source: trunk/source/visualization/OpenGL/include/G4OpenGLViewer.hh @ 1356

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2// ********************************************************************
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5// * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
6// * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
7// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
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11// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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13// * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
14// * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
15// * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
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18// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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27// $Id: G4OpenGLViewer.hh,v 1.33 2010/10/05 15:45:19 lgarnier Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name:  $
31// Andrew Walkden  27th March 1996
32// OpenGL viewer - opens window, hard copy, etc.
39#include "G4VViewer.hh"
40#include "G4OpenGL.hh"
42class G4OpenGLSceneHandler;
43class G4OpenGL2PSAction;
45// Base class for various OpenGLView classes.
46class G4OpenGLViewer: virtual public G4VViewer {
48  friend class G4OpenGLSceneHandler;
49  friend class G4OpenGLImmediateSceneHandler;
50  friend class G4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler;
51  friend class G4OpenGLFileSceneHandler;
52  friend class G4OpenGLViewerMessenger;
55  void ClearView  ();
58  G4OpenGLViewer (G4OpenGLSceneHandler& scene);
59  virtual ~G4OpenGLViewer ();
60  void SetView    ();
61  void HaloingFirstPass ();
62  void HaloingSecondPass ();
63  void HLRFirstPass ();
64  void HLRSecondPass ();
65  void HLRThirdPass ();
66  void InitializeGLView ();
67  void ResizeGLView();
68  void ResizeWindow(unsigned int, unsigned int);
69  void Pick(GLdouble x, GLdouble y);
70  virtual void CreateFontLists () {}
71  void rotateScene (G4double dx, G4double dy,G4double delta);
72  void rotateSceneInViewDirection (G4double dx, G4double dy,G4double delta);
73//////////////////////////////Vectored PostScript production functions///
74  bool drawGl2psText(const char * textString, int size);
75  void printEPS();
76  // print EPS file. Depending of fVectoredPs, it will print Vectored or not
77  void setPrintSize(G4int,G4int);
78  // set the new print size.
79  // -1 means 'print size' = 'window size'
80  // Setting size greater than max OpenGL viewport size will set the size to
81  // maximum
82  void setPrintFilename(G4String name,G4bool inc);
83  // set print filename.
84  // if inc, then the filename will be increment by one each time
85  std::string getRealPrintFilename();
86  unsigned int getWinWidth();
87  unsigned int getWinHeight();
88  G4bool sizeHasChanged();
89  // return true if size has change since last redraw
90  GLdouble getSceneNearWidth();
91  GLdouble getSceneFarWidth();
92  GLdouble getSceneDepth();
93  G4bool                            fPrintColour;
94  G4bool                            fVectoredPs;
96  G4OpenGLSceneHandler& fOpenGLSceneHandler;
97  G4Colour background;      //the OpenGL clear colour
98  G4bool
99    transparency_enabled,   //is alpha blending enabled?
100    antialiasing_enabled,   //is antialiasing enabled?
101    haloing_enabled;        //is haloing enabled for wireframe?
102  G4double fStartTime, fEndTime;  // Time range (e.g., for trajectory steps).
103  G4double fFadeFactor;  // 0: no fade; 1: maximum fade with time within range.
104  G4bool fDisplayHeadTime;  // Display head time (fEndTime) in 2D text.
105  G4double fDisplayHeadTimeX, fDisplayHeadTimeY;  // 2D screen coords.
106  G4double fDisplayHeadTimeSize;  // Screen size.
107  G4double fDisplayHeadTimeRed, fDisplayHeadTimeGreen, fDisplayHeadTimeBlue;
108  G4bool fDisplayLightFront;// Display light front at head time originating at
109  G4double fDisplayLightFrontX, fDisplayLightFrontY, fDisplayLightFrontZ,
110    fDisplayLightFrontT;
111  G4double fDisplayLightFrontRed, fDisplayLightFrontGreen, fDisplayLightFrontBlue;
112  G4OpenGL2PSAction* fGL2PSAction;
114private :
115  G4int                             fPrintSizeX;
116  G4int                             fPrintSizeY;
117  G4String                          fPrintFilename;
118  int                               fPrintFilenameIndex;
119  unsigned int fWinSize_x, fWinSize_y;
120  G4float                           fPointSize;
121  G4bool fSizeHasChanged;
122  // size of the OpenGL frame
123  bool printGl2PS();
124  G4int getRealPrintSizeX();
125  G4int getRealPrintSizeY();
126  GLubyte* grabPixels (int inColor,
127                       unsigned int width,
128                       unsigned int height);
129  bool printNonVectoredEPS ();
130  // print non vectored EPS files
132  bool printVectoredEPS();
133  // print vectored EPS files
136typedef struct G4OpenGLViewerFeedback3Dcolor {
137  GLfloat x;
138  GLfloat y;
139  GLfloat z;
140  GLfloat red;
141  GLfloat green;
142  GLfloat blue;
143  GLfloat alpha;
144} Feedback3Dcolor;
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