoding = - PDGEncoding;
149  }
150  G4QHadron* Meson= new G4QHadron(PDGEncoding);
151#ifdef debug
152  if(std::abs(black->GetPDGCharge() + white->GetPDGCharge() - Meson->GetCharge()) > .001)
153    G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QHadronBuilder::Meson:wrongCharge, q1="<<black->GetPDGCharge()<<"("
154          <<black->->GetParticleName()<<"), q2="<<white->GetPDGCharge()<<"("
155          <<white->->GetParticleName()<<"), qM="<<Meson->GetCharge()<<"/"<<PDGEncoding
156          <<G4endl;
158  return Meson;
161G4QHadron* G4QHadronBuilder::Baryon(G4QParton* black, G4QParton* white, Spin theSpin)
163#ifdef debug
164  //  Verify Input Charge
165  G4double charge =  black->GetPDGCharge() + white->GetPDGCharge(); 
166  if(std::abs(charge) > 2 || std::abs(3*(charge - G4int(charge*1.001))) > perCent )
167    G4cerr<<"-Warning-G4QHadronBuilder::Baryon: invalid TotalCharge="<<charge<<", PDG_q1=" 
168          <<black->GetPDGEncoding()<< ", PDG_q2="<<white->GetPDGEncoding()<<G4endl;
170  G4int id1= black->GetPDGCode();
171  G4int id2= white->GetPDGCode();
172  if(std::abs(id1) < std::abs(id2))
173  {
174    G4int xchg = id1; 
175    id1 = id2; 
176    id2 = xchg;
177  }
178  if(std::abs(id1)<1000 || std::abs(id2)> 3) 
179  {
180    G4cerr<<"***G4QHadronBuilder::Baryon: q1="<<id1<<", q2="<<id2
181          <<" can't create a Baryon"<<G4endl;
182    G4Exception("G4QHadronBuilder::Baryon:","72",FatalException,"WrongQdQSequence");
183  }
184  G4int ifl1= std::abs(id1)/1000;
185  G4int ifl2 = (std::abs(id1) - ifl1 * 1000)/100;
186  G4int diquarkSpin = std::abs(id1)%10; 
187  G4int ifl3 = id2;
188  if (id1 < 0) {ifl1 = - ifl1; ifl2 = - ifl2;}
189  //... Construct baryon, distinguish Lambda and Sigma baryons.
190  G4int kfla = std::abs(ifl1);
191  G4int kflb = std::abs(ifl2);
192  G4int kflc = std::abs(ifl3);
193  G4int kfld = std::max(kfla,kflb);
194        kfld = std::max(kfld,kflc);
195  G4int kflf = std::min(kfla,kflb);
196        kflf = std::min(kflf,kflc);
197  G4int kfle = kfla + kflb + kflc - kfld - kflf;
198  //... baryon with content uuu or ddd or sss has always spin = 3/2
199  if(kfla==kflb && kflb==kflc) theSpin=SpinThreeHalf;   
201  G4int kfll = 0;
202  if(theSpin == SpinHalf && kfld > kfle && kfle > kflf)
203  { 
204    // Spin J=1/2 and all three quarks different
205    // Two states exist: (uds -> lambda or sigma0)
206    //   -  lambda: s(ud)0 s : 3122; ie. reverse the two lighter quarks
207    //   -  sigma0: s(ud)1 s : 3212
208    if(diquarkSpin == 1 )
209    {
210       if ( kfla == kfld) kfll = 1; // heaviest quark in diquark
211       else kfll = G4int(0.25 + G4UniformRand());
212    }   
213    if(diquarkSpin==3 && kfla!=kfld) kfll = G4int(0.75+G4UniformRand());
214  }
215  G4int PDGEncoding=0;
216  if (kfll == 1) PDGEncoding = 1000 * kfld + 100 * kflf + 10 * kfle + theSpin;
217  else           PDGEncoding = 1000 * kfld + 100 * kfle + 10 * kflf + theSpin;
218  if (id1 < 0) PDGEncoding = -PDGEncoding;
219  G4QHadron* Baryon= new G4QHadron(PDGEncoding);
220#ifdef debug
221  if(std::abs(black->GetPDGCharge() + white->GetPDGCharge()- Baryon->GetCharge()) > .001)
222    G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QHadronBuilder::Baryon:wrongCharge,dq="<<black->GetPDGCharge()<<"("
223          <<black->->GetParticleName()<<"), q="<<white->GetPDGCharge()<<"("
224          <<white->->GetParticleName()<<"), qB="<<Baryon->GetCharge()<<"/"<<PDGEncoding
225          <<G4endl;
227  return Baryon;
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