// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4FastStep.hh,v 1.8 2006/06/29 21:09:14 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02-ref-02 $ // // //--------------------------------------------------------------- // // G4FastStep.hh // // Description: // The G4FastStep class insures a friendly interface // to manage the primary/secondaries final state for // Fast Simulation Models. This includes final states of parent // particle (normalized direction of the momentum, energy, etc) and // secondary particles generated by the parameterisation. // // The G4FastStep class acts also as the G4ParticleChange // for the Fast Simulation Process. So it inherites from // the G4VParticleChange class and redefines the four virtual // methods : // // virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForAtRest(G4Step* Step); // virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForAlongStep(G4Step* Step); // virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForPostStep(G4Step* Step); // virtual void Initialize(const G4Track&); // // History: // Oct 97: Verderi && MoraDeFreitas - First Implementation. // Dec 97: Verderi - ForceSteppingHitInvocation(), // Set/GetTotalEnergyDeposited() methods. // Apr 98: MoraDeFreitas - G4FastStep becomes the G4ParticleChange // for the Fast Simulation Process. // Nov 04: Verderi - Add ProposeXXX methods. SetXXX ones are kept // for backward compatibility. // //--------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef G4FastStep_h #define G4FastStep_h #include "globals.hh" #include "G4ios.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4ParticleMomentum.hh" class G4DynamicParticle; #include "G4VParticleChange.hh" #include "G4FastTrack.hh" //------------------------------------------- // // G4FastStep class // //------------------------------------------- // Class Description: // The final state of the particles after parameterisation has to be returned through a G4FastStep // reference. This final state is described as "requests" the tracking will apply after your // parameterisation has been invoked. // // To facilitate the developers work, changes of position/normalized direction of the // momentum/polarization can be specified in the local coordinate system of the envelope or in the // global one. // The default is local system coordinates. // class G4FastStep: public G4VParticleChange { public: // with Description void KillPrimaryTrack(); // Set the kinetic energy of the primary to zero, and set the "fStopAndKill" signal // used by the stepping. // -- Methods used to change the position, normalized direction of // the momentum, time etc... of the primary. // .. space and time: void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalPosition (const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates = true); // Set the primary track final position. void SetPrimaryTrackFinalPosition (const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates = true); // Set the primary track final position -- maintained for backward compatibility. void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalTime (G4double); // Set the primary track final time. void SetPrimaryTrackFinalTime (G4double); // Set the primary track final time -- maintained for backward compatibility. void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalProperTime (G4double); // Set the primary final track Proper Time. void SetPrimaryTrackFinalProperTime (G4double); // Set the primary final track Proper Time -- maintained for backward compatibility. // .. dynamics: void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalMomentumDirection (const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates = true); // Be careful: the Track Final Momentum means the normalized direction // of the momentum! void SetPrimaryTrackFinalMomentum (const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates = true); // Set the primary track final momentum -- maintained for backward compatibility. Same as ProposePrimaryTrackMomentumDirection(...) void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergy (G4double); // Set the primary track final kinetic energy. void SetPrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergy (G4double); // Set the primary track final kinetic energy-- maintained for backward compatibility. void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergyAndDirection(G4double, const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates = true); // Set the primary track final kinetic energy and direction. void SetPrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergyAndDirection(G4double, const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates = true); // Set the primary track final kinetic energy and direction -- maintained for backward compatibility. void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalPolarization(const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates = true); // Set the primary track final polarization. void SetPrimaryTrackFinalPolarization(const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates = true); // Set the primary track final polarization. void ProposePrimaryTrackPathLength (G4double); // Set the true path length of the primary track during the step. void SetPrimaryTrackPathLength (G4double); // Set the true path length of the primary track during the step -- maintained for backward compatibility. void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalEventBiasingWeight (G4double); // Set the weight applied for event biasing mechanism. void SetPrimaryTrackFinalEventBiasingWeight (G4double); // Set the weight applied for event biasing mechanism -- kept for backward compatibility. // ------------------------------ // -- Management of secondaries: // ------------------------------ // ---------------------------------------------------- // -- The creation of secondaries is Done in two steps: // -- 1) Give the total number of secondaries // -- that the FastStep returns // -- to the tracking using: // -- SetNumberOfSecondaryTracks() // -- // -- 2) Invoke the CreateSecondaryTrack() method // -- to create one secondary at each time. // ---------------------------------------------------- // -- Total Number of secondaries to be created, // -- (to be called first) void SetNumberOfSecondaryTracks(G4int); // Set the total number of secondaries that will be created. // -- Number of secondaries effectively stored: // -- (incremented at each CreateSecondaryTrack() // -- call) G4int GetNumberOfSecondaryTracks(); // Returns the number of secondaries effectively stored. // -- Create a secondary: the arguments are: // -- * G4DynamicsParticle: see header file, many constructors exist // -- (allow to set particle type + energy + // -- the normalized direction of momentum...) // -- * G4ThreeVector : Polarization (not in G4ParticleChange constructor) // -- * G4ThreeVector : Position // -- * G4double : Time // -- * G4bool : says if Position/Momentum are given in the // -- local coordinate system (true by default) // -- Returned value: pointer to the track created. G4Track* CreateSecondaryTrack(const G4DynamicParticle&, G4ThreeVector, G4ThreeVector, G4double, G4bool localCoordinates=true); // Create a secondary. The arguments are: // // G4DynamicsParticle: see the G4DynamicsParticle reference, many constructors exist // (allow to set particle type + energy + the normalized direction of // momentum...); // G4ThreeVector : Polarization; // G4ThreeVector : Position; // G4double : Time; // G4bool : says if Position/Momentum are given in the local envelope coordinate // system (true by default). // // Returned value: pointer to the track created. // //-- Create a secondary: the difference with he above declaration //-- is that the Polarization is not given and is assumed already set //-- in the G4DynamicParticle. //-- Returned value: pointer to the track created G4Track* CreateSecondaryTrack(const G4DynamicParticle&, G4ThreeVector, G4double, G4bool localCoordinates=true); // Create a secondary. The difference with he above declaration is that the Polarization is not // given and is assumed already set in the G4DynamicParticle. // // Returned value: pointer to the track created G4Track* GetSecondaryTrack(G4int); // Returns a pointer on the i-th secondary track created. //------------------------------------------------ // // Total energy deposit in the "fast Step" // (a default should be provided in future, // which can be: // delta energy of primary - // energy of the secondaries) // This allow the user to Store a consistent // information in the G4Trajectory. // //------------------------------------------------ void ProposeTotalEnergyDeposited(G4double anEnergyPart); // Set the total energy deposited. void SetTotalEnergyDeposited(G4double anEnergyPart); // Set the total energy deposited -- kept for backward compatibility. // It should be the delta energy of primary less the energy of the secondaries. G4double GetTotalEnergyDeposited() const; // Returns the total energy deposited. void ForceSteppingHitInvocation(); // Control of the stepping manager Hit invocation. // // In a usual parameterisation, the control of the hits production is under the user // responsability in his G4VFastSimulationModel (he generally produces several hits at once.) // // However, in the particular case the G4FastSimulation user's model acts as the physics // replacement only (ie replaces all the ***DoIt() and leads to the construction of a meaningful // G4Step), the user can delegate to the G4SteppingManager the responsability to invoke // the Hit()method of the current sensitive if any. // // By default, the G4SteppingManager is asked to NOT invoke this Hit() method when parameterisation // is invoked. // public: // Without description //======================================================= // Implementation section and kernel interfaces. //======================================================= //------------------------ // Constructor/Destructor //------------------------ G4FastStep(); virtual ~G4FastStep(); // equal/unequal operator G4bool operator==(const G4FastStep &right) const; G4bool operator!=(const G4FastStep &right) const; protected: // hide copy constructor and assignment operator as protected G4FastStep (const G4FastStep &right); G4FastStep & operator= (const G4FastStep &right); public: // =============================================== // Stepping interface. // =============================================== // --- the following methods are for updating G4Step ----- // Return the pointer to the G4Step after updating the Step information // by using final state information of the track given by a Model. // // The Fast Simulation Mechanism doesn't change the track's final // state on the AlongDoIt loop, so the default one all we need. //virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForAlongStep(G4Step* Step); G4Step* UpdateStepForAtRest(G4Step* Step); G4Step* UpdateStepForPostStep(G4Step* Step); // A Model gives the final state of the particle // based on information of G4FastTrack. So the // Initialize method is an interface to the // G4FastSimulationManager to Initialize the // G4FastStep. void Initialize(const G4FastTrack&); private: //=================================================== // Private Internal methods (implementation). //=================================================== // G4FastStep should never be Initialized in this way // but we must define it to avoid compiler warnings. void Initialize(const G4Track&); // -- Utility functions -- //--- methods to keep information of the final state-- // IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the name of the class and methods are // "Change", what it stores (and returns in get) are the "FINAL" // values of the Position, the normalized direction of Momentum, // etc. // Set theMomentumChange vector: it is the final unitary momentum // direction. void SetMomentumChange(G4double Px, G4double Py, G4double Pz); void SetMomentumChange(const G4ThreeVector& Pfinal); //===================================================== // Data members. //===================================================== // theMomentumChange is the vector containing the final momentum // direction after the invoked process. The application of the change // of the momentum direction of the particle is not Done here. // The responsibility to apply the change is up the entity // which invoked the process. G4ParticleMomentum theMomentumChange; // The changed (final) polarization of a given particle. G4ThreeVector thePolarizationChange; // The final kinetic energy of the current particle. G4double theEnergyChange; // The changed (final) position of a given particle. G4ThreeVector thePositionChange; // The changed (final) global time of a given particle. G4double theTimeChange; // The changed (final) proper time of a given particle. G4double theProperTimeChange; // The reference G4FastTrack const G4FastTrack* fFastTrack; // weight for event biasing mechanism: G4double theWeightChange; public: // for Debug void DumpInfo() const; G4bool CheckIt(const G4Track&); }; //******************************************************************* // // Inline functions // //******************************************************************* #include "G4FastStep.icc" #endif