source: trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/radioactive_decay/src/ @ 1247

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28#include "G4RadioactiveDecaymessenger.hh"
30#include <sstream>
35(G4RadioactiveDecay* theRadioactiveDecayContainer1)
38  //
39  //
40  // main directory for control of the RDM
41  //
42  //
43  grdmDirectory = new G4UIdirectory("/grdm/");
44  grdmDirectory->SetGuidance("Controls for the Radioactive Decay Module.");
45  //
46  //
47  // Command to define the limits on nucleus the RDM will treat.
48  //
49  nucleuslimitsCmd = new
50    G4UIcmdWithNucleusLimits("/grdm/nucleusLimits",this);
51  nucleuslimitsCmd->SetGuidance
52    ("Set the amotic weight and number limits for the RDM.");
53  nucleuslimitsCmd->SetParameterName("aMin","aMax","zMin","zMax",true);
54  //
56  //
57  // The next command contols whether the decay will be treated analoguely or
58  // with variance reduction
59  //
60  analoguemcCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool ("/grdm/analogueMC",this);
61  analoguemcCmd->SetGuidance("false: variance reduction method; true: analogue method");
62  analoguemcCmd->SetParameterName("AnalogueMC",true);
63  analoguemcCmd->SetDefaultValue(true);
64  //
65  // The next command contols whether beta decay will be treated faithfully or
66  // in fast mode
67  //
68  fbetaCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool ("/grdm/fBeta",this);
69  fbetaCmd->SetGuidance("false: use 3-body decay, true: use histogram method");
70  fbetaCmd->SetParameterName("fBeta",true);
71  fbetaCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
73  //
74  //
75  // Command to selete a logical volume for RDM.
76  //
77  avolumeCmd = new
78    G4UIcmdWithAString("/grdm/selectVolume",this);
79  avolumeCmd->SetGuidance
80    ("Suppply a logical volumes name to add it to the RDM apply list");
81  avolumeCmd->SetParameterName("aVolume",false);
82  //
83  //
84  //
85  // Command to de-selete a logical volume for RDM.
86  //
87  deavolumeCmd = new
88    G4UIcmdWithAString("/grdm/deselectVolume",this);
89  deavolumeCmd->SetGuidance
90    ("Suppply a logical volumes name to remove it from the RDM apply list");
91  deavolumeCmd->SetParameterName("aVolume",false);
92  //
93  //
94  // Command to selete all logical volumes for RDM.
95  //
96  allvolumesCmd = new
97    G4UIcmdWithoutParameter("/grdm/allVolumes",this);
98  allvolumesCmd->SetGuidance
99    (" apply RDM to all logical volumes. No parameter required.");
100  //  allvolumeCmd->SetParameterName("AddAVolume",true);
102  //
103  // Command to de-selete a logical volume for RDM.
104  //
105  deallvolumesCmd = new
106    G4UIcmdWithoutParameter("/grdm/noVolumes",this);
107  deallvolumesCmd->SetGuidance
108    (" RDM is not applied to any logical volumes");
110  //  deallvolumesCmd->SetParameterName("RemoveAVolume",true);
111  //
112  // The next command contols whether the branching ratio biasing will be applied or not
113  //
114  brbiasCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool ("/grdm/BRbias",this);
115  brbiasCmd->SetGuidance("false: no biasing; true: all branches are treated as equal");
116  brbiasCmd->SetParameterName("BRBias",true);
117  brbiasCmd->SetDefaultValue(true);
119  //
120  // Command to define the incident particle source time profile.
121  //
122  sourcetimeprofileCmd = new
123    G4UIcmdWithAString("/grdm/sourceTimeProfile",this);
124  sourcetimeprofileCmd->SetGuidance
125    ("Supply the name of the ascii file containing the source particle time profile");
126  sourcetimeprofileCmd->SetParameterName("STimeProfile",true);
127  sourcetimeprofileCmd->SetDefaultValue("");
128  //
129  //
130  // Command to define the incident particle source time profile.
131  //
132  decaybiasprofileCmd = new
133    G4UIcmdWithAString("/grdm/decayBiasProfile",this);
134  decaybiasprofileCmd->SetGuidance
135    ("Supply the name of the ascii file containing the decay bias time profile");
136  decaybiasprofileCmd->SetParameterName("DBiasProfile",true);
137  decaybiasprofileCmd->SetDefaultValue("");
138  //
140  //
141  // This command setup the nuclei spliting parameter
142  //
143  splitnucleiCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/grdm/splitNuclei",this);
144  splitnucleiCmd->SetGuidance("Set number of spliting for the isotopes.");
145  splitnucleiCmd->SetParameterName("NSplit",true);
146  splitnucleiCmd->SetDefaultValue(1);
147  splitnucleiCmd->SetRange("NSplit>=1");
149  //
150  // This command setup the verbose level of radioactive decay
151  //
152  verboseCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/grdm/verbose",this);
153  verboseCmd->SetGuidance("Set verbose level: 0, 1, 2 or 3");
154  verboseCmd->SetParameterName("VerboseLevel",true);
155  verboseCmd->SetDefaultValue(1);
156  verboseCmd->SetRange("VerboseLevel>=0");
161G4RadioactiveDecaymessenger::~G4RadioactiveDecaymessenger ()
163  delete grdmDirectory;
164  delete nucleuslimitsCmd;
165  delete sourcetimeprofileCmd;
166  delete decaybiasprofileCmd;
167  delete analoguemcCmd;
168  delete fbetaCmd;
169  delete brbiasCmd;
170  delete splitnucleiCmd;
171  delete verboseCmd;
172  delete avolumeCmd;
173  delete deavolumeCmd;
174  delete allvolumesCmd;
175  delete deallvolumesCmd;
179void G4RadioactiveDecaymessenger::SetNewValue (G4UIcommand *command, G4String newValues)
181  if (command==nucleuslimitsCmd) {theRadioactiveDecayContainer->
182                                    SetNucleusLimits(nucleuslimitsCmd->GetNewNucleusLimitsValue(newValues));}
183  else if  (command==analoguemcCmd) {
184    G4int vl;
185    const char* t = newValues;
186    std::istringstream is(t);
187    is >> vl;
188    theRadioactiveDecayContainer->SetAnalogueMonteCarlo(vl!=0);}
189  else if  (command==fbetaCmd) {
190    G4int vl;
191    const char* t = newValues;
192    std::istringstream is(t);
193    is >> vl;
194    theRadioactiveDecayContainer->SetFBeta(vl!=0);}
195  else if  (command==avolumeCmd) {theRadioactiveDecayContainer->
196                                   SelectAVolume(newValues);}
197  else if  (command==deavolumeCmd) {theRadioactiveDecayContainer->
198                                   DeselectAVolume(newValues);}
199  else if  (command==allvolumesCmd) {theRadioactiveDecayContainer->
200                                   SelectAllVolumes();}
201  else if  (command==deallvolumesCmd) {theRadioactiveDecayContainer->
202                                   DeselectAllVolumes();}
203  else if  (command==brbiasCmd) {
204    G4int vl;
205    const char* t = newValues;
206    std::istringstream is(t);
207    is >> vl;
208    theRadioactiveDecayContainer->SetBRBias(vl!=0);}
209  else if (command==sourcetimeprofileCmd) {theRadioactiveDecayContainer->
210                                             SetSourceTimeProfile(newValues);}
211  else if (command==decaybiasprofileCmd) {theRadioactiveDecayContainer->
212                                            SetDecayBias(newValues);}
213  else if (command==splitnucleiCmd) {theRadioactiveDecayContainer->
214                                       SetSplitNuclei(splitnucleiCmd->GetNewIntValue(newValues));}
215  else if (command==verboseCmd) {theRadioactiveDecayContainer->
216                                       SetVerboseLevel(verboseCmd->GetNewIntValue(newValues));}
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