source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/management/include/G4HadronicInteraction.hh @ 1112

Last change on this file since 1112 was 1055, checked in by garnier, 15 years ago

maj sur la beta de geant 4.9.3

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[1055]27// $Id: G4HadronicInteraction.hh,v 1.9 2009/01/24 11:56:27 vnivanch Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-beta-cand-01 $
[1055]30// Hadronic Interaction  abstract base class
31// This class is the base class for the model classes.
32// It sorts out the energy-range for the models and provides
33// class utilities.
34// original by H.P. Wellisch
35// Modified by J.L.Chuma, TRIUMF, 21-Mar-1997
36// Last modified: 3-Apr-1997
37// Added units to energy initialization: J.L. Chuma  04-Apr-97
38// Modified by J.L.Chuma, 05-May-97  to Initialize theBlockedCounter
39// Modified by J.L.Chuma, 08-Jul-97 to implement the Nucleus changes
40// Adding a registry for memory management of hadronic models, HPW 22-Mar-99
41// 23-Jan-2009 V.Ivanchenko move constructor and destructor to the body
42//                          and reorder methods in the header
44// Class Description
45// This is the base class for all hadronic interaction models in geant4.
[1055]46// If you want to implement a new way of producing a final state, please,
47//  inherit from here.
[819]48// Class Description - End
50#ifndef G4HadronicInteraction_h
51#define G4HadronicInteraction_h 1
53#include "G4HadFinalState.hh"
54#include "G4ReactionDynamics.hh"
55#include "G4Material.hh"
56#include "G4Nucleus.hh"
57#include "G4Track.hh"
58#include "G4HadProjectile.hh"
[1055]60class G4HadronicInteraction
62public: // With description
[1055]65  G4HadronicInteraction(const G4String& modelName = "HadronicModel");
[1055]67  virtual ~G4HadronicInteraction();
[1055]69  virtual G4HadFinalState *ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, 
70                                         G4Nucleus & targetNucleus ) = 0;
71  // This is the interface to implement for final state production code.
73  virtual G4bool IsApplicable(const G4HadProjectile &/*aTrack*/, 
74                              G4Nucleus & /*targetNucleus*/)
75  {  return true;}
77  inline G4double GetMinEnergy() const
78  { return theMinEnergy; }
[1055]80  virtual G4double GetMinEnergy( const G4Material *aMaterial,
81                                 const G4Element *anElement ) const;
83  inline void SetMinEnergy( const G4double anEnergy )
84  { theMinEnergy = anEnergy; }
[1055]86  virtual void SetMinEnergy( G4double anEnergy, G4Element *anElement );
[1055]88  virtual void SetMinEnergy( G4double anEnergy, G4Material *aMaterial );
[1055]90  inline G4double GetMaxEnergy() const
91  { return theMaxEnergy; }
[1055]93  virtual G4double GetMaxEnergy( const G4Material *aMaterial,
94                                 const G4Element *anElement ) const;
[1055]96  inline void SetMaxEnergy( const G4double anEnergy )
97  { theMaxEnergy = anEnergy; }
[1055]99  virtual void SetMaxEnergy( G4double anEnergy, G4Element *anElement );
[1055]101  virtual void SetMaxEnergy( G4double anEnergy, G4Material *aMaterial );
[1055]103  inline const G4HadronicInteraction *GetMyPointer() const
104  { return this; }
[1055]106  inline G4int GetVerboseLevel() const
107  { return verboseLevel; }
[1055]109  inline void SetVerboseLevel( G4int value )
110  { verboseLevel = value; }
[1055]112  inline const G4String& GetModelName() const
113  { return theModelName; }
115public: // Without description
[1055]117  virtual void DeActivateFor( G4Material *aMaterial );
[1055]119  virtual void ActivateFor( G4Material *aMaterial ) 
120  { 
121    Block(); 
122    SetMaxEnergy(GetMaxEnergy(), aMaterial);
123    SetMinEnergy(GetMinEnergy(), aMaterial);
124  }
[1055]126  virtual void DeActivateFor( G4Element *anElement ); 
127  virtual void ActivateFor( G4Element *anElement )
128  { 
129    Block(); 
130    SetMaxEnergy(GetMaxEnergy(), anElement);
131    SetMinEnergy(GetMinEnergy(), anElement);
132  }
[1055]134  virtual G4bool IsBlocked( const G4Material *aMaterial ) const;
[1055]136  virtual G4bool IsBlocked( const G4Element *anElement) const;
138  inline G4bool operator==(const G4HadronicInteraction &right ) const
139  { return ( this == (G4HadronicInteraction *) &right ); }
[1055]141  inline G4bool operator!=(const G4HadronicInteraction &right ) const
142  { return ( this != (G4HadronicInteraction *) &right ); }
[1055]146  G4HadronicInteraction(const G4HadronicInteraction &right );
[1055]148  const G4HadronicInteraction& operator=(const G4HadronicInteraction &right);
152  inline G4bool IsBlocked() const { return isBlocked;}
153  inline void Block() { isBlocked = true; }
[1055]155  G4HadFinalState theParticleChange;
156  // the G4HadFinalState object which is modified and returned
157  // by address by the ApplyYourself method,
158  // (instead of aParticleChange as found in G4VProcess)
[1055]160  G4int verboseLevel;
161  // control flag for output messages
162  // 0: silent
163  // 1: warning messages
164  // 2: more
165  // (instead of verboseLevel as found in G4VProcess)
[1055]167  G4ReactionDynamics theReactionDynamics;
169  // these two have global validity
170  // units are assumed to be MeV
172  G4double theMinEnergy;
173  G4double theMaxEnergy;
175  G4bool isBlocked;
[1055]177  G4String theModelName;
[1055]181   std::vector<std::pair<G4double, G4Material *> > theMinEnergyList;
182   std::vector<std::pair<G4double, G4Material *> > theMaxEnergyList;
183   std::vector<std::pair<G4double, G4Element *> > theMinEnergyListElements;
184   std::vector<std::pair<G4double, G4Element *> > theMaxEnergyListElements;
185   std::vector<G4Material *> theBlockedList;
186   std::vector<G4Element *> theBlockedListElements;
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