// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4HepRepFileSceneHandler.cc,v 1.69 2010/06/05 06:25:03 perl Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // // Joseph Perl 27th January 2002 // A base class for a scene handler to export geometry and trajectories // to the HepRep xml file format. #include "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler.hh" #include "G4HepRepFile.hh" #include "G4HepRepMessenger.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" #include "G4Version.hh" #include "G4VSolid.hh" #include "G4PhysicalVolumeModel.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4Polymarker.hh" #include "G4Polyline.hh" #include "G4Text.hh" #include "G4Circle.hh" #include "G4Square.hh" #include "G4Polyhedron.hh" #include "G4NURBS.hh" #include "G4VTrajectory.hh" #include "G4VTrajectoryPoint.hh" #include "G4TrajectoriesModel.hh" #include "G4VHit.hh" #include "G4AttDef.hh" #include "G4AttValue.hh" #include "G4AttCheck.hh" #include "G4VisManager.hh" #include "G4VisTrajContext.hh" #include "G4VTrajectoryModel.hh" //HepRep #include "G4HepRepFileXMLWriter.hh" G4int G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::fSceneIdCount = 0; // Counter for HepRep scene handlers. G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::G4HepRepFileSceneHandler(G4VGraphicsSystem& system, const G4String& name): G4VSceneHandler(system, fSceneIdCount++, name) { hepRepXMLWriter = ((G4HepRepFile*)(&system))->GetHepRepXMLWriter(); fileCounter = 0; inPrimitives2D = false; warnedAbout3DText = false; warnedAbout2DMarkers = false; haveVisible = false; drawingTraj = false; doneInitTraj = false; drawingHit = false; doneInitHit = false; } G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::~G4HepRepFileSceneHandler() {} void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::BeginModeling() { G4VisManager* visManager = G4VisManager::GetInstance(); const G4VTrajectoryModel* model = visManager->CurrentTrajDrawModel(); trajContext = & model->GetContext(); G4VSceneHandler::BeginModeling(); // Required: see G4VSceneHandler.hh. } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::EndModeling() { G4VSceneHandler::EndModeling(); // Required: see G4VSceneHandler.hh. } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives2D (const G4Transform3D& objectTransformation) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives2D() " << G4endl; #endif inPrimitives2D = true; G4VSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives2D(objectTransformation); } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::EndPrimitives2D () { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::EndPrimitives2D() " << G4endl; #endif G4VSceneHandler::EndPrimitives2D(); inPrimitives2D = false; } #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::PrintThings() { G4cout << " with transformation " << (void*)fpObjectTransformation; G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel = dynamic_cast(fpModel); if (pPVModel) { G4VPhysicalVolume* pCurrentPV = pPVModel->GetCurrentPV(); G4LogicalVolume* pCurrentLV = pPVModel->GetCurrentLV(); G4int currentDepth = pPVModel->GetCurrentDepth(); G4cout << "\n current physical volume: " << pCurrentPV->GetName() << "\n current logical volume: " << pCurrentLV->GetName() << "\n current depth of geometry tree: " << currentDepth; } G4cout << G4endl; } #endif void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Box& box) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Box& box) called for " << box.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif if (drawingTraj) return; if (drawingHit) InitHit(); haveVisible = false; AddHepRepInstance("Prism", NULL); G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (fpVisAttribs && (fpVisAttribs->IsVisible()==0) && messenger->getCullInvisibles()) return; hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); G4double dx = box.GetXHalfLength(); G4double dy = box.GetYHalfLength(); G4double dz = box.GetZHalfLength(); G4Point3D vertex1(G4Point3D( dx, dy,-dz)); G4Point3D vertex2(G4Point3D( dx,-dy,-dz)); G4Point3D vertex3(G4Point3D(-dx,-dy,-dz)); G4Point3D vertex4(G4Point3D(-dx, dy,-dz)); G4Point3D vertex5(G4Point3D( dx, dy, dz)); G4Point3D vertex6(G4Point3D( dx,-dy, dz)); G4Point3D vertex7(G4Point3D(-dx,-dy, dz)); G4Point3D vertex8(G4Point3D(-dx, dy, dz)); vertex1 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex1; vertex2 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex2; vertex3 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex3; vertex4 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex4; vertex5 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex5; vertex6 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex6; vertex7 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex7; vertex8 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex8; hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex1.x(), vertex1.y(), vertex1.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex2.x(), vertex2.y(), vertex2.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex3.x(), vertex3.y(), vertex3.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex4.x(), vertex4.y(), vertex4.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex5.x(), vertex5.y(), vertex5.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex6.x(), vertex6.y(), vertex6.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex7.x(), vertex7.y(), vertex7.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex8.x(), vertex8.y(), vertex8.z()); } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Cons& cons) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Cons& cons) called for " << cons.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif // HepRApp does not correctly represent the end faces of cones at // non-standard angles, let the base class convert these solids to polygons. CLHEP::HepRotation r = fpObjectTransformation->getRotation(); G4bool linedUpWithAnAxis = (std::fabs(r.phiX())<=.001 || std::fabs(r.phiY())<=.001 || std::fabs(r.phiZ())<=.001 || std::fabs(r.phiX()-pi)<=.001 || std::fabs(r.phiY()-pi)<=.001 || std::fabs(r.phiZ()-pi)<=.001); //G4cout << "Angle X:" << r.phiX() << ", Angle Y:" << r.phiY() << ", Angle Z:" << r.phiZ() << G4endl; //G4cout << "linedUpWithAnAxis:" << linedUpWithAnAxis << G4endl; // HepRep does not have a primitive for a cut cone, // so if this cone is cut, let the base class convert this // solid to polygons. G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (cons.GetDeltaPhiAngle() < twopi || !linedUpWithAnAxis || messenger->renderCylAsPolygons()) { G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid(cons); // Invoke default action. } else { if (drawingTraj) return; if (drawingHit) InitHit(); haveVisible = false; AddHepRepInstance("Cylinder", NULL); G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (fpVisAttribs && (fpVisAttribs->IsVisible()==0) && messenger->getCullInvisibles()) return; G4Point3D vertex1(G4Point3D( 0., 0., -cons.GetZHalfLength())); G4Point3D vertex2(G4Point3D( 0., 0., cons.GetZHalfLength())); vertex1 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex1; vertex2 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex2; // Outer cylinder. hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Radius1",cons.GetOuterRadiusMinusZ()); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Radius2",cons.GetOuterRadiusPlusZ()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex1.x(), vertex1.y(), vertex1.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex2.x(), vertex2.y(), vertex2.z()); // Inner cylinder. hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Radius1",cons.GetInnerRadiusMinusZ()); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Radius2",cons.GetInnerRadiusPlusZ()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex1.x(), vertex1.y(), vertex1.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex2.x(), vertex2.y(), vertex2.z()); } } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Tubs& tubs) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Tubs& tubs) called for " << tubs.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif // HepRApp does not correctly represent the end faces of cylinders at // non-standard angles, let the base class convert these solids to polygons. CLHEP::HepRotation r = fpObjectTransformation->getRotation(); G4bool linedUpWithAnAxis = (std::fabs(r.phiX())<=.001 || std::fabs(r.phiY())<=.001 || std::fabs(r.phiZ())<=.001 || std::fabs(r.phiX()-pi)<=.001 || std::fabs(r.phiY()-pi)<=.001 || std::fabs(r.phiZ()-pi)<=.001); //G4cout << "Angle X:" << r.phiX() << ", Angle Y:" << r.phiY() << ", Angle Z:" << r.phiZ() << G4endl; //G4cout << "linedUpWithAnAxis:" << linedUpWithAnAxis << G4endl; // HepRep does not have a primitive for a cut cylinder, // so if this cylinder is cut, let the base class convert this // solid to polygons. G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (tubs.GetDeltaPhiAngle() < twopi || !linedUpWithAnAxis || messenger->renderCylAsPolygons()) { G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid(tubs); // Invoke default action. } else { if (drawingTraj) return; if (drawingHit) InitHit(); haveVisible = false; AddHepRepInstance("Cylinder", NULL); if (fpVisAttribs && (fpVisAttribs->IsVisible()==0) && messenger->getCullInvisibles()) return; G4Point3D vertex1(G4Point3D( 0., 0., -tubs.GetZHalfLength())); G4Point3D vertex2(G4Point3D( 0., 0., tubs.GetZHalfLength())); vertex1 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex1; vertex2 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex2; // Outer cylinder. hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Radius1", tubs.GetOuterRadius()); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Radius2", tubs.GetOuterRadius()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex1.x(), vertex1.y(), vertex1.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex2.x(), vertex2.y(), vertex2.z()); // Inner cylinder. if (tubs.GetInnerRadius() != 0.) { hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Radius1", tubs.GetInnerRadius()); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Radius2", tubs.GetInnerRadius()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex1.x(), vertex1.y(), vertex1.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex2.x(), vertex2.y(), vertex2.z()); } } } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Trd& trd) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Trd& trd) called for " << trd.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif if (drawingTraj) return; if (drawingHit) InitHit(); haveVisible = false; AddHepRepInstance("Prism", NULL); G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (fpVisAttribs && (fpVisAttribs->IsVisible()==0) && messenger->getCullInvisibles()) return; hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); G4double dx1 = trd.GetXHalfLength1(); G4double dy1 = trd.GetYHalfLength1(); G4double dx2 = trd.GetXHalfLength2(); G4double dy2 = trd.GetYHalfLength2(); G4double dz = trd.GetZHalfLength(); G4Point3D vertex1(G4Point3D( dx1, dy1,-dz)); G4Point3D vertex2(G4Point3D( dx1,-dy1,-dz)); G4Point3D vertex3(G4Point3D(-dx1,-dy1,-dz)); G4Point3D vertex4(G4Point3D(-dx1, dy1,-dz)); G4Point3D vertex5(G4Point3D( dx2, dy2, dz)); G4Point3D vertex6(G4Point3D( dx2,-dy2, dz)); G4Point3D vertex7(G4Point3D(-dx2,-dy2, dz)); G4Point3D vertex8(G4Point3D(-dx2, dy2, dz)); vertex1 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex1; vertex2 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex2; vertex3 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex3; vertex4 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex4; vertex5 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex5; vertex6 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex6; vertex7 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex7; vertex8 = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex8; hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex1.x(), vertex1.y(), vertex1.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex2.x(), vertex2.y(), vertex2.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex3.x(), vertex3.y(), vertex3.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex4.x(), vertex4.y(), vertex4.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex5.x(), vertex5.y(), vertex5.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex6.x(), vertex6.y(), vertex6.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex7.x(), vertex7.y(), vertex7.z()); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex8.x(), vertex8.y(), vertex8.z()); } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Trap& trap) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Trap& trap) called for " << trap.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid(trap); // Invoke default action. } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Sphere& sphere) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Sphere& sphere) called for " << sphere.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid(sphere); // Invoke default action. } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Para& para) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Para& para) called for " << para.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid(para); // Invoke default action. } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Torus& torus) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Torus& torus) called for " << torus.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid(torus); // Invoke default action. } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Polycone& polycone) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Polycone& polycone) called for " << polycone.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid(polycone); // Invoke default action. } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Polyhedra& polyhedra) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Polyhedra& polyhedra) called for " << polyhedra.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid(polyhedra); // Invoke default action. } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4VSolid& solid) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Solid& solid) called for " << solid.GetName() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid(solid); // Invoke default action. } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound (const G4VTrajectory& traj) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(const G4VTrajectory&) " << G4endl; #endif G4TrajectoriesModel* pTrModel = dynamic_cast(fpModel); if (!pTrModel) G4Exception ("G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(const G4VTrajectory&): Not a G4TrajectoriesModel."); // Pointers to hold trajectory attribute values and definitions. std::vector* rawTrajAttValues = traj.CreateAttValues(); trajAttValues = new std::vector; trajAttDefs = new std::map; // Iterators to use with attribute values and definitions. std::vector::iterator iAttVal; std::map::const_iterator iAttDef; G4int i; // Get trajectory attributes and definitions in standard HepRep style // (uniform units, 3Vectors decomposed). if (rawTrajAttValues) { G4bool error = G4AttCheck(rawTrajAttValues, traj.GetAttDefs()).Standard(trajAttValues,trajAttDefs); if (error) { G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(traj):" "\nERROR found during conversion to standard trajectory attributes." << G4endl; } #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(traj): standardised attributes:\n" << G4AttCheck(trajAttValues,trajAttDefs) << G4endl; #endif delete rawTrajAttValues; } // Open the HepRep output file if it is not already open. CheckFileOpen(); // Add the Event Data Type if it hasn't already been added. if (strcmp("Event Data",hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[0])!=0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Event Data",0); hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); } // Add the Trajectories Type. G4String previousName = hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[1]; hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Trajectories",1); // If this is the first trajectory of this event, // specify attribute values common to all trajectories. if (strcmp("Trajectories",previousName)!=0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Layer",100); // Take all Trajectory attDefs from first trajectory. // Would rather be able to get these attDefs without needing a reference from any // particular trajectory, but don't know how to do that. // Write out trajectory attribute definitions. if (trajAttValues && trajAttDefs) { for (iAttVal = trajAttValues->begin(); iAttVal != trajAttValues->end(); ++iAttVal) { iAttDef = trajAttDefs->find(iAttVal->GetName()); if (iAttDef != trajAttDefs->end()) { // Protect against incorrect use of Category. Anything value other than the // standard ones will be considered to be in the physics category. G4String category = iAttDef->second.GetCategory(); if (strcmp(category,"Draw")!=0 && strcmp(category,"Physics")!=0 && strcmp(category,"Association")!=0 && strcmp(category,"PickAction")!=0) category = "Physics"; hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef(iAttVal->GetName(), iAttDef->second.GetDesc(), category, iAttDef->second.GetExtra()); } } } // Take all TrajectoryPoint attDefs from first point of first trajectory. // Would rather be able to get these attDefs without needing a reference from any // particular point, but don't know how to do that. if ((trajContext->GetDrawStepPts() || trajContext->GetDrawAuxPts()) && traj.GetPointEntries()>0) { G4VTrajectoryPoint* aTrajectoryPoint = traj.GetPoint(0); // Pointers to hold trajectory point attribute values and definitions. std::vector* rawPointAttValues = aTrajectoryPoint->CreateAttValues(); std::vector* pointAttValues = new std::vector; std::map* pointAttDefs = new std::map; // Get first trajectory point's attributes and definitions in standard HepRep style // (uniform units, 3Vectors decomposed). if (rawPointAttValues) { G4bool error = G4AttCheck(rawPointAttValues, aTrajectoryPoint->GetAttDefs()).Standard(pointAttValues,pointAttDefs); if (error) { G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(traj):" "\nERROR found during conversion to standard first point attributes." << G4endl; } // Write out point attribute definitions. if (pointAttValues && pointAttDefs) { for (iAttVal = pointAttValues->begin(); iAttVal != pointAttValues->end(); ++iAttVal) { iAttDef = pointAttDefs->find(iAttVal->GetName()); if (iAttDef != pointAttDefs->end()) { // Protect against incorrect use of Category. Anything value other than the // standard ones will be considered to be in the physics category. G4String category = iAttDef->second.GetCategory(); if (strcmp(category,"Draw")!=0 && strcmp(category,"Physics")!=0 && strcmp(category,"Association")!=0 && strcmp(category,"PickAction")!=0) category = "Physics"; // Do not write out the Aux or Pos attribute. Aux does not conform to the HepRep rule // that each object can have only one instance of a given AttValue. // Both of these attributes are redundant to actual position information of the point. if (strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Aux-X")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Aux-Y")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Aux-Z")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Pos-X")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Pos-Y")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Pos-Z")!=0) hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef(iAttVal->GetName(), iAttDef->second.GetDesc(), category, iAttDef->second.GetExtra()); } } } delete rawPointAttValues; } // Clean up point attributes. if (pointAttValues) delete pointAttValues; if (pointAttDefs) delete pointAttDefs; } } // end of special treatment for when this is the first trajectory. // Now that we have written out all of the attributes that are based on the // trajectory's particulars, call base class to deconstruct trajectory into polyline and/or points // (or nothing if trajectory is to be filtered out). // If base class calls for drawing points, no points will actually be drawn there since we // instead need to do point drawing from here (in order to obtain the points attributes, // not available from AddPrimitive(...point). Instead, such a call will just serve to set the // flag that tells us that point drawing was requested for this trajectory (depends on several // factors including i_mode, trajContext and filtering). drawingTraj = true; doneInitTraj = false; G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound(traj); drawingTraj = false; // Draw step points. if (trajContext->GetDrawStepPts()) { if (!doneInitTraj) InitTrajectory(); // Create Trajectory Points as a subType of Trajectories. // Note that we should create this heprep type even if there are no actual points. // This allows the user to tell that points don't exist (admittedly odd) rather // than that they were omitted by the drawing mode. previousName = hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[2]; hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Trajectory Step Points",2); float redness; float greenness; float blueness; G4int markSize; G4bool visible; G4bool square; G4Colour colour = trajContext->GetStepPtsColour(); redness = colour.GetRed(); greenness = colour.GetGreen(); blueness = colour.GetBlue(); markSize = (G4int) trajContext->GetStepPtsSize(); visible = (G4int) trajContext->GetStepPtsVisible(); square = (trajContext->GetStepPtsType()==G4Polymarker::squares); // Avoiding drawing anything black on black. if (redness==0. && greenness==0. && blueness==0.) { redness = 1.; greenness = 1.; blueness = 1.; } // Specify attributes common to all trajectory points. if (strcmp("Trajectory Step Points",previousName)!=0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("DrawAs","Point"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkColor", redness, greenness, blueness); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkSize",markSize); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Layer",110); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Visibility",visible); if (square) hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkName","square"); else hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkName","dot"); } // Loop over all points on this trajectory. for (i = 0; i < traj.GetPointEntries(); i++) { G4VTrajectoryPoint* aTrajectoryPoint = traj.GetPoint(i); // Each point is a separate instance of the type Trajectory Points. hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); // Pointers to hold trajectory point attribute values and definitions. std::vector* rawPointAttValues = aTrajectoryPoint->CreateAttValues(); std::vector* pointAttValues = new std::vector; std::map* pointAttDefs = new std::map; // Get trajectory point attributes and definitions in standard HepRep style // (uniform units, 3Vectors decomposed). if (rawPointAttValues) { G4bool error = G4AttCheck(rawPointAttValues, aTrajectoryPoint->GetAttDefs()).Standard(pointAttValues,pointAttDefs); if (error) { G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(traj):" "\nERROR found during conversion to standard point attributes." << G4endl; } // Write out point attribute values. if (pointAttValues) { std::vector::iterator iAttVal; for (iAttVal = pointAttValues->begin(); iAttVal != pointAttValues->end(); ++iAttVal) // Do not write out the Aux or Pos attribute. Aux does not conform to the HepRep rule // that each object can have only one instance of a given AttValue. // Both of these attributes are redundant to actual position information of the point. if (strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Aux-X")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Aux-Y")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Aux-Z")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Pos-X")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Pos-Y")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Pos-Z")!=0) hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue(iAttVal->GetName(), iAttVal->GetValue()); delete pointAttValues; } delete rawPointAttValues; } // Clean up point attributes. if (pointAttDefs) delete pointAttDefs; // Each trajectory point is made of a single primitive, a point. hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); G4Point3D vertex = aTrajectoryPoint->GetPosition(); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex.x(), vertex.y(), vertex.z()); } } // Draw Auxiliary Points if (trajContext->GetDrawAuxPts()) { if (!doneInitTraj) InitTrajectory(); // Create Trajectory Points as a subType of Trajectories. // Note that we should create this heprep type even if there are no actual points. // This allows the user to tell that points don't exist (admittedly odd) rather // than that they were omitted by the drawing mode. previousName = hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[2]; hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Trajectory Auxiliary Points",2); float redness; float greenness; float blueness; G4int markSize; G4bool visible; G4bool square; G4Colour colour = trajContext->GetAuxPtsColour(); redness = colour.GetRed(); greenness = colour.GetGreen(); blueness = colour.GetBlue(); markSize = (G4int) trajContext->GetAuxPtsSize(); visible = (G4int) trajContext->GetAuxPtsVisible(); square = (trajContext->GetAuxPtsType()==G4Polymarker::squares); // Avoiding drawing anything black on black. if (redness==0. && greenness==0. && blueness==0.) { redness = 1.; greenness = 1.; blueness = 1.; } // Specify attributes common to all trajectory points. if (strcmp("Trajectory Auxiliary Points",previousName)!=0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("DrawAs","Point"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkColor", redness, greenness, blueness); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkSize",markSize); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Layer",110); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Visibility",visible); if (square) hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkName","Square"); else hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkName","Dot"); } // Loop over all points on this trajectory. for (i = 0; i < traj.GetPointEntries(); i++) { G4VTrajectoryPoint* aTrajectoryPoint = traj.GetPoint(i); // Each point is a separate instance of the type Trajectory Points. hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); // Pointers to hold trajectory point attribute values and definitions. std::vector* rawPointAttValues = aTrajectoryPoint->CreateAttValues(); std::vector* pointAttValues = new std::vector; std::map* pointAttDefs = new std::map; // Get trajectory point attributes and definitions in standard HepRep style // (uniform units, 3Vectors decomposed). if (rawPointAttValues) { G4bool error = G4AttCheck(rawPointAttValues, aTrajectoryPoint->GetAttDefs()).Standard(pointAttValues,pointAttDefs); if (error) { G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(traj):" "\nERROR found during conversion to standard point attributes." << G4endl; } // Write out point attribute values. if (pointAttValues) { std::vector::iterator iAttVal; for (iAttVal = pointAttValues->begin(); iAttVal != pointAttValues->end(); ++iAttVal) // Do not write out the Aux or Pos attribute. Aux does not conform to the HepRep rule // that each object can have only one instance of a given AttValue. // Both of these attributes are redundant to actual position information of the point. if (strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Aux-X")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Aux-Y")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Aux-Z")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Pos-X")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Pos-Y")!=0 && strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"Pos-Z")!=0) hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue(iAttVal->GetName(), iAttVal->GetValue()); delete pointAttValues; } delete rawPointAttValues; } // Clean up point attributes. if (pointAttDefs) delete pointAttDefs; // Each trajectory point is made of a single primitive, a point. G4Point3D vertex = aTrajectoryPoint->GetPosition(); // Loop over auxiliary points associated with this Trajectory Point. const std::vector* auxiliaries = aTrajectoryPoint->GetAuxiliaryPoints(); if (0 != auxiliaries) { for (size_t iAux=0; iAuxsize(); ++iAux) { const G4ThreeVector auxPos((*auxiliaries)[iAux]); hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(auxPos.x(), auxPos.y(), auxPos.z()); } } } } } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound (const G4VHit& hit) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(G4VHit&) " << G4endl; #endif // Pointers to hold hit attribute values and definitions. std::vector* rawHitAttValues = hit.CreateAttValues(); hitAttValues = new std::vector; hitAttDefs = new std::map; // Iterators to use with attribute values and definitions. std::vector::iterator iAttVal; std::map::const_iterator iAttDef; // Get hit attributes and definitions in standard HepRep style // (uniform units, 3Vectors decomposed). if (rawHitAttValues) { G4bool error = G4AttCheck(rawHitAttValues, hit.GetAttDefs()).Standard(hitAttValues,hitAttDefs); if (error) { G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(hit):" "\nERROR found during conversion to standard hit attributes." << G4endl; } #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(hit): standardised attributes:\n" << G4AttCheck(hitAttValues,hitAttDefs) << G4endl; #endif delete rawHitAttValues; } // Open the HepRep output file if it is not already open. CheckFileOpen(); // Add the Event Data Type if it hasn't already been added. if (strcmp("Event Data",hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[0])!=0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Event Data",0); hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); } // Find out the current HitType. G4String hitType = "Hits"; if (hitAttValues) { G4bool found = false; for (iAttVal = hitAttValues->begin(); iAttVal != hitAttValues->end() && !found; ++iAttVal) { if (strcmp(iAttVal->GetName(),"HitType")==0) { hitType = iAttVal->GetValue(); found = true; } } } // Add the Hits Type. G4String previousName = hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[1]; hepRepXMLWriter->addType(hitType,1); // If this is the first hit of this event, // specify attribute values common to all hits. if (strcmp(hitType,previousName)!=0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Layer",130); // Take all Hit attDefs from first hit. // Would rather be able to get these attDefs without needing a reference from any // particular hit, but don't know how to do that. // Write out hit attribute definitions. if (hitAttValues && hitAttDefs) { for (iAttVal = hitAttValues->begin(); iAttVal != hitAttValues->end(); ++iAttVal) { iAttDef = hitAttDefs->find(iAttVal->GetName()); if (iAttDef != hitAttDefs->end()) { // Protect against incorrect use of Category. Anything value other than the // standard ones will be considered to be in the physics category. G4String category = iAttDef->second.GetCategory(); if (strcmp(category,"Draw")!=0 && strcmp(category,"Physics")!=0 && strcmp(category,"Association")!=0 && strcmp(category,"PickAction")!=0) category = "Physics"; hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef(iAttVal->GetName(), iAttDef->second.GetDesc(), category, iAttDef->second.GetExtra()); } } } } // end of special treatment for when this is the first hit. // Now that we have written out all of the attributes that are based on the // hit's particulars, call base class to deconstruct hit into a primitives. drawingHit = true; doneInitHit = false; G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound(hit); // Invoke default action. drawingHit = false; } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::InitTrajectory() { if (!doneInitTraj) { // For every trajectory, add an instance of Type Trajectory. hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); // Write out the trajectory's attribute values. if (trajAttValues) { std::vector::iterator iAttVal; for (iAttVal = trajAttValues->begin(); iAttVal != trajAttValues->end(); ++iAttVal) hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue(iAttVal->GetName(), iAttVal->GetValue()); delete trajAttValues; } // Clean up trajectory attributes. if (trajAttDefs) delete trajAttDefs; doneInitTraj = true; } } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::InitHit() { if (!doneInitHit) { // For every hit, add an instance of Type Hit. hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); // Write out the hit's attribute values. if (hitAttValues) { std::vector::iterator iAttVal; for (iAttVal = hitAttValues->begin(); iAttVal != hitAttValues->end(); ++iAttVal) hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue(iAttVal->GetName(), iAttVal->GetValue()); delete hitAttValues; } // Clean up hit attributes. if (hitAttDefs) delete hitAttDefs; doneInitHit = true; } } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Polyline& polyline) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Polyline& polyline) called:" "\n polyline: " << polyline << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (fpVisAttribs && (fpVisAttribs->IsVisible()==0) && messenger->getCullInvisibles()) return; if (inPrimitives2D) { if (!warnedAbout2DMarkers) { G4cout << "HepRepFile does not currently support 2D lines." << G4endl; warnedAbout2DMarkers = true; } return; } if (drawingTraj) InitTrajectory(); if (drawingHit) InitHit(); haveVisible = true; AddHepRepInstance("Line", polyline); hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); for (size_t i=0; i < polyline.size(); i++) { G4Point3D vertex = (*fpObjectTransformation) * polyline[i]; hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex.x(), vertex.y(), vertex.z()); } } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive (const G4Polymarker& line) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Polymarker& line) called" << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (fpVisAttribs && (fpVisAttribs->IsVisible()==0) && messenger->getCullInvisibles()) return; if (inPrimitives2D) { if (!warnedAbout2DMarkers) { G4cout << "HepRepFile does not currently support 2D lines." << G4endl; warnedAbout2DMarkers = true; } return; } MarkerSizeType sizeType; G4double size = GetMarkerSize (line, sizeType); if (sizeType==world) size = 4.; if (drawingTraj) return; if (drawingHit) InitHit(); haveVisible = true; AddHepRepInstance("Point", line); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkName", "Dot"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkSize", (G4int) size); hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); for (size_t i=0; i < line.size(); i++) { G4Point3D vertex = (*fpObjectTransformation) * line[i]; hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex.x(), vertex.y(), vertex.z()); } } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Text& text) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Text& text) called:" "\n text: " << text.GetText() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif if (!inPrimitives2D) { if (!warnedAbout3DText) { G4cout << "HepRepFile does not currently support 3D text." << G4endl; G4cout << "HepRep browsers can directly display text attributes on request." << G4endl; G4cout << "See Application Developers Guide for how to attach attributes to viewable objects." << G4endl; warnedAbout3DText = true; } return; } MarkerSizeType sizeType; G4double size = GetMarkerSize (text, sizeType); if (sizeType==world) size = 12.; haveVisible = true; AddHepRepInstance("Text", text); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("VAlign", "Top"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("HAlign", "Left"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("FontName", "Arial"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("FontStyle", "Plain"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("FontSize", (G4int) size); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("FontHasBanner", "TRUE"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("FontBannerColor", "0,0,0"); const G4Colour& colour = GetTextColour(text); float redness = colour.GetRed(); float greenness = colour.GetGreen(); float blueness = colour.GetBlue(); // Avoiding drawing anything black on black. if (redness==0. && greenness==0. && blueness==0.) { redness = 1.; greenness = 1.; blueness = 1.; } hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("FontColor",redness,greenness,blueness); hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Text", text.GetText()); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("VPos", .99-text.GetYOffset()); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("HPos", text.GetXOffset()); } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Circle& circle) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Circle& circle) called:" "\n radius: " << circle.GetWorldRadius() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (fpVisAttribs && (fpVisAttribs->IsVisible()==0) && messenger->getCullInvisibles()) return; if (inPrimitives2D) { if (!warnedAbout2DMarkers) { G4cout << "HepRepFile does not currently support 2D circles." << G4endl; warnedAbout2DMarkers = true; } return; } MarkerSizeType sizeType; G4double size = GetMarkerSize (circle, sizeType); if (sizeType==world) size = 4.; if (drawingTraj) return; if (drawingHit) InitHit(); haveVisible = true; AddHepRepInstance("Point", circle); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkName", "Dot"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkSize", (G4int) size); hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); G4Point3D center = (*fpObjectTransformation) * circle.GetPosition(); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(center.x(), center.y(), center.z()); } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Square& square) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Square& square) called:" "\n side: " << square.GetWorldRadius() << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (fpVisAttribs && (fpVisAttribs->IsVisible()==0) && messenger->getCullInvisibles()) return; if (inPrimitives2D) { if (!warnedAbout2DMarkers) { G4cout << "HepRepFile does not currently support 2D squares." << G4endl; warnedAbout2DMarkers = true; } return; } MarkerSizeType sizeType; G4double size = GetMarkerSize (square, sizeType); if (sizeType==world) size = 4.; if (drawingTraj) return; if (drawingHit) InitHit(); haveVisible = true; AddHepRepInstance("Point", square); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkName", "Square"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkSize", (G4int) size); hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); G4Point3D center = (*fpObjectTransformation) * square.GetPosition(); hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(center.x(), center.y(), center.z()); } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Polyhedron& polyhedron) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4Polyhedron& polyhedron) called." << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (fpVisAttribs && (fpVisAttribs->IsVisible()==0) && messenger->getCullInvisibles()) return; if(polyhedron.GetNoFacets()==0)return; if (drawingTraj) return; if (drawingHit) InitHit(); haveVisible = true; AddHepRepInstance("Polygon", polyhedron); G4Normal3D surfaceNormal; G4Point3D vertex; G4bool notLastFace; do { hepRepXMLWriter->addPrimitive(); notLastFace = polyhedron.GetNextNormal (surfaceNormal); G4int edgeFlag = 1; G4bool notLastEdge; do { notLastEdge = polyhedron.GetNextVertex (vertex, edgeFlag); vertex = (*fpObjectTransformation) * vertex; hepRepXMLWriter->addPoint(vertex.x(), vertex.y(), vertex.z()); } while (notLastEdge); } while (notLastFace); } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4NURBS&) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(const G4NURBS& nurbs) called." << G4endl; PrintThings(); #endif G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive G4NURBS : not implemented. " << G4endl; } G4HepRepFileXMLWriter *G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::GetHepRepXMLWriter() { return hepRepXMLWriter; } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddHepRepInstance(const char* primName, const G4Visible visible) { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddHepRepInstance called." << G4endl; #endif // Open the HepRep output file if it is not already open. CheckFileOpen(); G4VPhysicalVolume* pCurrentPV = 0; G4LogicalVolume* pCurrentLV = 0; G4int currentDepth = 0; G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel = dynamic_cast(fpModel); if (pPVModel) { pCurrentPV = pPVModel->GetCurrentPV(); pCurrentLV = pPVModel->GetCurrentLV(); currentDepth = pPVModel->GetCurrentDepth(); } #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "pCurrentPV:" << pCurrentPV << ", readyForTransients:" << fReadyForTransients << G4endl; #endif if (drawingTraj || drawingHit) { // In this case, HepRep type, layer and instance were already created // in the AddCompound method. } else if (fReadyForTransients) { if (strcmp("Event Data",hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[0])!=0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Event Data",0); hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); } // Applications have the option of either calling AddSolid(G4VTrajectory&) and // AddSolid(G4VHits&), or of just decomposing these into simpler primitives. // In the former case, drawing will be handled above and will include setting of // physics attributes. // In the latter case, which is an older style of working, we end up drawing the // trajectories and hits here, where we have no access to physics attributes. // We receive primitives here. We can figure out that these are transients, but we // have to guess exactly what these transients represent. // We assume the primitives are being used as in G4VTrajectory, hence we assume: // Lines are Trajectories // Squares that come after we've seen trajectories are Auxiliary Points // Circles that come after we've seen trajectories are Step Points // Other primitives are Hits int layer; if (strcmp("Text",primName)==0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("EventID",1); } else { if (strcmp("Line",primName)==0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("TransientPolylines",1); layer = 100; } else { if (strcmp(hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[1],"TransientPolylines")==0 && strcmp("Square",primName)==0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("AuxiliaryPoints",2); layer = 110; } else { if (strcmp(hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[1],"TransientPolylines")==0 && strcmp("Circle",primName)==0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("StepPoints",2); layer = 120; } else { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Hits",1); layer = 130; } } } hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Layer",layer); } hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); // Handle Type declaration for Axes, Ruler, etc. } else if (pCurrentPV==0) { if (strcmp("AxesEtc",hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[0])!=0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("AxesEtc",0); hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); } int layer; if (strcmp("Text",primName)==0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Text",1); } else { if (strcmp("Line",primName)==0) { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Polylines",1); layer = 100; } else { hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Points",1); layer = 130; } hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Layer",layer); } hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); // Handle Type declaration for Detector Geometry, // replacing G4's top geometry level name "worldPhysical" with the // name "Detector Geometry". } else { //G4cout << "CurrentDepth" << currentDepth << G4endl; //G4cout << "currentName" << pCurrentPV->GetName() << G4endl; if (strcmp("Detector Geometry",hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[0])!=0) { //G4cout << "Adding Det Geom type" << G4endl; hepRepXMLWriter->addType("Detector Geometry",0); hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); } // Re-insert any layers of the hierarchy that were removed by G4's culling process. // Don't bother checking if same type name as last instance. if(strcmp(hepRepXMLWriter->prevTypeName[currentDepth+1],pCurrentPV->GetName())!=0) { //G4cout << "Looking for mother of:" << pCurrentLV->GetName() << G4endl; typedef G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID PVNodeID; typedef std::vector PVPath; const PVPath& drawnPVPath = pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath(); PVPath::const_reverse_iterator ri = ++drawnPVPath.rbegin(); G4int drawnMotherDepth; if (ri != drawnPVPath.rend()) { // This volume has a mother. drawnMotherDepth = ri->GetNonCulledDepth(); //G4cout << "drawnMotherDepth" << drawnMotherDepth << G4endl; } else { // This volume has no mother. Must be a top level volume. drawnMotherDepth = -1; //G4cout << "Mother must be very top" << G4endl; } while (drawnMotherDepth < (currentDepth-1)) { G4String culledParentName = "Culled parent of " + pCurrentPV->GetName(); //G4cout << "Inserting culled layer " << culledParentName << " at depth:" << drawnMotherDepth+2 << G4endl; hepRepXMLWriter->addType(culledParentName, drawnMotherDepth+2); hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); drawnMotherDepth ++; } } // Add the HepRepType for the current volume. hepRepXMLWriter->addType(pCurrentPV->GetName(),currentDepth+1); hepRepXMLWriter->addInstance(); G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (fpVisAttribs && (fpVisAttribs->IsVisible()==0) && messenger->getCullInvisibles()) return; // Additional attributes. hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Layer",hepRepXMLWriter->typeDepth); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("LVol", pCurrentLV->GetName()); G4Region* region = pCurrentLV->GetRegion(); G4String regionName = region? region->GetName(): G4String("No region"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Region", regionName); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("RootRegion", pCurrentLV->IsRootRegion()); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Solid", pCurrentLV->GetSolid()->GetName()); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("EType", pCurrentLV->GetSolid()->GetEntityType()); G4Material * material = pPVModel->GetCurrentMaterial(); G4String matName = material? material->GetName(): G4String("No material"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Material", matName); G4double matDensity = material? material->GetDensity(): 0.; hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Density", matDensity*m3/kg); G4State matState = material? material->GetState(): kStateUndefined; hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("State", matState); G4double matRadlen = material? material->GetRadlen(): 0.; hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Radlen", matRadlen/m); } hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("DrawAs",primName); // Handle color and visibility attributes. float redness; float greenness; float blueness; G4bool isVisible; if (fpVisAttribs || haveVisible) { G4Colour colour; if (fpVisAttribs) { colour = fpVisAttribs->GetColour(); isVisible = fpVisAttribs->IsVisible(); } else { colour = GetColour(visible); isVisible = fpViewer-> GetApplicableVisAttributes(visible.GetVisAttributes())->IsVisible(); } redness = colour.GetRed(); greenness = colour.GetGreen(); blueness = colour.GetBlue(); // Avoiding drawing anything black on black. if (redness==0. && greenness==0. && blueness==0.) { redness = 1.; greenness = 1.; blueness = 1.; } } else { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::AddHepRepInstance using default colour." << G4endl; #endif redness = 1.; greenness = 1.; blueness = 1.; isVisible = true; } if (strcmp(primName,"Point")==0) hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("MarkColor",redness,greenness,blueness); else hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("LineColor",redness,greenness,blueness); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Visibility",isVisible); } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::CheckFileOpen() { #ifdef G4HEPREPFILEDEBUG G4cout << "G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::CheckFileOpen called." << G4endl; #endif if (!hepRepXMLWriter->isOpen) { G4String newFileSpec; G4HepRepMessenger* messenger = G4HepRepMessenger::GetInstance(); if (messenger->getOverwrite()) { newFileSpec = messenger->getFileDir()+messenger->getFileName()+".heprep"; } else { newFileSpec = messenger->getFileDir()+messenger->getFileName()+G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(fileCounter)+".heprep"; } G4cout << "HepRepFile writing to " << newFileSpec << G4endl; hepRepXMLWriter->open(newFileSpec); if (!messenger->getOverwrite()) fileCounter++; hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef("Generator", "HepRep Data Generator", "Physics",""); G4String versionString = G4Version; versionString = versionString.substr(1,versionString.size()-2); versionString = " Geant4 version " + versionString + " " + G4Date; hepRepXMLWriter->addAttValue("Generator", versionString); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef("LVol", "Logical Volume", "Physics",""); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef("Region", "Cuts Region", "Physics",""); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef("RootRegion", "Root Region", "Physics",""); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef("Solid", "Solid Name", "Physics",""); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef("EType", "Entity Type", "Physics",""); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef("Material", "Material Name", "Physics",""); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef("Density", "Material Density", "Physics","kg/m3"); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef("State", "Material State", "Physics",""); hepRepXMLWriter->addAttDef("Radlen", "Material Radiation Length", "Physics","m"); } } void G4HepRepFileSceneHandler::ClearTransientStore() { G4VSceneHandler::ClearTransientStore(); // This is typically called after an update and before drawing hits // of the next event. To simulate the clearing of "transients" // (hits, etc.) the detector is redrawn... if (fpViewer) { fpViewer -> SetView(); fpViewer -> ClearView(); fpViewer -> DrawView(); } }