// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // G4NeutronCaptureAtRest physics process // Larry Felawka (TRIUMF), April 1998 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4NeutronCaptureAtRest.hh" #include "G4DynamicParticle.hh" #include "G4ParticleTypes.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include #include #include #define MAX_SECONDARIES 100 // constructor G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::G4NeutronCaptureAtRest(const G4String& processName, G4ProcessType aType ) : G4VRestProcess (processName, aType), // initialization massProton(G4Proton::Proton()->GetPDGMass()/GeV), massNeutron(G4Neutron::Neutron()->GetPDGMass()/GeV), massElectron(G4Electron::Electron()->GetPDGMass()/GeV), massDeuteron(G4Deuteron::Deuteron()->GetPDGMass()/GeV), massAlpha(G4Alpha::Alpha()->GetPDGMass()/GeV), pdefGamma(G4Gamma::Gamma()), pdefNeutron(G4Neutron::Neutron()) { if (verboseLevel>0) { G4cout << GetProcessName() << " is created "<< G4endl; } pv = new G4GHEKinematicsVector [MAX_SECONDARIES+1]; eve = new G4GHEKinematicsVector [MAX_SECONDARIES]; gkin = new G4GHEKinematicsVector [MAX_SECONDARIES]; } // destructor G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::~G4NeutronCaptureAtRest() { delete [] pv; delete [] eve; delete [] gkin; } // methods............................................................................. G4bool G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::IsApplicable( const G4ParticleDefinition& particle ) { return ( &particle == pdefNeutron ); } // Warning - this method may be optimized away if made "inline" G4int G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::GetNumberOfSecondaries() { return ( ngkine ); } // Warning - this method may be optimized away if made "inline" G4GHEKinematicsVector* G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::GetSecondaryKinematics() { return ( &gkin[0] ); } G4double G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::AtRestGetPhysicalInteractionLength( const G4Track& track, G4ForceCondition* condition ) { // beggining of tracking ResetNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft(); // condition is set to "Not Forced" *condition = NotForced; // get mean life time currentInteractionLength = GetMeanLifeTime(track, condition); if ((currentInteractionLength <0.0) || (verboseLevel>2)){ G4cout << "G4NeutronCaptureAtRestProcess::AtRestGetPhysicalInteractionLength "; G4cout << "[ " << GetProcessName() << "]" <DumpInfo(); G4cout << " in Material " << track.GetMaterial()->GetName() <GetNumberOfElements(); const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = aMaterial->GetElementVector(); const G4double* theAtomicNumberDensity = aMaterial->GetAtomicNumDensityVector(); G4double normalization = 0; for ( G4int i1=0; i1 < numberOfElements; i1++ ) { normalization += theAtomicNumberDensity[i1] ; // change when nucleon specific // probabilities are included. } G4double runningSum= 0.; G4double random = G4UniformRand()*normalization; for ( G4int i2=0; i2 < numberOfElements; i2++ ) { runningSum += theAtomicNumberDensity[i2]; // change when nucleon specific // probabilities are included. if (random<=runningSum) { targetCharge = G4double((*theElementVector)[i2]->GetZ()); targetAtomicMass = (*theElementVector)[i2]->GetN(); } } if (random>runningSum) { targetCharge = G4double((*theElementVector)[numberOfElements-1]->GetZ()); targetAtomicMass = (*theElementVector)[numberOfElements-1]->GetN(); } if (verboseLevel>1) { G4cout << "G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::AtRestDoIt is invoked " <SetDefinition( gkin[isec].GetParticleDef() ); aNewParticle->SetMomentum( gkin[isec].GetMomentum() * GeV ); localtime = globalTime + gkin[isec].GetTOF(); G4Track* aNewTrack = new G4Track( aNewParticle, localtime*s, position ); aNewTrack->SetTouchableHandle(track.GetTouchableHandle()); aParticleChange.AddSecondary( aNewTrack ); } aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit( 0.0*GeV ); aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); // Kill the incident Neutron // clear InteractionLengthLeft ResetNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft(); return &aParticleChange; } void G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::GenerateSecondaries() { static G4int index; static G4int l; static G4int nopt; static G4int i; static G4ParticleDefinition* jnd; for (i = 1; i <= MAX_SECONDARIES; ++i) { pv[i].SetZero(); } ngkine = 0; // number of generated secondary particles ntot = 0; result.SetZero(); result.SetMass( massNeutron ); result.SetKineticEnergyAndUpdate( 0. ); result.SetTOF( 0. ); result.SetParticleDef( pdefNeutron ); NeutronCapture(&nopt); // *** CHECK WHETHER THERE ARE NEW PARTICLES GENERATED *** if (ntot != 0 || result.GetParticleDef() != pdefNeutron) { // *** CURRENT PARTICLE IS NOT THE SAME AS IN THE BEGINNING OR/AND *** // *** ONE OR MORE SECONDARIES HAVE BEEN GENERATED *** // --- INITIAL PARTICLE TYPE HAS BEEN CHANGED ==> PUT NEW TYPE ON --- // --- THE GEANT TEMPORARY STACK --- // --- PUT PARTICLE ON THE STACK --- gkin[0] = result; gkin[0].SetTOF( result.GetTOF() * 5e-11 ); ngkine = 1; // --- ALL QUANTITIES ARE TAKEN FROM THE GHEISHA STACK WHERE THE --- // --- CONVENTION IS THE FOLLOWING --- // --- ONE OR MORE SECONDARIES HAVE BEEN GENERATED --- for (l = 1; l <= ntot; ++l) { index = l - 1; jnd = eve[index].GetParticleDef(); // --- ADD PARTICLE TO THE STACK IF STACK NOT YET FULL --- if (ngkine < MAX_SECONDARIES) { gkin[ngkine] = eve[index]; gkin[ngkine].SetTOF( eve[index].GetTOF() * 5e-11 ); ++ngkine; } } } else { // --- NO SECONDARIES GENERATED AND PARTICLE IS STILL THE SAME --- // --- ==> COPY EVERYTHING BACK IN THE CURRENT GEANT STACK --- ngkine = 0; ntot = 0; globalTime += result.GetTOF() * G4float(5e-11); } // --- LIMIT THE VALUE OF NGKINE IN CASE OF OVERFLOW --- ngkine = G4int(std::min(ngkine,G4int(MAX_SECONDARIES))); } // GenerateSecondaries void G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::Normal(G4float *ran) { static G4int i; // *** NVE 14-APR-1988 CERN GENEVA *** // ORIGIN : H.FESEFELDT (27-OCT-1983) *ran = G4float(-6.); for (i = 1; i <= 12; ++i) { *ran += G4UniformRand(); } } // Normal void G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::NeutronCapture(G4int *nopt) { static G4int nt; static G4float xp, pcm; static G4float ran; // *** ROUTINE FOR CAPTURE OF NEUTRAL BARYONS *** // *** NVE 04-MAR-1988 CERN GENEVA *** // ORIGIN : H.FESEFELDT (02-DEC-1986) *nopt = 1; pv[1] = result; pv[2].SetZero(); pv[2].SetMass( AtomAs(targetAtomicMass, targetCharge) ); pv[2].SetMomentumAndUpdate( 0., 0., 0. ); pv[2].SetTOF( result.GetTOF() ); pv[2].SetParticleDef( NULL ); pv[MAX_SECONDARIES].Add( pv[1], pv[2] ); pv[MAX_SECONDARIES].SetMomentum( -pv[MAX_SECONDARIES].GetMomentum().x(), -pv[MAX_SECONDARIES].GetMomentum().y(), -pv[MAX_SECONDARIES].GetMomentum().z() ); pv[MAX_SECONDARIES].SetParticleDef( NULL ); Normal(&ran); pcm = ran * G4float(.001) + G4float(.0065); ran = G4UniformRand(); result.SetTOF( result.GetTOF() - std::log(ran) * G4float(480.) ); pv[3].SetZero(); pv[3].SetMass( 0. ); pv[3].SetKineticEnergyAndUpdate( pcm ); pv[3].SetTOF( result.GetTOF() ); pv[3].SetParticleDef( pdefGamma ); pv[3].Lor( pv[3], pv[MAX_SECONDARIES] ); nt = 3; xp = G4float(.008) - pcm; if (xp >= G4float(0.)) { nt = 4; pv[4].SetZero(); pv[4].SetMass( 0. ); pv[4].SetKineticEnergyAndUpdate( xp ); pv[4].SetTOF( result.GetTOF() ); pv[4].SetParticleDef( pdefGamma ); pv[4].Lor( pv[4], pv[MAX_SECONDARIES] ); } result = pv[3]; if (nt == 4) { if (ntot < MAX_SECONDARIES-1) { eve[ntot++] = pv[4]; } } } // NeutronCapture G4double G4NeutronCaptureAtRest::AtomAs(G4float a, G4float z) { G4float ret_val; G4double d__1, d__2; static G4double aa; static G4int ia, iz; static G4double zz; static G4float rma, rmd; static G4int ipp; static G4float rmn, rmp; static G4int izz; static G4float rmel; static G4double mass; // *** DETERMINATION OF THE ATOMIC MASS *** // *** NVE 19-MAY-1988 CERN GENEVA *** // ORIGIN : H.FESEFELDT (02-DEC-1986) // --- GET ATOMIC (= ELECTRONS INCL.) MASSES (IN MEV) FROM RMASS ARRAY --- // --- ELECTRON --- rmel = massElectron * G4float(1e3); // --- PROTON --- rmp = massProton * G4float(1e3); // --- NEUTRON --- rmn = massNeutron * G4float(1e3); // --- DEUTERON --- rmd = massDeuteron * G4float(1e3) + rmel; // --- ALPHA --- rma = massAlpha * G4float(1e3) + rmel * G4float(2.); ret_val = G4float(0.); aa = a * 1.; zz = z * 1.; ia = G4int(a + G4float(.5)); if (ia < 1) { return ret_val; } iz = G4int(z + G4float(.5)); if (iz < 0 || iz > ia) { return ret_val; } mass = 0.; if (ia == 1) { if (iz == 0) { mass = rmn; } else if (iz == 1) { mass = rmp + rmel; } } else if (ia == 2 && iz == 1) { mass = rmd; } else if (ia == 4 && iz == 2) { mass = rma; } else if ( (ia == 2 && iz != 1) || ia == 3 || (ia == 4 && iz != 2) || ia > 4) { d__1 = aa / G4float(2.) - zz; d__2 = zz; mass = (aa - zz) * rmn + zz * rmp + zz * rmel - aa * G4float(15.67) + std::pow(aa, .6666667) * G4float(17.23) + d__1 * d__1 * G4float(93.15) / aa + d__2 * d__2 * G4float(.6984523) / std::pow(aa, .3333333); ipp = (ia - iz) % 2; izz = iz % 2; if (ipp == izz) { mass += (ipp + izz - 1) * G4float(12.) * std::pow(aa, -.5); } } ret_val = mass * G4float(.001); return ret_val; } // AtomAs