source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/management/include/G4VIsotopeProduction.hh @ 869

Last change on this file since 869 was 819, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago

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26#ifndef G4VIsotopeProduction_h
27#define G4VIsotopeProduction_h 1
29#include "G4IsoResult.hh"
30#include "G4Track.hh"
31#include "G4Nucleus.hh"
33// Class Description
34// This is the class you inherit from, if you want to implement your special
35// isotope production model, based on your production cross-sections.
36// Registering it with the corresponding process, the particle flux from the
37// transport models will be fed into the production model, to retrieve improved
38// isotope production information.
39// Class Description - End
40class G4VIsotopeProduction
42public:// With Description
44  // This is the interface to implement for isotope production models.
45  virtual G4IsoResult * GetIsotope(const G4Track & aTrack, const G4Nucleus & aNucleus) = 0;
47public:// Without Description
48  G4bool operator == (const G4VIsotopeProduction & aProd)
49  {
50    G4bool result = false;
51    if(&aProd==this) result = true;
52    return result;
53  }
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