// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.cc,v 1.20 2007/05/11 13:50:20 mverderi Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $ // // //--------------------------------------------------------------- // // G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.cc // // Description: // A singleton class which manages the Fast Simulation managers // attached to envelopes. Implementation. // // History: // June 98: Verderi && MoraDeFreitas - "G4ParallelWorld" becomes // "G4FlavoredParallelWorld"; some method name changes; // GetFlavoredWorldForThis now returns a // G4FlavoredParallelWorld pointer. // Feb 98: Verderi && MoraDeFreitas - First Implementation. // March 98: correction to instanciate dynamically the manager // May 07: Move to parallel world scheme // //--------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.hh" #include "G4ParticleTable.hh" #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4PVPlacement.hh" #include "G4TransportationManager.hh" #include "G4FastSimulationMessenger.hh" #include "G4RegionStore.hh" #include "G4ProcessVector.hh" #include "G4ProcessManager.hh" #include "G4PhysicalVolumeStore.hh" // ------------------------------------------ // -- static instance pointer initialisation: // ------------------------------------------ G4GlobalFastSimulationManager* G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::fGlobalFastSimulationManager = 0; // -------------------------------------------------- // -- static methods to retrieve the manager pointer: // -------------------------------------------------- G4GlobalFastSimulationManager* G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::GetGlobalFastSimulationManager() { if(!fGlobalFastSimulationManager) fGlobalFastSimulationManager = new G4GlobalFastSimulationManager; return fGlobalFastSimulationManager; } G4GlobalFastSimulationManager* G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::GetInstance() { return G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::GetGlobalFastSimulationManager(); } // --------------- // -- constructor // --------------- G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::G4GlobalFastSimulationManager() { fTheFastSimulationMessenger = new G4FastSimulationMessenger(this); } // ------------- // -- destructor // ------------- G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::~G4GlobalFastSimulationManager() { delete fTheFastSimulationMessenger; fTheFastSimulationMessenger = 0; } // ---------------------- // -- management methods: // ---------------------- void G4GlobalFastSimulationManager:: AddFastSimulationManager(G4FastSimulationManager* fsmanager) { ManagedManagers.push_back(fsmanager); } void G4GlobalFastSimulationManager:: RemoveFastSimulationManager(G4FastSimulationManager* fsmanager) { ManagedManagers.remove(fsmanager); } void G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::AddFSMP(G4FastSimulationManagerProcess* fp) { fFSMPVector.push_back(fp); } void G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::RemoveFSMP(G4FastSimulationManagerProcess* fp) { fFSMPVector.remove(fp); } void G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::ActivateFastSimulationModel(const G4String& aName) { G4bool result = false; for (size_t ifsm=0; ifsm ActivateFastSimulationModel(aName); if(result) G4cout << "Model " << aName << " activated."; else G4cout << "Model " << aName << " not found."; G4cout << G4endl; } void G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::InActivateFastSimulationModel(const G4String& aName) { G4bool result = false; for (size_t ifsm=0; ifsm InActivateFastSimulationModel(aName); if(result) G4cout << "Model " << aName << " inactivated."; else G4cout << "Model " << aName << " not found."; G4cout << G4endl; } // --------------------------------- // -- display fast simulation setup: // --------------------------------- void G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::ShowSetup() { std::vector worldDone; G4VPhysicalVolume* world; G4RegionStore* regions = G4RegionStore::GetInstance(); // ---------------------------------------------------- // -- loop on regions to get the list of world volumes: // ---------------------------------------------------- G4cout << "\nFast simulation setup:" << G4endl; for (size_t i=0; isize(); i++) { world = (*regions)[i]->GetWorldPhysical(); G4bool newWorld = true; for (size_t ii=0; iiGetLogicalVolume()->GetRegion(); // -- preambule: print physical volume and region names... if (world == G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking()->GetWorldVolume()) G4cout << "\n * Mass Geometry with "; else G4cout << "\n * Parallel Geometry with "; G4cout << "world volume: `" << world->GetName() << "' [region : `" << worldRegion->GetName() << "']" << G4endl; // -- ... and print G4FSMP(s) attached to this world volume: G4bool findG4FSMP(false); // -- show to what particles this G4FSMP is attached to: std::vector particlesKnown; for (size_t ip=0; ipGetWorldVolume() == world) { G4cout << " o G4FastSimulationProcess: '" << fFSMPVector[ip]->GetProcessName() << "'" << G4endl; G4cout << " Attached to:"; G4ParticleTable* particles = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable(); for (G4int iParticle=0; iParticleentries(); iParticle++) { G4ParticleDefinition* particle = particles->GetParticle(iParticle); G4ProcessVector* processes = particle->GetProcessManager()->GetProcessList(); if (processes->contains(fFSMPVector[ip])) {G4cout << " " << particle->GetParticleName(); findG4FSMP = true; particlesKnown.push_back(particle);} } G4cout << G4endl; } if (!findG4FSMP) G4cout << " o G4FastSimulationProcess: (none)" << G4endl; // -- now display the regions in this world volume, with mother<->daughter link shown by indentation: G4cout << " o Region(s) and model(s) setup:" << G4endl; DisplayRegion(worldRegion, 1, particlesKnown); } } } void G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::DisplayRegion(G4Region* region, G4int depth, std::vector& particlesKnown) const { G4String indent = " "; for (G4int I=0; IGetName() <<"'" << G4endl; G4FastSimulationManager* fastSimManager = region->GetFastSimulationManager(); if (fastSimManager) { indent += " "; G4cout << indent << "Model(s):" << G4endl; indent += " "; for (size_t im=0; imGetFastSimulationModelList().size(); im++) { G4cout << indent << "`" << (fastSimManager->GetFastSimulationModelList())[im]->GetName() << "'"; G4cout << " ; applicable to:"; G4ParticleTable* particles = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable(); for (G4int iParticle=0; iParticleentries(); iParticle++) { if ((fastSimManager->GetFastSimulationModelList())[im]->IsApplicable(*(particles->GetParticle(iParticle)))) { G4cout << " " << particles->GetParticle(iParticle)->GetParticleName(); G4bool known(false); for (size_t l=0; lGetParticle(iParticle)) {known = true; break;} if (!known) G4cout << "[!!]"; } } G4cout << G4endl; } } // -- all that to check mothership of "region" G4PhysicalVolumeStore* physVolStore = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); for (size_t ip=0; ipsize(); ip++) { G4VPhysicalVolume* physVol = (*physVolStore)[ip]; if (physVol->GetLogicalVolume()->IsRootRegion()) if (physVol->GetMotherLogical()) { G4Region* thisVolMotherRegion = physVol->GetMotherLogical()->GetRegion(); if (thisVolMotherRegion == region) DisplayRegion(physVol->GetLogicalVolume()->GetRegion(), depth+1, particlesKnown); } } } // ---------------------------- // -- management methods : list // ---------------------------- void G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::ListEnvelopes(const G4String& aName, listType theType) { if (theType == ISAPPLICABLE) { for (size_t ifsm=0; ifsmListModels(aName); return; } if(aName == "all") { G4int titled = 0; for (size_t ifsm=0; ifsmListTitle(); G4cout << G4endl; } else ManagedManagers[ifsm]->ListModels(); } } else { for (size_t ifsm=0; ifsm GetEnvelope()->GetName()) { ManagedManagers[ifsm]->ListModels(); break; } } } void G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::ListEnvelopes(const G4ParticleDefinition* aPD) { for (size_t ifsm=0; ifsmListModels(aPD); } G4VFastSimulationModel* G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::GetFastSimulationModel(const G4String& modelName, const G4VFastSimulationModel* previousFound) const { G4VFastSimulationModel* model = 0; // -- flag used to navigate accross the various managers; bool foundPrevious(false); for (size_t ifsm=0; ifsm GetFastSimulationModel(modelName, previousFound, foundPrevious); if (model) break; } return model; }