// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4ProcessManager.cc,v 1.36 2008/03/20 02:57:09 kurasige Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02-ref-02 $ // // // -------------------------------------------------------------- // GEANT 4 class implementation file // // History: first implementation, based on object model of // 2nd December 1995, G.Cosmo // ------------------------------------------------------------ // New Physics scheme 8 Jan. 1997 H.Kurahige // remove sprintf 14 Nov 1997 H.Kurahige // fixed bugs in FindInsertPosition // 18 July 1998 H.Kurashige // Use STL vector instead of RW vector 1. Mar 00 H.Kurashige // Add exception to check ordering paramters 2 Oct. 2007 H.Kurashige // ------------------------------------------------------------ #include "G4ProcessManagerMessenger.hh" #include "G4ProcessManager.hh" #include "G4StateManager.hh" #include #include "G4ProcessTable.hh" #include "G4ios.hh" // --------------------------------- // function members implementation // --------------------------------- G4ProcessManagerMessenger* G4ProcessManager::fProcessManagerMessenger = 0; G4int G4ProcessManager::counterOfObjects = 0; // /////////////////////////////////////// G4ProcessManager::G4ProcessManager(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticleType): theParticleType(aParticleType), numberOfProcesses(0), duringTracking(false), verboseLevel(1) { // create the process List theProcessList = new G4ProcessVector(); if ( theProcessList == 0) { G4Exception( "G4ProcessManager::G4ProcessManager()","Fatal Error", FatalException, "Can not create G4ProcessList "); } //create process vector for (G4int i=0; i 2) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManageer:: copy constructor " <insert((*right.theProcessList)[idx]); // create a G4ProcessAttribute same as source's one G4ProcessAttribute* sAttr = (*right.theAttrVector)[idx]; G4ProcessAttribute* dAttr = new G4ProcessAttribute(*sAttr); // adds a G4ProcessAttribute object theAttrVector->push_back(dAttr); numberOfProcesses +=1; } // fill up theProcVector for (G4int i=0; ientries() ; j++){ // copy j-th process in i-th ProcessVector theProcVector[i]->insert((*src)[j]); //add aProcess and this ProcessManager into ProcesssTable theProcessTable->Insert((*src)[j], this); } } // Increment counter of G4ProcessManager objects counterOfObjects+=1; } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4ProcessManager::G4ProcessManager(): theParticleType(0), numberOfProcesses(0) { G4Exception("G4ProcessManager::G4ProcessManager()","Illegal operation", JustWarning,"Default constructor is called !!"); } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4ProcessManager & G4ProcessManager::operator=(G4ProcessManager &) { G4Exception("G4ProcessManager::operator=","Illegal operation", JustWarning,"Assignemnet operator is called"); return *this; } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4ProcessManager::~G4ProcessManager() { for (G4int i=0; iclear(); delete theProcVector[i]; } } theProcessList->clear(); delete theProcessList; G4ProcessAttrVector::iterator itr; for (itr = theAttrVector->begin(); itr!= theAttrVector->end(); ++itr) { delete (*itr); } theAttrVector->clear(); delete theAttrVector; counterOfObjects-=1; // delete messenger if this object is last one if ( counterOfObjects == 0 ){ if (fProcessManagerMessenger != 0){ delete fProcessManagerMessenger; fProcessManagerMessenger = 0; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel() > 1) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManagerMessenger is deleted" << G4endl; } #endif } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// G4int G4ProcessManager::GetProcessVectorIndex( G4VProcess* aProcess, G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idx, G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex typ ) const { G4int idxVect = -1; G4int idxProc = GetProcessIndex(aProcess); G4int ivec = GetProcessVectorId(idx, typ); if ( ( idxProc >=0) && (ivec >=0) ){ idxVect = GetAttribute(idxProc)->idxProcVector[ivec]; } else { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (verboseLevel>0) { G4cout << " G4ProcessManager::GetProcessVectorIndex:"; G4cout << "particle[" << theParticleType->GetParticleName() << "] " ; G4cout << "process[" << aProcess->GetProcessName() << "]" ; G4cout << G4endl; if (idxProc <0) { G4cout << " is not registered yet "; } if (ivec <0) { G4cout << " illegal DoIt Index [= " << G4int(idx) << "," << G4int(typ) << "]"; } G4cout << G4endl; } #endif } return idxVect; } ///////////////////////////////////////// G4ProcessAttribute* G4ProcessManager::GetAttribute(G4int index) const { // check index range if ((index<0) || (index>=numberOfProcesses)) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>0) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::GetAttribute():"; G4cout << " particle[" << theParticleType->GetParticleName() << "]"; G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << " index out of range " << G4endl; G4cout << " #processes[" << numberOfProcesses << "]"; G4cout << " index [" << index << "]" << G4endl; } #endif return 0; } // check process pointer is not 0 G4VProcess* aProcess = (*theProcessList)[index]; if (aProcess == 0) { G4String aErrorMessage("Null Pointer for"); aErrorMessage += theParticleType->GetParticleName() ; G4Exception("G4ProcessManager::GetAttribute()","Bad ProcessList", FatalException,aErrorMessage); return 0; } //find the process attribute if ( ((*theAttrVector)[index])->idxProcessList == index ){ return (*theAttrVector)[index]; } else { // !! Error !! // attribute vector index is inconsistent with process List index #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>0) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::GetAttribute():"; G4cout << " particle[" << theParticleType->GetParticleName() << "]" << G4endl; G4cout << "Warning:: attribute vector index is inconsistent with process List index" << G4endl; } #endif // re-ordering attribute vector G4ProcessAttribute *pAttr = 0; G4ProcessAttrVector::iterator itr; for (itr = theAttrVector->begin(); itr!= theAttrVector->end(); ++itr) { if ( (*itr)->idxProcessList == index) { pAttr = (*itr); break; } } return pAttr; } } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4ProcessAttribute * G4ProcessManager::GetAttribute(G4VProcess *aProcess) const { return GetAttribute( GetProcessIndex(aProcess)); } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4int G4ProcessManager::InsertAt(G4int ip, G4VProcess* process, G4int ivec) { G4ProcessVector* pVector = theProcVector[ivec]; // check position if ( (ip<0) || (ip > pVector->entries()) ) return -1; // insert in pVector pVector->insertAt(ip, process); //correct index in ProcessAttributes of processes for (G4int iproc=0; iprocidxProcVector[ivec] >= ip){ aAttr->idxProcVector[ivec] += 1; } } else { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>0) { G4cout << " G4ProcessManager::InsertAt : No Process Attribute " << G4endl; } #endif } } return ip; } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4int G4ProcessManager::RemoveAt(G4int ip, G4VProcess* , G4int ivec) { G4ProcessVector* pVector = theProcVector[ivec]; // check position if ( (ip<0) || (ip >= pVector->entries()) ) return -1; // remove process pVector->removeAt(ip); // correct index for(G4int iproc=0; iprocidxProcVector[ivec]) { aAttr->idxProcVector[ivec] -=1; } else if (ip == aAttr->idxProcVector[ivec]) { aAttr->idxProcVector[ivec] = -1; aAttr->ordProcVector[ivec] = ordInActive; } }else { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>0) { G4cout << " G4ProcessManager::RemoveAt : No Process Attribute " << G4endl; } #endif } } return ip; } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4int G4ProcessManager::FindInsertPosition(G4int ord, G4int ivec) { G4ProcessVector* pVector = theProcVector[ivec]; G4int ip = pVector->entries(); G4int tmp = INT_MAX; if (ord == ordLast) return ip; // find insert position for (G4int iproc=0; iprocordProcVector[ivec] > ord ) && (tmp > aAttr->ordProcVector[ivec])){ tmp = aAttr->ordProcVector[ivec] ; if (ip > aAttr->idxProcVector[ivec]) ip = aAttr->idxProcVector[ivec]; } } return ip; } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4int G4ProcessManager::AddProcess( G4VProcess *aProcess, G4int ordAtRestDoIt, G4int ordAlongStepDoIt, G4int ordPostStepDoIt ) { //check the process is applicable to this particle type if ( !aProcess->IsApplicable(*theParticleType) ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>1) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::AddProcess()" << G4endl; G4cout << "This process is not applicable to this particle" << G4endl; } #endif return -1; } #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>2) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::AddProcess()" << G4endl; } #endif //add aProcess and this ProcessManager into ProcesssTable G4ProcessTable* theProcessTable = G4ProcessTable::GetProcessTable(); theProcessTable->Insert(aProcess, this); //add aProcess to process List theProcessList->insert(aProcess); G4int idx = (theProcessList->entries()) - 1; // check size of the ProcessVector[0] if (numberOfProcesses != idx){ theProcessList->removeLast(); G4String anErrorMessage("Inconsistent process List size for "); anErrorMessage += "process[" + aProcess->GetProcessName() + "]"; anErrorMessage += " particle[" + theParticleType->GetParticleName() + "]"; G4Exception( "G4ProcessManager::AddProcess()","Fatal Error", FatalException,anErrorMessage); return -1; } // create ProcessAttribute G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = new G4ProcessAttribute(aProcess); pAttr->idxProcessList = idx; // check if ordering parameter is non-zero if (ordAtRestDoIt==0) ordAtRestDoIt = 1; if (ordAlongStepDoIt==0) ordAlongStepDoIt = 1; if (ordPostStepDoIt==0) ordPostStepDoIt = 1; // ordering parameter pAttr->ordProcVector[0] = ordAtRestDoIt; pAttr->ordProcVector[1] = ordAtRestDoIt; pAttr->ordProcVector[2] = ordAlongStepDoIt; pAttr->ordProcVector[3] = ordAlongStepDoIt; pAttr->ordProcVector[4] = ordPostStepDoIt; pAttr->ordProcVector[5] = ordPostStepDoIt; // add aProccess in Process vectors for (G4int ivec=1; ivecordProcVector[ivec] < 0 ) { // DoIt is inactive if ordering parameter is negative pAttr->idxProcVector[ivec] = -1; } else { //add aProcess in ordering of ordProcVector // G4ProcessVector* pVector = theProcVector[ivec]; // find insert position G4int ip = FindInsertPosition(pAttr->ordProcVector[ivec], ivec); // insert InsertAt(ip, aProcess, ivec); // set index in Process Attribute pAttr->idxProcVector[ivec] = ip; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (verboseLevel>2) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::AddProcess()" << G4endl; G4cout << aProcess->GetProcessName() << " is inserted at "<< ip; G4cout << " in ProcessVetor[" << ivec<< "]"; G4cout << " with Ordering parameter = " ; G4cout << pAttr->ordProcVector[ivec] << G4endl; } #endif } } //add ProcessAttribute to ProcessAttrVector theAttrVector->push_back(pAttr); numberOfProcesses += 1; // check consistencies between ordering parameters and process CheckOrderingParameters(aProcess); CreateGPILvectors(); // inform process manager pointer to the process aProcess->SetProcessManager(this); return idx; } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4VProcess* G4ProcessManager::RemoveProcess(G4int index) { //find the process attribute G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = GetAttribute(index); if (pAttr == 0) return 0; // remove process G4VProcess* removedProcess = (*theProcessList)[index]; if (!(pAttr->isActive)) { ActivateProcess(index);} // remove process from vectors if the process is active for (G4int ivec=0; ivecidxProcVector[ivec]; if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < pVector->entries())) { //remove if (RemoveAt(idx, removedProcess, ivec) <0) { G4String anErrorMessage("Bad index in attribute"); anErrorMessage += "for particle[" + theParticleType->GetParticleName() + "] "; anErrorMessage += "process[" + removedProcess->GetProcessName() + "] " ; G4Exception( "G4ProcessManager::RemoveProcess()","Fatal Error", FatalException,anErrorMessage); return 0; } } else if (idx<0) { // corresponding DoIt is not active } else { // idx is out of range G4String anErrorMessage("Index is out of range "); anErrorMessage += "for particle[" + theParticleType->GetParticleName() + "] "; anErrorMessage += "process[" + removedProcess->GetProcessName() + "] " ; G4Exception( "G4ProcessManager::RemoveProcess()","Fatal Error", FatalException,anErrorMessage); return 0; } } pAttr->isActive = false; // remove from the process List and delete the attribute theProcessList->removeAt(index); G4ProcessAttrVector::iterator itr; for (itr = theAttrVector->begin(); itr!= theAttrVector->end(); ++itr) { if ( (*itr) == pAttr) { theAttrVector->erase(itr); break; } } delete pAttr; numberOfProcesses -= 1; // correct index for(G4int i=0; iidxProcessList) aAttr->idxProcessList -=1; } CreateGPILvectors(); //remove aProcess from ProcesssTable G4ProcessTable* theProcessTable = G4ProcessTable::GetProcessTable(); theProcessTable->Remove(removedProcess, this); return removedProcess; } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4VProcess* G4ProcessManager::RemoveProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess) { return RemoveProcess(GetProcessIndex(aProcess)); } ///////////////////////////////////////// G4int G4ProcessManager::GetProcessOrdering( G4VProcess *aProcess, G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt ) { // get Process Vector Id G4int ivec = GetProcessVectorId(idDoIt, typeDoIt); if (ivec >=0 ) { // get attribute G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = GetAttribute(aProcess); if (pAttr != 0) { return pAttr->ordProcVector[ivec]; } } return -1; } // /////////////////////////////////////// void G4ProcessManager::SetProcessOrdering( G4VProcess *aProcess, G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt, G4int ordDoIt ) { const G4String aErrorMessage(" G4ProcessManager::SetProcessOrdering"); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>2) { G4cout << aErrorMessage ; G4cout << "particle[" + theParticleType->GetParticleName() +"] " ; G4cout <<"process[" + aProcess->GetProcessName() + "]"<< G4endl; } #endif // get Process Vector Id G4int ivec = GetProcessVectorId(idDoIt, typeDoIt); if (ivec <0 ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (verboseLevel>0) { G4cout << aErrorMessage << G4endl; G4cout << "particle[" << theParticleType->GetParticleName() << "] " ; G4cout << "process[" << aProcess->GetProcessName() << "]"<< G4endl; G4cout << " illegal DoIt Index [= " << G4int(idDoIt) << "]"; G4cout << G4endl; } #endif return; } if (ordDoIt>ordLast) ordDoIt=ordLast; // get attribute G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = GetAttribute(aProcess); if (pAttr == 0) { // can not get process attribute return; } else { G4int ip = pAttr->idxProcVector[ivec]; // remove a process from the process vector if ( ip >=0 ) { RemoveAt(ip, aProcess, ivec); } // set ordering parameter to non-zero if (ordDoIt == 0) ordDoIt = 1; pAttr->ordProcVector[ivec-1] = ordDoIt; pAttr->ordProcVector[ivec] = ordDoIt; // insert in process vector if ordDoIt >0 if (ordDoIt >0) { // find insert position ip = FindInsertPosition(pAttr->ordProcVector[ivec], ivec); // insert InsertAt(ip, aProcess, ivec); // set index in Process Attribute pAttr->idxProcVector[ivec] = ip; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (verboseLevel>2) { G4cout << aErrorMessage << G4endl; G4cout << "particle[" << theParticleType->GetParticleName() << "] " ; G4cout <<"process[" << aProcess->GetProcessName() << "]"<< G4endl; G4cout << aProcess->GetProcessName() << " is inserted at "<< ip; G4cout << " in ProcessVetor[" << ivec<< "]"; G4cout << " with Ordering parameter = " << ordDoIt ; G4cout << G4endl; } #endif } } // check consistencies between ordering parameters and process CheckOrderingParameters(aProcess); // create GPIL vectors CreateGPILvectors(); } // /////////////////////////////////////// void G4ProcessManager::SetProcessOrderingToFirst( G4VProcess *aProcess, G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt ) { // get Process Vector Id( G4int ivec = GetProcessVectorId(idDoIt, typeDoIt); if (ivec <0 ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (verboseLevel>0) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::SetProcessOrdering: "; G4cout << " illegal DoIt Index [= " << G4int(idDoIt) << "]"; G4cout << G4endl; } #endif return; } // get attribute G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = GetAttribute(aProcess); if (pAttr == 0) { return; } else { G4int ip = pAttr->idxProcVector[ivec]; // remove a process from the process vector if ( ip >=0 ) { RemoveAt(ip, aProcess, ivec); } // set ordering parameter to zero pAttr->ordProcVector[ivec] = 0; pAttr->ordProcVector[ivec-1] = 0; // insert InsertAt(0, aProcess, ivec); // set index in Process Attribute pAttr->idxProcVector[ivec] = 0; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (verboseLevel>2) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::SetProcessOrdering: "; G4cout << aProcess->GetProcessName() << " is inserted at top "; G4cout << " in ProcessVetor[" << ivec<< "]"; G4cout << G4endl; } #endif } // check consistencies between ordering parameters and process CheckOrderingParameters(aProcess); // create GPIL vectors CreateGPILvectors(); } // /////////////////////////////////////// void G4ProcessManager::SetProcessOrderingToSecond( G4VProcess *aProcess, G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt ) { const G4String aErrorMessage(" G4ProcessManager::SetProcessOrderingToSecond"); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>2) { G4cout << aErrorMessage ; G4cout << "particle[" << theParticleType->GetParticleName() << "] " ; G4cout <<"process[" << aProcess->GetProcessName() << "]"<< G4endl; } #endif // get Process Vector Id G4int ivec = GetProcessVectorId(idDoIt, typeDoIt); if (ivec <0 ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (verboseLevel>0) { G4cout << aErrorMessage << G4endl; G4cout << "particle[" << theParticleType->GetParticleName() << "] " ; G4cout << "process[" << aProcess->GetProcessName() << "]"<< G4endl; G4cout << " illegal DoIt Index [= " << G4int(idDoIt) << "]"; G4cout << G4endl; } #endif return; } // get attribute G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = GetAttribute(aProcess); if (pAttr == 0) { // can not get process attribute return; } else { G4int ip = pAttr->idxProcVector[ivec]; // remove a process from the process vector if ( ip >=0 ) { RemoveAt(ip, aProcess, ivec); } } // set ordering parameter to 1 pAttr->ordProcVector[ivec-1] = 1; pAttr->ordProcVector[ivec] = 1; // find insert position G4ProcessVector* pVector = theProcVector[ivec]; G4int ip = pVector->entries(); G4int tmp = INT_MAX; // find insert position for (G4int iproc=0; iprocidxProcVector[ivec] >= 0 ) { if ( (aAttr->ordProcVector[ivec] !=0 ) && (tmp >= aAttr->ordProcVector[ivec]) ) { tmp = aAttr->ordProcVector[ivec]; if ( ip > aAttr->idxProcVector[ivec] ) { ip = aAttr->idxProcVector[ivec] ; } } } } // insert InsertAt(ip, aProcess, ivec); // set index in Process Attribute pAttr->idxProcVector[ivec] = ip; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (verboseLevel>2) { G4cout << aErrorMessage << G4endl; G4cout << "particle[" << theParticleType->GetParticleName() << "] " ; G4cout <<"process[" << aProcess->GetProcessName() << "]"<< G4endl; G4cout << aProcess->GetProcessName() << " is inserted at "<< ip; G4cout << " in ProcessVetor[" << ivec<< "]"; G4cout << " with Ordering parameter = 1 "; G4cout << G4endl; } #endif // check consistencies between ordering parameters and process CheckOrderingParameters(aProcess); // create GPIL vectors CreateGPILvectors(); } // /////////////////////////////////////// void G4ProcessManager::SetProcessOrderingToLast( G4VProcess *aProcess, G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt ) { SetProcessOrdering(aProcess, idDoIt, ordLast ); } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4VProcess* G4ProcessManager::InActivateProcess(G4int index) { G4ApplicationState currentState = G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetCurrentState(); if ( (currentState == G4State_PreInit) || (currentState == G4State_Init) ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>1) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::InActivateProcess is not valid in "; if (currentState == G4State_PreInit ) { G4cout << "PreInit "; } else if (currentState == G4State_Init ) { G4cout << "Init "; } G4cout << "state !" << G4endl; } #endif return 0; } //find the process attribute G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = GetAttribute(index); if (pAttr == 0) return 0; // remove process G4VProcess* pProcess = (*theProcessList)[index]; const G4String aErrorMessage(" G4ProcessManager::InactivateProcess():"); if (pAttr->isActive) { // remove process from vectors if the process is active for (G4int i=0; iidxProcVector[i]; if (idx<0) { // corresponding DoIt is not active } else if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < pVector->entries())) { //check pointer and set to 0 if ((*pVector)[idx]== pProcess) { (*pVector)[idx]= 0; } else { G4String anErrorMessage("Bad index in attribute"); anErrorMessage += "for particle[" + theParticleType->GetParticleName() + "] "; anErrorMessage += "process[" + pProcess->GetProcessName() + "] " ; G4Exception( "G4ProcessManager::InactivateProcess():","Fatal Error", FatalException,anErrorMessage); return 0; } } else { // idx is out of range G4String anErrorMessage("Index is out of range"); anErrorMessage += "for particle[" + theParticleType->GetParticleName() + "] "; anErrorMessage += "process[" + pProcess->GetProcessName() + "] " ; G4Exception( "G4ProcessManager::InactivateProcess():","Fatal Error", FatalException,anErrorMessage); return 0; } } pAttr->isActive = false; } return pProcess; } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4VProcess* G4ProcessManager::ActivateProcess(G4int index) { G4ApplicationState currentState = G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetCurrentState(); if ( (currentState == G4State_PreInit) || (currentState == G4State_Init) ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>1) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::ActivateProcess is not valid in "; if (currentState == G4State_PreInit ) { G4cout << "PreInit "; } else if (currentState == G4State_Init ) { G4cout << "Init "; } G4cout << "state !" << G4endl; } #endif return 0; } //find the process attribute G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = GetAttribute(index); if (pAttr == 0) return 0; // remove process G4VProcess* pProcess = (*theProcessList)[index]; if (!pAttr->isActive) { // remove process from vectors if the process is active for (G4int i=0; iidxProcVector[i]; if (idx<0) { // corresponding DoIt is not active } else if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < pVector->entries())) { //check pointer and set if ((*pVector)[idx]== 0) { (*pVector)[idx] = pProcess; } else { G4String anErrorMessage("Bad index in attribute"); anErrorMessage += "for particle[" + theParticleType->GetParticleName() + "] "; anErrorMessage += "process[" + pProcess->GetProcessName() + "] " ; G4Exception( "G4ProcessManager::ActivateProcess():","Fatal Error", FatalException,anErrorMessage); return 0; } } else { // idx is out of range G4String anErrorMessage("Index is out of range"); anErrorMessage += "for particle[" + theParticleType->GetParticleName() + "] "; anErrorMessage += "process[" + pProcess->GetProcessName() + "] " ; G4Exception("G4ProcessManager::ActivateProcess():","Fatal Error", FatalException,anErrorMessage); return 0; } } pAttr->isActive = true; } return pProcess; } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4int G4ProcessManager::operator==(const G4ProcessManager &right) const { return (this == &right); } // /////////////////////////////////////// G4int G4ProcessManager::operator!=(const G4ProcessManager &right) const { return (this != &right); } // /////////////////////////////////////// void G4ProcessManager::DumpInfo() { // Dump Information // particle type G4cout << "G4ProcessManager: particle[" << theParticleType->GetParticleName() << "]" << G4endl; // loop over all processes for (G4int idx=0; idx entries(); idx++){ // process name/type G4cout << "[" << idx << "]"; G4cout << "=== process[" << ((*theProcessList)(idx))->GetProcessName()<< " :"; G4cout << G4VProcess::GetProcessTypeName( ((*theProcessList)(idx))->GetProcessType() )<< "]"; // process attribute G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = (*theAttrVector)[idx]; // status if ( pAttr-> isActive ) { G4cout << " Active "; } else { G4cout << " InActive "; } G4cout << G4endl; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (verboseLevel>0) { // order parameter G4cout << " Ordering:: "; G4cout << " AtRest AlongStep PostStep "; G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << " "; G4cout << " GetPIL/ DoIt GetPIL/ DoIt GetPIL/ DoIt "; G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << " Ordering:: " << G4endl; G4cout << " index "; for (G4int idx2 = 0; idx2 <6 ; idx2++) { G4cout << std::setw(8) << pAttr->idxProcVector[idx2] <<":"; } G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << " parameter "; for (G4int idx3 = 0; idx3 <6 ; idx3++) { G4cout << std::setw(8) << pAttr->ordProcVector[idx3] <<":"; } G4cout << G4endl; } #endif } } void G4ProcessManager::CreateGPILvectors() { //-- create GetPhysicalInteractionLength process vectors just as the inverse //-- order of DoIt process vector for(G4int k=0; kentries(); k++) { GetAttribute((*theProcessList)[k])->idxProcVector[0]=-1; GetAttribute((*theProcessList)[k])->idxProcVector[2]=-1; GetAttribute((*theProcessList)[k])->idxProcVector[4]=-1; } for(G4int i=0; ientries(); procGPIL->clear(); for(G4int j=nproc-1;j>=0;j--) { G4VProcess* aProc = (*procDoIt)[j]; procGPIL->insert(aProc); GetAttribute(aProc)->idxProcVector[i] = procGPIL->entries()-1; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////// void G4ProcessManager::StartTracking(G4Track* aTrack) { for (G4int idx = 0; idxentries(); idx++){ if (GetAttribute(idx)->isActive) ((*theProcessList)[idx])->StartTracking(aTrack); } if(aTrack) duringTracking = true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// void G4ProcessManager::EndTracking() { for (G4int idx = 0; idxentries(); idx++){ if (GetAttribute(idx)->isActive) ((*theProcessList)[idx])->EndTracking(); } duringTracking = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// G4VProcess* G4ProcessManager::SetProcessActivation(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4bool fActive ) { return SetProcessActivation(GetProcessIndex(aProcess), fActive); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// G4VProcess* G4ProcessManager::SetProcessActivation(G4int index, G4bool fActive) { if (fActive) return ActivateProcess(index); else return InActivateProcess(index); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// G4bool G4ProcessManager::GetProcessActivation(G4VProcess *aProcess) const { return GetProcessActivation(GetProcessIndex(aProcess)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// G4bool G4ProcessManager::GetProcessActivation(G4int index) const { if (index <0) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>0) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::GetProcessActivation "; G4cout << " process (or its index) not found "; } #endif return false; } // process attribute G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = (*theAttrVector)[index]; // status return pAttr-> isActive; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// void G4ProcessManager::CheckOrderingParameters(G4VProcess* aProcess) const { if (aProcess==0) return; G4ProcessAttribute* pAttr = GetAttribute(aProcess); if (pAttr ==0) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>0) { G4cout << "G4ProcessManager::CheckOrderingParameters "; G4cout << " process " << aProcess->GetProcessName() << " has no attribute" << G4endl; } #endif return; } // check consistencies between ordering parameters and // validity of DoIt of the Process G4bool isOK =true; if ( (pAttr->ordProcVector[0]>=0) && (!aProcess->isAtRestDoItIsEnabled()) ){ #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>0) { G4cerr << "G4ProcessManager::CheckOrderingParameters "; G4cerr << "You cannot set ordering parameter [" << pAttr->ordProcVector[0] << "] for AtRest DoIt to the process " << aProcess->GetProcessName() << G4endl; } #endif isOK = false; } if ( (pAttr->ordProcVector[2]>=0) && (!aProcess->isAlongStepDoItIsEnabled()) ){ #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>0) { G4cerr << "G4ProcessManager::CheckOrderingParameters "; G4cerr << "You cannot set ordering parameter [" << pAttr->ordProcVector[2] << "] for AlongStep DoIt to the process " << aProcess->GetProcessName() << G4endl; } #endif isOK = false; } if ( (pAttr->ordProcVector[4]>=0) && (!aProcess->isPostStepDoItIsEnabled()) ) { #ifdef G4VERBOSE if (GetVerboseLevel()>0) { G4cerr << "G4ProcessManager::CheckOrderingParameters "; G4cerr << "You cannot set ordering parameter [" << pAttr->ordProcVector[4] << "] for PostStep DoIt to the process" << aProcess->GetProcessName() << G4endl; } #endif isOK = false; } if (!isOK) { G4String msg; msg = "Invalid ordering parameters are set for "; msg += aProcess->GetProcessName(); G4Exception( "G4ProcessManager::CheckOrderingParameters ", "Invalid Ordering",FatalException, msg); } return; }