// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4FukuiRenderer.cc,v 1.9 2006/06/29 21:16:58 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // // Satoshi TANAKA // FukuiRenderer factory. //=================// #ifdef G4VIS_BUILD_DAWN_DRIVER //=================// //#define DEBUG_FR_SYSTEM #include "G4FukuiRenderer.hh" #define __G_ANSI_C__ //#include "G4VisFeaturesOfFukuiRenderer.hh" #include "G4VSceneHandler.hh" #include "G4FukuiRendererSceneHandler.hh" #include "G4FukuiRendererViewer.hh" #include "G4FRClientServer.hh" #include "G4FRConst.hh" #include "G4FRFeatures.hh" //----- constant const int FR_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIME = 5 ; const char FR_ENV_CONNECTION_TIME [] = "G4DAWN_CONNECTION_TIME"; const char FR_ENV_DAWN_GUI_ALWAYS [] = "G4DAWN_GUI_ALWAYS"; //----- G4FukuiRenderer, constructor G4FukuiRenderer::G4FukuiRenderer (): G4VGraphicsSystem ("FukuiRenderer", "DAWN", FR_DAWNFILE_FEATURES, G4VGraphicsSystem::threeD), fPrimDest() , fIPMode( G4FukuiRenderer::IP_UNIX ), flag_use_gui (false) , flag_connected (0) { //----- sorting of objects if( ( getenv( FR_ENV_DAWN_GUI_ALWAYS ) != NULL ) && \ ( strcmp( getenv( FR_ENV_DAWN_GUI_ALWAYS ),"0" ) ) ) { flag_use_gui = true ; } } //----- G4FukuiRenderer, destructor G4FukuiRenderer::~G4FukuiRenderer () { if( flag_connected ) { //----- Terminate FukuiRenderer fPrimDest.SendLine( FR_TERMINATE_DAWND ) ; //----- disconnection fPrimDest.DisConnect(); flag_connected = 0 ; } } //----- G4FukuiRenderer::CreateSceneHandler () G4VSceneHandler* G4FukuiRenderer::CreateSceneHandler (const G4String& name) { G4VSceneHandler* p = new G4FukuiRendererSceneHandler (*this, name); if(!flag_connected) { delete p ; p = NULL ; } return p; } //----- G4FukuiRenderer::CreateViewer () G4VViewer* G4FukuiRenderer::CreateViewer (G4VSceneHandler& scene, const G4String& name) { if(!flag_connected) return NULL; G4VViewer* pView = new G4FukuiRendererViewer ((G4FukuiRendererSceneHandler&) scene, name); return pView; } //----- G4FukuiRenderer::UseInetDomainAuto() void G4FukuiRenderer::UseInetDomainAuto() { int pid ; #if defined DEBUG_FR_SYSTEM G4cerr << "***** Unix Inet Domain (AUTO mode)" << G4endl; #endif fIPMode = G4FukuiRenderer::IP_UNIX ; if( ( pid = fork() ) == 0 ) { // child if ( execlp ( "dawn", "dawn", "-G" , (char *)0 ) < 0 ) { perror("dawn") ; } } else { // parent //----- Set waiting time to ensure connection int connection_time = FR_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIME ; if( getenv( FR_ENV_CONNECTION_TIME ) != NULL ) { int sscanf_status = \ sscanf( getenv( FR_ENV_CONNECTION_TIME ), "%d", &connection_time) ; if ( sscanf_status == EOF ) { connection_time = FR_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIME ; } } //----- Wait for starting up of FukuiRenderer sleep(connection_time); //----- establish connection this->ConnectPort(); } if(!flag_connected) { G4cerr << "***** ERROR: Connection failed" << G4endl; } else { G4cerr << "***** GEANT4 is connected to FukuiRenderer DAWN "; G4cerr << "in the same host" << G4endl; } } // G4FukuiRenderer::UseInetDomainAuto() //----- G4FukuiRenderer::UseInetDomain() void G4FukuiRenderer::UseInetDomain() { #if defined DEBUG_FR_SYSTEM G4cerr << "***** INET Domain " << G4endl; #endif fIPMode = G4FukuiRenderer::IP_INET ; this->ConnectPort(); if(!flag_connected) { G4cerr << "***** ERROR: Connection failed" << G4endl; } else { G4cerr << "GEANT4 is connected to FukuiRenderer DAWN via socket" ; G4cerr << G4endl; } } // G4FukuiRenderer::UseInetDomain() void G4FukuiRenderer::ConnectPort( int max_port_incr ) { //----- establish connection int connect_trial = 0 ; while(1) { if ( ++connect_trial > max_port_incr ) { this->flag_connected = 0 ; G4cerr << "***** INET Connection failed." << G4endl; G4cerr << " Maybe, you have not invoked DAWN yet," << G4endl; G4cerr << " or too many DAWN's are already running" << G4endl; G4cerr << " in the server host." << G4endl; fPrimDest.IncrementPortNumber( (- FR_MAX_PORT_INCR) ); return ; } else if ( fPrimDest.ConnectINET() ) { // INET domain connection is established this->flag_connected = 1 ; G4cerr << "***** GEANT4 is connected to port " ; G4cerr << fPrimDest.GetPortNumber() ; G4cerr << " of server" << G4endl; break ; } else { // Connection failed. Try the next port. this->flag_connected = 0 ; fPrimDest.IncrementPortNumber(); G4cerr << "***** GEANT4 incremented targeting port to " ; G4cerr << fPrimDest.GetPortNumber() << G4endl; } // if-elseif-else } // while (1) } //----- G4FukuiRenderer::UseBSDUnixDomainAuto() void G4FukuiRenderer::UseBSDUnixDomainAuto() { int pid ; #if defined DEBUG_FR_SYSTEM G4cerr << "***** UseBSDUnixDomainAuto " << G4endl; #endif fIPMode = G4FukuiRenderer::IP_UNIX ; // Unix domain if( ( pid = fork() ) == 0 ) { // child if ( execlp ( "dawn", "dawn", "-g" , (char *)0 ) < 0 ) { perror("dawn") ; } } else { // parent //----- Sleep for a while to make sure that //..... FukuiRenderer is ready int connection_time = FR_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIME ; if( getenv( FR_ENV_CONNECTION_TIME ) != NULL ) { int sscanf_status = \ sscanf( getenv( FR_ENV_CONNECTION_TIME ), "%d", &connection_time) ; if ( sscanf_status == EOF ) { connection_time = FR_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIME ;} } sleep(connection_time); //----- connect GEANT4 to FukuiRenderer this->flag_connected = fPrimDest.ConnectUnix(); //----- display status if(!flag_connected) { G4cerr << "***** ERROR: Connection failed" << G4endl; } else { G4cerr << "*** GEANT4 is connected to FukuiRenderer DAWN "; G4cerr << "in the same host" << G4endl; } } // if--else }// G4FukuiRenderer::UseBSDUnixDomainAuto() #endif // G4VIS_BUILD_DAWN_DRIVER