source: trunk/source/visualization/OpenGL/include/G4OpenGLQtViewer.hh @ 912

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2// ********************************************************************
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5// * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
6// * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
7// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
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9// * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
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11// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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24// ********************************************************************
[911]27// $Id: G4OpenGLQtViewer.hh,v 1.14 2009/01/19 16:08:47 lgarnier Exp $
[866]28// GEANT4 tag $Name:  $
31// G4OpenGLQtViewer : Class to provide WindowsNT specific
32//                       functionality for OpenGL in GEANT4
39#include "globals.hh"
41#include "G4VViewer.hh"
42#include "G4OpenGLSceneHandler.hh"
[595]44#include <qobject.h>
45#include <qpoint.h>
[593]47class QGLWidget;
48class QDialog;
49class QContextMenuEvent;
[600]50#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
51class QPopupMenu;
[593]53class QMenu;
[593]55class QImage;
56class QAction;
[696]57class QMouseEvent;
58class QKeyEvent;
[804]59class QWheelEvent;
[750]60class QProcess;
[797]61class QTime;
[530]63class G4OpenGLSceneHandler;
[731]64class G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog;
[561]66class G4OpenGLQtViewer: public QObject, virtual public G4OpenGLViewer {
[561]68  Q_OBJECT
71  G4OpenGLQtViewer (G4OpenGLSceneHandler& scene);
72  virtual ~G4OpenGLQtViewer ();
73  void SetView ();
[561]74  virtual void updateQWidget()=0;
[733]75  QString setEncoderPath(QString path);
[730]76  QString getEncoderPath();
[733]77  QString setTempFolderPath(QString path);
[732]78  QString getTempFolderPath();
[733]79  QString setSaveFileName(QString path);
80  QString getSaveFileName();
[745]81  bool isRecording();
[748]82  bool isStopped();
[857]83  bool isPaused();
84  bool isEncoding();
85  bool isWaiting();
86  bool isFailed();
87  void setWaiting();
88  bool isBadEncoder();
89  bool isBadOutput();
90  bool isBadTmp();
91  bool isSuccess();
92  void setBadTmp();
93  void setBadOutput();
94  void setBadEncoder();
[745]95  bool isReadyToEncode();
[750]96  void resetRecording();
97  void encodeVideo();
[857]98  void stopVideo();
99  void saveVideo();
[747]100  bool generateMpegEncoderParameters();
[752]101  void displayRecordingStatus();
104  void CreateGLQtContext ();
[866]105  virtual void CreateMainWindow (QGLWidget*,QString);
[873]106  void G4manageContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e);
107  void G4MousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
[797]108  void G4MouseReleaseEvent();
[873]109  void G4MouseDoubleClickEvent();
110  void G4MouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
[804]111  void G4wheelEvent (QWheelEvent * event);
[696]112  void G4keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent * event);
[798]113  void rotateQtScene(float, float);
114  void rotateQtCamera(float, float);
115  void moveScene(float, float, float,bool);
[873]116  void FinishView();
[536]120  QGLWidget* fWindow;
[541]121  QDialog* GLWindow;
[720]122  bool hasPendingEvents();
[739]123  void savePPMToTemp();
[723]124  int fRecordFrameNumber;
[800]125  float fRotationAngleX;
126  float fRotationAngleY;
127  float fRotationAngleZ;
[801]128  float fDeltaRotationAngleX;
129  float fDeltaRotationAngleY;
130  float fDeltaRotationAngleZ;
[873]132  bool hasToRepaint;
133  bool readyToPaint;
134  bool zoomAction;
135  QPoint beginZoom;
136  QPoint endZoom;
[745]139  enum mouseActions {STYLE1,STYLE2,STYLE3,STYLE4};
[561]142  void createPopupMenu();
143  void createRadioAction(QAction *,QAction *, const std::string&,unsigned int a=1);
[585]144  void rescaleImage(int, int);
[588]145  bool generateEPS(QString,int,QImage); 
[652]146  bool generateVectorEPS (QString,int,int,QImage);
[588]147  bool generatePS_PDF(QString,int,QImage); 
[731]148  void showMovieParametersDialog();
[735]149  void initMovieParameters();
[741]150  QString createTempFolder();
151  QString removeTempFolder();
[744]152  void setRecordingStatus(RECORDING_STEP);
153  void setRecordingInfos(QString);
[754]154  QString getProcessErrorMsg();
[600]157#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
158  QPopupMenu *fContextMenu;
[561]160  QMenu *fContextMenu;
[713]163  mouseActions fMouseAction; // 1: rotate 2:move 3:pick 4:shortcuts
[798]164  QPoint fLastPos1;
165  QPoint fLastPos2;
166  QPoint fLastPos3;
[713]167  /** delta of scene rotation. This delta is put in degree */
168  G4double fDeltaRotation;
[702]169  /** delta of scene translation. This delta is put in % of the scene view */
[712]170  G4double fDeltaSceneTranslation;
171  /** delta of depth move. This delta is put in % of the scene view */
172  G4double fDeltaDepth;
173  /** delta of zoom move. This delta is put in % of the scene view */
174  G4double fDeltaZoom;
[721]175  /** delta of auto move/rotation. This delta is put in % of the move/rotation param */
176  G4double fDeltaMove;
[702]177  /** To ensure key event are keep one by one */
[721]178  bool fHoldKeyEvent;
[728]179  /** To ensure move event are keep one by one */
180  bool fHoldMoveEvent;
181  /** To ensure rotate event are keep one by one */
182  bool fHoldRotateEvent;
[720]183  bool fAutoMove;
[730]184  QString fEncoderPath;
[732]185  QString fTempFolderPath;
[738]186  QString fMovieTempFolderPath;
[733]187  QString fSaveFileName;
[740]188  QString fParameterFileName;
[717]189  QAction *fRotateAction;
190  QAction *fMoveAction;
191  QAction *fPickAction;
192  QAction *fFullScreenOn;
193  QAction *fFullScreenOff;
[561]194  QAction *fDrawingWireframe;
195  QAction *fDrawingLineRemoval;
196  QAction *fDrawingSurfaceRemoval;
197  QAction *fDrawingLineSurfaceRemoval;
[732]198  G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog* fMovieParametersDialog;
[744]199  RECORDING_STEP fRecordingStep;
[749]200  QProcess *fProcess;
[797]201  QTime *fLastEventTime;
202  int fSpinningDelay;
[798]203  int fLaunchSpinDelay;
206 void rotateTheta(int);
207 void rotatePhi(int);
208 void moveX(int);
209 void moveY(int);
210 void moveZ(int);
[857]212public slots :
213  void startPauseVideo();
[561]215private slots :
[678]216  void actionMouseRotate();
[713]217  void actionMouseMove();
[681]218  void actionMousePick();
[561]219  void actionDrawingWireframe();
220  void actionDrawingLineRemoval();
221  void actionDrawingSurfaceRemoval();
222  void actionDrawingLineSurfaceRemoval();
[731]223  void actionSaveImage();
224  void actionMovieParameters();
[721]226  void showShortcuts();
[561]227  void toggleDrawingAction(int);
[678]228  void toggleMouseAction(mouseActions);
[561]229  void toggleRepresentation(bool);
[702]230  void toggleProjection(bool);
[561]231  void toggleBackground(bool);
232  void toggleTransparency(bool);
233  void toggleAntialiasing(bool);
234  void toggleHaloing(bool);
235  void toggleAux(bool);
[717]236  void toggleFullScreen(bool);
[754]237  void processEncodeFinished();
238  void processLookForFinished();
239  void processEncodeStdout();
[656]240  // Only use for Qt>4.0
[711]241  //  void dialogClosed();
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