source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/management/include/G4InelasticInteraction.hh @ 962

Last change on this file since 962 was 962, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago

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[962]27// $Id: G4InelasticInteraction.hh,v 1.6 2009/01/24 11:56:27 vnivanch Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02-ref-02 $
[962]30// Hadronic Process: Inelastic Interaction
31// This class is an abstract base class, since the pure virtual
32// function ApplyYourself has not been defined yet.
33// original by H.P. Wellisch
34// Modified by J.L. Chuma, TRIUMF, 22-Nov-1996
35// Modified by J.L. Chuma  27-Mar-1997
36// Modified by J.L. Chuma  30-Apr-1997
37// Modified by J.L. Chuma  05-Aug-1997  to pass the original incident particle to
38//                                      CalculateMomenta
39// Modified by J.L. Chuma  05-Jun-1998  to include quasiElastic flag to allow for
40//                                      TwoBody to be called directly, bypassing
41//                                      TwoCluster, and allowing TwoCluster to be
42//                                      called with no secondaries
43// 23-Jan-2009 V.Ivanchenko move constructor and destructor to the body
45#ifndef G4InelasticInteraction_h
46#define G4InelasticInteraction_h 1
48#include "globals.hh"
49#include "G4FastVector.hh"
50#include "G4HadronicInteraction.hh"
51#include "G4ReactionProduct.hh"
52#include "G4ParticleTypes.hh"
53#include "Randomize.hh"
54#include "G4ReactionDynamics.hh"
[962]56class G4InelasticInteraction : public G4HadronicInteraction
[962]60    G4InelasticInteraction(const G4String& modelName = "LEInelastic"); 
[962]62    virtual ~G4InelasticInteraction();
66    G4double Pmltpc( G4int np, G4int nm, G4int nz, G4int n,
67                     G4double b, G4double c );
69    G4bool MarkLeadingStrangeParticle( const G4ReactionProduct &currentParticle,
70                                       const G4ReactionProduct &targetParticle,
71                                       G4ReactionProduct &leadParticle );
73    void SetUpPions( const G4int np, const G4int nm, const G4int nz,
74                     G4FastVector<G4ReactionProduct,GHADLISTSIZE> &vec,
75                     G4int &vecLen );
77    void Rotate(G4FastVector<G4ReactionProduct,GHADLISTSIZE> &vec, G4int &vecLen);
79    void GetNormalizationConstant( const G4double availableEnergy,
80                                   G4double &n,
81                                   G4double &anpn );
83    void CalculateMomenta( G4FastVector<G4ReactionProduct,GHADLISTSIZE> &vec,
84                           G4int &vecLen,
85                           const G4HadProjectile *originalIncident,
86                           const G4DynamicParticle *originalTarget,
87                           G4ReactionProduct &modifiedOriginal,
88                           G4Nucleus &targetNucleus,
89                           G4ReactionProduct &currentParticle,
90                           G4ReactionProduct &targetParticle,
91                           G4bool &incidentHasChanged,
92                           G4bool &targetHasChanged,
93                           G4bool quasiElastic );
95    void SetUpChange( G4FastVector<G4ReactionProduct,GHADLISTSIZE> &vec,
96                      G4int &vecLen,
97                      G4ReactionProduct &currentParticle,
98                      G4ReactionProduct &targetParticle,
99                      G4bool &incidentHasChanged );
102      G4double cache;
103      G4ThreeVector what;
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