source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4AblaFission.hh @ 1326

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26// $Id: G4AblaFission.hh,v 1.2 2008/06/25 17:20:04 kaitanie Exp $
27// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
28// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
29// Christelle Schmidt, IPNL (fission code)
30// Alain Boudard, CEA (contact person INCL/ABLA)
31// Aatos Heikkinen, HIP (project coordination)
33#ifndef G4AblaFission_hh
34#define G4AblaFission_hh 1
36#include "G4AblaFissionBase.hh"
37#include "G4InclDataDefs.hh"
38#include "G4InclRandomNumbers.hh"
40class G4AblaFission : public G4AblaFissionBase {
43  G4AblaFission();
44  G4AblaFission(G4Hazard *hzr, G4InclRandomInterface *rndm);
46  ~G4AblaFission();
48  void doFission(G4double &A, G4double &Z, G4double &E,
49                 G4double &A1, G4double &Z1, G4double &E1, G4double &K1,
50                 G4double &A2, G4double &Z2, G4double &E2, G4double &K2);
52  /**
53   *
54   */
55  G4double spdef(G4int a, G4int z, G4int optxfis);
57  /**
58   *
59   */
60  G4double fissility(G4int a, G4int z, G4int optxfis);
62//   void evapora(G4double zprf, G4double aprf, G4double ee, G4double jprf,
63//             G4double *zf_par, G4double *af_par, G4double *mtota_par,
64//             G4double *pleva_par, G4double *pxeva_par);
65//  G4double bfms67(G4double zms, G4double ams);
66  //  void lpoly(G4double x, G4int n, G4double pl[]);
67  //  G4double expohaz(G4int k, G4double T);
68  //  G4double fd(G4double E);
69  //  G4double f(G4double E);
70  //  G4double fmaxhaz(G4double k, G4double T);
71  void even_odd(G4double r_origin,G4double r_even_odd,G4int &i_out);
72  G4double umass(G4double z,G4double n,G4double beta);
73  G4double ecoul(G4double z1,G4double n1,G4double beta1,G4double z2,G4double n2,G4double beta2,G4double d);
74  void fissionDistri(G4double &a,G4double &z,G4double &e,
75                     G4double &a1,G4double &z1,G4double &e1,G4double &v1,
76                     G4double &a2,G4double &z2,G4double &e2,G4double &v2);
77  void standardRandom(G4double *rndm, G4long *seed);
78  G4double haz(G4int k);
79  G4double gausshaz(int k, double xmoy, double sig);
83  G4int min(G4int a, G4int b);
84  G4double min(G4double a, G4double b);
85  G4int max(G4int a, G4int b);
86  G4double max(G4double a, G4double b);
88  G4int nint(G4double number);
89  G4int secnds(G4int x);
90  G4int mod(G4int a, G4int b);
91  G4double dmod(G4double a, G4double b);
92  G4double dint(G4double a);
93  G4int idint(G4double a);
94  G4int idnint(G4double value);
95  G4double utilabs(G4double a);
96  G4double dmin1(G4double a, G4double b, G4double c);
97  void p(G4int a, G4int b);
98  void p(G4double a, G4double b);
99  void p(G4String msg, G4double a, G4double b);
102  G4InclRandomInterface *randomGenerator;
103  G4Hazard *hazard;
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