// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // neutron_hp -- source file // J.P. Wellisch, Nov-1996 // A prototype of the low energy neutron transport model. // // 070523 bug fix for G4FPE_DEBUG on by A. Howard ( and T. Koi) // 070606 bug fix and migrate to enable to Partial cases by T. Koi // 080603 bug fix for Hadron Hyper News #932 by T. Koi // 080612 bug fix contribution from Benoit Pirard and Laurent Desorgher (Univ. Bern) #4,6 // 080717 bug fix of calculation of residual momentum by T. Koi // 080801 protect negative avalable energy by T. Koi // introduce theNDLDataA,Z which has A and Z of NDL data by T. Koi // 081024 G4NucleiPropertiesTable:: to G4NucleiProperties:: // #include "G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS.hh" #include "G4Nucleus.hh" #include "G4NucleiProperties.hh" #include "G4He3.hh" #include "G4Alpha.hh" #include "G4Electron.hh" #include "G4NeutronHPDataUsed.hh" #include "G4ParticleTable.hh" void G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS::InitGammas(G4double AR, G4double ZR) { // char the[100] = {""}; // std::ostrstream ost(the, 100, std::ios::out); // ost <(A), static_cast(Z), tString, aFSType, dbool); G4String filename = aFile.GetName(); theBaseA = aFile.GetA(); theBaseZ = aFile.GetZ(); theNDLDataA = (int)aFile.GetA(); theNDLDataZ = aFile.GetZ(); if(!dbool || ( Z<2.5 && ( std::abs(theBaseZ - Z)>0.0001 || std::abs(theBaseA - A)>0.0001))) { if(getenv("NeutronHPNamesLogging")) G4cout << "Skipped = "<< filename <<" "<> infoType) { hasFSData = true; theData >> dataType; theData >> sfType >> dummy; it = 50; if(sfType>=600||(sfType<100&&sfType>=50)) it = sfType%50; if(dataType==3) { theData >> dummy >> dummy; theXsection[it] = new G4NeutronHPVector; G4int total; theData >> total; theXsection[it]->Init(theData, total, eV); //std::cout << theXsection[it]->GetXsec(1*MeV) << std::endl; } else if(dataType==4) { theAngularDistribution[it] = new G4NeutronHPAngular; theAngularDistribution[it]->Init(theData); } else if(dataType==5) { theEnergyDistribution[it] = new G4NeutronHPEnergyDistribution; theEnergyDistribution[it]->Init(theData); } else if(dataType==6) { theEnergyAngData[it] = new G4NeutronHPEnAngCorrelation; theEnergyAngData[it]->Init(theData); } else if(dataType==12) { theFinalStatePhotons[it] = new G4NeutronHPPhotonDist; theFinalStatePhotons[it]->InitMean(theData); } else if(dataType==13) { theFinalStatePhotons[it] = new G4NeutronHPPhotonDist; theFinalStatePhotons[it]->InitPartials(theData); } else if(dataType==14) { theFinalStatePhotons[it]->InitAngular(theData); } else if(dataType==15) { theFinalStatePhotons[it]->InitEnergies(theData); } else { throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Data-type unknown to G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS"); } } theData.close(); } G4int G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS::SelectExitChannel(G4double eKinetic) { // it = 0 has without Photon G4double running[50]; running[0] = 0; unsigned int i; for(i=0; i<50; i++) { if(i!=0) running[i]=running[i-1]; if(theXsection[i] != 0) { running[i] += std::max(0., theXsection[i]->GetXsec(eKinetic)); } } G4double random = G4UniformRand(); G4double sum = running[49]; G4int it = 50; if(0!=sum) { G4int i0; for(i0=0; i0<50; i0++) { it = i0; if(random < running[i0]/sum) break; } } //debug: it = 1; return it; } //n,p,d,t,he3,a void G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS::CompositeApply(const G4HadProjectile & theTrack, G4ParticleDefinition * aDefinition) { // prepare neutron theResult.Clear(); G4double eKinetic = theTrack.GetKineticEnergy(); const G4HadProjectile *incidentParticle = &theTrack; G4ReactionProduct theNeutron( const_cast(incidentParticle->GetDefinition()) ); theNeutron.SetMomentum( incidentParticle->Get4Momentum().vect() ); theNeutron.SetKineticEnergy( eKinetic ); // prepare target G4int i; for(i=0; i<50; i++) { if(theXsection[i] != 0) { break; } } G4double targetMass=0; G4double eps = 0.0001; targetMass = ( G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(static_cast(theBaseA+eps), static_cast(theBaseZ+eps))) / G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass(); // if(theEnergyAngData[i]!=0) // targetMass = theEnergyAngData[i]->GetTargetMass(); // else if(theAngularDistribution[i]!=0) // targetMass = theAngularDistribution[i]->GetTargetMass(); // else if(theFinalStatePhotons[50]!=0) // targetMass = theFinalStatePhotons[50]->GetTargetMass(); G4Nucleus aNucleus; G4ReactionProduct theTarget; G4ThreeVector neuVelo = (1./incidentParticle->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass())*theNeutron.GetMomentum(); theTarget = aNucleus.GetBiasedThermalNucleus( targetMass, neuVelo, theTrack.GetMaterial()->GetTemperature()); // prepare the residual mass G4double residualMass=0; G4double residualZ = theBaseZ - aDefinition->GetPDGCharge(); G4double residualA = theBaseA - aDefinition->GetBaryonNumber()+1; residualMass = ( G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(static_cast(residualA+eps), static_cast(residualZ+eps)) ) / G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass(); // prepare energy in target rest frame G4ReactionProduct boosted; boosted.Lorentz(theNeutron, theTarget); eKinetic = boosted.GetKineticEnergy(); // G4double momentumInCMS = boosted.GetTotalMomentum(); // select exit channel for composite FS class. G4int it = SelectExitChannel( eKinetic ); // set target and neutron in the relevant exit channel InitDistributionInitialState(theNeutron, theTarget, it); G4ReactionProductVector * thePhotons = 0; G4ReactionProductVector * theParticles = 0; G4ReactionProduct aHadron; aHadron.SetDefinition(aDefinition); // what if only cross-sections exist ==> Na 23 11 @@@@ G4double availableEnergy = theNeutron.GetKineticEnergy() + theNeutron.GetMass() - aHadron.GetMass() + (targetMass - residualMass)*G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass(); //080730c if ( availableEnergy < 0 ) { //G4cout << "080730c Adjust availavleEnergy " << G4endl; availableEnergy = 0; } G4int nothingWasKnownOnHadron = 0; G4int dummy; G4double eGamm = 0; G4int iLevel=it-1; // TK without photon has it = 0 if( 50 == it ) { // TK Excitation level is not determined iLevel=-1; aHadron.SetKineticEnergy(availableEnergy*residualMass*G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass()/ (aHadron.GetMass()+residualMass*G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass())); aHadron.SetMomentum(theNeutron.GetMomentum()*(1./theNeutron.GetTotalMomentum())* std::sqrt(aHadron.GetTotalEnergy()*aHadron.GetTotalEnergy()- aHadron.GetMass()*aHadron.GetMass())); /* G4double p2 = ( aHadron.GetTotalEnergy()*aHadron.GetTotalEnergy()-aHadron.GetMass()*aHadron.GetMass() ); G4double p = 0.0; if ( p2 > 0.0 ) { p = std::sqrt( p ); } aHadron.SetMomentum(theNeutron.GetMomentum()*(1./theNeutron.GetTotalMomentum())*p ); */ } else { while( iLevel!=-1 && theGammas.GetLevel(iLevel)==0 ) { iLevel--; } } if ( theAngularDistribution[it] != 0 ) // MF4 { if(theEnergyDistribution[it]!=0) // MF5 { aHadron.SetKineticEnergy(theEnergyDistribution[it]->Sample(eKinetic, dummy)); G4double eSecN = aHadron.GetKineticEnergy(); eGamm = eKinetic-eSecN; for(iLevel=theGammas.GetNumberOfLevels()-1; iLevel>=0; iLevel--) { if(theGammas.GetLevelEnergy(iLevel)theGammas.GetNumberOfLevels()-1)iLevel = theGammas.GetNumberOfLevels()-1; } else { G4double eExcitation = 0; if(iLevel>=0) eExcitation = theGammas.GetLevel(iLevel)->GetLevelEnergy(); while (eKinetic-eExcitation < 0 && iLevel>0) { iLevel--; eExcitation = theGammas.GetLevel(iLevel)->GetLevelEnergy(); } if(getenv("InelasticCompFSLogging") && eKinetic-eExcitation < 0) { throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "SEVERE: InelasticCompFS: Consistency of data not good enough, please file report"); } if(eKinetic-eExcitation < 0) eExcitation = 0; if(iLevel!= -1) aHadron.SetKineticEnergy(eKinetic - eExcitation); } theAngularDistribution[it]->SampleAndUpdate(aHadron); if( theFinalStatePhotons[it] == 0 ) { // TK comment Most n,n* eneter to this thePhotons = theGammas.GetDecayGammas(iLevel); eGamm -= theGammas.GetLevelEnergy(iLevel); if(eGamm>0) // @ ok for now, but really needs an efficient way of correllated sampling @ { G4ReactionProduct * theRestEnergy = new G4ReactionProduct; theRestEnergy->SetDefinition(G4Gamma::Gamma()); theRestEnergy->SetKineticEnergy(eGamm); G4double costh = 2.*G4UniformRand()-1.; G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); theRestEnergy->SetMomentum(eGamm*std::sin(std::acos(costh))*std::cos(phi), eGamm*std::sin(std::acos(costh))*std::sin(phi), eGamm*costh); if(thePhotons == 0) { thePhotons = new G4ReactionProductVector; } thePhotons->push_back(theRestEnergy); } } } else if(theEnergyAngData[it] != 0) // MF6 { theParticles = theEnergyAngData[it]->Sample(eKinetic); } else { // @@@ what to do, if we have photon data, but no info on the hadron itself nothingWasKnownOnHadron = 1; } //G4cout << "theFinalStatePhotons it " << it << G4endl; //G4cout << "theFinalStatePhotons[it] " << theFinalStatePhotons[it] << G4endl; //G4cout << "theFinalStatePhotons it " << it << G4endl; //G4cout << "theFinalStatePhotons[it] " << theFinalStatePhotons[it] << G4endl; //G4cout << "thePhotons " << thePhotons << G4endl; if ( theFinalStatePhotons[it] != 0 ) { // the photon distributions are in the Nucleus rest frame. // TK residual rest frame G4ReactionProduct boosted; boosted.Lorentz(theNeutron, theTarget); G4double anEnergy = boosted.GetKineticEnergy(); thePhotons = theFinalStatePhotons[it]->GetPhotons(anEnergy); G4double aBaseEnergy = theFinalStatePhotons[it]->GetLevelEnergy(); G4double testEnergy = 0; if(thePhotons!=0 && thePhotons->size()!=0) { aBaseEnergy-=thePhotons->operator[](0)->GetTotalEnergy(); } if(theFinalStatePhotons[it]->NeedsCascade()) { while(aBaseEnergy>0.01*keV) { // cascade down the levels G4bool foundMatchingLevel = false; G4int closest = 2; G4double deltaEold = -1; for(G4int i=1; iGetLevelEnergy(); } else { testEnergy = 0; } G4double deltaE = std::abs(testEnergy-aBaseEnergy); if(deltaE<0.1*keV) { G4ReactionProductVector * theNext = theFinalStatePhotons[i]->GetPhotons(anEnergy); thePhotons->push_back(theNext->operator[](0)); aBaseEnergy = testEnergy-theNext->operator[](0)->GetTotalEnergy(); delete theNext; foundMatchingLevel = true; break; // ===> } if(theFinalStatePhotons[i]!=0 && ( deltaEGetPhotons(anEnergy); thePhotons->push_back(theNext->operator[](0)); aBaseEnergy = aBaseEnergy-theNext->operator[](0)->GetTotalEnergy(); delete theNext; } } } } unsigned int i0; if(thePhotons!=0) { for(i0=0; i0size(); i0++) { // back to lab thePhotons->operator[](i0)->Lorentz(*(thePhotons->operator[](i0)), -1.*theTarget); } } //G4cout << "nothingWasKnownOnHadron " << nothingWasKnownOnHadron << G4endl; if(nothingWasKnownOnHadron) { G4double totalPhotonEnergy = 0; if(thePhotons!=0) { unsigned int nPhotons = thePhotons->size(); unsigned int i0; for(i0=0; i0operator[](i0)->GetTotalEnergy(); } } availableEnergy -= totalPhotonEnergy; residualMass += totalPhotonEnergy/G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass(); aHadron.SetKineticEnergy(availableEnergy*residualMass*G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass()/ (aHadron.GetMass()+residualMass*G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass())); G4double CosTheta = 1.0 - 2.0*G4UniformRand(); G4double SinTheta = std::sqrt(1.0 - CosTheta*CosTheta); G4double Phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); G4ThreeVector Vector(std::cos(Phi)*SinTheta, std::sin(Phi)*SinTheta, CosTheta); //aHadron.SetMomentum(Vector* std::sqrt(aHadron.GetTotalEnergy()*aHadron.GetTotalEnergy()- // aHadron.GetMass()*aHadron.GetMass())); G4double p2 = aHadron.GetTotalEnergy()*aHadron.GetTotalEnergy()- aHadron.GetMass()*aHadron.GetMass(); G4double p = 0.0; if ( p2 > 0.0 ) p = std::sqrt ( p2 ); aHadron.SetMomentum( Vector*p ); } // fill the result // Beware - the recoil is not necessarily in the particles... // Can be calculated from momentum conservation? // The idea is that the particles ar emitted forst, and the gammas only once the // recoil is on the residual; assumption is that gammas do not contribute to // the recoil. // This needs more design @@@ G4int nSecondaries = 2; // the hadron and the recoil G4bool needsSeparateRecoil = false; G4int totalBaryonNumber = 0; G4int totalCharge = 0; G4ThreeVector totalMomentum(0); if(theParticles != 0) { nSecondaries = theParticles->size(); G4ParticleDefinition * aDef; unsigned int i0; for(i0=0; i0size(); i0++) { aDef = theParticles->operator[](i0)->GetDefinition(); totalBaryonNumber+=aDef->GetBaryonNumber(); totalCharge+=G4int(aDef->GetPDGCharge()+eps); totalMomentum += theParticles->operator[](i0)->GetMomentum(); } if(totalBaryonNumber!=G4int(theBaseA+eps+incidentParticle->GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber())) { needsSeparateRecoil = true; nSecondaries++; residualA = G4int(theBaseA+eps+incidentParticle->GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber() -totalBaryonNumber); residualZ = G4int(theBaseZ+eps+incidentParticle->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge() -totalCharge); } } G4int nPhotons = 0; if(thePhotons!=0) { nPhotons = thePhotons->size(); } nSecondaries += nPhotons; G4DynamicParticle * theSec; if( theParticles==0 ) { theSec = new G4DynamicParticle; theSec->SetDefinition(aHadron.GetDefinition()); theSec->SetMomentum(aHadron.GetMomentum()); theResult.AddSecondary(theSec); aHadron.Lorentz(aHadron, theTarget); G4ReactionProduct theResidual; theResidual.SetDefinition(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable() ->GetIon(static_cast(residualZ), static_cast(residualA), 0)); theResidual.SetKineticEnergy(aHadron.GetKineticEnergy()*aHadron.GetMass()/theResidual.GetMass()); //080612TK contribution from Benoit Pirard and Laurent Desorgher (Univ. Bern) #6 //theResidual.SetMomentum(-1.*aHadron.GetMomentum()); G4ThreeVector incidentNeutronMomentum = theNeutron.GetMomentum(); theResidual.SetMomentum(incidentNeutronMomentum - aHadron.GetMomentum()); theResidual.Lorentz(theResidual, -1.*theTarget); G4ThreeVector totalPhotonMomentum(0,0,0); if(thePhotons!=0) { for(i=0; ioperator[](i)->GetMomentum(); } } theSec = new G4DynamicParticle; theSec->SetDefinition(theResidual.GetDefinition()); theSec->SetMomentum(theResidual.GetMomentum()-totalPhotonMomentum); theResult.AddSecondary(theSec); } else { for(i0=0; i0size(); i0++) { theSec = new G4DynamicParticle; theSec->SetDefinition(theParticles->operator[](i0)->GetDefinition()); theSec->SetMomentum(theParticles->operator[](i0)->GetMomentum()); theResult.AddSecondary(theSec); delete theParticles->operator[](i0); } delete theParticles; if(needsSeparateRecoil && residualZ!=0) { G4ReactionProduct theResidual; theResidual.SetDefinition(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable() ->GetIon(static_cast(residualZ), static_cast(residualA), 0)); G4double resiualKineticEnergy = theResidual.GetMass()*theResidual.GetMass(); resiualKineticEnergy += totalMomentum*totalMomentum; resiualKineticEnergy = std::sqrt(resiualKineticEnergy) - theResidual.GetMass(); // cout << "Kinetic energy of the residual = "<SetDefinition(theResidual.GetDefinition()); theSec->SetMomentum(theResidual.GetMomentum()); theResult.AddSecondary(theSec); } } if(thePhotons!=0) { for(i=0; iSetDefinition(G4Gamma::Gamma()); theSec->SetMomentum(thePhotons->operator[](i)->GetMomentum()); theResult.AddSecondary(theSec); delete thePhotons->operator[](i); } // some garbage collection delete thePhotons; } //080721 G4ParticleDefinition* targ_pd = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon ( (G4int)theBaseZ , (G4int)theBaseA , 0.0 ); G4LorentzVector targ_4p_lab ( theTarget.GetMomentum() , std::sqrt( targ_pd->GetPDGMass()*targ_pd->GetPDGMass() + theTarget.GetMomentum().mag2() ) ); G4LorentzVector proj_4p_lab = theTrack.Get4Momentum(); G4LorentzVector init_4p_lab = proj_4p_lab + targ_4p_lab; adjust_final_state ( init_4p_lab ); // clean up the primary neutron theResult.SetStatusChange(stopAndKill); }