source: trunk/source/run/include/G4Run.hh @ 911

Last change on this file since 911 was 850, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago

geant4.8.2 beta

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27// $Id: G4Run.hh,v 1.16 2007/03/07 03:00:14 asaim Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: HEAD $
31#ifndef G4Run_h
32#define G4Run_h 1
34#include "globals.hh"
35#include <vector>
36class G4Event;
37class G4HCtable;
38class G4DCtable;
40// class description:
42//  This class represents a run. An object of this class is constructed
43// and deleted by G4RunManager. Basically the user should use only the
44// get methods. All properties are set by G4RunManager.
47class G4Run
49  public:
50    G4Run();
51    virtual ~G4Run();
53  protected:
54    G4int runID;
55    G4int numberOfEvent;
56    G4int numberOfEventToBeProcessed;
57    G4HCtable* HCtable;
58    G4DCtable* DCtable;
59    G4String randomNumberStatus;
60    std::vector<const G4Event*>* eventVector;
62  public: // with description
63    virtual void RecordEvent(const G4Event*);
64    //  Method to be overwritten by the user for recording events in this run.
65    //  In such a case, it is the user's responsibility to increment numberOfEvent.
66    //  Also, user's run class object must be instantiated in user's runAction.
68  public: // with description
69    inline G4int GetRunID() const
70    { return runID; }
71    //  Returns the run ID. Run ID is set by G4RunManager.
72    inline G4int GetNumberOfEvent() const
73    { return numberOfEvent; }
74    //  Returns number of events processed in this run. The number is
75    // incremented at the end of each event processing.
76    inline G4int GetNumberOfEventToBeProcessed() const
77    { return numberOfEventToBeProcessed; }
78    inline const G4HCtable* GetHCtable() const
79    { return HCtable; }
80    //  List of names of hits collection
81    inline const G4DCtable* GetDCtable() const
82    { return DCtable; }
83    //  List of names of digi collection
84    inline const G4String& GetRandomNumberStatus() const
85    { return randomNumberStatus; }
86    // Return random number status at the beginning of this run
87  public:
88    inline void SetRunID(G4int id)
89    { runID = id; }
90    inline void SetNumberOfEventToBeProcessed(G4int n_ev)
91    { numberOfEventToBeProcessed = n_ev; }
92    inline void SetHCtable(G4HCtable* HCtbl)
93    { HCtable = HCtbl; }
94    inline void SetDCtable(G4DCtable* DCtbl)
95    { DCtable = DCtbl; }
96    inline void SetRandomNumberStatus(G4String& st)
97    { randomNumberStatus = st; }
99  public: // with description
100    void StoreEvent(G4Event* evt);
101    // Store a G4Event object until this run object is deleted.
102    // Given the potential large memory size of G4Event and its datamember
103    // objects stored in G4Event, the user must be careful and responsible for
104    // not to store too many G4Event objects. This method is invoked by G4RunManager
105    // if the user invokes G4EventManager::KeepTheCurrentEvent() or
106    // /event/keepCurrentEvent UI command while the particular event is in process
107    // (typically in EndOfEventAction).
108    inline const std::vector<const G4Event*>* GetEventVector() const
109    { return eventVector; }
110    // Return the event vector
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