source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/neutron_hp/src/ @ 1355

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26// neutron_hp -- source file
27// J.P. Wellisch, Nov-1996
28// A prototype of the low energy neutron transport model.
30// 080801 Protect div0 error, when theCompundFraction is 1 by T. Koi
32#include "G4NeutronHPKallbachMannSyst.hh"
33#include "Randomize.hh"
34#include "G4HadronicException.hh"
36G4double G4NeutronHPKallbachMannSyst::Sample(G4double anEnergy)
38  G4double result;
40  G4double zero = GetKallbachZero(anEnergy);
41  if(zero>1) zero=1.;
42  if(zero<-1)zero=-1.;
43  G4double max = Kallbach(zero, anEnergy);
44  double upper = Kallbach(1., anEnergy);
45  double lower = Kallbach(-1., anEnergy);
46  if(upper>max) max=upper;
47  if(lower>max) max=lower;
48  G4double value, random;
49  do
50  {
51    result = 2.*G4UniformRand()-1; 
52    value = Kallbach(result, anEnergy)/max;
53    random = G4UniformRand();
54  }
55  while(random>value);
57  return result;
60G4double G4NeutronHPKallbachMannSyst::Kallbach(G4double cosTh, G4double anEnergy)
62  // Kallbach-Mann systematics without normalization.
63  G4double result;
64  G4double theX = A(anEnergy)*cosTh;
65  result = 0.5*(std::exp( theX)*(1+theCompoundFraction)
66               +std::exp(-theX)*(1-theCompoundFraction));
67  return result;
70G4double G4NeutronHPKallbachMannSyst::GetKallbachZero(G4double anEnergy)
72  G4double result;
73  if ( theCompoundFraction == 1 ) 
74  { 
75     //G4cout << "080730b Adjust theCompoundFraction " << G4endl;
76     theCompoundFraction *= (1-1.0e-15);   
77  } 
78  result = 0.5 * (1./A(anEnergy)) * std::log((1-theCompoundFraction)/(1+theCompoundFraction));
79  return result;
82G4double G4NeutronHPKallbachMannSyst::A(G4double anEnergy)
84  G4double result;
85  G4double C1 = 0.04/MeV;
86  G4double C2 = 1.8E-6/(MeV*MeV*MeV);
87  G4double C3 = 6.7E-7/(MeV*MeV*MeV*MeV);
89    G4double epsa = anEnergy*theTargetMass/(theTargetMass+theIncidentMass);
90    G4int Ac = theTargetA+1; 
91    G4int Nc = Ac - theTargetZ;
92    G4int AA = theTargetA;
93    G4int ZA = theTargetZ;
94    G4double ea = epsa+SeparationEnergy(Ac, Nc, AA, ZA);
95    G4double Et1 = 130*MeV;
96    G4double R1 = std::min(ea, Et1);
97    // theProductEnergy is still in CMS!!!
98    G4double epsb = theProductEnergy*(theProductMass+theResidualMass)/theResidualMass;
99    G4int AB = theResidualA;
100    G4int ZB = theResidualZ;
101    G4double eb = epsb+SeparationEnergy(Ac, Nc, AB, ZB );
102  G4double X1 = R1*eb/ea; 
103    G4double Et3 = 41*MeV;
104    G4double R3 = std::min(ea, Et3);
105  G4double X3 = R3*eb/ea;
106  G4double Ma = 1;
107  G4double mb(0);
108  G4int productA = theTargetA+1-theResidualA;
109  G4int productZ = theTargetZ-theResidualZ;
110  if(productZ==0)
111  {
112    mb = 0.5;
113  }
114  else if(productZ==1)
115  {
116    mb = 1;
117  }
118  else if(productZ==2)
119  {
120    mb = 2;
121    if(productA==3) mb=1;
122  }
123  else
124  {
125    throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Severe error in the sampling of Kallbach-Mann Systematics");
126  }
128  result = C1*X1 + C2*std::pow(X1, 3.) + C3*Ma*mb*std::pow(X3, 4.);
129  return result;
132G4double G4NeutronHPKallbachMannSyst::SeparationEnergy(G4int Ac, G4int Nc, G4int AA, G4int ZA)
134  G4double result;
135  G4int NA = AA-ZA;
136  G4int Zc = Ac-Nc;
137  result = 15.68*(Ac-AA);
138  result += -28.07*((Nc-Zc)*(Nc-Zc)/Ac - (NA-ZA)*(NA-ZA)/AA);
139  result += -18.56*(std::pow(G4double(Ac), 2./3.) - std::pow(G4double(AA), 2./3.));
140  result +=  33.22*((Nc-Zc)*(Nc-Zc)/std::pow(G4double(Ac), 4./3.) - (NA-ZA)*(NA-ZA)/std::pow(G4double(AA), 4./3.));
141  result += -0.717*(Zc*Zc/std::pow(G4double(Ac),1./3.)-ZA*ZA/std::pow(G4double(AA),1./3.));
142  result +=  1.211*(Zc*Zc/Ac-ZA*ZA/AA);
143  G4double totalBinding(0);
144  G4int productA = theTargetA+1-theResidualA;
145  G4int productZ = theTargetZ-theResidualZ;
146  if(productZ==0&&productA==1) totalBinding=0;
147  if(productZ==1&&productA==1) totalBinding=0;
148  if(productZ==1&&productA==2) totalBinding=2.22;
149  if(productZ==1&&productA==3) totalBinding=8.48;
150  if(productZ==2&&productA==3) totalBinding=7.72;
151  if(productZ==2&&productA==4) totalBinding=28.3;
152  result += -totalBinding;
153  result *= MeV;
154  return result;
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