source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/src/ @ 1353

Last change on this file since 1353 was 1350, checked in by garnier, 14 years ago

update to last version 4.9.4

File size: 5.7 KB
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26#include "G4InclInput.hh"
28G4InclInput::G4InclInput(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, const G4Nucleus &theNucleus, G4bool inverseKinematics = false) {
29  usingInverseKinematics = inverseKinematics;
31  fTargetA = theNucleus.GetA_asInt(); // Target mass number
32  fTargetZ = theNucleus.GetZ_asInt(); // Target charge number
33  fBulletType = getBulletType(aTrack.GetDefinition()); // Projectile type (INCL particle code)
34  fBulletE = aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() / MeV; // Projectile energy (total, in MeV)
35  fTimeScale = 1.0; // Time scaling
36  fNuclearPotential = 45.0; // Nuclear potential
37  setExtendedProjectileInfo(aTrack.GetDefinition());
38  icoup = 0;
39  breakupThreshold = 10;
40  fMinNeutronEnergy = 0.0;
41  fMinProtonE = 0.0;
44G4InclInput::~G4InclInput() {}
46void G4InclInput::printInfo() {
47  G4cout <<"Target: A = " << targetA() << " Z = " << targetZ() << G4endl;
48  G4cout <<"Projectile: type = " << bulletType() << " energy = " << bulletE() << G4endl;
51void G4InclInput::printProjectileTargetInfo(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, const G4Nucleus &theNucleus) {
52  G4cout <<"Projectile = " << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
53  G4cout <<"    four-momentum: " << aTrack.Get4Momentum() << G4endl;
54  G4cout <<"Energy = " << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() / MeV << G4endl;
55  G4cout <<"Target A = " << theNucleus.GetA_asInt() << " Z = " << theNucleus.GetZ_asInt() << G4endl;
59G4bool G4InclInput::canUseInverseKinematics(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, const G4Nucleus &theNucleus) {
60  G4int targetA = theNucleus.GetA_asInt();
61  const G4ParticleDefinition *projectileDef = aTrack.GetDefinition();
62  G4int projectileA = projectileDef->GetAtomicMass();
63  //    G4int projectileZ = projectileDef->GetAtomicNumber();
64  if(targetA > 0 && targetA < 18 && (projectileDef != G4Proton::Proton() &&
65                                     projectileDef != G4Neutron::Neutron() &&
66                                     projectileDef != G4PionPlus::PionPlus() &&
67                                     projectileDef != G4PionZero::PionZero() &&
68                                     projectileDef != G4PionMinus::PionMinus()) &&
69                              projectileA > 1) {
70    return true;
71  } else {
72    return false;
73  }
76void G4InclInput::setExtendedProjectileInfo(const G4ParticleDefinition *pd) {
77  if(getBulletType(pd) == -666) {
78    theExtendedProjectileA = pd->GetAtomicMass();
79    theExtendedProjectileZ = pd->GetAtomicNumber();
80    isExtended = true;
81  } else {
82    isExtended = false;
83  }
86G4int G4InclInput::getBulletType(const G4ParticleDefinition *pd) {
87  //  G4ParticleTable *pt = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
89  if(pd == G4Proton::Proton()) {
90    return 1;
91  } else if(pd == G4Neutron::Neutron()) {
92    return 2;
93  } else if(pd == G4PionPlus::PionPlus()) {
94    return 3;
95  } else if(pd == G4PionMinus::PionMinus()) {
96    return 5;
97  } else if(pd == G4PionZero::PionZero()) {
98    return 4;
99  } else if(pd == G4Deuteron::Deuteron()) {
100    return 6;
101  } else if(pd == G4Triton::Triton()) {
102    return 7;
103  } else if(pd == G4He3::He3()) {
104    return 8;
105  } else if(pd == G4Alpha::Alpha()) {
106    return 9;
107    //  } else if(pd == pt->GetIon(6, 12, 0.0)) { // C12 special case. This should be phased-out in favor of "extended projectile"
108    //    return -12;
109  } else { // Is this extended projectile?
110    G4int A = pd->GetAtomicMass();
111    G4int Z = pd->GetAtomicNumber();
112    if(A > 4 && A <= 16 && Z > 2 && Z <= 8) { // Ions from Lithium to Oxygen
113      return -666; // Code of an extended projectile
114    }
115  }
116  G4cout <<"Error! Projectile " << pd->GetParticleName() << " not defined!" << G4endl;
117  return 0;
120G4ParticleDefinition* G4InclInput::getParticleDefinition(G4int inclParticleCode) {
121  switch(inclParticleCode) {
122  case 1:
123    return G4Proton::ProtonDefinition();
124    break;
125  case 2:
126    return G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition();
127    break;
128  case 3:
129    return G4PionPlus::PionPlusDefinition();
130    break;
131  case 4:
132    return G4PionMinus::PionMinusDefinition();
133    break;
134  case 5:
135    return G4PionZero::PionZeroDefinition();
136    break;
137  case 6:
138    return G4Deuteron::DeuteronDefinition();
139    break;
140  case 7:
141    return G4Triton::Triton();
142    break;
143  case 8:
144    return G4He3::He3Definition();
145    break;
146  case 9:
147    return G4Alpha::AlphaDefinition();
148    break;
149  }
150  return 0;
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