source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/neutron_hp/src/ @ 838

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26// neutron_hp -- source file
27// J.P. Wellisch, Nov-1996
28// A prototype of the low energy neutron transport model.
30// 070523 bug fix for G4FPE_DEBUG on by A. Howard ( and T. Koi)
32#include "G4NeutronHPAngular.hh"
34void G4NeutronHPAngular::Init(std::ifstream & aDataFile)
36//  G4cout << "here we are entering the Angular Init"<<G4endl;
37  aDataFile >> theAngularDistributionType >> targetMass;
38  aDataFile >> frameFlag;
39  if(theAngularDistributionType == 0)
40  {
41    theIsoFlag = true;
42  }
43  else if(theAngularDistributionType==1)
44  {
45    G4int nEnergy;
46    aDataFile >> nEnergy; 
47    theCoefficients = new G4NeutronHPLegendreStore(nEnergy);
48    theCoefficients->InitInterpolation(aDataFile);
49    G4double temp, energy;
50    G4int tempdep, nLegendre;
51    G4int i, ii;
52    for (i=0; i<nEnergy; i++)
53    {
54      aDataFile >> temp >> energy >> tempdep >> nLegendre;
55      energy *=eV;
56      theCoefficients->Init(i, energy, nLegendre);
57      theCoefficients->SetTemperature(i, temp);
58      G4double coeff=0;
59      for(ii=0; ii<nLegendre; ii++)
60      {
61        aDataFile >> coeff;
62        theCoefficients->SetCoeff(i, ii+1, coeff);
63      }
64    }
65  }
66  else if (theAngularDistributionType==2)
67  {
68    G4int nEnergy;
69    aDataFile >> nEnergy;
70    theProbArray = new G4NeutronHPPartial(nEnergy, nEnergy);
71    theProbArray->InitInterpolation(aDataFile);
72    G4double temp, energy;
73    G4int tempdep;
74    for(G4int i=0; i<nEnergy; i++)
75    {
76      aDataFile >> temp >> energy >> tempdep;
77      energy *= eV;
78      theProbArray->SetT(i, temp);
79      theProbArray->SetX(i, energy);
80      theProbArray->InitData(i, aDataFile);
81    }
82  }
83  else
84  {
85    theIsoFlag = false;
86    G4cout << "unknown distribution found for Angular"<<G4endl;
87    throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "unknown distribution needs implementation!!!");
88  }   
91void G4NeutronHPAngular::SampleAndUpdate(G4ReactionProduct & aHadron)
93  if(theIsoFlag)
94  {
95//  G4cout << "Angular result "<<aHadron.GetTotalMomentum()<<" ";
96// @@@ add code for isotropic emission in CMS.
97      G4double costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand()-1;
98      G4double theta = std::acos(costheta);
99      G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand();
100      G4double sinth = std::sin(theta);
101      G4double en = aHadron.GetTotalMomentum();
102      G4ThreeVector temp(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*std::cos(theta) );
103      aHadron.SetMomentum( temp );
104      aHadron.Lorentz(aHadron, -1.*theTarget);
105  }
106  else
107  {
108    if(theAngularDistributionType == 1) // LAB
109    {
110      G4double en = aHadron.GetTotalMomentum();
111      G4ReactionProduct boosted;
112      boosted.Lorentz(theNeutron, theTarget);
113      G4double kineticEnergy = boosted.GetKineticEnergy();
114      G4double cosTh = theCoefficients->SampleMax(kineticEnergy);
115      G4double theta = std::acos(cosTh);
116      G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand();
117      G4double sinth = std::sin(theta);
118      G4ThreeVector temp(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*std::cos(theta) );
119      aHadron.SetMomentum( temp );
120    }
121    else if(theAngularDistributionType == 2) // costh in CMS
122    {
123      G4ReactionProduct boostedN;
124      boostedN.Lorentz(theNeutron, theTarget);
125      G4double kineticEnergy = boostedN.GetKineticEnergy();
126      G4double cosTh = theProbArray->Sample(kineticEnergy); 
127      G4double theta = std::acos(cosTh);
128      G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand();
129      G4double sinth = std::sin(theta);     
131      G4ThreeVector temp(sinth*std::cos(phi), sinth*std::sin(phi), std::cos(theta) ); //CMS
132      G4double en = aHadron.GetTotalEnergy(); // Target rest
134      // get trafo from Target rest frame to CMS
135      G4ReactionProduct boostedT;
136      boostedT.Lorentz(theTarget, theTarget);
138      G4ThreeVector the3Neutron = boostedN.GetMomentum();
139      G4double nEnergy = boostedN.GetTotalEnergy();
140      G4ThreeVector the3Target = boostedT.GetMomentum();
141      G4double tEnergy = boostedT.GetTotalEnergy();
142      G4double totE = nEnergy+tEnergy;
143      G4ThreeVector the3trafo = -the3Target-the3Neutron;
144      G4ReactionProduct trafo; // for transformation from CMS to target rest frame
145      trafo.SetMomentum(the3trafo);
146      G4double cmsMom = std::sqrt(the3trafo*the3trafo);
147      G4double sqrts = std::sqrt((totE-cmsMom)*(totE+cmsMom));
148      trafo.SetMass(sqrts);
149      trafo.SetTotalEnergy(totE);
151      G4double gamma = trafo.GetTotalEnergy()/trafo.GetMass();
152      G4double cosalpha = temp*trafo.GetMomentum()/trafo.GetTotalMomentum()/temp.mag();
153      G4double fac = cosalpha*trafo.GetTotalMomentum()/trafo.GetMass();
154      fac*=gamma;
156      G4double mom;
157//    For G4FPE_DEBUG ON
158      G4double mom2 = ( en*fac*en*fac - 
159                   (fac*fac - gamma*gamma)*
160                   (en*en - gamma*gamma*aHadron.GetMass()*aHadron.GetMass())
161                );
162      if ( mom2 > 0.0 ) 
163        mom = std::sqrt( mom2 );
164      else
165        mom = 0.0; 
167      mom = -en*fac - mom;
168      mom /= (fac*fac-gamma*gamma);
169      temp = mom*temp;
171      aHadron.SetMomentum( temp ); // now all in CMS
172      aHadron.SetTotalEnergy( std::sqrt( mom*mom + aHadron.GetMass()*aHadron.GetMass() ) );
173      aHadron.Lorentz(aHadron, trafo); // now in target rest frame
174    }
175    else
176    {
177      throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Tried to sample non isotropic neutron angular");
178    }
179  }
180  aHadron.Lorentz(aHadron, -1.*theTarget); 
181//  G4cout << aHadron.GetMomentum()<<" ";
182//  G4cout << aHadron.GetTotalMomentum()<<G4endl;
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