// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4MatScanMessenger.cc,v 1.5 2006/12/01 02:00:55 asaim Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: $ // // // #include "G4MatScanMessenger.hh" #include "G4UIdirectory.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" #include "G4UIparameter.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWithoutParameter.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWithABool.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWith3Vector.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWithAString.hh" #include "G4MaterialScanner.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4Tokenizer.hh" G4MatScanMessenger::G4MatScanMessenger(G4MaterialScanner* p1) { theScanner = p1; G4UIparameter* par; msDirectory = new G4UIdirectory("/control/matScan/"); msDirectory->SetGuidance("Material scanner commands."); scanCmd = new G4UIcmdWithoutParameter("/control/matScan/scan",this); scanCmd->SetGuidance("Start material scanning."); scanCmd->SetGuidance("Scanning range should be defined with"); scanCmd->SetGuidance("/control/matScan/theta and /control/matSca/phi commands."); scanCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); thetaCmd = new G4UIcommand("/control/matScan/theta",this); thetaCmd->SetGuidance("Define theta range."); thetaCmd->SetGuidance("Usage : /control/matScan/theta [nbin] [thetaMin] [thetaSpan] [unit]"); thetaCmd->SetGuidance("Notation of angles :"); thetaCmd->SetGuidance(" theta --- +Z axis : +90 deg. / X-Y plane : 0 deg. / -Z axis : -90 deg."); par = new G4UIparameter("nbin",'i',false); par->SetParameterRange("nbin>0"); thetaCmd->SetParameter(par); par = new G4UIparameter("thetaMin",'d',false); thetaCmd->SetParameter(par); par = new G4UIparameter("thetaSpan",'d',true); par->SetParameterRange("thetaSpan>=0."); par->SetDefaultValue(0.); thetaCmd->SetParameter(par); par = new G4UIparameter("unit",'c',true); par->SetDefaultValue("deg"); par->SetParameterCandidates(thetaCmd->UnitsList(thetaCmd->CategoryOf("deg"))); thetaCmd->SetParameter(par); phiCmd = new G4UIcommand("/control/matScan/phi",this); phiCmd->SetGuidance("Define phi range."); phiCmd->SetGuidance("Usage : /control/matScan/phi [nbin] [phiMin] [phiSpan] [unit]"); phiCmd->SetGuidance("Notation of angles :"); phiCmd->SetGuidance(" phi --- +X axis : 0 deg. / +Y axis : 90 deg. / -X axis : 180 deg. / -Y axis : 270 deg."); par = new G4UIparameter("nbin",'i',false); par->SetParameterRange("nbin>0"); phiCmd->SetParameter(par); par = new G4UIparameter("phiMin",'d',false); phiCmd->SetParameter(par); par = new G4UIparameter("phiSpan",'d',true); par->SetParameterRange("phiSpan>=0."); par->SetDefaultValue(0.); phiCmd->SetParameter(par); par = new G4UIparameter("unit",'c',true); par->SetDefaultValue("deg"); par->SetParameterCandidates(phiCmd->UnitsList(phiCmd->CategoryOf("deg"))); phiCmd->SetParameter(par); singleCmd = new G4UIcommand("/control/matScan/singleMeasure",this); singleCmd->SetGuidance("Measure thickness for one particular direction."); singleCmd->SetGuidance("Notation of angles :"); singleCmd->SetGuidance(" theta --- +Z axis : +90 deg. / X-Y plane : 0 deg. / -Z axis : -90 deg."); singleCmd->SetGuidance(" phi --- +X axis : 0 deg. / +Y axis : 90 deg. / -X axis : 180 deg. / -Y axis : 270 deg."); singleCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); par = new G4UIparameter("theta",'d',false); singleCmd->SetParameter(par); par = new G4UIparameter("phi",'d',false); singleCmd->SetParameter(par); par = new G4UIparameter("unit",'c',true); par->SetDefaultValue("deg"); par->SetParameterCandidates(singleCmd->UnitsList(singleCmd->CategoryOf("deg"))); singleCmd->SetParameter(par); single2Cmd = new G4UIcmdWith3Vector("/control/matScan/singleTo",this); single2Cmd->SetGuidance("Measure thicknesss for one direction defined by a unit vector."); single2Cmd->SetParameterName("X","Y","Z",false); eyePosCmd = new G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit("/control/matScan/eyePosition",this); eyePosCmd->SetGuidance("Define the eye position."); eyePosCmd->SetParameterName("X","Y","Z",true); eyePosCmd->SetDefaultValue(G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.)); eyePosCmd->SetDefaultUnit("m"); regSenseCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/control/matScan/regionSensitive",this); regSenseCmd->SetGuidance("Set region sensitivity."); regSenseCmd->SetGuidance("This command is automatically set to TRUE"); regSenseCmd->SetGuidance(" if /control/matScan/region command is issued."); regSenseCmd->SetParameterName("senseFlag",true); regSenseCmd->SetDefaultValue(false); regionCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/control/matScan/region",this); regionCmd->SetGuidance("Define region name to be scanned."); regionCmd->SetGuidance("/control/matScan/regionSensitive command is automatically"); regionCmd->SetGuidance("set to TRUE with this command."); regionCmd->SetParameterName("region",true); regionCmd->SetDefaultValue("DefaultRegionForTheWorld"); } G4MatScanMessenger::~G4MatScanMessenger() { delete scanCmd; delete thetaCmd; delete phiCmd; delete singleCmd; delete single2Cmd; delete eyePosCmd; delete regSenseCmd; delete regionCmd; delete msDirectory; } G4String G4MatScanMessenger::GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand * command) { G4String currentValue; if(command==thetaCmd) { currentValue = thetaCmd->ConvertToString(theScanner->GetNTheta()); currentValue += " "; currentValue += thetaCmd->ConvertToString((theScanner->GetThetaMin())/deg); currentValue += " "; currentValue += thetaCmd->ConvertToString((theScanner->GetThetaSpan())/deg); } else if(command==phiCmd) { currentValue = phiCmd->ConvertToString(theScanner->GetNPhi()); currentValue += " "; currentValue += phiCmd->ConvertToString((theScanner->GetPhiMin())/deg); currentValue += " "; currentValue += phiCmd->ConvertToString((theScanner->GetPhiSpan())/deg); } else if(command==eyePosCmd) { currentValue = eyePosCmd->ConvertToString(theScanner->GetEyePosition(),"m"); } else if(command==regSenseCmd) { currentValue = regSenseCmd->ConvertToString(theScanner->GetRegionSensitive()); } else if(command==regionCmd) { currentValue = theScanner->GetRegionName(); } return currentValue; } void G4MatScanMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand * command,G4String newValue) { if(command==scanCmd) { theScanner->Scan(); } else if(command==thetaCmd) { G4Tokenizer next( newValue ); G4int nbin = StoI(next()); G4double thetaMin = StoD(next()); G4double thetaSpan = StoD(next()); G4String unit = next(); thetaMin *= thetaCmd->ValueOf(unit); thetaSpan *= thetaCmd->ValueOf(unit); theScanner->SetNTheta(nbin); theScanner->SetThetaMin(thetaMin); theScanner->SetThetaSpan(thetaSpan); } else if(command==phiCmd) { G4Tokenizer next( newValue ); G4int nbin = StoI(next()); G4double phiMin = StoD(next()); G4double phiSpan = StoD(next()); G4String unit = next(); phiMin *= phiCmd->ValueOf(unit); phiSpan *= phiCmd->ValueOf(unit); theScanner->SetNPhi(nbin); theScanner->SetPhiMin(phiMin); theScanner->SetPhiSpan(phiSpan); } else if(command==eyePosCmd) { theScanner->SetEyePosition(eyePosCmd->GetNew3VectorValue(newValue)); } else if(command==regSenseCmd) { theScanner->SetRegionSensitive(regSenseCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue)); } else if(command==regionCmd) { if(theScanner->SetRegionName(newValue)) theScanner->SetRegionSensitive(true); } else if(command==singleCmd || command==single2Cmd) { G4int ntheta = theScanner->GetNTheta(); G4double thetaMin = theScanner->GetThetaMin(); G4double thetaSpan = theScanner->GetThetaSpan(); G4int nphi = theScanner->GetNPhi(); G4double phiMin = theScanner->GetPhiMin(); G4double phiSpan = theScanner->GetPhiSpan(); G4double theta = 0.; G4double phi = 0.; if(command==singleCmd) { G4Tokenizer next( newValue ); theta = StoD(next()); phi = StoD(next()); G4String unit = next(); theta *= singleCmd->ValueOf(unit); phi *= singleCmd->ValueOf(unit); } else if(command==single2Cmd) { G4ThreeVector v = single2Cmd->GetNew3VectorValue(newValue); theta = 90.*deg - v.theta(); phi = v.phi(); } theScanner->SetNTheta(1); theScanner->SetThetaMin(theta); theScanner->SetThetaSpan(0.); theScanner->SetNPhi(1); theScanner->SetPhiMin(phi); theScanner->SetPhiSpan(0.); theScanner->Scan(); theScanner->SetNTheta(ntheta); theScanner->SetThetaMin(thetaMin); theScanner->SetThetaSpan(thetaSpan); theScanner->SetNPhi(nphi); theScanner->SetPhiMin(phiMin); theScanner->SetPhiSpan(phiSpan); } }