source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/radioactive_decay/src/ @ 1247

Last change on this file since 1247 was 962, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago

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26// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
28// MODULES:    
30// Version:             0.b.4
31// Date:                14/04/00
32// Author:              F Lei & P R Truscott
33// Organisation:        DERA UK
34// Customer:            ESA/ESTEC, NOORDWIJK
35// Contract:            12115/96/JG/NL Work Order No. 3
37// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
40// --------------
42// 29 February 2000, P R Truscott, DERA UK
43// 0.b.3 release.
45// 18 October 2002, F Lei
46//            modified link metheds in DecayIt() to G4PhotoEvaporation() in order to
47//            use the new Internal Coversion feature.     
48// 13 April 2000, F Lei, DERA UK
49//            Changes made are:
50//            1) Use PhotonEvaporation instead of DiscreteGammaDeexcitation
51//            2) verbose control
53// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
56#include "G4NuclearLevelManager.hh"
57#include "G4NuclearLevelStore.hh"
58#include "G4NuclearDecayChannel.hh"
59#include "G4DynamicParticle.hh"
60#include "G4DecayProducts.hh"
61#include "G4DecayTable.hh"
62#include "G4PhysicsLogVector.hh"
63#include "G4ParticleChangeForRadDecay.hh"
64#include "G4IonTable.hh"
66#include "G4BetaFermiFunction.hh"
67#include "G4PhotonEvaporation.hh"
68#include "G4AtomicTransitionManager.hh"
69#include "G4AtomicShell.hh"
70#include "G4AtomicDeexcitation.hh"
72const G4double G4NuclearDecayChannel:: pTolerance = 0.001;
73const G4double G4NuclearDecayChannel:: levelTolerance = 2.0*keV;
74//const G4bool G4NuclearDecayChannel:: FermiOn = true;
79// Constructor for one decay product (the nucleus).
82                      (const G4RadioactiveDecayMode &theMode,
83                       G4int Verbose,
84                       const G4ParticleDefinition *theParentNucleus,
85                       G4double theBR,
86                       G4double theQtransition,
87                       G4int A,
88                       G4int Z,
89                       G4double theDaughterExcitation) :
90  G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay(Verbose), decayMode(theMode)
92#ifdef G4VERBOSE
93  if (GetVerboseLevel()>1)
94    {G4cout <<"G4NuclearDecayChannel constructor for " <<G4int(theMode) <<G4endl;}
96  SetParent(theParentNucleus);
97  FillParent();
98  parent_mass = theParentNucleus->GetPDGMass();
99  SetBR (theBR);
100  SetNumberOfDaughters (1);
101  FillDaughterNucleus (0, A, Z, theDaughterExcitation);
102  Qtransition = theQtransition;
107// Constructor for a daughter nucleus and one other particle.
110                      (const G4RadioactiveDecayMode &theMode,
111                       G4int Verbose,
112                       const G4ParticleDefinition *theParentNucleus,
113                       G4double theBR,
114                       G4double theQtransition,
115                       G4int A,
116                       G4int Z,
117                       G4double theDaughterExcitation,
118                       const G4String theDaughterName1) :
119                        G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay(Verbose), decayMode(theMode)
121#ifdef G4VERBOSE
122  if (GetVerboseLevel()>1)
123    {G4cout <<"G4NuclearDecayChannel constructor for " <<G4int(theMode) <<G4endl;}
125  SetParent (theParentNucleus);
126  FillParent();
127  parent_mass = theParentNucleus->GetPDGMass();
128  SetBR (theBR);
129  SetNumberOfDaughters (2);
130  SetDaughter(0, theDaughterName1);
131  FillDaughterNucleus (1, A, Z, theDaughterExcitation);
132  Qtransition = theQtransition;
137// Constructor for a daughter nucleus and two other particles.
140                      (const G4RadioactiveDecayMode &theMode,
141                       G4int Verbose,
142                       const G4ParticleDefinition *theParentNucleus,
143                       G4double theBR,
144                       G4double theFFN,
145                       G4bool betaS, 
146                       CLHEP::RandGeneral* randBeta,
147                       G4double theQtransition,
148                       G4int A,
149                       G4int Z,
150                       G4double theDaughterExcitation,
151                       const G4String theDaughterName1,
152                       const G4String theDaughterName2) :
153                        G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay(Verbose), decayMode(theMode)
154  //,BetaSimple(betaS),
155  //                    RandomEnergy(randBeta),  Qtransition(theQtransition),FermiFN(theFFN)
157#ifdef G4VERBOSE
158  if (GetVerboseLevel()>1)
159    {G4cout <<"G4NuclearDecayChannel constructor for " <<G4int(theMode) <<G4endl;}
161  SetParent (theParentNucleus);
162  FillParent();
163  parent_mass = theParentNucleus->GetPDGMass();
164  SetBR (theBR);
165  SetNumberOfDaughters (3);
166  SetDaughter(0, theDaughterName1);
167  SetDaughter(2, theDaughterName2);
168  FillDaughterNucleus(1, A, Z, theDaughterExcitation);
169  BetaSimple = betaS;
170  RandomEnergy = randBeta;
171  Qtransition = theQtransition;
172  FermiFN = theFFN;
180#include "G4HadTmpUtil.hh"
182void G4NuclearDecayChannel::FillDaughterNucleus (G4int index, G4int A, G4int Z,
183  G4double theDaughterExcitation)
185  //
186  //
187  // Determine if the proposed daughter nucleus has a sensible A, Z and excitation
188  // energy.
189  //
190  if (A<1 || Z<0 || theDaughterExcitation <0.0)
191  {
192    G4cerr <<"Error in G4NuclearDecayChannel::FillDaughterNucleus";
193    G4cerr <<"Inappropriate values of daughter A, Z or excitation" <<G4endl;
194    G4cerr <<"A = " <<A <<" and Z = " <<Z;
195    G4cerr <<" Ex = " <<theDaughterExcitation*MeV  <<"MeV" <<G4endl;
196    G4Exception(__FILE__, G4inttostring(__LINE__), FatalException, "G4NuclearDecayChannel::FillDaughterNucleus");
197  }
198  //
199  //
200  // Save A and Z to local variables.  Find the GROUND STATE of the daughter
201  // nucleus and save this, as an ion, in the array of daughters.
202  //
203  daughterA = A;
204  daughterZ = Z;
205  if (Z == 1 && A == 1) {
206    daughterNucleus = G4Proton::Definition();
207  } else if (Z == 0 && A == 1) {
208    daughterNucleus = G4Neutron::Definition();
209  } else {
210    G4IonTable *theIonTable =
211      (G4IonTable*)(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIonTable());
212    daughterNucleus = theIonTable->GetIon(daughterZ, daughterA, theDaughterExcitation*MeV);
213  }
214  daughterExcitation = theDaughterExcitation;
215  SetDaughter(index, daughterNucleus);
223G4DecayProducts *G4NuclearDecayChannel::DecayIt (G4double theParentMass)
225  //
226  //
227  // Load-up the details of the parent and daughter particles if they have not
228  // been defined properly.
229  //
230  if (parent == 0) FillParent();
231  if (daughters == 0) FillDaughters();
232  //
233  //
234  // We want to ensure that the difference between the total
235  // parent and daughter masses equals the energy liberated by the transition.
236  //
237  theParentMass = 0.0;
238  for( G4int index=0; index < numberOfDaughters; index++)
239    {theParentMass += daughters[index]->GetPDGMass();}
240  theParentMass += Qtransition  ;
241  // bug fix for beta+ decay (flei 25/09/01)
242  if (decayMode == 2) theParentMass -= 2*0.511 * MeV;
243  //
244#ifdef G4VERBOSE
245  if (GetVerboseLevel()>1) {
246    G4cout << "G4NuclearDecayChannel::DecayIt "<< G4endl;
247    G4cout << "the decay mass = " << theParentMass << G4endl;
248  }
251  SetParentMass (theParentMass);
253  //
254  //
255  // Define a product vector.
256  //
257  G4DecayProducts *products = 0;
258  //
259  //
260  // Depending upon the number of daughters, select the appropriate decay
261  // kinematics scheme.
262  //
263  switch (numberOfDaughters)
264    {
265    case 0:
266      G4cerr << "G4NuclearDecayChannel::DecayIt ";
267      G4cerr << " daughters not defined " <<G4endl;
268      break;
269    case 1:
270      products =  OneBodyDecayIt();
271      break;
272    case 2:
273      products =  TwoBodyDecayIt();
274      break;
275    case 3:
276      products =  BetaDecayIt();
277      break;
278    default:
279      G4cerr <<"Error in G4NuclearDecayChannel::DecayIt" <<G4endl;
280      G4cerr <<"Number of daughters in decay = " <<numberOfDaughters <<G4endl;
281      G4Exception(__FILE__, G4inttostring(__LINE__), FatalException,  "G4NuclearDecayChannel::DecayIt");
282    }
283  if (products == 0) {
284    G4cerr << "G4NuclearDecayChannel::DecayIt ";
285    G4cerr << *parent_name << " can not decay " << G4endl;
286    DumpInfo();
287  }
288  //
289  // If the decay is to an excited state of the daughter nuclide, we need
290  // to apply the photo-evaporation process.
291  //
292  // needed to hold the shell idex after ICM
293  G4int shellIndex = -1;
294  //
295  if (daughterExcitation > 0.0)
296    {
297      //
298      // Pop the daughter nucleus off the product vector - we need to retain
299      // the momentum of this particle.
300      //
301      dynamicDaughter = products->PopProducts();
302      G4LorentzVector daughterMomentum = dynamicDaughter->Get4Momentum();
303      G4ThreeVector const daughterMomentum1(static_cast<const G4LorentzVector> (daughterMomentum));
304      //
305      //
306      // Now define a G4Fragment with the correct A, Z and excitation, and declare and
307      // initialise a G4PhotonEvaporation object.
308      //   
309      G4Fragment nucleus(daughterA, daughterZ, daughterMomentum);
310      G4PhotonEvaporation* deexcitation = new G4PhotonEvaporation;
311      deexcitation->SetVerboseLevel(GetVerboseLevel());
312      // switch on/off internal electron conversion
313      deexcitation->SetICM(true);
314      // set the maximum life-time for a level that will be treated. Level with life-time longer than this
315      // will be outputed as meta-stable isotope
316      //
317      deexcitation->SetMaxHalfLife(1e-6*second);
318      // but in IT mode, we need to force the transition
319      if (decayMode == 0) {
320        deexcitation->RDMForced(true);
321      } else {
322        deexcitation->RDMForced(false);
323      }
324      //
325      // Get the gammas by deexciting the nucleus.
326      //
327      G4FragmentVector* gammas = deexcitation->BreakItUp(nucleus);
328      // in the case of BreakItUp(nucleus), the returned G4FragmentVector contains the residual nuclide
329      // as its last entry.
330      G4int nGammas=gammas->size()-1;
331      //
332      // Go through each gamma/e- and add it to the decay product.  The angular distribution
333      // of the gammas is isotropic, and the residual nucleus is assumed not to have suffered
334      // any recoil as a result of this de-excitation.
335      //
336      for (G4int ig=0; ig<nGammas; ig++)
337        {
338          G4DynamicParticle *theGammaRay = new
339            G4DynamicParticle (gammas->operator[](ig)->GetParticleDefinition(),
340                               gammas->operator[](ig)->GetMomentum());
341          theGammaRay -> SetProperTime(gammas->operator[](ig)->GetCreationTime());
342          products->PushProducts (theGammaRay);
343        }
344      //
345      //      now the nucleus
346      G4double finalDaughterExcitation = gammas->operator[](nGammas)->GetExcitationEnergy();
347      // f.lei (03/01/03) this is needed to fix the crach in test18
348      if (finalDaughterExcitation <= 1.0*keV) finalDaughterExcitation = 0 ;
350      // f.lei (07/03/05) added the delete to fix bug#711
351      if (dynamicDaughter) delete dynamicDaughter;
353      G4IonTable *theIonTable =  (G4IonTable*)(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIonTable());     
354      dynamicDaughter = new G4DynamicParticle
355        (theIonTable->GetIon(daughterZ,daughterA,finalDaughterExcitation),
356         daughterMomentum1);
357      products->PushProducts (dynamicDaughter); 
358      // retrive the ICM shell index
359      shellIndex = deexcitation->GetVacantShellNumber();
361      //
362      // Delete/reset variables associated with the gammas.
363      //
364      while (!gammas->empty()) {
365        delete *(gammas->end()-1);
366        gammas->pop_back();
367      }
368      //    gammas->clearAndDestroy();
369      delete gammas;
370      delete deexcitation;
371    }
372  //
373  // now we have to take care of the EC product which have to go through the ARM
374  //
375  G4int eShell = -1;
376  if (decayMode == 3 || decayMode == 4 || decayMode == 5) {
377    switch (decayMode)
378      {
379      case KshellEC:
380        //
381        {
382          eShell = 0; // --> 0 from 1 (f.lei 30/4/2008)
383        }
384        break;
385      case LshellEC:
386        //
387        {
388          eShell = G4int(G4UniformRand()*3)+1;
389        }
390        break;
391      case MshellEC:
392        //
393        {
394          eShell = G4int(G4UniformRand()*5)+4;
395        }
396        break;
397      case ERROR:
398      default:
399        G4Exception("G4NuclearDecayChannel::DecayIt()", "601",
400                    FatalException, "Error in decay mode selection");
401      }
402  }
403  // now deal with the IT case where ICM may have been applied
404  //
405  if (decayMode == 0) {
406    eShell = shellIndex;
407  }
408  // now apply ARM if there is a vaccancy
409  //
410  if (eShell != -1) {
411    G4int aZ = daughterZ;
412    if (aZ > 5 && aZ < 100) {  // only applies to 5< Z <100
413      // Retrieve the corresponding identifier and binding energy of the selected shell
414      const G4AtomicTransitionManager* transitionManager = G4AtomicTransitionManager::Instance();
415      const G4AtomicShell* shell = transitionManager->Shell(aZ, eShell);
416      G4double bindingEnergy = shell->BindingEnergy();
417      G4int shellId = shell->ShellId();
419      G4AtomicDeexcitation* atomDeex = new G4AtomicDeexcitation(); 
420      //the default is no Auger electron generation.
421      // Switch it on/off here!
422      atomDeex->ActivateAugerElectronProduction(true);
423      std::vector<G4DynamicParticle*>* armProducts = atomDeex->GenerateParticles(aZ,shellId);
425      // pop up the daughter before insertion;
426      // f.lei (30/04/2008) check if the total kinetic energy is less than
427      // the shell binding energy; if true add the difference to the daughter to conserve the energy
428      dynamicDaughter = products->PopProducts();
429      G4double tARMEnergy = 0.0; 
430      for (size_t i = 0;  i < armProducts->size(); i++) {
431        products->PushProducts ((*armProducts)[i]);
432        tARMEnergy += (*armProducts)[i]->GetKineticEnergy();
433      }
434      if ((bindingEnergy - tARMEnergy) > 0.1*keV){
435        G4double dEnergy = dynamicDaughter->GetKineticEnergy() + (bindingEnergy - tARMEnergy);
436        dynamicDaughter->SetKineticEnergy(dEnergy);
437      }
438      products->PushProducts(dynamicDaughter); 
440#ifdef G4VERBOSE
441      if (GetVerboseLevel()>0)
442        {
443          G4cout <<"G4NuclearDecayChannel::Selected shell number for ARM =  " <<shellId <<G4endl;
444          G4cout <<"G4NuclearDecayChannel::ARM products =  " <<armProducts->size()<<G4endl;
445          G4cout <<"                 The binding energy =  " << bindingEnergy << G4endl;             
446          G4cout <<"  Total ARM particle kinetic energy =  " << tARMEnergy << G4endl;             
447        }
450      delete armProducts;
451      delete atomDeex;
452    }
453  }
455  return products;
460G4DecayProducts *G4NuclearDecayChannel::BetaDecayIt()
463  if (GetVerboseLevel()>1) G4cout << "G4Decay::BetaDecayIt()"<<G4endl;
465  //daughters'mass
466  G4double daughtermass[3];
467  G4double sumofdaughtermass = 0.0;
468  G4double pmass = GetParentMass();
469  for (G4int index=0; index<3; index++)
470    {
471     daughtermass[index] = daughters[index]->GetPDGMass();
472     sumofdaughtermass += daughtermass[index];
473    }
475  //create parent G4DynamicParticle at rest
476  G4ParticleMomentum dummy;
477  G4DynamicParticle * parentparticle = new G4DynamicParticle( parent, dummy, 0.0);
479  //create G4Decayproducts
480  G4DecayProducts *products = new G4DecayProducts(*parentparticle);
481  delete parentparticle;
483  G4double Q = pmass - sumofdaughtermass; 
485  // 09/11/2004 flei
486  // All Beta decays are now treated with the improved 3 body decay algorithm. No more slow/fast modes
487  /*
488  if (BetaSimple == true) {
490    // Use the histogramed distribution to generate the beta energy
491    G4double daughtermomentum[2];
492    G4double daughterenergy[2];
493    daughterenergy[0] = RandomEnergy->shoot() * Q;
494    daughtermomentum[0] = std::sqrt(daughterenergy[0]*daughterenergy[0] +
495                               2.0*daughterenergy[0] * daughtermass[0]);
496    // the recoil neuleus is asummed to have a maximum energy of Q/daughterA/1000.
497    daughterenergy[1] = G4UniformRand() * Q/(1000.*daughterA);
498    G4double recoilmomentumsquared = daughterenergy[1]*daughterenergy[1] +
499                               2.0*daughterenergy[1] * daughtermass[1];
500    if (recoilmomentumsquared < 0.0) recoilmomentumsquared = 0.0;
501    daughtermomentum[1] = std::sqrt(recoilmomentumsquared);
502    //
503    //create daughter G4DynamicParticle
504    G4double costheta, sintheta, phi, sinphi, cosphi;
505    //    G4double costhetan, sinthetan, phin, sinphin, cosphin;
506    costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand()-1.0;
507    sintheta = std::sqrt((1.0-costheta)*(1.0+costheta));
508    phi  = twopi*G4UniformRand()*rad;
509    sinphi = std::sin(phi);
510    cosphi = std::cos(phi);
511    G4ParticleMomentum direction0(sintheta*cosphi,sintheta*sinphi,costheta);
512    G4DynamicParticle * daughterparticle
513      = new G4DynamicParticle( daughters[0], direction0*daughtermomentum[0]);
514    products->PushProducts(daughterparticle);
515    // The two products are independent in directions
516    costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand()-1.0;
517    sintheta = std::sqrt((1.0-costheta)*(1.0+costheta));
518    phi  = twopi*G4UniformRand()*rad;
519    sinphi = std::sin(phi);
520    cosphi = std::cos(phi);
521    G4ParticleMomentum direction1(sintheta*cosphi,sintheta*sinphi,costheta);
522    daughterparticle
523      = new G4DynamicParticle( daughters[1], direction1*daughtermomentum[1]);
524    products->PushProducts(daughterparticle);
526    // the neutrino is igored in this case
528  } else {
529  */
530    /* original slow method 
531    //calculate daughter momentum
532    //  Generate two
533    G4double rd1, rd2;
534    G4double daughtermomentum[3];
535    G4double daughterenergy[3];
536    G4double momentummax=0.0, momentumsum = 0.0;
537    G4double fermif;
538    G4BetaFermiFunction* aBetaFermiFunction;
539    if (decayMode == 1) {
540      // beta-decay
541      aBetaFermiFunction = new G4BetaFermiFunction (daughterA, daughterZ);
542    } else {
543      // beta+decay
544      aBetaFermiFunction = new G4BetaFermiFunction (daughterA, -daughterZ);
545    }
546    if (GetVerboseLevel()>1) {
547      G4cout<< " Q =  " <<Q<<G4endl;
548      G4cout<< " daughterA =  " <<daughterA<<G4endl;
549      G4cout<< " daughterZ =  " <<daughterZ<<G4endl;
550      G4cout<< " decayMode = " <<static_cast<G4int>(decayMode) << G4endl;
551      G4cout<< " FermiFN =  " <<FermiFN<<G4endl;
552    }
553    do
554      {
555        rd1 = G4UniformRand();
556        rd2 = G4UniformRand();
558        momentummax = 0.0;
559        momentumsum = 0.0;
561        // daughter 0
563        //     energy = rd2*(pmass - sumofdaughtermass);
564        daughtermomentum[0] = std::sqrt(rd2) * std::sqrt((Q + 2.0*daughtermass[0])*Q);
565        daughterenergy[0] = std::sqrt(daughtermomentum[0]*daughtermomentum[0] +
566                                 daughtermass[0] * daughtermass[0]) - daughtermass[0];
567        if ( daughtermomentum[0] >momentummax )momentummax =  daughtermomentum[0];
568        momentumsum  +=  daughtermomentum[0];
570        // daughter 2
571        //     energy = (1.-rd1)*(pmass - sumofdaughtermass);
572        daughtermomentum[2] = std::sqrt(rd1)*std::sqrt((Q + 2.0*daughtermass[2])*Q);
573        daughterenergy[2] = std::sqrt(daughtermomentum[2]*daughtermomentum[2] +
574                                 daughtermass[2] * daughtermass[2]) - daughtermass[2];
575        if ( daughtermomentum[2] >momentummax )momentummax =  daughtermomentum[2];
576        momentumsum  +=  daughtermomentum[2];
578        // daughter 1
580        daughterenergy[1] = Q - daughterenergy[0] - daughterenergy[2];
581        if (daughterenergy[1] > 0.0) {
582          daughtermomentum[1] = std::sqrt(daughterenergy[1]*daughterenergy[1] +
583                                     2.0*daughterenergy[1] * daughtermass[1]);
584          if ( daughtermomentum[1] >momentummax ) momentummax =
585                                                    daughtermomentum[1];
586          momentumsum +=  daughtermomentum[1];
587        } else {
588          momentummax = momentumsum = Q;
589        }
590        // beta particles is sampled with no coulomb effects applied above. Now
591        // apply the Fermi function using rejection method.
592        daughterenergy[0] = daughterenergy[0]*MeV/0.511;
593        fermif = aBetaFermiFunction->GetFF(daughterenergy[0])/FermiFN;
594        // fermif: normalised Fermi factor
595        if (G4UniformRand() > fermif) momentummax = momentumsum =  Q;
596        // rejection method
597      } while (momentummax >  momentumsum - momentummax );
598    delete aBetaFermiFunction;
600    // output message
601    if (GetVerboseLevel()>1) {
602      G4cout <<"     daughter 0:" <<daughtermomentum[0]/GeV <<"[GeV/c]" <<G4endl;
603      G4cout <<"     daughter 1:" <<daughtermomentum[1]/GeV <<"[GeV/c]" <<G4endl;
604      G4cout <<"     daughter 2:" <<daughtermomentum[2]/GeV <<"[GeV/c]" <<G4endl;
605      G4cout <<"   momentum sum:" <<momentumsum/GeV <<"[GeV/c]" <<G4endl;
606    }
607    */
608    // faster method as suggested by Dirk Kruecker of FZ-Julich
609    G4double daughtermomentum[3];
610    G4double daughterenergy[3];
611    // Use the histogramed distribution to generate the beta energy
612    daughterenergy[0] = RandomEnergy->shoot() * Q;
613    daughtermomentum[0] = std::sqrt(daughterenergy[0]*daughterenergy[0] +
614                               2.0*daughterenergy[0] * daughtermass[0]);
616    //neutrino energy distribution is flat within the kinematical limits
617    G4double rd = 2*G4UniformRand()-1;
618    // limits
619    G4double Mme=pmass-daughtermass[0];
620    G4double K=0.5-daughtermass[1]*daughtermass[1]/(2*Mme*Mme-4*pmass*daughterenergy[0]);
622    daughterenergy[2]=K*(Mme-daughterenergy[0]+rd*daughtermomentum[0]);
623    daughtermomentum[2] = daughterenergy[2] ; 
625    // the recoil neuleus
626    daughterenergy[1] = Q-daughterenergy[0]-daughterenergy[2];
627    G4double recoilmomentumsquared = daughterenergy[1]*daughterenergy[1] +
628                               2.0*daughterenergy[1] * daughtermass[1];
629    if (recoilmomentumsquared < 0.0) recoilmomentumsquared = 0.0;
630    daughtermomentum[1] = std::sqrt(recoilmomentumsquared);
632    // output message
633    if (GetVerboseLevel()>1) {
634      G4cout <<"     daughter 0:" <<daughtermomentum[0]/GeV <<"[GeV/c]" <<G4endl;
635      G4cout <<"     daughter 1:" <<daughtermomentum[1]/GeV <<"[GeV/c]" <<G4endl;
636      G4cout <<"     daughter 2:" <<daughtermomentum[2]/GeV <<"[GeV/c]" <<G4endl;
637    }
638    //create daughter G4DynamicParticle
639    G4double costheta, sintheta, phi, sinphi, cosphi;
640    G4double costhetan, sinthetan, phin, sinphin, cosphin;
641    costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand()-1.0;
642    sintheta = std::sqrt((1.0-costheta)*(1.0+costheta));
643    phi  = twopi*G4UniformRand()*rad;
644    sinphi = std::sin(phi);
645    cosphi = std::cos(phi);
646    G4ParticleMomentum direction0(sintheta*cosphi,sintheta*sinphi,costheta);
647    G4DynamicParticle * daughterparticle
648      = new G4DynamicParticle( daughters[0], direction0*daughtermomentum[0]);
649    products->PushProducts(daughterparticle);
651    costhetan = (daughtermomentum[1]*daughtermomentum[1]-
652                 daughtermomentum[2]*daughtermomentum[2]-
653                 daughtermomentum[0]*daughtermomentum[0])/
654      (2.0*daughtermomentum[2]*daughtermomentum[0]);
655    // added the following test to avoid rounding erros. A problem
656    // reported bye Ben Morgan of Uni.Warwick
657    if (costhetan > 1.) costhetan = 1.;
658    if (costhetan < -1.) costhetan = -1.;
659    sinthetan = std::sqrt((1.0-costhetan)*(1.0+costhetan));
660    phin  = twopi*G4UniformRand()*rad;
661    sinphin = std::sin(phin);
662    cosphin = std::cos(phin);
663    G4ParticleMomentum direction2;
664    direction2.setX( sinthetan*cosphin*costheta*cosphi - 
665                     sinthetan*sinphin*sinphi + costhetan*sintheta*cosphi);
666    direction2.setY( sinthetan*cosphin*costheta*sinphi +
667                     sinthetan*sinphin*cosphi + costhetan*sintheta*sinphi);
668    direction2.setZ( -sinthetan*cosphin*sintheta +
669                     costhetan*costheta);
670    daughterparticle = new G4DynamicParticle
671      ( daughters[2], direction2*(daughtermomentum[2]/direction2.mag()));
672    products->PushProducts(daughterparticle);
674    daughterparticle =
675      new G4DynamicParticle (daughters[1],
676                             (direction0*daughtermomentum[0] +
677                              direction2*(daughtermomentum[2]/direction2.mag()))*(-1.0));
678    products->PushProducts(daughterparticle);
679    // }
680  //   delete daughterparticle;
682  if (GetVerboseLevel()>1) {
683    G4cout << "G4NuclearDecayChannel::BetaDecayIt ";
684    G4cout << "  create decay products in rest frame " <<G4endl;
685    products->DumpInfo();
686  }
687  return products;
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