// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4RPGReaction.cc,v 1.4 2008/05/05 21:21:55 dennis Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $ // #include "G4RPGReaction.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include G4bool G4RPGReaction:: ReactionStage(const G4HadProjectile* /*originalIncident*/, G4ReactionProduct& /*modifiedOriginal*/, G4bool& /*incidentHasChanged*/, const G4DynamicParticle* /*originalTarget*/, G4ReactionProduct& /*targetParticle*/, G4bool& /*targetHasChanged*/, const G4Nucleus& /*targetNucleus*/, G4ReactionProduct& /*currentParticle*/, G4FastVector& /*vec*/, G4int& /*vecLen*/, G4bool /*leadFlag*/, G4ReactionProduct& /*leadingStrangeParticle*/) { G4cout << " G4RPGReactionStage must be overridden in a derived class " << G4endl; return false; } void G4RPGReaction:: AddBlackTrackParticles(const G4double epnb, // GeV const G4int npnb, const G4double edta, // GeV const G4int ndta, const G4ReactionProduct& modifiedOriginal, G4int PinNucleus, G4int NinNucleus, const G4Nucleus& targetNucleus, G4FastVector& vec, G4int& vecLen) { // derived from original FORTRAN code in GENXPT and TWOCLU by H. Fesefeldt // // npnb is number of proton/neutron black track particles // ndta is the number of deuterons, tritons, and alphas produced // epnb is the kinetic energy available for proton/neutron black track particles // edta is the kinetic energy available for deuteron/triton/alpha particles G4ParticleDefinition* aProton = G4Proton::Proton(); G4ParticleDefinition* aNeutron = G4Neutron::Neutron(); G4ParticleDefinition* aDeuteron = G4Deuteron::Deuteron(); G4ParticleDefinition* aTriton = G4Triton::Triton(); G4ParticleDefinition* anAlpha = G4Alpha::Alpha(); const G4double ekOriginal = modifiedOriginal.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV; const G4double atomicWeight = targetNucleus.GetN(); const G4double atomicNumber = targetNucleus.GetZ(); const G4double ika1 = 3.6; const G4double ika2 = 35.56; const G4double ika3 = 6.45; G4int i; G4double pp; G4double kinetic = 0; G4double kinCreated = 0; // G4double cfa = 0.025*((atomicWeight-1.0)/120.0) * std::exp(-(atomicWeight-1.0)/120.0); G4double remainingE = 0; // First add protons and neutrons to final state if (npnb > 0) { // G4double backwardKinetic = 0.0; G4int local_npnb = npnb; // DHW: does not conserve energy for (i = 0; i < npnb; ++i) if (G4UniformRand() < sprob) local_npnb--; local_npnb = std::min(PinNucleus + NinNucleus , local_npnb); G4double local_epnb = epnb; if (ndta == 0) local_epnb += edta; // Retrieve unused kinetic energy // G4double ekin = local_epnb/std::max(1,local_npnb); remainingE = local_epnb; for (i = 0; i < local_npnb; ++i) { G4ReactionProduct* p1 = new G4ReactionProduct(); // if( backwardKinetic > local_epnb ) { // delete p1; // break; // } // G4double ran = G4UniformRand(); // G4double kinetic = -ekin*std::log(ran) - cfa*(1.0+0.5*normal()); // if( kinetic < 0.0 )kinetic = -0.010*std::log(ran); // backwardKinetic += kinetic; // if( backwardKinetic > local_epnb ) // kinetic = std::max( kineticMinimum, local_epnb-(backwardKinetic-kinetic) ); if (G4UniformRand() > (1.0-atomicNumber/atomicWeight)) { // Boil off a proton if there are any left, otherwise a neutron if (PinNucleus > 0) { p1->SetDefinition( aProton ); PinNucleus--; } else { p1->SetDefinition( aNeutron ); NinNucleus--; // } else { // delete p1; // break; // no nucleons left in nucleus } } else { // Boil off a neutron if there are any left, otherwise a proton if (NinNucleus > 0) { p1->SetDefinition( aNeutron ); NinNucleus--; } else { p1->SetDefinition( aProton ); PinNucleus--; // } else { // delete p1; // break; // no nucleons left in nucleus } } if (i < local_npnb - 1) { kinetic = remainingE*G4UniformRand(); remainingE -= kinetic; } else { kinetic = remainingE; } vec.SetElement( vecLen, p1 ); G4double cost = G4UniformRand() * 2.0 - 1.0; G4double sint = std::sqrt(std::fabs(1.0-cost*cost)); G4double phi = twopi * G4UniformRand(); vec[vecLen]->SetNewlyAdded( true ); vec[vecLen]->SetKineticEnergy( kinetic*GeV ); kinCreated+=kinetic; pp = vec[vecLen]->GetTotalMomentum(); vec[vecLen]->SetMomentum(pp*sint*std::sin(phi), pp*sint*std::cos(phi), pp*cost ); vecLen++; } if (NinNucleus > 0) { if( (atomicWeight >= 10.0) && (ekOriginal <= 2.0*GeV) ) { G4double ekw = ekOriginal/GeV; G4int ika, kk = 0; if( ekw > 1.0 )ekw *= ekw; ekw = std::max( 0.1, ekw ); ika = G4int(ika1*std::exp((atomicNumber*atomicNumber/ atomicWeight-ika2)/ika3)/ekw); if( ika > 0 ) { for( i=(vecLen-1); i>=0; --i ) { if( (vec[i]->GetDefinition() == aProton) && vec[i]->GetNewlyAdded() ) { vec[i]->SetDefinitionAndUpdateE( aNeutron ); // modified 22-Oct-97 PinNucleus++; NinNucleus--; if( ++kk > ika )break; } } } } } // if (NinNucleus >0) } // if (npnb > 0) // Next try to add deuterons, tritons and alphas to final state G4double ran = 0; if (ndta > 0) { // G4double backwardKinetic = 0.0; G4int local_ndta=ndta; // DHW: does not conserve energy for (i = 0; i < ndta; ++i) if (G4UniformRand() < sprob) local_ndta--; G4double local_edta = edta; if (npnb == 0) local_edta += epnb; // Retrieve unused kinetic energy // G4double ekin = local_edta/std::max(1,local_ndta); remainingE = local_edta; for (i = 0; i < local_ndta; ++i) { G4ReactionProduct* p2 = new G4ReactionProduct(); // if( backwardKinetic > local_edta ) { // delete p2; // break; // } // G4double ran = G4UniformRand(); // G4double kinetic = -ekin*std::log(ran)-cfa*(1.+0.5*normal()); // if( kinetic < 0.0 )kinetic = kineticFactor*std::log(ran); // backwardKinetic += kinetic; // if( backwardKinetic > local_edta )kinetic = local_edta-(backwardKinetic-kinetic); // if( kinetic < 0.0 )kinetic = kineticMinimum; ran = G4UniformRand(); if (ran < 0.60) { if (PinNucleus > 0 && NinNucleus > 0) { p2->SetDefinition( aDeuteron ); PinNucleus--; NinNucleus--; } else if (NinNucleus > 0) { p2->SetDefinition( aNeutron ); NinNucleus--; } else if (PinNucleus > 0) { p2->SetDefinition( aProton ); PinNucleus--; } else { delete p2; break; } } else if (ran < 0.90) { if (PinNucleus > 0 && NinNucleus > 1) { p2->SetDefinition( aTriton ); PinNucleus--; NinNucleus -= 2; } else if (PinNucleus > 0 && NinNucleus > 0) { p2->SetDefinition( aDeuteron ); PinNucleus--; NinNucleus--; } else if (NinNucleus > 0) { p2->SetDefinition( aNeutron ); NinNucleus--; } else if (PinNucleus > 0) { p2->SetDefinition( aProton ); PinNucleus--; } else { delete p2; break; } } else { if (PinNucleus > 1 && NinNucleus > 1) { p2->SetDefinition( anAlpha ); PinNucleus -= 2; NinNucleus -= 2; } else if (PinNucleus > 0 && NinNucleus > 1) { p2->SetDefinition( aTriton ); PinNucleus--; NinNucleus -= 2; } else if (PinNucleus > 0 && NinNucleus > 0) { p2->SetDefinition( aDeuteron ); PinNucleus--; NinNucleus--; } else if (NinNucleus > 0) { p2->SetDefinition( aNeutron ); NinNucleus--; } else if (PinNucleus > 0) { p2->SetDefinition( aProton ); PinNucleus--; } else { delete p2; break; } } if (i < local_ndta - 1) { kinetic = remainingE*G4UniformRand(); remainingE -= kinetic; } else { kinetic = remainingE; } vec.SetElement( vecLen, p2 ); G4double cost = 2.0*G4UniformRand() - 1.0; G4double sint = std::sqrt(std::max(0.0,(1.0-cost*cost))); G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); vec[vecLen]->SetNewlyAdded( true ); vec[vecLen]->SetKineticEnergy( kinetic*GeV ); kinCreated+=kinetic; pp = vec[vecLen]->GetTotalMomentum(); vec[vecLen]->SetMomentum( pp*sint*std::sin(phi), pp*sint*std::cos(phi), pp*cost ); vecLen++; } } // if (ndta > 0) } G4double G4RPGReaction::GenerateNBodyEvent(const G4double totalEnergy, // MeV const G4bool constantCrossSection, G4FastVector& vec, G4int &vecLen) { G4int i; const G4double expxu = 82.; // upper bound for arg. of exp const G4double expxl = -expxu; // lower bound for arg. of exp if (vecLen < 2) { G4cerr << "*** Error in G4RPGReaction::GenerateNBodyEvent" << G4endl; G4cerr << " number of particles < 2" << G4endl; G4cerr << "totalEnergy = " << totalEnergy << "MeV, vecLen = " << vecLen << G4endl; return -1.0; } G4double mass[18]; // mass of each particle G4double energy[18]; // total energy of each particle G4double pcm[3][18]; // pcm is an array with 3 rows and vecLen columns G4double totalMass = 0.0; G4double extraMass = 0; G4double sm[18]; for (i=0; iGetMass()/GeV; if(vec[i]->GetSide() == -2) extraMass+=vec[i]->GetMass()/GeV; vec[i]->SetMomentum( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); pcm[0][i] = 0.0; // x-momentum of i-th particle pcm[1][i] = 0.0; // y-momentum of i-th particle pcm[2][i] = 0.0; // z-momentum of i-th particle energy[i] = mass[i]; // total energy of i-th particle totalMass += mass[i]; sm[i] = totalMass; } G4double totalE = totalEnergy/GeV; if (totalMass > totalE) { //G4cerr << "*** Error in G4RPGReaction::GenerateNBodyEvent" << G4endl; //G4cerr << " total mass (" << totalMass*GeV << "MeV) > total energy (" // << totalEnergy << "MeV)" << G4endl; totalE = totalMass; return -1.0; } G4double kineticEnergy = totalE - totalMass; G4double emm[18]; emm[0] = mass[0]; emm[vecLen-1] = totalE; if (vecLen > 2) { // the random numbers are sorted G4double ran[18]; for( i=0; ii; --j) { if (ran[i] > ran[j]) { G4double temp = ran[i]; ran[i] = ran[j]; ran[j] = temp; } } } for( i=1; i 0.0 ) { G4double arg = emmax*emmax + (emmin*emmin-mass[i]*mass[i])*(emmin*emmin-mass[i]*mass[i])/(emmax*emmax) - 2.0*(emmin*emmin+mass[i]*mass[i]); if( arg > 0.0 )wtfc = 0.5*std::sqrt( arg ); } if( wtfc == 0.0 ) { lzero = false; break; } wtmax += std::log( wtfc ); } if( lzero ) wtmax = -wtmax; else wtmax = expxu; } else { // ffq(n) = pi*(2*pi)^(n-2)/(n-2)! const G4double ffq[18] = { 0., 3.141592, 19.73921, 62.01255, 129.8788, 204.0131, 256.3704, 268.4705, 240.9780, 189.2637, 132.1308, 83.0202, 47.4210, 24.8295, 12.0006, 5.3858, 2.2560, 0.8859 }; wtmax = std::log( std::pow( kineticEnergy, vecLen-2 ) * ffq[vecLen-1] / totalE ); } // Calculate momenta for secondaries lzero = true; G4double pd[50]; for( i=0; i 0.0 ) { G4double arg = emm[i+1]*emm[i+1] + (emm[i]*emm[i]-mass[i+1]*mass[i+1])*(emm[i]*emm[i]-mass[i+1]*mass[i+1]) /(emm[i+1]*emm[i+1]) - 2.0*(emm[i]*emm[i]+mass[i+1]*mass[i+1]); if( arg > 0.0 )pd[i] = 0.5*std::sqrt( arg ); } if( pd[i] <= 0.0 ) // changed from == on 02 April 98 lzero = false; else wtmax += std::log( pd[i] ); } G4double weight = 0.0; // weight is returned by GenerateNBodyEvent if( lzero )weight = std::exp( std::max(std::min(wtmax,expxu),expxl) ); G4double bang, cb, sb, s0, s1, s2, c, s, esys, a, b, gama, beta; pcm[0][0] = 0.0; pcm[1][0] = pd[0]; pcm[2][0] = 0.0; for( i=1; iSetMomentum( pcm[0][i]*GeV, pcm[1][i]*GeV, pcm[2][i]*GeV ); vec[i]->SetTotalEnergy( energy[i]*GeV ); } return weight; } G4double G4RPGReaction::GenerateNBodyEventT(const G4double totalEnergy, const G4bool constantCrossSection, std::vector& tempList) { G4int i; const G4double expxu = 82.; // upper bound for arg. of exp const G4double expxl = -expxu; // lower bound for arg. of exp G4int listLen = tempList.size(); if (listLen < 2) { G4cerr << "*** Error in G4RPGReaction::GenerateNBodyEvent" << G4endl; G4cerr << " number of particles < 2" << G4endl; G4cerr << "totalEnergy = " << totalEnergy << "MeV, listLen = " << listLen << G4endl; return -1.0; } G4double mass[18]; // mass of each particle G4double energy[18]; // total energy of each particle G4double pcm[3][18]; // pcm is an array with 3 rows and listLen columns G4double totalMass = 0.0; G4double extraMass = 0; G4double sm[18]; for (i=0; iGetMass()/GeV; if(tempList[i]->GetSide() == -2) extraMass+=tempList[i]->GetMass()/GeV; tempList[i]->SetMomentum( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); pcm[0][i] = 0.0; // x-momentum of i-th particle pcm[1][i] = 0.0; // y-momentum of i-th particle pcm[2][i] = 0.0; // z-momentum of i-th particle energy[i] = mass[i]; // total energy of i-th particle totalMass += mass[i]; sm[i] = totalMass; } G4double totalE = totalEnergy/GeV; if (totalMass > totalE) { totalE = totalMass; return -1.0; } G4double kineticEnergy = totalE - totalMass; G4double emm[18]; emm[0] = mass[0]; emm[listLen-1] = totalE; if (listLen > 2) { // the random numbers are sorted G4double ran[18]; for( i=0; ii; --j) { if (ran[i] > ran[j]) { G4double temp = ran[i]; ran[i] = ran[j]; ran[j] = temp; } } } for( i=1; i 0.0 ) { G4double arg = emmax*emmax + (emmin*emmin-mass[i]*mass[i])*(emmin*emmin-mass[i]*mass[i])/(emmax*emmax) - 2.0*(emmin*emmin+mass[i]*mass[i]); if( arg > 0.0 )wtfc = 0.5*std::sqrt( arg ); } if( wtfc == 0.0 ) { lzero = false; break; } wtmax += std::log( wtfc ); } if( lzero ) wtmax = -wtmax; else wtmax = expxu; } else { // ffq(n) = pi*(2*pi)^(n-2)/(n-2)! const G4double ffq[18] = { 0., 3.141592, 19.73921, 62.01255, 129.8788, 204.0131, 256.3704, 268.4705, 240.9780, 189.2637, 132.1308, 83.0202, 47.4210, 24.8295, 12.0006, 5.3858, 2.2560, 0.8859 }; wtmax = std::log( std::pow( kineticEnergy, listLen-2 ) * ffq[listLen-1] / totalE ); } // Calculate momenta for secondaries lzero = true; G4double pd[50]; for( i=0; i 0.0 ) { G4double arg = emm[i+1]*emm[i+1] + (emm[i]*emm[i]-mass[i+1]*mass[i+1])*(emm[i]*emm[i]-mass[i+1]*mass[i+1]) /(emm[i+1]*emm[i+1]) - 2.0*(emm[i]*emm[i]+mass[i+1]*mass[i+1]); if( arg > 0.0 )pd[i] = 0.5*std::sqrt( arg ); } if( pd[i] <= 0.0 ) // changed from == on 02 April 98 lzero = false; else wtmax += std::log( pd[i] ); } G4double weight = 0.0; // weight is returned by GenerateNBodyEvent if( lzero )weight = std::exp( std::max(std::min(wtmax,expxu),expxl) ); G4double bang, cb, sb, s0, s1, s2, c, s, esys, a, b, gama, beta; pcm[0][0] = 0.0; pcm[1][0] = pd[0]; pcm[2][0] = 0.0; for( i=1; iSetMomentum(pcm[0][i]*GeV, pcm[1][i]*GeV, pcm[2][i]*GeV); tempList[i]->SetTotalEnergy(energy[i]*GeV); } return weight; } G4double G4RPGReaction::normal() { G4double ran = -6.0; for( G4int i=0; i<12; ++i )ran += G4UniformRand(); return ran; } void G4RPGReaction::Defs1(const G4ReactionProduct& modifiedOriginal, G4ReactionProduct& currentParticle, G4ReactionProduct& targetParticle, G4FastVector& vec, G4int& vecLen) { // Rotate final state particle momenta by initial particle direction const G4double pjx = modifiedOriginal.GetMomentum().x()/MeV; const G4double pjy = modifiedOriginal.GetMomentum().y()/MeV; const G4double pjz = modifiedOriginal.GetMomentum().z()/MeV; const G4double p = modifiedOriginal.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV; if (pjx*pjx+pjy*pjy > 0.0) { G4double cost, sint, ph, cosp, sinp, pix, piy, piz; cost = pjz/p; sint = std::sqrt(std::abs((1.0-cost)*(1.0+cost))); if( pjy < 0.0 ) ph = 3*halfpi; else ph = halfpi; if( std::abs( pjx ) > 0.001*MeV )ph = std::atan2(pjy,pjx); cosp = std::cos(ph); sinp = std::sin(ph); pix = currentParticle.GetMomentum().x()/MeV; piy = currentParticle.GetMomentum().y()/MeV; piz = currentParticle.GetMomentum().z()/MeV; currentParticle.SetMomentum((cost*cosp*pix - sinp*piy + sint*cosp*piz)*MeV, (cost*sinp*pix + cosp*piy + sint*sinp*piz)*MeV, (-sint*pix + cost*piz)*MeV); pix = targetParticle.GetMomentum().x()/MeV; piy = targetParticle.GetMomentum().y()/MeV; piz = targetParticle.GetMomentum().z()/MeV; targetParticle.SetMomentum((cost*cosp*pix - sinp*piy + sint*cosp*piz)*MeV, (cost*sinp*pix + cosp*piy + sint*sinp*piz)*MeV, (-sint*pix + cost*piz)*MeV); for (G4int i=0; iGetMomentum().x()/MeV; piy = vec[i]->GetMomentum().y()/MeV; piz = vec[i]->GetMomentum().z()/MeV; vec[i]->SetMomentum((cost*cosp*pix - sinp*piy + sint*cosp*piz)*MeV, (cost*sinp*pix + cosp*piy + sint*sinp*piz)*MeV, (-sint*pix + cost*piz)*MeV); } } else { if (pjz < 0.0) { currentParticle.SetMomentum( -currentParticle.GetMomentum().z() ); targetParticle.SetMomentum( -targetParticle.GetMomentum().z() ); for (G4int i=0; iSetMomentum( -vec[i]->GetMomentum().z() ); } } } void G4RPGReaction::Rotate( const G4double numberofFinalStateNucleons, const G4ThreeVector &temp, const G4ReactionProduct &modifiedOriginal, // Fermi motion & evap. effect included const G4HadProjectile *originalIncident, // original incident particle const G4Nucleus &targetNucleus, G4ReactionProduct ¤tParticle, G4ReactionProduct &targetParticle, G4FastVector &vec, G4int &vecLen ) { // derived from original FORTRAN code in GENXPT and TWOCLU by H. Fesefeldt // // Rotate in direction of z-axis, this does disturb in some way our // inclusive distributions, but it is necessary for momentum conservation // const G4double atomicWeight = targetNucleus.GetN(); const G4double logWeight = std::log(atomicWeight); G4ParticleDefinition *aPiMinus = G4PionMinus::PionMinus(); G4ParticleDefinition *aPiPlus = G4PionPlus::PionPlus(); G4ParticleDefinition *aPiZero = G4PionZero::PionZero(); G4int i; G4ThreeVector pseudoParticle[4]; for( i=0; i<4; ++i )pseudoParticle[i].set(0,0,0); pseudoParticle[0] = currentParticle.GetMomentum() + targetParticle.GetMomentum(); for( i=0; iGetMomentum()); // // Some smearing in transverse direction from Fermi motion // G4float pp, pp1; G4double alekw, p; G4double r1, r2, a1, ran1, ran2, xxh, exh, pxTemp, pyTemp, pzTemp; r1 = twopi*G4UniformRand(); r2 = G4UniformRand(); a1 = std::sqrt(-2.0*std::log(r2)); ran1 = a1*std::sin(r1)*0.020*numberofFinalStateNucleons*GeV; ran2 = a1*std::cos(r1)*0.020*numberofFinalStateNucleons*GeV; G4ThreeVector fermi(ran1, ran2, 0); pseudoParticle[0] = pseudoParticle[0]+fermi; // all particles + fermi pseudoParticle[2] = temp; // original in cms system pseudoParticle[3] = pseudoParticle[0]; pseudoParticle[1] = pseudoParticle[2].cross(pseudoParticle[3]); G4double rotation = 2.*pi*G4UniformRand(); pseudoParticle[1] = pseudoParticle[1].rotate(rotation, pseudoParticle[3]); pseudoParticle[2] = pseudoParticle[3].cross(pseudoParticle[1]); for(G4int ii=1; ii<=3; ii++) { p = pseudoParticle[ii].mag(); if( p == 0.0 ) pseudoParticle[ii]= G4ThreeVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); else pseudoParticle[ii]= pseudoParticle[ii] * (1./p); } pxTemp = pseudoParticle[1].dot(currentParticle.GetMomentum()); pyTemp = pseudoParticle[2].dot(currentParticle.GetMomentum()); pzTemp = pseudoParticle[3].dot(currentParticle.GetMomentum()); currentParticle.SetMomentum( pxTemp, pyTemp, pzTemp ); pxTemp = pseudoParticle[1].dot(targetParticle.GetMomentum()); pyTemp = pseudoParticle[2].dot(targetParticle.GetMomentum()); pzTemp = pseudoParticle[3].dot(targetParticle.GetMomentum()); targetParticle.SetMomentum( pxTemp, pyTemp, pzTemp ); for( i=0; iGetMomentum()); pyTemp = pseudoParticle[2].dot(vec[i]->GetMomentum()); pzTemp = pseudoParticle[3].dot(vec[i]->GetMomentum()); vec[i]->SetMomentum( pxTemp, pyTemp, pzTemp ); } // // Rotate in direction of primary particle, subtract binding energies // and make some further corrections if required // Defs1( modifiedOriginal, currentParticle, targetParticle, vec, vecLen ); G4double ekin; G4double dekin = 0.0; G4double ek1 = 0.0; G4int npions = 0; if( atomicWeight >= 1.5 ) // self-absorption in heavy molecules { // corrections for single particle spectra (shower particles) // const G4double alem[] = { 1.40, 2.30, 2.70, 3.00, 3.40, 4.60, 7.00 }; const G4double val0[] = { 0.00, 0.40, 0.48, 0.51, 0.54, 0.60, 0.65 }; alekw = std::log( originalIncident->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV ); exh = 1.0; if( alekw > alem[0] ) // get energy bin { exh = val0[6]; for( G4int j=1; j<7; ++j ) { if( alekw < alem[j] ) // use linear interpolation/extrapolation { G4double rcnve = (val0[j] - val0[j-1]) / (alem[j] - alem[j-1]); exh = rcnve * alekw + val0[j-1] - rcnve * alem[j-1]; break; } } exh = 1.0 - exh; } const G4double cfa = 0.025*((atomicWeight-1.)/120.)*std::exp(-(atomicWeight-1.)/120.); ekin = currentParticle.GetKineticEnergy()/GeV - cfa*(1+normal()/2.0); ekin = std::max( 1.0e-6, ekin ); xxh = 1.0; if( (modifiedOriginal.GetDefinition() == aPiPlus || modifiedOriginal.GetDefinition() == aPiMinus) && currentParticle.GetDefinition() == aPiZero && G4UniformRand() <= logWeight) xxh = exh; dekin += ekin*(1.0-xxh); ekin *= xxh; if (currentParticle.GetDefinition()->GetParticleSubType() == "pi") { ++npions; ek1 += ekin; } currentParticle.SetKineticEnergy( ekin*GeV ); pp = currentParticle.GetTotalMomentum()/MeV; pp1 = currentParticle.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV; if( pp1 < 0.001*MeV ) { G4double costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand() - 1.; G4double sintheta = std::sqrt(1. - costheta*costheta); G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); currentParticle.SetMomentum( pp*sintheta*std::cos(phi)*MeV, pp*sintheta*std::sin(phi)*MeV, pp*costheta*MeV ) ; } else currentParticle.SetMomentum( currentParticle.GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) ); ekin = targetParticle.GetKineticEnergy()/GeV - cfa*(1+normal()/2.0); ekin = std::max( 1.0e-6, ekin ); xxh = 1.0; if( (modifiedOriginal.GetDefinition() == aPiPlus || modifiedOriginal.GetDefinition() == aPiMinus) && targetParticle.GetDefinition() == aPiZero && G4UniformRand() < logWeight) xxh = exh; dekin += ekin*(1.0-xxh); ekin *= xxh; if (targetParticle.GetDefinition()->GetParticleSubType() == "pi") { ++npions; ek1 += ekin; } targetParticle.SetKineticEnergy( ekin*GeV ); pp = targetParticle.GetTotalMomentum()/MeV; pp1 = targetParticle.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV; if( pp1 < 0.001*MeV ) { G4double costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand() - 1.; G4double sintheta = std::sqrt(1. - costheta*costheta); G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); targetParticle.SetMomentum( pp*sintheta*std::cos(phi)*MeV, pp*sintheta*std::sin(phi)*MeV, pp*costheta*MeV ) ; } else targetParticle.SetMomentum( targetParticle.GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) ); for( i=0; iGetKineticEnergy()/GeV - cfa*(1+normal()/2.0); ekin = std::max( 1.0e-6, ekin ); xxh = 1.0; if( (modifiedOriginal.GetDefinition() == aPiPlus || modifiedOriginal.GetDefinition() == aPiMinus) && vec[i]->GetDefinition() == aPiZero && G4UniformRand() < logWeight) xxh = exh; dekin += ekin*(1.0-xxh); ekin *= xxh; if (vec[i]->GetDefinition()->GetParticleSubType() == "pi") { ++npions; ek1 += ekin; } vec[i]->SetKineticEnergy( ekin*GeV ); pp = vec[i]->GetTotalMomentum()/MeV; pp1 = vec[i]->GetMomentum().mag()/MeV; if( pp1 < 0.001*MeV ) { G4double costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand() - 1.; G4double sintheta = std::sqrt(1. - costheta*costheta); G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); vec[i]->SetMomentum( pp*sintheta*std::cos(phi)*MeV, pp*sintheta*std::sin(phi)*MeV, pp*costheta*MeV ) ; } else vec[i]->SetMomentum( vec[i]->GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) ); } } if( (ek1 != 0.0) && (npions > 0) ) { dekin = 1.0 + dekin/ek1; // // first do the incident particle // if (currentParticle.GetDefinition()->GetParticleSubType() == "pi") { currentParticle.SetKineticEnergy( std::max( 0.001*MeV, dekin*currentParticle.GetKineticEnergy() ) ); pp = currentParticle.GetTotalMomentum()/MeV; pp1 = currentParticle.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV; if( pp1 < 0.001 ) { G4double costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand() - 1.; G4double sintheta = std::sqrt(1. - costheta*costheta); G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); currentParticle.SetMomentum( pp*sintheta*std::cos(phi)*MeV, pp*sintheta*std::sin(phi)*MeV, pp*costheta*MeV ) ; } else { currentParticle.SetMomentum( currentParticle.GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) ); } } if (targetParticle.GetDefinition()->GetParticleSubType() == "pi") { targetParticle.SetKineticEnergy( std::max( 0.001*MeV, dekin*targetParticle.GetKineticEnergy() ) ); pp = targetParticle.GetTotalMomentum()/MeV; pp1 = targetParticle.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV; if( pp1 < 0.001 ) { G4double costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand() - 1.; G4double sintheta = std::sqrt(1. - costheta*costheta); G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); targetParticle.SetMomentum( pp*sintheta*std::cos(phi)*MeV, pp*sintheta*std::sin(phi)*MeV, pp*costheta*MeV ) ; } else { targetParticle.SetMomentum( targetParticle.GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) ); } } for( i=0; iGetDefinition()->GetParticleSubType() == "pi") { vec[i]->SetKineticEnergy( std::max( 0.001*MeV, dekin*vec[i]->GetKineticEnergy() ) ); pp = vec[i]->GetTotalMomentum()/MeV; pp1 = vec[i]->GetMomentum().mag()/MeV; if( pp1 < 0.001 ) { G4double costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand() - 1.; G4double sintheta = std::sqrt(1. - costheta*costheta); G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); vec[i]->SetMomentum( pp*sintheta*std::cos(phi)*MeV, pp*sintheta*std::sin(phi)*MeV, pp*costheta*MeV ) ; } else { vec[i]->SetMomentum( vec[i]->GetMomentum() * (pp/pp1) ); } } } // for i } // if (ek1 != 0) } std::pair G4RPGReaction::GetFinalStateNucleons( const G4DynamicParticle* originalTarget, const G4FastVector& vec, const G4int& vecLen) { // Get number of protons and neutrons removed from the target nucleus G4int protonsRemoved = 0; G4int neutronsRemoved = 0; if (originalTarget->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() == "proton") protonsRemoved++; else neutronsRemoved++; G4String secName; for (G4int i = 0; i < vecLen; i++) { secName = vec[i]->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName(); if (secName == "proton") { protonsRemoved++; } else if (secName == "neutron") { neutronsRemoved++; } else if (secName == "anti_proton") { protonsRemoved--; } else if (secName == "anti_neutron") { neutronsRemoved--; } } return std::pair(protonsRemoved, neutronsRemoved); } G4ThreeVector G4RPGReaction::Isotropic(const G4double& pp) { G4double costheta = 2.*G4UniformRand() - 1.; G4double sintheta = std::sqrt(1. - costheta*costheta); G4double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); return G4ThreeVector(pp*sintheta*std::cos(phi), pp*sintheta*std::sin(phi), pp*costheta); } void G4RPGReaction::MomentumCheck( const G4ReactionProduct &modifiedOriginal, G4ReactionProduct ¤tParticle, G4ReactionProduct &targetParticle, G4FastVector &vec, G4int &vecLen ) { const G4double pOriginal = modifiedOriginal.GetTotalMomentum()/MeV; G4double testMomentum = currentParticle.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV; G4double pMass; if( testMomentum >= pOriginal ) { pMass = currentParticle.GetMass()/MeV; currentParticle.SetTotalEnergy( std::sqrt( pMass*pMass + pOriginal*pOriginal )*MeV ); currentParticle.SetMomentum( currentParticle.GetMomentum() * (pOriginal/testMomentum) ); } testMomentum = targetParticle.GetMomentum().mag()/MeV; if( testMomentum >= pOriginal ) { pMass = targetParticle.GetMass()/MeV; targetParticle.SetTotalEnergy( std::sqrt( pMass*pMass + pOriginal*pOriginal )*MeV ); targetParticle.SetMomentum( targetParticle.GetMomentum() * (pOriginal/testMomentum) ); } for( G4int i=0; iGetMomentum().mag()/MeV; if( testMomentum >= pOriginal ) { pMass = vec[i]->GetMass()/MeV; vec[i]->SetTotalEnergy( std::sqrt( pMass*pMass + pOriginal*pOriginal )*MeV ); vec[i]->SetMomentum( vec[i]->GetMomentum() * (pOriginal/testMomentum) ); } } } void G4RPGReaction::NuclearReaction( G4FastVector &vec, G4int &vecLen, const G4HadProjectile *originalIncident, const G4Nucleus &targetNucleus, const G4double theAtomicMass, const G4double *mass ) { // derived from original FORTRAN code NUCREC by H. Fesefeldt (12-Feb-1987) // // Nuclear reaction kinematics at low energies // G4ParticleDefinition *aGamma = G4Gamma::Gamma(); G4ParticleDefinition *aProton = G4Proton::Proton(); G4ParticleDefinition *aNeutron = G4Neutron::Neutron(); G4ParticleDefinition *aDeuteron = G4Deuteron::Deuteron(); G4ParticleDefinition *aTriton = G4Triton::Triton(); G4ParticleDefinition *anAlpha = G4Alpha::Alpha(); const G4double aProtonMass = aProton->GetPDGMass()/MeV; const G4double aNeutronMass = aNeutron->GetPDGMass()/MeV; const G4double aDeuteronMass = aDeuteron->GetPDGMass()/MeV; const G4double aTritonMass = aTriton->GetPDGMass()/MeV; const G4double anAlphaMass = anAlpha->GetPDGMass()/MeV; G4ReactionProduct currentParticle; currentParticle = *originalIncident; // // Set beam particle, take kinetic energy of current particle as the // fundamental quantity. Due to the difficult kinematic, all masses have to // be assigned the best measured values // G4double p = currentParticle.GetTotalMomentum(); G4double pp = currentParticle.GetMomentum().mag(); if( pp <= 0.001*MeV ) { G4double phinve = twopi*G4UniformRand(); G4double rthnve = std::acos( std::max( -1.0, std::min( 1.0, -1.0 + 2.0*G4UniformRand() ) ) ); currentParticle.SetMomentum( p*std::sin(rthnve)*std::cos(phinve), p*std::sin(rthnve)*std::sin(phinve), p*std::cos(rthnve) ); } else currentParticle.SetMomentum( currentParticle.GetMomentum() * (p/pp) ); // // calculate Q-value of reactions // G4double currentKinetic = currentParticle.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV; G4double currentMass = currentParticle.GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass()/MeV; G4double qv = currentKinetic + theAtomicMass + currentMass; G4double qval[9]; qval[0] = qv - mass[0]; qval[1] = qv - mass[1] - aNeutronMass; qval[2] = qv - mass[2] - aProtonMass; qval[3] = qv - mass[3] - aDeuteronMass; qval[4] = qv - mass[4] - aTritonMass; qval[5] = qv - mass[5] - anAlphaMass; qval[6] = qv - mass[6] - aNeutronMass - aNeutronMass; qval[7] = qv - mass[7] - aNeutronMass - aProtonMass; qval[8] = qv - mass[8] - aProtonMass - aProtonMass; if( currentParticle.GetDefinition() == aNeutron ) { const G4double A = targetNucleus.GetN(); // atomic weight if( G4UniformRand() > ((A-1.0)/230.0)*((A-1.0)/230.0) ) qval[0] = 0.0; if( G4UniformRand() >= currentKinetic/7.9254*A ) qval[2] = qval[3] = qval[4] = qval[5] = qval[8] = 0.0; } else qval[0] = 0.0; G4int i; qv = 0.0; for( i=0; i<9; ++i ) { if( mass[i] < 500.0*MeV )qval[i] = 0.0; if( qval[i] < 0.0 )qval[i] = 0.0; qv += qval[i]; } G4double qv1 = 0.0; G4double ran = G4UniformRand(); G4int index; for( index=0; index<9; ++index ) { if( qval[index] > 0.0 ) { qv1 += qval[index]/qv; if( ran <= qv1 )break; } } if( index == 9 ) // loop continued to the end { throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "G4RPGReaction::NuclearReaction: inelastic reaction kinematically not possible"); } G4double ke = currentParticle.GetKineticEnergy()/GeV; G4int nt = 2; if( (index>=6) || (G4UniformRand()SetMass( mass[index]*MeV ); switch( index ) { case 0: v[1]->SetDefinition( aGamma ); v[2]->SetDefinition( aGamma ); break; case 1: v[1]->SetDefinition( aNeutron ); v[2]->SetDefinition( aGamma ); break; case 2: v[1]->SetDefinition( aProton ); v[2]->SetDefinition( aGamma ); break; case 3: v[1]->SetDefinition( aDeuteron ); v[2]->SetDefinition( aGamma ); break; case 4: v[1]->SetDefinition( aTriton ); v[2]->SetDefinition( aGamma ); break; case 5: v[1]->SetDefinition( anAlpha ); v[2]->SetDefinition( aGamma ); break; case 6: v[1]->SetDefinition( aNeutron ); v[2]->SetDefinition( aNeutron ); break; case 7: v[1]->SetDefinition( aNeutron ); v[2]->SetDefinition( aProton ); break; case 8: v[1]->SetDefinition( aProton ); v[2]->SetDefinition( aProton ); break; } // // calculate centre of mass energy // G4ReactionProduct pseudo1; pseudo1.SetMass( theAtomicMass*MeV ); pseudo1.SetTotalEnergy( theAtomicMass*MeV ); G4ReactionProduct pseudo2 = currentParticle + pseudo1; pseudo2.SetMomentum( pseudo2.GetMomentum() * (-1.0) ); // // use phase space routine in centre of mass system // G4FastVector tempV; tempV.Initialize( nt ); G4int tempLen = 0; tempV.SetElement( tempLen++, v[0] ); tempV.SetElement( tempLen++, v[1] ); if( nt == 3 )tempV.SetElement( tempLen++, v[2] ); G4bool constantCrossSection = true; GenerateNBodyEvent( pseudo2.GetMass()/MeV, constantCrossSection, tempV, tempLen ); v[0]->Lorentz( *v[0], pseudo2 ); v[1]->Lorentz( *v[1], pseudo2 ); if( nt == 3 )v[2]->Lorentz( *v[2], pseudo2 ); G4bool particleIsDefined = false; if( v[0]->GetMass()/MeV - aProtonMass < 0.1 ) { v[0]->SetDefinition( aProton ); particleIsDefined = true; } else if( v[0]->GetMass()/MeV - aNeutronMass < 0.1 ) { v[0]->SetDefinition( aNeutron ); particleIsDefined = true; } else if( v[0]->GetMass()/MeV - aDeuteronMass < 0.1 ) { v[0]->SetDefinition( aDeuteron ); particleIsDefined = true; } else if( v[0]->GetMass()/MeV - aTritonMass < 0.1 ) { v[0]->SetDefinition( aTriton ); particleIsDefined = true; } else if( v[0]->GetMass()/MeV - anAlphaMass < 0.1 ) { v[0]->SetDefinition( anAlpha ); particleIsDefined = true; } currentParticle.SetKineticEnergy( std::max( 0.001, currentParticle.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV ) ); p = currentParticle.GetTotalMomentum(); pp = currentParticle.GetMomentum().mag(); if( pp <= 0.001*MeV ) { G4double phinve = twopi*G4UniformRand(); G4double rthnve = std::acos( std::max( -1.0, std::min( 1.0, -1.0 + 2.0*G4UniformRand() ) ) ); currentParticle.SetMomentum( p*std::sin(rthnve)*std::cos(phinve), p*std::sin(rthnve)*std::sin(phinve), p*std::cos(rthnve) ); } else currentParticle.SetMomentum( currentParticle.GetMomentum() * (p/pp) ); if( particleIsDefined ) { v[0]->SetKineticEnergy( std::max( 0.001, 0.5*G4UniformRand()*v[0]->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV ) ); p = v[0]->GetTotalMomentum(); pp = v[0]->GetMomentum().mag(); if( pp <= 0.001*MeV ) { G4double phinve = twopi*G4UniformRand(); G4double rthnve = std::acos( std::max(-1.0,std::min(1.0,-1.0+2.0*G4UniformRand())) ); v[0]->SetMomentum( p*std::sin(rthnve)*std::cos(phinve), p*std::sin(rthnve)*std::sin(phinve), p*std::cos(rthnve) ); } else v[0]->SetMomentum( v[0]->GetMomentum() * (p/pp) ); } if( (v[1]->GetDefinition() == aDeuteron) || (v[1]->GetDefinition() == aTriton) || (v[1]->GetDefinition() == anAlpha) ) v[1]->SetKineticEnergy( std::max( 0.001, 0.5*G4UniformRand()*v[1]->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV ) ); else v[1]->SetKineticEnergy( std::max( 0.001, v[1]->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV ) ); p = v[1]->GetTotalMomentum(); pp = v[1]->GetMomentum().mag(); if( pp <= 0.001*MeV ) { G4double phinve = twopi*G4UniformRand(); G4double rthnve = std::acos( std::max(-1.0,std::min(1.0,-1.0+2.0*G4UniformRand())) ); v[1]->SetMomentum( p*std::sin(rthnve)*std::cos(phinve), p*std::sin(rthnve)*std::sin(phinve), p*std::cos(rthnve) ); } else v[1]->SetMomentum( v[1]->GetMomentum() * (p/pp) ); if( nt == 3 ) { if( (v[2]->GetDefinition() == aDeuteron) || (v[2]->GetDefinition() == aTriton) || (v[2]->GetDefinition() == anAlpha) ) v[2]->SetKineticEnergy( std::max( 0.001, 0.5*G4UniformRand()*v[2]->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV ) ); else v[2]->SetKineticEnergy( std::max( 0.001, v[2]->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV ) ); p = v[2]->GetTotalMomentum(); pp = v[2]->GetMomentum().mag(); if( pp <= 0.001*MeV ) { G4double phinve = twopi*G4UniformRand(); G4double rthnve = std::acos( std::max(-1.0,std::min(1.0,-1.0+2.0*G4UniformRand())) ); v[2]->SetMomentum( p*std::sin(rthnve)*std::cos(phinve), p*std::sin(rthnve)*std::sin(phinve), p*std::cos(rthnve) ); } else v[2]->SetMomentum( v[2]->GetMomentum() * (p/pp) ); } G4int del; for(del=0; del