source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/processes/src/ @ 1199

Last change on this file since 1199 was 1199, checked in by garnier, 15 years ago

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26// $Id:,v 1.2 2009/11/19 16:32:56 mkossov Exp $
27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
29//      ---------------- G4QInelastic class -----------------
30//                 by Mikhail Kossov, December 2003.
31// G4QInelastic class of the CHIPS Simulation Branch in GEANT4
32// ---------------------------------------------------------------
33// ****************************************************************************************
34// *********** This HEADER is a property of the CHIPS physics package (M. Kosov) **********
35// ******* DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGE YOURSELF! Send proposals to ******
36// ****************************************************************************************
37// Short description: This is a universal class for the incoherent (inelastic)
38// nuclear interactions in the CHIPS model.
39// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
40//#define debug
41//#define pdebug
42//#define pickupd
43//#define ldebug
44//#define ppdebug
45//#define qedebug
47#include "G4QInelastic.hh"
49// Initialization of static vectors
50std::vector<G4int> G4QInelastic::ElementZ;            // Z of the element(i) in theLastCalc
51std::vector<G4double> G4QInelastic::ElProbInMat;      // SumProbabilityElements in Material
52std::vector<std::vector<G4int>*> G4QInelastic::ElIsoN;// N of isotope(j) of Element(i)
53std::vector<std::vector<G4double>*>G4QInelastic::IsoProbInEl;//SumProbabIsotopes inElementI
55G4QInelastic::G4QInelastic(const G4String& processName): 
56 G4VDiscreteProcess(processName, fHadronic)
58#ifdef debug
59  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::Constructor is called"<<G4endl;
61  if (verboseLevel>0) G4cout << GetProcessName() << " process is created "<< G4endl;
62  //G4QCHIPSWorld::Get()->GetParticles(nPartCWorld); // Create CHIPSWorld (234 part.max)
63  G4QNucleus::SetParameters(freeNuc,freeDib,clustProb,mediRatio); // Clusterization param's
64  G4Quasmon::SetParameters(Temperature,SSin2Gluons,EtaEtaprime);  // Hadronic parameters
65  G4QEnvironment::SetParameters(SolidAngle); // SolAngle of pbar-A secondary mesons capture
66  //@@ Initialize here the G4QuasmonString parameters
69G4bool   G4QInelastic::manualFlag=false; // If false then standard parameters are used
70G4double G4QInelastic::Temperature=180.; // Critical Temperature (sensitive at High En)
71G4double G4QInelastic::SSin2Gluons=0.3;  // Supression of s-quarks (in respect to u&d)
72G4double G4QInelastic::EtaEtaprime=0.3;  // Supression of eta mesons (gg->qq/3g->qq)
73G4double G4QInelastic::freeNuc=0.5;      // Percentage of free nucleons on the surface
74G4double G4QInelastic::freeDib=0.05;     // Percentage of free diBaryons on the surface
75G4double G4QInelastic::clustProb=5.;     // Nuclear clusterization parameter
76G4double G4QInelastic::mediRatio=10.;    // medium/vacuum hadronization ratio
77G4int    G4QInelastic::nPartCWorld=152;  // The#of particles initialized in CHIPS World
78G4double G4QInelastic::SolidAngle=0.5;   // Part of Solid Angle to capture (@@A-dep.)
79G4bool   G4QInelastic::EnergyFlux=false; // Flag for Energy Flux use (not MultyQuasmon)
80G4double G4QInelastic::PiPrThresh=141.4; // Pion Production Threshold for gammas
81G4double G4QInelastic::M2ShiftVir=20000.;// Shift for M2=-Q2=m_pi^2 of the virtualGamma
82G4double G4QInelastic::DiNuclMass=1880.; // DoubleNucleon Mass for VirtualNormalization
83G4double G4QInelastic::photNucBias=1.;   // BiasingParameter for photo(e,mu,tau)Nuclear
84G4double G4QInelastic::weakNucBias=1.;   // BiasingParameter for ChargedCurrents(nu,mu)
86void G4QInelastic::SetManual()   {manualFlag=true;}
87void G4QInelastic::SetStandard() {manualFlag=false;}
89// Fill the private parameters
90void G4QInelastic::SetParameters(G4double temper, G4double ssin2g, G4double etaetap,
91                                     G4double fN, G4double fD, G4double cP, G4double mR,
92                                     G4int nParCW, G4double solAn, G4bool efFlag,
93                                     G4double piThresh, G4double mpisq, G4double dinum)
94{//  =============================================================================
95  Temperature=temper;
96  SSin2Gluons=ssin2g;
97  EtaEtaprime=etaetap;
98  freeNuc=fN;
99  freeDib=fD;
100  clustProb=cP;
101  mediRatio=mR;
102  nPartCWorld = nParCW;
103  EnergyFlux=efFlag;
104  SolidAngle=solAn;
105  PiPrThresh=piThresh;
106  M2ShiftVir=mpisq;
107  DiNuclMass=dinum;
108  G4QCHIPSWorld::Get()->GetParticles(nPartCWorld); // Create CHIPS World with 234 particles
109  G4QNucleus::SetParameters(freeNuc,freeDib,clustProb,mediRatio); // Clusterization param's
110  G4Quasmon::SetParameters(Temperature,SSin2Gluons,EtaEtaprime);  // Hadronic parameters
111  G4QEnvironment::SetParameters(SolidAngle); // SolAngle of pbar-A secondary mesons capture
114void G4QInelastic::SetPhotNucBias(G4double phnB) {photNucBias=phnB;}
115void G4QInelastic::SetWeakNucBias(G4double ccnB) {weakNucBias=ccnB;}
117// Destructor
121  ElementZ.clear();
122  ElProbInMat.clear();
123  for(unsigned i=0; i < ElIsoN.size(); ++i)
124  {
125    std::vector<G4int>* curEIN=ElIsoN[i];
126    curEIN->clear();
127    delete curEIN;
128  }
129  for(unsigned i=0; i < IsoProbInEl.size(); ++i)
130  {
131    std::vector<G4double>* curEIN=IsoProbInEl[i];
132    curEIN->clear();
133    delete curEIN;
134  }
138G4LorentzVector G4QInelastic::GetEnegryMomentumConservation()
140  return EnMomConservation;
143G4int G4QInelastic::GetNumberOfNeutronsInTarget()
145  return nOfNeutrons;
148// output of the function must be in units of length! L=1/sig_V,sig_V=SUM(n(j,i)*sig(j,i)),
149// where n(i,j) is a number of nuclei of the isotop j of the element i in V=1(lengtUnit^3)
150// ********** All CHIPS cross sections are calculated in the surface units ************
151G4double G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track& aTrack,G4double,G4ForceCondition* Fc)
153#ifdef debug
154  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath: Called Fc="<<*Fc<<G4endl;
156  *Fc = NotForced;
157#ifdef debug
158  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath: Before GetDynPart"<<G4endl;
160  const G4DynamicParticle* incidentParticle = aTrack.GetDynamicParticle();
161#ifdef debug
162  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath: Before GetDef"<<G4endl;
164  G4ParticleDefinition* incidentParticleDefinition=incidentParticle->GetDefinition();
165  if( !IsApplicable(*incidentParticleDefinition))
166    G4cout<<"-W-G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath called for not implemented particle"<<G4endl;
167  // Calculate the mean Cross Section for the set of Elements(*Isotopes) in the Material
168  G4double Momentum = incidentParticle->GetTotalMomentum(); // 3-momentum of the Particle
169#ifdef debug
170  G4cout<<"G4QCollis::GetMeanFreePath: BeforeGetMaterial"<<G4endl;
172  const G4Material* material = aTrack.GetMaterial();        // Get the current material
173  const G4double* NOfNucPerVolume = material->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
174  const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = material->GetElementVector();
175  G4int nE=material->GetNumberOfElements();
176#ifdef debug
177  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath:"<<nE<<" Elem's in theMaterial"<<G4endl;
179  G4bool leptoNuc=false;       // By default the reaction is not lepto-nuclear
180  G4VQCrossSection* CSmanager=0;
181  G4VQCrossSection* CSmanager2=0;
182  G4int pPDG=0;
183  G4int pZ = incidentParticleDefinition->GetAtomicNumber();
184  G4int pA = incidentParticleDefinition->GetAtomicMass();
185  if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4Neutron::Neutron()) // @@ make a switch
186  {
187    CSmanager=G4QNeutronNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
188#ifdef debug
189    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath: CSmanager is defined for the neutron"<<G4endl;
191    pPDG=2112;
192  }
193  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4Proton::Proton())
194  {
195    CSmanager=G4QProtonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
196    pPDG=2212;
197  }
198  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4PionMinus::PionMinus())
199  {
200    CSmanager=G4QPionMinusNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
201    pPDG=-211;
202  }
203  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4PionPlus::PionPlus())
204  {
205    CSmanager=G4QPionPlusNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
206    pPDG=211;
207  }
208  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4KaonMinus::KaonMinus())
209  {
210    CSmanager=G4QKaonMinusNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
211    pPDG=-321;
212  }
213  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4KaonPlus::KaonPlus())
214  {
215    CSmanager=G4QKaonPlusNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
216    pPDG=321;
217  }
218  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4KaonZeroLong::KaonZeroLong()   ||
219          incidentParticleDefinition == G4KaonZeroShort::KaonZeroShort() ||
220          incidentParticleDefinition == G4KaonZero::KaonZero()           ||
221          incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiKaonZero::AntiKaonZero()   )
222  {
223    CSmanager=G4QKaonZeroNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
224    if(G4UniformRand() > 0.5) pPDG= 311;
225    else                      pPDG=-311;
226  }
227  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4Lambda::Lambda())
228  {
229    CSmanager=G4QHyperonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
230    pPDG=3122;
231  }
232  else if(pZ > 0 && pA > 1) // Ions (not implemented yet (should not be used)
233  {
234    G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath: G4QInelastic called for ions"<<G4endl;
235    CSmanager=G4QProtonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
236    pPDG=90000000+999*pZ+pA;
237  }
238  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4SigmaPlus::SigmaPlus())
239  {
240    CSmanager=G4QHyperonPlusNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
241    pPDG=3222;
242  }
243  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4SigmaMinus::SigmaMinus())
244  {
245    CSmanager=G4QHyperonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
246    pPDG=3112;
247  }
248  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4SigmaZero::SigmaZero())
249  {
250    CSmanager=G4QHyperonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
251    pPDG=3212;
252  }
253  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4XiMinus::XiMinus())
254  {
255    CSmanager=G4QHyperonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
256    pPDG=3312;
257  }
258  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4XiZero::XiZero())
259  {
260    CSmanager=G4QHyperonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
261    pPDG=3322;
262  }
263  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4OmegaMinus::OmegaMinus())
264  {
265    CSmanager=G4QHyperonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
266    pPDG=3334;
267  }
268  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4MuonPlus::MuonPlus() ||
269          incidentParticleDefinition == G4MuonMinus::MuonMinus())
270  {
271    CSmanager=G4QMuonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
272    leptoNuc=true;
273    pPDG=13;
274  }
275  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiNeutron::AntiNeutron())
276  {
277    CSmanager=G4QAntiBaryonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
278    pPDG=-2112;
279  }
280  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiProton::AntiProton())
281  {
282    CSmanager=G4QAntiBaryonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
283    pPDG=-2212;
284  }
285  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiLambda::AntiLambda())
286  {
287    CSmanager=G4QAntiBaryonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
288    pPDG=-3122;
289  }
290  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiSigmaPlus::AntiSigmaPlus())
291  {
292    CSmanager=G4QAntiBaryonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
293    pPDG=-3222;
294  }
295  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiSigmaMinus::AntiSigmaMinus())
296  {
297    CSmanager=G4QAntiBaryonPlusNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
298    pPDG=-3112;
299  }
300  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiSigmaZero::AntiSigmaZero())
301  {
302    CSmanager=G4QAntiBaryonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
303    pPDG=-3212;
304  }
305  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiXiMinus::AntiXiMinus())
306  {
307    CSmanager=G4QAntiBaryonPlusNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
308    pPDG=-3312;
309  }
310  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiXiZero::AntiXiZero())
311  {
312    CSmanager=G4QAntiBaryonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
313    pPDG=-3322;
314  }
315  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiOmegaMinus::AntiOmegaMinus())
316  {
317    CSmanager=G4QAntiBaryonPlusNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
318    pPDG=-3334;
319  }
320  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4Gamma::Gamma())
321  {
322    CSmanager=G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
323    pPDG=22;
324  }
325  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4Electron::Electron() ||
326          incidentParticleDefinition == G4Positron::Positron())
327  {
328    CSmanager=G4QElectronNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
329    leptoNuc=true;
330    pPDG=11;
331  }
332  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4TauPlus::TauPlus() ||
333          incidentParticleDefinition == G4TauMinus::TauMinus())
334  {
335    CSmanager=G4QTauNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
336    leptoNuc=true;
337    pPDG=15;
338  }
339  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4NeutrinoMu::NeutrinoMu() )
340  {
341    CSmanager=G4QNuMuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
342    CSmanager2=G4QNuNuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
343    leptoNuc=true;
344    pPDG=14;
345  }
346  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiNeutrinoMu::AntiNeutrinoMu() )
347  {
348    CSmanager=G4QANuMuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
349    CSmanager2=G4QANuANuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
350    leptoNuc=true;
351    pPDG=-14;
352  }
353  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4NeutrinoE::NeutrinoE() )
354  {
355    CSmanager=G4QNuENuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
356    CSmanager2=G4QNuNuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
357    leptoNuc=true;
358    pPDG=12;
359  }
360  else if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4AntiNeutrinoE::AntiNeutrinoE() )
361  {
362    CSmanager=G4QANuENuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
363    CSmanager2=G4QANuANuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
364    leptoNuc=true;
365    pPDG=-12;
366  }
367  else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath:Particle "
368             <<incidentParticleDefinition->GetPDGEncoding()
369             <<" isn't supported by CHIPS"<<G4endl;
371  G4QIsotope* Isotopes = G4QIsotope::Get(); // Pointer to the G4QIsotopes singleton
372  G4double sigma=0.;                        // Sums over elements for the material
373  G4int IPIE=IsoProbInEl.size();            // How many old elements?
374  if(IPIE) for(G4int ip=0; ip<IPIE; ++ip)   // Clean up the SumProb's of Isotopes (SPI)
375  {
376    std::vector<G4double>* SPI=IsoProbInEl[ip]; // Pointer to the SPI vector
377    SPI->clear();
378    delete SPI;
379    std::vector<G4int>* IsN=ElIsoN[ip];     // Pointer to the N vector
380    IsN->clear();
381    delete IsN;
382  }
383  ElProbInMat.clear();                      // Clean up the SumProb's of Elements (SPE)
384  ElementZ.clear();                         // Clear the body vector for Z of Elements
385  IsoProbInEl.clear();                      // Clear the body vector for SPI
386  ElIsoN.clear();                           // Clear the body vector for N of Isotopes
387  for(G4int i=0; i<nE; ++i)
388  {
389    G4Element* pElement=(*theElementVector)[i]; // Pointer to the current element
390    G4int Z = static_cast<G4int>(pElement->GetZ()); // Z of the Element
391    ElementZ.push_back(Z);                  // Remember Z of the Element
392    G4int isoSize=0;                        // The default for the isoVectorLength is 0
393    G4int indEl=0;                          // Index of non-trivial element or 0(default)
394    G4IsotopeVector* isoVector=pElement->GetIsotopeVector(); // Get the predefined IsoVect
395    if(isoVector) isoSize=isoVector->size();// Get size of the existing isotopeVector
396#ifdef debug
397    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath: isovectorLength="<<isoSize<<G4endl; // Result
399    if(isoSize)                             // The Element has non-trivial abundance set
400    {
401      indEl=pElement->GetIndex()+1;         // Index of the non-trivial element
402      if(!Isotopes->IsDefined(Z,indEl))     // This index is not defined for this Z: define
403      {
404        std::vector<std::pair<G4int,G4double>*>* newAbund =
405                                               new std::vector<std::pair<G4int,G4double>*>;
406        G4double* abuVector=pElement->GetRelativeAbundanceVector();
407        for(G4int j=0; j<isoSize; j++)      // Calculation of abundance vector for isotopes
408        {
409          G4int N=pElement->GetIsotope(j)->GetN()-Z; // N means A=N+Z !
410          if(pElement->GetIsotope(j)->GetZ()!=Z)G4cerr<<"G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath"
411                                 <<": Z="<<pElement->GetIsotope(j)->GetZ()<<"#"<<Z<<G4endl;
412          G4double abund=abuVector[j];
413          std::pair<G4int,G4double>* pr= new std::pair<G4int,G4double>(N,abund);
414#ifdef debug
415          G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath: p#="<<j<<",N="<<N<<",ab="<<abund<<G4endl;
417          newAbund->push_back(pr);
418        }
419#ifdef debug
420        G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath: pairVectLength="<<newAbund->size()<<G4endl;
422        indEl=G4QIsotope::Get()->InitElement(Z,indEl,newAbund); // definition of the newInd
423        for(G4int k=0; k<isoSize; k++) delete (*newAbund)[k];   // Cleaning temporary
424        delete newAbund; // Was "new" in the beginning of the name space
425      }
426    }
427    std::vector<std::pair<G4int,G4double>*>* cs= Isotopes->GetCSVector(Z,indEl);//CSPointer
428    std::vector<G4double>* SPI = new std::vector<G4double>; // Pointer to the SPI vector
429    IsoProbInEl.push_back(SPI);
430    std::vector<G4int>* IsN = new std::vector<G4int>; // Pointer to the N vector
431    ElIsoN.push_back(IsN);
432    G4int nIs=cs->size();                   // A#Of Isotopes in the Element
433    G4double susi=0.;                       // sum of CS over isotopes
434#ifdef debug
435    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::GetMeanFreePath: Before Loop nIs="<<nIs<<G4endl;
437    if(nIs) for(G4int j=0; j<nIs; j++)      // Calculate CS for eachIsotope of El
438    {
439      std::pair<G4int,G4double>* curIs=(*cs)[j]; // A pointer, which is used twice
440      G4int N=curIs->first;                 // #of Neuterons in the isotope j of El i
441      IsN->push_back(N);                    // Remember Min N for the Element
442#ifdef debug
443      G4cout<<"G4QCollis::GetMeanFrP: Before CS, P="<<Momentum<<",Z="<<Z<<",N="<<N<<G4endl;
445      if(!pPDG) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QCollis::GetMeanFrP: (1) projectile PDG=0"<<G4endl;
446      G4double CSI=CSmanager->GetCrossSection(true,Momentum,Z,N,pPDG);//CS(j,i) for isotope
447      if(CSmanager2)CSI+=CSmanager2->GetCrossSection(true,Momentum,Z,N,pPDG);//CS(j,i)nu,nu
448#ifdef debug
449      G4cout<<"GQC::GMF:X="<<CSI<<",M="<<Momentum<<",Z="<<Z<<",N="<<N<<",P="<<pPDG<<G4endl;
451      curIs->second = CSI;
452      susi+=CSI;                            // Make a sum per isotopes
453      SPI->push_back(susi);                 // Remember summed cross-section
454    } // End of temporary initialization of the cross sections in the G4QIsotope singeltone
455    sigma+=Isotopes->GetMeanCrossSection(Z,indEl)*NOfNucPerVolume[i];//SUM(MeanCS*NOfNperV)
456    ElProbInMat.push_back(sigma);
457  } // End of LOOP over Elements
458#ifdef debug
459  G4cout<<"G4QCol::GetMeanFrPa: S="<<sigma<<",e="<<photNucBias<<",w="<<weakNucBias<<G4endl;
461  // Check that cross section is not zero and return the mean free path
462  if(photNucBias!=1.) if(incidentParticleDefinition == G4Gamma::Gamma()         ||
463                         incidentParticleDefinition == G4MuonPlus::MuonPlus()   ||
464                         incidentParticleDefinition == G4MuonMinus::MuonMinus() ||
465                         incidentParticleDefinition == G4Electron::Electron()   ||
466                         incidentParticleDefinition == G4Positron::Positron()   || 
467                         incidentParticleDefinition == G4TauMinus::TauMinus()   ||
468                         incidentParticleDefinition == G4TauPlus::TauPlus()       )
469                                                                        sigma*=photNucBias;
470  if(weakNucBias!=1.) if(incidentParticleDefinition==G4NeutrinoE::NeutrinoE()            ||
471                         incidentParticleDefinition==G4AntiNeutrinoE::AntiNeutrinoE()    ||
472                         incidentParticleDefinition==G4NeutrinoTau::NeutrinoTau()        ||
473                         incidentParticleDefinition==G4AntiNeutrinoTau::AntiNeutrinoTau()||
474                         incidentParticleDefinition==G4NeutrinoMu::NeutrinoMu()          ||
475                         incidentParticleDefinition==G4AntiNeutrinoMu::AntiNeutrinoMu()   )
476                                                                        sigma*=weakNucBias;
477  if(sigma > 0.) return 1./sigma;                 // Mean path [distance]
478  return DBL_MAX;
482G4bool G4QInelastic::IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition& particle) 
484  G4int Z=particle.GetAtomicNumber();
485  G4int A=particle.GetAtomicMass();
486  if      (particle == *(       G4Neutron::Neutron()       )) return true; 
487  else if (particle == *(        G4Proton::Proton()        )) return true;
488  else if (particle == *(      G4MuonPlus::MuonPlus()      )) return true;
489  else if (particle == *(     G4MuonMinus::MuonMinus()     )) return true;
490  else if (particle == *(         G4Gamma::Gamma()         )) return true;
491  else if (particle == *(      G4Electron::Electron()      )) return true;
492  else if (particle == *(      G4Positron::Positron()      )) return true;
493  else if (particle == *(     G4PionMinus::PionMinus()     )) return true;
494  else if (particle == *(      G4PionPlus::PionPlus()      )) return true;
495  else if (particle == *(      G4KaonPlus::KaonPlus()      )) return true;
496  else if (particle == *(     G4KaonMinus::KaonMinus()     )) return true;
497  else if (particle == *(  G4KaonZeroLong::KaonZeroLong()  )) return true;
498  else if (particle == *( G4KaonZeroShort::KaonZeroShort() )) return true;
499  else if (particle == *(        G4Lambda::Lambda()        )) return true;
500  else if (particle == *(     G4SigmaPlus::SigmaPlus()     )) return true;
501  else if (particle == *(    G4SigmaMinus::SigmaMinus()    )) return true;
502  else if (particle == *(     G4SigmaZero::SigmaZero()     )) return true;
503  else if (particle == *(       G4XiMinus::XiMinus()       )) return true;
504  else if (particle == *(        G4XiZero::XiZero()        )) return true;
505  else if (particle == *(    G4OmegaMinus::OmegaMinus()    )) return true;
506  else if (particle == *(G4GenericIon::GenericIon()) || (Z > 0 && A > 1)) return true;
507  else if (particle == *(   G4AntiNeutron::AntiNeutron()   )) return true;
508  else if (particle == *(    G4AntiProton::AntiProton()    )) return true;
509  else if (particle == *(    G4AntiLambda::AntiLambda()    )) return true;
510  else if (particle == *( G4AntiSigmaPlus::AntiSigmaPlus() )) return true;
511  else if (particle == *(G4AntiSigmaMinus::AntiSigmaMinus())) return true;
512  else if (particle == *( G4AntiSigmaZero::AntiSigmaZero() )) return true;
513  else if (particle == *(   G4AntiXiMinus::AntiXiMinus()   )) return true;
514  else if (particle == *(    G4AntiXiZero::AntiXiZero()    )) return true;
515  else if (particle == *(G4AntiOmegaMinus::AntiOmegaMinus())) return true;
516  else if (particle == *(       G4TauPlus::TauPlus()       )) return true;
517  else if (particle == *(      G4TauMinus::TauMinus()      )) return true;
518  else if (particle == *( G4AntiNeutrinoE::AntiNeutrinoE() )) return true;
519  else if (particle == *(     G4NeutrinoE::NeutrinoE()     )) return true;
520  else if (particle == *(G4AntiNeutrinoMu::AntiNeutrinoMu())) return true;
521  else if (particle == *(    G4NeutrinoMu::NeutrinoMu()    )) return true;
522  //else if (particle == *(G4AntiNeutrinoTau::AntiNeutrinoTau())) return true;
523  //else if (particle == *(    G4NeutrinoTau::NeutrinoTau()    )) return true;
524#ifdef debug
525  G4cout<<"***G4QInelastic::IsApplicable: PDG="<<particle.GetPDGEncoding()<<G4endl;
527  return false;
530G4VParticleChange* G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& track, const G4Step& step)
532  static const G4double third = 1./3.;
533  static const G4double me=G4Electron::Electron()->GetPDGMass();   // electron mass
534  static const G4double me2=me*me;                                 // squared electron mass
535  static const G4double mu=G4MuonMinus::MuonMinus()->GetPDGMass(); // muon mass
536  static const G4double mu2=mu*mu;                                 // squared muon mass
537  static const G4double mt=G4TauMinus::TauMinus()->GetPDGMass();   // tau mass
538  static const G4double mt2=mt*mt;                                 // squared tau mass
539  //static const G4double dpi=M_PI+M_PI;   // 2*pi (for Phi distr.) ***changed to twopi***
540  static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
541  static const G4double mNeut2= mNeut*mNeut;
542  static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
543  static const G4double mProt2= mProt*mProt;
544  static const G4double dM=mProt+mNeut;                            // doubled nucleon mass
545  static const G4double hdM=dM/2.;                                 // M of the "nucleon"
546  static const G4double hdM2=hdM*hdM;                              // M2 of the "nucleon"
547  static const G4double mPi0 = G4QPDGCode(111).GetMass();
548  static const G4double mPi0s= mPi0*mPi0;
549  static const G4double mDeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,1,0);// Mass of deuteron
550  //static const G4double mDeut2=mDeut*mDeut;                      // SquaredMassOfDeuteron
551  static const G4double mTrit= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,2,0);// Mass of tritium
552  static const G4double mHel3= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,1,0);// Mass of Helium3
553  static const G4double mAlph= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,2,0);// Mass of alpha
554  static const G4double mPi  = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
555  static const G4double tmPi = mPi+mPi;     // Doubled mass of the charged pion
556  static const G4double stmPi= tmPi*tmPi;   // Squared Doubled mass of the charged pion
557  static const G4double mPPi = mPi+mProt;   // Delta threshold
558  static const G4double mPPi2= mPPi*mPPi; // Delta low threshold for W2
559  //static const G4double mDel2= 1400*1400; // Delta up threshold for W2 (in MeV^2)
560  // Static definitions for electrons (nu,e) -----------------------------------------
561  static const G4double meN = mNeut+me;
562  static const G4double meN2= meN*meN;
563  static const G4double fmeN= 4*mNeut2*me2;
564  static const G4double mesN= mNeut2+me2;
565  static const G4double meP = mProt+me;
566  static const G4double meP2= meP*meP;
567  static const G4double fmeP= 4*mProt2*me2;
568  static const G4double mesP= mProt2+me2;
569  static const G4double medM= me2/dM;       // for x limit
570  static const G4double meD = mPPi+me;      // Multiperipheral threshold
571  static const G4double meD2= meD*meD;
572  // Static definitions for muons (nu,mu) -----------------------------------------
573  static const G4double muN = mNeut+mu;
574  static const G4double muN2= muN*muN;
575  static const G4double fmuN= 4*mNeut2*mu2;
576  static const G4double musN= mNeut2+mu2;
577  static const G4double muP = mProt+mu;
578  static const G4double muP2= muP*muP;      // +
579  static const G4double fmuP= 4*mProt2*mu2; // +
580  static const G4double musP= mProt2+mu2;
581  static const G4double mudM= mu2/dM;       // for x limit
582  static const G4double muD = mPPi+mu;      // Multiperipheral threshold
583  static const G4double muD2= muD*muD;
584  // Static definitions for muons (nu,nu) -----------------------------------------
585  //static const G4double nuN = mNeut;
586  //static const G4double nuN2= mNeut2;
587  //static const G4double fnuN= 0.;
588  //static const G4double nusN= mNeut2;
589  //static const G4double nuP = mProt;
590  //static const G4double nuP2= mProt2;
591  //static const G4double fnuP= 0.;
592  //static const G4double nusP= mProt2;
593  //static const G4double nudM= 0.;           // for x limit
594  //static const G4double nuD = mPPi;         // Multiperipheral threshold
595  //static const G4double nuD2= mPPi2;
596  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
597  static G4bool CWinit = true;              // CHIPS Warld needs to be initted
598  if(CWinit)
599  {
600    CWinit=false;
601    G4QCHIPSWorld::Get()->GetParticles(nPartCWorld); // Create CHIPS World (234 part.max)
602  }
603  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
604  const G4DynamicParticle* projHadron = track.GetDynamicParticle();
605  const G4ParticleDefinition* particle=projHadron->GetDefinition();
606#ifdef debug
607  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: Before the GetMeanFreePath is called"<<G4endl;
609  G4ForceCondition cond=NotForced;
610  GetMeanFreePath(track, 1., &cond);
611#ifdef debug
612  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: After the GetMeanFreePath is called"<<G4endl;
614  G4bool scat=false;                                  // No CHEX in proj scattering
615  G4int  scatPDG=0;                                   // Must be filled if true (CHEX)
616  G4LorentzVector proj4M=projHadron->Get4Momentum();  // 4-momentum of the projectile (IU?)
617  G4LorentzVector scat4M=proj4M;                      // Must be filled if true
618  G4double momentum = projHadron->GetTotalMomentum(); // 3-momentum of the Particle
619  G4double Momentum=proj4M.rho();
620  if(std::fabs(Momentum-momentum)>.001)
621    G4cerr<<"*G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: P="<<Momentum<<"#"<<momentum<<G4endl;
622#ifdef debug
623  G4double mp=proj4M.m();
624  G4cout<<"-->G4QCollis::PostStDoIt:*called*, 4M="<<proj4M<<", P="<<Momentum<<"="<<momentum
625        <<",m="<<mp<<G4endl;
627  if (!IsApplicable(*particle))  // Check applicability
628  {
629    G4cerr<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:Only gam,e+,e-,mu+,mu-,t+,t-,p are implemented."
630          <<G4endl;
631    return 0;
632  }
633  const G4Material* material = track.GetMaterial();      // Get the current material
634  G4int Z=0;
635  const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = material->GetElementVector();
636  G4int nE=material->GetNumberOfElements();
637#ifdef debug
638  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: "<<nE<<" elements in the material."<<G4endl;
640  G4int projPDG=0;                           // PDG Code prototype for the captured hadron
641  G4int pZ=particle->GetAtomicNumber();
642  G4int pA=particle->GetAtomicMass();
643  if      (particle ==         G4Neutron::Neutron()        ) projPDG= 2112;
644  else if (particle ==          G4Proton::Proton()         ) projPDG= 2212;
645  else if (particle ==       G4PionMinus::PionMinus()      ) projPDG= -211;
646  else if (particle ==        G4PionPlus::PionPlus()       ) projPDG=  211;
647  else if (particle ==        G4KaonPlus::KaonPlus()       ) projPDG=  321;
648  else if (particle ==       G4KaonMinus::KaonMinus()      ) projPDG= -321;
649  else if (particle ==    G4KaonZeroLong::KaonZeroLong()  ||
650           particle ==   G4KaonZeroShort::KaonZeroShort() ||
651           particle ==        G4KaonZero::KaonZero()      ||
652           particle ==    G4AntiKaonZero::AntiKaonZero()   )
653  {
654    if(G4UniformRand() > 0.5)                                projPDG=  311;
655    else                                                     projPDG= -311;
656  }
657  else if (                      pZ > 0 && pA > 1          ) projPDG = 90000000+999*pZ+pA;
658  else if (particle ==          G4Lambda::Lambda()         ) projPDG= 3122;
659  else if (particle ==       G4SigmaPlus::SigmaPlus()      ) projPDG= 3222;
660  else if (particle ==      G4SigmaMinus::SigmaMinus()     ) projPDG= 3112;
661  else if (particle ==       G4SigmaZero::SigmaZero()      ) projPDG= 3212;
662  else if (particle ==         G4XiMinus::XiMinus()        ) projPDG= 3312;
663  else if (particle ==          G4XiZero::XiZero()         ) projPDG= 3322;
664  else if (particle ==      G4OmegaMinus::OmegaMinus()     ) projPDG= 3334;
665  else if (particle ==     G4AntiNeutron::AntiNeutron()    ) projPDG=-2112;
666  else if (particle ==      G4AntiProton::AntiProton()     ) projPDG=-2212;
667  else if (particle ==        G4MuonPlus::MuonPlus()       ) projPDG=  -13;
668  else if (particle ==       G4MuonMinus::MuonMinus()      ) projPDG=   13;
669  else if (particle ==           G4Gamma::Gamma()          ) projPDG=   22;
670  else if (particle ==        G4Electron::Electron()       ) projPDG=   11;
671  else if (particle ==        G4Positron::Positron()       ) projPDG=  -11;
672  else if (particle ==      G4NeutrinoMu::NeutrinoMu()     ) projPDG=   14;
673  else if (particle ==  G4AntiNeutrinoMu::AntiNeutrinoMu() ) projPDG=  -14;
674  else if (particle ==      G4AntiLambda::AntiLambda()     ) projPDG=-3122;
675  else if (particle ==   G4AntiSigmaPlus::AntiSigmaPlus()  ) projPDG=-3222;
676  else if (particle ==  G4AntiSigmaMinus::AntiSigmaMinus() ) projPDG=-3112;
677  else if (particle ==   G4AntiSigmaZero::AntiSigmaZero()  ) projPDG=-3212;
678  else if (particle ==     G4AntiXiMinus::AntiXiMinus()    ) projPDG=-3312;
679  else if (particle ==      G4AntiXiZero::AntiXiZero()     ) projPDG=-3322;
680  else if (particle ==  G4AntiOmegaMinus::AntiOmegaMinus() ) projPDG=-3334;
681  else if (particle ==       G4NeutrinoE::NeutrinoE()      ) projPDG=   12;
682  else if (particle ==   G4AntiNeutrinoE::AntiNeutrinoE()  ) projPDG=  -12;
683  else if (particle ==         G4TauPlus::TauPlus()        ) projPDG=  -15;
684  else if (particle ==        G4TauMinus::TauMinus()       ) projPDG=   15;
685  else if (particle ==     G4NeutrinoTau::NeutrinoTau()    ) projPDG=   16;
686  else if (particle == G4AntiNeutrinoTau::AntiNeutrinoTau()) projPDG=  -16;
687  G4int aProjPDG=std::abs(projPDG);
688#ifdef debug
689  G4int prPDG=particle->GetPDGEncoding();
690  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: projPDG="<<projPDG<<", stPDG="<<prPDG<<G4endl;
692  if(!projPDG)
693  {
694    G4cerr<<"---Warning---G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:Undefined interacting hadron"<<G4endl;
695    return 0;
696  }
697  G4int EPIM=ElProbInMat.size();
698#ifdef debug
699  G4cout<<"G4QCollis::PostStDoIt: m="<<EPIM<<",n="<<nE<<",T="<<ElProbInMat[EPIM-1]<<G4endl;
701  G4int i=0;
702  if(EPIM>1)
703  {
704    G4double rnd = ElProbInMat[EPIM-1]*G4UniformRand();
705    for(i=0; i<nE; ++i)
706    {
707#ifdef debug
708      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:E["<<i<<"]="<<ElProbInMat[i]<<",r="<<rnd<<G4endl;
710      if (rnd<ElProbInMat[i]) break;
711    }
712    if(i>=nE) i=nE-1;                        // Top limit for the Element
713  }
714  G4Element* pElement=(*theElementVector)[i];
715  Z=static_cast<G4int>(pElement->GetZ());
716#ifdef debug
717    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: i="<<i<<", Z(element)="<<Z<<G4endl;
719  if(Z<=0)
720  {
721    G4cerr<<"---Warning---G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: Element with Z="<<Z<<G4endl;
722    if(Z<0) return 0;
723  }
724  std::vector<G4double>* SPI = IsoProbInEl[i];// Vector of summedProbabilities for isotopes
725  std::vector<G4int>* IsN = ElIsoN[i];     // Vector of "#of neutrons" in the isotope El[i]
726  G4int nofIsot=SPI->size();               // #of isotopes in the element i
727#ifdef debug
728  G4cout<<"G4QCollis::PosStDoIt:n="<<nofIsot<<",T="<<(*SPI)[nofIsot-1]<<G4endl;
730  G4int j=0;
731  if(nofIsot>1)
732  {
733    G4double rndI=(*SPI)[nofIsot-1]*G4UniformRand(); // Randomize the isotop of the Element
734    for(j=0; j<nofIsot; ++j)
735    {
736#ifdef debug
737      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: SP["<<j<<"]="<<(*SPI)[j]<<", r="<<rndI<<G4endl;
739      if(rndI < (*SPI)[j]) break;
740    }
741    if(j>=nofIsot) j=nofIsot-1;            // Top limit for the isotope
742  }
743  G4int N =(*IsN)[j]; ;                    // Randomized number of neutrons
744#ifdef debug
745  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: Z="<<Z<<", j="<<i<<", N(isotope)="<<N<<G4endl;
747  if(N<0)
748  {
749    G4cerr<<"-Warning-G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: Isotope with Z="<<Z<<", 0>N="<<N<<G4endl;
750    return 0;
751  }
752  nOfNeutrons=N;                           // Remember it for the energy-momentum check
753  G4double dd=0.025;
754  G4double am=Z+N;
755  G4double sr=std::sqrt(am);
756  G4double dsr=0.01*(sr+sr);
757  if(dsr<dd)dsr=dd;
758  if(manualFlag) G4QNucleus::SetParameters(freeNuc,freeDib,clustProb,mediRatio); // ManualP
759  else if(projPDG==-2212) G4QNucleus::SetParameters(1.-dsr-dsr,dd+dd,5.,10.);//aP ClustPars
760  else if(projPDG==-211)  G4QNucleus::SetParameters(.67-dsr,.32-dsr,5.,9.);//Pi- ClustPars
761#ifdef debug
762  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: N="<<N<<" for element with Z="<<Z<<G4endl;
764  if(N<0)
765  {
766    G4cerr<<"---Warning---G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:Element with N="<<N<< G4endl;
767    return 0;
768  }
769  aParticleChange.Initialize(track);
770  G4double weight = track.GetWeight();
771#ifdef debug
772  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: weight="<<weight<<G4endl;
774  if(photNucBias!=1.)      weight/=photNucBias;
775  else if(weakNucBias!=1.) weight/=weakNucBias;
776  G4double localtime = track.GetGlobalTime();
777#ifdef debug
778  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: localtime="<<localtime<<G4endl;
780  G4ThreeVector position = track.GetPosition();
781  G4TouchableHandle trTouchable = track.GetTouchableHandle();
782#ifdef debug
783  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: position="<<position<<G4endl;
785  //
786  G4int targPDG=90000000+Z*1000+N;            // PDG Code of the target nucleus
787  G4QPDGCode targQPDG(targPDG);
788  G4double tgM=targQPDG.GetMass();            // Target mass
789  G4double tM=tgM;                            // Target mass (copy to be changed)
790  G4QHadronVector* output=new G4QHadronVector;// Prototype of Fragm Output G4QHadronVector
791  G4double absMom = 0.;                       // Prototype of absorbed by nucleus Moment
792  G4QHadronVector* leadhs=new G4QHadronVector;// Prototype of QuasmOutput G4QHadronVector
793  G4LorentzVector lead4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);        // Prototype of LeadingQ 4-momentum
794#ifdef debug
795  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: projPDG="<<aProjPDG<<", targPDG="<<targPDG<<G4endl;
797  // 
798  // Leptons with photonuclear
799  // Lepto-nuclear case with the equivalent photon algorithm. @@InFuture + NC (?)
800  //
801  if (aProjPDG == 11 || aProjPDG == 13 || aProjPDG == 15)
802  {
803#ifdef debug
804    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt:startSt="<<aParticleChange.GetTrackStatus()<<G4endl;
806    G4double kinEnergy= projHadron->GetKineticEnergy();
807    G4ParticleMomentum dir = projHadron->GetMomentumDirection();
808    G4VQCrossSection* CSmanager=G4QElectronNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
809    G4double ml=me;
810    G4double ml2=me2;
811    if(aProjPDG== 13)
812    {
813      CSmanager=G4QMuonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
814      ml=mu;
815      ml2=mu2;
816    }
817    if(aProjPDG== 15)
818    {
819      CSmanager=G4QTauNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
820      ml=mt;
821      ml2=mt2;
822    }
823    // @@ Probably this is not necessary any more (?)
824    if(!aProjPDG) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QCollis::PostStepDoIt: (2) projectile PDG=0"<<G4endl;
825    G4double xSec=CSmanager->GetCrossSection(false,Momentum,Z,N,aProjPDG);// Recalculate XS
826    // @@ check a possibility to separate p, n, or alpha (!)
827    if(xSec <= 0.) // The cross-section is 0 -> Do Nothing
828    {
829#ifdef debug
830      G4cerr<<"---OUT---G4QInelastic::PSDoIt: Called for zero Cross-section"<<G4endl;
832      //Do Nothing Action insead of the reaction
833      aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(kinEnergy);
834      aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(0.);
835      aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(dir);
836      aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fAlive);
837      delete output;
838      return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track,step);
839    }
840    G4double photonEnergy = CSmanager->GetExchangeEnergy(); // Energy of EqivExchangePart
841#ifdef debug
842    G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt: kE="<<kinEnergy<<",dir="<<dir<<",phE="<<photonEnergy<<G4endl;
844    if( kinEnergy < photonEnergy || photonEnergy < 0.)
845    {
846      //Do Nothing Action insead of the reaction
847      G4cerr<<"--G4QInelastic::PSDoIt: photE="<<photonEnergy<<">leptE="<<kinEnergy<<G4endl;
848      aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(kinEnergy);
849      aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(0.);
850      aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(dir);
851      aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fAlive);
852      delete output;
853      return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track,step);
854    }
855    G4double photonQ2 = CSmanager->GetExchangeQ2(photonEnergy);// Q2(t) of EqivExchangePart
856    G4double W=photonEnergy-photonQ2/dM;// HadronicEnergyFlow (W-energy) for virtual photon
857    if(tM<999.) W-=mPi0+mPi0s/dM;       // Pion production threshold for a nucleon target
858    if(W<0.) 
859    {
860      //Do Nothing Action insead of the reaction
861#ifdef debug
862      G4cout<<"--G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:(lN) negative equivalent energy W="<<W<<G4endl;
864      aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(kinEnergy);
865      aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(0.);
866      aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(dir);
867      aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fAlive);
868      delete output;
869      return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track,step);
870    }
871    // Update G4VParticleChange for the scattered muon
872    G4VQCrossSection* thePhotonData=G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();
873    G4double sigNu=thePhotonData->GetCrossSection(true,photonEnergy,Z,N,22);//Integrated XS
874    G4double sigK =thePhotonData->GetCrossSection(true, W, Z, N, 22);       // Real XS
875    G4double rndFraction = CSmanager->GetVirtualFactor(photonEnergy, photonQ2);
876    if(sigNu*G4UniformRand()>sigK*rndFraction) 
877    {
878      //Do NothingToDo Action insead of the reaction
879#ifdef debug
880      G4cout<<"-DoNoth-G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: probab. correction - DoNothing"<<G4endl;
882      aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(kinEnergy);
883      aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(0.);
884      aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(dir);
885      aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fAlive);
886      delete output;
887      return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track,step);
888    }
889    G4double iniE=kinEnergy+ml;          // Initial total energy of the lepton
890    G4double finE=iniE-photonEnergy;     // Final total energy of the lepton
891#ifdef pdebug
892    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PoStDoIt:E="<<iniE<<",lE="<<finE<<"-"<<ml<<"="<<finE-ml<<G4endl;
894    aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(finE-ml);
895    if(finE<=ml)                         // Secondary lepton (e/mu/tau) at rest disappears
896    {
897      aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.);
898      if(aProjPDG== 11) aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
899      else aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopButAlive);
900      aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(dir);
901    }
902    else aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fAlive);
903    G4double iniP=std::sqrt(iniE*iniE-ml2); // Initial momentum of the electron
904    G4double finP=std::sqrt(finE*finE-ml2); // Final momentum of the electron
905    G4double cost=(iniE*finE-ml2-photonQ2/2)/iniP/finP; // cos(scat_ang_of_lepton)
906#ifdef pdebug
907    G4cout<<"G4QC::PSDoIt:Q2="<<photonQ2<<",ct="<<cost<<",Pi="<<iniP<<",Pf="<<finP<<G4endl;
909    if(cost>1.) cost=1.;                 // To avoid the accuracy of calculation problem
910    if(cost<-1.) cost=-1.;               // To avoid the accuracy of calculation problem
911    //
912    // Scatter the lepton ( @@ make the same thing for real photons)
913    // At this point we have photonEnergy and photonQ2 (with notDefinedPhi)->SelectProjPart
914    G4double absEn = std::pow(am,third)*GeV;  // @@(b) Mean Energy Absorbed by a Nucleus
915    if(am>1 && absEn < photonEnergy)     // --> the absorption of energy can happen
916    //if(absEn < photonEnergy)             // --> the absorption of energy can happen
917    {
918      G4double abtEn = absEn+hdM;        // @@(b) MeanEnergyAbsorbed by a nucleus (+M_N)
919      G4double abEn2 = abtEn*abtEn;      // Squared absorbed Energy + MN
920      G4double abMo2 = abEn2-hdM2;       // Squared absorbed Momentum of compound system
921      G4double phEn2 = photonEnergy*photonEnergy;
922      G4double phMo2 = phEn2+photonQ2;   // Squared momentum of primary virtual photon
923      G4double phMo  = std::sqrt(phMo2); // Momentum of the primary virtual photon
924      absMom         = std::sqrt(abMo2); // Absorbed Momentum
925      if(absMom < phMo)                  // --> the absorption of momentum can happen
926      {
927        G4double dEn = photonEnergy - absEn; // Leading energy
928        G4double dMo = phMo - absMom;    // Leading momentum
929        G4double sF  = dEn*dEn - dMo*dMo;// s of leading particle
930#ifdef ppdebug
931        G4cout<<"-PhotoAbsorption-G4QCol::PStDoIt:sF="<<sF<<",phEn="<<photonEnergy<<G4endl;
933        if(sF > stmPi)                   // --> Leading fragmentation is possible
934        {
935          photonEnergy = absEn;          // New value of the photon energy
936          photonQ2=abMo2-absEn*absEn;    // New value of the photon Q2
937          absEn = dEn;                   // Put energy of leading particle to absEn (!)
938        }
939        else absMom=0.;                  // Flag that nothing has happened
940      }
941      else absMom=0.;                    // Flag that nothing has happened
942    }
943    // ------------- End of ProjPart selection
944    //
945    // Scattering in respect to the derection of the incident muon is made impicitly:
946    G4ThreeVector ort=dir.orthogonal();  // Not normed orthogonal vector (!) (to dir)
947    G4ThreeVector ortx = ort.unit();     // First unit vector orthogonal to the direction
948    G4ThreeVector orty = dir.cross(ortx);// Second unit vector orthoganal to the direction
949    G4double sint=std::sqrt(1.-cost*cost); // Perpendicular component
950    G4double phi=twopi*G4UniformRand();  // phi of scattered electron
951    G4double sinx=sint*std::sin(phi);    // x perpendicular component
952    G4double siny=sint*std::cos(phi);    // y perpendicular component
953    G4ThreeVector findir=cost*dir+sinx*ortx+siny*orty;
954    aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(findir); // new direction for the lepton
955#ifdef pdebug
956    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: E="<<aParticleChange.GetEnergy()<<"="<<finE<<"-"
957          <<ml<<", d="<<*aParticleChange.GetMomentumDirection()<<","<<findir<<G4endl;
959    G4ThreeVector photon3M=iniP*dir-finP*findir;// 3D total momentum of photon
960    if(absMom)                           // Photon must be reduced & LeadingSyst fragmented
961    {
962      G4double ptm=photon3M.mag();                    // 3M of the virtual photon
963#ifdef ppdebug
964      G4cout<<"-Absorption-G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: ph3M="<<photon3M<<", eIn3M="
965            <<iniP*dir<<", eFin3M="<<finP*findir<<", abs3M="<<absMom<<"<ptm="<<ptm<<G4endl;
967      G4ThreeVector lead3M=photon3M*(ptm-absMom)/ptm; // Keep the direction for leading Q
968      photon3M-=lead3M; // Reduced photon Momentum (photEn already = absEn)
969      proj4M=G4LorentzVector(lead3M,absEn); // 4-momentum of leading System
970#ifdef ppdebug
971      G4cout<<"-->G4QC::PoStDoIt: new sF="<<proj4M.m2()<<", lead4M="<<proj4M<<G4endl;
973      lead4M=proj4M;                        // Remember 4-mom for the total 4-momentum
974      G4Quasmon* pan= new G4Quasmon(G4QContent(1,1,0,1,1,0),proj4M);// ---> DELETED -->---+
975      try                                                           //                    |
976      {                                                             //                    |
977        if(leadhs) delete leadhs;                                   //                    |
978        G4QNucleus vac(90000000);                                   //                    |
979        leadhs=pan->Fragment(vac,1);  // DELETED after it is copied to output vector      |
980      }                                                             //                    |
981      catch (G4QException& error)                                   //                    |
982      {                                                             //                    |
983        G4cerr<<"***G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: G4Quasmon Exception is catched"<<G4endl;//|
984        G4Exception("G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:","72",FatalException,"QuasmonCrash");  //|
985      }                                                             //                    |
986      delete pan;                              // Delete the Nuclear Environment <----<---+
987#ifdef ppdebug
988      G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt: l4M="<<proj4M<<proj4M.m2()<<", N="<<leadhs->size()<<",pt="
989            <<ptm<<",pa="<<absMom<<",El="<<absEn<<",Pl="<<ptm-absMom<<G4endl;
991    }
992    else
993    {
994      G4int qNH=0;
995      if(leadhs) qNH=leadhs->size();
996      if(qNH) for(G4int iq=0; iq<qNH; iq++) delete (*leadhs)[iq];
997      if(leadhs) delete leadhs;
998      leadhs=0;
999    }
1000    projPDG=22;
1001    proj4M=G4LorentzVector(photon3M,photonEnergy);
1002#ifdef debug
1003    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt: St="<<aParticleChange.GetTrackStatus()<<", g4m="
1004          <<proj4M<<", lE="<<finE<<", lP="<<finP*findir<<", d="<<findir.mag2()<<G4endl;
1007  //
1008  // neutrinoNuclear interactions (nu_e, nu_mu only)
1009  //
1010  }
1011  else if (aProjPDG == 12 || aProjPDG == 14)
1012  {
1013    G4double kinEnergy= projHadron->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV; // Total energy of the neutrino
1014    G4double dKinE=kinEnergy+kinEnergy;  // doubled energy for s calculation
1015#ifdef debug
1016    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt: 2*nuEnergy="<<dKinE<<"(MeV), PDG="<<projPDG<<G4endl;
1018    G4ParticleMomentum dir = projHadron->GetMomentumDirection(); // unit vector
1019    G4double ml  = mu;
1020    G4double ml2 = mu2;
1021    //G4double mlN = muN;
1022    G4double mlN2= muN2;
1023    G4double fmlN= fmuN;
1024    G4double mlsN= musN;
1025    //G4double mlP = muP;
1026    G4double mlP2= muP2;
1027    G4double fmlP= fmuP;
1028    G4double mlsP= musP;
1029    G4double mldM= mudM;
1030    //G4double mlD = muD;
1031    G4double mlD2= muD2;
1032    if(aProjPDG==12)
1033    {
1034      ml  = me;
1035      ml2 = me2;
1036      //mlN = meN;
1037      mlN2= meN2;
1038      fmlN= fmeN;
1039      mlsN= mesN;
1040      //mlP = meP;
1041      mlP2= meP2;
1042      fmlP= fmeP;
1043      mlsP= mesP;
1044      mldM= medM;
1045      //mlD = meD;
1046      mlD2= meD2;
1047    }
1048    G4VQCrossSection* CSmanager =G4QNuMuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer(); // (nu,l)
1049    G4VQCrossSection* CSmanager2=G4QNuNuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer(); // (nu,nu)
1050    proj4M=G4LorentzVector(dir*kinEnergy,kinEnergy);   // temporary
1051    G4bool nuanu=true;
1052    scatPDG=13;                          // Prototype = secondary scattered mu-
1053    if(projPDG==-14)
1054    {
1055      nuanu=false;                       // Anti-neutrino
1056      CSmanager=G4QANuMuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();  // (anu,mu+) CC @@ open
1057      CSmanager=G4QANuANuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer(); // (anu,anu) NC @@ open
1058      scatPDG=-13;                       // secondary scattered mu+
1059    }
1060    else if(projPDG==12)
1061    {
1062      CSmanager=G4QNuENuclearCrossSection::GetPointer(); // @@ open (only CC is changed)
1063      scatPDG=11;                        // secondary scattered e-
1064    }
1065    else if(projPDG==-12)
1066    {
1067      nuanu=false;                       // anti-neutrino
1068      CSmanager=G4QANuENuclearCrossSection::GetPointer();   // (anu,e+) CC @@ open
1069      CSmanager=G4QANuANuNuclearCrossSection::GetPointer(); // (anu,anu) NC @@ open
1070      scatPDG=-11;                       // secondary scattered e+
1071    }
1072    // @@ Probably this is not necessary any more
1073    if(!projPDG) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QCollis::PostStepDoIt: (3) projectile PDG=0"<<G4endl;
1074    G4double xSec1=CSmanager->GetCrossSection(false,Momentum,Z,N,projPDG); //Recalculate XS
1075    G4double xSec2=CSmanager2->GetCrossSection(false,Momentum,Z,N,projPDG);//Recalculate XS
1076    G4double xSec=xSec1+xSec2;
1077    // @@ check a possibility to separate p, n, or alpha (!)
1078    if(xSec <= 0.) // The cross-section = 0 -> Do Nothing
1079    {
1080      G4cerr<<"G4QInelastic::PSDoIt:nuE="<<kinEnergy<<",X1="<<xSec1<<",X2="<<xSec2<<G4endl;
1081      //Do Nothing Action insead of the reaction
1082      aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(kinEnergy);
1083      aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(0.);
1084      aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(dir);
1085      aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fAlive);
1086      delete output;
1087      return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track,step);
1088    }
1089    G4bool secnu=false;
1090    if(xSec*G4UniformRand()>xSec1)               // recover neutrino/antineutrino
1091    {
1092      if(scatPDG>0) scatPDG++;
1093      else          scatPDG--;
1094      secnu=true;
1095    }
1096    scat=true;                                   // event with changed scattered projectile
1097    G4double totCS1 = CSmanager->GetLastTOTCS(); // the last total cross section1(isotope?)
1098    G4double totCS2 = CSmanager2->GetLastTOTCS();// the last total cross section2(isotope?)
1099    G4double totCS  = totCS1+totCS2;             // the last total cross section (isotope?)
1100    if(std::fabs(xSec-totCS*millibarn)/xSec>.0001)
1101          G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: xS="<<xSec<<"# CS="<<totCS<<G4endl;
1102    G4double qelCS1 = CSmanager->GetLastQELCS(); // the last quasi-elastic cross section1
1103    G4double qelCS2 = CSmanager2->GetLastQELCS();// the last quasi-elastic cross section2
1104    G4double qelCS  = qelCS1+qelCS2;             // the last quasi-elastic cross section
1105    if(totCS - qelCS < 0.)                       // only at low energies
1106    {
1107      totCS  = qelCS;
1108      totCS1 = qelCS1;
1109      totCS2 = qelCS2;
1110    }
1111    // make different definitions for neutrino and antineutrino
1112    G4double mIN=mProt;                          // Just a prototype (for anu, Z=1, N=0)
1113    G4double mOT=mNeut;
1114    G4double OT=mlN2;
1115    G4double mOT2=mNeut2;
1116    G4double mlOT=fmlN;
1117    G4double mlsOT=mlsN;
1118    if(secnu)
1119    {
1120      if(am*G4UniformRand()>Z)                   // Neutron target
1121      {
1122        targPDG-=1;                              // subtract neutron
1123        projPDG=2112;                            // neutron is going out
1124        mIN =mNeut;                     
1125        OT  =mNeut2;
1126        mOT2=mNeut2;
1127        mlOT=0.;
1128        mlsOT=mNeut2;
1129      }
1130      else
1131      {
1132        targPDG-=1000;                           // subtract neutron
1133        projPDG=2212;                            // neutron is going out
1134        mOT  =mProt;
1135        OT   =mProt2;
1136        mOT2 =mProt2;
1137        mlOT =0.;
1138        mlsOT=mProt2;
1139      }
1140      ml=0.;
1141      ml2=0.;
1142      mldM=0.;
1143      mlD2=mPPi2;
1144      G4QPDGCode targQPDG(targPDG);
1145      G4double rM=targQPDG.GetMass();
1146      mIN=tM-rM;                                 // bounded in-mass of the neutron
1147      tM=rM;
1148    }
1149    else if(nuanu)
1150    {
1151      targPDG-=1;                                // Neutrino -> subtract neutron
1152      G4QPDGCode targQPDG(targPDG);
1153      G4double rM=targQPDG.GetMass();
1154      mIN=tM-rM;                                 // bounded in-mass of the neutron
1155      tM=rM;
1156      mOT=mProt;
1157      OT=mlP2;
1158      mOT2=mProt2;
1159      mlOT=fmlP;
1160      mlsOT=mlsP;
1161      projPDG=2212;                              // proton is going out
1162    }
1163    else
1164    {
1165      if(Z>1||N>0)                               // Calculate the splitted mass
1166      {
1167        targPDG-=1000;                           // Anti-Neutrino -> subtract proton
1168        G4QPDGCode targQPDG(targPDG);
1169        G4double rM=targQPDG.GetMass();
1170        mIN=tM-rM;                               // bounded in-mass of the proton
1171        tM=rM;
1172      }
1173      else
1174      {
1175        targPDG=0;
1176        mIN=tM;
1177        tM=0.;
1178      }
1179      projPDG=2112;                              // neutron is going out
1180    }
1181    G4double s=mIN*(mIN+dKinE);                  // s=(M_cm)^2=m2+2mE (m=targetMass,E=E_nu)
1182#ifdef debug
1183    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt: s="<<s<<" >? OT="<<OT<<", mlD2="<<mlD2<<G4endl;
1185    if(s<=OT)                                    // *** Do nothing solution ***
1186    {
1187      //Do NothingToDo Action insead of the reaction (@@ Can we make it common?)
1188      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: tooSmallFinalMassOfCompound: DoNothing"<<G4endl;
1189      aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(kinEnergy);
1190      aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(0.);
1191      aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(dir);
1192      aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fAlive);
1193      delete output;
1194      return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track,step);
1195    }
1196#ifdef debug
1197    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt: Stop and kill the projectile neutrino"<<G4endl;
1199    aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.);
1200    aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); // the initial neutrino is killed
1201    // There is no way back from here !
1202    if ( ((secnu || !nuanu || N) && totCS*G4UniformRand() < qelCS) || s < mlD2 ) 
1203    {   // Quasi-Elastic interaction
1204      G4double Q2=0.;                           // Simulate transferred momentum, in MeV^2
1205      if(secnu) Q2=CSmanager2->GetQEL_ExchangeQ2();
1206      else      Q2=CSmanager->GetQEL_ExchangeQ2();
1207#ifdef debug
1208      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt:QuasiEl(nu="<<secnu<<"),s="<<s<<",Q2="<<Q2<<G4endl;
1210      //G4double ds=s+s;                          // doubled s
1211      G4double sqs=std::sqrt(s);                // M_cm
1212      G4double dsqs=sqs+sqs;                    // 2*M_cm
1213      G4double pi=(s-mIN*mIN)/dsqs;             // initial momentum in CMS (checked MK)
1214      G4double dpi=pi+pi;                       // doubled initial momentum in CMS
1215      G4double sd=s-mlsOT;                      // s-ml2-mOT2 (mlsOT=m^2_neut+m^2_lept)
1216      G4double qo2=(sd*sd-mlOT)/dsqs;           // squared momentum of secondaries in CMS
1217      G4double qo=std::sqrt(qo2);               // momentum of secondaries in CMS
1218      G4double cost=(dpi*std::sqrt(qo2+ml2)-Q2-ml2)/dpi/qo; // cos(theta) in CMS (chck MK)
1219      G4LorentzVector t4M(0.,0.,0.,mIN);        // 4mom of the effective target
1220      G4LorentzVector c4M=t4M+proj4M;           // 4mom of the compound system
1221      t4M.setT(mOT);                            // now it is 4mom of the outgoing nucleon
1222      scat4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,ml);      // 4mom of the scattered muon
1223      if(!G4QHadron(c4M).RelDecayIn2(scat4M, t4M, proj4M, cost, cost))
1224      {
1225        G4cerr<<"G4QCol::PSD:c4M="<<c4M<<sqs<<",mM="<<ml<<",tM="<<mOT<<",c="<<cost<<G4endl;
1226        throw G4QException("G4QInelastic::HadronizeQuasm: Can't dec QE nu,lept Compound");
1227      }
1228      proj4M=t4M;                               // 4mom of the new projectile nucleon
1229    }
1230    else                                        // ***** Non Quasi Elastic interaction
1231    {
1232      // Recover the target PDG Code if the quasi-elastic scattering did not happened
1233      if      ( (secnu && projPDG == 2212) || (!secnu && projPDG == 2112) ) targPDG+=1;
1234      else if ( (secnu && projPDG == 2112) || (!secnu && projPDG == 2212) ) targPDG+=1000;
1235      G4double Q2=0;                            // Simulate transferred momentum, in MeV^2
1236      if(secnu) Q2=CSmanager->GetNQE_ExchangeQ2();
1237      else      Q2=CSmanager2->GetNQE_ExchangeQ2();
1238#ifdef debug
1239      G4cout<<"G4QColl::PStDoIt: MultiPeriferal s="<<s<<",Q2="<<Q2<<",T="<<targPDG<<G4endl;
1241      if(secnu) projPDG=CSmanager2->GetExchangePDGCode();// PDG Code of the effective gamma
1242      else      projPDG=CSmanager->GetExchangePDGCode(); // PDG Code of the effective pion
1243      //@@ Temporary made only for direct interaction and for N=3 (good for small Q2)
1244      //@@ inFuture use N=GetNPartons and directFraction=GetDirectPart, @@ W2...
1245      G4double r=G4UniformRand();
1246      G4double r1=0.5;                          // (1-x)
1247      if(r<0.5)      r1=std::sqrt(r+r)*(.5+.1579*(r-.5));
1248      else if(r>0.5) r1=1.-std::sqrt(2.-r-r)*(.5+.1579*(.5-r));
1249      G4double xn=1.-mldM/Momentum;             // Normalization of (1-x) [x>mldM/Mom]
1250      G4double x1=xn*r1;                        // (1-x)
1251      G4double x=1.-x1;                         // x=2k/M
1252      //G4double W2=(hdM2+Q2/x)*x1;               // W2 candidate
1253      G4double mx=hdM*x;                        // Part of the target to interact with
1254      G4double we=Q2/(mx+mx);                   // transfered energy
1255      if(we>=kinEnergy-ml-.001) we=kinEnergy-ml-.0001; // safety to avoid nan=sqrt(neg)
1256      G4double pot=kinEnergy-we;                // energy of the secondary lepton
1257      G4double mlQ2=ml2+Q2;
1258      G4double cost=(pot-mlQ2/dKinE)/std::sqrt(pot*pot-ml2); // LS cos(theta)
1259      if(std::fabs(cost)>1)
1260      {
1261#ifdef debug
1262        G4cout<<"*G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt: cost="<<cost<<", Q2="<<Q2<<", nu="<<we<<", mx="
1263              <<mx<<", pot="<<pot<<", 2KE="<<dKinE<<G4endl;
1265        if(cost>1.) cost=1.;
1266        else        cost=-1.;
1267        pot=mlQ2/dKinE+dKinE*ml2/mlQ2;          // extreme output momentum
1268      }
1269      G4double lEn=std::sqrt(pot*pot+ml2);      // Lepton energy
1270      G4double lPl=pot*cost;                    // Lepton longitudinal momentum
1271      G4double lPt=pot*std::sqrt(1.-cost*cost); // Lepton transverse momentum
1272      std::pair<G4double,G4double> d2d=Random2DDirection(); // Randomize phi
1273      G4double lPx=lPt*d2d.first;
1274      G4double lPy=lPt*d2d.second;
1275      G4ThreeVector vdir=proj4M.vect();         // 3D momentum of the projectile
1276      G4ThreeVector vz= vdir.unit();            // Ort in the direction of the projectile
1277      G4ThreeVector vv= vz.orthogonal();        // Not normed orthogonal vector (!)
1278      G4ThreeVector vx= vv.unit();              // First ort orthogonal to the direction
1279      G4ThreeVector vy= vz.cross(vx);           // Second ort orthoganal to the direction
1280      G4ThreeVector lP= lPl*vz+lPx*vx+lPy*vy;   // 3D momentum of the scattered lepton
1281      scat4M=G4LorentzVector(lP,lEn);           // 4mom of the scattered lepton
1282      proj4M-=scat4M;                           // 4mom of the W/Z (effective pion/gamma)
1283#ifdef debug
1284      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt: proj4M="<<proj4M<<", ml="<<ml<<G4endl;
1286      // Check that the en/mom transfer is possible, if not -> elastic
1287      G4int fintPDG=targPDG;                    // Prototype for the compound nucleus
1288      if(!secnu)
1289      {
1290        if(projPDG<0) fintPDG-= 999;
1291        else          fintPDG+= 999;
1292      }
1293      G4double fM=G4QPDGCode(fintPDG).GetMass();// compound nucleus Mass (MeV)
1294      G4double fM2=fM*fM;
1295      G4LorentzVector tg4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tgM);
1296      G4LorentzVector c4M=tg4M+proj4M;
1297#ifdef debug
1298      G4cout<<"G4QCol::PSDI:fM2="<<fM2<<" <? mc4M="<<c4M.m2()<<",dM="<<fM-tgM<<G4endl;
1300      if(fM2>=c4M.m2())                         // Elastic scattering should be done
1301      {
1302        G4LorentzVector tot4M=tg4M+proj4M+scat4M; // recover the total 4-momentum
1303        s=tot4M.m2();
1304        G4double fs=s-fM2-ml2;
1305        G4double fMl=fM2*ml2;
1306        G4double hQ2max=(fs*fs/2-fMl-fMl)/s;    // Maximum possible Q2/2
1307        G4double cost=1.-Q2/hQ2max;             // cos(theta) in CMS (use MultProd Q2)
1308#ifdef debug
1309        G4cout<<"G4QC::PSDI:ct="<<cost<<",Q2="<<Q2<<",hQ2="<<hQ2max<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
1311        G4double acost=std::fabs(cost);
1312        if(acost>1.)
1313        {
1314          if(acost>1.001) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt: cost="<<cost<<G4endl;
1315          if     (cost> 1.) cost= 1.;
1316          else if(cost<-1.) cost=-1.;
1317        }
1318        G4LorentzVector reco4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,fM); // 4mom of the recoilNucleus
1319        scat4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,ml); // 4mom of the scatteredLepton
1320        G4LorentzVector dir4M=tot4M-G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,(tot4M.e()-ml)*.01);
1321        if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).RelDecayIn2(scat4M, reco4M, dir4M, cost, cost))
1322        {
1323          G4cerr<<"G4QC::PSDI:t4M="<<tot4M<<",lM="<<ml<<",rM="<<fM<<",cost="<<cost<<G4endl;
1324          //G4Exception("G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:","027",FatalException,"ElasticDecay");
1325        }
1326#ifdef debug
1327        G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoI:l4M="<<scat4M<<"+r4M="<<reco4M<<"="<<scat4M+reco4M<<G4endl;
1329        // ----------------------------------------------------
1330        G4ParticleDefinition* theDefinition=0; // Prototype of a particle for E-Secondaries
1331        // Fill scattered lepton
1332        if     (scatPDG==-11) theDefinition = G4Positron::Positron();
1333        else if(scatPDG== 11) theDefinition = G4Electron::Electron();
1334        else if(scatPDG== 13) theDefinition = G4MuonMinus::MuonMinus();
1335        else if(scatPDG==-13) theDefinition = G4MuonPlus::MuonPlus();
1336        //else if(scatPDG== 15) theDefinition = G4TauMinus::TauMinus();
1337        //else if(scatPDG==-15) theDefinition = G4TauPlus::TauPlus();
1338        if     (scatPDG==-12) theDefinition = G4AntiNeutrinoE::AntiNeutrinoE();
1339        else if(scatPDG== 12) theDefinition = G4NeutrinoE::NeutrinoE();
1340        else if(scatPDG== 14) theDefinition = G4NeutrinoMu::NeutrinoMu();
1341        else if(scatPDG==-14) theDefinition = G4AntiNeutrinoMu::AntiNeutrinoMu();
1342        //else if(scatPDG== 16) theDefinition = G4NeutrinoTau::NeutrinoTau();
1343        //else if(scatPDG==-16) theDefinition = G4AntiNeutrinoTau::AntiNeutrinoTau();
1344        else  G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt: UnknownLepton="<<scatPDG<<G4endl;
1345        G4DynamicParticle* theScL = new G4DynamicParticle(theDefinition,scat4M);
1346        G4Track* scatLep = new G4Track(theScL, localtime, position ); //    scattered
1347        scatLep->SetWeight(weight);                                   //    weighted
1348        scatLep->SetTouchableHandle(trTouchable);                     //    residual
1349        aParticleChange.AddSecondary(scatLep);                        //    lepton
1350        // Fill residual nucleus
1351        if     (fintPDG==90000001) theDefinition = G4Neutron::Neutron(); // neutron
1352        else if(fintPDG==90001000) theDefinition = G4Proton::Proton();   // proton
1353        else                                                             // ion
1354        {
1355          G4int fm=static_cast<G4int>(fintPDG/1000000);               // Strange part
1356          G4int ZN=fintPDG-1000000*fm;
1357          G4int rZ=static_cast<G4int>(ZN/1000);
1358          G4int rA=ZN-999*rZ;
1359          theDefinition = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindIon(rZ,rA,0,rZ);
1360        }
1361        G4DynamicParticle* theReN = new G4DynamicParticle(theDefinition,reco4M);
1362        G4Track* scatReN = new G4Track(theReN, localtime, position ); //    scattered
1363        scatReN->SetWeight(weight);                                   //    weighted
1364        scatReN->SetTouchableHandle(trTouchable);                     //    residual
1365        aParticleChange.AddSecondary(scatReN);                        //    nucleus
1366        delete output;
1367        return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track, step);
1368      }
1369    }
1370  //
1371  // quasi-elastic (& pickup process) for p+A(Z,N)
1372  //
1373  }
1374  else if ((projPDG == 2212 || projPDG == 2112) && Z > 0 && N > 0)
1375  //else if(2>3)
1376  {
1377    G4bool ncap = true; // As a prototype: the capture process have not happened
1378    // @@ in the same way the fission reaction can be added for heavy nuclei
1379    if(momentum<500. && projPDG == 2112) // @@ It's reasonable to add proton capture too !
1380    {
1381      G4QNeutronCaptureRatio* capMan=G4QNeutronCaptureRatio::GetPointer();
1382      if(G4UniformRand() <= capMan->GetRatio(momentum, Z, N)) ncap = false; // Make capture
1383      else if(momentum<100.) // Try the production threshold
1384      {
1385        G4int tZ=Z;
1386        G4int tN=N;
1387        if(projPDG == 2212) tZ++;
1388        else                tN++; // @@ Now a neutron is the only alternative
1389        G4LorentzVector tot4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tgM)+proj4M;
1390        G4double totM2=tot4M.m2();
1391        G4QPDGCode FakeP(2112);
1392        //G4int m1p=tZ-1;
1393        G4int m2n=tN-2;
1394        // @@ For the secondary proton the Coulomb barrier should be taken into account
1395        //G4double mRP= FakeP.GetNuclMass(m1p,tN,0);    // Residual to the secondary proton
1396        G4double mR2N= FakeP.GetNuclMass(tZ,m2n,0);   // Residual to two secondary neutrons
1397        //G4double mRAl= FakeP.GetNuclMass(tZ-2,m2n,0); // Residual to the secondary alpha
1398        //G4double mR2N= FakeP.GetNuclMass(m1p,tN-1,0); // Residual to the p+n secondaries
1399        G4double minM=mR2N+mNeut+mNeut;
1400        // Compare with other possibilities (sciped for acceleration)
1401        if(totM2 < minM*minM)           ncap = false; // Make capture (n,gamma)
1402        if(!ncap)
1403        {
1404          G4int resPDG=targPDG;
1405          if(projPDG == 2212) resPDG+=1000;
1406          else                resPDG++;             // @@ Now neutron is theOnlyAlternative
1407          G4double rM=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass(); // Mass of the residual nucleus
1408          G4LorentzVector r4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,rM); // 4mom of the residual nucleus
1409          G4LorentzVector g4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.); // 4mom of the gamma
1410#ifdef qedebug
1411          G4cout<<"G4QCollis::PStDoIt: (n,gamma), tM="<<tM<<", R="<<rM<<G4endl;
1413          if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(r4M, g4M))
1414          {
1415            G4cerr<<"G4QCol::PostStDoIt: tM="<<std::sqrt(totM2)<<" < rM="<<rM<<G4endl;
1416            throw G4QException("G4QInelastic::HadronizeQuasm:Can'tDec TotNuc->ResNuc+gam");
1417          }
1418#ifdef qedebug
1419          G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt:n->g,R="<<r4M.rho()<<r4M<<",G="<<g4M.rho()<<g4M<<G4endl;
1421          aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.);   // @@ ??
1422          aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);// projectile nucleon is killed
1423          aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(2); 
1424          // Fill gamma
1425          G4ParticleDefinition* theDefinition = G4Gamma::Gamma();
1426          G4DynamicParticle* theGam = new G4DynamicParticle(theDefinition,g4M);
1427          G4Track* capGamma = new G4Track(theGam, localtime, position );
1428          capGamma->SetWeight(weight);
1429          capGamma->SetTouchableHandle(trTouchable);
1430          aParticleChange.AddSecondary(capGamma);
1431          // ----------------------------------------------------
1432          // Fill residual nucleus
1433          G4int tA=tZ+tN;
1434          if     (resPDG==90000001) theDefinition = G4Neutron::Neutron();
1435          else if(resPDG==90001000) theDefinition = G4Proton::Proton();
1436          else theDefinition = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindIon(tZ,tA,0,tZ);
1437          G4DynamicParticle* theReN = new G4DynamicParticle(theDefinition,r4M);
1438          G4Track* scatReN = new G4Track(theReN, localtime, position ); //    weighted
1439          scatReN->SetWeight(weight);                                   //    residual
1440          scatReN->SetTouchableHandle(trTouchable);                     //    recoil
1441          aParticleChange.AddSecondary(scatReN);                        //    nucleus
1442          delete output;
1443          return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track, step);
1444        }
1445      }
1446    }
1447    if(ncap)
1448    {
1449     // Now the quasi-free and PickUp processes:
1450     G4QuasiFreeRatios* qfMan=G4QuasiFreeRatios::GetPointer();
1451     std::pair<G4double,G4double> fief=qfMan->GetRatios(momentum, projPDG, Z, N);
1452     G4double qepart=fief.first*fief.second; // @@ charge exchange is not included @@
1453     // Keep QE part for the quasi-free nucleons
1454     const G4int lCl=3; // The last clProb[lCl]==1. by definition, MUST be increasing
1455     G4double clProb[lCl]={.65,.85,.95};// N/P,D,t/He3,He4, integroProbab for .65,.2,.1,.05
1456     if(qepart>0.45) qepart=.45; // Quasielastic part is too large - shrink
1457     //else qepart/=clProb[0];     // Add corresponding number of 2N, 3N, & 4N clusters
1458     qepart=qepart/clProb[0]-qepart;// Add QE for 2N, 3N, & 4N clusters (N is made in G4QF)
1459     G4double pickup=1.-qepart;  // Estimate the rest of the cross-section
1460     G4double thresh=100.;
1461     if(momentum > thresh) pickup*=50./momentum/std::pow(G4double(Z+N),third);// 50 is Par
1462     // pickup = 0.;               // To exclude the pickup process
1463     if (N) pickup+=qepart;
1464     else   pickup =qepart;
1465     G4double rnd=G4UniformRand();
1466#ifdef ldebug
1467     G4cout<<"-->G4QCol::PSD:QE[p("<<proj4M<<")+(Z="<<Z<<",N="<<N<<")]="<<qepart
1468           <<", pickup="<<pickup<<G4endl;
1470     if(rnd<pickup) // Make a quasi free scattering (out:A-1,h,N) @@ KinLim,CoulBar,PauliBl
1471     {
1472      G4double dmom=91.;  // Fermi momentum (proto default for a deuteron)
1473      G4double fmm=287.;  // @@ Can be A-dependent
1474      if(Z>1||N>1) dmom=fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third);
1475      // Values to be redefined for quasi-elastic
1476      G4LorentzVector r4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);      // Prototype of 4mom of the residual nucleus
1477      G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);      // Prototype of 4mom of the quasi-cluster
1478      G4int nPDG=90000001;                   // Prototype for quasiCluster mass calculation
1479      G4int restPDG=targPDG;                 // Prototype should be reduced by quasiCluster
1480      G4int rA=Z+N-1;                        // Prototype for the residualNucl definition
1481      G4int rZ=Z;                            // residZ: OK for the quasi-free neutron
1482      G4int nA=1;                            // Prototype for the quasi-cluster definition
1483      G4int nZ=0;                            // nA=1,nZ=0: OK for the quasi-free neutron
1484      G4double qM=mNeut;                     // Free mass of the quasi-free cluster
1485      G4int A = Z + N;                       // Baryon number of the nucleus
1486      if(rnd<qepart)
1487      {
1488       // ===> First decay a nucleus in a nucleon and a residual (A-1) nucleus
1489       // Calculate clusterProbabilities (n,p,d,t,he3,he4 now only, can use UpdateClusters)
1490       G4double base=1.;  // Base for randomization (can be reduced by totZ & totN)
1491       G4int max=lCl;     // Number of boundaries (can be reduced by totZ & totN)
1492       // Take into account that at least one nucleon must be left !
1493       if (Z<2 || N<2 || A < 6) base = clProb[--max]; // Alpha cluster is impossible
1494       if ( (Z > 1 && N < 2) || (Z < 2 && N > 1) ) 
1495         base=(clProb[max]+clProb[max-1])/2; // t or He3 is impossible
1496       if ( (Z < 2 && N < 2) || A < 5) base=clProb[--max];// He3&t clusters are impossible
1497       if(A<3)           base=clProb[--max]; // Deuteron cluster is impossible
1498       //G4int cln=0;                        // Cluster#0 (Default for the selectedNucleon)
1499       G4int cln=1;                          // Cluster#1 (Default for the selectedDeutron)
1500       //if(max)                             // Not only nucleons are possible
1501       if(max>1)                             // Not only deuterons are possible
1502       {
1503         base-=clProb[0];                   // Exclude scattering on QF Nucleon
1504         G4double ran=+clProb[0]+base*G4UniformRand(); // Base can be reduced
1505         G4int ic=1;                        // Start from the smallest cluster boundary
1506         if(max>1) while(ic<max) if(ran>clProb[ic++]) cln=ic;
1507       }
1508       G4ParticleDefinition* theDefinition=0;// Prototype for qfNucleon
1509       G4bool cp1 = cln+2==A;               // A=ClusterBN+1 condition
1510       if(!cln || cp1)                      // Split in nucleon + (A-1) with Fermi momentum
1511       {
1512        G4int nln=0;
1513        if(cln==2) nln=1;                   // @@ only for cp1: t/He3 choice from A=4
1514        // mass(A)=tM. Calculate masses of A-1 (rM) and mN (mNeut or mProt bounded mass)
1515        if ( ((!cln || cln == 2) && G4UniformRand()*(A-cln) > (N-nln)) || 
1516             ((cln == 3 || cln == 1) && Z > N) )
1517        {
1518          nPDG=90001000;                          // Update quasi-free nucleon PDGCode to P
1519          nZ=1;                                   // Change charge of the quasiFree nucleon
1520          qM=mProt;                               // Update quasi-free nucleon mass
1521          rZ--;                                   // Reduce the residual Z
1522          restPDG-=1000;                          // Reduce the residual PDGCode
1523        }
1524        else restPDG--;
1525        G4LorentzVector t4M(0.,0.,0.,tM);         // 4m of the target nucleus to be decayed
1526        G4double rM=G4QPDGCode(restPDG).GetMass();// Mass of the residual nucleus
1527        r4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,rM);         // 4mom of the residual nucleus
1528        G4double rM2=rM*rM;
1529        G4double nM=std::sqrt(rM2+tM*tM-(tM+tM)*std::sqrt(rM2+dmom*dmom));// M of q-nucleon
1530        n4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,nM);         // 4mom of the quasi-nucleon
1531#ifdef qedebug
1532        G4cout<<"G4QCollis::PStDoIt:QE,p="<<dmom<<",tM="<<tM<<",R="<<rM<<",N="<<nM<<G4endl;
1534        if(!G4QHadron(t4M).DecayIn2(r4M, n4M))
1535        {
1536          G4cerr<<"G4QCol::PostStDoIt: M="<<tM<<"<rM="<<rM<<"+nM="<<nM<<"="<<rM+nM<<G4endl;
1537          throw G4QException("G4QInelastic::HadronizeQuasm:Can'tDec totNuc->QENuc+ResNuc");
1538        }
1539#ifdef qedebug
1540        G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt:QE-N,RA="<<r4M.rho()<<r4M<<",QN="<<n4M.rho()<<n4M<<G4endl;
1542        if(cp1 && cln)                           // Quasi-cluster case: swap the output
1543        {
1544          qM=rM;                                 // Scattering will be made on a cluster
1545          nln=nPDG;
1546          nPDG=restPDG;
1547          restPDG=nln;
1548          t4M=n4M;
1549          n4M=r4M;
1550          r4M=t4M;
1551          nln=nZ;
1552          nZ=rZ;
1553          rZ=nln;
1554          nln=nA;
1555          nA=rA;
1556          rA=nln;
1557        }
1558       }
1559       else // Split the cluster (with or w/o "Fermi motion" and "Fermi decay")
1560       {
1561        if(cln==1)
1562        {
1563          nPDG=90001001;                  // Deuteron
1564          qM=mDeut;
1565          nA=2;
1566          nZ=1;
1567          restPDG-=1001;
1568          // Recalculate dmom
1569          G4ThreeVector sumv=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,dmom) +
1570                      fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third)*G4RandomDirection();
1571          dmom=sumv.mag();
1572        }
1573        else if(cln==2)
1574        {
1575          nA=3;
1576          if(G4UniformRand()*(A-2)>(N-1)) // He3
1577          {
1578            nPDG=90002001;
1579            qM=mHel3;
1580            nZ=2;
1581            restPDG-=2001;
1582          }
1583          else                            // tritium
1584          {
1585            nPDG=90001002;
1586            qM=mTrit;
1587            nZ=1;
1588            restPDG-=1002;
1589          }
1590          // Recalculate dmom
1591          G4ThreeVector sumv=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,dmom) +
1592                        fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third)*G4RandomDirection()+
1593                        fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third)*G4RandomDirection();
1594          dmom=sumv.mag();
1595        }
1596        else
1597        {
1598          nPDG=90002002;                  // Alpha
1599          qM=mAlph;
1600          nA=4;
1601          nZ=2;
1602          restPDG-=2002;
1603          G4ThreeVector sumv=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,dmom) +
1604                        fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third)*G4RandomDirection()+
1605                        fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third)*G4RandomDirection()+
1606                        fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third)*G4RandomDirection();
1607          dmom=sumv.mag();
1608        }
1609        rA=A-nA;
1610        rZ=Z-nZ;
1611        // This is a simple case of cluster at rest
1612        //G4double rM=G4QPDGCode(restPDG).GetMass();// Mass of the residual nucleus
1613        //r4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,rM);         // 4mom of the residual nucleus
1614        //n4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tM-rM);      // 4mom of the quasi-free cluster
1615        // --- End of the "simple case of cluster at rest"
1616        // Make a fake quasi-Fermi distribution for clusters (clusters are not at rest)
1617        G4LorentzVector t4M(0.,0.,0.,tM);         // 4m of the target nucleus to be decayed
1618        G4double rM=G4QPDGCode(restPDG).GetMass();// Mass of the residual nucleus
1619        r4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,rM);         // 4mom of the residual nucleus
1620        G4double rM2=rM*rM;
1621        G4double nM=std::sqrt(rM2+tM*tM-(tM+tM)*std::sqrt(rM2+dmom*dmom));// M of q-cluster
1622        n4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,nM);         // 4mom of the quasi-nucleon
1623#ifdef qedebug
1624        G4cout<<"G4QCollis::PStDoIt:QEC,p="<<dmom<<",T="<<tM<<",R="<<rM<<",N="<<nM<<G4endl;
1626        if(!G4QHadron(t4M).DecayIn2(r4M, n4M))
1627        {
1628          G4cerr<<"G4QCol::PostStDoIt: M="<<tM<<"<rM="<<rM<<"+cM="<<nM<<"="<<rM+nM<<G4endl;
1629          throw G4QException("G4QInelastic::HadronizeQuasm:Can'tDec totNuc->QEClu+ResNuc");
1630        }
1631        // --- End of the moving cluster implementation ---
1632#ifdef qedebug
1633        G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt:QEC,RN="<<r4M.rho()<<r4M<<",QCl="<<n4M.rho()<<n4M<<G4endl;
1635       }
1636       G4LorentzVector s4M=n4M+proj4M;             // Tot 4-momentum for scattering
1637       G4double prjM2 = proj4M.m2();               // Squared mass of the projectile
1638       G4double prjM = std::sqrt(prjM2);           // @@ Get from pPDG (?)
1639       G4double minM = prjM+qM;                    // Min mass sum for the final products
1640       G4double cmM2 =s4M.m2();
1641       if(cmM2>minM*minM)
1642       {
1643#ifdef qedebug
1644        G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt:***Enter***,cmM2="<<cmM2<<" > minM2="<<minM*minM<<G4endl;
1646        // Estimate and randomize charge-exchange with a quasi-free cluster
1647        G4bool chex=false;                        // Flag of the charge exchange scattering
1648        G4ParticleDefinition* projpt=G4Proton::Proton(); // Prototype, only for chex=true
1649        // This is reserved for the charge-exchange scattering (to help neutron spectras)
1650        //if(cln&&!cp1 &&(projPDG==2212&&rA>rZ || projPDG==2112&&rZ>1))// @@ Use proj chex
1651        if(2>3) // @@ charge exchange is not implemented yet @@
1652        {
1653#ifdef qedebug
1654          G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt:-Enter,P="<<projPDG<<",cln="<<cln<<",cp1="<<cp1<<G4endl;
1656          G4double tprM=mProt;
1657          G4double tprM2=mProt2;
1658          G4int tprPDG=2212;
1659          G4int tresPDG=restPDG+999;
1660          if(projPDG==2212)
1661          {
1662            projpt=G4Neutron::Neutron();
1663            tprM=mNeut;
1664            tprM2=mNeut2;
1665            tprPDG=2112;
1666            tresPDG=restPDG-999;
1667          }
1668          minM=tprM+qM;
1669          G4double efE=(cmM2-tprM2-qM*qM)/(qM+qM);
1670          G4double efP=std::sqrt(efE*efE-tprM2);
1671          G4double chl=qfMan->ChExElCoef(efP*MeV, nZ, nA-nZ, projPDG); // ChEx/Elast(pPDG!)
1672#ifdef qedebug
1673          G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt:chl="<<chl<<",P="<<efP<<",nZ="<<nZ<<",nA="<<nA<<G4endl;
1675          if(chl>0.&&cmM2>minM*minM&&G4UniformRand()<chl/(1.+chl))     // minM is redefined
1676          {
1677            projPDG=tprPDG;
1678            prjM=tprM;
1679            G4double rM=G4QPDGCode(tresPDG).GetMass();// Mass of the residual nucleus
1680            r4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,rM);         // 4mom of the residual nucleus
1681            n4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tM-rM);      // 4mom of the quasi-free cluster
1682            chex=true;                                // Confirm charge exchange scattering
1683          }
1684        }
1685        //
1686        std::pair<G4LorentzVector,G4LorentzVector> sctout=qfMan->Scatter(nPDG, n4M,
1687                                                                         projPDG, proj4M);
1688#ifdef qedebug
1689        G4cout<<"G4QCollis::PStDoIt:QElS,proj="<<prjM<<sctout.second<<",qfCl="<<qM
1690              <<sctout.first<<",chex="<<chex<<",nA="<<nA<<",nZ="<<nZ<<G4endl;
1692        aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(0.); // Everything is in particles
1693        // @@ @@ @@ Coulomb barriers must be checked !! @@ @@ @@ Skip if not
1694        if(chex)               // ==> Projectile is changed: fill everything to secondaries
1695        {
1696          aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.);                // @@ ??
1697          aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); // projectile nucleon is killed
1698          aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(3); 
1699          G4DynamicParticle* thePrH = new G4DynamicParticle(projpt,sctout.second);
1700          G4Track* scatPrH = new G4Track(thePrH, localtime, position ); // scattered & chex
1701          scatPrH->SetWeight(weight);                                   //    weighted
1702          scatPrH->SetTouchableHandle(trTouchable);                     //   projectile
1703          aParticleChange.AddSecondary(scatPrH);                        //     hadron
1704        }
1705        else               // ==> The leading particle is filled to the updated projectilee
1706        {
1707          aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(2);        // @@ if proj=leading
1708          G4double ldT=(sctout.second).e()-prjM;            // kin Energy of scat project.
1709          aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(ldT);               // Change the kin Energy
1710          G4ThreeVector ldV=(sctout.second).vect();         // Change momentum direction
1711          aParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(ldV/ldV.mag());
1712          aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fAlive);
1713        }
1714        // ---------------------------------------------------------
1715        // Fill scattered quasi-free nucleon/fragment
1716        if     (nPDG==90000001) theDefinition = G4Neutron::Neutron();
1717        else if(nPDG==90001000) theDefinition = G4Proton::Proton();
1718        else if(nZ>0 && nA>1)
1719                  theDefinition = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindIon(nZ,nA,0,nZ);
1720#ifdef debug
1721        else G4cout<<"-Warning_G4QCol::PSD:scatqfPDG="<<nPDG<<",Z="<<nZ<<",A="<<nA<<G4endl;
1723        if(nZ>0 && nA>0)
1724        {
1725          G4DynamicParticle* theQFN = new G4DynamicParticle(theDefinition,sctout.first);
1726          G4Track* scatQFN = new G4Track(theQFN, localtime, position ); //   scattered
1727          scatQFN->SetWeight(weight);                                   //    weighted
1728          scatQFN->SetTouchableHandle(trTouchable);                     //   quasi-free
1729          aParticleChange.AddSecondary(scatQFN);                        //  nucleon/cluster
1730        }
1731        // ----------------------------------------------------
1732        // Fill residual nucleus
1733        if     (restPDG==90000001) theDefinition = G4Neutron::Neutron();
1734        else if(restPDG==90001000) theDefinition = G4Proton::Proton();
1735        else if(rZ>0 && rA>1)
1736                  theDefinition = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindIon(rZ,rA,0,rZ);
1737#ifdef debug
1738        else G4cout<<"-Warning_G4QCol::PSD:resPDG="<<restPDG<<",Z="<<rZ<<",A="<<rA<<G4endl;
1740        if(rZ>0 && rA>0)
1741        {
1742          G4DynamicParticle* theReN = new G4DynamicParticle(theDefinition,r4M);
1743          G4Track* scatReN = new G4Track(theReN, localtime, position ); //    scattered
1744          scatReN->SetWeight(weight);                                   //    weighted
1745          scatReN->SetTouchableHandle(trTouchable);                     //    residual
1746          aParticleChange.AddSecondary(scatReN);                        //    nucleus
1747        }
1748        delete output;
1749        return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track, step);
1750       }
1751#ifdef qedebug
1752       else G4cout<<"G4QCol::PSD:OUT, M2="<<s4M.m2()<<"<"<<minM*minM<<", N="<<nPDG<<G4endl;
1754      } // end of proton quasi-elastic (including QE on NF)
1755      else // @@ make cost-condition @@ Pickup process (pickup 1 or 2 n and make d or t)
1756      {
1757       if(projPDG==2212) restPDG--; // Res. nucleus PDG is one neutron less than targ. PDG
1758       else
1759       {
1760         restPDG-=1000;          // Res. nucleus PDG is one proton less than targ. PDG
1761         rZ--;                   // Reduce the charge of the residual nucleus
1762       }
1763       G4double mPUF=mDeut;      // Prototype of the mass of the created pickup fragment
1764       G4ParticleDefinition* theDefinition = G4Deuteron::Deuteron(); // Default: make d
1765       //theDefinition = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindIon(nZ,nA,0,nZ);//ion
1766       G4bool din=false;         // Flag of picking up 2 neutrons to create t (tritium)(p)
1767       G4bool dip=false;         // Flag of picking up 2 protons to create t (tritium) (n)
1768       G4bool pin=false;         // Flag of picking up 1 n + 1 p to create He3/t      (p/n)
1769       G4bool hin=false;         // Flag of PickUp creation of alpha (He4)            (p/n)
1770       G4double frn=G4UniformRand();
1771       if(N>2 && frn > 0.95)     // .95 is a parameter to pickup 2N (to cteate t or He3)
1772       {
1773         if(projPDG==2212)
1774         {
1775           if(N>1 && G4UniformRand()*(Z+.5*(N-1)) > Z)
1776           {
1777             theDefinition = G4Triton::Triton();
1778             mPUF=mTrit;         // The mass of the created pickup fragment is triton
1779             restPDG--;          // Res. nucleus PDG is two neutrons less than target PDG
1780             din=true;
1781           }
1782           else
1783           {
1784             theDefinition = G4He3::He3();
1785             mPUF=mHel3;         // The mass of the created pickup fragment is Helium3
1786             restPDG-=1000;      // Res. nucleus PDG is two neutrons less than target PDG
1787             rZ--;               // Reduce the charge of the residual nucleus
1788             pin=true;
1789           }
1790         }
1791         else // Neutron projectile (2112)
1792         {
1793           if(Z>1 && G4UniformRand()*(N+.5*(Z-1)) > N)
1794           {
1795             theDefinition = G4He3::He3();
1796             mPUF=mHel3;         // The mass of the created pickup fragment is Helium3
1797             restPDG-=1000;      // Res. nucleus PDG is two neutrons less than target PDG
1798             rZ--;               // Reduce the charge of the residual nucleus
1799             dip=true;
1800           }
1801           else
1802           {
1803             theDefinition = G4Triton::Triton();
1804             mPUF=mTrit;         // The mass of the created pickup fragment is triton
1805             restPDG--;          // Res. nucleus PDG is two neutrons less than target PDG
1806             pin=true;
1807           }
1808         }
1809         rA--;                   // Reduce the baryon number of the residual nucleus
1810         // Recalculate dmom
1811         G4ThreeVector sumv=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,dmom) +
1812                       fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third)*G4RandomDirection();
1813         dmom=sumv.mag();
1814         if(Z>1 && frn > 0.99)  // .99 is a parameter to pickup 2n1p || 1n2p & create alpha
1815         {
1816           theDefinition = G4Alpha::Alpha();
1817           if((din && projPDG==2212) || (pin && projPDG==2112))
1818           {
1819             restPDG-=1000;        // Residual nucleus PDG is reduced to create alpha
1820             rZ--;                 // Reduce the charge of the residual nucleus
1821           }
1822           else if((pin && projPDG==2212) || (dip && projPDG==2112)) restPDG--;
1823           else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QCol::PSD: PickUp logic error, proj="<<projPDG<<G4endl;
1824           hin=true;
1825           mPUF=mAlph;           // The mass of the created pickup fragment (alpha)
1826           rA--;                 // Reduce the baryon number of the residual nucleus
1827           // Recalculate dmom
1828           sumv += fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third)*G4RandomDirection();
1829           dmom=sumv.mag();
1830         }
1831       }
1832       G4double mPUF2=mPUF*mPUF;
1833       G4LorentzVector t4M(0.,0.,0.,tM);     // 4m of the target nucleus to be decayed
1834       G4double rM=G4QPDGCode(restPDG).GetMass();// Mass of the residual nucleus
1835       G4double rM2=rM*rM;                   // Squared mass of the residual nucleus
1836       G4double nM2=rM2+tM*tM-(tM+tM)*std::sqrt(rM2+dmom*dmom);// M2 of boundQF-nucleon(2N)
1837       if(nM2 < 0) nM2=0.;
1838       G4double nM=std::sqrt(nM2);           // M of bQF-nucleon
1839       G4double den2=(dmom*dmom+nM2);        // squared energy of bQF-nucleon
1840       G4double den=std::sqrt(den2);         // energy of bQF-nucleon
1841#ifdef qedebug
1842       G4cout<<"G4QCollis::PStDoIt:PiU,p="<<dmom<<",tM="<<tM<<",R="<<rM<<",N="<<nM<<G4endl;
1844       G4double qp=momentum*dmom;
1845       G4double srm=proj4M.e()*den;
1846       G4double mNucl2=mProt2;
1847       if(projPDG == 2112) mNucl2=mNeut2;
1848       G4double cost=(nM2+mNucl2+srm+srm-mPUF2)/(qp+qp);
1849       G4int ict=0;
1850       while(std::fabs(cost)>1. && ict<3)
1851       {
1852         dmom=91.;                           // Fermi momentum (proDefault for a deuteron)
1853         if(Z>1||N>1) dmom=fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third);
1854         if(din || pin || dip)               // Recalculate dmom for the final t/He3
1855         {
1856          G4ThreeVector sumv=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,dmom) +
1857                        fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third)*G4RandomDirection();
1858          if(hin)
1859                  sumv+=fmm*std::pow(-std::log(G4UniformRand()),third)*G4RandomDirection();
1860          dmom=sumv.mag();
1861         }
1862         nM2=rM2+tM*tM-(tM+tM)*std::sqrt(rM2+dmom*dmom); // M2 of bQF-nucleon
1863         if(nM2 < 0) nM2=0.;
1864         nM=std::sqrt(nM2);                  // M of bQF-nucleon
1865         den2=(dmom*dmom+nM2);               // squared energy of bQF-nucleon
1866         den=std::sqrt(den2);                // energy of bQF-nucleon
1867         qp=momentum*dmom;
1868         srm=proj4M.e()*den;
1869         cost=(nM2+mNucl2+srm+srm-mPUF2)/(qp+qp);
1870         ict++;
1871#ifdef ldebug
1872         if(ict>2)G4cout<<"G4QCollis::PStDoIt:i="<<ict<<",d="<<dmom<<",ct="<<cost<<G4endl;
1874       }
1875       if(std::fabs(cost)<=1.)
1876       {// ---- @@ From here can be a MF for QF nucleon extraction (if used by others)
1877        G4ThreeVector vdir = proj4M.vect();  // 3-Vector in the projectile direction
1878        G4ThreeVector vx(0.,0.,1.);          // ProtoOrt in theDirection of the projectile
1879        G4ThreeVector vy(0.,1.,0.);          // First ProtoOrt orthogonal to the direction
1880        G4ThreeVector vz(1.,0.,0.);          // SecondProtoOrt orthoganal to the direction
1881        if(vdir.mag2() > 0.)                 // the projectile isn't at rest
1882        {
1883          vx = vdir.unit();                  // Ort in the direction of the projectile
1884          G4ThreeVector vv= vx.orthogonal(); // Not normed orthogonal vector (!)
1885          vy = vv.unit();                    // First ort orthogonal to the proj direction
1886          vz = vx.cross(vy);                 // Second ort orthoganal to the projDirection
1887        }
1888        // ---- @@ End of possible MF (Similar is in G4QEnvironment)
1889        G4double tdom=dmom*std::sqrt(1-cost*cost);// Transversal component of the Fermi-Mom
1890        G4double phi=twopi*G4UniformRand();  // Phi of the Fermi-Mom
1891        G4ThreeVector vedm=vx*dmom*cost+vy*tdom*std::sin(phi)+vz*tdom*std::cos(phi);// bQFN
1892        G4LorentzVector bqf(vedm,den);      // 4-mom of the bQF nucleon
1893        r4M=t4M-bqf;                         // 4mom of the residual nucleus
1894        if(std::fabs(r4M.m()-rM)>.001) G4cout<<"G4QCol::PSD:rM="<<rM<<"#"<<r4M.m()<<G4endl;
1895        G4LorentzVector f4M=proj4M+bqf;      // Prototype of 4-mom of Deuteron
1896        if(std::fabs(f4M.m()-mPUF)>.001)
1897                              G4cout<<"G4QCol::PSD:mDeut="<<mPUF<<" # "<<f4M.m()<<G4endl;
1898        aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.);   // @@ ??
1899        aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);// projectile nucleon is killed
1900        aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(2); 
1901        // Fill pickup hadron
1902        G4DynamicParticle* theQFN = new G4DynamicParticle(theDefinition,f4M);
1903        G4Track* scatQFN = new G4Track(theQFN, localtime, position ); //    pickup
1904        scatQFN->SetWeight(weight);                                   //    weighted
1905        scatQFN->SetTouchableHandle(trTouchable);                     //    nuclear
1906        aParticleChange.AddSecondary(scatQFN);                        //    cluster
1907#ifdef pickupd
1908        G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt: f="<<theDefinition<<",f4M="<<f4M.m()<<f4M<<G4endl;
1910        // ----------------------------------------------------
1911        // Fill residual nucleus
1912        if     (restPDG==90000001) theDefinition = G4Neutron::Neutron();
1913        else if(restPDG==90001000) theDefinition = G4Proton::Proton();
1914        else theDefinition = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindIon(rZ,rA,0,rZ);//ion
1915        G4DynamicParticle* theReN = new G4DynamicParticle(theDefinition,r4M);
1916        G4Track* scatReN = new G4Track(theReN, localtime, position ); //    scattered
1917        scatReN->SetWeight(weight);                                   //    weighted
1918        scatReN->SetTouchableHandle(trTouchable);                     //    residual
1919        aParticleChange.AddSecondary(scatReN);                        //    nucleus
1920#ifdef pickupd
1921        G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt: rZ="<<rZ<<", rA="<<rA<<",r4M="<<r4M.m()<<r4M<<G4endl;
1923        delete output;
1924        return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track, step);
1925         }
1926      }
1927     } // end of the quasi-elastic decoupled process for the neucleon projectile
1928    } // end the PickUp and quasi-elastic decoupled processes (capture is made before them)
1929  }  // end lepto-nuclear, neutrino-nuclear, proton/neutron decoupled processes
1930  EnMomConservation=proj4M+G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tM);    // Total 4-mom of the reaction
1931  if(absMom) EnMomConservation+=lead4M;         // Add E/M of leading System
1932#ifdef debug
1933  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt:before St="<<aParticleChange.GetTrackStatus()<<G4endl;
1936  // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Temporary for the testing purposes --- Begin
1937  //G4bool elF=false; // Flag of the ellastic scattering is "false" by default
1938  //G4double eWei=1.;
1939  // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Temporary for the testing purposes --- End 
1940#ifdef ldebug
1941  G4cout<<"^^G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: projPDG="<<projPDG<<", targPDG="<<targPDG<<G4endl;
1943  const G4QNucleus targNuc(Z,N);                          // Define the target nucleus
1944  if(projPDG>9000000)
1945  {
1946    delete output;                                        // Before the output creation
1947    G4QNucleus projNuc(proj4M,projPDG);                   // Define the projectile nucleus
1948    G4QIonIonCollision IonIon(projNuc, targNuc);  // Define deep-inelastic ion-ion reaction
1949#ifdef debug
1950    G4cout<<"G4QCol::PStDoIt: ProjNuc="<<projPDG<<proj4M<<", TargNuc="<<targPDG<<G4endl;
1952    try {output = IonIon.Fragment();}                     // DINR AA interaction products
1953    catch (G4QException& error)
1954    {
1955      G4cerr<<"***G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: G4QE Exception is catched in hA"<<G4endl;
1956      G4Exception("G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:","27",FatalException,"CHIPS hA crash");
1957    }
1958  }
1959  else                                                    // --> A projectile hadron
1960  {
1961    G4int maxCn=7;
1962    G4int atCn=0;                                         // Attempts counter
1963    G4bool inel=false;
1964    while (inel==false && ++atCn <= maxCn)                // To evoid elastic final state
1965    {
1966      G4int outN=output->size();
1967      if(outN)                                            // The output is not empty
1968      {
1969        for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
1970        output->clear();
1971      }
1972      delete output;                                      // Before the new output creation
1973      const G4QHadron projH(projPDG,proj4M);              // Define the projectile particle
1974      G4QFragmentation DINR(targNuc, projH);              // Define deep-inel. h-A reaction
1975#ifdef debug
1976      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PStDoIt:Proj="<<projPDG<<proj4M<<",TargNuc="<<targPDG<<G4endl;
1978      try {output = DINR.Fragment();}                     // DINR hA fragmentation
1979      catch (G4QException& error)
1980      {
1981        G4cerr<<"***G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: G4QE Exception is catched in hA"<<G4endl;
1982        G4Exception("G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:","27",FatalException,"CHIPS hA crash");
1983      }
1984      outN=output->size();
1985#ifdef debug
1986      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:  At# "<<atCn<<", nSec="<<outN<<", fPDG="
1987            <<(*output)[0]->GetPDGCode()<<", pPDG="<< projPDG<<G4endl;
1989      inel=true;
1990      if(outN < 2)
1991      {
1992        G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: nSec="<<outN<<", At# "<<atCn<<G4endl;
1993        inel=false;
1994      }
1995      else if(outN==2 && (*output)[0]->GetPDGCode() == projPDG) inel=false;
1996#ifdef debug
1997      if(atCn==maxCn) G4cout<<"-Warn-G4QCol::PostStDoIt:mAt="<<atCn<<" is reached"<<G4endl;
1999    }
2000  }
2001  //
2002  // --- the scattered hadron with changed nature can be added here ---
2003  if(scat)
2004  {
2005    G4QHadron* scatHadron = new G4QHadron(scatPDG,scat4M);
2006    output->push_back(scatHadron);
2007  }
2008  G4int qNH=0;
2009  if(leadhs) qNH=leadhs->size();
2010  if(absMom)
2011  {
2012    if(qNH) for(G4int iq=0; iq<qNH; iq++)
2013    {
2014      G4QHadron* loh=(*leadhs)[iq];   // Pointer to the output hadron
2015      output->push_back(loh);
2016    }
2017    if(leadhs) delete leadhs;
2018    leadhs=0;
2019  }
2020  else
2021  {
2022    if(qNH) for(G4int iq=0; iq<qNH; iq++) delete (*leadhs)[iq];
2023    if(leadhs) delete leadhs;
2024    leadhs=0;
2025  }
2026  // ------------- From here the secondaries are filled -------------------------
2027  G4int tNH = output->size();       // A#of hadrons in the output
2028  aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(tNH); 
2029  // Now add nuclear fragments
2030#ifdef debug
2031  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: "<<tNH<<" particles are generated"<<G4endl;
2033#ifdef ppdebug
2034  if(absMom)G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: t="<<tNH<<", q="<<qNH<<G4endl;
2036  G4int nOut=output->size();               // Real length of the output @@ Temporary
2037  if(tNH==1 && !scat)                      // @@ Temporary. Find out why it happened!
2038  {
2039    G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: 1 secondary! absMom="<<absMom;
2040    if(absMom) G4cout<<", qNH="<<qNH;
2041    G4cout<<", PDG0="<<(*output)[0]->GetPDGCode();
2042    G4cout<<G4endl;
2043    tNH=0;
2044    delete output->operator[](0);          // delete the creazy hadron
2045    output->pop_back();                    // clean up the output vector
2046  }
2047  if(tNH==2&&2!=nOut) G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: 2 # "<<nOut<<G4endl;
2048  // Deal with ParticleChange final state interface to GEANT4 output of the process
2049  //if(tNH==2) for(i=0; i<tNH; i++)          // @@ Temporary tNH==2 instead of just tNH
2050  if(tNH) for(i=0; i<tNH; i++)             // @@ Temporary tNH==2 instead of just tNH
2051  {
2052    // Note that one still has to take care of Hypernuclei (with Lambda or Sigma inside)
2053    // Hypernucleus mass calculation and ion-table interface upgrade => work for Hisaya @@
2054    // The decau process for hypernuclei must be developed in GEANT4 (change CHIPS body)
2055    G4QHadron* hadr=(*output)[i];          // Pointer to the output hadron   
2056    G4int PDGCode = hadr->GetPDGCode();
2057    G4int nFrag   = hadr->GetNFragments();
2058#ifdef pdebug
2059    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: H#"<<i<<",PDG="<<PDGCode<<",nF="<<nFrag
2060          <<", 4Mom="<<hadr->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
2062    if(nFrag)                              // Skip intermediate (decayed) hadrons
2063    {
2064#ifdef debug
2065      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: Intermediate particle is found i="<<i<<G4endl;
2067      delete hadr;
2068      continue;
2069    }
2070    G4DynamicParticle* theSec = new G4DynamicParticle;
2071    G4ParticleDefinition* theDefinition;
2072    if     (PDGCode==90000001) theDefinition = G4Neutron::Neutron();
2073    else if(PDGCode==90001000) theDefinition = G4Proton::Proton();//While it can be in ions
2074    else if(PDGCode==91000000) theDefinition = G4Lambda::Lambda();
2075    else if(PDGCode==311 || PDGCode==-311)
2076    {
2077      if(G4UniformRand()>.5) theDefinition = G4KaonZeroLong::KaonZeroLong();   // K_L
2078      else                   theDefinition = G4KaonZeroShort::KaonZeroShort(); // K_S
2079    }
2080    else if(PDGCode==91000999) theDefinition = G4SigmaPlus::SigmaPlus();
2081    else if(PDGCode==90999001) theDefinition = G4SigmaMinus::SigmaMinus();
2082    else if(PDGCode==91999000) theDefinition = G4XiMinus::XiMinus();
2083    else if(PDGCode==91999999) theDefinition = G4XiZero::XiZero();
2084    else if(PDGCode==92998999) theDefinition = G4OmegaMinus::OmegaMinus();
2085    else if(PDGCode >80000000) // Defines hypernuclei as normal nuclei (N=N+S Correction!)
2086    {
2087      G4int aZ = hadr->GetCharge();
2088      G4int aA = hadr->GetBaryonNumber();
2089#ifdef pdebug
2090      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:Ion Z="<<aZ<<", A="<<aA<<G4endl;
2092      theDefinition = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindIon(aZ,aA,0,aZ);
2093    }
2094    //else theDefinition = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(PDGCode);
2095    else
2096    {
2097#ifdef pdebug
2098      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:Define particle with PDG="<<PDGCode<<G4endl;
2100      theDefinition = G4QPDGToG4Particle::Get()->GetParticleDefinition(PDGCode);
2101#ifdef pdebug
2102      G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:AfterParticleDefinition PDG="<<PDGCode<<G4endl;
2104    }
2105    if(!theDefinition)
2106    {
2107#ifdef debug
2108      G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: drop PDG="<<PDGCode<<G4endl;
2110      delete hadr;
2111      continue;
2112    }
2113#ifdef pdebug
2114    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:Name="<<theDefinition->GetParticleName()<<G4endl;
2116    theSec->SetDefinition(theDefinition);
2117    G4LorentzVector h4M=hadr->Get4Momentum();
2118    EnMomConservation-=h4M;
2119#ifdef tdebug
2120    G4cout<<"G4QCollis::PSDI:"<<i<<","<<PDGCode<<h4M<<h4M.m()<<EnMomConservation<<G4endl;
2122#ifdef debug
2123    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:#"<<i<<",PDG="<<PDGCode<<",4M="<<h4M<<G4endl;
2125    theSec->Set4Momentum(h4M); //                                                         ^
2126    delete hadr; // <-----<-----------<-------------<---------------------<---------<-----+
2127#ifdef debug
2128    G4ThreeVector curD=theSec->GetMomentumDirection();              //                    ^
2129    G4double curM=theSec->GetMass();                                //                    |
2130    G4double curE=theSec->GetKineticEnergy()+curM;                  //                    ^
2131    G4cout<<"G4QCollis::PSDoIt:p="<<curD<<curD.mag()<<",e="<<curE<<",m="<<curM<<G4endl;// |
2133    G4Track* aNewTrack = new G4Track(theSec, localtime, position ); //                    ^
2134    aNewTrack->SetWeight(weight);                                   //    weighted        |
2135    aNewTrack->SetTouchableHandle(trTouchable);                     //                    |
2136    aParticleChange.AddSecondary( aNewTrack );                      //                    |
2137#ifdef debug
2138    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:#"<<i<<" is done."<<G4endl; //                    |
2140  } //                                                                                    |
2141  delete output; // instances of the G4QHadrons from the output are already deleted above +
2142  if(leadhs)     // To satisfy Valgrind ( How can that be?)
2143  {
2144    G4int qNH=leadhs->size();
2145    if(qNH) for(G4int iq=0; iq<qNH; iq++) delete (*leadhs)[iq];
2146    delete leadhs;
2147    leadhs=0;
2148  }
2149#ifdef debug
2150  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStDoIt: after St="<<aParticleChange.GetTrackStatus()<<G4endl;
2152  if(aProjPDG!=11 && aProjPDG!=13 && aProjPDG!=15)
2153    aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);        // Kill the absorbed particle
2154#ifdef pdebug
2155    G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt: E="<<aParticleChange.GetEnergy()
2156          <<", d="<<*aParticleChange.GetMomentumDirection()<<G4endl;
2158#ifdef ldebug
2159  G4cout<<"G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt:*** PostStepDoIt is done ***, P="<<aProjPDG<<", St="
2160        <<aParticleChange.GetTrackStatus()<<G4endl;
2162  return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(track, step);
2165std::pair<G4double,G4double> G4QInelastic::Random2DDirection()
2167  G4double sp=0;              // sin(phi)
2168  G4double cp=1.;             // cos(phi)
2169  G4double r2=2.;             // to enter the loop
2170  while(r2>1. || r2<.0001)    // pi/4 efficiency
2171  {
2172    G4double s=G4UniformRand();
2173    G4double c=G4UniformRand();
2174    sp=1.-s-s;
2175    cp=1.-c-c;
2176    r2=sp*sp+cp*cp;
2177  }
2178  G4double norm=std::sqrt(r2);
2179  return std::make_pair(sp/norm,cp/norm);
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